Methods of teaching reading using Zaitsev's cubes. An original and interesting way to teach a child to read - Zaitsev's cubes: teaching methods, games and exercises. Who is Nikolay Zaitsev

Russian language

Author: Zaitsev N. A.
Publisher: N. Zaitsev Methods LLC, St. Petersburg.

Tutorial. Set for home, group, class.
The kit includes:

6 cardboard sheets of tables in “B2” format (520 × 720 mm).
4 sheets of tables in B3 format (360 × 520 mm).
61 cardboard cubes (50 × 50 mm and 60 × 60 mm).
Audio CD (size 5").
“Textbook for parents, educators, teachers” (128 pages, color printing).

Packing: corrugated box.
Weight: 3.50 kg.
Size: 660 × 380 × 70 mm

retail price, excluding delivery

p 4500
€ 59

"Zaitsev's Cubes" is a manual for teaching reading from the age of two and can be used in the family, kindergarten and school. The technique gives good results in working with children diagnosed with mental retardation, mental retardation, neurodevelopmental disorder, MMD, alalia, autism, as well as with visually impaired, hearing impaired and deaf people. The manual can be used when teaching children and adults for whom Russian is not their native language.

Training is conducted on the basis of the analytical-synthetic method using storage blocks and takes place in the form of a fun and exciting game, during which preschoolers have time to start reading before the fun becomes boring.

The letters on the blocks and in the tables are of such a size that they are clearly visible even from ten meters - it is important that from the very beginning the children do not experience any visual strain. The tables are located on the wall, their lower edge is at a height of 165-170 cm from the floor - in order to avoid postural disorders, you need to work more often while standing, with your head raised. Under the tables there is a shelf with three boards on which to form words from cubes.

The cubes vary in color (“golden”, “iron”, “wooden”, white with green punctuation marks), volume (large, small, double), weight (filled with pieces of iron and wood included in the kit), according to the sound of the filler, heard when shaking them. The goal is to ensure involuntary, quick, reliable memorization.

Writing with a pointer in the cells of the tables also connects the “body memory”: are the necessary letters located at the top, bottom, left, middle or right? Looking for books on the shelves, we not only remember their color, thickness, height, but also their location: our feet move where we need them, our hands reach out, our heads turn. And only at the last second does the gaze focus.

In the audio recording, the columns and rows of the tables, the alphabet, to the accompaniment of the button accordion and balalaika, are sung to 35 popular, mostly folk melodies. Rhythmic speaking, or even better, singing with musical accompaniment, is a powerful means of influencing memory.

“Side” results accompanying the process of going into reading:

  • competent writing skills develop,
  • speech therapy deficiencies are corrected,
  • speech becomes clearer and more distinct, thanks to the constant pronunciation and singing of words,
  • expanding rapidly lexicon,
  • logical thinking is formed,
  • The ability to work independently and the ability to obtain the necessary knowledge develops.

The technique is environmentally friendly and health-saving. Children not only do not lose their health as a result of training, but there are also cases of correction of existing deficiencies (improved vision, correction of incipient scoliosis).

The long-term practice of teachers working according to Zaitsev’s methods allows us to provide statistics on the length of education of children of different ages(subject to classes of 30-60 minutes 2 times a week).

The method of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev is today considered one of the best developmental systems for teaching preschoolers reading, writing and counting. This method is universal - it is perfect for working with one-and-a-half-year-old children, three-year-olds, and older children. Moreover, Zaitsev’s system gives very good results when working with children with developmental delays, as well as with visually impaired, hearing impaired and deaf children.

Zaitsev’s cubes and tables are also successfully used to teach Russian to foreigners.

Learn by playing

Zaitsev's cube training methodology is based on the vast teaching experience of Nikolai Alexandrovich. Its creator is not a theorist. For many years he worked in various children's institutions and observed both normally developing children and those who had any problems or delays. As a result of this there arose the whole system early development children, based on the following basic principles:

  • Principle one - no coercion. Children learn by playing. Sometimes they don't even know what's going on educational process, because there are no tables or desks, kids can run, sit, come closer or stand to the side - as they like best. Children do not have to repeat the words of the teacher at all - everything happens only on a voluntary basis.
  • Principle two - reading by warehouses. Children do not learn letters, but read immediately in sequence. Just don’t confuse it with syllables! A warehouse is a speech unit of Zaitsev’s method; it is a consonant-vowel pair, or a consonant and a hard or soft sign, or one letter. All warehouses are recorded in tables and on the faces of cubes.
  • Principle three - We start with the “letter”. Children show the necessary warehouses in the table or find cubes to compose a word, that is, they turn sounds into signs - and, after all, this is writing! The essence of Zaitsev's method is to show the child words, and not to explain how individual letters merge into syllables, and then into words.
  • Principle four - use of multiple senses. When learning, hearing, vision and touch are involved, there are a lot of cubes - large and small; light and heavy; “gold”, “iron”, “wooden” and white; with different fillers that sound louder or duller. The inscriptions on the cubes are bright, clear, multi-colored - they can be seen from afar. “Sounding” cubes become one of the most favorite toys of almost all babies, starting from six months.

These principles are the basis of training using the Zaitsev method. After all, the development of intelligence in children under one year old does not occur in the same way as in seven-year-olds. Young children do not think analytically and have difficulty converting abstract letters into sounds and then putting them into words, but they are especially sensitive to signals from their senses. Therefore, the cubes help to distinguish different sounds- vowels and consonants, soft and hard.

When and how much to exercise

Zaitsev's cubes and the method of teaching reading can be used almost everywhere - in kindergartens, schools or at home, of course, the best results are obtained group classes under the guidance of an experienced teacher. With the right approach and following all the rules of the method, six-year-old children begin to read after just a few lessons, four-year-old kids - after about 16-20 lessons, and two-three-year-olds - after six to nine months.

Zaitsev’s method involves two classes a week for 30–60 minutes. If you study at home, you can allocate as much time for studying as you see fit. If the child is really interested in this, you can practice every day for 30 minutes a day. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to adhere to some strict schedule - the main thing is that the child has good mood and desire! Under no circumstances should you force him or tear him away from his favorite activities. Learning should be an interesting game and should not cause negative emotions.

Children can be introduced to Zaitsev's cubes from three months of age. Of course, at first they should be used simply as rattles. But starting from 6 months, you can sometimes make simple words from cubes, name and show them. For example, a wardrobe, table, chair, teddy bear...

From two to three years old, you can start learning to read.

Classes using the Zaitsev method

Today “Zaitsev’s Cubes” can be bought in many children’s goods stores. The set usually includes:

  • 6 cardboard sheets with tables, format 520×720 mm;
  • 4 sheets of tables, format 360×520 mm;
  • 61 cardboard cubes (50x50 mm and 60x60 mm);
  • audio CD;
  • color “Textbook for parents, educators, teachers”;
  • packing box.


Before starting classes, you need to glue the tables and hang them on the wall. The height at which the tables are located depends on how many kids will study at the same time.

  • For group lessons. In classrooms, as a rule, tables are hung at a distance of 160–170 centimeters from the floor - this way everyone can clearly see them. There are three shelves under the tables - on them kids put words together from cubes. There must be a long pointer in the classroom - with it the teacher and children will show words and “write” words. The cubes do not need to be sorted - kids must learn to quickly find the right warehouses themselves.
  • For home activities. For one child, the tables are attached in such a way that they are located slightly above his height. Well, you can simply stack the cubes on the table.


If you bought blanks, you will first have to assemble or glue them. Even if the baby has expressed a desire to do this on his own, it is better to control the process - then he will not be tempted to “gut” the “ringing” cube and examine its filling.
It makes sense to reinforce paper cubes with cardboard from the inside and tape along the edges. It is best to “duplicate” the most frequently used warehouses. Before assembling, simply copy the images and make several identical cubes - then your baby will be able to form any words without any problems.

Audio CD

Classes on Zaitsev's cubes are usually conducted with musical accompaniment. The set includes an audio CD containing 35 melodies. During each lesson, children will “sing” all the warehouses to them. This is a very important part of learning, because kids learn to pronounce sounds clearly and clearly. The game principle makes this process fun and tireless - as a rule, children sing with great pleasure along with adults. By the way, many educators and parents note that after training using the Zaitsev method, the child’s speech becomes much clearer.


The Zaitsev Cubes set includes Toolkit Of course, it is better for your child to study with an experienced teacher who has mastered the Zaitsev method well, for example, in a kindergarten or in a children's development center. But you can work with your baby yourself. Honestly, there is nothing complicated here, just read the manual carefully - the whole process is described there in accessible language and in great detail, there are also descriptions of many games and interesting tasks, where you can start learning. Later, you can come up with games yourself that will be interesting to your baby.
If for some reason singing warehouses is a problem for you, pronounce them in recitative. When singing or pronouncing words, show them on the table with a pointer or on a cube, turning it in front of the child - this is very important! Simultaneous exposure to sound and vision dramatically increases learning efficiency. In addition, the child trains his vision and memory, and also learns attention.

Advantages of Zaitsev’s technique

There are a lot of them! Adherents of this training system note that:

  • Children quickly begin to read fluently. Moreover, reading is not perceived as something difficult and requiring additional effort - everything happens in the game, as if “by itself.”
  • Memory improves and the ability to think logically develops.
  • Children subconsciously remember the correct spelling of words.
  • Regular pronunciation of words corrects speech deficiencies, the child begins to speak more clearly and clearly.
  • The vocabulary expands sharply.
  • It trains - and sometimes even improves! - vision, because the eyes must constantly follow the pointer.
  • The exercises are not harmful to health - children move a lot, they are forced to raise their heads, which is very useful for posture.
  • The ability to concentrate is formed, the child learns to work independently.
  • Zaitsev's method is universal, it is suitable for children of any age, and can be used to teach children with various disabilities.
  • The technique is quite simple; with some persistence, even “unprepared” parents can use it at home.

Disadvantages of the technique

However, reviews of Zaitsev’s cubes are not only positive - some parents and teachers have many complaints about this technique. And not talking about them is simply not fair:

  • The main disadvantage of Zaitsev's method is its incompatibility with the official school curriculum.
  • At school, children have to relearn from reading by words to reading by syllables. And sometimes this process is very painful.
  • The color scheme of the cubes does not correspond to the color scheme adopted at school to indicate consonants, vowels, voiced and unvoiced sounds.
  • Children who learned using Zaitsev's method have difficulty mastering the analysis of words according to their composition and phonetic analysis - after all, they are accustomed to dividing words only into words.
  • Study aids are expensive, quite bulky and time-consuming to assemble.
  • Not all parents are able to quickly teach their child to read. The method is more suitable for classes with an experienced teacher.


As you can see, training using Zaitsev's cubes is undoubtedly a very interesting and worthy method. It is good because it is suitable for any children, regardless of age, abilities and temperament. Whether to use cubes or rely on classical teaching methods is up to you.

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Every parent wants his child to be the most developed and the most intelligent. Parents feel great pride when their child reaches the age of three or four years calmly reads advertising signs while sitting in a car or passing by. Training always begins with choosing a methodology, of which there are now many. Teaching reading using Zaitsev's cubes is the most effective for working with the smallest children.

Zaitsev's cubes: what are they?

Zaitsev’s original method has been in existence for more than twenty years. Despite this, it is constantly being improved. Today, many games and techniques have been created that complement the basics. Using this technique, even the smallest children successfully learn to read and write. For example, for a six-year-old child, a couple of lessons are enough for him to start reading.

Zaitsev’s method is suitable for both children who love to play quietly and restless, active children.

This method of teaching reading is suitable for children with poor hearing, vision and disabilities. mental development. Reviews say that excellent results have been achieved. Children with autism also show good results.

Zaitsev in this technique involved all types of perception, such as visual, auditory, motor, thinking, touch and memory. When working with children, the teacher must organize learning in a playful, relaxed manner and at the same time become a mentor for the children.

By studying according to Zaitsev’s method you can:

The kit includes:

  1. Sixty-one assembled cardboard cubes.
  2. Six tables made of cardboard with letters, syllables and other signs.
  3. Four cardboard tables in B3 format.
  4. A disk containing songs for tables and cubes.
  5. A manual that can be used as a notes for classes.

The SMARTUM Child Development Center is an excellent chance to refuse tutors in a specific subject and give preference to the comprehensive development of a school-age child preschool age.

Warehouse, what is it?

Zaitsev's method uses an alternative to syllables - warehouses. There the warehouse is the basic unit of language. A combination of a consonant or a vowel, a hard sign and a consonant, or just one letter - all this is a warehouse. The basis of this technique is warehouse reading.

The hand is placed just below the chin, then a word is pronounced, the strength of the muscles, which is felt by the hand, is the warehouse.

According to Zaitsev's method, warehouses are located both in tables and in cubes. In training no analytical thinking, since it develops only by the age of seven. The warehouses that are located on the cubes differ in size, sound and color. This is done to ensure the operation of all channels of perception.

What is Zaitsev’s technique?

This method does not have authoritarian style communication between teacher and children. Here it is taken into account individually development and characteristics of each child. Classes are held exclusively in the form of a game. Children sing, move, dance, jump, and all this is accompanied by playing with blocks.

The cubes have different sizes. The large ones depict hard sounds, the small ones depict soft sounds. They come in both double and single. Double cubes contain consonants that are combined only with certain vowels (zhi-zhu-zha).

Metal denotes a loud warehouse, and wood denotes a dull one. Vowels are associated with gold. On the iron-wood colored cubes there is a hard sign, and on the wooden-gold colored cubes there is a soft sign. The white cube is covered with punctuation marks. The color scheme of the letters is different from the school one. Vowels are indicated here blue, consonants are blue, and green indicates soft and hard signs. Zaitsev believes that the difference from the red, blue and green colors that are used in school helps the child begin to read fluently.

As for the filling, it is different for the cubes. Those who are just starting to learn, first get acquainted only with cubes, a little later they will be introduced to the tables. The set contains fifty-two dice and seven more repeat dice.

The sets are:

  1. Collected;
  2. Plastic based;
  3. Cubes that need to be glued together independently; this includes a separate layout.

Gluing the cubes yourself will take a lot of time. They need to be further strengthened from the inside. This can be done using a cardboard cube of identical size. After gluing is completed, it is recommended to cover the cube with rubber bands so that it does not fall apart during the drying process. To make the cubes stronger, It is recommended to cover them with film or laminate the scan. When choosing this option, it is recommended to duplicate each scan in order to have a supply of warehouses on which the words will be written.

Tables should be hung high to prevent visual impairment and scoliosis. If classes do not take place in a group, but individually, then the height is determined by the child’s raised hand. He must be able to reach the top of the table. Often tables are placed in the corners of the room to make it easier for the child to find the necessary warehouses. Tables are also wrapped in film to make them last longer. Tables are just as important as playing with dice.

The technique involves singing all the warehouses. The author came to the conclusion that you can get a child interested in singing faster.

The cubes should always be in front of the baby’s eyes; first he will get acquainted with the manual, looking at it carefully. Let the child show the cube that interests him more than others. The warehouses that are written on the faces of the cube are shown by singing. Then you need to ask the child to find a large cube, then a small one, wooden, iron, gold. This is necessary so that the child understands that the cubes have different sounds and have different sizes.

When the baby understands the essence of this information, he should be shown the syllable tables. You need to sing one column from the table and ask the child to bring the same warehouse on a cube. You need to sing expressively to demonstrate what kinds of warehouses there are: silent, voiced, large or small. Many people also use movement. The child does not need to sing the words in response until he himself wants it and comes to it.

A child can be taught to write using blocks or a pointer. Understanding the composition of words comes by regularly showing the words on the table and singing them. By playing various games, including active ones, you can teach your child to write. It is recommended to conduct classes regularly, day after day, even a little at a time, however, if it is clearly visible that the child does not have the mood to study, it is better to postpone it; in no case should it be forced.

In training it is necessary to involve child's favorite games. If the baby is active, games should be active. It is better to offer quiet entertainment to diligent children.

The technique is successful if all requirements are fully met, and not some selective elements.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Any technique in our time has its pros and cons, and Zaitsev’s cubes are no exception.

Advantages of the technique:

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • Creative abilities practically do not develop.
  • There may be difficulties understanding certain sounds, which can affect writing.
  • The choice when writing E and E is difficult.
  • Benefits are expensive.
  • Sound colors different from school ones.
  • Children may miss endings in words.

Zaitsev's method is intended for teaching children reading, mathematics, foreign language. The materials used for classes are cubes of various types. They come in large hard ones, small soft ones, double ones, and with different fillings. Iron ones - with sonorous sounds, wooden ones - with muffled sounds, gold ones - with vowels. White cube to indicate punctuation marks. The letters on the cubes are written in different colors: vowels are blue, consonants are blue, hard and soft are green. This helps kids understand the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and soft sounds.

When Zaitsev teaches reading, the main unit of language is the warehouse, not the syllable. A warehouse is a pair of a consonant and a vowel, or a consonant and a hard and soft sign, or this one letter. For example, BA-BU-SH-KA, and not ba-bush-ka, as is customary with traditional education reading. Using these warehouses, the child begins to form words.

All material is presented only in a playful form, so the child does not even notice that he is learning. Zaitsev's technique is intended for both individual development, and for group.

In addition to cubes, classes using this method also include tables. It is assumed that the bottom edge of the table should be located at a height of 165-170 cm from the floor. In this case, the child will look at her with his head raised, which has a positive effect on posture. But in this case, it is quite difficult to imagine a 2-year-old child who will follow the pointer in such a position. Therefore, more often the child plays only with cubes.

Mathematics teaching is also based on a table system. This technique is intended for children 3-4 years of age. The tables clearly show the child what numbers are made up of what, what properties they have, and what actions can be done with them.

Advantages of Zaitsev’s technique:

  • The baby quickly masters reading, memorizing the words. He immediately pronounces, for example, BA, and does not think about how to read individual letters.
  • The cubes contain only those combinations of letters that are possible in the Russian language. For example, incorrect combinations ZHY, SHY, CHYA, SHCHYA are generally excluded.
  • Zaitsev's technique is designed for a large age range. You can start studying with a child at 1 year old, or at 5 years old.
  • Training using this method develops the senses, ear for music, sense of rhythm, and memory.
  • Cubes, consisting of materials of different texture and weight, affect fine motor skills, which already affects the development of intelligence.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • Speech therapists, speech pathologists, and elementary school teachers often do not really welcome this technique, because The child is accustomed to seeing only warehouses, and then difficulties arise when parsing the word according to its composition. The child cannot identify the root, prefix, suffix and ending. At phonetic analysis Problems also arise in writing transcriptions, and the child has to be retrained.
  • These benefits are quite expensive. In addition, it takes a lot of time at the beginning, because... they need to be glued together and then restored if a child damages them.

This technique is best used as an additional educational game, because Working with blocks will expand your baby’s vocabulary, improve search activity and visual perception.

Every parent dreams that their child will be smart, developed and go to school, knowing how to read and write at least in their native language. That's why it's at the peak of popularity now various systems, for example, Zaitsev’s technique, which allows you to achieve good results by practicing at home. We invite you to get acquainted with this technique in more detail, find out its pros and cons.

Short story

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev himself was born into a family of rural teachers, graduated from the philological department of a pedagogical institute, and specialized in teaching Russian to foreigners. Interestingly, he did his internship in Indonesia, where he taught local residents how to read and write in Russian. Already at this time, he became interested in creating a unique system that would make the learning process simpler and more accessible not only to adults, but also to children.

For many years, Zaitsev was engaged in teaching until he finally decided on his interests - his goal was to create educational programs for children. The researcher drew attention to the shortcomings classical method and offered his own version of their resolution.

Zaitsev’s problems and innovations themselves are presented in table form.

Note that the system is popular nowadays; many people use it for home schooling.


It has been proven that preschool children have a very flexible memory, they grasp everything on the fly, and are able to remember huge flows of information. It is these features that are actively used for early learning. And if some methodologists, for example Doman, proposed focusing on memorization using cards, then others, in particular Nikolai Aleksandrovich Zaitsev, were looking for their own approaches.

In his work, he used the concept of “warehouse” - this is an elementary speech particle consisting of two sounds (vowel and consonant) or the pair “consonant + b/b”. The teacher placed such options on his blocks, which are very popular among those parents who want to teach their child to read from an early age. In addition, Zaitsev also developed syllabic tables that can be used as a visual aid.

The main feature of the system that distinguishes it from others is the use of warehouses. Most people learned to read in primary school according to this algorithm:

  1. familiarity with letters and sounds;
  2. composing syllables from them;
  3. adding whole words from syllables.

And Zaitsev, focusing on the fact that individual sounds are almost never present in a child’s speech, suggested immediately working with a special unit - a warehouse. He believed that the division of a syllable into sounds is unnatural and complicates the learning process. It was in this division that the teacher saw the key reason for the difficulties that arise in many children who are taught to read. The classical technique - harmful, in his opinion - leads to strong mental and emotional stress, which in turn can cause more serious mental problems.

Best age

You can use the early development method starting from 3.5–4 years. The main thing is that the baby does not get tired and shows a keen interest in educational process. It is unacceptable to conduct lessons on days when the baby feels unwell, is sick, or simply does not want to study.

You can use cubes for babies over one year old, but you should understand that in such children early age they are more of a toy than a teaching aid. But they will do their job - the child will master reading much faster and more productively in the future.


The most famous result of Zaitsev's work is considered to be cubes. Various warehouses are written on their edges, including those consisting of one vowel letter. By putting them together, the baby can form words and then sentences. It is interesting that the cubes themselves differ from each other in color, size, even sound, which is why it is very easy for a child to find out how a deaf person differs from a voiced person.

The composition of the set is quite interesting. There are 52 cubes in total, and on their faces are written repeating warehouses used by young children (for example, MA and MA, PA and PA). They differ in several ways:

  1. To size. On small ones there are soft warehouses (like MYA), on large ones – hard ones (MA).
  2. By color and material (iron ones contain voiced variants, wooden ones - voiceless. Vowels are printed on the gold edges. Iron-gold ones contain b, iron-wooden ones - b).

What is special about this manual?

  1. The creator himself proceeded from the fact that the leading activity for children is play. Therefore, it is better to teach reading in such an easy and accessible form.
  2. The child will acquire the most important knowledge while enjoying it.
  3. Feeding material to unusual shape will not tire the baby, but will arouse his genuine interest and desire to learn further.
  4. You can study both at home and in kindergarten, with one child or with several.

The teacher was confident that for a successful learning process, the child’s visual perception should be used, and not auditory, as is done with the traditional teaching system. It was this position that was taken as the basis of his theory.


N. A. Zaitsev’s technology for teaching reading is based on the following key principles:

  1. The material must be supplied systematically.
  2. We need to go not only from the particular to the general, but also from the general to the particular.
  3. Be sure to use clarity and various channels for presenting information.
  4. It is necessary to create and use clear algorithms for presenting educational material.
  5. Be sure to do everything possible to ensure that lessons do not harm the fragile health of the baby.

IN modern conditions you can play with cubes different ways- for example, come up with a fairy tale and tell it to the baby. Let's say that in a magical forest there live fantastic animals that communicate with each other through songs. After this, you need to “sing” all the vowels on the cubes. Any motive can be used. When the baby has figured out these letters, you can begin to get acquainted with warehouses containing consonants.

Training structure

Let's take a step-by-step look at how you can teach a child to read at an early age using the Zaitsev system.

  1. The first lesson is playing with blocks according to the baby's rules. He gets acquainted with the visual aid.
  2. Next, you should listen to the cubes, understand how each one sounds, and systematize it.
  3. Studying the size of products, systematization. At this step, it should be explained that soft syllables are very tiny, but hard syllables are strong, and therefore large.
  4. Then we start singing. First, together with the child, the mother sings warehouses from cubes and tables, then they move on to constructing and then singing whole words.
  5. You need to pronounce words loudly and clearly, setting an example for children.

As soon as the study of the cubes is completed, you should move on to working with the table: the mother moves the pointer, the baby pronounces the warehouses. This form promotes quick memorization. The child will look at the same warehouse in different versions, which will allow him to learn the material much faster.


Learning to read using this method allows you to achieve very impressive results:

  1. 3-year-old children master difficult science within 6 months;
  2. for four-year-olds, 16 lessons are enough;
  3. children aged 5 understand everything in 5-10 lessons;
  4. preschoolers aged 6 – 4-6 lessons.

Therefore, the baby will go to school fully prepared.


Like any other pedagogical find, Zaitsev’s method has both pros and cons. Among its undoubted advantages are the following:

  • Learning while playing brings real pleasure to the baby. He is interested, the lessons do not cause boredom.
  • Activities with blocks help develop a child’s fine motor skills, which is useful in itself.
  • Development of memory – both visual and auditory.
  • The child has a real chance of learning to read much earlier than his peers, without tedious cramming and tears, and with pleasure.
  • Literacy training. Warehouses are arranged in such a way that they comply with the rules native language, therefore with early years The baby will remember that SHI and ZHI should be written without the letter Y.
  • There are no age restrictions; you can read at any age, the main thing is that the child finds it interesting.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of advantages, and they are significant.


Parents should also become familiar with the disadvantages of the technique.

  • When a child reads a syllable or structure, he does not fully understand the entire process of formation of a separate sound. Therefore, he may begin to miss endings when reading and even in oral speech.
  • You will have to re-learn at school. The teachers, of course, will be amazed at the little one’s skills, but they will teach him about syllables, as required by the classical program. In addition, the problem will arise when performing tasks like “divide the word into syllables.” The child is accustomed to warehouses, so new language units can become a stumbling block for him.
  • The technique is largely based on the use of associations (colors, sounds), so at school, where there are no such tips, the baby will have a rather difficult time.
  • Many kids begin to confuse similar syllables like VE and BE. The problem is especially noticeable in writing.
  • There is no development at all creativity crumbs.
  • Impressive value. Not every parent can afford the coveted set.