Portfolio templates for college graduates. "recommendations for the design of student portfolios." Availability of own research projects

Of course, it won't be useful to everyone. This document will be a good help only to active, promising and enterprising students.

Many large companies are ready to hire young specialists, and to get a promising job, well-documented achievements are an indispensable tool. For these purposes, a student’s electronic portfolio in the form of a presentation is more suitable. It should first of all highlight exactly those points that, in your opinion, would be of interest to the employer.

The presence of a portfolio can affect the size of the scholarship; some universities pay additional academic scholarships to the most successful students and select such students by analyzing their academic performance, achievements and social activity. In addition to the academic scholarship, there is also presidential scholarship, which not everyone gets, either; a portfolio can also come in handy here.

Those who like to participate in competitions and olympiads sometimes need a portfolio. This applies, first of all, to prestigious competitions such as “Student of the Year”. The purpose of this competition is to identify and support talented youth; the winners are awarded diplomas and valuable gifts.

Portfolio is the secret of a successful student!

Every student wants to succeed, get recognition and a good, decently paid job. Having created their own portfolio, few people will be interested in leaving its pages half empty. To make a presentation that can make an impression, you will have to be more attentive to your studies - write scientific papers, publish articles, participate in scientific conferences, Olympics.

If difficulties arise with science, you should not give up registering your merits; you can turn your attention to creative competitions or sports competitions. This will also help self-determination; in the process of participating in competitions, it may turn out that the specialty was chosen incorrectly and that your calling is, for example, a designer, not a mechanic. It's not too late to change your profession or take additional courses.

By achieving success in the chosen field of education, continuing to replenish the student’s portfolio with certificates, awards, diplomas, confirming professional competence, you can significantly increase the chances of arranging your future in the best possible way and getting a good job. And experience in participating in contests and competitions will help you quickly move up the career ladder.

Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Lesosibirsky pedagogical institute- branch of the federal state autonomous educational institution higher vocational education"Siberian Federal University"


Rudova Oksana Alexandrovna

1st year student, group LF-FPP17-01BND

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of NO and DO

Rudova Oksana Alexandrovna

Education: graduated from secondary education at school No. 46 named after. V.P. Astafieva in 2017


Mother - Elena Valerievna Rudova, 42 years old, mathematics teacher at MBOU PSOSH No. 46 named after V.P. Astafieva

Father - Rudov Alexander Vladimirovich, 42 years old, Lesosibirsk port, captain of the motor ship "Vakutin"

Work experience: none

Information about additional Education: graduated from Art School with a degree in DPI

Contact phone: 89135140371

Email: [email protected]

Residence address: Podtesovo village, st. Lermontova 19a; 7 microdistrict, no. 4-26

Life principles

  • Respect
  • Enjoy what I have in my life
  • To achieve goals
  • Strive for the best
  • Be able to manage yourself
  • Be able to forgive
  • Take responsibility for your actions
Goals and objectives
  • 1. Pass the first and subsequent sessions without failing grades

Create a work plan for the semester, study all the material, complete all practical exercises, pass all colloquiums

2. Finish college

Write a thesis, defend your thesis, become a good specialist

3. Move to another city if possible

Save enough money, buy a good apartment in Krasnoyarsk, make renovations to your taste

4. Get a decent job high paying job which I will like

Write a resume, get an interview, get a job and build a career in the future

5. Create your own family

Find a young man, marry for love, have children

6. Travel

Get a passport, buy a car, get a visa and visit Italy

Portfolio of achievements
  • 2.1. Information about participation in school sports, scientific, and social events

Type of event

Academic year

Venue, level (regional, city, district, International, All-Russian)

Municipal creativity competition “Siberian Nuggets-2017”

Yeniseisk, city

Creative work in the category “Photography”

1st degree diploma

Open city poetry and prose competition “I love the nature of Siberia”

Yeniseisk, city

Performance in the “Poetry” category

1st degree diploma, gold medal

Type of event

Academic year

Venue, level (regional, city, district, International, All-Russian)

Form of participation (speech, team work, presentation, etc.)

Result (diploma, certificate, thank you letter and etc.)

Passing standards for fire training during five-day training camps

Yenisei district

Passing standards

1st degree diploma

V International Olympiad in Mathematics

p. Podtesovo, International

Testing, solving mathematical problems

1st degree diploma

2.2. Courses, additional education
  • 2.2. Courses, additional education
Diploma of completion of the Art School with a degree in Decorative and Applied Arts for a period of study of 4 years
  • Diploma of completion of the Art School with a degree in Decorative and Applied Arts for a period of study of 4 years
  • Certificate for participation in the elective course “Family Economics. ABC of insurance."
  • Certificate for participation in the elective course “Office Management”
  • Certificate for participation in the elective course “English Grammar”
  • Certificate for participation in the elective course “Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge”
Portfolio of documents Reflection
  • All the goals I have set require a lot of effort and perseverance, as they are very important to me. Back in school, I had a goal to enter the Lesosibirsk Pedagogical Institute and I achieved it. To do this, I passed all the necessary exams and received a school leaving certificate, submitted documents to this institute and successfully passed the admission competition.
  • My immediate goal is to pass the winter session. To do this, I complete assigned practical classes in order to learn how to apply theory in practice, assimilate all the material and try to submit work on time. The two colloquiums I have already passed have confirmed that they need to be approached with special diligence and knowledge. I think that at the beginning I was not able to fully learn some questions, which led to difficulty in answering. I understood my difficulties and mistakes on these issues and corrected them. I need to prepare very well for the session in order to pass it without C grades and in the future be in good standing with the teachers and my classmates. For this, of course, I will need a lot of effort and time to write, prepare, and only then learn all the questions. But I don’t want to give up and will try to do everything to reach a good level and become a good specialist in the future.
  • I would also like to learn how to manage my time in order to get everything done to the maximum, since now this moment More and more things accumulate, as a result they have to be postponed, which thereby does not lead to anything good. I think I will succeed in the future!
  • I chose the teaching profession primary classes, since today this is the most in demand profession, and also because I love children very much and easily communicate with them, I find mutual language. It requires diligence, hard work, attention, and patience. This profession gives me the opportunity to improve, learn something and teach it to others who have not yet realized the whole essence of the world around children. After all, it is children who give us energy and incentive to move forward. I believe that it is thanks to the teacher and his work that the formation of a personality, a real Man, is possible. Even though this profession requires a lot of effort, this profession is very highly valued, because the teacher puts all his love and kindness into his work. A teacher, he constantly learns and develops, this is a definite plus! After all, it is the teacher himself who must convey all his knowledge to the students, make the lessons more interesting and the explanations understandable. After all, no technology can interest and replace the teacher’s word! And the school in which every teacher works should become a second home for him, where every day he sees these joyful smiles on the faces of children.
  • This profession also has a certain creativity, because the teacher must find an extraordinary creative approach to presenting new material, original answers and conclusions from students. Of course, it is impossible to know everything, but every teacher should strive to know as much as possible, not only in our country, but throughout the world! Also, a teacher must be a mentor, an example for his students, since at school a person’s future personality is formed, his views on life, which will then influence his future adult life. I am glad and proud that I will be a teacher, since a teacher educates, teaches, and influences the future of our children in the good sense of the word, thereby directing them in the right direction.

Portfolio (in the broad sense of the word) is a way of recording, accumulating and assessing the individual achievements of schoolchildren.

It refers to a number of “authentic” (that is, true) individualized assessments and is focused not only on the assessment process, but also on self-assessment.

The main purpose of authentic assessment is to help students develop their ability to analyze their own performance, compare it with generally accepted standards and, on the basis of this, revise, improve, redirect their energy, take initiative to achieve their own progress

A portfolio is not only a modern form of assessment, but also helps solve important pedagogical problems:

    maintain high educational motivation of schoolchildren;

  • encourage their activity and independence,
  • expand learning and self-learning opportunities;
  • develop the skills of reflective and evaluative activities of students;
  • develop the ability to learn - set goals, plan and organize your own learning activities.
And as a result, it will help improve the quality of education in general.

Portfolio structure.

An individual cumulative working folder includes:
Title page (cover);
I block “My portrait”;
II block “Portfolio of documents”;
II block “Elective courses”;
IV block “Olympics”;
V block “Competitions”;
VI block " Research activities»;
VII block “Additional education”.

BLOCK I. Information about the portfolio owner.

"MY PORTRAIT"- goals, self-analysis, results of psychological diagnostics, autobiography. Includes personal details of the student maintaining the portfolio.

Autobiography. This section contains the results psychological diagnostics. Information that helps a child analyze his character and abilities. Learn ways of self-development, self-improvement, self-knowledge.

The student annually conducts self-analysis of his own plans and interests. Sets goals and analyzes their achievement. Also conducts self-analysis of the year's results.

Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Home address:
Place of study (full name and address):
Purpose of writing a resume:

General secondary education

Self-analysis of your own plans and interests

(At the beginning of the year. 10th grade)

1. Date of work
2. Last name, first name
3. The most significant events in my life that determine my future
4. I like to study (I get carried away)
5. In the future (in 5, 10, 20 years) I would like to achieve
6. I'm interested in profiles
7. To study in the profile that interests me, I have the following abilities and personal qualities, knowledge, skills
8. I don’t have enough to study in the profile I’m interested in

9. My educational plans for the year

The autobiography begins with the words “I, last name, first name, patronymic...”.
Further information about yourself is presented in free form, but several requirements should be taken into account:
¦ the autobiography should be laconic, but at the same time detailed, reflecting the main events of your life;
¦ it is important that the information specified in the autobiography helps you present your life in the most favorable light, without distorting real facts and events;
¦ when describing specific events from your life, do not forget to indicate your attitude towards them and, more importantly, the analytical conclusions that were made after this event;
¦ the text of the autobiography and its design should be as easy as possible to read. Records are made (printed) on high-quality paper, in large print or legible handwriting.

The autobiography must be signed and dated. If it takes up several sheets, then each sheet is signed.

A comment.
This biography is considered as a portfolio document, so when answering questions, use common sentences rather than monosyllabic sentences, so that the end result is an extended overview of the autobiography.

Autobiography writing plan

Last name, first name
Born (day, month, year, place of birth)
Education (class)
Information about parents, family (who are the parents, how many children are in the family)

1. Preschool childhood.
(What were your hobbies in preschool age, childhood dreams, desires)

2. School life
First impression of the school
The most striking event associated with the school
Who did I want to be at 7-9 years old and why
The best event in my life (describe the event, impressions)
My first award (what award and for what, impressions)
Useful tips(conclusions) obtained as a result of life experience
A person who had a great influence on me
Turning point in my life ( short description)
Relationships with parents in childhood and now
Relationships with friends, peers and other people

Block II. Official documents.
List of official documents presented in the portfolio
(last name, first name, patronymic of the student)

Portfolio of documents- a set of certified (documented) individual educational achievements.

This section contains:
All certified documents (copies) available to the student confirming individual achievements in various types of activities - diplomas of participation in subject Olympiads at various levels, certificates for participation in competitions, in sports competitions at various levels, certificates of completion of courses in subjects or test results, etc.

List of submitted documents

Photocopies must be certified by the school administration (based on the original official documents presented in the portfolio).

Block III. Elective courses, preparatory courses.
Individual plan pre-vocational training
student___ 10th grade in 201__/201__academic year
Last name, first name

Its volume

This includes courses taken by students with the aim of deepening and expanding knowledge in certain disciplines (foreign language courses, computer science courses,...). Attach copies of diplomas or certificates of completion of courses.

Additional business information (ownership foreign languages, computer, driving a car, etc.)

Interests, preferences, hobbies, etc.:

The most successful types of activities, preferred subjects:

Block IV. Olympics.

Attached are diplomas, diplomas and certificates.

Block V. Competitions (essays, creative works, …)

Portfolio of works- a set of various creative, design and other works of the graduate.
A portfolio of work may include:
- design work (project topic, work description, text of the work in printed form);
-technical creativity: models, layouts, devices (brief description of specific work);
-art work (a list of works is given, participation in exhibitions, theatre, orchestra, choir, etc. is recorded);

My participation in school holidays and events (attachment of photocopies of certificates, thanks, ...)

Block VI. Research activities

Block VII. Additional education
(participation in the work of studios, clubs, sections, ...)

Years of study

Name of institution

Subject, creative association

The number and order of blocks may vary. The main thing is to present your achievements in the most objective and favorable light, arranging the materials logically. When compiling a portfolio, it is necessary to think over the main line that will be formed, revealed and confirmed by all descriptions and documents.

Portfolio templates

Portfolio template for senior 9th, 10th, 11th grade students - V. Kandinsky: 15 blank pages in jpg format

Are you a student. Active, successful, considers himself to be keeping up with the times. And you definitely dream of a stunning future career! Well, in this matter, diligence and professionalism alone are clearly not enough. You still need to make a favorable impression on the employer.

Let's get down to business

How to do it? A win-win option is to collect carefully thought out and filtered information about your own achievements, skills and abilities. This is precisely why a student portfolio exists, and they begin to form it already in the first years of their native educational institution.

A college or university student’s portfolio is a kind of advertising, the meaning of which is to demonstrate the most striking, interesting, in a word, key moments of the educational, professional and even personal life of the future young specialist. The goal is to present yourself to a potential employer from the most advantageous angle and convince the latter that you have the skills necessary for employment and successful career advancement that are so in demand in today’s society in general and are valued in the eyes of a particular boss in particular.

What can you boast about?

The student’s portfolio reflects the entire range of scientific, creative, sports and personal achievements that a future young specialist can boast of. Confirmation is provided by visual evidence in the form of beautifully designed diplomas, certificates, photographs and other documents relevant to the case.

The future owner should start creating a student portfolio in the first year of student life. Among other things, such an activity perfectly increases motivation for planning career prospects and mastering the skills of discipline and self-organization.

If the freshman took the matter lightly and did not rush to record the beginning of student life by creating a “piggy bank of achievements,” then it is required of the graduate without fail. After all, by the time he graduates from an educational institution, he should hurry up with self-determination in professional and personal terms.

What does a portfolio give?

Anyone who thinks about the formation of such a document is inevitably forced to “conduct an audit” of their individual educational, work and personal biography, to evaluate their importance in the eyes of themselves and those around them.

A portfolio will become an assistant in solving the problem of objectively assessing creative and other competencies and successes, planning directions for future activities, mastering self-control skills, and increasing the value of oneself as a specialist.

How to make a student portfolio yourself?

Making it with your own hands is not so difficult, but you should show some responsibility in this matter. We must not forget that this document is drawn up in accordance with certain canons; amateur activities are inappropriate here.

Its sections must have a clear structure and be logically arranged. The necessary sequence of presentation must be observed and the relationship between adjacent parts or chapters must be observed.

The content itself should not contradict existing educational standards. In no case are gross errors allowed - from stylistic to punctuation and spelling. Their presence immediately indicates the low level of literacy of the applicant and can repel those who are ready to pay favorable attention to the professional and other advantages of the future employee. Presentation of such a low-quality document will have the opposite effect than expected - it will more likely alienate than attract possible colleagues and superiors.

What does it look like

There is no single universal student portfolio. Each university has its own specifics, and the requirements for the sections and composition of this document are different everywhere. Templates for a student’s portfolio exist in huge quantities, both in printed form and on the Internet. Finding a suitable one is not difficult. Having decided to approach the matter competently, look through several options and decide on the choice of the student’s portfolio, the example of which suits you best.

What types are there mainly? As a rule, there are several of them. There are purely documentary ones, which are collections of all kinds of certificates, diplomas, certificates, etc.

If you are a humanitarian

Representatives of creative (as well as scientific) professions most often during their student years are busy creating a package own works, clearly demonstrating the areas of research, scientific, creative or other specific activity.

A portfolio can be a collection of reviews - from managers, teachers, and other interested parties.

All of the above types can be combined into a single document, and also converted into electronic format. Storing data in digital form is practical and convenient; such a portfolio on a compact medium is always at hand and can be demonstrated to the employer at any necessary time.

What you need to know

Formatting a student’s portfolio in an “advanced” electronic form requires basic skills in Word (or another text editor), as well as PowerPoint, a tool for creating presentations. Among modern students, it has become popular to post such an electronic portfolio on the Internet (for example, in cloud storage), where it is almost always at hand.

Moreover, special online services have already appeared that allow you to create presentations directly on the Internet, equipped with a collection of samples and templates.

Student portfolio - sample design

What exactly does this document consist of? Let's look at the standard structure of a student's portfolio.

A document of any type has a title page with the name of the university, the student’s data in the form of full name. and sometimes - dates of birth. Most often, the title page of a graduate or student’s portfolio contains an indication of qualifications and specialty. The form of training and the time period to which the submitted documents relate are also mentioned here.

In addition, the portfolio title page usually contains all the necessary contact information (number mobile phone, Skype and email addresses). There is a photograph in its corner.

What's on the next sheets?

As a rule, the main and most carefully designed first pages are devoted to educational activities student. They are usually filled with examples educational works, extracts from transcripts indicating the average score, teacher reviews.

This is followed by information regarding the professional side of the matter - a description of existing experience, data on completing various types of practical training, and the presence of an additional profession (which can be confirmed by attaching the relevant certificates, diplomas and qualification certificates). Feedback received in production during internship is also placed here. If the student took part in any master classes, this should be mentioned and supplemented with available evidence and photographs.

Science is prestigious

A separate section of a university student’s portfolio is usually reserved for scientific work and various studies. Participation in the different types competitions and olympiads, visits to scientific circles and associations, magazine and newspaper publications, reports and speeches (if any) at various conferences. This section is usually filled with samples of publications, certificates, newspaper articles, texts of speeches, etc.

The next section most often contains information about extracurricular activities student, that is, about those sporting events and creative competitions where he could express himself, as well as about military-patriotic activities.

Finally, data on additional education is provided - studios, sections, clubs, etc.

In what cases will your portfolio be useful to you?

This does not happen to everyone and not always. It will help an active, enterprising student who knows well what he wants to achieve in life and in his profession. Such a graduate is automatically included in the list of promising ones.

Most large companies are not against cooperation with young specialists, so yesterday’s student can get a full promising job. This is where a well-designed portfolio can provide its owner with an invaluable service.

As mentioned above, it is most convenient to have a digital version of this document. You can prepare a not too long electronic presentation, in which, in the form of expressively designed slides, you can provide brief information about yourself that is interesting from the point of view of the future employer.

What else can be affected by the presence or absence of a portfolio?

Sometimes even the student’s receipt of a scholarship depends on it. In some universities, it is customary to award the most successful students a reward in the form of an additional academic scholarship. Applicants for it are selected from among the most successful, and those who study best and demonstrate high social and public activity are always considered as such.

There is also a presidential scholarship, and a portfolio will also not hurt those applying for it.
