What to do if there is no extension. Extended school in primary school: legal framework, program. What to do if there is no after-school program at school

Among the most pressing questions of the new school year: where to place a child after school? In schools, there are extended day groups for this purpose. There the child will wait for his parents from work, eat, and do his homework. But such bonuses are not available everywhere, and not all parents are entitled to them. The mothers shared their problems, and the afterschool teacher and psychologist commented on the situation.

Photo source: pixabay.com

Anastasia, mother of a second grader, Frunzensky district of Minsk:

Our problem is this: we are not entitled to extended periods, because I am on maternity leave. This was announced to all parents.

Now I go with my one-year-old baby to pick up our second-grader after school. I don’t know what will happen later... Chess and dancing will start soon, and I’ll probably have to leave the house twice.

And the mandatory activity in the pool was not scheduled immediately after school. And you can't miss it. It turns out that the child is released after school at 13:00. You need to run home, have lunch, and then immediately go back to classes in the pool.

But parents are not allowed into school; they have to stand in front of the turnstile and wait. A small child, naturally, cannot stand; he needs to climb and walk everywhere. I don’t know how we will withstand the hour of waiting. In general, it's terribly inconvenient. Okay now, but when will it rain? Or when viruses start, what about the baby?

For now, I can’t decide to let my child go home alone: ​​there are two roads without traffic lights with very heavy traffic. Drivers often don’t even let me through, but here’s a child...

I really don’t understand: if I’m on maternity leave, that doesn’t mean that I have plenty of free time and that my youngest child doesn’t have a routine? The issue needs to be resolved. I'm going to go to the director to write an application for an extension. They say that places may become free when those who applied, but in fact do not attend, are eliminated.

Anastasia, mother of a second-grader, Zavodskoy district of Minsk:

If we end up in an after-school program, we are in. But our problem turned out to be different. My husband and I’s working day ends 15 minutes later than after-school hours. Plus the journey takes about 15 minutes. It turns out that there is no one to look after the child for half an hour. I understand that the teacher has a normal working day. But why can’t we come up with a duty group, for example? I’m even ready to pay for this extra hour, but it’s important to know that my child is under supervision. Now my grandmother is picking up my daughter, but she is coming from the Minsk region, and you won’t run into each other like this for a long time. Most likely, the child will then have to sit with the watchman and wait for us. But I will talk to the administration. Perhaps there will be some ways to solve the problem.

Yulia, mother of a third grader, Central district of Minsk:

We haven't had after school since first grade. The school is overstaffed, and it is physically impossible to allocate additional premises for after-school activities or classes.

The school itself is very good, the teacher is great, everyone wants to come to us. Therefore on this moment we have 34 students in the class. But the child is happy to study there - good classmates and a teacher who, despite all the workload, manages to devote time to everyone and find an individual approach. That’s why we put up with the lack of extension.

How do parents cope? As far as I know, grandparents/aunts help pick up the children and do homework with them at home. Some parents, whose work schedule allows it, cope on their own. However, the majority take their children to additional classes. For example, last year my son had classes until 14.00, three times a week karate from 16.30 to 17.30, three times a week creative classes from 18.00 to 20.00.

Of course, I feel like a cornered horse, because there is also a second child who goes to kindergarten far from home (we didn’t get to ours). And he also has drawing and football.

It turns out that I devoted myself entirely to my family, you can’t devote yourself completely to work, no one will hire an employee with such a schedule. I always look forward to the holidays so that I can take a break from all this running around. A car saves me, plus a school and almost all activities in the city center. I do everything myself, my husband is busy at work, there are no relatives to help. We have to cope.

Ekaterina, mother of a second grader, Kamennaya Gorka, Minsk:

Our school has 20 classes of the same parallel. Of course, there are no places for extended periods. My husband and I are at work all day. The child returns home from school alone, fortunately the school is not far away and there is no need to cross the road. But I’m still very worried about him.

My son also sits alone at home. I constantly keep in touch with him by phone. I think that we urgently need to work on going on maternity leave, then the eldest child will also be examined.

Photo source: pixabay.com

Or let them make at least 1 class with a paid extension - for those who have a completely hopeless situation. It’s better to pay, but be calm for your child. Or let the teacher come and take the children to the Palace of Children and Youth or another center for extracurricular activities. If only one class had been allocated for such children, they would have been supervised there.

Is the school obliged to provide places in the after-school program?

Not all parents know that the school administration may not open extended day groups (or refuse to provide a place) at school for quite a long time. legal grounds.

The school opens the school based on its capabilities (material and technical base, opportunities for catering, etc.), and places are provided primarily to those who really cannot pick up their children immediately after school. To do this, parents need to write an application and, at the request of the administration, provide supporting certificates (for example, a certificate from their place of work).

But mothers on maternity leave should not despair: each school is able to resolve controversial and difficult issues and accommodate parents and students individually , say experts from the Education Committee.

How do children spend their time in afterschool?

Alesya Prytkova, teacher of the after-school group:

- For each educational institution, the number of groups in groups is standardized by documents. In the first classes, there is a quiet hour during the day, so the occupancy depends on the number of beds. The area of ​​the room is also taken into account, which must comply with sanitary standards.

Children are enrolled in after-school care by order of the director; in my practice, no one was refused.

At the end of the lessons, the teacher hands the children over to the teacher, tells them who to pay attention to, whether there are any special health conditions, etc. Then, as planned, we definitely have a walk in the fresh air. Unfortunately, now our walk before lunch is a very “shortened” version, because the children do not know how to look after themselves when they come to school. Can you imagine how much time it takes to help 32 kids change clothes?

After the walk, the children change clothes again, then go to the toilet, wash their hands, and get ready for lunch. After lunch - quiet time. We sleep or rest with our eyes closed. Then afternoon tea and hobby classes: many children attend clubs and sports clubs. The difficulty is that some educational institutions do not have separate areas for primary and secondary schools. If the weather is bad, then the children are forced to stay in a confined space all the time; they cannot go out into the corridor, because the children are studying in other classes.

In the second and third grades, children who attend the GPA do not sleep, they have self-study - time when the children do their homework. The number of children there is even greater, and almost all the time the children are forced to sit at their desks.

In my practice, there were situations when parents brought their children to school at 7.30 and picked them up at 19.30. Count your child's "working" day! Of course it's very difficult! The child needs proper rest.

Time flies at lightning speed. Just yesterday we were thinking about what kind of stroller to buy for our child, and today he is a future first-grader. There is very little time left before school, and parents begin to think about how to properly organize educational process your child, how to help him or her in this complex science of mastering knowledge. Choosing a school is not an easy task. But this is more or less clear. But where can a child be placed if the parents work and the grandparents cannot help in this matter? Extension will come to the rescue primary school. Is it mandatory or not to organize children's time after school? Parents must answer this question individually.

Lessons in primary school end quite early, and problems such as picking up a child, taking them home and helping with homework sometimes become an insoluble task for parents. In solving this issue, after-school education at school comes to the rescue. Of course, here each parent decides for himself what is best for his child. It is very important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. In addition, children often attend additional classes, sections and clubs.

The regulation on after-school education in primary schools states that children from first to fourth grade can stay in the educational institution after school. And this is very convenient for parents. The after-school program in elementary school includes homework, compulsory walks in the fresh air, games and relaxation. Many schools provide hot meals for children.

Should there be an after-school program in every elementary school? Let's try to figure it out.

What good does after-school care provide and how can it help?

There are many advantages. The main advantage is that the child is under supervision until the parents come home from work. He is taken care of by teachers who will monitor him and help if anything happens. An important factor is socialization young member societies that attend after-school classes in primary school. In a peer group, a child gains communication experience that will be useful to him in adult life.

After-school care in primary school can also provide children with clubs and interest sections. This is important for the harmonious development of the individual. A child psychologist also works in schools. If a child has problems, a psychologist will always help to sort out relationships with peers and adults.

What are the benefits of after-school education in primary school?

The downside may be catering junior schoolchildren. If the school cannot provide a full and varied supply of children, this is fraught with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and then after-school education in primary school becomes a big disadvantage, not a plus. The law on extended day groups also provides for the organization of recreation areas for younger schoolchildren. Children at the age of six cannot yet bear a full school load and need short daytime rest. To do this, the school must provide a room equipped with cots so that the child can take a short nap.

An important factor is the number of children in the after-school group, as well as the after-school program in primary school. If a teacher has more than 20-30 children in a class, then it is impossible to talk about a full-fledged individual approach. Parents should take this factor into account. It is important to build on individual characteristics child. What should after-school education be like in elementary school? How to conduct classes? A small number of people in groups is the path to success.

In large tasks, tasks are completed superficially. Each individual child should not expect help from the teacher. Often, noise in the classroom makes it difficult for a child to rest or concentrate. If, nevertheless, the decision to extend the after-school program has been made, it is better for parents to check the homework at home and, if necessary, help the child deal with incomprehensible questions.

The need for a new concept of education

This situation in after-school groups gives rise to speculation that the concept needs reform. The regulations on after-school care at school regulate the educational process, as well as the standards for paying for meals and the child’s stay in the after-school group. The parents' dissatisfaction is understandable. The program, which came into force on September 1, 2011, defined new norms and standards for sanitary and epidemiological requirements. This norm obliges schools to have sleeping rooms in extended-day groups. The bedroom should be separate for boys and girls. All new schools that are at the design and construction stage will also be based on these requirements.

Older schools that do not have enough space to create separate bedrooms are faced with a problem. Also educational establishments are forced to reduce the duration of after-school care so that children can rest at home. This is especially true for first graders. Also, one of the requirements of the new regulation is the equipment of hygiene rooms with the required number of toilets, bidets and urinals.

Need for funding

Why is there no after-school school in many institutions? School principals are faced with an almost insoluble problem, and, accordingly, so are parents. Not every educational institution can organize after-school activities in primary schools. The law states that the school must strictly monitor the nutrition of children in extended day groups. It is necessary to provide children with adequate nutrition, consisting of lunch and afternoon snack. In many schools, funding does not allow this requirement to be met within the budget. Therefore, they resort to the help of parents in this matter. They have to pay for their children's meals out of their own pockets.

Thus, parents and schools are faced with serious problems. Most likely, schools will shift the solution to these issues onto the shoulders of moms and dads. If parents can finance attendance at after-school care, then it will be possible. Otherwise, moms and dads will have to look for an alternative to after-school groups.

After-school alternative

Some schools offer parents new uniform after school The duration is proposed to be extended to 16-18 hours. In this case, children stay at school longer, and the entire workload is redistributed, lessons are interspersed with longer pauses, and in addition to studying, children can do something interesting within the school walls. But not all parents liked this option. It is believed that younger children school age in the afternoon they are already tired and cannot concentrate on classes. In addition, the daily learning process turns out to be drawn out. Most likely, it is easier for the child to unlearn, finish his lessons and enjoy his vacation to the fullest.

Of course, this form of education also has the right to life, since children quickly get involved and adapt to the new regime. It is necessary to think about how difficult the child’s further transition to secondary school after primary school will be. Will the child be able to quickly adapt to another form of the educational process? All this should be at the discretion of the parents.

Private schools with extended day groups

Many private schools organize small groups. Children can change into home clothes, play and relax. That is, the environment in such groups is very similar to the home environment. Children can start doing homework without unnecessary stress under the supervision of experienced teachers. Good food is also provided. Of course, the cost of staying in such groups is almost always high, and not every parent can afford such a pleasure.

Thus, today the problem of finding children after school falls entirely on the shoulders of parents. The state provides very little support in this matter.

Nanny and mothers union

Some parents resort to looking for nannies or governesses. Of course, this is very comfortable and a good solution. A personal nanny will work out and feed you. But the child is often deprived of social contacts that are so necessary at this age. And what can I say, not everyone can afford the services of a nanny.

Small parent associations can be a good alternative to a nanny. That is, today one mother picks up the children from school and looks after them after school, tomorrow another mother. This option is suitable if children live close to each other and there are parents who can devote one day a week to such work.

So should there be after school at school or not?

The opinion of many parents is this: there should be an after-school program. All working parents should have the right to after-school care. Paid or free is another question. But children must be supervised, provided with food and education.

If there is a payment, then it should be affordable for the parents. Or the payment can be divided between the local budget and parents. Perhaps parents could, for example, pay for meals and clubs, and the rest would be covered by local budgets.

Foreign experience

Let's see how things stand with extended day groups, for example, in Germany. Extended day groups are very popular there. But only those children whose parents work can get into them. It is not very easy to find a place in such a group. But if you work, you can be sure that the child will not be left without a place.

After-school programs in Germany are private and public. But all of them are paid for working parents. The cost of after-school care is differentiated and depends on the parents’ salary. That is, the less you earn, the less you will pay. In extended day groups, children can stay up to 16 and up to 18 hours. Groups, as a rule, have large rooms and playgrounds.

Children do not have bedrooms, but there are so-called quiet rooms in which a child, if tired, can rest and even sleep. The children's meals at school are also well organized. As a rule, the afterschool is located in a separate building from the school. The after-school teacher picks up the children after classes end and takes them to another room where after-school groups are located.

For many Barnaul parents, whose children will cross the school threshold for the first time this year, the approaching September 1 is overshadowed by thoughts about who will pick up the first-grader from school and look after him. Most dads and moms work from morning to evening, so after-school hours are an ideal solution to this problem.

But, unfortunately, most schools decided to refuse to provide this service - for a variety of reasons. Yes, in the past academic year only 18 schools in the city had after-school programs.

Note that the total in the register educational institutions Barnaul has 84 municipal schools, lyceums and gymnasiums.

After-school programs for the elite

As an Amitel news agency correspondent was told by the city education committee, from January to May 2015, after-school groups (without payment) functioned in four institutions (No. 31, 37, 52 and 113). In addition, services for the supervision and care of school-age children were provided on a paid basis in 14 schools (No. 1, 3, 38, 49, 51, 79, 81, 86, 88, 101, 103, 117, 126 and 132). It will be known after October 1 where extension sessions will continue this year or, perhaps, new ones will be organized.

“The opening of an extended day group is within the competence of the general education institution and is possible if there is necessary conditions(special premises, play areas, catering for students). The head of a general education institution bears full responsibility for fulfilling these requirements. If it is impossible to fulfill them, extended-day groups will not open,” representatives of the committee explained.

We emphasize that the service of supervision and care for students is not included in the municipal task. It is issued as paid.

As the head of the press center of the Barnaul administration, Yulia Pavlinova, explained to an Amitel news agency correspondent, the cost of an extended day group service in schools recommended by the education committee varies from 54 to 60 rubles per day. At the same time, this also includes payment for the student’s meals (lunch only); you will have to pay extra for the afternoon snack.

Hire a nanny?

However, it should be noted that after-school classes in Barnaul schools have already become a rarity, and classes for young students end at about 11-12 o’clock. Of course, some seven-year-old children are already quite independent and can get home on their own, open the door and be left to their own devices until their parents arrive. But these are not the majority at this age.

Naturally, you can ask relatives or parent friends who meet children your age from the same school to accompany the child home. Also, for a small fee, you can negotiate this with a retired neighbor, for example.

But these options are not always suitable for both the child and the parents. Therefore, the editors of the Amitel news agency found out who else could pick up a first-grader from school and look after him.

Mary Poppins for first graders

Finding a nanny who can meet your child and look after him at home is not so easy. You not only bring a stranger into your family and home, but you also entrust him with the most precious thing - your child. Therefore, this issue must be approached with full responsibility.

On the Internet, on specialized websites, there are many resumes of teachers who are ready to look after children. The cost of nanny services in Barnaul varies on average between 80-150 rubles per day, or 15-20 thousand rubles per month. A nanny's working day from 12:00 to 18:00 will cost you 480-1 thousand 200 rubles per day.

As a rule, this is just babysitting. At the same time, if it is necessary to do homework with a student, then the teacher will charge almost twice as much for his help. You can also agree with the nanny so that she takes the child to various clubs. And this will then be taken into account when calculating the final payment amount for the modern Mary Poppins.

But you can often find out how competent this specialist is only from his words. As a rule, people are reluctant to give out the phone numbers of previous “employers”. As for letters of recommendation, this practice is not so widespread in the city.

Experts advise searching for “Mary Poppins” through friends or recruitment agencies. This gives you confidence that you can actually find a proven and reliable person with whom you are not afraid to leave your child.

At the same time, agencies are responsible for their specialists. As a rule, they recommend people who have undergone special vocational training, have experience working with children and are time-tested.

The services of nannies selected by agencies are priced from 100 rubles per hour, nannies for accompaniment - 150 rubles per hour. It is also possible to order a babysitter - from 200 rubles/trip.

One of the “advantages” of hiring a nanny is that the child is under supervision and his leisure time is organized. You are sure that he will eat on time and will not just watch TV all day. "Minus" is the rather high cost of services. Not all Barnaul residents can afford to hire “Mary” for their child.

Alternative paid extensions

Many development centers in Barnaul offer after-school services for primary schoolchildren. The teachers themselves meet the child from nearby schools and take him to the center.

As a rule, an extended day group consists of 8 - 15 people. They are given various educational and entertaining activities. The teacher also makes sure that the children complete their homework and helps them with their homework. They walk with schoolchildren on the street. They are also fed a hot lunch and have an afternoon snack.

An agreement is concluded with the parents, according to which the development center is responsible for the baby. At the same time, teachers become familiar with class teacher child, and the application to the school states that representatives of the center have the right to pick up the student from school.

As an Amitel news agency correspondent found out, the cost of such services starts from 350 rubles per day (until 18:00). For each additional hour after this time, parents separately pay 100 rubles.

"Pros" - the child is under supervision, he finds new acquaintances and friends. There is no need to do homework with him in the evenings. At the same time, paid extension services are much cheaper than hiring a nanny. “Disadvantages” - the budget of not all Barnaul families is able to painlessly “overcome” this amount.


Of course, neither after-school care, nor highly qualified specialists from additional centers, nor, especially, a nanny, can replace your child’s familiar environment among family members: during the period of adaptation and getting used to school, primary school children urgently need their own mother and father, beloved grandparents.

Therefore, the simplest, but also the most radical way to solve the problem with after-school children once and for all is to independently meet your schoolchild with a backpack from lessons. But to do this, some will have to quit their jobs or take long unpaid leave. For some time. But here, as they say, no comment.

To this day, as soon as the new school year begins, between State Duma deputies and new strength Disputes are flaring up over whether the extension should be paid or free. Again and again, amendments to the federal law are being prepared and developed, until they not only have had no real effect, but have not even come close to being signed.

  • The hotline of the Russian Ministry of Education operates around the clock (www.net–);
  • You can leave a complaint or claim to capital residents on the portals gorod.mos.ru, ag.mos.ru;
  • if you want to go further, visit the official website of the Department of Education (ask.educom.ru).

Extended school in primary school: legal framework, program

Extended day groups have many advantages. The main advantage is that the child is under supervision until the parents arrive from work. He is taken care of by teachers who will monitor him and help if anything happens. An important factor is the socialization of a young member of society who attends after-school classes in primary school. In a peer group, a child gains communication experience that will be useful to him in adult life.

This situation in after-school groups gives rise to speculation that the concept needs reform. The regulations on after-school care at school regulate the educational process, as well as the standards for paying for meals and the child’s stay in the after-school group. The parents' dissatisfaction is understandable. The program, which came into force on September 1, 2011, defined new norms and standards for sanitary and epidemiological requirements. This norm obliges schools to have sleeping rooms in extended-day groups. The bedroom should be separate for boys and girls. All new schools that are at the design and construction stage will also be based on these requirements.

There is no after school at school

4. Write an official application addressed to the director asking that your child be accepted into the after-school group. Put the incoming number on your copy. At the same time, call the education department and find out on what basis you can refuse your child to attend an after-school group. Perhaps your issue will be resolved at the stage of an official statement, by the way :)

Extended school at school in 2019-2019

  • Lack of rest: high workload can cause chronic fatigue syndrome in a child
  • Lack of privacy
  • The child is not always able to concentrate on learning/performing homework because of the noise
  • School meals are certainly healthy, but they are not always tasty.

After-school care as part school life appeared quite a long time ago. Over the years of its existence, the rules for staying in the group, the duration of the extended day, the menu, the regime and many other points have been reformed, but the general format of the after-school program has remained unchanged. What's new in after school at school in the 2019-2019 academic year is in our article.


Good, bad, it doesn’t matter anymore, the main thing is that it exists. A friend’s son went to fifth grade. There are no after-school programs for secondary schools. Those. A 12 year old boy must go home and sit at home alone from 2 pm to 8 pm until his parents come home. And you have to warm up your own lunch and walk out of the apartment with the keys. And walk alone. Those. In general, the whole day is left to my own devices. Shouldn't he hire a nanny?!
The situation is hopeless, there are no grandmothers. Therefore, be glad that your school even has an after-school program...

Our extension is free. Lunch costs 48 rubles, and an afternoon snack costs 30 rubles. Those. A day of after-school care costs 78 rubles, which is about two thousand a month.
I have two children, I pay 4 thousand just for after-school meals.
But here, like God, some children stay in after-school care until 6 p.m. And at the neighboring school there is a free after-school program only until 15:00. And there is a paid after-school program - 2,500 rubles per month, plus, of course, food. It turns out that if I took two children to such an after-school program, I would pay 9,000 rubles!

How to use the resource

Dear user!
In accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation» the amount of payment from parents (legal representatives) for the supervision and care of children in extended day groups in an educational organization has the right to be established by the founder.
At the same time, the founder has the right to reduce the amount of the specified fee or not to charge it from certain categories of parents (legal representatives) of minor students in cases and in the manner determined by him.

Please answer the question why in Sudogodskaya high school No. 1 (Sudogda) since January 2014 there are no extended day groups. In September we were warned about the paid GPA from January. We returned from vacation on January 10 - there was no extension. February is already drawing to a close, and no one can say anything for sure. The Education Department throws up its hands, looking for reasons for the groups not to exist. And we, parents, have to ask neighbors and acquaintances to pick up our children from school and sit with them. And some parents take their children and go to work with them. This is, to put it mildly, disgraceful. Who should I look to for the answer?

Extended school at school: why, how much and how

According to the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, no one has responsibilities for creating extended day groups: neither the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, nor the municipalities, nor at the schools themselves. Accordingly, there is no funding for the work of these groups. And if earlier school directors found funds for organizing “extended days” from the budget, now, more and more often, parents have to pay for the supervision and care of children outside of school hours.

There is no precise definition of the concept of “extended day group” in the Law on Education in the Russian Federation, just as there is no such concept itself. From October 1, 2014, the “extended school” was renamed the “social and pedagogical development group”, but the essence remained the same - it is a form of organizing extracurricular time for students in primary and secondary grades (from the first to the eighth) of general education institutions. There are such groups, by the way, not in all schools, since each of them has the right to independently decide whether or not to open an “after-school”, whether parents have such a need or not. The Law on Education in the Russian Federation also states that the format of an extended day group is determined depending on what, in fact, the school offers students to do during extracurricular hours: additional education- that is, to carry out educational process, or by its own affairs - in this case, the institution provides only supervision and care.

Most schools are switching to paid “extended school” from September 1

It feels like everything is being done to prevent mothers from working,” says Yulia. - Previously, the system was built in such a way that after the main classes, various additional sections and clubs began immediately. And even first-graders were at school until 5–6 pm. Now extended-day groups are being eliminated, and classes in clubs and sections begin at about 4 o’clock. That is, someone must come to school during the day, pick up the child, and then bring him back to the circle. At school we were openly told that we need to look for any opportunities so as not to send our child to after-school care, since there are only enough places there for those in special need.

From a street resident People's Militia This year my daughter is going to first grade at the State Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 138”. At the meeting, parents were warned that for the entire parallel of first-graders there would be only one extended day group, which would enroll no more than 30 children. Parents are required to provide a certificate from work with an exact work schedule, who must confirm that no one can actually pick up their child from school during the day.

After school in Moscow schools in 2015-2019 (who pays how much for after school)

According to Part 8 of Article 66 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” in an educational organization (that is, in a school) for providing supervision and care for children in after-school groups founder educational organization has the right establish fees charged to parents of minor students, and its size, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law. The founder has the right to reduce the amount of the specified fee or not to charge it from certain categories of parents (legal representatives) of minor students in cases and in the manner determined by him.

But what actually happens is the following. According to the Moscow Department of Education, the school, represented by the administration, together with the Governing Council (which is the governing body educational organization), independently calculates and determines the amount of parental fees (?) for supervision and care of children in after-school groups. The school itself decides who should reduce the amount of parental fees and who will not be charged for after-school education, and the Moscow Department of Education only agrees establishing such a fee.

How much does an odd hour cost?

The most controversial service that schools provide today is the supervision and care of children in after-school care. Previously, it was believed that they looked after and looked after only in kindergartens, but now also in schools. Moreover, if in the free after-school period teachers previously did homework with the children, in the current paid after-school period this is not always the case. And most importantly, it is not clear why in some places the after-school program is paid, but in others it is not.

— Our after-school program is free, and the teacher who works with the children is registered as a teacher. The after-school program runs until half past three; it is for those children who come to school from other villages. Lunch in the canteen - 25 rubles for one course: main course or soup, and tea with a bun or cookies,” Yulia Maksimova, director of the Novoselskaya school in the Strugo-Krasnensky district of the Pskov region, told RG.

07 Aug 2018 334