Introductory literacy activities. Notes on teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Space travel. The fish swims. The sun is shining. The wind whistles

Nadie Teyfukova

Summary of GCD for teaching literacy in preparatory group on the topic"IN searching for the ABCs» .

(open final class)

Target: To consolidate the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children, formed on literacy classes.


Strengthen children's ability to compose sentences with given words;

Strengthen the ability to compose a story based on plot pictures;

Strengthen the ability to form correctly grammatical form of words;

Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables;

Strengthen children’s ability to isolate the necessary sound in words and perform sound-letter analysis of a word;

Clarify concepts "sound" And "letter";

Develop attention, memory, thinking;

Strengthen the ability to work at the board;

Develop the ability to listen to comrades and not interrupt each other.

Develop the ability to listen carefully and understand spoken language.

Material for classes:

envelopes with tasks, two key: one is divided into three parts, the other is a whole book « ABC» , board, subject pictures, subject pictures, red, green and blue chips, ball, cut syllables, letters, drawn door.

Progress of the lesson:

Children stand in a circle.

Greeting each other:

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When you meet, say hello

Good morning sun and birds,

Good morning to smiling faces

And everyone becomes kind and trusting

May good morning last until evening!

Educator: Guys! Today in our kindergarten the mail has arrived. Do you want to know who it is from and what is written there? I will open it now and read it to you.

"Hello guys! Buratino writes to you. I learned to read and wanted to send you the alphabet so that you too can learn to read before school. But now this one was kidnapped by Karabas - Barabas. He hid it in the room and locked the door. And he enchanted the key. You can disenchant him if you complete all the tasks he has prepared for you.”

The envelope also contains tasks from Karabas - Barabas. Guys, I think the tasks will be difficult. Do you think you can handle them?

You and I will go to a magical land Grammar. Then, let's stand in a circle, hold hands, gather all our knowledge and skills, close our eyes, and repeat everything together:

"One, two, three, to the country Grammar guide us

We find ourselves in an unusual place, where the treachery and cunning of the evil Karabas awaits everywhere - Karabas, let's say our motto so that we can easily accomplish everything tasks:

We are calm, we are calm,

We always speak beautifully

Clearly and leisurely

We will definitely do it

All tasks of Karabas.

They sit on chairs.

We have three envelopes with tasks. Which envelope should we open first?

Envelope No. 1 "Offer"

1 task. What is an offer? The words in the sentences are all mixed up, make them up correctly.

1. A nimble sparrow collects crumbs.

2. The black starling takes up residence in the birdhouse.

3. The boy took the car.

4. Children walk on the site in the spring.

What did we do? (We tried to make the sentences correctly).

Task 2. Compiling a story from pictures (story pictures).

Take the pictures on the table, put them in order, in the correct sequence, and then make up a short story based on them.

Well done! You completed the task from the first envelope

I take part of the image out of the envelope and place it on the easel.

Which envelope will we open next? The second task from Karabas - Barabas is more difficult. We must try to fulfill it.

Envelope No. 2 "Word"

3 task.

You already know a lot of words. Tell me what words you You know:

1. How can you name the following words in one word?

Ball, doll, cubes, bunny, car (toys)

Oak, birch, ash, aspen, beech (trees)

Elk, deer, wild boar, fox, wolf (wild animals)

Cow, sheep, goat, horse, pig (Pets)

Plate, cup, glass, pan, saucer (dishes)

2. What kind of dishes can it be, based on material, what is it made from? (clay, metal, glass, porcelain).

3. Choose words that are opposite meaning: long, light, fast, talk, laugh, loud, a lot, easy.

Educator:Now let's play a game “Name the baby animal correctly”: In a a a a a wolf...etc.

4. Agreement of numerals with nouns

(take the ball).

Guys, let's count -

One iron, two irons, five irons.

One towel, two towels, five towels.

One vacuum cleaner, two vacuum cleaners, five vacuum cleaners.

One bed, two beds, five beds.

One axe, two axes, five axes.

One brush, two brushes, five brushes.

One guitar, two guitars, five guitars.

One rooster, two roosters, five roosters.

Physical education minute:

Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over,

Three - bent over.

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes.

Stretch, lower,

And sit down quietly.

5. Guys, now you need to make words by adding syllables. What words did you come up with? And then arrange the pictures according to the resulting words. Well done guys, you completed this task too! I take out the second part of the key and put it on the easel.

Envelope No. 3 "Sound and Letter".

And now, guys, let's play another game that the insidious Karabas has prepared for us. A game "TV".I will read tongue twisters or poems in which one sound will sound louder and more often than another. You remember it and make up a word. Guess what word happened:

1. Aaaand mother washes the baby. (sound A)

2. Zo-zo-zo – Zoya is lucky (sound Z)

3. Ba - ba - ba - there was a pipe in the hut. (sound B)

Boo-boo-boo - we whitewashed the pipe.

4. The steamboat is humming with a pipe, (sound U)

What sound does it make?

I'll help you guess

It will buzz loudly:


5. “I have excellent hearing!” - (sound K)

The rooster crows.

“Ko-ko-ko!”- the hen echoes -

“You will become an artist soon!”


6. Anya fell to the floor, (sound A)

The cat scratched my palm

And the game is not going well

Anya is crying loudly: A-A-A!

Well, guys, what word did we get, right? ABC.

Now, let’s do a sound-letter analysis of the word. First of all, which two groups share all sounds? What types of consonants are there? What color do we use to indicate vowels, hard and soft consonants? How we check ringing sound or deaf? Well done guys, you completed this task!

Now let's play a game "Be careful!"

When I say a vowel, you raise your hands up, when I say a consonant, you raise your hands down, when I say a word, you hug yourself, when there’s an incomprehensible sound, you clap. And now I will confuse you, be careful!

We now have a difficult task ahead of us, in which our eyes must work, so we will do gymnastics for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes:

In our kindergarten, like in a fairy tale (blink their eyes)

All the guys have their eyes treated.

The glasses that sit on my nose are not at all simple, (look at the nose)

And the magic glasses are very naughty!

Through them, looking around, (circular movements)

You'll find out it's a bug!

And here is a centipede walking along the path!

There's a butterfly fluttering there, (look left)

The flower is blooming (look to the right)

Clouds are floating across the sky, (look up)

The foliage is swaying slightly! (look down)

We need to solve the puzzle, what letters do you see there? If you see it, come and show it!

Guys, you completed all the tasks. (I'm posting the last part of the key). And look at the image, what kind of object did you get? (Golden Key). That's right, we disenchanted him.

What can you open with a golden key? (door). I think I know where this door is. In the envelope I found a diagram by which we can find the door of the room where the book is hidden (look at the diagram and go).

I will open it with the key, and to make the door open faster, you will help me.

Finger gymnastics "Lock".

There's a lock on the door,

Who could open it?

Turned, twisted,

They pulled and opened.

We approach the painted door with the children, open the door with the key, and find a book. We completed all the tasks and found our the alphabet, you need to say the magic words to be back in our native kindergarten:

"One, two, three, in lead our group

Reflection. Guys, let's remember how you and I were able to get the alphabet? What tasks did you perform? Which task was difficult? Which one is easy? Which one is interesting?

Well done boys! Let's thank our guests and promise that we will definitely invite them to our an amusing trip! In chorus we talk: "Thank you!" Class finished.

Continue to introduce children to the word, practice their ability to isolate the word as an independent semantic unit from a stream of words.

Introduce the component structure of a word, teach the ability to divide words into syllables, and work with compound word patterns.

Develop skills in sound analysis of words using appropriate cards - chips.

Develop the ability to navigate the component structure of words. Practice the ability to select words with a given composition.

Teach preschoolers to isolate sentences from the stream of speech, determine the number of words in a sentence, their place (first, second, third).

Continue to learn how to make sentences based on plot drawings and graphic diagrams (of two or three words). Activate the ability to construct sentences of different types (narrative, exclamatory, interrogative)

To form an idea of ​​what sounds we hear and pronounce, letters we see, read, and write. Learn to distinguish sounds by ear, isolate them, determine where the corresponding sound is in a word.

Strengthen children's ability to identify the initial sound in a word. Distinguish vowels and consonants, correctly show a schematic image of a sound, identify hard and soft consonant sounds in a word.

Improve the articulation of sounds and the differentiation of sounds that are similar in sound.

Visual memory, reasoning, attention, thinking, imagination, interest in learning to read and write.

Contribute to the development of a culture of communication: the ability to listen to other children, answer, calmly supplement answers.

Develop careful attitude to the eyes as an organ of vision.

Develop the ability to respond emotionally to a situation

To foster an active life position in children.

Material: computer, projector, cartoon "Baba Yaga and the Lost Letters", computer, projector, didactic games: “Make a sentence”, “Who lives in the house”, “Who is attentive”, “What word is hidden?”, “Don’t be mistaken”; set of numbers, red and green chips, basket.

Progress of classes in the senior group of kindergarten


Winter has come again

It's getting cold.

Snowflakes are falling from the sky

And there are ice floes on the river again.

Glad, glad it's winter

She came to visit us again.

Exercise "Microphone"

Do you like winter? What do you like? (If not, what don’t you like?)

Educator. We need to tell us about winter.

We will draw up a proposal with you.

Tell me, what is a proposal? (These are 2, 3, 4 or more words that are friends with each other) Yes, children, these are several words that are friends with each other. Tell me what each stripe on the diagram means? How do we write the first word in a sentence? What do we put at the end of the sentence? Look at the sentence diagram, how many words are there?

Didactic exercise “Make a sentence”

Educator. Come up with suggestions based on this scheme. And since it’s winter outside now, let it be themed about winter. And our tips will help with this.

______ ______ ______.

______ ______ ______ ______.

And if I put a question mark at the end of a sentence, what will the sentence become? (Interrogative).

Pronounce the sentence so that they become interrogative? (3-4 answer options).

And if I put an exclamation point at the end of a sentence, what will the sentence become? (Sign)

Let's see what our old friend has prepared for us

Watching a cartoon (from minute to minute)

Visual gymnastics for the eyes

There is a reason for us to rest -

We give our eyes a rest!

We closed our eyes tightly -

it's one, two, three, four.

We open our eyes wider,

Looking at something in the distance

Again we closed our eyes -

it's one, two, three, four.

Then we open it wider,

Looking at something in the distance

Looked at in the distance

Are your eyes rested? No.

We looked to the right, to the left,

To give your eyes better rest.

Then we roll our eyes

We don't shake our heads

Left one, two, three, four.

To the right the same amount was repeated.

Look at the tip of your nose

Then look into the distance

Look sideways at your neighbor.

Right left! Come on! Well!

You'll rub your fingers

And apply them to your eyes.

And swipe lightly

And start classes again!

Watching a cartoon (from minute to minute)

Educator. I think the hedgehog won’t cope with the task without us, let’s help the hedgehog.

Didactic exercise “Enchanted words”

(Based on the first letters of the pictures, children form a word)

Watching a cartoon (from minute to minute)

Educator. It’s a pity for the letters, what could have happened to them (children’s guess)

What we can do.

Didactic game “Save the letter”

Educator. In words live (letters, and in letters (sounds) But before we start saving a letter, let's remember how a letter differs from a sound?

(We see, write, read the letter, and we hear and speak the sound)

What sounds are there? (Vowels, consonants, and vowel sounds, hard and soft)

Why are the sounds called vowels? (We sing vowel sounds, the air passes freely without encountering obstacles.)

Why are the sounds called consonants? (Consonant sounds cannot be sung, teeth, lips and tongue interfere. And there are still consonant sounds - hard and soft, voiced and unvoiced) I will name the words, and you will use cards to determine what sound they begin with.

Didactic game “Make no mistake”

The teacher names the words, the children highlight the initial sound and show the corresponding card.

Educator. Maple, willow, antenna, milk, wasp, potato, beetle, watermelon, pointer, needle, tail, tea, dinner, excavator.

Didactic game “Who is the most attentive”

Educator. I will name the sound, and you show a schematic image. If I say a vowel sound, which card will you show? What if I say a consonant sound?

Watching a cartoon (from minute to minute)

Sound analysis of words

Educator. Quickly take the chips and tell me the answer.

Has a mustache, a bushy tail and a strange habit:

First he will eat well, then he will wash his face.

Children create a sound model of the word Cat.

She can be a cloud, she can be a fluff

It can be like glass, fragile and hard -

The usual say…. Water

Ripe cherries in the garden and berries in the forest,

Warm days, colorful flowers,

Gave generously... Summer

Children create a sound model of a word.

Watching a cartoon (from minute to minute)

Educator. What do little mice need to do to grow up and become strong?

Let us show them what exercises to do.

Physical education lesson “Letters”

There is a hollow in the old tree.

This is the house of the letter o.

(Children make circular movements with their hands.)

Next to her on the bitch

The letter U has perched.

(Squat down.)

Visit them from afar

The letter A came running.

(They run in place.)

The letter I has arrived

On the back of a sparrow.

(They wave their arms like wings.)

The letters began to have fun:

And laugh and spin.

Then they jump a little,

Then they clap their hands,

Then they will sit down to rest,

(Children accompany the text of the poem with appropriate movements.)

Watching a cartoon (from minute to minute)

Educator. To find the letters, we need to complete the task

Exercise “Match the word to the diagram”

Educator. How can the mouse cope without us, it’s very small.

Didactic exercise “Which word is hidden?”

Ma - raspberry, mother, car, Masha, tangerine, etc.

Educator. And here is grandma's house

Watching a cartoon (from minute to minute)

Didactic exercise “Silence”


Let's play the silent game,

Take cards with numbers,

Divide words into syllables.

The teacher names the word, and the children show a card with a number corresponding to the number of syllables in the word.

Watching a cartoon (from minute to minute)

Didactic game “Who lives in the house”

Children put the pictures into houses with numbers depending on the number of syllables in the word.

Watching a cartoon (from minute to minute)

Educator. We are good at this - we can help.

Didactic exercise “Finish the word”

But-but-but - the sun is shining in... the window

Sa-sa-sa-sa - look at the wasp flying...

Ma-ma-ma - it’s cold... winter.

Lo-lo-lo - the ground is covered in snow...

La-la-la the earth became white.

As-as-as - winter has come to... us,

Sa-sa-sa which is all around... beauty!

As-as-as - a snowball is falling on... us,

Si-si-si- froze... noses.


Winter has already come to us, (clap)

Cool winds blow (“blow” with their hands on themselves)

Snow is blowing, sweeping, sweeping, (wave your arms)

Everything around is covered in snow, (circle around yourself)

There is a lot of snow in the yard, (raise your hands up)

Begin fun game. (Imitate sculpting snowballs)

Watching a cartoon from minute to minute

Bottom line. Reflection

Educator. Children, did you like our adventure? If you liked it, take a green chip, if something was wrong, take a red one and put it in the basket (children say what they liked or didn’t like about the activity, which task was easy and which difficult in their opinion. )

Software tasks: consolidate children’s ideas about some vowels and consonants; ; promote the development of the correct posture for writing; develop the ability to differentiate by ear and pronunciation consonant sounds that are close in acoustic and articulatory terms, understand the relationships between words (antonymy), interest in the sounding word, thinking, speech, fine motor skills of the hands; to cultivate interest in language and speech as phenomena of reality, moral qualities(persistence in achieving goals, empathy).

Material and equipment: cards with images: pipes, buckets, keys, horns, rooster, wardrobe, owl, dragonfly, bullfinches, pencil, ruffs, starlings, letters (F, T, O, G, S, F); cards with a letter on one side and numbers on the other, 2 letters, a balloon, 4 envelopes, a toy bear, an easel, a wind-up train, a book, a 4-piece image of Cinderella, a dummy tree, a toy bird, a “magic » wand, manual “My Mood”, Cinderella costume for an adult, audio recording of mysterious music, according to the number of children: 2 cards (depicting a happy and sad face), sheets of paper with patterns of dots, pens.

Progress of the lesson

Educator(IN.). Guys, we received a letter (shows). Let's find out who it's from (opens the letter and reads).

"Hello guys! In a few days there will be a ball at the palace. I have never been to a ball before, but I really dream of going there. I have imagined many times how I would dance in a beautiful dress with a prince... Help me, please!”

Guys, we have never left anyone in trouble. Shall we help? (Yes.) But who wrote this letter, who needs our help? To find out, you need to complete the tasks. Let's get started!

Task "Pure Talk"

On the table there are cards with images: pipes, buckets, keys, horns, rooster, wardrobe, owl, dragonfly, bullfinches, pencil, ruffs, starlings. The teacher pronounces the beginning of a pure phrase, and the children, looking at the cards, choose the appropriate one, name it, and then pronounce the complete saying.

Pa-ba-ba - Petya has... (trumpet).

Ro-ro-ro - on the floor... (bucket).

Chi-chi-chi - my... (keys) are ringing.

Ka-ga-ga - the goat has ... (horns).

Ha-ha-ha - we can’t catch... (rooster).

Af-af-af - we will put it in the corner... (closet).

Fu-woo-woo - we saw... (an owl) in the forest.

Su-zu-zu - we caught... (dragonfly).

Ri-ri-ri - on the branches... (bullfinches).

Ash-ash-ash - at Sasha’s... (pencil).

Zhi-shi-shi - they live in the river... (ruffs).

Tsutsy-tsy - flying south... (starlings).

Then the teacher draws attention to a balloon that appears at the door, with an envelope attached to a string. It contains part of the image.

IN. Well, now it's time

Play a game where everything is the other way around.

Game "Say the other way around"

The teacher names the word and asks the children to choose a word with the opposite meaning.

Black White.

High - low.

Lower - raise.

Good bad.

Cry - laugh.

Left - right.

Open - close.

Lose - find.

The beginning is the end.

IN. You also coped with this task, well done! (Draws attention to the envelope in his paws toy bear.) Here's another envelope.

Game "Find out and show"

The teacher guesses the letter:

-Which letter stands akimbo? (Letter F.)

- What letter is sticking out like a scarecrow in the garden? (Letter T.)

-Which letter looks like a donut? (Letter O.)

— Which letter is the crane “working”? (Letter G.)

- Which letter can whistle? (Letter S.)

- Which letter is buzzing? (Letter Zh.)

After guessing the letter, he shows a card with its image. Children show it one by one and in pairs.

IN. You have completed a difficult task. (A clockwork train enters, in the carriage of which there is an envelope.) Here is another envelope. The solution is close, there is very little left.

Task “Letters, in places

The teacher gives each child cards with letters on one side and numbers on the other. You need to arrange the letters in the order indicated by the numbers on the back of the card, and read the word.

3 1 2
2 3 1

IN. One more task behind. Well done! And here is the envelope (takes it out of the book).

Physical education minute

IN. Now we have all the parts of the image, let's collect them and find out who sent us the letter. (Children put together a picture of Cinderella.)

Cinderella enters.

Cinderella. Dear Guys! Have you guessed who I am? (Cinderella.) That's right. The stepmother and sisters went to the ball. Oh, how I want to take at least one look at the palace and the prince... Will you help me get to the ball?

IN. Guys, do you want Cinderella's dream to come true? (Yes.) Then let's complete the last task. But first, let's warm up.

Finger gymnastics “Words”

One and two, one and two! -

We will put words together from letters.

(Bend and straighten the fingers of both hands.)

“Sun” is a radiant word,

(Spread your fingers to the sides.)

"Lion" is a fluffy word.

(Connect the thumb, middle and ring fingers, slightly raise the bent index and little fingers.)

"Rhinoceros" is a horned word,

(Straighten your index finger, bend the remaining fingers.)

And “zebra” is a striped word.

(Connect the fingertips, rounding the arch of the hand.)

Exercise "Circle"

The teacher monitors the quality of the task: the ability to hold the pen correctly, control the pressure when writing, not turn the sheet over while working, and reminds the children to watch their posture.

After completing the task, mysterious music sounds, the teacher waves the “magic” wand, saying the words:

Bee-bee-di, bo-bee-di-bam -

Hurry, Cinderella, to the ball!

Cinderella leaves, and the teacher draws attention to a dummy tree on which a toy bird with a letter sits. The teacher opens the envelope and reads: “Finally, my dream has come true - I’m at the ball! Thank you so much, friends! Cinderella".

IN. Guys, you did a great job today! I am proud of you! Now take a card that matches your mood in this moment, and put it in the desired pocket.

The teacher gives each child 2 cards (with the image of a happy and sad face). If the child liked the activity and is in a good mood, then he puts the corresponding card in the pocket with the image of a cheerful man, and if he didn’t like it and is in a bad mood, then he puts a card with a sad face in the pocket with a sad man.

A summary of a literacy lesson for children 6-7 years old was prepared by E. Tomasheva

Based on teacher's material primary classes Panova N.Yu. MBOU "Shakhovskaya Secondary School" Shakhi village

Target: consolidation and generalization of the knowledge and skills acquired by children.

Develop visual and auditory perception and attention; fine motor skills.

Strengthen children's knowledge of sounds and letters, reading skills by syllables; the ability to divide words into syllables, determine the location of sounds in a word.

Develop the ability to listen to the speech of an adult and each other.

Prevent children from becoming overtired in class.

Equipment: presentation, computer, projector, letter text in an envelope, cards with the “Find out” task, pencils, balloons.

Progress of the lesson

On the screen is the screen saver “Journey to Bukvograd” (slide No. 1)

Educator. Guys, let's stand in a circle and form a round dance. Show your palms. Rub them together. What do you feel? (Warm)
This is the warmth of kind hands and kind hearts. We offer our warmth, our palms to our friends and say:

The morning comes
The sun is rising.
We are going to,
Let's go on a good journey.
Let's look at each other
Let's talk about ourselves:
“Who's good?
Who is our handsome one?

Children take turns calling each other affectionate names.

Before we start the lesson, I want to tell you something. Today an unusual letter arrived at our kindergarten address. .(slide number 2)

Look, here it is, on the envelope it says that a letter has arrived from the fairy-tale city of Bukvograd for children of the preparatory group, that is, for you! Shall we read the letter? (The teacher opens the envelope, takes out the letter, reads it)

Text of the letter:

Hello guys! Residents of the fabulous city of Bukvograd are writing to you. We found out that you go to a preparatory school group and have learned all the letters. You are so smart, well done! Therefore, we want to invite you to visit our magical city. Residents of Bukvograd have prepared interesting games and exciting adventures for you. We are looking forward to seeing you, come as soon as possible.

Residents of Bukvograd

Well, let's go visit the fabulous city of Bukvograd today?

And who lives in Bukvograd?

Before we set off, let's remember the rules of behavior when visiting.

What will we go on? (children offer options)

(slide number 3)

Oh look, here comes the train, let's ride it!

We want to go to a magical land, so our train is also not simple, but magical.

Guys, for the train to start moving we must answer the questions:

1What are the sounds?

2) How do vowel sounds differ from consonants?

3) What are the consonant sounds?

4) What sounds are always only hard? (zh, sh, ts)

5) What sounds are always only soft? (th, h, sch)

6) How do letters differ from sounds?

7) How many vowels are there in total?

8) Which letters have no sound?

We can go to Bukvograd!

(The train whistle sounds and wheels clatter)

We close our eyes and, to the sounds of a moving train, imagine how we are driving, passing through cities and villages.

(slide number 4)

Open your eyes: we are in Bukvograd! Let's take a walk through the streets of this wonderful city!

(slide number 5)

Oh, look, we ended up on a street called... (children read)(“Guess it”). Residents of Bukvograd invite us to solve riddles .(slides No. 6-11)

Children solve riddles.

Well done! We continue our journey. (slide number 12)

You and I ended up on the next street. Read and say its name. (“Compose”) This is a very interesting street; letters like to walk here and form syllables. They invite us to play with them. Let's see what syllables are walking down the street now and come up with words starting with these syllables.

(slide No. 13)

Look, guys, we came to the street... (children read) (“Travel”)

And here is our train. The letters also want to ride our train. We must seat them in carriages. Now letters will appear to the left of the train. What do the letters mean? I will name words with the sound indicated by this letter. You will listen carefully to the words. If the sound denoted by this letter is at the beginning of the word, then we put the letter in the first carriage, if in the middle - in the second carriage, at the end of the word - in the third carriage. Agreed?


K-cat M-compote I-kit

P- mushroom T- mouth


Well done, guys, all the letters were correctly placed in the trailers and we can move on.

(slide number 14)

Look, guys, we are on the street of “Lost Letters”. It seems to me that a problem has occurred here: the letters in the words have gotten lost and cannot find their place. Let's help them?

Children complete the task. (slides no. 15-19)

The residents of this street thank you for your help and offer to dance with them a little . (slide number 20) The music of “Zverobik” is playing - the children are dancing.

Well done! We go to the next street.

(slide number 21)

Look, guys, where are we? (to the playground). The letters decided to play hide and seek with us. They formed words and hid from us. Let's find them and make sentences with them.

Children complete the task.

Great! We played and found all the letters! Let's move on!

(slide number 22)

Look where we are now?

What kind of street is located along the river? (“Fairytale”)

Name words live here fairy-tale heroes. You know them all well.

Fairy-tale characters mixed up their houses. A hero whose name consists of one syllable lives in a house with one window, etc. Children, let's help the heroes return to their homes.

Children complete the task. (slides No. 23-24)

We ended up in an alley. What is its name? (“Find out”) It seems to me that an evil grandfather, the Letter Eater, who likes to eat letters, has been here. It’s good that we came on time and he didn’t have time to eat all the letters. (slide number 26)

Look what's left of them. We need to help the letters: recognize and complete them.

Children sit at tables and complete the task, putting their completed work on an easel.

Guys, we visited all the streets of the fabulous city of Bukvograd.

In memory of our trip to the city of Bukvograd, the residents of the fairy-tale city give you balloons! (slide number 27)

And it’s time for us to return to our own kindergarten.

Look, here comes the train. (slide number 28)

Let's close our eyes and go home to the sounds of the train. (train whistle sounds and wheels clatter)

Open your eyes. Here we are in our own kindergarten.

Did you enjoy your trip to the fairy-tale city? What did you like most?

This concludes our lesson. Thanks to all!

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Purpose of the lesson: help the preschooler master the program material, make the pedagogical process more emotional, and achieve greater child activity in the classroom.


  • To consolidate children's ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound.
  • Strengthening the skills of isolating the desired sound in a word.
  • Develop the ability to divide words into syllables.
  • Strengthen the ability to highlight the first letter in a word and name words of a certain sound structure.
  • Improve children's ability to compose a chain of sentences using diagrams.
  • Form grammatical structure of speech, Expand words knowledge.
  • Improve children's reading skills.

Materials: envelope with letter; Pictures; diagram of a five-sound word, chips: red, blue, green, black; cards-schemes for identifying syllables in a word; cards with a set of letters; pointer.


The teacher tells the children that she found a letter from Dunno. Reads it to children.

Educator: Dunno writes that he has found himself in the country of “Smart Men and Women” where Queen Gramota reigns. The Queen of Letters invited Dunno to play speech games, but Dunno refused to play with the Queen, because he does not know what “speech” and “speech games” are. At which the queen was very angry and ordered Dunno to be imprisoned in a high tower, but promised to release him if you and I help him. We must complete the tasks that Queen Gramota has prepared for us. Well, do you agree to help our friend Dunno? (Children's answers).
– Before we start completing the tasks, let’s remember what “speech” is? What does it consist of? (Speech is words, sentences. Speech consists of sentences. Sentences consist of words. Words consist of syllables and letters. Syllables consist of letters and sounds).
– In order for us to complete all the tasks correctly, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue. Curious tongue looks up, down, left and right (children perform tongue movements 3-4 times). Now let’s say the tongue twister: “Like a hill on a hill, lived thirty-three Yegorkas.” (children pronounce the tongue twister quietly, loudly, quickly and slowly).

1 task: Sound analysis of a word

Educator: Look at the picture and name words starting with the hard sound -m- and the soft sound -m’- (Children's answers).

- Now let’s carry out sound analysis words, for example the word bear. Do you remember what sounds there are? (Vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless, as well as stress).

M'– consonant, soft, sonorous sound, marked with a green chip.
TO– consonant, hard, dull sound, marked with a blue chip.
A– vowel sound, marked with a red chip.
What sound is stressed in this word? Sound -i-, place a black chip next to it.

Task 2: Which letter is “lost”? (Correct mistake)

Task 3: How many syllables are in a word?

Educator: You need to paint over as many “bricks” as there are syllables in this word.

Physical education minute

Task 4: Unscramble the word

Educator: You need to guess which word is encrypted. The pictures will tell you which letters need to be written in the squares.

Task 5: Make a proposal

Educator: By adding one word at a time, create a chain of sentences according to the diagram.

Task 6: Read the word

Educator: And finally, the last task. Each of you has a chain of letters; you need to circle the letter that is written correctly, and cross out the one that is written incorrectly. Read the given word.

Educator: Well done!

The phone rings, the teacher talks, then informs the children that Dunno is free and invites the children to invite him to kindergarten to teach him everything they themselves have learned.
