Immorality in the behavior of young people. There is punishment for immoral behavior. What is immoral behavior?

It does not conform to any generally accepted norms of behavior. Contradicts any and all moral principles of human society.

Every nation has its own ideas about morality. In addition, these ideas differ not only among large groups (countries, nations), but also among specific communities of people (family, microsociety, work team). All this speaks about the relativity of the concepts “” and “morality”, as well as about the fluctuations in the gradation of immorality, which to a greater extent is an immutable category, an object of philosophical study.

IN modern world the concept of immorality can be assessed in conjunction with the concepts of legality and illegality. Thus, if an immoral act does not constitute a criminal offense, one who allows oneself to be outside the framework of moral principles (accepted norms of law) faces a fine or forced labor - it is usually called administrative.

Immoral behavior is often caused by impunity. Impunity is a consequence of the immaturity of legal norms or the lack of public censure.


Morality is a less capacious concept than morality, therefore immorality can also be defined through the categories of immorality, i.e. in application to specific behavioral patterns. So, speaking of immorality, they mean dissolute, low, depraved behavior. People leading an immoral lifestyle are characterized by immodesty and licentiousness. Immorality manifests itself in conversations on obscene and frivolous topics, mockery, vulgarity, and is often expressed in a person’s behavior towards other members of society, for example, in the form of harassment or bullying.

Immoral individuals have such internal qualities as greed, anger, gluttony, envy; their views are characterized by anarchism and demonstrative violation of norms.

Morality is a sociocultural concept; it is given by education and reinforced by imitation of the environment. What was immoral a couple of centuries ago (for example, meetings of unmarried men and women in private) is today considered the norm of behavior, that the general views of people form the content of the concept, and not vice versa.

Violation - conscious or unconscious - of moral principles, accepted by society on this historical stage and there is immorality in its application to behavior. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the understanding of the essence of morality is also influenced by the category of permissibility. This is especially clearly illustrated by modern

Some actions of citizens are not considered normal and acceptable by society. In this case, they say that these actions are contrary to morality. This means they are immoral.

The general meaning of this word is guessed intuitively. But nevertheless, it is necessary to understand this term in more detail. This is exactly what will be discussed in this publication.

What is immoral behavior and its features

It is worth noting that society not only condemns actions that fall under this category, but also seeks to punish them. The fact is that the legislation also applies this term. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define what it is and what responsibility may follow for such actions.

Each society during its existence establishes generally accepted moral standards. These include habitual actions that are considered normal in this society.

But some subjects commit actions that do not fit into this category. Moreover, morality is called into question or ignored by these actions. Sometimes public morality can cause irritation or even aggression in a given subject.

The difference between immoral behavior and deviant

It is worth understanding the differences between immoral and deviant acts. The first, although they do not fit the generally accepted concepts in society, do not pose a threat to it. They are considered unacceptable, but the punishment for them is condemnation (censure).

Deviant behavior, on the contrary, is considered frankly antisocial. It is subject to more stringent containment and adjustment measures. Often such behavior is sufficient soil for crime to flourish. It is punishable by punishment up to and including isolation.

Teenage maximalism in some cases can be regarded as deviant behavior. But this is possible if teenagers’ methods of defending what is right are radical. It is then that such young people can be sent to psychoneurological clinics, special educational institutions, or even be subjected to isolation.

To better understand these differences, it is necessary to provide some examples of each behavioral group. For example, people squabbling in line at the checkout counter in a supermarket. This behavior is immoral.

Especially when insults are used. No one in a civilized society has the right to humiliate or insult other members. Even a citizen who smokes in an unsuitable place commits immoral acts. But they are not antisocial.

Deviant actions include any type of violence. It doesn't matter who it's directed at. Even cruelty to animals is such an action. And even more so if the aggression is directed towards a person.

This also includes excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, drug addiction and even prostitution. Although the latter is regarded as a form of illegal way of making a profit. Therefore, the punishment for it is specified in the Criminal Code.

Immorality as a personality quality is a tendency to neglect moral norms and rules of behavior established by society .

One can endlessly debate what is moral or immoral in human behavior today. How many people, so many opinions. It’s better to give the floor to the people. Through statistics he will express his opinion, and our people are smart and observant. Russians consider drug use and poor parenting to be the most immoral acts. This conclusion was reached by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) based on a survey of Russians regarding what actions and phenomena they consider unacceptable, and how, in their opinion, the state and society should react to these actions. According to the majority of Russians, the following are absolutely unacceptable: drug use (92% of respondents), poor parenting, abandonment and homelessness (91%), cruelty to animals (82%). In addition, the majority of respondents do not find justification for such actions and phenomena as drunkenness (82%), rudeness, rudeness, obscene language (76%), enrichment at the expense of others (74%), prostitution (72%), public display of hostility towards representatives of other nationalities (68%), giving and receiving bribes (66%), non-compliance with business (62%), tax evasion (61%), homosexuality (56%).

Do you see? People always fall into the mark and immediately lose interest in moralizing. In the language of statistics, society has expressed itself about what it considers immoral today. Adherents of immorality will foam at the mouth to prove that morality is a collection of social prejudices and misconceptions, a conventional system of taboos, a code of contrived decency, but you need to remember a phrase that is difficult to argue with and calm down.

You can have different attitudes towards V.I. Lenin, but it is not reasonable to deny the truth of many of his statements, for example, the one that interests us most now: “It is impossible to live in society and be free from society.”

Neglecting morality is like saying, “I’m not interested in life.” You may not be interested in life, but life is interested in you. Poet Galina Kudryashova correctly noted:

Only once can morality be violated,

And, consider yourself dirty forever.

It's worth farting somewhere inadvertently,

They will certainly say: screw yourself.

Man as a social being is forced to be guided not only by his internal legislation - morality, but also by external legislation - morality. If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed goes to the mountain. If you want to fit into society, follow its morals, whether you like it or not. You can lament, they say, everything that is good in life is either illegal, or immoral, or leads to obesity, you can joke: “I can’t find a reason for wanting to get married. The essence of marriage is immoral and vile: In order to sleep all my life with one man, I must change everything else,” but in order not to be immoral in the eyes of others, you need to come to terms with the morality of today. You can learn this from Igor Guberman: “I keep peace of mind, because everything that hurts is normal, and any of our pleasures is either harmful or immoral.”

Morality and morality have a significant gap between them. The essence of morality lies in the assessment of individual behavior in the context of developed social regulations or the direct prohibition of specific actions and deeds. In the West, moral norms will soon die out like mammoths, because everything is moving towards complete identity of morality with legal laws. Having proclaimed the principle: “Everything that is not prohibited by law is permitted!”, the West said goodbye to morality. There is a rational grain in such a position, since every code of laws prescribes or prohibits specific forms of behavior. But there is one “but” - legislation, in order to keep up with morality, must be extremely flexible and mobile.

The fact is that morality is unusually specific, partial and conditional. What is considered completely moral by one group of society will be considered immoral by another. For example, the morality of Mormons in the United States is not acceptable to the rest of the population. Koreans living in the United States enjoy eating dogs, although this can lead to a specific prison sentence. In other words, morality depends on its acceptance by certain groups, on the place and time of use.

Not giving a damn about moral standards means signing disrespect for society, for its assessments and opinions. A person, as a bearer of moral values, is forced to correlate his behavior with moral laws, as with certain criteria for assessing human actions. Violation of the moral code of conduct is fraught with negative consequences for the individual.

It is interesting that moral standards of behavior are clearly visible in the animal world. Ethologist Mark Bekoff states: “ Previously people made a clear distinction between their behavior and the behavior of animals. But today we have more and more scientific evidence that morality and animals are compatible concepts.” Dogs, inviting each other to frolic, take a playful pose: their front paws lie on the ground, their hind paws stand. Even if this posture is accompanied by aggressive actions, such as growling and baring of teeth, the posture leaves no doubt about the dog's playful intentions. During play, the dominant members of the pack will give the weaker members the opportunity to switch roles, allowing them to flip themselves onto their backs and become briefly in charge. If one of the “players” grabs the other with his teeth too hard, he will immediately apologize, again taking a playful pose. Violation of these rules leads to the use of force - wolves and coyotes strictly adhere to game regulations. Fraudsters face unpleasant consequences: the rest of the pack members stop communicating with him, or are even expelled from the pack altogether, so dishonest players, as a rule, face an early death - they can no longer take advantage of the pack’s “social package”. Since dogs are descended from wolves, they still share wolf concepts of justice to this day. “They have a sense of right and wrong. This can be seen when dogs play in the park. If one dog asks another to play with it - even if it is bigger and stronger - it behaves honestly, namely, it plays. She understands that it would be unfair to first invite her to play and then attack her counterpart or start mating with him,” explains Bekoff.

Unlike morality, morality is not aimed at evaluating another person, but at developing the ability to see and hear him, and not oneself in him. She does not expect praise or awards. True morality is so humble that it does not even know that it is moral. Morality is the internal legislation of the individual, according to which the only moral norm is to treat another person as oneself: “love your neighbor as yourself,” “do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.” And from this follows the prevention of violence, contempt, and infringement of another, no matter who he is and no matter what he does.

In other words, having different psychological foundations, morality sees in another person his spiritual essence, uniqueness and individuality. She is selfless and universal. Unlike morality, morality pushes a person to conform to a certain standard and aims to obtain positive assessment their behavior from society. That is, recognition of the morality or immorality of a person depends entirely on external assessments. Other people or an individual evaluate my merits and make their subjective conclusion in the context of compliance with prevailing moral standards of behavior. However, despite all the striking differences, morality and morality strive for a single ethical principle of the individual.

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: “Morality is the herd instinct in the individual.” It is much preferable to follow morality as a “herd instinct in an individual” than to slide into the abyss of shamelessness, unbelief and permissiveness. Despite all the conventions and apparent vagueness, immorality is subject to precise diagnosis. What is moral is what develops a person’s conscience, morality and spirituality, and what is immoral is what pushes him into the swamp of ignorance and degradation.

Now it has become commonplace to become popular through shame, scandals, cheap PR and immorality...
If restrictions are lifted and become anachronisms, it means that society encourages lack of culture, permissiveness, immorality and immorality.

Immorality is the mother of shamelessness and permissiveness.

People without shame and conscience are always immorally stable.

Immorality is activated in a society where spirituality is trampled underfoot, but all abomination, vileness and baseness are welcomed.

A people who have forgotten God plunges into immorality and degradation.

Petr Kovalev 2013

Everyone knows that there are morals and standards of behavior. But everyone has their own idea of ​​what this means. Most likely, this is due to the fact that everyone has their own views on this. But we live in a civilized world, and we are surrounded by a society where we must follow certain rules, both in behavior and in communication. In order to understand how to live and how to communicate, it is necessary to understand what immorality is and how it manifests itself.

What is meant by immoral behavior

Immoral behavior is a set of various types of actions that are in no way considered normal for society as a whole. In other words, immorality is the presence of various immoral moral principles in a person, as well as a violation of aesthetics and all the rules of decency among people. There is no separate article in the law for immoral behavior, but often such actions accompany hooliganism, and this is already the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

To make it clearer, here is an example of such socially inappropriate behavior:

  • Drug addiction (even the most beginning stages);
  • Substance abuse;
  • Prostitution (even in its smallest manifestations);
  • Various types of crimes;
  • Alcoholism, drunkenness and so on.

Quite a few examples can be given, but these are the most common and most frequently encountered.

Basic terms of morality and morality

Before discussing the issue of various offenses, it is worth finding out the basic rules and norms of behavior in order to understand what constitutes a deviation.

Social norms are certain norms of behavior that exist within society, which are considered generally accepted in society. And experts identify several types of deviations from these very norms:

  1. Positive. This is an immoral way of life, the meaning of which is to overcome all outdated norms and rules, but only those associated with social society. The point is to change the social system for the better;
  2. Negative. Here we are talking about dysfunctional disorganization, which leads to the complete destruction of society.

It is worth noting two more important terms that will help to fully understand this situation:

  • Morality- these are special rules of human behavior, which, in fact, are considered correct and appropriate in society itself. But here, it is worth understanding that each person has his own concept of morality. Everyone comes to the conclusion for himself how to behave correctly and how not. For example, for one, alcoholism is a way to solve problems and forget about them; for another group of people, drinking for no reason is simply immoral, and such people need to be eliminated from society as a whole;
  • Immorality represents a certain social choice of a person. There are times when a person resorts to immoral behavior in order to achieve one goal or another. Other individuals may behave inappropriately only because they want to stand out from society. There are many reasons to behave incorrectly, but in any case, for society it is not correct and not understandable.

Reasons for immoral behavior

In general, the following reasons for this behavior can be identified:

  • Often the reason for such improper eating can be the division of the population into unequal classes, into rich and poor. The fact that a lack of money can lead to a person degenerating is logical and true. The individual will behave immorally, and will begin to use harmful substances and lead an indecent lifestyle, while at the same time he can corrupt the society that is next to him;
  • Moral and aesthetic factors. Here we are talking about the low education of a person. Parents may not impart the necessary knowledge and understanding into their child;
  • What surrounds a person. Since we are in society, we are greatly influenced by what happens in it. Family, school, university, company of friends, all of this, one way or another, will leave an imprint on the character, views and personal qualities of a person. Unfortunately, scientists have proven that it is the immediate environment that leaves the greatest imprint on the formation of a person as a whole. Therefore, if a child was born into a drunken family, more than 85% of children will lead exactly the same lifestyle as his parents. They become for him a shining example how to spend your time and day.

Scientists say that it is young people who are subject to immoral behavior, and there are logical reasons for this:

  1. Unstable psyche;
  2. Various kinds of internal experiences and contradictions are possible;
  3. Almost zero level of patience;
  4. The desire to stand out among the crowd, doing it in strange ways;
  5. A state of being in a sect, or a specific subculture.


From all of the above, we can conclude that immoral behavior is a certain type of behavior that in no way corresponds to generally accepted rules and norms. Essentially, this is a deviation from the norm. This can be either the desire of the person himself or psychological disorders. It's difficult to deal with this on your own. Here you need the help of a specialist who will show the full depth of the problem.
