Which planet is farthest from the sun. Solar system. Planets of the solar system. Fundamentals and Theories

The solar system is a group of planets revolving in certain orbits around a bright star - the Sun. This luminary is the main source of heat and light in the solar system.

It is believed that our system of planets was formed as a result of the explosion of one or more stars and this happened about 4.5 billion years ago. At first, the solar system was a collection of gas and dust particles, however, over time and under the influence of its own mass, the Sun and other planets arose.

Planets of the solar system

In the center of the solar system is the Sun, around which eight planets move in their orbits: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Until 2006, Pluto also belongs to this group of planets, it was considered the 9th planet from the Sun, however, due to its considerable distance from the Sun and its small size, it was excluded from this list and called a dwarf planet. Rather, it is one of several dwarf planets in the Kuiper belt.

All the above planets are usually divided into two large groups: the terrestrial group and the gas giants.

The terrestrial group includes such planets as: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars. They are distinguished by their small size and rocky surface, and in addition, they are located closer than the others to the Sun.

The gas giants include: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. They are characterized by large sizes and the presence of rings, which are ice dust and rocky pieces. These planets are made up mostly of gas.

The sun

The sun is the star around which all the planets and moons in the solar system revolve. It is made up of hydrogen and helium. The Sun is 4.5 billion years old, only in the middle of its life cycle, gradually increasing in size. Now the diameter of the Sun is 1,391,400 km. In the same number of years, this star will expand and reach the orbit of the Earth.

The sun is the source of heat and light for our planet. Its activity increases or becomes weaker every 11 years.

Due to the extremely high temperatures on its surface, a detailed study of the Sun is extremely difficult, but attempts to launch a special apparatus as close as possible to the star continue.

Terrestrial group of planets


This planet is one of the smallest in the solar system, its diameter is 4,879 km. In addition, it is closest to the Sun. This neighborhood predetermined a significant temperature difference. The average temperature on Mercury during the day is +350 degrees Celsius, and at night it is -170 degrees.

If we focus on the earth's year, then Mercury makes a complete revolution around the sun in 88 days, and one day there lasts 59 earth days. It was noticed that this planet can periodically change the speed of its rotation around the Sun, its distance from it and its position.

There is no atmosphere on Mercury, in connection with this, asteroids often attack it and leave behind a lot of craters on its surface. Sodium, helium, argon, hydrogen, oxygen were discovered on this planet.

A detailed study of Mercury presents great difficulties due to its close proximity to the Sun. Mercury can sometimes be seen from Earth with the naked eye.

According to one theory, it is believed that Mercury was previously a satellite of Venus, however, this assumption has not yet been proven. Mercury has no satellite.


This planet is the second from the Sun. In size, it is close to the diameter of the Earth, the diameter is 12,104 km. In all other respects, Venus is significantly different from our planet. A day here lasts 243 Earth days, and a year - 255 days. The atmosphere of Venus is 95% carbon dioxide, which creates a greenhouse effect on its surface. This leads to the fact that the average temperature on the planet is 475 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere also includes 5% nitrogen and 0.1% oxygen.

Unlike the Earth, most of whose surface is covered with water, there is no liquid on Venus, and almost the entire surface is occupied by solidified basaltic lava. According to one theory, there used to be oceans on this planet, however, as a result of internal heating, they evaporated, and the vapors were carried away by the solar wind into outer space. Near the surface of Venus, weak winds blow, however, at an altitude of 50 km, their speed increases significantly and amounts to 300 meters per second.

There are many craters and hills on Venus, reminiscent of terrestrial continents. The formation of craters is associated with the fact that earlier the planet had a less dense atmosphere.

A distinctive feature of Venus is that, unlike the other planets, its movement does not occur from west to east, but from east to west. It can be seen from Earth even without the help of a telescope after sunset or before sunrise. This is due to the ability of its atmosphere to reflect light well.

Venus has no satellite.


Our planet is located at a distance of 150 million km from the Sun, and this allows us to create on its surface a temperature suitable for the existence of water in liquid form, and, therefore, for the emergence of life.

Its surface is 70% covered with water, and it is the only one of the planets that has such an amount of liquid. It is believed that many thousands of years ago, the steam contained in the atmosphere created the temperature on the Earth's surface necessary for the formation of water in liquid form, and solar radiation contributed to photosynthesis and the birth of life on the planet.

A feature of our planet is that under the earth's crust there are huge tectonic plates, which, moving, collide with each other and lead to a change in the landscape.

The diameter of the Earth is 12,742 km. An Earth day lasts 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds, and a year - 365 days 6 hours 9 minutes 10 seconds. Its atmosphere is 77% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and a small percentage of other gases. None of the atmospheres of other planets in the solar system has such an amount of oxygen.

According to scientists, the age of the Earth is 4.5 billion years, about the same time its only satellite, the Moon, exists. It is always turned to our planet with only one side. There are many craters, mountains and plains on the surface of the Moon. It reflects sunlight very weakly, so it can be seen from Earth in a pale moonshine.


This planet is the fourth in a row from the Sun and is 1.5 times more distant from it than the Earth. The diameter of Mars is smaller than Earth's and is 6,779 km. The average air temperature on the planet ranges from -155 degrees to +20 degrees at the equator. The magnetic field on Mars is much weaker than that of the Earth, and the atmosphere is quite rarefied, which allows solar radiation to freely affect the surface. In this regard, if there is life on Mars, it is not on the surface.

When surveyed with the help of rovers, it was found that there are many mountains on Mars, as well as dried riverbeds and glaciers. The surface of the planet is covered with red sand. Iron oxide gives Mars its color.

One of the most frequent events on the planet are dust storms, which are voluminous and destructive. Geological activity on Mars could not be detected, however, it is reliably known that significant geological events took place on the planet earlier.

The atmosphere of Mars is 96% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen and 1.6% argon. Oxygen and water vapor are present in minimal quantities.

A day on Mars is similar in duration to that on Earth and is 24 hours 37 minutes 23 seconds. A year on the planet lasts twice as long as the earth - 687 days.

The planet has two moons Phobos and Deimos. They are small and uneven in shape, reminiscent of asteroids.

Sometimes Mars is also visible from Earth with the naked eye.

gas giants


This planet is the largest in the solar system and has a diameter of 139,822 km, which is 19 times larger than the earth. A day on Jupiter lasts 10 hours, and a year is approximately 12 Earth years. Jupiter is mainly composed of xenon, argon, and krypton. If it were 60 times larger, it could become a star due to a spontaneous thermonuclear reaction.

The average temperature on the planet is -150 degrees Celsius. The atmosphere is made up of hydrogen and helium. There is no oxygen or water on its surface. There is an assumption that there is ice in the atmosphere of Jupiter.

Jupiter has a huge number of satellites - 67. The largest of them are Io, Ganymede, Callisto and Europa. Ganymede is one of the largest moons in the solar system. Its diameter is 2634 km, which is approximately the size of Mercury. In addition, a thick layer of ice is visible on its surface, under which there may be water. Callisto is considered the oldest of the satellites, since it is its surface that has the largest number of craters.


This planet is the second largest in the solar system. Its diameter is 116,464 km. It is most similar in composition to the Sun. A year on this planet lasts quite a long time, almost 30 Earth years, and a day is 10.5 hours. The average surface temperature is -180 degrees.

Its atmosphere consists mainly of hydrogen and a small amount of helium. Thunderstorms and auroras often occur in its upper layers.

Saturn is unique in that it has 65 moons and several rings. The rings are made up of small ice particles and rock formations. Ice dust perfectly reflects light, so the rings of Saturn are very clearly visible in a telescope. However, he is not the only planet to have a diadem, it is just less noticeable on other planets.


Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system and the seventh from the Sun. It has a diameter of 50,724 km. It is also called the "ice planet", as the temperature on its surface is -224 degrees. A day on Uranus lasts 17 hours, and a year is 84 Earth years. At the same time, summer lasts as long as winter - 42 years. Such a natural phenomenon is due to the fact that the axis of that planet is located at an angle of 90 degrees to the orbit and it turns out that Uranus, as it were, "lies on its side."

Uranus has 27 moons. The most famous of them are: Oberon, Titania, Ariel, Miranda, Umbriel.


Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. In its composition and size, it is similar to its neighbor Uranus. The diameter of this planet is 49,244 km. A day on Neptune lasts 16 hours, and a year is equal to 164 Earth years. Neptune belongs to the ice giants and for a long time it was believed that no weather events occur on its icy surface. However, it has recently been found that Neptune has raging eddies and wind speeds the highest of the planets in the solar system. It reaches 700 km / h.

Neptune has 14 moons, the most famous of which is Triton. It is known that it has its own atmosphere.

Neptune also has rings. This planet has 6.

Interesting facts about the planets of the solar system

Compared to Jupiter, Mercury appears to be a dot in the sky. These are actually the proportions in the solar system:

Venus is often called the Morning and Evening Star, since it is the first of the stars visible in the sky at sunset and the last to disappear from visibility at dawn.

An interesting fact about Mars is the fact that methane was found on it. Due to the rarefied atmosphere, it is constantly evaporating, which means that the planet has a constant source of this gas. Such a source can be living organisms inside the planet.

Jupiter has no seasons. The biggest mystery is the so-called "Great Red Spot". Its origin on the surface of the planet is still not fully understood. Scientists suggest that it is formed by a huge hurricane that has been rotating at a very high speed for several centuries.

An interesting fact is that Uranus, like many planets in the solar system, has its own system of rings. Due to the fact that the particles that make up them reflect light poorly, the rings could not be detected immediately after the discovery of the planet.

Neptune has a rich blue color, so it was named after the ancient Roman god - the master of the seas. Due to its remote location, this planet was one of the last to be discovered. At the same time, its location was calculated mathematically, and over time it could be seen, and it was in the calculated place.

Light from the Sun reaches the surface of our planet in 8 minutes.

The solar system, despite its long and thorough study, is still fraught with many mysteries and mysteries that have yet to be revealed. One of the most fascinating hypotheses is the assumption of the presence of life on other planets, the search for which is actively continuing.

All the planets are located in a certain sequence, the distances between their orbits increase as the planets move away from the Sun.

Composition of the solar system

The sun

Concentrated in itself 99.9% of the total mass of the system. A star is made up primarily of hydrogen and helium. In fact, this is a giant fusion reactor. The temperature is about 6000 °C. But on the other hand, the luminaries go off scale for 10,000,000 ° C.

At a speed of 250 km / s, our star rushes through space around the center, which is “only” 26,000 light years away. And one revolution takes about 180 million years.

Planets and their satellites

Earth group.

The closest to the Sun, but also the smallest of the planets. It revolves around itself very slowly, making only one and a half turns around its axis for a complete revolution around the star. The planet has neither an atmosphere nor satellites, during the day it heats up to +430 °С, and at night it cools down to -180 °С.

The most romantic and closest planet to Earth is also uninhabitable. It is tightly wrapped in a thick blanket of clouds of carbon dioxide, and at temperatures up to + 475 ° C has a pressure near the surface, dotted with craters, over 90 atmospheres. Venus is very close to Earth in size and mass.

Similar to our planet in its structure. Its radius is half that of the earth, and its mass is an order of magnitude less. It would be possible to live here, but the lack of water and atmosphere prevent this from being done. The Martian year is twice as long as the Earth, but the day is almost the same duration. Mars is richer than the first two planets, having two satellites: Phobos and Deimos, translated from Greek as "fear" and "horror". These are small boulders, very similar to asteroids.

Giant planets.

The largest gas giant planet. If its mass were several tens of times greater, it could really become a star. A day on the planet lasts about 10 hours, and a year passes for 12 Earth hours. Jupiter, like Saturn and Uranus, has a ring system. He has four of them, but they are not very pronounced, from afar you can not notice. But the planet has more than 60 satellites.

It is the most ringed planet in the solar system. Saturn also has a feature that other planets do not have. This is its density. It is less than one, and it turns out that if you find a huge ocean somewhere and throw this planet into it, then it will not sink. On the given time more than 60 satellites of this giant have been discovered. The main ones are Titan, Dione, Tethys. Saturn is similar to Jupiter in the structure of the atmosphere.

The peculiarity of this planet, which appears to the observer in blue-green tones, is in its rotation. The axis of rotation of the planet is almost parallel to the plane of the ecliptic. In everyday language, Uranus lies on its side. But this did not prevent him from acquiring 13 rings and 27 satellites, the most famous of which are Oberon, Titania, Ariel, Umbriel.

Just like Uranus, Neptune is made up of gas, including water, ammonia, and methane. The latter, concentrating in the atmosphere, gives the planet a blue color. The planet has 5 rings and 13 moons. Main:, Proteus, Larissa, Nereid.

The largest of the dwarf planets. It consists of a rocky core covered with a layer of ice. Only in 2015 did a spacecraft fly to Pluto and take detailed pictures. His main companion is Charon.

Small objects

Kuiper belt. Part of our planetary system from 30 to 50 AU. e. A mass of small bodies, ice, is concentrated here. They are composed of methane, ammonia and water, but there are objects that include rocks and metals.

The orbits of these stone or metal blocks are mainly located near the plane of the ecliptic. The paths of some asteroids intersect with the earth's orbit. And, although the probability of an unwanted meeting is negligible, but ... 65 million years ago, it probably still took place.

According to legend, a certain planet Phaethon, peacefully revolving around the star, was torn to shreds by Jupiter's gravity. And it turned out to be a beautiful asteroid belt. In fact, science does not confirm this.

If you translate this word from Greek, you get "long-haired." And it is. When the ice wanderer approaches the Sun, it spreads a long tail of evaporating gases for hundreds of millions of kilometers. A comet also has a head, consisting of a nucleus and a coma. The core is an ice block of frozen gases with the addition of silicates and metal particles. It is possible that some organic matter is also present. A coma is the gas and dust environment of a comet.

Jan Oort, back in 1950, suggested the existence of a cloud filled with objects from icy ammonia, methane and water. It has not yet been proven, but it is possible that the cloud starts from 2 - 5 thousand AU, extending to 50 thousand AU. e. Most comets come from the Oort cloud.

Earth's place in the solar system

It is impossible to think of a more successful position than what it occupies. Part of our galaxy is pretty quiet. The sun provides a constant, uniform glow. It emits exactly as much heat, radiation and energy as is required for the origin and development of life. The very same Earth as if thought out in advance. The ideal composition of the atmosphere, and the geological structure. Desired radiation background and temperature regime. The presence of water with its amazing properties. Presence, just such a mass and at such a distance as required. There are many more coincidences that are crucial for a favorable life on the planet. And the violation of almost any of them would make the emergence and existence of life unlikely.

System stability

The revolution of the planets around the Sun occurs in one (direct) direction. The orbits of the planets are almost circular, and their planes are close to the Laplace plane. This is the main plane of the solar system. Our life is subject to the laws of mechanics, and the solar system is no exception. The planets are connected to each other by the law of universal gravitation. Based on the absence of friction in interstellar space, we can confidently assume that the motion of the planets relative to each other will not change. In any case, in the next million years. Many scientists have tried to calculate the future of the planets in our system. But everyone - and even Einstein - got one thing: the planets solar system will always be stable.

Some interesting facts

  • The temperature of the solar corona. The temperature near the Sun is greater than on its surface. This riddle has yet to be solved. Perhaps the magnetic forces of the star's atmosphere are at work.
  • Atmosphere of Titan. It is the only satellite of the planets that has an atmosphere. And it consists mainly of nitrogen. Almost like earth.
  • It remains a mystery why the activity of the Sun with a certain frequency and time.

Our planetary system has been successfully explored for a long time. The Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn are under constant surveillance. There are traces of people and all-terrain vehicles left on our satellite. Autonomous rovers travel around Mars, transmitting valuable information. The legendary Voyager has already flown through the entire solar system, stepping over its borders. Even to a comet. And a manned trip to Mars is already being prepared.

We are incredibly lucky to have settled in such a place in the universe. Although, whether there are other worlds, no one has yet proven. But we still know so little about our system of beautiful planets. And now we are calm, businesslike. And, perhaps, a pebble has already been released from the Oort cloud and flies exactly to Jupiter. Or, nevertheless, this time to us?

What is the solar system in which we live? The answer will be as follows: this is our central star, the Sun and all the cosmic bodies that revolve around it. These are large and small planets, as well as their satellites, comets, asteroids, gases and cosmic dust.

The name of the solar system was given by the name of its star. In a broad sense, "solar" is often understood as any star system.

How did the solar system originate?

According to scientists, the solar system was formed from a giant interstellar cloud of dust and gases due to gravitational collapse in a separate part of it. As a result, a protostar formed in the center, then turned into a star - the Sun, and a huge protoplanetary disk, from which all the components of the solar system listed above were subsequently formed. The process is believed to have begun about 4.6 billion years ago. This hypothesis has been called the nebular one. Thanks to Emmanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant and Pierre-Simon Laplace, who proposed it back in the 18th century, it eventually became generally accepted, but over the course of many decades it was refined, new data was introduced into it, taking into account knowledge modern sciences. So, it is assumed that due to the increase and intensification of collisions of particles with each other, the temperature of the object grew, and after it reached a value of several thousand kelvins, the protostar acquired a glow. When the temperature indicator reached millions of kelvins, a thermonuclear fusion reaction began in the center of the future Sun - the conversion of hydrogen into helium. It turned into a star.

The sun and its features

Our luminary scientists refer to the type of yellow dwarfs (G2V) according to the spectral classification. This is the closest star to us, its light reaches the surface of the planet in just 8.31 seconds. From Earth, the radiation appears to have a yellow tint, although in reality it is almost white.

The main components of our luminary are helium and hydrogen. In addition, thanks to spectral analysis, it was found that the Sun contains iron, neon, chromium, calcium, carbon, magnesium, sulfur, silicon, and nitrogen. Thanks to the thermonuclear reaction continuously going on in its depths, all life on Earth receives the necessary energy. Sunlight is an integral part of photosynthesis, which produces oxygen. Without sunlight, it would be impossible, therefore, an atmosphere suitable for a protein life form could not form.


This is the closest planet to our sun. Together with the Earth, Venus and Mars, it belongs to the planets of the so-called terrestrial group. Mercury got its name because of the high speed of movement, which, according to myths, distinguished the fleet-footed ancient god. The Mercury year is 88 days.

The planet is small, its radius is only 2439.7, and it is smaller in size than some of the large satellites of the giant planets, Ganymede and Titan. However, unlike them, Mercury is quite heavy (3.3 10 23 kg), and its density is only slightly behind the earth's. This is due to the presence of a heavy dense core of iron in the planet.

There is no change of seasons on the planet. Its desert surface resembles that of the Moon. It is also covered with craters, but even less habitable. So, on the day side of Mercury the temperature reaches +510 °C, and on the night side -210 °C. These are the sharpest drops in the entire solar system. The planet's atmosphere is very thin and rarefied.


This planet, named after the ancient Greek goddess of love, is more similar to the Earth than others in the solar system in terms of its physical parameters - mass, density, size, volume. For a long time they were considered twin planets, but over time it turned out that their differences are huge. So, Venus has no satellites at all. Its atmosphere consists of almost 98% carbon dioxide, and the pressure on the planet's surface exceeds the earth's by 92 times! Clouds above the surface of the planet, consisting of sulfuric acid vapor, never dissipate, and the temperature here reaches +434 °C. Acid rains are falling on the planet, thunderstorms are raging. There is high volcanic activity here. Life, in our understanding, cannot exist on Venus; moreover, descent spacecraft cannot withstand such an atmosphere for a long time.

This planet is clearly visible in the night sky. This is the third brightest object for an earthly observer, it shines with white light and surpasses all stars in brightness. The distance to the Sun is 108 million km. It completes a revolution around the Sun in 224 Earth days, and around its own axis - in 243.

Earth and Mars

These are the last planets of the so-called terrestrial group, the representatives of which are characterized by the presence of a solid surface. In their structure, the core, mantle and crust are distinguished (only Mercury does not have it).

Mars has a mass equal to 10% of the mass of the Earth, which, in turn, is 5.9726 10 24 kg. Its diameter is 6780 km, almost half that of our planet. Mars is the seventh largest planet in the solar system. Unlike Earth, which has 71% of its surface covered by oceans, Mars is completely dry land. Water has been preserved under the surface of the planet in the form of a massive ice sheet. Its surface has a reddish hue due to the high content of iron oxide in the form of maghemite.

The atmosphere of Mars is very rarefied, and the pressure on the surface of the planet is 160 times less than we are used to. On the surface of the planet there are impact craters, volcanoes, depressions, deserts and valleys, and at the poles there are ice caps, just like on Earth.

The Martian day is slightly longer than the Earth day, and the year is 668.6 days. Unlike the Earth, which has one moon, the planet has two irregular satellites - Phobos and Deimos. Both of them, like the Moon to the Earth, are constantly turned to Mars by the same side. Phobos is gradually approaching the surface of its planet, moving in a spiral, and is likely to eventually fall on it or fall apart. Deimos, on the other hand, is gradually moving away from Mars and may leave its orbit in the distant future.

Between the orbits of Mars and the next planet, Jupiter, there is an asteroid belt consisting of small celestial bodies.

Jupiter and Saturn

What planet is the largest? There are four gas giants in the solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Jupiter is the largest of them. Its atmosphere, like that of the Sun, is predominantly hydrogen. The fifth planet, named after the god of thunder, has an average radius of 69,911 km and a mass exceeding that of the earth by 318 times. The planet's magnetic field is 12 times stronger than Earth's. Its surface is hidden under opaque clouds. So far, scientists find it difficult to say exactly what processes can occur under this dense veil. It is assumed that on the surface of Jupiter there is a boiling hydrogen ocean. Astronomers consider this planet a "failed star" due to some similarity in their parameters.

Jupiter has 39 satellites, 4 of which - Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto - were discovered by Galileo.

Saturn is somewhat smaller than Jupiter, it is the second largest among the planets. This is the sixth, next planet, also consisting of hydrogen with helium impurities, a small amount of ammonia, methane, water. Hurricanes rage here, the speed of which can reach 1800 km / h! Saturn's magnetic field is not as strong as Jupiter's, but stronger than Earth's. Both Jupiter and Saturn are somewhat flattened at the poles due to rotation. Saturn is 95 times heavier than earth, but its density is less than that of water. It is the least dense celestial body in our system.

A year on Saturn lasts 29.4 Earth days, a day is 10 hours 42 minutes. (Jupiter has a year - 11.86 Earth, a day - 9 hours 56 minutes). It has a system of rings consisting of solid particles of various sizes. Presumably, these may be the remains of the collapsed satellite of the planet. In total, Saturn has 62 satellites.

Uranus and Neptune are the last planets

The seventh planet of the solar system is Uranus. It is 2.9 billion km away from the Sun. Uranus is the third largest among the planets of the solar system (average radius - 25,362 km) and the fourth largest (exceeds the earth by 14.6 times). A year here lasts 84 Earth hours, a day - 17.5 hours. In the atmosphere of this planet, in addition to hydrogen and helium, a significant volume is occupied by methane. Therefore, for an earthly observer, Uranus has a pale blue color.

Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system. The temperature of its atmosphere is unique: -224 °C. Why Uranus has a lower temperature than planets farther from the Sun is unknown to scientists.

This planet has 27 moons. Uranus has thin, flat rings.

Neptune, the eighth planet from the Sun, ranks fourth in size (average radius - 24,622 km) and third in mass (17 Earth). For a gas giant, it is relatively small (only four times the size of the Earth). Its atmosphere is also mainly composed of hydrogen, helium and methane. Gas clouds in its upper layers move at a record speed, the highest in the solar system - 2000 km / h! Some scientists believe that under the surface of the planet, under the thickness of frozen gases and water, hidden, in turn, by the atmosphere, a solid stone core can hide.

These two planets are close in composition, and therefore they are sometimes classified as a separate category - ice giants.

Minor planets

Small planets are called celestial bodies, which also move around the Sun in their own orbits, but differ from other planets in insignificant sizes. Previously, only asteroids were included in them, but more recently, namely, since 2006, Pluto, which was previously included in the list of planets in the solar system and was the last, tenth, belongs to them. This is due to changes in terminology. Thus, the minor planets now include not only asteroids, but also dwarf planets - Eris, Ceres, Makemake. They were named plutoids after Pluto. The orbits of all known dwarf planets are beyond the orbit of Neptune, in the so-called Kuiper belt, which is much wider and more massive than the asteroid belt. Although their nature, as scientists believe, is the same: it is the "unused" material left after the formation of the solar system. Some scientists have suggested that the asteroid belt is the debris of the ninth planet, Phaeton, which died as a result of a global catastrophe.

Pluto is known to be composed primarily of ice and solid rock. The main component of its ice sheet is nitrogen. Its poles are covered with eternal snows.

This is the order of the planets of the solar system, according to modern ideas.

Parade of planets. Types of parades

This is a very interesting phenomenon for those who are interested in astronomy. It is customary to call a parade of planets such a position in the solar system, when some of them, continuously moving along their orbits, for a short time occupy a certain position for an earthly observer, as if lining up along one line.

The visible parade of planets in astronomy is a special position of the five brightest planets of the solar system for people who see them from Earth - Mercury, Venus, Mars, as well as two giants - Jupiter and Saturn. At this time, the distance between them is relatively small and they are clearly visible in a small sector of the sky.

There are two types of parades. A big one is its appearance when five celestial bodies line up in one line. Small - when there are only four of them. These phenomena can be visible or invisible from different areas. the globe. At the same time, a large parade is quite rare - once every few decades. The small one can be observed once every few years, and the so-called mini-parade, in which only three planets participate, is almost every year.

Interesting facts about our planetary system

Venus, the only one of all the major planets in the solar system, rotates around its axis in the opposite direction to its rotation around the Sun.

The highest mountain on the major planets of the solar system is Olympus (21.2 km, diameter - 540 km), an extinct volcano on Mars. Not so long ago, on the largest asteroid in our star system, Vesta, a peak was discovered that somewhat exceeds Olympus in terms of parameters. Perhaps it is the highest in the solar system.

Jupiter's four Galilean moons are the largest in the solar system.

In addition to Saturn, all gas giants, some asteroids and Saturn's moon Rhea have rings.

What system of stars is closest to us? The solar system is closest to the star system of the triple star Alpha Centauri (4.36 light years). It is assumed that planets similar to Earth can exist in it.

To kids about planets

How to explain to children what the solar system is? Her model, which can be made with the kids, will help here. To create planets, you can use plasticine or ready-made plastic (rubber) balls, as shown below. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the ratio between the sizes of the “planets”, so that the model of the solar system really helps to form the correct ideas about space in children.

You will also need toothpicks that will hold our heavenly bodies, and as a background, you can use a dark sheet of cardboard with small dots imitating stars painted on with paint. With the help of such an interactive toy, it will be easier for children to understand what the solar system is.

The future of the solar system

The article described in detail what the solar system is. Despite its seeming stability, our Sun, like everything in nature, is evolving, but this process, by our standards, is very long. The supply of hydrogen fuel in its bowels is huge, but not infinite. So, according to the hypotheses of scientists, it will end in 6.4 billion years. As it burns out, the solar core will become denser and hotter, and the outer shell of the star will become wider and wider. The luminosity of the star will also increase. It is assumed that in 3.5 billion years, because of this, the climate on Earth will be similar to Venusian, and life on it in the usual sense for us will no longer be possible. There will be no water left at all; under the influence of high temperatures, it will evaporate into outer space. Subsequently, according to scientists, the Earth will be absorbed by the Sun and dissolved in its depths.

The outlook is not very bright. However, progress does not stand still, and, perhaps, by that time, new technologies will allow mankind to master other planets, over which other suns shine. After all, how many "solar" systems in the world, scientists do not yet know. There are probably countless of them, and among them it is quite possible to find one suitable for human habitation. Which "solar" system will become our new home is not so important. Human civilization will be preserved, and another page will begin in its history...

The content of the article

SOLAR SYSTEM, The sun and the celestial bodies revolving around it - 8 planets (Pluto was recognized as a dwarf planet in 2006 at the 26th Assembly of the International Astronomical Union.), More than 63 satellites, four systems of rings in giant planets, tens of thousands of asteroids, a myriad of meteoroids ranging in size from boulders to dust particles , as well as millions of comets. In the space between them moving particles of the solar wind - electrons and protons. The entire solar system has not yet been explored: for example, most of the planets and their satellites have only been briefly examined from flyby trajectories, only one hemisphere of Mercury has been photographed, and there have not yet been expeditions to Pluto. But still, with the help of telescopes and space probes, a lot of important data has already been collected.

Almost the entire mass of the solar system (99.87%) is concentrated in the sun. The size of the Sun also greatly exceeds any planet in its system: even Jupiter, which is 11 times larger than the Earth, has a radius 10 times smaller than the sun. The sun is an ordinary star that shines on its own due to the high surface temperature. The planets, on the other hand, shine by reflected sunlight (albedo) because they themselves are quite cold. They are in this order from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and the dwarf planet Pluto. Distances in the solar system are usually measured in units of the average distance of the Earth from the Sun, called the astronomical unit (1 AU = 149.6 million km). For example, the average distance of Pluto from the Sun is 39 AU, but sometimes it is removed by 49 AU. Comets are known to fly away at 50,000 AU. Distance from Earth to nearest star a Centauri 272,000 AU, or 4.3 light years (i.e., light moving at a speed of 299,793 km / s travels this distance in 4.3 years). For comparison, light travels from the Sun to the Earth in 8 minutes, and to Pluto in 6 hours.

The planets revolve around the Sun in almost circular orbits lying approximately in the same plane, in a counterclockwise direction, as viewed from the north pole of the Earth. The plane of the Earth's orbit (the plane of the ecliptic) lies close to the median plane of the orbits of the planets. Therefore, the visible paths of the planets, the Sun and the Moon in the sky pass near the line of the ecliptic, and they themselves are always visible against the background of the constellations of the Zodiac. Orbital inclinations are measured from the plane of the ecliptic. Tilt angles less than 90° correspond to forward orbital motion (counterclockwise), and angles greater than 90° correspond to reverse motion. All the planets in the solar system move in the forward direction; Pluto has the highest orbital inclination (17°). Many comets move in the opposite direction, for example, the orbital inclination of Halley's Comet is 162°.

From the point of view of an earthly observer, the planets of the solar system are divided into two groups. Mercury and Venus, which are closer to the Sun than the Earth, are called the lower (inner) planets, and the more distant ones (from Mars to Pluto) are called the upper (external). The lower planets have a limiting angle of removal from the Sun: 28 ° for Mercury and 47 ° for Venus. When such a planet is as far as possible west (east) of the Sun, it is said to be at its greatest western (eastern) elongation. When an inferior planet is seen directly in front of the Sun, it is said to be in inferior conjunction; when directly behind the Sun - in superior conjunction. Like the Moon, these planets go through all phases of illumination by the Sun during the synodic period. Ps- the time for which the planet returns to its original position relative to the Sun from the point of view of an earthly observer. The true orbital period of the planet ( P) is called sidereal. For the lower planets, these periods are related by the ratio:

1/Ps = 1/P – 1/P o

where P o is the orbital period of the Earth. For the upper planets, this ratio has a different form:

1/P s= 1/P o– 1/P

The upper planets are characterized by a limited range of phases. The maximum phase angle (Sun–planet–Earth) is 47° for Mars, 12° for Jupiter, and 6° for Saturn. When the upper planet is visible behind the Sun, it is in conjunction, and when in the opposite direction to the Sun, it is in opposition. A planet observed at an angular distance of 90° from the Sun is in quadrature (east or west).

The asteroid belt, passing between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, divides the planetary system of the Sun into two groups. Inside it are the terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars), similar in that they are small, rocky and rather dense bodies: their average density is from 3.9 to 5.5 g / cm 3. They rotate relatively slowly around their axes, lack rings and have few natural satellites: the Earth's Moon and the Martian Phobos and Deimos. Outside the asteroid belt are the giant planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They are characterized by large radii, low density (0.7–1.8 g/cm3), and deep atmospheres rich in hydrogen and helium. Jupiter, Saturn and possibly other giants do not have a solid surface. All of them rotate rapidly, have many satellites and are surrounded by rings. The distant little Pluto and the large satellites of the giant planets are in many ways similar to the terrestrial planets.

Ancient people knew the planets visible to the naked eye, i.e. all internal and external up to Saturn. V. Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781. The first asteroid was discovered by J. Piazzi in 1801. Analyzing deviations in the motion of Uranus, W. Le Verrier and J. Adams theoretically discovered Neptune; at the calculated place it was discovered by I. Galle in 1846. The most distant Pluto was discovered in 1930 by K. Tombo as a result of a long search for a non-Neptunian planet organized by P. Lovell. Four large satellites of Jupiter were discovered by Galileo in 1610. Since then, with the help of telescopes and space probes, numerous satellites have been found for all outer planets. H. Huygens in 1656 established that Saturn is surrounded by a ring. The dark rings of Uranus were discovered from Earth in 1977 when observing the occultation of a star. The transparent stone rings of Jupiter were discovered in 1979 by the Voyager 1 interplanetary probe. Since 1983, at the moments of the occultation of the stars, signs of inhomogeneous rings have been noted near Neptune; in 1989 an image of these rings was transmitted by Voyager 2 to ZODIAC; SPACE PROBE; HEAVENLY SPHERE).


The Sun is located in the center of the solar system - a typical single star with a radius of about 700,000 km and a mass of 2×10 30 kg. The temperature of the visible surface of the Sun - the photosphere - approx. 5800 K. The density of gas in the photosphere is thousands of times less than the density of air near the Earth's surface. Inside the Sun, temperature, density and pressure increase with depth, reaching 16 million K, 160 g/cm 3 and 3.5×10 11 bar in the center, respectively (the air pressure in the room is about 1 bar). Under the influence of high temperature in the core of the Sun, hydrogen is converted into helium with the release of a large amount of heat; this keeps the Sun from collapsing under its own gravity. The energy released in the core leaves the Sun mainly in the form of radiation from the photosphere with a power of 3.86 x 10 26 W. With such intensity, the Sun has been emitting for 4.6 billion years, having converted 4% of its hydrogen into helium during this time; at the same time, 0.03% of the mass of the Sun turned into energy. Models of stellar evolution indicate that the Sun is now in the middle of its life.

To determine the abundance of various chemical elements on the Sun, astronomers study the absorption and emission lines in the spectrum of sunlight. Absorption lines are dark gaps in the spectrum, indicating the absence of photons of a given frequency in it, absorbed by a certain chemical element. Emission lines, or emission lines, are the brighter parts of the spectrum, indicating an excess of photons emitted by a chemical element. The frequency (wavelength) of a spectral line indicates which atom or molecule is responsible for its occurrence; the contrast of the line indicates the amount of light emitting or absorbing substance; the width of the line makes it possible to judge its temperature and pressure.

The study of the thin (500 km) photosphere of the Sun makes it possible to estimate the chemical composition of its interior, since the outer regions of the Sun are well mixed by convection, the spectra of the Sun are of high quality, and the physical processes responsible for them are quite clear. However, it should be noted that only half of the lines in the solar spectrum have been identified so far.

The composition of the Sun is dominated by hydrogen. In second place is helium, whose name ("helios" in Greek for "Sun") recalls that it was discovered spectroscopically on the Sun earlier (1899) than on Earth. Since helium is an inert gas, it is extremely reluctant to react with other atoms and is also reluctant to show itself in the optical spectrum of the Sun - just one line, although many less abundant elements are represented in the spectrum of the Sun by numerous lines. Here is the composition of the "solar" substance: for 1 million hydrogen atoms there are 98,000 helium atoms, 851 oxygen, 398 carbon, 123 neon, 100 nitrogen, 47 iron, 38 magnesium, 35 silicon, 16 sulfur, 4 argon, 3 aluminum, according to 2 atoms of nickel, sodium and calcium, as well as a little bit of all other elements. Thus, by mass, the Sun is about 71% hydrogen and 28% helium; the remaining elements account for slightly more than 1%. From the point of view of planetology, it is noteworthy that some objects of the solar system have almost the same composition as the Sun ( see below section on meteorites).

Just like the weather changes appearance planetary atmospheres, the appearance of the solar surface also changes with the characteristic time from hours to decades. However, there is an important difference between the atmospheres of the planets and the Sun, which is that the movement of gases on the Sun is controlled by its powerful magnetic field. Sunspots are those areas of the luminary's surface where the vertical magnetic field is so strong (200–3000 gauss) that it prevents the horizontal movement of gas and thereby suppresses convection. As a result, the temperature in this region drops by about 1000 K, and a dark central part of the spot appears - the "shadow", surrounded by a hotter transition region - the "penumbra". The size of a typical sunspot is slightly larger than the Earth's diameter; there is such a spot for several weeks. The number of spots on the Sun either increases or decreases with the cycle duration from 7 to 17 years, averaging 11.1 years. Usually, the more spots appear in a cycle, the shorter the cycle itself. The direction of the magnetic polarity of the spots reverses from cycle to cycle, so the true cycle of sunspot activity is 22.2 years. At the beginning of each cycle, the first spots appear at high latitudes, ca. 40 °, and gradually the zone of their birth shifts to the equator to a latitude of approx. 5°. SUN.

There are 5 huge rotating hydrogen-helium balls in the solar system: the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. In the depths of these gigantic celestial bodies, inaccessible to direct research, almost all the matter of the solar system is concentrated. The Earth's interior is also inaccessible to us, but by measuring the propagation time of seismic waves (long-wavelength sound waves) excited in the body of the planet by earthquakes, seismologists compiled a detailed map of the Earth's interior: they learned the dimensions and densities of the Earth's core and its mantle, and also obtained three-dimensional seismic tomography images of moving plates of its crust. Similar methods can be applied to the Sun, since there are waves on its surface with a period of approx. 5 minutes, caused by many seismic vibrations propagating in its bowels. These processes are studied by helioseismology. Unlike earthquakes, which produce short bursts of waves, vigorous convection in the interior of the Sun creates constant seismic noise. Helioseismologists have discovered that under the convective zone, which occupies the outer 14% of the radius of the Sun, matter rotates synchronously with a period of 27 days (nothing is known about the rotation of the solar core yet). Above, in the convective zone itself, rotation occurs synchronously only along cones of equal latitude and the farther from the equator, the slower: the equatorial regions rotate with a period of 25 days (ahead of the average rotation of the Sun), and the polar regions - with a period of 36 days (lag behind the average rotation) . Recent attempts to apply seismological methods to gas giant planets have not yielded results, since instruments are not yet able to fix the resulting oscillations.

Above the photosphere of the Sun is a thin hot layer of the atmosphere, which can be seen only at rare moments. solar eclipses. It is a chromosphere several thousand kilometers thick, so named for its red color due to the hydrogen H a emission line. The temperature almost doubles from the photosphere to the upper chromosphere, from which, for some unknown reason, the energy leaving the Sun is released as heat. Above the chromosphere, the gas is heated to 1 million K. This region, called the corona, extends for about 1 radius of the Sun. The gas density in the corona is very low, but the temperature is so high that the corona is a powerful source of X-rays.

Sometimes giant formations appear in the atmosphere of the Sun - eruptive prominences. They look like arches rising from the photosphere to a height of up to half the solar radius. Observations clearly indicate that the shape of the prominences is determined by the magnetic field lines. Another interesting and extremely active phenomenon is solar flares, powerful ejections of energy and particles lasting up to two hours. The flow of photons generated by such a solar flare reaches the Earth at the speed of light in 8 minutes, and the flow of electrons and protons in several days. Solar flares occur in places where the direction of the magnetic field changes sharply, caused by the movement of matter in sunspots. The maximum flare activity of the Sun usually occurs a year before the maximum of the sunspot cycle. Such predictability is very important, because a flurry of charged particles born from a powerful solar flare can damage even ground-based communications and energy networks, not to mention astronauts and space technology.

Under the pressure of the solar wind in the interstellar medium around the Sun, a giant cavern was formed - the heliosphere. At its boundary - the heliopause - there should be a shock wave in which the solar wind and interstellar gas collide and condense, exerting equal pressure on each other. Four space probes are now approaching the heliopause: Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2. None of them met her at a distance of 75 AU. from the sun. It's a very dramatic race against time: Pioneer 10 stopped operating in 1998, and the others are trying to reach the heliopause before their batteries run out of power. According to the calculations, Voyager 1 is flying in exactly the direction from which the interstellar wind is blowing, and therefore will be the first to reach the heliopause.



It is difficult to observe Mercury from the Earth with a telescope: it does not move away from the Sun at an angle of more than 28 °. It was studied using radar from Earth, and the Mariner 10 interplanetary probe photographed half of its surface. Mercury revolves around the Sun in 88 Earth days in a rather elongated orbit with a distance from the Sun at perihelion of 0.31 AU. and at aphelion 0.47 a.u. It rotates around the axis with a period of 58.6 days, exactly equal to 2/3 of the orbital period, so each point on its surface rotates towards the Sun only once in 2 Mercury years, i.e. a sunny day there lasts 2 years!

Of the major planets, only Pluto is smaller than Mercury. But in terms of average density, Mercury is in second place after Earth. It probably has a large metallic core, which is 75% of the radius of the planet (it occupies 50% of the radius of the Earth). The surface of Mercury is similar to that of the moon: dark, completely dry and covered with craters. The average light reflectance (albedo) of the surface of Mercury is about 10%, about the same as that of the Moon. Probably, its surface is also covered with regolith - sintered crushed material. The largest impact formation on Mercury is the Caloris basin, 2000 km in size, resembling lunar seas. However, unlike the Moon, there are peculiar structures on Mercury - ledges several kilometers high that stretch for hundreds of kilometers. Perhaps they were formed as a result of the compression of the planet during the cooling of its large metal core or under the influence of powerful solar tides. The surface temperature of the planet during the day is about 700 K, and at night about 100 K. According to radar data, ice may lie at the bottom of polar craters in conditions of eternal darkness and cold.

Mercury has practically no atmosphere - only an extremely rarefied helium shell with the density of the earth's atmosphere at an altitude of 200 km. Probably, helium is formed during the decay of radioactive elements in the bowels of the planet. Mercury has a weak magnetic field and no satellites.


This is the second planet from the Sun and the closest planet to the Earth - the brightest "star" in our sky; sometimes it is visible even during the day. Venus is similar to the Earth in many ways: its size and density are only 5% less than that of the Earth; probably, the bowels of Venus are similar to those of the earth. The surface of Venus is always covered with a thick layer of yellowish-white clouds, but with the help of radars it has been studied in some detail. Around the axis, Venus rotates in the opposite direction (clockwise, when viewed from the north pole) with a period of 243 Earth days. Its orbital period is 225 days; therefore, a Venusian day (from sunrise to the next sunrise) lasts 116 Earth days.

The atmosphere of Venus is composed primarily of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) with small amounts of nitrogen (N 2 ) and water vapor (H 2 O ). Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and hydrofluoric acid (HF) were found as small impurities. The pressure at the surface is 90 bar (as in the earth's seas at a depth of 900 m); the temperature is about 750 K over the entire surface both day and night. The reason for such a high temperature near the surface of Venus is what is not quite accurately called the "greenhouse effect": the sun's rays relatively easily pass through the clouds of its atmosphere and heat the surface of the planet, but the thermal infrared radiation of the surface itself escapes through the atmosphere back into space with great difficulty.

The clouds of Venus are made up of microscopic droplets of concentrated sulfuric acid (H 2 SO 4). The upper layer of clouds is 90 km away from the surface, the temperature there is approx. 200 K; the lower layer - for 30 km, the temperature is approx. 430 K. Even lower it is so hot that there are no clouds. Of course, there is no liquid water on the surface of Venus. The atmosphere of Venus at the level of the upper cloud layer rotates in the same direction as the surface of the planet, but much faster, making a revolution in 4 days; this phenomenon is called superrotation, and no explanation has yet been found for it.

Automatic stations descended on the day and night sides of Venus. During the day, the surface of the planet is illuminated by scattered sunlight with about the same intensity as on an overcast day on Earth. A lot of lightning has been seen on Venus at night. The Venera stations transmitted images of small areas at the landing sites, where rocky ground is visible. In general, the topography of Venus has been studied from radar images transmitted by the Pioneer-Venera (1979), Venera-15 and -16 (1983), and Magellan (1990) orbiters. The smallest details on the best of them have a size of about 100 m.

Unlike Earth, there are no distinct continental plates on Venus, but there are several global elevations, such as the land of Ishtar the size of Australia. On the surface of Venus, there are many meteorite craters and volcanic domes. Obviously, the crust of Venus is thin, so that the molten lava comes close to the surface and easily pours out on it after the fall of meteorites. Since there is no rain or strong winds near the surface of Venus, surface erosion occurs very slowly, and geological structures remain visible from space for hundreds of millions of years. Little is known about the interior of Venus. It probably has a metal core taking up 50% of its radius. But the planet does not have a magnetic field due to its very slow rotation. Venus has no satellites.


Our planet is the only one in which most of the surface (75%) is covered with liquid water. Earth is an active planet and perhaps the only one whose surface renewal is due to plate tectonics, manifesting itself as mid-ocean ridges, island arcs and folded mountain belts. The distribution of the heights of the solid surface of the Earth is bimodal: the average level of the ocean floor is 3900 m below sea level, and the continents, on average, rise above it by 860 m.

Seismic data indicate the following structure of the earth's interior: crust (30 km), mantle (up to a depth of 2900 km), metallic core. Part of the core is melted; the terrestrial magnetic field is generated there, which traps charged particles of the solar wind (protons and electrons) and forms around the Earth two toroidal regions filled with them - radiation belts (Van Allen belts), localized at altitudes of 4000 and 17 000 km from the Earth's surface (GEOMAGNETISM).

There are indications that the Earth's climate is changing in the short (10,000 years) and long (100 million years) scales. The reason for this may be changes in the orbital motion of the Earth, the tilt of the axis of rotation, the frequency of volcanic eruptions. Fluctuations in the intensity of solar radiation are not excluded. In our era, climate is also affected by human activities: emissions of gases and dust into the atmosphere AIR POLLUTION; WATER POLLUTION; ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION). The Earth has a satellite - the Moon, the origin of which has not yet been unraveled.


One of the largest satellites, the Moon is in second place after Charon (Pluto's satellite) in relation to the masses of the satellite and the planet. Its radius is 3.7, and its mass is 81 times less than that of the Earth. The average density of the Moon is 3.34 g/cm 3 , which indicates that it does not have a significant metallic core. The force of gravity on the lunar surface is 6 times less than that of the earth.

The Moon revolves around the Earth in an orbit with an eccentricity of 0.055. The inclination of the plane of its orbit to the plane of the earth's equator varies from 18.3° to 28.6°, and with respect to the ecliptic, from 4°59° to 5°19°. The daily rotation and orbital circulation of the Moon are synchronized, so we always see only one of its hemispheres. True, small wiggles (librations) of the Moon make it possible to see about 60% of its surface within a month. The main reason for librations is that the daily rotation of the Moon occurs at a constant speed, while the orbital circulation is variable (due to the eccentricity of the orbit).

The parts of the lunar surface have long been conditionally divided into "marine" and "continental". The surface of the seas looks darker, lies lower and is much less covered with meteorite craters than the continental surface. The seas are flooded with basaltic lavas, and the continents are composed of anorthositic rocks rich in feldspars. Judging by the large number of craters, the continental surfaces are much older than the sea ones. Intense meteorite bombardment made the upper layer of the lunar crust finely fragmented, and turned the outer few meters into a powder called regolith.

Astronauts and robotic probes have brought back samples of rocky soil and regolith from the Moon. The analysis showed that the age of the sea surface is about 4 billion years. Consequently, the period of intense meteorite bombardment falls on the first 0.5 billion years after the formation of the Moon 4.6 billion years ago. Then the frequency of meteorite impacts and crater formation remained virtually unchanged and still amounts to one crater 1 km in diameter in 10 5 years.

Lunar rocks are poor in volatile elements (H 2 O, Na, K, etc.) and iron, but rich in refractory elements (Ti, Ca, etc.). Only at the bottom of the lunar polar craters can there be deposits of ice, such as on Mercury. The moon has virtually no atmosphere and there is no evidence that the lunar soil has ever been exposed to liquid water. There is no organic matter in it either - only traces of carbonaceous chondrites that fell with meteorites. The absence of water and air, as well as strong fluctuations in surface temperature (390 K during the day and 120 K at night), make the Moon uninhabitable.

The seismometers delivered to the Moon made it possible to learn something about the lunar interior. Weak "moonquakes" often occur there, probably due to the tidal influence of the Earth. The moon is rather homogeneous, has a small dense core and a crust about 65 km thick made of lighter materials, with the upper 10 km of the crust crushed by meteorites as early as 4 billion years ago. Large impact basins are evenly distributed over the lunar surface, but the thickness of the crust on the visible side of the Moon is less, so 70% of the sea surface is concentrated on it.

The history of the lunar surface is generally known: after the end of the stage of intense meteorite bombardment 4 billion years ago, for about 1 billion years, the interior was quite hot and basaltic lava poured into the seas. Then only a rare fall of meteorites changed the face of our satellite. But the origin of the moon is still debated. It could form on its own and then be captured by the Earth; could have formed along with the Earth as its satellite; finally, it could separate from the Earth during the formation period. The second possibility was popular until recently, but in last years the hypothesis of the formation of the Moon from the material ejected by the proto-Earth during a collision with a large celestial body is seriously considered.


Mars is similar to Earth, but almost half its size and has a slightly lower average density. Period daily rotation(24 h 37 min) and axial tilt (24°) almost do not differ from those on Earth.

To an earthly observer, Mars appears as a reddish star, the brightness of which changes noticeably; it is maximum during periods of confrontations that repeat in a little over two years (for example, in April 1999 and June 2001). Mars is especially close and bright during periods of great opposition that occurs if it passes near perihelion at the time of opposition; this happens every 15–17 years (the next one is in August 2003).

A telescope on Mars shows bright orange regions and darker regions that change in tone with the seasons. Bright white snow caps lie at the poles. The reddish color of the planet is associated with large quantity iron oxides (rust) in its soil. The composition of the dark regions probably resembles terrestrial basalts, while the light regions are composed of finely dispersed material.

Basically, our knowledge about Mars is obtained by automatic stations. The most productive were two orbiters and two landers of the Viking expedition, which landed on Mars on July 20 and September 3, 1976 in the areas of Chris (22 ° N, 48 ° W) and Utopia (48 ° N). ., 226° W), with Viking 1 operating until November 1982. Both of them landed in classic bright areas and ended up in a reddish sandy desert strewn with dark stones. On July 4, 1997, the Mars Pathfinder probe (USA) delivered the first automatic self-propelled vehicle to the Ares Valley (19 ° N, 34 ° W), which discovered mixed rocks and, possibly, turned by water and mixed with sand and clay pebbles, indicating strong changes in the Martian climate and the presence of a large amount of water in the past.

The rarefied atmosphere of Mars consists of 95% carbon dioxide and 3% nitrogen. Small amounts of water vapor, oxygen and argon are present. The average pressure at the surface is 6 mbar (i.e., 0.6% of the earth). At such a low pressure, there can be no liquid water. The average daily temperature is 240 K, and the maximum in summer at the equator reaches 290 K. Daily temperature fluctuations are about 100 K. Thus, the climate of Mars is the climate of a cold, dehydrated high-altitude desert.

At the high latitudes of Mars, temperatures drop below 150 K in winter and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) freezes and falls to the surface as white snow, forming the polar cap. Periodic condensation and sublimation of the polar caps causes seasonal fluctuations in atmospheric pressure by 30%. By the end of winter, the boundary of the polar cap drops to 45°–50° latitude, and in summer a small area (300 km in diameter at the south pole and 1000 km at the north pole) remains from it, probably consisting of water ice, the thickness of which can reach 1–2 km.

Sometimes strong winds blow on Mars, lifting clouds of fine sand into the air. Especially powerful dust storms occur at the end of spring in the southern hemisphere, when Mars passes through the perihelion of the orbit and the solar heat is especially high. For weeks and even months, the atmosphere becomes opaque with yellow dust. Orbiters of the Vikings transmitted images of powerful sand dunes at the bottom of large craters. Dust deposits change the appearance of the Martian surface from season to season so much that it is noticeable even from Earth when viewed through a telescope. In the past, these seasonal changes in surface color were thought by some astronomers to be signs of vegetation on Mars.

The geology of Mars is very diverse. Large expanses of the southern hemisphere are covered with old craters left from the era of ancient meteorite bombardment (4 billion years ago). Much of the northern hemisphere is covered by younger lava flows. Particularly interesting is the Tharsis Upland (10° N, 110° W), on which several giant volcanic mountains are located. The highest among them - Mount Olympus - has a diameter at the base of 600 km and a height of 25 km. Although there are no signs of volcanic activity now, the age of the lava flows does not exceed 100 million years, which is small compared to the age of the planet at 4.6 billion years.

Although ancient volcanoes point to the once powerful activity of the Martian interior, there are no signs of plate tectonics: there are no folded mountain belts and other indicators of crustal compression. However, there are powerful rift faults, the largest of which - the Mariner Valley - stretches from Tharsis to the east for 4000 km with a maximum width of 700 km and a depth of 6 km.

One of the most interesting geological discoveries made from photographs spacecraft, have become branched winding valleys hundreds of kilometers long, reminiscent of the dried-up channels of earthly rivers. This suggests a more favorable climate in the past, when temperatures and pressures may have been higher and rivers flowed across the surface of Mars. True, the location of the valleys in the southern, heavily cratered regions of Mars indicates that there were rivers on Mars a very long time ago, probably in the first 0.5 billion years of its evolution. Water now lies on the surface as ice at the polar caps and possibly below the surface as a layer of permafrost.

The internal structure of Mars is poorly understood. Its low average density indicates the absence of a significant metallic core; in any case, it is not melted, which follows from the absence of a magnetic field on Mars. The seismometer on the landing block of the Viking-2 apparatus did not record the seismic activity of the planet for 2 years of operation (the seismometer did not operate on the Viking-1).

Mars has two small moons, Phobos and Deimos. Both are irregularly shaped, covered in meteorite craters, and are likely asteroids captured by the planet in the distant past. Phobos revolves around the planet in a very low orbit and continues to approach Mars under the influence of the tides; it would later be destroyed by the planet's gravity.


The largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, is 11 times larger than the Earth and 318 times more massive than it. Its low average density (1.3 g/cm 3 ) indicates a composition close to that of the sun: it is mainly hydrogen and helium. The rapid rotation of Jupiter around its axis causes its polar compression by 6.4%.

A telescope on Jupiter shows cloud bands parallel to the equator; light zones in them are interspersed with reddish belts. It is likely that the light zones are areas of updrafts where the tops of ammonia clouds are visible; reddish belts are associated with downdrafts, the bright color of which is determined by ammonium hydrosulfate, as well as compounds of red phosphorus, sulfur and organic polymers. In addition to hydrogen and helium, CH 4 , NH 3 , H 2 O, C 2 H 2 , C 2 H 6 , HCN, CO, CO 2 , PH 3 and GeH 4 have been spectroscopically detected in Jupiter's atmosphere. The temperature at the tops of the ammonia clouds is 125 K, but it increases by 2.5 K/km with depth. At a depth of 60 km there should be a layer of water clouds.

The speeds of cloud movement in the zones and neighboring belts differ significantly: for example, in the equatorial belt, clouds move eastward 100 m/s faster than in neighboring zones. The difference in speeds causes strong turbulence at the boundaries of zones and belts, which makes their shape very intricate. One of the manifestations of this is oval rotating spots, the largest of which - the Great Red Spot - was discovered more than 300 years ago by Cassini. This spot (25,000-15,000 km) is larger than the Earth's disk; it has a spiral cyclonic structure and makes one revolution around its axis in 6 days. The rest of the spots are smaller and for some reason all white.

Jupiter does not have a solid surface. The upper layer of the planet with a length of 25% of the radius consists of liquid hydrogen and helium. Below, where the pressure exceeds 3 million bar and the temperature is 10,000 K, hydrogen passes into the metallic state. It is possible that near the center of the planet there is a liquid core of heavier elements with total weight about 10 Earth masses. In the center, the pressure is about 100 million bar and the temperature is 20–30 thousand K.

The liquid metal interior and the rapid rotation of the planet caused its powerful magnetic field, which is 15 times stronger than the earth's. Jupiter's huge magnetosphere, with powerful radiation belts, extends beyond the orbits of its four large satellites.

The temperature in the center of Jupiter has always been lower than necessary for the occurrence of thermonuclear reactions. But Jupiter's internal reserves of heat, which have remained from the epoch of formation, are large. Even now, 4.6 billion years later, it emits about the same amount of heat as it receives from the Sun; in the first million years of evolution, the radiation power of Jupiter was 10 4 times higher. Since this was the era of the formation of large satellites of the planet, it is not surprising that their composition depends on the distance to Jupiter: the two closest to it - Io and Europa - have a rather high density (3.5 and 3.0 g / cm 3), and more distant ones - Ganymede and Callisto - contain a lot of water ice and therefore are less dense (1.9 and 1.8 g / cm 3).


Jupiter has at least 16 satellites and a faint ring: it is 53,000 km away from the upper cloud layer, has a width of 6,000 km, and apparently consists of small and very dark solid particles. The four largest moons of Jupiter are called Galilean because they were discovered by Galileo in 1610; independently of him, in the same year, they were discovered by the German astronomer Marius, who gave them their current names - Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. The smallest of the satellites - Europa - is slightly smaller than the Moon, and Ganymede is larger than Mercury. All of them are visible through binoculars.

On the surface of Io, the Voyagers discovered several active volcanoes, ejecting material hundreds of kilometers into the air. The surface of Io is covered with reddish sulfur deposits and light spots of sulfur dioxide - products of volcanic eruptions. In the form of a gas, sulfur dioxide forms an extremely rarefied atmosphere of Io. The energy of volcanic activity is drawn from the tidal influence of the planet on the satellite. Io's orbit passes through Jupiter's radiation belts, and it has long been established that the satellite interacts strongly with the magnetosphere, causing radio bursts in it. In 1973, a torus of luminous sodium atoms was discovered along the orbit of Io; later sulfur, potassium and oxygen ions were found there. These substances are knocked out by energetic protons of the radiation belts either directly from the surface of Io, or from the gaseous plumes of volcanoes.

Although Jupiter's tidal influence on Europa is weaker than on Io, its interior may also be partially melted. Spectral studies show that Europa has water ice on its surface, and its reddish hue is likely due to sulfur pollution from Io. The almost complete absence of impact craters indicates the geological youth of the surface. The folds and faults of the ice surface of Europa resemble the ice fields of the earth's polar seas; probably, on Europa, there is liquid water under a layer of ice.

Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system. Its density is low; it is probably half rock and half ice. Its surface looks strange and shows signs of crustal expansion, possibly accompanying the process of subsurface differentiation. The areas of the ancient cratered surface are separated by younger trenches, hundreds of kilometers long and 1–2 km wide, located at a distance of 10–20 km from each other. It is likely that this is younger ice, formed by the outpouring of water through cracks immediately after differentiation about 4 billion years ago.

Callisto is similar to Ganymede, but there are no signs of faults on its surface; all of it is very old and heavily cratered. The surface of both satellites is covered with ice interspersed with regolith-type rocks. But if on Ganymede the ice is about 50%, then on Callisto it is less than 20%. The composition of the rocks of Ganymede and Callisto is probably similar to that of carbonaceous meteorites.

Jupiter's moons have no atmosphere, except for the rarefied SO 2 volcanic gas on Io.

Of Jupiter's dozen minor moons, four are closer to the planet than the Galilean ones; the largest of them, Amalthea, is an irregularly shaped cratered object (dimensions 270-166-150 km). Its dark surface—very red—possibly covered in gray from Io. The outer small satellites of Jupiter are divided into two groups in accordance with their orbits: 4 closer to the planet turn in the forward (relative to the rotation of the planet) direction, and 4 more distant - in the opposite direction. They are all small and dark; they are probably captured by Jupiter from among the asteroids of the Trojan group ( cm. ASTEROID).


The second largest giant planet. This is a hydrogen-helium planet, but the relative abundance of helium in Saturn is less than that of Jupiter; below and its average density. The rapid rotation of Saturn leads to its large oblateness (11%).

In a telescope, the disk of Saturn does not look as spectacular as Jupiter: it has a brownish-orange color and weakly pronounced belts and zones. The reason is that the upper regions of its atmosphere are filled with light-scattering ammonia (NH 3) fog. Saturn is further from the Sun, so the temperature of its upper atmosphere (90 K) is 35 K lower than that of Jupiter, and ammonia is in a condensed state. With depth, the temperature of the atmosphere increases by 1.2 K/km, so the cloud structure resembles that of Jupiter: there is a layer of water clouds under the ammonium hydrosulfate cloud layer. In addition to hydrogen and helium, CH 4 , NH 3 , C 2 H 2 , C 2 H 6 , C 3 H 4 , C 3 H 8 and PH 3 have been spectroscopically detected in Saturn's atmosphere.

In terms of internal structure, Saturn also resembles Jupiter, although due to its smaller mass it has lower pressure and temperature in the center (75 million bar and 10,500 K). Saturn's magnetic field is comparable to Earth's.

Like Jupiter, Saturn generates internal heat, twice as much as it receives from the Sun. True, this ratio is greater than that of Jupiter, because Saturn, located twice as far away, receives four times less heat from the Sun.

Rings of Saturn.

Saturn is surrounded by a uniquely powerful system of rings up to a distance of 2.3 planetary radii. They are easily distinguishable when viewed through a telescope, and when studied from a close distance, they show an exceptional variety: from a massive ring B to a narrow ring F, from spiral density waves to the completely unexpected radially elongated "spokes" discovered by Voyagers.

The particles that fill the rings of Saturn reflect light much better than the material of the dark rings of Uranus and Neptune; their study in different spectral ranges shows that these are "dirty snowballs" with dimensions of the order of a meter. The three classical rings of Saturn, in order from outer to inner, are denoted by letters A, B and C. Ring B quite dense: the radio signals from Voyager had difficulty passing through it. Gap of 4000 km between the rings A and B, called the division (or gap) of Cassini, is not really empty, but is comparable in density to a pale ring C, which was formerly called the crepe ring. Near the outer edge of the ring A there is a less visible Encke gap.

In 1859 Maxwell concluded that Saturn's rings must be composed of individual particles orbiting the planet. At the end of the 19th century this was confirmed by spectral observations, which showed that the inner parts of the rings rotate faster than the outer ones. Since the rings lie in the plane of the planet's equator, which means they are inclined to the orbital plane by 27 °, the Earth falls into the plane of the rings twice in 29.5 years, and we observe them edge-on. At this moment, the rings "disappear", which proves their very small thickness - no more than a few kilometers.

Detailed images of the rings taken by Pioneer 11 (1979) and Voyagers (1980 and 1981) showed a much more complex structure than expected. The rings are divided into hundreds of individual ringlets with a typical width of several hundred kilometers. Even in the Cassini gap there were at least five rings. A detailed analysis showed that the rings are inhomogeneous both in size and, possibly, in particle composition. The complex structure of the rings is probably due to the gravitational influence of small satellites close to them, which were not previously suspected.

Probably the most unusual is the thinnest ring F, discovered in 1979 by Pioneer at a distance of 4000 km from the outer edge of the ring A. Voyager 1 discovered that the ring F twisted and braided like a braid, but flying for 9 months. later, Voyager 2 found the structure of the ring F much simpler: the “strands” of the substance were no longer intertwined with each other. This structure and its rapid evolution is partly due to the influence of two small satellites (Prometheus and Pandora) moving at the outer and inner edges of this ring; they are called " watchdogs". It is not excluded, however, the presence of even smaller bodies or temporary accumulations of matter inside the ring itself. F.


Saturn has at least 18 moons. Most of them are probably icy. Some have very interesting orbits. For example, Janus and Epimetheus have almost the same orbital radii. In the orbit of Dione, 60 ° ahead of her (this position is called the leading Lagrange point), the smaller satellite Helena moves. Tethys is accompanied by two small moons, Telesto and Calypso, at the leading and trailing Lagrangian points of its orbit.

The radii and masses of seven satellites of Saturn (Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Dione, Rhea, Titan and Iapetus) have been measured with good accuracy. All of them are mostly icy. The smaller ones have densities of 1–1.4 g/cm 3 , which is close to the density of water ice with more or less admixture of rocks. Whether they contain methane and ammonia ice is not yet clear. The higher density of Titanium (1.9 g/cm 3 ) is the result of its large mass, which causes compression of the interior. In diameter and density, Titan is very similar to Ganymede; they probably have the same internal structure. Titan is the second largest moon in the solar system, and it is unique in that it has a constant powerful atmosphere, consisting mainly of nitrogen and a small amount of methane. The pressure at its surface is 1.6 bar, the temperature is 90 K. Under such conditions, liquid methane can be on the surface of Titan. The upper layers of the atmosphere up to altitudes of 240 km are filled with orange clouds, probably consisting of particles of organic polymers synthesized under the influence of the ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

The rest of Saturn's moons are too small to have an atmosphere. Their surfaces are covered with ice and heavily cratered. Only on the surface of Enceladus are there significantly fewer craters. Probably, the tidal influence of Saturn keeps its bowels in a molten state, and meteorite impacts lead to an outpouring of water and filling the craters. Some astronomers believe that particles from the surface of Enceladus formed a wide ring. E extending along its orbit.

The satellite Iapetus is very interesting, in which the rear (relative to the direction of orbital motion) hemisphere is covered with ice and reflects 50% of the incident light, and the front hemisphere is so dark that it reflects only 5% of the light; it is covered with something like the substance of carbonaceous meteorites. It is possible that the material ejected under the influence of meteorite impacts from the surface of Saturn's outer satellite Phoebe falls on the forward hemisphere of Iapetus. In principle, this is possible, since Phoebe moves in the orbit in the opposite direction. In addition, the surface of Phoebe is quite dark, but there is no exact data on it yet.


Uranus is aquamarine and looks featureless, because its upper atmosphere is filled with fog, through which the Voyager 2 probe flying near it in 1986 could hardly see a few clouds. The axis of the planet is inclined to the orbital axis by 98.5°, i.e. lies almost in the plane of the orbit. Therefore, each of the poles is turned directly to the Sun for some time, and then goes into the shadow for half a year (42 Earth years).

The atmosphere of Uranus contains mostly hydrogen, 12–15% helium, and a few other gases. The temperature of the atmosphere is about 50 K, although in the upper rarefied layers it rises to 750 K during the day and 100 K at night. The magnetic field of Uranus is slightly weaker than the earth's in strength at the surface, and its axis is inclined to the axis of rotation of the planet by 55 °. Little is known about the internal structure of the planet. The cloud layer probably extends to a depth of 11,000 km, followed by a hot water ocean 8,000 km deep, and below it a molten stone core with a radius of 7,000 km.


In 1976, unique rings of Uranus were discovered, consisting of separate thin rings, the widest of which has a thickness of 100 km. The rings are located in the range of distances from 1.5 to 2.0 radii of the planet from its center. Unlike the rings of Saturn, the rings of Uranus are made up of large dark rocks. It is believed that a small satellite, or even two satellites, moves in each ring, as in a ring. F Saturn.


20 moons of Uranus have been discovered. The largest - Titania and Oberon - with a diameter of 1500 km. There are 3 more large ones, more than 500 km in size, the rest are very small. The surface spectra of five large satellites indicate a large amount of water ice. The surfaces of all satellites are covered with meteorite craters.


Externally, Neptune is similar to Uranus; its spectrum is also dominated by methane and hydrogen bands. The flow of heat from Neptune significantly exceeds the power of the solar heat incident on it, which indicates the existence of an internal source of energy. Perhaps much of the internal heat is released as a result of tides caused by the massive moon Triton, which is orbiting in the opposite direction at a distance of 14.5 planetary radii. Voyager 2, flying in 1989 at a distance of 5000 km from the cloud layer, discovered 6 more satellites and 5 rings near Neptune. The Great Dark Spot and a complex system of eddy currents were discovered in the atmosphere. The pinkish surface of Triton revealed amazing geological details, including powerful geysers. The satellite Proteus discovered by Voyager turned out to be larger than Nereid, discovered from Earth back in 1949.


Pluto has a highly elongated and tilted orbit; at perihelion it approaches the Sun at 29.6 AU. and is removed at aphelion at 49.3 AU. Pluto passed perihelion in 1989; from 1979 to 1999 it was closer to the Sun than Neptune. However, due to the large inclination of Pluto's orbit, its path never crosses with Neptune. The average surface temperature of Pluto is 50 K, it changes from aphelion to perihelion by 15 K, which is quite noticeable at such low temperatures. In particular, this leads to the appearance of a rarefied methane atmosphere during the period of the planet's passage of perihelion, but its pressure is 100,000 times less than the pressure of the earth's atmosphere. Pluto cannot hold an atmosphere for long because it is smaller than the Moon.

Pluto's moon Charon takes 6.4 days to orbit close to the planet. Its orbit is very strongly inclined to the ecliptic, so that eclipses occur only in rare epochs of the Earth's passage through the plane of Charon's orbit. The brightness of Pluto changes regularly with a period of 6.4 days. Therefore, Pluto rotates synchronously with Charon and has large spots on the surface. In relation to the size of the planet, Charon is very large. Pluto-Charon is often referred to as a "double planet". At one time, Pluto was considered an "escaped" satellite of Neptune, but after the discovery of Charon, this looks unlikely.


Internal structure.

The objects of the solar system in terms of their internal structure can be divided into 4 categories: 1) comets, 2) small bodies, 3) terrestrial planets, 4) gas giants. Comets are simple icy bodies with a special composition and history. The category of small bodies includes all other celestial objects with radii less than 200 km: interplanetary dust grains, particles of planetary rings, small satellites and most asteroids. During the evolution of the solar system, they all lost the heat released during primary accretion and cooled down, not being large enough to heat up due to the radioactive decay taking place in them. Earth-type planets are very diverse: from the "iron" Mercury to the mysterious ice system Pluto-Charon. In addition to the largest planets, the Sun is sometimes classified as a gas giant.

The most important parameter that determines the composition of the planet is the average density (total mass divided by total volume). Its value immediately indicates what the planet is - "stone" (silicates, metals), "ice" (water, ammonia, methane) or "gas" (hydrogen, helium). Although the surfaces of Mercury and the Moon are strikingly similar, their internal composition is completely different, since the average density of Mercury is 1.6 times higher than that of the Moon. At the same time, the mass of Mercury is small, which means that its high density is mainly due not to the compression of matter under the action of gravity, but to a special chemical composition: Mercury contains 60–70% of metals and 30–40% of silicates by mass. The metal content per unit mass of Mercury is significantly higher than that of any other planet.

Venus rotates so slowly that its equatorial swelling is measured only in fractions of a meter (at the Earth - 21 km) and cannot at all tell anything about the internal structure of the planet. Its gravitational field correlates with the topography of the surface, in contrast to the Earth, where the continents "float". It is possible that the continents of Venus are fixed by the rigidity of the mantle, but it is possible that the topography of Venus is dynamically maintained by vigorous convection in its mantle.

The surface of the Earth is much younger than the surfaces of other bodies in the solar system. The reason for this is mainly the intensive processing of the crust material as a result of plate tectonics. Erosion under the action of liquid water also has a noticeable effect. The surfaces of most planets and moons are dominated by ring structures associated with impact craters or volcanoes; on Earth, plate tectonics has caused its major uplands and lowlands to be linear. An example is mountain ranges that rise where two plates collide; oceanic trenches that mark places where one plate goes under another (subduction zones); as well as mid-ocean ridges in those places where two plates diverge under the action of young crust emerging from the mantle (spreading zone). Thus, the relief of the earth's surface reflects the dynamics of its interior.

Small samples of the Earth's upper mantle become available for laboratory study when they rise to the surface as part of igneous rocks. Ultrabasic inclusions are known (ultrabasic, poor in silicates and rich in Mg and Fe) containing minerals that form only at high pressure (for example, diamond), as well as paired minerals that can coexist only if they were formed at high pressure. These inclusions made it possible to estimate with sufficient accuracy the composition of the upper mantle down to a depth of approx. 200 km. The mineralogical composition of the deep mantle is not well known, since there are no accurate data on the temperature distribution with depth yet, and the main phases of deep minerals have not been reproduced in the laboratory. The Earth's core is divided into outer and inner. The outer core does not transmit transverse seismic waves, therefore, it is liquid. However, at a depth of 5200 km, the core matter again begins to conduct transverse waves, but at a low speed; this means that the inner core is partially "frozen". The density of the core is lower than that of a pure iron-nickel liquid, probably due to the admixture of sulfur.

A quarter of the Martian surface is occupied by the Tharsis Hill, which has risen by 7 km relative to the average radius of the planet. It is on it that most volcanoes are located, during the formation of which lava spread over a long distance, which is typical for molten rocks rich in iron. One of the reasons for the huge size of Martian volcanoes (the largest in the solar system) is that, unlike Earth, Mars does not have plates moving relative to hot pockets in the mantle, so volcanoes take a long time to grow in one place. Mars has no magnetic field and no seismic activity has been detected. There were many iron oxides in its soil, which indicates a weak differentiation of the interior.

Internal warmth.

Many planets radiate more heat than they receive from the sun. The amount of heat generated and stored in the bowels of the planet depends on its history. For an emerging planet, meteorite bombardment is the main source of heat; then heat is released during the differentiation of the interior, when the densest components, such as iron and nickel, settle towards the center and form the core. Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune (but not Uranus for some reason) are still radiating the heat they stored up when they formed 4.6 billion years ago. For terrestrial planets, an important source of heating in the present era is the decay of radioactive elements - uranium, thorium and potassium - which were included in a small amount in the original chondrite (solar) composition. The dissipation of motion energy in tidal deformations - the so-called "tidal dissipation" - is the main source of heating of Io and plays a significant role in the evolution of some planets, the rotation of which (for example, Mercury) was slowed down by the tides.

Convection in the mantle.

If the liquid is heated strongly enough, convection develops in it, since thermal conductivity and radiation cannot cope with the heat flux supplied locally. It may seem strange to say that the interiors of terrestrial planets are covered by convection, like a liquid. Don't we know that, according to seismological data, transverse waves propagate in the earth's mantle and, consequently, the mantle does not consist of liquid, but of solid rocks? But let's take ordinary glass putty: with slow pressure it behaves like a viscous liquid, with sharp pressure it behaves like an elastic body, and with impact it behaves like a stone. This means that in order to understand how matter behaves, we must take into account on what time scale processes occur. Transverse seismic waves pass through the bowels of the earth in minutes. On a geologic time scale measured in millions of years, rocks deform plastically if significant stress is constantly applied to them.

It's amazing that Earth's crust still straightening, returning to its former form, which it had before the last glaciation, which ended 10,000 years ago. Having studied the age of the uplifted shores of Scandinavia, N. Haskel calculated in 1935 that the viscosity of the earth's mantle is 10 23 times greater than the viscosity of liquid water. But at the same time mathematical analysis shows that the earth's mantle is in a state of intense convection (such a movement of the earth's interior could be seen in an accelerated movie, where a million years pass in a second). Similar calculations show that Venus, Mars and, to a lesser extent, Mercury and the Moon also probably have convective mantles.

We are just beginning to unravel the nature of convection in gas giant planets. It is known that convective motions are strongly influenced by the rapid rotation that exists in giant planets, but it is very difficult to experimentally study convection in a rotating sphere with a central attraction. So far, the most accurate experiments of this kind have been carried out in microgravity in near-Earth orbit. These experiments, together with theoretical calculations and numerical models, showed that convection occurs in tubes stretched along the axis of rotation of the planet and bent in accordance with its sphericity. Such convective cells are called "bananas" because of their shape.

The pressure of the gas giant planets varies from 1 bar at the level of the cloud tops to about 50 Mbar in the center. Therefore, their main component - hydrogen - resides at different levels in different phases. At pressures above 3 Mbar, ordinary molecular hydrogen becomes a liquid metal similar to lithium. Calculations show that Jupiter is mainly composed of metallic hydrogen. And Uranus and Neptune, apparently, have an extended mantle of liquid water, which is also a good conductor.

A magnetic field.

The external magnetic field of the planet carries important information about the movement of its interior. It is the magnetic field that sets the reference frame in which the wind speed is measured in the cloudy atmosphere of the giant planet; it indicates that powerful flows exist in the liquid metal core of the Earth, and active mixing takes place in the water mantles of Uranus and Neptune. On the contrary, the absence of a strong magnetic field in Venus and Mars imposes restrictions on their internal dynamics. Among the terrestrial planets, the Earth's magnetic field has an outstanding intensity, indicating an active dynamo effect. The absence of a strong magnetic field on Venus does not mean that its core has solidified: most likely, the slow rotation of the planet prevents the dynamo effect.

Uranus and Neptune have the same magnetic dipoles with a large inclination to the axes of the planets and a shift relative to their centers; this indicates that their magnetism originates in the mantles and not in the cores. Jupiter's moons Io, Europa, and Ganymede have their own magnetic fields, while Callisto does not. Remaining magnetism found in the moon.


The Sun, eight of the nine planets, and three of the sixty-three satellites have an atmosphere. Each atmosphere has its own special chemical composition and behavior called "weather". Atmospheres are divided into two groups: for terrestrial planets, the dense surface of the continents or the ocean determines the conditions at the lower boundary of the atmosphere, and for gas giants, the atmosphere is practically bottomless.

For terrestrial planets, a thin (0.1 km) layer of the atmosphere near the surface constantly experiences heating or cooling from it, and during movement - friction and turbulence (due to uneven terrain); this layer is called the surface or boundary layer. Near the surface, molecular viscosity tends to "glue" the atmosphere to the ground, so even a light breeze creates a strong vertical velocity gradient that can cause turbulence. The change in air temperature with height is controlled by convective instability, since from below the air is heated from a warm surface, becomes lighter and floats; as it rises into areas of low pressure, it expands and radiates heat into space, causing it to cool, become denser, and sink. As a result of convection, an adiabatic vertical temperature gradient is established in the lower layers of the atmosphere: for example, in the Earth's atmosphere, the air temperature decreases with height by 6.5 K/km. This situation exists up to the tropopause (Greek "tropo" - turn, "pause" - termination), limiting the lower layer of the atmosphere, called the troposphere. It is here that the changes that we call the weather occur. Near the Earth, the tropopause passes at altitudes of 8–18 km; at the equator it is 10 km higher than at the poles. Due to the exponential decrease in density with height, 80% of the mass of the Earth's atmosphere is enclosed in the troposphere. It also contains almost all the water vapor, and hence the clouds that create the weather.

On Venus, carbon dioxide and water vapor, along with sulfuric acid and sulfur dioxide, absorb almost all infrared radiation emitted from the surface. This causes a strong greenhouse effect, i.e. leads to the fact that the surface temperature of Venus is 500 K higher than that which it would have in an atmosphere transparent to infrared radiation. The main "greenhouse" gases on Earth are water vapor and carbon dioxide, which raise the temperature by 30 K. On Mars, carbon dioxide and atmospheric dust cause a weak greenhouse effect of only 5 K. The hot surface of Venus prevents the release of sulfur from the atmosphere by binding it to the surface rocks. The lower atmosphere of Venus is enriched with sulfur dioxide, so there is a dense layer of sulfuric acid clouds in it at altitudes from 50 to 80 km. An insignificant amount of sulfur-containing substances is also found in the earth's atmosphere, especially after powerful volcanic eruptions. Sulfur has not been recorded in the atmosphere of Mars, therefore, its volcanoes are inactive in the current epoch.

On Earth, a stable decrease in temperature with height in the troposphere changes above the tropopause to an increase in temperature with height. Therefore, there is an extremely stable layer called the stratosphere (lat. stratum - layer, flooring). The existence of permanent thin aerosol layers and the long stay of radioactive elements there from nuclear explosions serve as direct evidence of the absence of mixing in the stratosphere. In the terrestrial stratosphere, the temperature continues to rise with height up to the stratopause, passing at an altitude of approx. 50 km. The source of heat in the stratosphere is the photochemical reactions of ozone, the concentration of which is maximum at an altitude of approx. 25 km. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation, so below 75 km almost all of it is converted into heat. The chemistry of the stratosphere is complex. Ozone is mainly formed over the equatorial regions, but its highest concentration is found over the poles; this indicates that the ozone content is influenced not only by chemistry, but also by the dynamics of the atmosphere. Mars also has higher ozone concentrations over the poles, especially over the winter pole. The dry atmosphere of Mars has relatively few hydroxyl radicals (OH) that deplete ozone.

The temperature profiles of the atmospheres of the giant planets are determined from ground-based observations of planetary occultations of stars and from probe data, in particular, from the attenuation of radio signals when the probe enters the planet. Each planet has a tropopause and a stratosphere, above which lie the thermosphere, exosphere, and ionosphere. The temperature of the thermospheres of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, respectively, is approx. 1000, 420 and 800 K. The high temperature and relatively low gravity on Uranus allow the atmosphere to extend to the rings. This causes deceleration and rapid fall of dust particles. Since there are still dust lanes in the rings of Uranus, there must be a source of dust there.

Although the temperature structure of the troposphere and stratosphere in the atmospheres of different planets has much in common, their chemical composition is very different. The atmospheres of Venus and Mars are mostly carbon dioxide, but they represent two extreme examples of atmospheric evolution: Venus has a dense and hot atmosphere, while Mars has a cold and thin atmosphere. It is important to understand whether the earth's atmosphere will eventually come to one of these two types, and whether these three atmospheres have always been so different.

The fate of the original water on the planet can be determined by measuring the content of deuterium in relation to the light isotope of hydrogen: the ratio D / H imposes a limit on the amount of hydrogen leaving the planet. The mass of water in the atmosphere of Venus is now 10 -5 of the mass of the Earth's oceans. But the D/H ratio on Venus is 100 times higher than on Earth. If at first this ratio was the same on Earth and Venus and the water reserves on Venus were not replenished during its evolution, then a hundredfold increase in the D/H ratio on Venus means that once there was a hundred times more water on Venus than now. The explanation for this is usually sought in the framework of the "greenhouse volatilization" theory, which states that Venus was never cold enough for water to condense on its surface. If water always filled the atmosphere in the form of steam, then the photodissociation of water molecules led to the release of hydrogen, the light isotope of which escaped from the atmosphere into space, and the remaining water was enriched with deuterium.

Of great interest is the strong difference between the atmospheres of Earth and Venus. It is believed that the modern atmospheres of terrestrial planets were formed as a result of degassing of the bowels; in this case, water vapor and carbon dioxide were mainly released. On Earth, water was concentrated in the ocean, and carbon dioxide was bound in sedimentary rocks. But Venus is closer to the Sun, it is hot there and there is no life; so carbon dioxide remained in the atmosphere. Water vapor under the action of sunlight dissociated into hydrogen and oxygen; hydrogen escaped into space (the earth's atmosphere also quickly loses hydrogen), and oxygen turned out to be bound in rocks. True, the difference between these two atmospheres may turn out to be deeper: there is still no explanation for the fact that there is much more argon in the atmosphere of Venus than in the atmosphere of the Earth.

The surface of Mars is now a cold and dry desert. During the warmest part of the day, the temperature can be slightly above the normal freezing point of water, but the low atmospheric pressure does not allow the water on the surface of Mars to be in a liquid state: the ice immediately turns into steam. However, there are several canyons on Mars that resemble dry riverbeds. Some of them appear to be cut by short-term but catastrophically powerful water flows, while others show deep ravines and an extensive network of valleys, which indicate the probable long-term existence of lowland rivers in the early periods of Mars' history. There are also morphological indications that the old craters of Mars are destroyed by erosion much more than the young ones, and this is possible only if the atmosphere of Mars was much denser than now.

In the early 1960s, the polar caps of Mars were thought to be composed of water ice. But in 1966, R. Leighton and B. Murray considered the heat balance of the planet and showed that carbon dioxide should condense in large quantities at the poles, and a balance of solid and gaseous carbon dioxide should be maintained between the polar caps and the atmosphere. It is curious that the seasonal growth and reduction of the polar caps lead to pressure fluctuations in the Martian atmosphere by 20% (for example, in the cabins of old jet liners, pressure drops during takeoff and landing were also about 20%). Space photographs of the Martian polar caps show amazing spiral patterns and stepped terraces that the Mars Polar Lander (1999) probe was supposed to explore, but it suffered a landing failure.

It is not known exactly why the pressure of the Martian atmosphere dropped so much, probably from a few bar in the first billion years to 7 mbar now. It is possible that the weathering of surface rocks removed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, sequestering carbon in carbonate rocks, as happened on Earth. At a surface temperature of 273 K, this process could destroy the carbon dioxide atmosphere of Mars with a pressure of several bar in just 50 million years; it has obviously proved very difficult to maintain a warm and humid climate on Mars throughout the history of the solar system. A similar process also affects the carbon content in the earth's atmosphere. About 60 bar of carbon is now bound in the earth's carbonate rocks. Obviously, in the past, the earth's atmosphere contained much more carbon dioxide than now, and the temperature of the atmosphere was higher. The main difference between the evolution of the atmosphere of Earth and Mars is that on Earth, plate tectonics supports the carbon cycle, while on Mars it is "locked" in rocks and polar caps.

circumplanetary rings.

It is curious that each of the giant planets has ring systems, but not a single terrestrial planet has. Those who first look at Saturn through a telescope often exclaim: “Well, just like in the picture!”, Seeing its amazingly bright and clear rings. However, the rings of the remaining planets are almost invisible in a telescope. Jupiter's pale ring is experiencing a mysterious interaction with its magnetic field. Uranus and Neptune are surrounded by several thin rings each; the structure of these rings reflects their resonant interaction with nearby satellites. The three annular arcs of Neptune are especially intriguing to researchers, since they are clearly limited both in the radial and azimuthal directions.

A big surprise was the discovery of the narrow rings of Uranus during the observation of its coverage of a star in 1977. The fact is that there are many phenomena that could noticeably expand narrow rings in just a few decades: these are mutual collisions of particles, the Poynting-Robertson effect (radiative braking) and plasma braking. From a practical point of view, narrow rings, whose position can be measured with high accuracy, have turned out to be a very convenient indicator of the orbital motion of particles. The precession of Uranus' rings made it possible to elucidate the distribution of mass within the planet.

Those who have had to drive a car with a dusty windshield towards the rising or setting sun know that dust particles strongly scatter light in the direction it falls. That is why it is difficult to detect dust in planetary rings by observing them from the Earth, i.e. from the side of the sun. But every time the space probe flew past the outer planet and "looked" back, we got images of the rings in transmitted light. In such images of Uranus and Neptune, previously unknown dust rings were discovered, which are much wider than the narrow rings known for a long time.

Rotating disks are the most important topic of modern astrophysics. Many dynamical theories developed to explain the structure of galaxies can also be used to study planetary rings. Thus, the rings of Saturn have become an object for testing the theory of self-gravitating disks. The self-gravity property of these rings is indicated by the presence of both helical density waves and helical bending waves in them, which are visible in the detailed images. The wave packet found in Saturn's rings has been attributed to the planet's strong horizontal resonance with its moon Iapetus, which excites spiral density waves in the outer Cassini division.

Many conjectures have been made about the origin of the rings. It is important that they lie inside the Roche zone, i.e. at such a distance from the planet where the mutual attraction of particles is less than the difference in the forces of attraction between them by the planet. Inside the Roche zone, scattered particles cannot form a satellite of the planet. Perhaps the substance of the rings has remained “unclaimed” since the formation of the planet itself. But perhaps these are traces of a recent catastrophe - a collision of two satellites or the destruction of a satellite by the tidal forces of the planet. If you collect all the substance of the rings of Saturn, you get a body with a radius of approx. 200 km. In the rings of other planets, there is much less substance.



Many small planets - asteroids - revolve around the Sun mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Astronomers took the name "asteroid" because in a telescope they look like faint stars ( aster Greek for "star"). At first they thought that these were fragments of a large planet that once existed, but then it became clear that asteroids never formed a single body; most likely, this substance could not unite into a planet due to the influence of Jupiter. According to estimates, the total mass of all asteroids in our era is only 6% of the mass of the Moon; half of this mass is contained in the three largest - 1 Ceres, 2 Pallas and 4 Vesta. The number in the asteroid designation indicates the order in which it was discovered. Asteroids with precisely known orbits are assigned not only serial numbers, but also names: 3 Juno, 44 ​​Nisa, 1566 Icarus. The exact elements of the orbits of more than 8,000 asteroids out of 33,000 discovered to date are known.

There are at least two hundred asteroids with a radius of more than 50 km and about a thousand - more than 15 km. About a million asteroids are estimated to have a radius greater than 0.5 km. The largest of them is Ceres, a rather dark and difficult object to observe. Special methods of adaptive optics are required in order to distinguish surface details of even large asteroids using ground-based telescopes.

The radii of the orbits of most asteroids are between 2.2 and 3.3 AU, this region is called the "asteroid belt". But it is not entirely filled with asteroid orbits: at distances of 2.50, 2.82 and 2.96 AU. They are not here; these "windows" were formed under the influence of perturbations from Jupiter. All asteroids orbit in the forward direction, but the orbits of many of them are noticeably elongated and tilted. Some asteroids have very curious orbits. Yes, the group Troyantsev moves in the orbit of Jupiter; most of these asteroids are very dark and red. The asteroids of the Amur group have orbits that fit or cross the orbit of Mars; among them 433 Eros. Asteroids of the Apollo group cross the Earth's orbit; among them 1533 Icarus, closest to the Sun. Obviously, sooner or later, these asteroids experience a dangerous approach to the planets, which ends in a collision or a serious change in orbit. Finally, asteroids of the Aton group have recently been singled out as a special class, the orbits of which lie almost entirely within the orbit of the Earth. They are all very small.

The brightness of many asteroids changes periodically, which is natural for rotating irregular bodies. Their rotation periods lie in the range from 2.3 to 80 hours and are close to 9 hours on average. Asteroids owe their irregular shape to numerous mutual collisions. Examples of an exotic form are 433 Eros and 643 Hector, in which the ratio of the lengths of the axes reaches 2.5.

In the past, the entire interior of the solar system was likely similar to the main asteroid belt. Jupiter, located near this belt, strongly disturbs the movement of asteroids with its attraction, increasing their speed and leading to a collision, and this more often destroys than unites them. Like an unfinished planet, the asteroid belt gives us a unique opportunity to see parts of the structure before they disappear inside the finished body of the planet.

By studying the light reflected by asteroids, it is possible to learn a lot about the composition of their surface. Most asteroids, on the basis of their reflectance and color, are assigned to three groups similar to meteorite groups: asteroids of the type C have a dark surface like carbonaceous chondrites ( see below Meteorites), type S brighter and redder, and type M similar to iron-nickel meteorites. For example, 1 Ceres is similar to carbonaceous chondrites, and 4 Vesta is similar to basalt eukrites. This indicates that the origin of meteorites is associated with the asteroid belt. The surface of asteroids is covered with finely crushed rock - regolith. It is rather strange that it is kept on the surface after the impact of meteorites - after all, a 20-km asteroid has a gravity of 10 -3 g, and the speed of leaving the surface is only 10 m / s.

In addition to color, many characteristic infrared and ultraviolet spectral lines are now known to be used to classify asteroids. According to these data, 5 main classes are distinguished: A, C, D, S and T. Asteroids 4 Vesta, 349 Dembowska and 1862 Apollo did not fit into this classification: each of them occupied a special position and became the prototype of new classes, respectively. V, R and Q, which now contains other asteroids. From a large group With-asteroids further distinguished classes B, F and G. The modern classification has 14 types of asteroids, designated (in decreasing order of the number of members) by letters S, C, M, D, F, P, G, E, B, T, A, V, Q, R. Because the albedo WITH- asteroids lower than S-asteroids, observational selection occurs: dark With-Asteroids are harder to detect. With this in mind, the most numerous type is precisely WITH- asteroids.

From a comparison of the spectra of asteroids of various types with the spectra of samples of pure minerals, three large groups were formed: primitive ( C, D, P, Q), metamorphic ( F, G, B, T) and magmatic ( S, M, E, A,V, R). The surface of primitive asteroids is rich in carbon and water; metamorphic ones contain less water and volatiles than primitive ones; igneous are covered with complex minerals, probably formed from the melt. The inner region of the main asteroid belt is richly populated by igneous asteroids, metamorphic asteroids predominate in the middle part of the belt, and primitive asteroids predominate on the periphery. This indicates that during the formation of the solar system, there was a sharp temperature gradient in the asteroid belt.

The classification of asteroids based on their spectra groups the bodies according to their surface composition. But if we consider the elements of their orbits (the semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination), then the dynamic families of asteroids are distinguished, first described by K. Hirayama in 1918. The most populated of them are the families of Themis, Eos and Koronids. Probably, each family is a swarm of fragments of a relatively recent collision. A systematic study of the solar system leads us to understand that major collisions are the rule rather than the exception, and that the Earth is also not immune to them.


A meteoroid is a small body that revolves around the sun. A meteor is a meteoroid that flew into the atmosphere of the planet and became red-hot to a shine. And if its remnant fell to the surface of the planet, it is called a meteorite. A meteorite is considered "fallen" if there are eyewitnesses who observed its flight in the atmosphere; otherwise, it is called "found".

There are much more “found” meteorites than “fallen” meteorites. Often they are found by tourists or peasants working in the field. Since meteorites are dark in color and easily visible in the snow, the Antarctic ice fields, where thousands of meteorites have already been found, are an excellent place to look for them. For the first time, a meteorite in Antarctica was discovered in 1969 by a group of Japanese geologists who studied glaciers. They found 9 fragments lying side by side, but belonging to four different types of meteorites. It turned out that meteorites that fell on the ice in different places gather where the ice fields moving at a speed of several meters per year stop, resting on mountain ranges. The wind destroys and dries the upper layers of ice (dry sublimation occurs - ablation), and meteorites concentrate on the surface of the glacier. Such ice has a bluish color and is easily distinguishable from the air, which is what scientists use when studying places promising for collecting meteorites.

An important meteorite fall occurred in 1969 in Chihuahua (Mexico). The first of many large fragments was found near a house in the village of Pueblito de Allende, and, following tradition, all found fragments of this meteorite were combined under the name Allende. The fall of the Allende meteorite coincided with the start of the Apollo lunar program and gave scientists the opportunity to work out methods for analyzing extraterrestrial samples. In recent years, some meteorites containing white fragments embedded in darker parent rock have been found to be lunar fragments.

The Allende meteorite belongs to chondrites, an important subgroup of stony meteorites. They are called so because they contain chondrules (from the Greek chondros, seed) - the oldest spherical particles that condensed in a protoplanetary nebula and then became part of later rocks. Such meteorites make it possible to estimate the age of the solar system and its initial composition. The inclusions of the Allende meteorite rich in calcium and aluminum, which were the first to condense due to their high boiling point, have an age measured from radioactive decay of 4.559 ± 0.004 billion years. This is the most accurate estimate of the age of the solar system. In addition, all meteorites carry "historical records" caused by the long-term influence of galactic cosmic rays, solar radiation and solar wind on them. By examining the damage caused by cosmic rays, we can tell how long the meteorite stayed in orbit before it fell under the protection of the earth's atmosphere.

A direct relationship between meteorites and the Sun follows from the fact that the elemental composition of the oldest meteorites - chondrites - exactly repeats the composition of the solar photosphere. The only elements whose content differs are volatiles, such as hydrogen and helium, which evaporated abundantly from meteorites during their cooling, as well as lithium, which was partially “burned out” on the Sun in nuclear reactions. The terms "solar composition" and "chondrite composition" are used interchangeably when describing the "recipe for solar matter" mentioned above. Stone meteorites, the composition of which differs from the sun, are called achondrites.

Small shards.

The near-solar space is filled with small particles, the sources of which are the collapsing nuclei of comets and collisions of bodies, mainly in the asteroid belt. The smallest particles gradually approach the Sun as a result of the Poynting-Robertson effect (it consists in the fact that the pressure of sunlight on a moving particle is not directed exactly along the Sun-particle line, but as a result of light aberration it is deflected back and therefore slows down the movement of the particle). The fall of small particles on the Sun is compensated by their constant reproduction, so that in the plane of the ecliptic there is always an accumulation of dust that scatters the sun's rays. On the darkest nights it is visible as zodiacal light, stretching in a wide band along the ecliptic in the west after sunset and in the east before sunrise. Near the Sun, zodiacal light passes into a false corona ( F-crown, from false - false), which is visible only during a total eclipse. With an increase in the angular distance from the Sun, the brightness of the zodiacal light rapidly decreases, but at the antisolar point of the ecliptic it increases again, forming a counterradiance; this is due to the fact that small dust particles intensively reflect light back.

From time to time, meteoroids enter the Earth's atmosphere. The speed of their movement is so high (on average 40 km/s) that almost all of them, except for the smallest and largest ones, burn out at an altitude of about 110 km, leaving long luminous tails - meteors, or shooting stars. Many meteoroids are associated with the orbits of individual comets, so meteors are observed more often when the Earth passes near such orbits at certain times of the year. For example, there are many meteors around August 12 each year as the Earth crosses the Perseid shower associated with particles lost by Comet 1862 III. Another stream, the Orionids, around October 20 is associated with dust from Halley's comet.

Particles smaller than 30 microns can slow down in the atmosphere and fall to the ground without being burned; such micrometeorites are collected for laboratory analysis. If particles of a few centimeters or more in size consist of a sufficiently dense substance, then they also do not burn out completely and fall to the Earth's surface in the form of meteorites. More than 90% of them are stone; only a specialist can distinguish them from terrestrial rocks. The remaining 10% of meteorites are iron (in fact, they are composed of an alloy of iron and nickel).

Meteorites are considered fragments of asteroids. Iron meteorites were once in the composition of the nuclei of these bodies, destroyed by collisions. It is possible that some loose and volatile meteorites originated from comets, but this is unlikely; most likely, large particles of comets burn up in the atmosphere, and only small ones remain. Considering how difficult it is for comets and asteroids to reach the Earth, it is clear how useful it is to study meteorites that independently "arrived" on our planet from the depths of the solar system.


Usually comets come from the far periphery of the solar system and for a short time become extremely spectacular luminaries; at this time they attract general attention, but much of their nature is still unclear. A new comet usually appears unexpectedly, and therefore it is almost impossible to prepare a space probe to meet it. Of course, you can slowly prepare and send a probe to meet with one of the hundreds of periodic comets whose orbits are well known; but all these comets, which have repeatedly approached the Sun, have already grown old, have almost completely lost their volatile substances and have become pale and inactive. Only one periodic comet is still active - Halley's comet. Her 30 appearances have been regularly recorded since 240 BC. and named the comet in honor of the astronomer E. Halley, who predicted its appearance in 1758.

Comet Halley has an orbital period of 76 years, a perihelion distance of 0.59 AU. and aphelion 35 AU When in March 1986 it crossed the plane of the ecliptic, an armada of spacecraft with fifty scientific instruments rushed to meet it. Particularly important results were obtained by two Soviet probes "Vega" and the European "Giotto", which for the first time transmitted images of a cometary nucleus. They show a very uneven surface covered with craters, and two gas jets gushing on the sunny side of the core. The nucleus of Halley's comet was larger than expected; its surface, reflecting only 4% of the incident light, is one of the darkest in the solar system.

About ten comets are observed per year, of which only a third have been discovered earlier. They are often classified according to the length of their orbital period: short-period (3 P P P

In recent years, a rather rich population of the solar system has been discovered, stretching in the form of a disk just beyond the orbits of the giant planets; it is called the Kuiper Belt see below). It may also contain many comet nuclei.

It is customary to distinguish three parts of a comet: a small (1–10 km) solid core, a gas-dust cloud surrounding it - a head or coma, about 100 thousand km in size, and a tail stretching from it for about 100 million km, directed from the Sun . The nucleus of a comet is an icy body with an admixture of solid rocks. As it approaches the Sun, the core heats up, and the gas streams leaving its surface carry away dust and ice particles that form the comet's head. In the spectrum of the head, bands of molecules and radicals CN, CH, NH, OH, C 2 , C 3 are usually visible, representing "fragments" of more complex core molecules destroyed by solar radiation. Some molecules are ionized and begin to actively interact with the solar wind, forming a plasma or ion tail (type I); its spectrum shows emission lines of CO + , OH + and N 2 + ions. Dust particles form a curved dust tail (type II), the spectrum of which is scattered sunlight.

As the gases evaporate, the comet's nucleus also loses fine dust, but it is not clear whether it leaves behind larger debris. It is also interesting what is the fate of the core after the loss of all volatile substances: does it become like an ordinary asteroid? It is curious that the small asteroids of the Apollo group move in elongated orbits, very reminiscent of the orbits of short-period comets.

Search for planets in the solar system.

More than once, assumptions have been made about the possibility of the existence of a planet closer to the Sun than Mercury. Le Verrier (1811-1877), who predicted the discovery of Neptune, investigated anomalies in the movement of the perihelion of Mercury's orbit and, on the basis of this, predicted the existence of a new unknown planet inside its orbit. Soon there was a message about her observation and the planet was even given a name - Vulcan. But the discovery was not confirmed.

In 1977, the American astronomer Cowell discovered a very faint object, which was dubbed the "tenth planet". But the object turned out to be too small for the planet (about 200 km). It was named Chiron and attributed to the asteroids, among which it was then the most distant: the aphelion of its orbit was removed by 18.9 AU. and almost touches the orbit of Uranus, and the perihelion lies just beyond the orbit of Saturn at a distance of 8.5 AU. from the sun. With an orbital inclination of just 7°, it can indeed come close to Saturn and Uranus. Calculations show that such an orbit is unstable: Chiron will either collide with the planet or be ejected from the solar system.

From time to time, theoretical predictions about the existence of large planets beyond the orbit of Pluto are published, but so far they have not been confirmed. Analysis of cometary orbits shows that up to a distance of 75 AU. There are no planets larger than Earth beyond Pluto. However, the existence of a large number of small planets in this area is quite possible, which are not easy to detect. The existence of this cluster of non-Neptunian bodies has long been suspected and even received the name - the Kuiper belt, after the famous American planetary explorer. However, it was only recently that the first objects were found in it. In 1992–1994, 17 minor planets were discovered beyond the orbit of Neptune. Of these, 8 move at distances of 40–45 AU. from the Sun, i.e. even beyond the orbit of Pluto.

Due to their great distance, the brightness of these objects is extremely weak; only suitable for their search largest telescopes peace. Therefore, only about 3 square degrees have been systematically scanned so far. celestial sphere, i.e. 0.01% of its area. Therefore, it is expected that beyond the orbit of Neptune there may be tens of thousands of objects similar to those discovered, and millions of smaller ones, with a diameter of 5–10 km. Judging by estimates, this cluster of small bodies is hundreds of times more massive than the asteroid belt located between Jupiter and Mars, but inferior in mass to the giant cometary Oort cloud.

Objects beyond Neptune are still difficult to attribute to any class of small bodies in the solar system - to asteroids or comet nuclei. The newly discovered bodies are 100–200 km in size and have a rather red surface, indicating its ancient composition and the possible presence of organic compounds. Bodies of the "Kuiper belt" have recently been discovered quite often (by the end of 1999, about 200 of them had been discovered). Some planetary scientists believe that it would be more correct to call Pluto not "the smallest planet", but "the largest body of the Kuiper belt."


From modern views on the formation of stars, it follows that the birth of a star of the solar type must be accompanied by the formation of a planetary system. Even if this applies only to stars that are completely similar to the Sun (i.e., single stars of the spectral class G), then in this case at least 1% of the stars in the Galaxy (and this is about 1 billion stars) should have planetary systems. A more detailed analysis shows that planets can be cooler than the spectral type for all stars. F, and even in binary systems.

Indeed, in recent years there have been reports of the discovery of planets around other stars. At the same time, the planets themselves are not visible: their presence is detected by the slight movement of the star, caused by its attraction to the planet. The planet's orbital motion causes the star to "wiggle" and its radial velocity to change periodically, which can be measured from the position of the lines in the star's spectrum (the Doppler effect). By the end of 1999, the discovery of Jupiter-type planets around 30 stars was reported, including 51 Peg, 70 Vir, 47 UMa, 55 Cnc, t Boo, u And, 16 Cyg, etc. All these are stars close to the Sun, and the distance to the nearest of them (Gliese 876) is only 15 sv. years. Two radio pulsars (PSR 1257+12 and PSR B1628–26) also have systems of planets with masses on the order of the Earth's. It is not yet possible to notice such light planets in normal stars with the help of optical technology.

Around each star, you can specify the ecosphere, in which the surface temperature of the planet allows the existence of liquid water. The solar ecosphere extends from 0.8 to 1.1 AU. It contains the Earth, but Venus (0.72 AU) and Mars (1.52 AU) do not fall. Probably, in any planetary system, no more than 1–2 planets fall into the ecosphere, on which conditions are favorable for life.


The motion of the planets with high accuracy obeys the three laws of I. Kepler (1571–1630), which he derived from observations:

1) The planets move in ellipses, in one of the focuses of which is the Sun.

2) The radius-vector connecting the Sun and the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal time intervals of the planet's orbit.

3) The square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of the elliptical orbit.

Kepler's second law follows directly from the law of conservation of angular momentum and is the most general of the three. Newton found that Kepler's first law is valid if the force of attraction between two bodies is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them, and the third law - if this force is also proportional to the masses of the bodies. In 1873, J. Bertrand proved that in general only in two cases the bodies will not move one around the other in a spiral: if they are attracted according to Newton's inverse square law or according to Hooke's direct proportionality law (which describes the elasticity of springs). A remarkable property of the solar system is that the mass of the central star is much greater than the mass of any of the planets, so the movement of each member of the planetary system can be calculated with high accuracy within the framework of the problem of the movement of two mutually gravitating bodies - the Sun and the only planet next to it. Its mathematical solution is known: if the planet's speed is not too high, then it moves in a closed periodic orbit, which can be accurately calculated.

In 1867, D. Kirkwood was the first to note that empty places ("hatches") in the asteroid belt are located at such distances from the Sun, where the average motion is in commensurability (in integer terms) with the motion of Jupiter. In other words, asteroids avoid orbits in which the period of their revolution around the Sun would be a multiple of the period of revolution of Jupiter. The two largest hatches of Kirkwood fall on the proportions of 3:1 and 2:1. However, near the 3:2 commensurability, there is an excess of asteroids grouped according to this feature into the Gilda group. There is also an excess of asteroids of the Trojan group at a 1:1 commensurability moving in the orbit of Jupiter 60° ahead and 60° behind it. The situation with the Trojans is understandable - they are captured near the stable Lagrange points (L 4 and L 5) in the orbit of Jupiter, but how to explain the Kirkwood hatches and the Gilda group?

If there were only hatches on the commensurations, then one could accept the simple explanation proposed by Kirkwood himself that the asteroids are ejected from the resonant regions by the periodic influence of Jupiter. But now this picture seems too simple. Numerical calculations have shown that chaotic orbits penetrate regions of space near the 3:1 resonance and that asteroid fragments that fall into this region change their orbits from circular to elongated elliptical ones, regularly bringing them to the central part of the solar system. In such interplanetary orbits, meteoroids do not live long (only a few million years) before crashing into Mars or the Earth, and with a small miss, they are ejected to the periphery of the solar system. So, the main source of meteorites falling to the Earth are the Kirkwood hatches, through which the chaotic orbits of asteroid fragments pass.

Of course, there are many examples of highly ordered resonant motions in the solar system. This is exactly how satellites close to the planets move, for example, the Moon, which always faces the Earth with the same hemisphere, since its orbital period coincides with the axial one. An example of even higher synchronization is given by the Pluto-Charon system, in which not only on the satellite, but also on the planet, “a day is equal to a month”. The motion of Mercury has an intermediate character, the axial rotation and orbital circulation of which are in a resonant ratio of 3:2. However, not all bodies behave so simply: for example, in a non-spherical Hyperion, under the influence of Saturn's attraction, the axis of rotation randomly flips over.

The evolution of satellite orbits is influenced by several factors. Since the planets and satellites are not point masses, but extended objects, and, in addition, the gravitational force depends on the distance, different parts of the satellite's body, distant from the planet at different distances, are attracted to it in different ways; the same is true for the attraction acting from the side of the satellite on the planet. This difference in forces causes the tides of the sea, and gives the synchronously rotating satellites a slightly flattened shape. The satellite and the planet cause tidal deformations in each other, and this affects their orbital motion. The 4:2:1 mean motion resonance of Jupiter's moons Io, Europa, and Ganymede, first studied in detail by Laplace in his Celestial mechanics(Vol. 4, 1805), is called the Laplace resonance. Just a few days before Voyager 1's approach to Jupiter, on March 2, 1979, astronomers Peale, Cassin and Reynolds published "Io's Melting by Tidal Dissipation", which predicted active volcanism on this satellite due to its leading role in maintaining a 4:2:1 resonance. Voyager 1 indeed discovered active volcanoes on Io, so powerful that not a single meteorite crater is visible on the satellite’s surface images: its surface is covered with eruptions so quickly.


The question of how the solar system formed is perhaps the most difficult in planetary science. To answer it, we still have little data that would help to restore the complex physical and chemical processes that took place in that distant era. A theory of the formation of the solar system must explain many facts, including its mechanical state, chemical composition, and isotope chronology data. In this case, it is desirable to rely on real phenomena observed near forming and young stars.

mechanical condition.

The planets revolve around the Sun in the same direction, in almost circular orbits lying almost in the same plane. Most of them rotate around their axis in the same direction as the Sun. All this indicates that the predecessor of the solar system was a rotating disk, which is naturally formed by the compression of a self-gravitating system with the conservation of angular momentum and the consequent increase in angular velocity. (The angular momentum, or angular momentum, of a planet is the product of its mass times its distance from the Sun times its orbital speed. The momentum of the Sun is determined by its axial rotation and is approximately equal to the product of its mass times its radius times its speed of rotation; the axial moments of planets are negligible.)

The sun contains 99% of the mass of the solar system, but only approx. 1% of her angular momentum. The theory should explain why most of the mass of the system is concentrated in the Sun, and the vast majority of the angular momentum is in the outer planets. The available theoretical models for the formation of the solar system indicate that the Sun initially rotated much faster than it does now. Then the angular momentum from the young Sun was transferred to the outer parts of the solar system; astronomers believe that gravitational and magnetic forces slowed down the rotation of the Sun and accelerated the movement of the planets.

For two centuries now, an approximate rule for the regular distribution of planetary distances from the Sun (the Titius-Bode rule) has been known, but there is no explanation for it. In the systems of satellites of the outer planets, the same regularities can be traced as in the planetary system as a whole; probably, the processes of their formation had much in common.

Chemical composition.

In the solar system, there is a strong gradient (difference) of chemical composition: planets and satellites close to the Sun are made of refractory materials, and there are many volatile elements in the composition of distant bodies. This means that during the formation of the solar system there was a large temperature gradient. Modern astrophysical models of chemical condensation suggest that the initial composition of the protoplanetary cloud was close to the composition of the interstellar medium and the Sun: in terms of mass, up to 75% hydrogen, up to 25% helium, and less than 1% of all other elements. These models successfully explain the observed variations in chemical composition in the solar system.

The chemical composition of distant objects can be judged on the basis of their average density, as well as the spectra of their surface and atmosphere. This could be done much more accurately by analyzing samples of planetary matter, but so far we have only samples from the Moon and meteorites. By studying meteorites, we begin to understand the chemical processes in the primordial nebula. However, the process of agglomeration of large planets from small particles is still unclear.

isotopic data.

Star formation.

Stars are born in the process of collapse (compression) of interstellar gas and dust clouds. This process has not yet been studied in detail. There are observational evidence that shock waves from supernova explosions can compress interstellar matter and stimulate clouds to collapse into stars.

Before a young star reaches a stable state, it undergoes a stage of gravitational contraction from the protostellar nebula. Basic information about this stage of stellar evolution is obtained by studying young T Tauri stars. Apparently, these stars are still in a state of compression and their age does not exceed 1 million years. Usually their masses are from 0.2 to 2 solar masses. They show signs of strong magnetic activity. The spectra of some T Tauri stars contain forbidden lines that appear only in low-density gas; these are probably remnants of a protostellar nebula surrounding the star. T Tauri stars are characterized by rapid fluctuations in ultraviolet and x-ray radiation. Many of them have powerful infrared radiation and silicon spectral lines - this indicates that the stars are surrounded by dust clouds. Finally, T Tauri stars have powerful stellar winds. It is believed that in the early period of its evolution, the Sun also passed through the stage of T Taurus, and that it was during this period that volatile elements were forced out of the inner regions of the solar system.

Some moderate-mass forming stars show a strong increase in luminosity and shell ejection in less than a year. Such phenomena are called FU Orion flares. At least once such an outburst was experienced by a T Tauri star. It is believed that most young stars go through a FU Orionic flare stage. Many see the cause of the outburst in the fact that from time to time the rate of accretion onto the young star of matter from the gas-dust disk surrounding it increases. If the Sun also experienced one or more Orionian FU-type flares early in its evolution, this must have had a strong effect on volatiles in the central solar system.

Observations and calculations show that there are always remnants of protostellar matter in the vicinity of a forming star. It can form a companion star or a planetary system. Indeed, many stars form binary and multiple systems. But if the mass of the companion does not exceed 1% of the mass of the Sun (10 masses of Jupiter), then the temperature in its core will never reach the value necessary for the occurrence of thermonuclear reactions. Such a celestial body is called a planet.

Theories of formation.

Scientific theories for the formation of the solar system can be divided into three categories: tidal, accretionary, and nebular. The latter are currently attracting the most interest.

The tidal theory, apparently first proposed by Buffon (1707–1788), does not directly link star and planet formation. It is assumed that another star flying past the Sun, through tidal interaction, pulled out of it (or from itself) a jet of matter from which the planets were formed. This idea runs into many physical problems; for example, hot matter ejected by a star should be sprayed out, not condensed. Now the tidal theory is unpopular because it cannot explain the mechanical features of the solar system and presents its birth as a random and extremely rare event.

The accretion theory suggests that the young Sun captured the material of the future planetary system, flying through a dense interstellar cloud. Indeed, young stars are usually found near large interstellar clouds. However, within the framework of the accretion theory, it is difficult to explain the gradient of the chemical composition in the planetary system.

The nebular hypothesis proposed by Kant at the end of the 18th century is the most developed and generally accepted now. Its main idea is that the Sun and the planets formed simultaneously from a single rotating cloud. Shrinking, it turned into a disk, in the center of which the Sun was formed, and on the periphery - the planets. Note that this idea differs from Laplace's hypothesis, according to which the Sun was first formed from a cloud, and then, as it contracted, the centrifugal force tore off gas rings from the equator, which later condensed into planets. The Laplace hypothesis faces physical difficulties that have not been overcome for 200 years.

The most successful modern version of the nebular theory was created by A. Cameron and colleagues. In their model, the protoplanetary nebula was about twice as massive as the current planetary system. During the first 100 million years, the forming Sun actively ejected matter from it. Such behavior is characteristic of young stars, which are called T Tauri stars after the name of the prototype. The distribution of pressure and temperature of the nebula matter in Cameron's model is in good agreement with the gradient of the chemical composition of the solar system.

Thus, it is most likely that the Sun and the planets formed from a single, collapsing cloud. In its central part, where the density and temperature were higher, only refractory substances were preserved, and volatile substances were also preserved on the periphery; this explains the gradient of the chemical composition. According to this model, the formation of a planetary system must accompany the early evolution of all stars like the Sun.

Planet growth.

There are many scenarios for the growth of planets. Perhaps the planets formed as a result of random collisions and sticking together of small bodies called planetesimals. But, perhaps, small bodies united into larger ones at once in large groups as a result of gravitational instability. It is not clear whether the planets accumulated in a gaseous or gasless environment. In a gaseous nebula, temperature drops are smoothed out, but when part of the gas condenses into dust particles, and the remaining gas is swept away by the stellar wind, the transparency of the nebula increases sharply, and a strong temperature gradient arises in the system. It is still not entirely clear what are the characteristic times of gas condensation into dust particles, accumulation of dust grains in planetesimals, and accretion of planetesimals into planets and their satellites.


It has been suggested that life in the solar system once existed beyond the Earth, and perhaps exists now. The advent of space technology made it possible to begin direct testing of this hypothesis. Mercury was too hot and devoid of atmosphere and water. Venus is also very hot - lead is melted on its surface. The possibility of life in the upper cloud layer of Venus, where conditions are much milder, is nothing more than a fantasy. The moon and asteroids look completely sterile.

Great hopes were pinned on Mars. Seen through a telescope 100 years ago, systems of thin straight lines - "channels" - then gave reason to talk about artificial irrigation facilities on the surface of Mars. But now we know that the conditions on Mars are unfavorable for life: cold, dry, very rarefied air and, as a result, strong ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, which sterilizes the surface of the planet. Instruments landing blocks "Vikings" was not found organic matter in the soil of Mars.

True, there are signs that the climate of Mars has changed significantly and may once have been more favorable for life. It is known that in the distant past there was water on the surface of Mars, since detailed images of the planet show traces of water erosion, reminiscent of ravines and dry riverbeds. Long-term variations in the Martian climate may be associated with a change in the tilt of the polar axis. With a slight increase in the temperature of the planet, the atmosphere can become 100 times denser (due to the evaporation of ice). Thus, it is possible that life on Mars once existed. We will be able to answer this question only after a detailed study of Martian soil samples. But their delivery to Earth is a difficult task.

Fortunately, there is strong evidence that of the thousands of meteorites found on Earth, at least 12 came from Mars. They are called SNC meteorites because the first ones were found near settlements Shergotty (Shergotty, India), Nakhla (Nakla, Egypt) and Chassigny (Chassigny, France). The ALH 84001 meteorite found in Antarctica is much older than the others and contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons possibly of biological origin. It is believed that it came to Earth from Mars, since the ratio of oxygen isotopes in it is not the same as in terrestrial rocks or non-SNC meteorites, but the same as in the EETA 79001 meteorite, which contains glasses with inclusions of bubbles, in which the composition of noble gases different from the earth, but corresponds to the atmosphere of Mars.

Although there are many organic molecules in the atmospheres of giant planets, it is hard to believe that in the absence of a solid surface, life could exist there. In this sense, Saturn's satellite Titan is much more interesting, which has not only an atmosphere with organic components, but also a solid surface where fusion products can accumulate. True, the temperature of this surface (90 K) is more suitable for oxygen liquefaction. Therefore, the attention of biologists is more attracted by Jupiter's moon Europa, although devoid of an atmosphere, but, apparently, having an ocean of liquid water under its icy surface.

Some comets almost certainly contain complex organic molecules dating back to the formation of the solar system. But it's hard to imagine life on a comet. So, until we have evidence that life in the solar system exists anywhere outside the Earth.

One can ask questions: what are the capabilities of scientific instruments in connection with the search for extraterrestrial life? Can a modern space probe detect the presence of life on a distant planet? For example, could the Galileo spacecraft have detected life and intelligence on Earth when it flew past it twice in gravitational maneuvers? On the images of the Earth transmitted by the probe, it was not possible to notice signs of intelligent life, but the signals of our radio and television stations caught by the Galileo receivers became obvious evidence of its presence. They are completely different from the radiation of natural radio stations - auroras, plasma oscillations in the earth's ionosphere, solar flares - and immediately betray the presence of a technical civilization on Earth. And how does unreasonable life manifest itself?

The Galileo TV camera took images of the Earth in six narrow bands of the spectrum. In the 0.73 and 0.76 µm filters, some areas of the land appear green due to the strong absorption of red light, which is not typical for deserts and rocks. The easiest way to explain this is that some carrier of a non-mineral pigment that absorbs red light is present on the surface of the planet. We know for sure that this unusual absorption of light is due to chlorophyll, which plants use for photosynthesis. No other body in the solar system has such a green color. In addition, the Galileo infrared spectrometer recorded the presence of molecular oxygen and methane in the earth's atmosphere. The presence of methane and oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere indicates biological activity on the planet.

So, we can conclude that our interplanetary probes are able to detect signs of active life on the surface of planets. But if life is hidden under Europa's ice shell, then a vehicle flying by is unlikely to detect it.

The solar system is a collection consisting of a central star - the Sun and celestial bodies revolving around it.

The solar system includes:

  • Sun (the only star in the solar system);
  • 8 planets (Earth included);
  • 415 satellites;
  • tens or hundreds of thousands of various small bodies (comets, meteoroids, cosmic dust, etc.).

Planets in order from the Sun:

  • the first planet is Mercury;
  • the second planet is Venus;
  • the third planet is Earth;
  • fourth planet - Mars;
  • fifth (giant planet) - Jupiter;
  • the sixth (giant planet) - Saturn;
  • the seventh (giant planet) - Uranus;
  • the eighth (giant planet) is Neptune;
  • (formerly considered the ninth, most distant planet from the Sun, but in 2006 it became classified as a "dwarf planet") - Pluto.

The planets of the solar system are combined into groups:

Inner planets (terrestrial planets):

  • Mercury;
  • Venus;
  • Earth (the most massive planet in the group);
  • Mars.

Outer planets (giant planets):

  • Jupiter;
  • Saturn;
  • Uranus;
  • Neptune.

In 2006, a new type of object was introduced into the solar system called " dwarf planets". These include:

  • Ceres;
  • Pluto;
  • Haumea;
  • Makemake;
  • Eris.

Planets of the solar system (together with dwarf planets)

Inner planets or terrestrial planets

An terrestrial planet is a celestial body composed of silicate rocks (those based on silicon dioxide) or metals, and has a hard surface layer.

They are closer to the sun. In this group - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. All of them have small masses and sizes.

The terrestrial planets also few moons (satellites) or they are not:

  • there are no moons - at Venus and Mercury;
  • one - at the Earth (Moon);
  • two - near Mars (Phobos and Deimos).

The closest planet to the Sun- Mercury. Its average distance from the Sun is 57.9 million km, but sometimes this distance can be only 46 million km, but Mercury can also be 69.8 million km away.

Also, Mercury smallest planet in the solar system. And in 2012, scientists noticed traces of organic material there.

The largest planet in the terrestrial type is the Earth.

Outer planets or giant planets

The sun is the largest body in the solar system, followed by the giant planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They are also called "gas giants".

A gas giant is a large planet composed mostly of gases such as hydrogen and helium with a relatively small core.

Gas giants, unlike rocky planets (like the Earth), do not have a well-defined surface, i.e. they do not have a border between where the atmosphere ends and the surface begins, therefore it is impossible to land on these planets.

Their atmosphere gradually becomes denser towards the core (it is possible that liquid or liquid-like states still exist between the atmosphere and the core).

Ice giants

There is another separate class (or subclass of gas giants) - these are ice giants. There are two planets in the solar system: Uranus and Neptune.

Most of the mass of the other two gas giant planets (Jupiter and Saturn) is hydrogen and helium, while the ice giants have ice. Temperatures on Uranus reach -220ºC, while the average temperature on Neptune is around -230ºC.

The largest planet in our solar system is Jupiter.

The sizes of the planets of the solar system

Here are data from the NASA space agency: the approximate radii of the eight planets in our solar system (in size: from smallest to largest), along with a rounded percentage of the radius relative to the Earth.

Our galaxy

Our galaxy is called the Milky Way. According to scientists, the Milky Way is a spiral system with a diameter of about 100 thousand light years and a thickness of 1 light year.

Also, according to their calculations, it contains 150-200 billion stars and a huge number of other, very diverse space objects.

Theoretically, you can see the Milky Way at any time of the year in any part of the world, but the best months for viewing are from about mid-March to mid-October.

It is impossible to see the Milky Way from cities, and even villages, due to light pollution. Therefore, you need to drive as far as possible from settlements.

Other solar systems

Only our planetary system is officially called "solar". But on this moment astronomers have already discovered more than 2,500 other stars in our galaxy, with planets revolving around them.

Our Sun is just one of 200 billion stars in our galaxy. Thus, scientists have a lot of space to search for exoplanets (planets outside our solar system).
