What subjects need to be taken at the exam. The lightest oge items. What exams do you need to take to become a lawyer?

You can learn programming on your own, but only those who study using proven programs have a career head start. Where and how to go to master a profession?

  • It is necessary to decide on the direction (a specialist can write programs or look for vulnerabilities in the software used, design and maintain internal corporate networks, be responsible for communications and communications, build the IT infrastructure of a business).
  • Collect a package of documents.
  • Pass entrance exams for a programmer.

How to become a programmer

The test format for admission to the Faculty of IP may differ depending on the choice of specialty, level of professional training and age of the applicant. What exams do you need to take to become a programmer? The level of difficulty may also vary:

  • For talented, enthusiastic young people who have already proven themselves at school or college, the opportunity to enter after an interview is provided.
  • Often candidates undergo internal testing.
  • School graduates must achieve a passing score in the required exam as part of the Unified State Examination program.
  • 9th graders entering college will get by with a good average certificate score or can “get” points on the Unified State Examination.

What subjects need to be taken

What subjects are needed to become a programmer are determined by the specific university. To enter the "Synergy" faculty Information systems There is an examination in two compulsory and one specialized subjects. Required disciplines:

  • mathematics,
  • Russian language.

Which third exam you need to take depends on your specialty. To enroll in a bachelor's degree, a future IT specialist with a broad profile must pass computer science. A programmer in the field of software and systems administration, as well as a future expert in instrument engineering and telecommunications, takes Russian, mathematics, and physics.

What to take when applying to college

Along with bachelor's and master's degrees, our university practices vocational training future programmers in college. Graduates of grades 9 and 11 have access to the profile of an IT generalist specialist. Young students with a predominantly mathematical approach to problem solving may be admitted without examination.

A good average score is sufficient for admission. Both 9th graders and 11th grade graduates. We keep the doors to the future of technology open for the enthusiastic student.

Reasons why you should choose this field

The duration of training ranges from 2 years 10 months (college) to 6.5 years (higher master's education). Why is this time worth investing in professional training to become a programmer?

  • Programmer is the highest paid profession after lawyers (world statistics).
  • The shortage of competent IT specialists in Russia alone amounts to more than 1 million vacancies. Employment – ​​quite frequent The question of university graduates is not relevant for this profile.
  • Programming is the profession of the future. Computers are confidently gaining ground in all areas; today, de facto, a serious business cannot function successfully without an IT infrastructure.

Among young engineers, technicians, and statisticians, many are thinking about changing their qualifications to become a programmer.

Is it hard to study

Programming is a complex industry; the amount of knowledge required is enormous. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about simple learning in its context.

During the training, the student will take many purely technical subjects - math, basics of graphs, probability theory. They are not easy for everyone, they are accompanied by big amount calculations.

But despite all the complexity of studying, it remains interesting. We made sure that our future programmers could “apply” to real business practice each block of acquired knowledge. Plus, we host forums, webinars and seminars with the participation of recognized representatives of the profession.

Programming is the whole world. It requires diligence and a responsible approach to learning, but is filled with world-changing discoveries from the first weeks.

More and more schoolchildren are interested in what subjects need to be taken to become a manager. The thing is that “management” is a very common specialty now. After graduation, you can become a manager in one field or another. But what do you need to know about admission? What subjects will you need to pass to become a manager? Where can I go for further education? It's not that difficult to figure all this out. Of course, you should first choose which one you can enroll in, then check the exams for admission to a manager there. But in general outline The admission process will be the same in all universities.

Management is...

What subjects do I need to take to become a manager? Before finding out the answer to this question, you must first understand what profession we are talking about. After all, schoolchildren try to choose either promising areas of study, or those where it is easy to study. Management, as already mentioned, is a very common area of ​​study.

But who will the citizen be after graduation? Does it even make sense to acquire this profession? A manager is a manager. Most often it is about sales. And any - both in the IT field and in regular stores.

In Russia it is considered both promising and useless. High competition is what you will have to face. And even a person without a diploma can work as a salesperson in a store. Not everyone will be able to achieve heights. That is why the profession of a manager is not very respected by parents and is preferred by applicants. This is a humanitarian direction, it is easier to study than, for example, to become a programmer. And if you just want to get at least some kind of diploma, you can think about what subjects you need to take to become a manager.

List of items

Management is a common liberal arts field of study. And almost every student knows what exams he will have to take after 11th grade to be admitted. It is worth noting that there are no additional tests and there are no competitions when considering applicants as future students. Therefore, it will be enough to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. And submit documents to one or another institution for study.

But what subjects need to be taken as a manager? On this moment This:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • social science.

The last exam is a profile one. Actually the main one. It is on this basis that applicants will be assessed first. Taking into account the fact that now in Russia they plan to divide all exams into ordinary and specialized ones, it is simply necessary to know that social studies plays a paramount role for a manager.

where to go

You will no longer have to take any additional tests, tests or difficult subjects. Where to apply to become a manager? This is a rather difficult question. After all, there are a lot of training options.

Among them are:

  1. Admission to the University. After 11th grade, having passed the Russian language, mathematics and social studies, you can enroll in the “Management” program at almost any university in the country. This direction there are both at Moscow State University and MGIMO. You can also pay attention to any liberal arts universities.
  2. College education. At the moment, in Russia they offer to study to become a manager even after 9th grade. Or after 11 - depending on the educational institution. It is worth paying attention to liberal arts colleges. There will definitely be a direction in “management” or separate specialties such as “advertising manager”, “sales manager”.
  3. Retraining. Most often, retraining occurs on the job. Or take courses from the labor exchange.
  4. Taking courses. Not the best solution, but the profession of a manager can be mastered in specialized courses. They are organized, as a rule, by private training centers. You won't have to hand over any.

Now it’s clear where to study to become a manager. As practice shows, universities are in greatest demand. After completing your studies you can special problems work in the field of management.

Training period

How many students study in their chosen field? It all depends on which educational institution the person applied to. At a university, a bachelor's degree takes 4 years, and a master's degree takes another 2. In colleges, the average time to obtain a specialty will be the same as at a university (bachelor's degree). Advanced training courses require about 6 months of retraining. And if you visit private centers, you can become a manager in 2 months or a year.

It is worth noting that some universities, in addition to the listed exams, may require you to pass several more subjects. It all depends on the character and specific focus. What items need to be submitted additionally to the manager in some cases? This:

  • geography;
  • biology;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • story.

More and more often, schoolchildren who are interested in computers are thinking about what they need to take to become a programmer. This profession is considered one of the most paid throughout the world, not only in Russia. By becoming a programmer, you can achieve certain heights in your career. Most often, a programmer is a calling. This means that success definitely awaits the graduate. But what do applicants have to endure? What exams should I take? How does the learning process proceed? Where to go to study? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. After all, modern schoolchildren are given many opportunities. And you can do programming in a variety of ways.

Programmer: prospects

First, it’s worth understanding how much programming is in demand in modern world. A programmer is a person who is not only well versed in computers, but also creates new programs, as well as websites. In fact, this is an employee involved in IT technologies.

Programming is a promising direction. Having received a diploma in a relevant specialty, you can build a good career. The average salary of a programmer is 100-150 thousand rubles. This is why many people are thinking about applying. But where and how long to study? What does the student have to study?

About training

Before enrolling in programming, it is necessary to understand not only the prospects of the chosen profession, but also how the training will take place. Quite often, most applicants change programming to another specialty in the first 2 years of study. Because they simply cannot cope with the load.

In programming you will have to study information technology, as well as a variety of programming languages. Typically students are taught to work with:

  • JAVA;
  • Basic;
  • Visual Basic;
  • Visual C++.

In some cases, they also study C, Delphi, and HTML programming. All this is not as simple as it seems. You will also have to be well versed in computer science, logic and mathematics. After all, the direction is predominantly mathematical. Not suitable for people with humanitarian talents.

Accordingly, you will have to think a lot, make mistakes, program, invent and learn. It is because of C++ that some students refuse to major. Master given language is not as simple as it seems.

If you are wondering what exams you need to take to become a programmer, it is worth considering that during the training process you will have to learn how to compose and write programs. This is a very long task that requires perseverance.

There is no certainty

What do you need to take to become a programmer? You will have to understand one important fact - there is no clear answer to this question. The fact is that a lot depends on which particular direction of programming is chosen. They also independently establish a list of exams that the applicant must pass.

That is why you will first have to figure out where to go to study. Depending on this, one or another will be offered Unified State Exam list after 11th grade. Under certain circumstances, you can not take any exams at all, but at the same time successfully graduate from becoming a programmer. This is a rather rare case; we will talk about it a little later. So where to study in your chosen field?

Where to apply

There is no clear answer here. Many schoolchildren think what they need to pass in order to become a programmer. As already mentioned, you first need to understand where exactly to submit documents. And clarify this issue at the chosen institution.

But where to study to become a programmer in Russia? Can:

  1. Enroll in a university at the Faculty of Mathematics. For example, at Moscow State University. Every technical university has indicated direction. IN liberal arts universities You can't learn to be a programmer.
  2. Seek help from technical schools and colleges. As a rule, they enter either after 9th or 11th grade. It is in this situation that you can sometimes not take any exams at all.
  3. Complete specialized courses in Programming. A good way to educate yourself. Does not require any exams at all for enrollment. You will have to contact private training centers. They are in every city.

Accordingly, the question of what to take to become a programmer most often arises among university and college applicants. What should they prepare for? What items should you pay attention to first?

Required subjects

Do you want to learn to be a programmer? What exams are needed? You will have to hand over quite a lot of different items. It’s worth starting with the mandatory ones. That is, from those that are the same in all educational institutions.

To the list of similar entrance examinations Only 2 items included. Namely:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

The second exam is taken at profile level. Russian is not directly required for admission. It is simply included in the list of compulsory subjects that are required of schoolchildren to graduate and receive a certificate of secondary education.


  • physics;
  • Informatics;
  • foreign language.

The most common combination of exams is mathematics + physics + computer science. But it may also be that you will have to write the Unified State Examination in specific subjects. Namely:

  • social science;
  • foreign;
  • biology (extremely rare).

In any case, you will have to pay attention to the exact sciences. Humanities and programming are not compatible in principle. Therefore, as already mentioned, it is better for people with a non-mathematical mindset to refrain from enrolling.

Now it’s clear how to learn to be a programmer. What exams are needed? An applicant to a university must pass:

  • Russian;
  • mathematics;
  • computer science;
  • physics.

More precisely, as already mentioned, at universities this is the scenario that occurs most often. What about colleges?

In colleges

Here, answering the question posed is not as difficult as it seems. Interested in the "Programmer" direction? What do you need to take after 9th grade to enter a particular technical school? As is the case with universities, you will have to clarify the information with a specific educational institution. But most often it is enough to have a state inspection certificate for:

  • Russian language;
  • computer science;
  • mathematics.

Physics and other subjects in college, especially after 9th grade, are extremely rarely required. From now on it is clear what needs to be taken to become a programmer. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. Becoming a programmer is easier than finishing your studies.

Every graduate of grades 9-11 must solve a serious problem: what additional USE subject choose? Some people make a decision easily, while others spend a long time weighing the pros and cons. To make it easier to understand which Unified State Exams to take, you should carefully assess your own capabilities and take into account the specifics of a higher education institution.

School disciplines can be divided into natural sciences, humanities, physics and technology groups. Haven't decided yet which subjects to take after 11th grade? This article will help you understand the structure of all-Russian testing in 2017-2018. Let us consider in detail each of the three conditional groups.

How to choose the right USE subject?

Physical and technical direction

This includes geometry, physics, algebra, and computer science. Algebra and geometry at the Unified State Exam are combined into mathematics - the second required discipline that is required to be passed. Good scores in physics will help open doors for those wishing to join the ranks of students at MIPT, NNU MEPhI and MSTU. N. E. Bauman, better known among students as Baumanka.

Physics is vying for the place of the third compulsory exam, which is expected to be introduced in 2019. Not everyone can prepare and successfully pass a physics exam, but today it is gaining popularity. This is due to the opportunity to further enroll in specialties in the field of nanotechnology, biomedical systems engineering, metallurgy, etc.

If you prepare well for the state exam in physics and score at least 36 points, then you can count on budget place in a regional university, above 50 in one of the capital’s. The rather low passing score is explained by an acute shortage of specialists in this field.

Humanitarian sciences

This includes languages, literature, history, and social studies. Russian language is a required block. Despite their apparent simplicity, Russian history, literature, and foreign languages ​​are among the most difficult state exams. This is due to stricter requirements for graduation tests, which are affected by the oversaturation of personnel in these industries.

The social studies exam remains one of the most popular. The block includes comprehensive knowledge of economics, law, psychology, history, etc. An ordinary erudite student can overcome such a test. Many people want to take the “society” exam after 11th grade, not realizing that it significantly limits the choice of universities, allowing them to further study only in the specialties of management, business, and economics. For this reason, modern schoolchildren are increasingly ignoring the social studies subject of the Unified State Exam.

Natural science direction

This profile consists of disciplines such as geography, chemistry and biology. They open up a wide selection of interesting and highly paid specialties for school graduates. When choosing which subject to take, you need to soberly assess not only your knowledge, but also your prospects for the future. Do you think: “I’ll pass the Unified State Exam in social studies and go somewhere”? This is the wrong way of thinking! Passing physics will be much more promising. Don't be afraid of the exact sciences, they open up great opportunities.

What subjects do you need to take to become a lawyer?- a question that is relevant for many schoolchildren who are on the threshold of the Unified State Exam. About the rules of admission to the university, the list academic disciplines included in unified exam when applying to law school, and the criteria for their selection, read this article.

What exams do you need to take to become a lawyer?

In accordance with Part 1 of Article 70 of the Law “On Higher and Postgraduate Education” vocational education» No. 125-FZ of August 22, 1996, enrollment in a university is based on the results of passing the Unified State Exam (USE).

List of exams for admission to Faculty of Law may vary depending on the university. Therefore, even before the end of registration for participation in final school tests, it is necessary to make a decision not only about the future specialty, but also about the choice of educational institution.

Profession lawyer: what subjects to take

Academic disciplines included in Unified State Exam structure, are divided into mandatory and core. The first ones will have to be taken in any case, regardless of the chosen specialty, while specialized students determine themselves, based on the conditions of the university they are going to enroll in.

Mandatory exams

The list of entrance examinations to universities was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1204 of September 4, 2014. According to it, future lawyers, together with school graduates who have chosen other professions, are required to take the Unified State Examination in Russian language and mathematics.

Important: starting from 2015, the mathematics exam is divided into 2 levels - basic and specialized. For admission to law school, the basics are sufficient.

Another required subject for those who decide to study to become a lawyer is social studies.

Don't know your rights?

Profile exams

A law school applicant’s certificate must contain information about successfully passing exams in core subjects, as well as in one of the following disciplines:

  • story;
  • computer science and ICT (information and communication technologies).

Which subject you will have to take depends on the policy of a particular educational institution.

Until 2014, this list included a foreign language, but now universities have the right to independently decide on the inclusion of this subject in the list of entrance examinations.

Important: programs Russian education involve passing an exam in one of 4 foreign languages:

  • German;
  • English;
  • Spanish;
  • French.

The inclusion of other foreign languages ​​in the examination protocol is not permitted. There are no exceptions to this rule.

What subjects do you need to take to become a lawyer in college?

The current version of the law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 abolished the mechanism for enrollment in secondary vocational educational establishments based Unified State Exam results and GIA. Now admission to colleges and technical schools is carried out on the basis of ordinary entrance tests in the form of exams or interviews (the latter, as a rule, is practiced for admission to paid departments).

The list of exams is not regulated by law, but most often law college applicants take the Russian language in writing (dictation or presentation), history and social studies orally.
