Macedonian dictionary. Russian-Macedonian phrasebook for tourists. Basic phrases with pronunciation (transcription). Advantages of purchasing professional electronic translators

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Help us in creating the largest Russian - Macedonian dictionary online. Just login and add new translation. Glosbe is a joint project and everyone can add (or delete) translations. This makes our Russian Macedonian dictionary real, since it is created by native speakers who use the language every day. You can also be sure that any dictionary error will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you are able to add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

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Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can see not only translations into Macedonian or Russian: we also provide usage examples, showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrases. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our memory of translations comes mainly from parallel corpora that were made by people. This kind of sentence translation is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


We currently have 28,768 translated phrases. We currently have 5,729,350 sentence translations


Help us in creating the largest Macedonian - Russian dictionary online. Just log in and add a new translation. Glosbe is a joint project and everyone can add (or delete) translations. This makes our Macedonian Russian dictionary real, since it is created by native speakers who use the language every day. You can also be sure that any dictionary error will be corrected quickly, so you can rely on our data. If you find a bug or you are able to add new data, please do so. Thousands of people will be grateful for this.

You should know that Glosbe is not filled with words, but with ideas about what those words mean. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develop Glosbe dictionaries and you will see how your knowledge helps people around the world.

Macedonian is considered the native language of about 800 thousand Slavs in Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Romania. The language acquired the status of the official language of the Republic of Macedonia in 1945. According to statistics from 1964, every third Macedonian immigrated to the USA, Canada or Australia. The second language is called Macedonian by Albanians, Turks, Gypsies and Vlachs living in Macedonia.

The closest thing is to Macedonian - both languages ​​are from the South Slavic group. The similarity of vocabulary and grammar is explained by the fact that Macedonia was part of Bulgaria for a long time. Bulgarian linguists still consider the Macedonian language to be a Bulgarian dialect. This language is also close to the dialect of the population of northern Greece.

History of the Macedonian language

The geographical boundaries of Macedonia have changed several times. In ancient times, these lands were inhabited by Thracians, Illyrians and Greeks. In the period from V to II centuries. BC e. Macedonia was quite influential in the region slave state, who subjugated all of Greece.

Macedonia was inhabited by Slavs, and the most significant Slavic public education in the Balkans there was the First Bulgarian Kingdom. In the 9th century. Macedonia joined Bulgaria and mastered its writing. In the 10th century Macedonia became the center of the new Western Bulgarian kingdom. From the 11th to the 13th centuries. Bulgaria was under the rule of Byzantium; after the restoration of statehood, Macedonia became part of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom. In the XIV century. The country was conquered by the Serbian king Stefan Dusan, and already at the end of this century the long Turkish-Ottoman enslavement began.

The liberation of the Slavs from Turkish oppression occurred only in the 19th century. IN liberation movement Macedonian enlighteners, the Miladinov brothers, R. Zhinzifov and others participated. In Bulgaria during this period, a single language was being formed, but the Macedonians preferred to use their literary language. According to the results Balkan Wars(1912–1913) Macedonia was divided between Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria.

In 1943, the new Yugoslavia proclaimed the federal structure of the country, but in the years preceding this event, books in the Macedonian language continued to be published clandestinely. The author of the first Macedonian grammar was Krume Kepeski, and Blaze Koneski was involved in the standardization of the language. The first newspaper in Macedonian was published in 1944, and two years later the printed publication of the diaspora, “Makedonska Iskra”, appeared in Melbourne. The literary form of the Macedonian language was formed in II world war after the proclamation of the People's Republic of Macedonia within the Yugoslav Union. Literary language was preserved and received official codification in 1945. In modern Macedonia, three groups of dialects are distinguished: northern (Skopje), western and eastern (section along the Vardar and Crna rivers).

Macedonian linguists, in an effort to rid the language of numerous borrowings from Russian, Bulgarian and Serbian, took Church Slavonic vocabulary as a basis and tried to bring it as close as possible to modern morphology. Their efforts were unsuccessful, and now there are two variants of Macedonian vocabulary - archaic and modern.

  • Macedonian is the youngest language in the Slavic group.
  • Most of literary Macedonian consists of common Slavic vocabulary, scientific terms are taken mainly from Serbo-Croatian languages. The language has many Balkan borrowings (, etc.). After the collapse of federal Yugoslavia in 1991, Serbian words began to be removed from the dictionary.
  • Macedonian graphics are based on the Serbian Cyrillic alphabet, which differs from the Russian alphabet in the absence of the letters й, ш, ъ, ь, ы, е, ю, ё. The sound й is indicated by the sign j, for soft l and n the letters љ and њ, etc. are used. Representatives of the diaspora use mainly the Latin alphabet.

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Russian-Macedonian phrasebook for tourists.

Basic phrases with pronunciation (transcription).

Do you speak English? - Do you pick up English?
You understand? - Do you understand?
I don't understand. - I (don’t) understand.
What does the word (good) mean? - What does (good) mean?
How will it be... in Russian? - how did you behave...
How …? - What the hell...?
it is pronounced - izgovara ova
written (tomorrow) - pishuva (morning)
…, Please. - ..., ve molam.
Repeat - Repeat
Speak slower - Pick up a pole
Write it down - Write it down
does anyone speak english? - Have you picked up some English?
I don’t speak much... - We collect little by little...
I (not) say... - I (don’t) choose...
in Arabic - Arabic
in Danish - Danish
in Dutch - Hollandian
in English - English
in French - French
in German - Germanic
in Greek - grachki
in Italian - Italian
in Japanese - Japanese
in Russian - ruski

Time and calendar
What time is it now? - How many hours?
One o'clock. - Frequency is eaten.
(Two hours. - Hour e (two).
(One hour) fifteen. - (Eden) and petnaeset.
Half past one. - (Eden) and floor.
A quarter to eight). - Petnaeset do (osum).
At what time …? - At the clock...?
At... o'clock. - In...
morning - bright
day/evening - later

Days of the week
Monday - Monday
Tuesday - Tuesday
Wednesday - Wednesday
Thursday - Thursday
Friday - petok
Saturday - Sabotage
Sunday - week

January - January
February - February
March - March
April - April
May - May
June - June
July - July
August - August
September - September
October - October
November - November
December - December

What date is today? - What datum e denes?
(May Day). - Denes e (petnaesetti dekemvri).
from (May) - od (May)
until (June) - until (June)
last night - blue
last week - minatata week
last month - minatiot month
last year - minatata godina
next week - next week
next month - next month
next year - next year
yesterday/tomorrow… - yesterday/morning…
in the morning - the next morning
during the day - later
evening - evening

How is the weather? - What is the time?
Today... - It’s time...
Mainly cloudy. - cloudy
Cold. - it's cold
Hot. - Zheszko
It's raining. - politely
Snowing. - It's snowing.
Sun. - Sonchevo
Warm. - fuel
Wind. - windy
spring - passage
summer - summer
autumn - autumn
winter - winter

Border control
I'm going... - As sum ovde...
study - transit
on business - official
on vacation - on vacation
I came to… - As ovde ostanovam…
(ten) days - (ten) den
(three) weeks - (three) weeks
(two) months - (two) months
I'm going to (Rostov). - I will give you in Ohrid.
I stayed at the hotel (Kolos). - We are waiting for you (wanted ‘Park’).
I have nothing to declare on the customs declaration. - We don’t care, but we’ll say nothing.
I have something to declare on my customs declaration. - We have nothing to say to the Imam, but we welcome you.
That's not mine. - Toa (not) e mine.

Where can I buy a ticket? - Where can we get a ticket?
Do I need to reserve a place in advance? - Do we need a reservation?
I have one ticket (to Samara)... - Eden... (for Ohrid), ve molam.
one way ticket - ticket to Eden Pravets
round trip - return ticket
You can... ticket - Sakam da go... my ticket, ve molam.
change - change
pick up - zemam
confirm - confirm
refuse the ticket? - I will refuse
I have one seat in a compartment for (non)smokers. - Sakam edno sediste for (not) pushachi, ve molam.
Is there air conditioning? - Dali ima klima ured?
With a toilet? - Did you give me a toilet?
How many hours is the journey? - Kolku vremya se patuva?
No transfers? - Is the car/bus direct?
Where are the automatic lockers? - Sakam closet for luggage.
My luggage... - My luggage e...
damaged - oshteten
disappeared - ruined
stolen - stolen

Where does flight (945) land? - When did the flight fly from the age of (912)?
Where does flight (946) depart from? - How did you fly the avionics from the age of (912)?
From which terminal do you board for (Samara)? -
Where …? - Where f...?
arrivals hall - check-in desk
departure hall - check-in room
Duty free - duty free saleswoman
boarding gate (twelve) - izlezot (dvanaeset)
This (Moscow)? - Did they give you ... one for (Bitola)?
motor ship - ford
bus - bus
airplane - Avion
train - carriage
When... the bus? - When does the bus arrive?
first - first
last - last
next - next
When does it arrive/depart? - When did you wear it?
How late is he? - What time do you have to finish?
What station/stop is this? - What is the village?
What's the next station/stop? - What is the next village?
Does the train stop at (Krotovka)? - Did they find you in (Prilep)?
Warn before (Syzran). - You tell us that we will be caught in (Skopje).
How much are we standing here/there? - How long have we been standing there?
Is it busy here? - Did you give e ova sedishte slobodno?
This is my spot. - That’s my sedishte.
I need a taxi... - Sakam taxi...
at (nine o'clock in the morning) - in (devet pretplatne)
now - today
tomorrow - morning
Free? - Was there a taxi available?
How long will it take you to get there? - Are you going to fix the peg before...?
Turn on the meter, please! - We molam turn on the taximetarot.
Will you take me to (this address)? - Please take me to (address).
…, Please! - We molam...
Not so fast - you're making more money
Stop here and you'll find yourself in
Wait here - get ready

Car rental, motorcycle rental, bicycles
I need to rent... - To the best of our ability...
bicycle - tochak
car - cola
motorcycle - motorcycle
with... - with...
air conditioning - climate ured
antifreeze - antifreeze
chains on the tires - blues for the snow
How much does it rent? - Fix the peg...?
per hour - per hour
per day - daily
per week - weekly
inflate the tire - air
oil - oil
gasoline - gasoline
tire - gumi
I need car mechanic. - We need a mechanic.
I ran out of gas. - Having stopped without gasoline.
I got a flat tire. - The imam is exhausted.

Around town
Here "- where exactly …? - Where f...?
bank - bankata
city ​​center - centarot na gradot
hotel - hotel
market - pazarot
police station - politsiskata village
post office - by state
public toilet - Javniot toilet
travel agency - touristkoto biro
Is this road to (Neftegorsk)? - Did you give water to (Bitola)?
Show me on the map. - Can you show me (to burr)?
Tell me the address. - Koja e addressee ?
Is it close/far? - Is Kolku far away?
How to get there / get there? - How do you stignam do tamu?
Turn... - Turn...
around the corner - to the agolot
at a traffic light - at a semaphorite
left/right - left/gum
This... - Toa e...
for... - ass...
Far. - far away
Here. - ovde
Before... - before...
Left. - left
About ... - blisk (up to ...)
Next to... - know to...
On the corner. - on agolot
On the contrary... - on the contrary...
Directly. - right in advance
Right. - gum
There. - tamu
by bus - from the bus
by taxi - with taxi
by train - with carriage
on foot - pawns
north - north
south - south
east - source
west - west

Where …? - Kade ima...?
camping - camp
boarding house - private accommodation
hotel - wanted
Dormitory - Mladinsko Prenojiste
Can you recommend anything....? - Can you teach me something...?
cheaper - poevtino
good - good
nearby - nearby
I need to book a room. - Sakam and reservists soba, ve molam.
I booked a room. - We are the imam of the reservation.
My last name is... - Јас се вікам...
You have …? -Dali imate...?
single room - single shrimp dog
room with double bed - soba with brachen shrimp
double room - double shrimp
How much does it cost per day? - What is the price per month?
How much does it cost for one? - What is the price for food?
Do you accept...? - Is it a primate...?
credit cards- credit cards
traveler's checks- patniki check
For me (two) days. - Sakam yes ostanam (two) noi.
From (second of July) to (sixth of July). - Od (second Yuli) to (six Yuli).
Can I have a look? - Can we see it?
Can I park here? - Can da kampuvam ovde?
Where is the campsite? -Dali in the vicinity of Ima Camp?

Questions and requests
When is breakfast? - When will you go?
Where's breakfast? - Where are you going?
Wake me up at (seven) o'clock. - We molam you will wake me up (sedum).
Please give me the key to my room. - Is it possible for us to achieve the vomiting, ve molam?
Please give me one more (blanket). - Can we get it together (to you)?
Do you have a lift/safe? - Did you give me a lift/seph?
This room is too expensive. - The dog is a lot of scapa
The room is very... - Dogs are a lot...
Cold -
noisy - noisy
cramped - small
… does not work. - Don't work...
Air conditioning - climate control
Oborgevatel - phenot
Toilet - toilett
This one is... dirty. - Ovo... not clean.
pillow - charshaf
sheet - peshkir
This towel is dirty. - Ovaa pernitsa is not clean.

Check out from the hotel
What time do you need to vacate your room? - Do you need to tune the clock for all your clothes?
Can I leave my things here? - Can I leave my luggage behind?
Please return my valuables. - Can you get my harmful objects, we say?
Please return... - Can I get my..., we say?
my deposit is a deposit
my passport is pasosh

Here "- where exactly Internet cafe? - Kade ima tuka internet cafe?
What are the charges per hour? - Can you fix the peg for an hour?
I would like/would like... - Sakam yes...
see your email - Sakam yes...
get access to the Internet - si ja checkers elektronskata mail
print - get access to the Internet
scan - koristam printar

Cellular telephone service
I need a cell phone - Sakam da kupam mobile phone
I need a SIM card for your network - Sakam da kupam SIM card for vashata mrezha
What are the rates here? - Which ones do you value?

Can I have your phone number? - What are your phone numbers?
Phone... - Brojot e...
Where is the nearest pay phone? - Where can I find the speaker?
I need... - Sakam yes...
call (to Singapore) - se javam vo (Singapore)
make a local call - to telephone operators locally
call with payment at the expense of the person being called - telephone operators at Nivna Smetka
How much does it cost to repair a peg...?
(three-minute) conversation - a conversation of one (three) minutes
every next minute of conversation is a second minute
(Ten) dinars per minute. - (Deset) denari per minute.
Can I buy a calling card? - Sakam and kupam phone card.

I need to send... - Sakam and ispratam...
letter - letter
parcel - package
postcard - razglednitsa
I need... - Sakam and kupam...
envelope - plik
postage stamps - postage stamps
Please send to ... to (Australia). - We pray you will use it (in Australia) ...
by air mail - Avionsky
express mail - express
by registered mail - delivered
by regular mail - usually
Is there mail for me? - Did you give me mail for me?

Here "- where exactly …? - Kade ima...?
currency exchange - exchange rate
Where can …? - Sakam yes...
make money - Where can we...?
transfer - forwarding transfer
exchange a check - change a check
exchange a traveler's check - exchange patniki checks
change money - change bets
withdraw money from a credit card - get a loan
withdraw money - izvadam bet
How much do you need to pay? - How much do you pay for this?
How much is the commission? - How much food?
What course? - Kolku e kursot?
(twelve) dinars. - (Dvanaeset) denari.
It's free. - Free e.
What time does the bank open? - When did you open the jar?
Look, did I receive the transfer? - Did you give me your bet?

What time does it open/close? - When did it open/shutter?
How much is admission? - Are you fixing the peg?
Is there a discount for students/children? - Is it a waste of time for students/children?
I need... - Sakam...
catalog - catalog
tour guide - driver
I need a city map - local map
I would like/would like to visit... - Sakam da vidam...
What is this? - What is it?
Can I take a photo? - Can we give it to slicks?

When is the next guided tour? - When is the next tour?
How long does the excursion take? - How long does it take to cut the turate?
When are we coming back? - How often do we turn the clock back?
Does the price include...? - Did they give...?
accommodation - included, subject to change
entrance ticket - included price on vleznitsa
lunch - storage included
transport - freight included

Here "- where exactly …? - Kade ima...?
bank - bank
bookstore - bookstore
camera store - camera saleswoman
department store - Stokovna Kuja
grocery store
market - pazar
newsstand - kiosk for spring
department store - supermarket
Where can I buy (padlock)? - Kade mozham da kupam (katinar)?
I need... - Baram...
Show me, please - Is it possible to see this?
Are there others? - Do you have others?
Is there a guarantee? - Did they give you a guarantee?
Can you ship this to me in another country? - Can you send me on a journey?
Can you repair this? - Can you correct me...?
This is marriage. - Rasipan e.
I need... - Јas bi molam.,
package - sack
I would like / would like to get my money back - Јas bi sakal da mi gi vratite parite ve molam.
I would like / would like to return this - Јас bi sakal da go vratam ova.

Payment for purchases
What is the price? - Kolku chini toa?
Please write the price. - Can you write a price for me?
It is very expensive. - Toa e a lot of scapos.
Can't it be cheaper? - What is your price?
Let's do it for (five) dinars. - Yes, I will give (pet) denari.
You've been shortchanged. - It's a shame.
Are you taking... ? - Is it a primate...?
credit cards - credit cards
payment cards - debit cards
Please give... - Sakam..., ve molam.
receipt - confession
change - kusur

Clothes and shoes
May I try it on? - Can I try it out?
My size (forty). - As nosam (four and two).
No, it doesn't fit. - Not exactly.
small - small
average - average
big - golem

Books and CDs
Give... - Sakam...
newspaper - vesnik
(in English) - (in English)
pen - foam bowl
There's a store here English book? - Did you give me an English book reader?
Can I listen? - Can we listen to you?

Can …? - Can you …?
develop this film - and you will develop a new film
insert this film - yes, put the film in the device
burn photos from my memory card to a CD - yes, transfer the memory card to the CD
I need... film for this camera. - Sakam... for the new camera.
black and white - crno-white film
color - film in battle
slide - slide film
I need film with sensitivity (two hundred) - Sakam film from brzina (two hundred)
When will it be ready? - When is the bidet ready?

Greetings, farewells, introductions
Hello hi. - Hello/Ciao.
Good night. - Good news.
Goodbye/Bye. - Until Gledaie/Chao.
See you. - Se gledame.
Mister - Mister
madam - Mrs.
young lady - Mistress
How are you? - How ste/si?
OK, thank you. What about you/yours? - Welcome. What about vie/ti?
What is/is your name? - Kako se vikate/vikash?
My name is... - As se vikam...
Very nice. - Drago mi e shto se zapoznavme.
This is... - Ova e...
my boyfriend is moeto momche
my brother is my brother
my daughter is my mother Yerka
my father is my tatko
my friend is my friend
my friend is my friend
my girl - my girl -
my husband is my partner
my mother is my mother
my boyfriend is my partner
my girlfriend is my partner
my sister is my sister
my son is my son
my wife is my partner
Here is my... - Ova e mojata...
Can I have your...? - What is your...?
address - addresses
Email - had addresses
Here is my... - Ova e mojot...
Can I have your...? - Which of yours...?
fax number - fax brochure
phone number - telephone number

What is your job? - What are you working on?
I... - Yes sum...
artist - skillful
farmer - farmer
servant - servant
scientist/scientist - scientist
seller - trader

Where are you from? - Od kade ste?
I'm from...
Australia - Australia
Canada - Canada
England - England
New Zealand - New Zealand
America - America
Are you married? - Did you give her wife/mazhena?
I am married. - I am married/married.
I'm not married. - I am unmarried/unmarried.

How many years? - Kolka Godini...?
to you / to you - imate / imash
to your daughter - Ima Vashata Yerka
to your son - ima vashiot sin
I'm... years old. - As imam...godini.
He/She is... years old. - Toј/Taa ima... godini.

Yearning. - Јac sum tazhen/tazhna
I (not) ... - Јас (not) sum ...
Do not you)...? - Dali si...?
nice - sreќen/sreќna
hungry - glad/smooth
thirsty - thirsty/thirsty
I... - Me...
I don’t... - I don’t...
Do not you)...? - Did you give...?
cold - freezing
hot - warm

Is there...? - Where can we find...?
clubs - clubs
gay clubs - collecting things about homosexuality
bars - pabovi
I would go/went... - Mi se ody...
to the concert - to the concert
to the cinema - to the cinema
on party- for fun
to the restaurant - to the restaurant
to the theater - to the theater

You love …? - Did you give sakata...?
I (not) love... - Јас (not) sakam...
art - skill
cook - ready
cinema - filmovy
read - read
sport - sport
travel - patuvaje
shopping - kupuvaye
You love …? - Did you give sakata yes...?
dance - dance
go to concerts - go to concerts
listen to music - listen to music

Food and drink
Can you advise...? - Can you prepare for me...?
bar - some bar
cafe - some cafe
restaurant - some restaurant
We... - Sakam..., ve molam.
table for (three) - masa for (chetvoritsa)
in the smoking/non-smoking hall - seat for pushers/non-smokers

Ordering dishes
breakfast is a good time
lunch - pens
dinner - evenings
appetizer - appetizer
special dish of the day - denot specialty
What do you recommend? - What do you need to prepare?
Bring... - We molam...
bill - estimate
wine list - list with food
menu - menu
this dish is ova jadeje

a cup of coffee/tea… - (shoљa) cafe/tea…
with milk - with milk
no sugar - no shaker
... water - ... water
boiled - prevriena
mineral - mineral
(orange) juice - juice (pomorania)
non-alcoholic drink - non-alcoholic pijalak

In the bar
…, Please. - As for the earth...
I'll treat you. - You have a lot of piphalak.
What would you like? - What sakate vie/ti?
Well, we will! (toast) - Cheers!
cocktail - cocktail
vodka- rakija
whiskey - kokak
bottle / glass ... of beer - shishe / bowl of beer
bottle/glass - shishe/bowl
... wine - ... wine
red - tsrveno
effervescent - foamy
white - white

Can you tell me some typical local dish? - What is the local specialty?
What is this? - What is it?
How much does it cost (a kilo of cheese)? - Do you fix the kolka (kilo sireњe)?
Give... - Sakam...
(one hundred) grams - (one hundred) grams
(two) kilo - (two) kilo
(three) pieces - (three) brocade
(six) slices - (six) brocade
Slightly less. - Little by little.
That's enough. - That's enough.
A little more. - Better yet.

Diets and allergy
Is there a vegetarian restaurant here? - Did they give you a vegetarian restaurant near them?
Do you have vegetarian options? - Did you have vegetarian food?
Could you prepare the dish without...? - Is it possible to prepare Jade without...?
oils - puter
eggs - eggs
meat products - produce one meal
I am allergic to... - I am allergic/allergic to...
dairy products - milk production
gluten - gluten
monosodium glutamate - MSH
nuts - orevi, bademi, leshnitsy
seafood - Morska hrana

Emergency situations
Help! - Help!
Stop it! - Stop it!
Get out of here! - Get dressed!
Thief! - Stealer!
Fire! - Fire!
Carefully! - Pay attention!
Call...! - Viknete...!
doctor - doctor
ambulance - brza help
militia - police
Quicker! - Itno e!
Help me please! - Can you help me, ve molam?
Can I call from here? - Yes to the telephone operators.
Where is the toilet here? - Where are you going to the toilet?
I got lost / lost my way - I ruined it.

Where is the police post here? - Where is the police station?
I want to report it to the police. - Sakam let us stop.
I have insurance. - Imam osiguruvaye.
Me... - Bev...
beat up - napadnat / napadnata
raped - siluvan/siluvana
robbed - smeared / smeared
I have lost / lost ... - Having lost my ...
They stole from me... - Mine... was stolen from me.
jewelry - wrap
passport - pasosh
wallet - wig
I lost/lost... - And having lost my life...
They stole from me... - Mojata... madly
credit card - credit card
handbag - chanta
I have lost/lost... - Having ruined my gi...
They stole from me... - Wash... bea stolen.
bags - torbi
traveler's checks - patnichki checks
I want to turn to my... - Sakam da se javam in...
consulate - my consulate
embassy - mojata embassada

Here "- where exactly …? - Where is it near...?
doctor - doctor
hospital - hospital
(on duty) pharmacy- (on duty) pharmacy
I need a doctor (speaking English language). - We need a doctor (into zboruva English).
Can I make an appointment with a doctor? - Can I give it to some doctor?
I'm out of medicine. - Left without a lekov.

Symptoms, diseases, allergies
I'm ill. - You are sick/sick.
It hurts here. - Ovde me pain.
I have... - Imam...
asthma- asthma
bronchitis- bronchitis
constipation - constipation
cough - cough
diarrhea - spill
temperature - cod
headache- glabobolka
bad with the heart - teshkoti with srstseto
nausea - bad
pain - pain
sore throat - inflammation of the throat
toothache - toothache
I am allergic to... - I am allergic/allergic to...
antibiotics- antibiotics
anti-inflammatory drugs - anti-inflamatory
aspirin- aspirin
bee sting - bees
codeine - codeine
penicillin - pencillin
antiseptic- antiseptic
bandage - howl
condoms - condoms
contraceptives - means of contraception
remedy for diarrhea - lekovi against strait
insect repellent - insecticide
laxative - laxativi
painkillers - anti-pain medications
smelling salts - salts for rehydration
sleeping pills - sleep pills
