High-quality translation from Finnish into Russian and inexpensive translation into Finnish. Finnish-Russian online translators Free translator from Finnish to Russian from Google

Translation from Finnish from 495 rub. per page

Finland is Russia's closest neighbor, but close partnership relations between our countries are determined not only by this.

Finland was once part of Sweden, but became part of Russian Empire according to the results Northern War. When in the middle of the 19th century E. Lönrott recorded the priceless national cultural treasure of the Finns - “Kalevala”, the Swedes considered it... a fake of the Russian gendarmes! The arrogant Swedes refused to believe that their former vassals, such a poor and illiterate people as the Finns, could have their own epic. “Kalevala” gained its first editions and then worldwide popularity in the Russian Empire. IN Tsarist Russia Finland had its own parliament and other attributes of statehood. After the revolution of 1917, Finland by decree Soviet power gained independence.

Relations with independent Finland were overshadowed by its alliance with Hitler's Germany, however, after World War II, the USSR and Finland found a mutually acceptable model of friendly relations, which presupposed especially close ties despite all the differences in the political system and economic system. In our time, these differences are a thing of the past, and now the relationship between Russia and Finland is experiencing real prosperity.

Today Finland is the most important foreign trade and business partner Russian Federation. Given that the population of Finland is comparable to the population of St. Petersburg, foreign trade turnover with this country is close to that with the largest European countries.

As for private and tourist trips of Russians, Finland is among the leaders in this indicator. Sometimes they joke that the entire population of St. Petersburg has a Finnish multiple visa in their international passport. And there is a lot of truth in this joke.

All of the above determines its special significance for Russian business and for many Russians.

It should be borne in mind that the Finnish language is very far from Russian. There is nothing in common between them not only at the level of vocabulary, but also at the level of grammar. That is, learning Finnish even at the most basic level is much more difficult for a Russian speaker than any other European language (except, perhaps, Hungarian and Estonian).

The only thing that can help in this situation is professional translation from Finnish.

Traditionally, the leading center in this area is St. Petersburg, where the best specialists in interpretation and translation from Finnish are trained. Finnish speech is often heard in cafes and restaurants, on the streets and in hotels of St. Petersburg. And it is in St. Petersburg that there are the most translation agencies, which include translation from Finnish into Russian to the list of their services and provide such translations with the highest possible quality.

Another important center for Finnish language learning is Petrozavodsk, the capital of Karelia, which was once called the Karelo-Finnish SSR. And there are also many specialists here who apply their knowledge in translation practice.

Moscow, as befits a capital, is also not lagging behind. There are departments and faculties for the study of the Finnish language in the oldest and largest Moscow state university, and in other universities. And many Moscow translation agencies are ready to offer our clients translation from Finnish from 495 RUR.

The further you go south and east from St. Petersburg and Moscow, the lower the interest in the Finnish language. The exception is those autonomies whose indigenous population speaks Finno-Ugric languages ​​(for example, Komi, Udmurtia, Mordovia and Mari-El). They traditionally have strong ties to Finland even despite their geographical distance.

 On this page you will find all free Finnish-Russian online translators. Use all the achievements of modern technology to translate texts from Finnish!

Why do you need a Finnish-Russian translator?

An online translator for translating texts from Finnish into Russian can be useful to you in various cases: for translating Finnish documents, for translating news and articles from Finnish, and email messages. You can also use the Finnish translator to learn Finnish as well.

Finnish-Russian online translators are a free alternative to professional translators. If you do not require high-quality translation, and the main goal is only to understand the general meaning of what is written or express your thoughts, an online translator is your choice. This translator is available around the clock; it will translate text from Finnish into Russian in just a couple of seconds, and will do it completely free of charge.

Free translator from Finnish to Russian from Google

Now you can translate from Finnish into Russian using Google Translate. Previously this direction was not available. The translation is done very quickly. You will also be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the results.

Finnish-Russian online translator ImTranslator

To translate texts of any complexity from Finnish into Russian, the best solution is to use online translator ImTranslator. This free Finnish-Russian online translator will help you not only quickly translate text, but also type text in Finnish and Russian using a virtual keyboard, find out the definition of a word in a Finnish dictionary, and check spelling.

To translate text from Finnish into Russian, paste the Finnish text into the online translator and click the “Translate” button. The translator will translate into Russian in a few seconds and tell you the result.

[+] Expand the translator ImTranslator [+]

For the Finnish-Russian translator to work correctly, you must enable frame support in your browser.

For the Finnish-Russian translator to work correctly, you need to enable support in your browser JavaScript.

Finnish-Russian online translator InterTran

To translate short texts from Finnish, you can also use the InterTran online translator. You can translate text of a maximum of 1000 characters at a time. A translator may sometimes be unavailable.

Translate from Finnish quickly and free

The Finnish language has a long history. This language is spoken by the inhabitants of Finland, as well as many others living in countries neighboring Finland. Finnish is considered quite difficult to learn. After all, it has 15 cases and many suffixes, particles and endings. And some complex words can consist of a dozen simple ones.

Of course, you don’t need to study Finnish in order to translate a couple of sentences. Today, for quick translation from Finnish, you can take advantage of the achievements of modern technologies. For simple tasks When translation speed is critical, you can use an online Finnish translator.

The direction of translations from Finnish is not particularly popular. Only 1% of all translations are in the Scandinavian languages: Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian. Translators with knowledge of Finnish and Swedish are usually not English translators, which would allow them to be busy translating all the time.

Cost of translation services from Finnish into Russian

Service Price
480 rub./page.
1200 rub./page.
translation from Russian into Finnish 780 rub./page.
1200 rub./page.
660 rub./page.
2700 rub./hour

Finnish is an agglutinative language, that is, word change occurs by “gluing” various affixes to a word, each of which carries only one meaning. These affixes play the role of prepositions. For example, the affix –ssa carries the meaning “in, inside”, and the affix –sta means “of”. Therefore, knowing that “house” in Finnish will be talo, we can quickly translate the following forms from Russian into Finnish: “in the house” - talossa, “from the house” - talosta.

Features of the translation from Finnish include the culturally accepted metric units of volume measurement. In addition to the liter, there are centiliters and deciliters. When translating verbs into Russian, it should be taken into account that in Finnish there is no clear construction of the future tense construction.

The profile of the Flarus translation agency is technical, legal, medical and literary translations from Finnish into Russian. Professional translators, including native Finnish speakers, can perform written translation of texts on almost any topic for various areas of commercial activity.

The sector is highly developed in Finland high technology, especially the electronics, software and wireless technology industries. We have repeatedly provided technical translation and linguistic assistance to Finnish companies providing Internet services.

Finland ranks first in the world in the production of cut paper and copier paper, so we often receive orders for the translation of documents and instructions related to the pulp and paper industry.

Finland is an agricultural country where farming and cattle breeding are widespread. Every year, about 15,000 people are involved in seasonal agricultural work, some of them are foreigners, including residents of Russia. The Flarus translation agency has repeatedly helped translate correspondence with Finnish farmers.

The most developed industry Food Industry Finland has a dairy industry. Finnish companies that produce animal oil, canned milk, whole milk products, cheese, and ice cream often require translation services from Finnish into Russian. Our translation agency actively cooperates with manufacturers.

The Flarus translation agency has a group of Finnish translators specializing in medical translations. Many patients of Finnish clinics receive a whole package of medical certificates and other documents, which our bureau translates into Russian.

We often receive requests for translation on legal topics. The peculiarity of legal translation from Finnish into Russian is that the Finnish judicial system is divided into a court that deals with ordinary civil and criminal cases, and an administrative court that is responsible for cases between people and administrative bodies of the state. Misunderstandings often occur between Russian and Finnish citizens, which is why judicial statistics contain a large number of materials from civil and criminal proceedings. We provide legal translations of court decisions, claims and orders. Translations of contracts, agreements and claims are also regularly ordered from us.

It is worth noting that recently our managers have begun to receive requests from clients more often, formulated as “translation from Finnish”. We, of course, correct clients by explaining that in Finland they speak Finnish, but a similar error is made in requests from other languages, for example, Flemish, so we decided to describe this fact on our website.

In Northern Europe there is a country, about a quarter of which is located beyond the Arctic Circle. This is a country called Finland, a member of the European Union and part of the Schengen area. Official languages Finland has Finnish and Swedish languages, but the vast majority of the population speaks Finnish, learning Swedish only in high school high school. In total, about seven million people use this language. Finland borders Russia, and not only borders, but is also friends - it is not surprising that translation from Finnish into Russian or translation into Finnish is a common service.

Finland is a very small country (only about five and a half million people), but its policies are mainly aimed at improving the living standards of its population. There is almost free medicine and education (including higher education). Science and literature are very developed - for example, the Finnish epic “Kalevala” and books about the Moomins are known to children all over the world, and many adults sometimes become engrossed in the adventures of curious creatures. There are thirty-five national parks in Finland, which are completely free to visit. The transport system and tourism are very well developed - in Lapland you can go skiing and even dog (or reindeer) sledding. In addition, Lapland is the birthplace of the famous Santa Claus (or, as the Finns call him, Joulupukki, the “Christmas Goat”). The Finns are famous for the quality of their goods of all kinds, and they export them to many countries, including Russia. Taking into account friendly and commercial relations, it is sometimes necessary to translate text from Finnish or, conversely, some financial or personal document.

This language is very interesting from a grammatical point of view. Here it is seriously different from Russian, because there are as many as fifteen case endings. However, although this is quite unusual, such a system is very convenient when composing sentences: many endings allow you to save the text from being overloaded with unnecessary parts of speech. The speech of this people also has many vowels, which makes it very melodious. By the way, a great many fans of fantasy literature owe this quality: according to the English writer J.R.R. Tolkien, he took Finnish as the basis for the melodic Elvish speech. Thus, some features of the Finnish language inspire the creation of new, albeit fictitious, languages. Any translator from Finnish, as well as a person simply studying this speech, is pleased that it has very simple pronunciation: with rare exceptions, words are read exactly as they are written.

Translation agency "Perevod.vip" will be happy to translate any text or document for you into Finnish or vice versa, and also offers notarization and even apostille. Contact our managers and get all the information you need for further successful cooperation!

Cost of translation from/to Finnish

Description of service

From the tongue*

On the tongue*

General text

Text of technical and legal content

Text of highly specialized and scientific content

Translation of passport with notarization**

Translation of a document into one sheet

Translation of a document into one sheet with notarization**

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Translation Memory

Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can see not only translations into Finnish or Russian: we provide usage examples, showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrases. This is called "translation memory" and is very useful for translators. You can see not only the translation of a word, but also how it behaves in a sentence. Our memory of translations comes mainly from parallel corpora that were made by people. This kind of sentence translation is a very useful addition to dictionaries.


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