Shoot yourself or something. Is suicide the worst sin? From laws to real application

I was born into an ordinary family. I studied without grades. But my parents decided that it was better to send me to a boarding school. Boarding obviously did not benefit me: after a few years, my parents saw that it was better to transfer me to a regular school, but it was too late. I became a completely different child: cheeky, impudent and rude. When I returned to my previous school, the teachers did not recognize me. I skipped classes, spent time, spent time in the gym. If he was in class, he disrupted them or played cards. I was always drawn to older guys, but it wasn’t interesting to be with kids the same age. Parents were regularly called to school. But no one could influence me - neither a stern father, nor a kind, loving mother.
At the age of 15 I was kicked out of home. But it didn't upset me. I was strong, proud and confident. He saw his future as strong and carefree. I decided that in this life I would achieve everything on my own, no matter what it cost me (at that time I didn’t even suspect what it would cost me).

Having gathered three of my own kind, I organized a criminal group, which came under the wing of one of the Kyiv “authorities”. Soon we broke away and began to engage in racketeering on our own. Our group was small, but very strong. The people there were desperate and dedicated to their cause. It was a family in the truest sense of the word. They could lay down their lives for each other. Each was unique and talented in their own way. Any crime was clearly planned down to the smallest detail. Over time, I realized that it was time to end the extortion. By that time, businessmen began to contact the police. Many ended up in prison. Entire groups were captured. I was well versed in the intricacies of the law and tried to find a way to make more money without getting caught in court. We involved organizations and individuals in various scams. A whole chain of schemes was built, following which the person was left without money and at the same time sincerely believed that we, not only had nothing to do with this, but also wanted to help him.
My impunity gave me great confidence. By that time I already had everything I was striving for, but I was not satisfied with it, I wanted more. We began to rob and engage in robbery. For me it was so natural and normal that I even felt great pleasure.

I often had to deal with people related to the shadow economy. They never contacted law enforcement agencies. But, on the other hand, they had huge finances to “order” us, and this was more dangerous than any police. Many times I could have simply been killed. But every time I remained alive and thought that it was a gangster’s “luck”. God, glory to You that You protected my life even then!

I was a supporter of the idea that since life is given once, you need to try everything in it. Restaurants, women, alcohol, grass no longer brought satisfaction... Everything became ordinary and gray. That's when I decided to try heroin. I had no idea that from that time on it began new stage in my life. Finding myself in opium slavery, I still naively believed that I could stop at any moment, I reassured myself that I had enormous strength will. At that time, many of my friends, the same “strong-willed” athletes, despite their strong will, could no longer stop. I thought that I was stronger than them, and everything would be different for me, if only I wanted it. But I had no desire to quit, I liked it, and I continued to shoot. I tried all the drugs that could be bought in Kyiv. The consequences of drug use were not long in coming: I was imagining something, and I began to behave very aggressively, beating people. In this state I ended up in a psychiatric clinic, where I was diagnosed with 12th degree violence, schizophrenia. I stayed in the hospital for about a month. This is very good, I thought, with such a diagnosis they could not put me in prison, at most they could prescribe compulsory treatment for a period of 6 months. And this is a mere trifle.

As the years passed, I continued to inject myself. There was less and less hope for my own strength. By that time, I had already tried repeatedly to be treated in various clinics in our city and realized that I had fallen into slavery from which there was no escape. Drugs no longer brought any pleasure. I used them only to get into a normal, if you can call it that, state. It was even difficult to think until I injected myself, but when I injected myself, I could think for three people. Over the previous 10 years, there were only 6 months in which I did not use drugs. But then I started drinking so much that many people said that it would be better for me to inject drugs. I almost had cirrhosis of the liver and many chronic diseases. By that time, I had “punctured” everything I had, except for the apartment. My wife left, my parents abandoned me. There were no more friends - some were killed, some died from drugs. I was dying. I tried to shoot myself several times, but nothing happened. When I committed suicide once again, I climbed into the bathtub and opened the artery, to my surprise there was almost no bleeding. Then I cut even deeper, but practically no blood came out. This was very strange, because there is pressure in the artery, and even with a small incision the blood should flow strongly. I was scared: I didn’t want to live, but I couldn’t commit suicide. I accepted the fact that I was a drug addict and decided to shoot until I died. I hated everything and everyone, and most of all myself. My heart was filled with anger and rage. Over the many years of such a life, there was nothing human left in me. Life was completely destroyed.

I often caught myself wondering why I live and what my purpose is, I always felt that there was something different and unlike what I knew. But I didn’t know where this other thing was and how to find it, although I looked for it, but it was visible in the wrong place.
I was on the edge between life and death, and then the Lord came. At that time, I had already heard about the Svoboda rehabilitation center. During another treatment at the hospital on Smolenskaya Street, Maxim, an employee of the rehab center, came into our room and left business cards.

Arriving at the center, I saw a woman and two guys. Subsequently, I found out that these were brothers, former drug addicts, and sister Tatyana. I remember my brothers vaguely, as if in a fog, because the day before I completed a 20-day course of treatment in two days. The amount of drugs that I injected into myself exceeded the capabilities of my body several times. I was purple. The woman seemed very strange and unusual to me. Her eyes sparkled and her gaze pierced me, but at the same time love and warmth emanated from her. I have never met such people in my life. After examining me with an x-ray eye, she persistently offered to pray for me. Thank God for such sisters! Then I called her godmother for some time. They didn't have to explain that I was a sinner. I myself understood this perfectly well, I was even amazed at how the earth carried me at all. Therefore, I immediately repented of my sins to God. Then they began to pray for me. I was very surprised by their prayer. I have never heard such a prayer before. At that moment, the power of God came upon me, and I began not just to cry, but to sob. I cried for several days: imagine - the Lord delivered me in a second, with one prayer, from what I had suffered from for many years. I had crazy withdrawal symptoms, but when I got home, I lay down and fell asleep. When I woke up in the morning, I didn’t believe that I was sleeping. I jumped up as if scalded, the strength came from somewhere, and rushed to the center. There were a lot of questions in my head that I wanted answers to. There they told me that God had forgiven me and loved me. On the one hand, this made me happy, but on the other, it was incomprehensible how a sinner like me could be forgiven, much less loved, by the Lord God Himself. I learned that when Jesus was crucified, the first one who went with Him to Heaven was the thief hanging next to him. Later I learned about the past of some brothers from the drug center and realized that I had come home.

This is how my rehabilitation began, or rather new life. The Lord miraculously healed my cirrhosis, a bad stomach and other chronic diseases without a single pill. God not only freed me from the bondage of sin, but changed me completely. He changed my worldview, and most importantly, he freed me from slavish thinking, from the rotten thieves’ “concepts” by which I had lived all these years. Jesus smashed everything old to smithereens and gave me His mind and completely different concepts, not similar to the previous ones. Now I’m new, everything that was before is gone. God performed miracle after miracle. Relations with family and friends have been restored - I am accepted and loved. There was no hope for restoration of my marriage, which was desecrated and completely destroyed. But the Lord is faithful and strong, He returned my wife to me, and now we are together again.

God thank you! Jesus gave a desire to learn that was not there before. The Lord healed my soul and filled my heart with love for people. My friends, who were afraid of me and took the tenth route, cannot understand what happened to me, they do not recognize me. I testify to them of the Good News.

There is not enough paper to describe everything that the Lord has done in my life in such a short time. And I truly dedicated my life to Jesus, decided to follow Him to the end, wherever He led me.

Now I myself work in a rehabilitation center and serve the same way as I myself was. I boldly go into dens and talk about salvation and that the drug has no power over me. In my life I have tried literally everything and now I know for sure that there is nothing better than the Lord Jesus Christ!

Does the Church consider suicide a more terrible sin than murder? What will happen beyond the grave to those whom they refused to perform the funeral service, although they were in a state of darkness? How do you pray for someone who has committed suicide due to extreme pain or fear of abuse? Answered by priest Nikolai PETROV.

- There are up to a million suicides a year in the world, and this number is growing. Why?

There have always been suicides. But the more traditional a society was, the less often it could come up with such an unnatural way out of a situation for a person. Now the problem is that a certain “culture”, “tradition” of suicide has arisen. And it seems to me that the more this is said, the easier it is for a person from the “risk zone” to do this. I wonder if there is a statistic that more people commit suicides on “suicide prevention” day?

There are closed people, not wanting to complain. Their suicide comes as a bolt from the blue to those around them. Is it possible to prevent such developments?

Suicide can be committed by a volitional decision, or it can be a consequence of some kind of deformation of the human personality. In the first case, it is often not a matter of a person’s “bad” life, but the inability to change something: correct a mistake, repay a debt (for example, a general who lost a battle and lost his entire army), etc. A person simply considers himself to have no right to live. He condemns himself to death. There is no way to prevent this. We can only remind everyone that for a Christian such a formulation of the question is impossible. If some mental change occurs in a person that he does not want to live, this can always be noticed - no matter how “closed” he may be.

- How to help a person who complains about life and thinks about suicide out loud?

If a person tells everyone about his intention, and not just someone exclusively trusted and close, then this, according to many doctors and psychologists, shows the need to attract attention to himself, and not a real desire to give up his life. The more love needs to be given to such a person.

People, including Christians, are often concerned about why suicide is the most terrible sin if a person commits it out of grief, in despair. He’s already feeling bad, he’s already suffering, and here comes the most terrible punishment after such suffering. Where is God's mercy?

Suicide “in terms of the degree of sinfulness” is no worse than murder, for example. The problem is that a person does not have the opportunity to repent. According to the teachings of the Church, repentance beyond the grave is impossible. If the killer does not repent, he will face the same fate as a suicide. But I wouldn’t just call it “punishment.” This is a consequence of that difficult spiritual state of a person, when he puts himself in the place of God, and decides who should live and who should not. Having become a “god,” he remains without God, who, with all His pity for him and mercy, cannot help him. Despair is also the result of his free actions, his wrong attitudes...

Suicide is always a lack of faith. Whatever the suffering and horrors in life, faith in God’s providence and His Love can save a person.

They say that you can have a funeral service and then commemorate suicides in the church who were in a state of confusion. Diocesan departments usually ask for a certificate from a dispensary or a psychotherapist. Is it true that the Church’s approach is gradually softening, that there is more and more understanding that there are many situations when a person is poorly responsible for himself?

If a person commits suicide in a state where he cannot be responsible for himself, that is a different matter. If, for example, he got drunk and committed suicide, but had never thought about it before, then he will have to answer for the sin of drunkenness, which, by the way, he also does not have time to repent of.

If suicide is a consequence mental illness or clouding of reason, then, of course, God will judge this person, “taking into account” the lack of his free will in this action, regardless of whether he was inveterate in the church. The Church does not decide whether a person will be saved, but only whether it is possible to pray for him in church. To do this, you only need to know that he did not take his own life voluntarily and thereby excommunicated himself from the Church. There is nothing to soften here. It’s simply pointless to perform a funeral service for a person who abandoned the life given by God, and therefore the faith. The doctor's words are the strongest evidence in in this case, although we must understand that mentally ill people with a diagnosis can die completely consciously and without any influence of their illness, and the funeral service will not “add anything” to them. And people who were refused a funeral service may well turn out to be “innocent” of the sin of suicide - then, of course, God will accept them accordingly. That is, the funeral service is an indicator of the Church’s attitude towards this sin, and not at all a “guarantee” or, conversely, an “exclusion” of a person’s salvation.

There are cases when the obsessive desire to commit suicide is relieved, for example, by drugs that stimulate peripheral circulation. Simply eliminate oxygen starvation of the brain - and the person himself does not understand why he wanted to kill himself. After all, among those who are considered suicidal God-fighters, there may be many such “oxygen starves.” Should a priest often advise, in addition to repentance, a medical examination?

Cases of oxygen starvation do not add anything to the position of the Church. We must fight not so that more suicides are allowed to have funeral services, but so that there are fewer suicides. Therefore, of course, in the light of new knowledge about oxygen starvation, I am ready to send all people who have thoughts of suicide for unknown reasons for a medical examination.

- What if a person kills himself because of severe physical pain?

He can count on God’s condescension, but still this testifies to his lack of faith and weakness, and does not remove the sin of suicide from him, just as if he had renounced Christ because of pain at the moment of torment. But weakness and conscious fight against God are two different things. There won’t be a funeral service for him, if that’s what we’re talking about, but it will be much easier to pray for him.

Saint Basil the Great described the suicide of virgin girls who knew that the barbarians who took their city would abuse them and break the vows they had made. The Church considers them not suicides, but confessors. Of course, today such a situation for Russia is more of a speculation, but experts working with crisis situations say that at the moment of domestic harassment (for example, a drunk acquaintance in an apartment), a woman grabs a knife and more often shouts “don’t come, I’ll kill myself” than “Don’t come closer, I’ll stab you.” And it happens that it cuts. How will the Church approach her if she dies?

In general, everything depends on what a person thinks and on the reasons for his action. If someone kills himself out of fear of abuse, this has nothing to do with the sin of suicide at all. The main thing is why she didn’t want this desecration. Staying pure for Christ like those girls was one thing. I was afraid of pain or consequences - that's another thing. Or maybe she generally considered herself entitled to kill herself in another situation, but here she used this means - this is already the third, and completely equalizes such a woman with other suicides. And if she is not a believer at all, then it makes no difference.

A person who does not believe in God, no matter what he does, how can he be judged? - inadequate in its essence... His “problems” when meeting God will lie in something completely different, and not in suicide. If not to say that for consistent atheists, suicide, in their own estimation, is the most logical way to give up life.

You can judge the urgency of a particular topic by the number of questions on the thematic forum. The next question is about the possibility of killing with a traumatic pistol. The answer to this can be clearly positive, since various unforeseen situations happen in life, in which sometimes the most harmless things become weapons. However, it is advisable to look at the problem more broadly, and, first of all, to determine the contingent of those interested.

  • These could be ordinary citizens trying to protect themselves from possible troubles.
  • Also, the question posed may be of interest to novice criminal elements.
  • Finally, people with suicidal tendencies may wonder about this.

It is clear that the article is addressed primarily to the first category of citizens, so let’s first talk about the legal use of trauma.

Even before purchasing a traumatic weapon, a potential owner must think about the fact that its use may result in a criminal offense, even if there is no intention to break the law. The use of self-defense weapons is so limited by established requirements that in the event of an accident it is quite difficult to prove the legality of one’s actions.

The entire public is divided into two categories in its opinion about traumatic weapons. It is clear that these are those who are in favor of carrying weapons and against them. Paradoxically, representatives of both categories show a certain “dissatisfaction” with trauma. If its supporters want to have more powerful weapons at hand, because they believe that current capabilities are not capable of stopping, for example, an attack by hooligans, then opponents consider injuries to be dangerous means of defense that can kill a person.

From laws to real application

The purpose of traumatic weapons is defined as a means to protect life and health, as well as the health of their loved ones. In practice, it turns out that the use of traumatic weapons in most cases results in serious trouble for the owner.

Formally, a criminal case should be initiated on the basis of murder or infliction of significant injury. But for law enforcement agencies, any use of weapons is associated with hooliganism, so it is quite difficult to prove the legality of using traumatic weapons.

Unfortunately, the only step by step instructions there is no application for OOOP. It can only be developed independently, referring to the opinion of experts. Modern technology makes it easy to record audio or video. When a conflict is brewing, it is recommended to turn on the voice recorder or camera. If there are several attackers, their testimony will be more powerful than yours.

In this case, we can only rely on stationary video cameras installed in stores, entertainment centers, and entrances. It is necessary to record on camera the fact that you loudly warned the hooligans about your intention to use weapons, and also fired one shot in the air. IN real cases It is almost impossible to carry out such preventive measures, which does not play into the hands of the gun owner.

The moment when the aimed shot was fired will play an important role. No matter how strange it may sound, the least problems will arise if you had to defend yourself after the attackers began to beat you. Only in such a situation are actions regarded as self-defense. If the enemy does not use weapons and tries to break into an apartment or car, and also grabs you, then open fire will be classified as exceeding the necessary self-defense measures. It is somewhat easier to comply with the law when the attacker swings a stick or other object. You can safely shoot at the moment of swing.

The use of trauma against women, children or the disabled is almost always illegal. The exception is cases of attack by an armed group of teenagers.

Fatal wounds

If it is proven that the owner of the weapon deliberately aimed at the attacker’s head, then there can be no talk of any self-defense. These actions will be regarded as intent, even if the injury was caused by accident. That is why, when choosing a trauma device, accuracy is considered the determining parameter. The main task is not to hit the temple, eyes, neck.

Traumatic weapons have a very deceptive property. If a person may not even feel pain when a bullet hits parts of the body covered by clothing, then a shot in the temple or eye will most likely be fatal. It is for these reasons that the government decided to equate traumatic weapons with firearms, introducing a number of restrictive measures.

Tragic consequences can also occur if you are wounded in the stomach or even in the leg. A rubber ball, which is capable of entering a couple of centimeters into the body, can easily break an artery, and a person will die from blood loss. The most unpleasant thing is that it is difficult to predict the consequences of a shot from a trauma weapon. For the same model of pistol or revolver, cartridges with a wide range of energy are produced, and, as is known, the impact characteristics of the bullet depend on it.

Traumatic weapon for suicide

We would never have thought that a certain part of the article would have to be devoted to people with suicidal tendencies. It is quite difficult to think about the question of whether it is possible to shoot yourself with a traumatic pistol. But, immersed in the realities of life, we note that the phenomenon of suicide was, is and will be. I wouldn't want to turn it into analytical article in the instructions for suicide, but we emphasize that traumatic weapons are not the best remedy to take his own life.

There are many different points on the human body, the impact of which can lead to disruption of the functioning of a certain group of organs. By the way, acupressure is based on this, because the impact can have a positive effect. It is quite possible to kill a person with a pneumatic weapon, and the power of trauma is much higher.

If you shoot at the temple, then in 90% of cases it will be fatal, since the bone in the temporal region is the thinnest, and the bullet will damage the brain. However, there were cases when “self-arrows” survived. The bullet passed along the bone of the skull and practically did not touch the brain. Can such a coincidence of circumstances be called successful? After being wounded, a person will remain disabled for life.

Many suicidal people choose trauma therapy as the most accessible means. After watching the staged video, they mistakenly think that death will occur instantly and without pain. In most cases that were officially recorded, death after a shot in the head from a trauma occurred within a few hours. It is impossible to imagine what kind of torment a person experiences during this. Fatality statistics show that I achieve my suicide goal in 50% of cases.

How to protect yourself

We see that shooting from a traumatic weapon is full of paradoxical consequences.

  • On the one hand, there are no guarantees of death in the event of suicide.
  • On the other hand, by an absurd accident one can turn from a victim into a murderer.

For those who have decided to protect themselves and their loved ones with the help of injury, the question arises of what to do if they had to use a weapon.

No matter how the conflict ends, it is necessary to report it to the police. It is important that you are the one who initiates calling the police. Many lawyers, based on judicial practice, argue that the one who first contacts law enforcement agencies will have the status of a victim. There are often cases when a citizen resisted and left, but the attacker contacted an ambulance and then the police. Moreover, in the appeal he indicates that it was the owner of the weapon who first carried out the attack. Perhaps justice will prevail, but this will require a lot of effort.

Russian legislation provides for punishment for failure to provide medical care. To avoid being accused of this, call an ambulance for the person, even if he just recently attacked you.

It would be nice to have witnesses. Naturally, not every outsider will agree to wait for the police. The best option is to take contact information. It is also recommended to copy down the license plates of nearby cars. They may contain people or may have a recorder turned on. And last but not least, advice - hire yourself a good lawyer.
