Business English tutor. Where to find a good English tutor? Do you need an English tutor?

If you are reading this, then you probably know where and how to find English tutors. Therefore, I will not waste your time and will share some thoughts on how to correctly approach the choice of this very tutor. So as not to be disappointed when it turns out that you or your child paid money and wasted time in vain. I'll try to be brief.

I think you can determine whether you have a good or not a good tutor already in the first lesson. Let's imagine that you come with complete ignorance of the English language or with confusion in your head after countless repetitions of the same thing at school and college. In short, you start with a clean slate.

What shouldn't a good tutor do?

First of all, he shouldn't teach you to read English words. If he is really good, then he knows very well from experience that English words are hieroglyphs that cannot be read: they can only be recognized and voiced. My favorite example is the word lives, which when combined with a pronoun, say, he, will be read “livs” and mean the verb “lives”, and in combination with many– will already read “lives” and mean the noun “life” in plural. No, of course, the tutor can mention that, in fact, there are certain rules for reading in “open and closed syllables,” but if you need a result and a quick result, then you don’t even have to think about it: there are still no exceptions to these rules less.

Secondly, a good English tutor will not correct your accent. Why? Because he knows that, as many English-speaking people in the world as there are, there are as many accents. Of course, he will definitely correct you if you pronounce a word with the wrong emphasis, or make English too Russian h, or say match so that it looks like much- that is, in those fundamental points that will lead to a misunderstanding of you by your listeners. Otherwise, he will not waste time on something that is either unimportant (what difference does it make if you are not Stirlitz, what accent do you speak with, if everyone understands you perfectly?), or can easily be corrected by you yourself in the process of further use in English. Over time, some people like the California accent, others like the New York accent, others find the Irish accent easier, etc. From my own experience, I usually advise my students to try to speak with a simple "English accent" so that it is not clear where they are coming from. After all, you yourself can probably tell when someone speaks English whether it’s a German, a Frenchman, an Italian, or even a Dane. This is the kind of accent that, in my opinion, should be avoided. It’s better to let your interlocutor guess where you are from. The Russian accent (in an exaggerated form) should only be used in “bad” places in America and Europe in order to scare away local hooligans.

Thirdly, a good tutor is recognized by his structural approach to the subject. Do not be lazy in preliminary correspondence or at the very first lesson to ask a simple and direct question about what his methodology is. If you have ever studied English (for example) with native speakers, then you have probably noticed that they often present the material chaotically, based on the situation, focusing on what they do best - speaking. For some reason, they believe that you don’t need to know the grammar of their language, it only gets in the way, you need to immediately take the bull by the horns and talk, even if you don’t know the words and how these words form phrases. I can tell you a secret why this is so. Because sometimes they themselves do not know their own grammar. They, students living in a foreign country, journalists, former so-and-so, just need to earn some money, and the easiest way to do this is in their native language, since they are a priori experts in it. No, not specialists. They haven’t been taught grammar in schools for a long time, just like Russian – our idiots. However, I digress. Method. Very important. Without it, your classes will turn into chatter about nothing, and the mess will remain. A good tutor, in response to your question, should clearly and concisely tell you how each lesson will be structured. Believe me, for a good tutor this will not be difficult.

Now a few words about what a good English tutor should and will do with you. If it doesn't, start doubting it.

He will speak to you in English. Not in the sense of explaining complex rules so that you and your level will not understand anything, but in the sense of spending part of the time talking at your level about this and that, just to get you excited. I usually ask from the door, what’s new, and who among us doesn’t like to talk about ourselves? Five to ten minutes (or even more if some pressing topic is raised) of quick communication in English is guaranteed.

He will give you listening exercises. This usually means that you receive an audio or video file at home, which you must “decipher” for the next lesson, i.e. Write down in English everything you hear in it. During the lesson, you then read it out, and a “debriefing” takes place, identifying your mistakes, and most importantly, their causes. We usually don't hear what we don't know.

He will definitely force you to learn something by heart. False democracy forces current teachers, especially in schools, to follow the lead of students and not strain them too much. When you learn a language, and even for your own money, forget about democracy, you need results. In other words, you should be grateful to a demanding tutor and doubt your success if the tutor tailors his classes to you. Of course, he won’t always want to argue with you, and he may limit himself to a phrase like “If you don’t want to, don’t.” But you must understand it correctly: this is necessary and you need it. So whatever you want. It is desirable, however, that for memorization not just anything is offered, but all sorts of English templates and cliches on which any communication is based.

He will force you to read. We perceive most of the world with our eyes. Therefore, in learning English it is very important to see the structure of sentences, get used to it and thus gain much-needed experience. At the same time, it is very important, firstly, to read what interests you, and, secondly, to start reading books adapted to your level, so that the originals do not scare you away by the need to look into the dictionary twenty times per page.

He will force you to translate. And in Russian too. From the sheet. Perhaps even without prior reading. Or by ear. Putting you in the situation of an inexperienced translator who must understand what the speaker is saying to him in English and convey his understanding as adequately as possible to an imaginary audience. If your English sword is forged by previous exercises, then in translations “back and forth” it is sharpened. And the hopelessness of the situation, when it is simply impossible not to speak, is extremely useful.

If the above points, or at least most of them, are met, you can be sure that there will be some sense. If not, move on and look for someone else. And if you don’t want to waste time searching, you can limit yourself to filling out this simple one, and not the worst tutor for English language, perhaps he will find you.

After reading advertisements for the request “English tutor,” many decide that finding the right teacher to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Moscow in this subject is easy. In reality this is not the case. The teacher must meet a number of the following points:

  • a good education. The specialist must be certified prestigious university. Of course, this does not guarantee the tutor’s professionalism, but it significantly increases his authority;
  • experience. When a tutor gives private lessons for several years, he gains the most important thing - experience. Thanks to this, he learns in practice what are the peculiarities in the acquisition of English by different students. It is worth considering that the services of an experienced specialist will be more expensive than a beginner’s;
  • a number of personal qualities. Punctuality is very important for an English tutor. He must also have patience, attentiveness and exactingness.

How to choose an English tutor?

In order to find the right tutor English language, you can advertise on the Internet indicating the basic requirements and conditions of employment. The advantage of this method is its simplicity - after some time, teachers themselves will begin to offer their services. However, this method has many disadvantages, since professional teachers They rarely look for clients for private lessons through such advertisements.

Another option is to search through special sites. For example, Unified State Exam Tutor ru provides a database with profiles of tutors, which indicate professional skills, experience, photos and location of lessons. The disadvantage is that it is difficult for parents to look through all the profiles and independently understand the personal qualities of a person. In this regard, you can contact the portal employees, who will be able to find the most suitable candidates based on your requirements. As a result, preparing for the Unified State Exam in Moscow with a professional tutor will have its effect - the child will improve his knowledge of the language, both in terms of grammar and pronunciation.

Subjects: English, mini-group, English.

MGGU im. M.A. Sholokhov (MGOPU), faculty foreign languages, qualification – English teacher, 2003
MSLU, Faculty of Advanced Training for Teachers of Foreign Languages, 2006
Candidate pedagogical sciences, 2011
Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia, department for advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, 2009–2011.
Russian Language Training Center of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, specialty - Russian as a foreign language, qualification - course teacher, 2012.
Cambridge University: CELTA 5 Teacher Training, Pass B (Hons), 2014
Intensive training How to prepare students for IELTS, BKC IH, 2014
Methodological training on the lexical approach Implementing the Lexical Approach: the Practical Guide with Hugh Dellar, 2018
Training using the Dogme method, Teaching with DOGME with Scott Thornbury, 2018
Intensive training Teaching Lexically with Andrew Walkley, 2019
Better Teaching Outcomes with Hugh Dellar training, 2019
Training Vocabulary and Grammar: Bridging the Gap with Leo Selivan, 2019
Advanced training course “Preparation of students for All-Russian Olympiad in English", 2019
Intensive two-day training on teaching teenagers “English for Teens” with Chris Roland, 2019.
Methodological training for English teachers Listening Decoding with Richard Cauldwell, 2019
Certificates: TKT, 3 Modules, Band 4 ( highest mark) (2013); CAE (Certificate of Advanced English), Grade A (2014); IELTS (Academic), 8.5 (2014).
Tutoring activity - 20 years.
Officially registered tutor - individual entrepreneur - 9 years.
Lecturer at the Department of English, Counterintelligence Faculty, Academy of the FSB of Russia, 2003–2011.
Lecturer at the Department of English at the International Institute civil service and management Russian Academy National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation, 2011
Co-founder of the Anglomaster school - 3 years.
Co-author of the textbook “Unified State Exam 2020. English language. Sections “Writing” and “Speaking”, 2019

Sign up for the waiting list
The most important: speaking and listening comprehension, as well as active work by extension vocabulary– I guarantee accessibility of presentation and maximum live communication.
Plus: consultations for beginning teachers.

Certification in English passed.

10% discount

With a subscription payment system (except for groups).

District: VDNH, Tverskaya. Departure: Center.

Plus: distance learning; preparation for entrance exams to the Academy of the FSB of Russia (counterintelligence faculty), preparation for exams at the Higher School of Economics in English; intensive preparation for departure, job interview, consultations on teaching methods, express training on developing writing and speaking strategies for the Unified State Exam; express preparation for IELTS Speaking, consultations self-training to IELTS.

English language: 4000 rub. / h

Mini group: 1350 rub. / h

Unified State Examination in English: 1350 rubles. / h

Lesson duration: 60-120 min.

"Repetit Center" is one of the oldest associations of private teachers. The site is over seven years old. Private English tutors in Moscow for preschoolers, children and adults are the largest part of our database. There are more than 6,000 advertisements for such tutors on the site. We work throughout Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Finding a language tutor will be easy, the main thing is to set the necessary search parameters.

However, the selection of a tutor can also be entrusted to the administrator - we will advise you on suitable options.

However, a few tips for choosing a private English teacher may come in handy.

  1. If you are interested in training spoken language(removing barriers to communication, establishing correct pronunciation), then you most likely need to hire an individual English tutor - a native speaker or an experienced Russian teacher who often deals with native English speakers or has lived in an English-speaking country for more than 5 years. Such a teacher will be able to quickly achieve results in these aspects of the language.
  2. If you need a tutor to prepare for the Unified State Exam or State Examination in English, then pay attention to teachers who have experience preparing for these exams. Despite the fact that, first of all, knowledge of the language is important, the Unified State Examination has its own specifics. Therefore, look for an English tutor for your child, asking about his experience: how successfully he prepared high school students for the Unified State Exam. However, the cost of such a teacher’s services is unlikely to be low.
  3. If you need to improve your grammar, then you need any Russian-speaking teacher with relevant experience and knowledge. As a rule, such teachers know grammar and general theory English speakers are even better than native speakers. Price individual lessons The cost of such tutors is low - they usually charge inexpensively for their lessons.
  4. If you are interested in preparing for the TOEFL, GMAT, or IELTS, then you are likely looking for the services of an English tutor who teaches to adults, is certified, and has passed these exams with high scores. The best teachers and specialists in this field are quite in demand and are often busy from the very beginning school year. Therefore, even if you don’t need a tutor urgently, not right now, it’s still worth taking a closer look at the English teachers you like and, perhaps, agreeing on lessons.
  5. You should always pay attention to reviews and prices. A good English tutor in Moscow cannot be very “inexpensive”. 300-400 rubles per hour - this rate is already of little interest even for student language tutors 🇬🇧. Moreover, teachers who have confirmation in the form of real student reviews charge more expensively - after all, there is a demand for their services.