D. Katz "Encyclopedia of trading strategies." Kats and McCormick: "Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies"

In the theory of D. Katz, an attempt is made to integrate ideas about the attitude of various theoretical orientations (behaviorism, psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology and cognitivism). There are 4 functions: instrumental, ego-protective, the function of expressing values ​​and the function of organizing knowledge. The first three can be conditionally attributed to motivational functions, and the last to the cognitive function.

Motivational functions

1. Ego-protective function: attitude contributes to the resolution of intrapersonal conflicts, protects a person from receiving unpleasant information about himself and social objects that are significant to him.

2. Function of expressing values(function of value, self-realization): attitudes give a person the opportunity to express what is important to him and organize his behavior accordingly. By carrying out certain actions in accordance with his attitude, a person realizes himself in relation to social objects. This function helps a person to self-determinate and form an idea of ​​himself.

3. Instrumental function expresses adaptive tendencies of human behavior, contributes to the receipt of rewards, incl. approval of others (example – attraction due to similarity of attitudes).

Function of cognition

4. Knowledge organization function based on a person’s desire to meaningfully organize the world around him. Attitudes help a person comprehend reality, “explain” current events or the actions of other people. Attitude allows you to avoid feelings of uncertainty and ambiguity, and sets a certain direction for the interpretation of events. This function is characteristic mainly of unambiguous rather than ambivalent attitudes ( Conner, Sparks, 2002; Jonas, Broemer, Diehl, 2000).

Consequences implementations of this function are:

Selective perception of information corresponding to attitudes;

Easier memorization and reproduction of information corresponding to attitudes;

Assessing situations in accordance with attitudes. This happens even when people are asked to formulate thoughts that are inconsistent with attitudes.

However, in some cases, people tend to accept dissonant information. This happens when:

The bearer of the attitudes is warned about the usefulness of the information;

It is important for him to make an accurate decision and avoid mistakes;

He has ambivalent attitudes, doubts the correctness of his opinion;

Some attitudes perform one function, while others perform several different ones. In addition, people differ in their preference for one of the functions (example with people with high and low field dependence).

    Formation of attitude.

    1. Behavioral approach. In neobehaviorism, social attitude is viewed as an intermediate variable between an objective stimulus and an external response. The attitude, which is virtually inaccessible to external observation, is both a reaction to the observed stimulus and a stimulus for the observed reaction, acting like a connecting mechanism. Principles that apply to other forms of learning also govern attitude formation: classical conditioning; operant conditioning, observational learning.

      Motivational approach. The motivational approach considers the process of forming an attitude as a process of a person weighing all the pros and cons of adopting a new attitude, as well as determining the consequences of adopting a social attitude. Thus, the main factors for the formation of social attitudes in this approach are the cost of choice and the benefit from the consequences of choice.

      Cognitive approach. This approach includes several similar theories - the theory of structural balance by F. Heider, the theory of communicative acts by T. Newcome, the theory of congruence by Charles Osgood and P. Tannebaum, the theory of cognitive dissonance by L. Festinger. All theories of cognitive correspondence are based on the idea that people strive for internal consistency of their cognitive structure - their attitudes and their individual components (an example of hypnotic instillation of a positive attitude towards integration policies towards blacks and subsequent changes in the content of the cognitive component).

      Structural approach was originally developed in the 20s at the Chicago School of Symbolic Interactionism and is mainly associated with the name of J. Mead. J. Mead's key hypothesis is that we develop our attitudes by accepting, in his terminology, “internalization,” the attitudes of “others.” It is “others”, people who are significant to us, who are the decisive factor in the formation of our attitudes (borrowing political attitudes from friends, not from journalists).

      Genetic approach. The influence of genes on attitudes may not be direct, but indirect by factors such as innate differences in temperament, intellectual abilities, innate biochemical reactions, etc. Genetically determined attitudes are stronger and more accessible than acquired ones; change less, are more resistant to persuasive communication; have greater significance for their carriers; members of the same group show greater diversity in genetically determined attitudes than in acquired ones.

During the Great Patriotic War, he played one of the main roles in the mobilization, formation and recruitment of the Armed Forces of the USSR. In 1947 he was dismissed. In 1950 he was arrested and convicted as a member of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. Miraculously he survived, was released and rehabilitated in 1956.

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    Kats A.F.- KATS Arkady Fridrikhovich (b. 1931), director, people. art. Latv. SSR (1973). Worked in Odessa, Izhevsk; in 196492 ch. dir. Riga tra rus. dramas, where is the post. At the bottom of M. Gorky (1970), Joan of Arc by A. Upits (1972), The Cherry Orchard by A. P. Chekhov... ... Biographical Dictionary

    Kats A. M.- KATs Arnold Mikhailovich (b. 1924), conductor, people. art. USSR (1988). Since 1956 thin. hands and ch. conductor of the symphony orc. Novosib. Philharmonic. He also performs as an opera conductor. Prof. Novosib. cons. (since 1980). State Ave. Ros. Federation (1995) ... Biographical Dictionary

    Katz B.- KATZ Bernard (b. 1911), English. physiologist. Genus. in Germany. Since 1935 in Great Britain. He established the mechanism for the release of acetylcholine in neuromuscular junctions. Nob. etc. (1970, jointly with J. Axelrod and W. Euler) ... Biographical Dictionary

    Kats S. A.- KATZ Sigismund Abramovich (190884), composer, adv. art. RSFSR (1980). Op. The Captain's Daughter (after A. S. Pushkin, 1939), operettas, choral song suites; chamber and instruments production; max. popular songs, including Like an Old Oak (1937), ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    Kats S. A.- KATZ Sigismund Abramovich (190884), composer, adv. art. RSFSR (1980). Graduated from Moscow. Conservatory (1937). Among the works created by during the war years, songs Two Maxims (words by V. A. Dykhovichny), Let’s sing, comrades, and the Bryansk forest made a harsh noise (both ... ... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

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  • Teaching in 7th grade using the textbook E. E. Katz, N. L. Karnaukh “Literature. 7th grade". Program. Thematic planning. Methodological recommendations, Katz E.E.. Toolkit to the textbook E. E. Katz, N. L. Karnaukh "Literature. 7th grade". The manual includes a program guidelines, approximate thematic planning studying educational...
  • Tests and independent work for the textbook Katz E. E. "Literary reading". 4th grade. Federal State Educational Standard, Katz E.E.. Manual "Tests and independent work"for 4th grade to the textbook by E. E. Katz" Literary reading", 4th grade is intended for organizing ongoing monitoring and diagnostics of students’ knowledge in…

D. Katz and R. Kahn: “ Organizational structure"(1978)

Organizational structure, according to these researchers, is a reflection of the changes occurring in the organization depending on the stage of its development. Based on this, three main stages of organization development are considered:

stage of simple systems;

sustainable stage of organization;

stage of development of structures.

Representation of a social organization as open system, actively interacting with the external environment, allowed the authors to assume that the main prerequisites for successful activity are not inside the organization, but outside it. This view also performs the function methodological principle organization and analysis of data obtained as a result of diagnostics of a specific organization.

R. Quinn and K. Cameron: "Integrative Model" (1983)

In 1983, Quinn and Cameron proposed a variant that generalized previously created models. Identifying four stages of development, they place the main emphasis on the effectiveness of the organization and determining its criteria at various stages.

I. Adizes: “Theory life cycles organizations" (1979)

In his study, the author draws an analogy of the evolution of an organization with similar biological processes, occurring in the development of living organisms, which allows us to characterize this model as evolutionary-theological. The process of organizational development is presented as natural, programmed and pre-providing for the inevitable and step-by-step passage by the organization in the course of development of a number of mandatory phases (stages). The concept indicates the impossibility of jumping over these phases. However, the researcher has identified the main difference between organizational development and biological development: an organization can be in a state of prosperity for a long time, provided that correct strategic and tactical management is ensured. In addition, the organization can recover and continue its growth, even if it is currently in a recession, provided that a fundamentally new leadership style is introduced, and, if necessary, a change in guidelines, values, attitudes, etc.

In this book, the authors have collected the most useful information for any trader who wants to improve their own skills. As a source of reference material and, in fact, a direct guide to system development, this book includes descriptions of many well-known techniques. In addition, it shows new ways to make a profit in the market and offers new advantages in trading. The book also included recommendations from experts on improved risk control methods.

The authors of the work “Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies” also included potentially unprofitable techniques that can lead to the ruin of a trader. Beyond that, Kats and McCormick cover the very basics in the book. How to represent or acquire information, how to test systems on historical data using simulators. They also talked about how you can carry out optimization as safely as possible or evaluate the results of a comprehensive statistical analysis. The book presents the advantages of a good mechanical trading system over other trading methods.

Kats and McCormick: "Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies"

The authors of this work argue that for any trader, excluding a very small part, systematic trading brings better results than intuitive trading. After all, the latter includes subjective decisions, which are most often biased and lead to losses. Uncertainty, affect, greed and simple fear can easily displace reason and knowledge as the force driving trade. And of course, it is quite difficult to test any trading method that does not have strict frameworks and decision-making rules.

On the other hand, according to the authors of the book “Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies”, systematic trading is objective. There is no place for emotions in it. Mechanical systems follow the trader's actions using programmed beliefs and logic. And the best thing about them is that you can test them very easily. A good system can be improved, and a bad one can either be adjusted or discarded. This book is filled with valuable information that is extremely useful when creating, designing and testing a mechanical trading system that generates profit.

Studying the methods of the encyclopedia of trading strategies

The results of testing trading systems for portfolios that consist of several financial instruments are given in this book. As the Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies shows, the analysis of portfolio trading systems does not have significant complexity. However, it is not as simple as analyzing one trading instrument. In addition, the book shows the procedure for performing forward bias optimization and testing. The simplicity of calculating capital increase schedules, profit-risk ratios, maximum capital declines and many other methods for testing and optimizing portfolios has been announced and proven.

Small institutional traders will especially benefit from The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies. Those who wish to systematically trade multiple instruments to increase diversification, liquidity and reduce risk. The book also uses the author’s academic and scientific experience to explore entry and exit techniques. This was done so that complete impartiality and objectivity of all testing methods could be maintained. In this book, everyone will find information useful for system traders.

Industry Basics natural gas. Properties of oil and gas reservoirs. Phase state of natural phase systems. Properties of natural gases and light hydrocarbon liquids Moisture content of natural gases. Measurement and calculation of phase relationships under equilibrium conditions for multicomponent mixtures. Flow and compression calculations. Gas flow measurement. Drilling and testing of gas wells. Steady-state and unsteady gas filtration. Development and operation of gas fields. Gas from gas condensate and oil fields. Field separation and oil absorption of gas. Fractional distillation. Low temperature processing of natural gas. Natural gas drying and purification. Transport and distribution of natural gas. Underground storage of natural gas.

The book, which is a reference guide, examines a range of issues related to gas production, transportation and processing. It describes physical properties gas reservoirs, the properties of natural gases and highly volatile hydrocarbon liquids are given. Instruments and devices for studying the operation of wells and gas fields and research methods are described.

The issues of steady-state and unsteady gas filtration and methods for calculating the movement of gas and gas-condensate mixtures through vertical and horizontal pipes are considered. Features of drilling gas wells, technology and equipment for gas production, technology for separating gas from oil and gas stripping, and technology for processing natural gases are covered. A special chapter is devoted to low-temperature processes, liquefaction of natural gas, and helium production and transport.

Calculations are given and the techniques for constructing gas pipelines, combating corrosion, and storing gas in above-ground and underground storage facilities are covered. The book is intended for engineers and technicians involved in gas well drilling, production, processing and transportation of natural gas.

see also

Baykov N.M., Sayfutdinova X.X. Laboratory control during oil and gas production

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M.: Nedra, 1983, 128 p. The basic physical and chemical properties of oil, gas and water are outlined. The concepts of colloidal disperse systems, qualitative and quantitative analyzes of substances are given. Measures to increase the flow rate of production and injection wells are considered. Laboratory equipment and instruments for the analysis of oil, petroleum products, gas and water are described. Safety measures during analysis are considered. For laboratory technicians, op...

Basniev K.S. Gas condensate production and transportation

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Textbook manual for technical schools. - M.: Nedra, 1985. -246 p. The conditions for occurrence of gas, oil and water, search and exploration of natural gas deposits, equipment and technology for drilling gas wells, development of gas and gas condensate fields, technological regime of well operation are considered. The sequence of operations and equipment for well repair, the technology for preparing gas and condensate for transportation, their transportation and maintenance are described...

Bobritsky N.V., Yufin V.A. Oil and Gas Industry Basics

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It is presented as a textbook for technical schools (ed. M.: Nedra, 1988. - 200 pp.), but will definitely be useful for all specialties of universities studying in the oil and gas field. Gives general ideas about the entire oil and gas industry, but the sections on the transport and storage of oil, gas and petroleum products are most extensively described. Summary: 1. Basic information about the oil and gas industry. 2. Basic information about geology, production and...

Wartkin P.P. Offshore oil and gas structures. Part 2. Construction technology

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M.: Nedra-Business Center LLC, 2007. - 408 p. The technology for the construction of offshore structures intended to carry out work on the production, transport and storage of oil and gas is considered. Technological schemes for performing earthworks and stone works in coastal areas and in offshore waters are considered.

Zemenkov Yu.D. (ed) Gas compressor stations

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Tutorial. Tyumen 2002, 15 pages. This manual briefly outlines the following issues: preparation of gas for transportation and requirements for the composition and quality of the transported gas; gas purification; devices for purifying gas from mechanical impurities; gas purification from H2S and CO2; natural gas dehydration; purpose and composition of a linear compressor station; process gas system; shop and station automation systems (Vega System, gas control...

Korotaev Yu.P., Margulov R.D. (ed.). Production, preparation and transportation of natural gas and condensate. Reference manual in 2 volumes. Volume 2

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M.: Nedra, 1984, 288 pp. Authors: B.P. Gvozdev, A.P. Podkopaev, I.T. Balyberdina, V.M. Agapkin, B.L. Krivoshein, V.A. Yufin, A. D. Dvoiris, E.V. Levykin. Methods for drying and separation of natural gas, stabilization of condensate and commercial products obtained from it, and purification of gas from hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide are described. The technology and technical means of transport and storage of gas and condensate, as well as methods for liquefying natural gas, its storage...

Korshak A.A., Shammazov A.M. Fundamentals of Oil and Gas Business

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Ufa: DesignPolygraphService, 2001. - 544 p. The minimum questions that everyone who is preparing to become a petroleum engineer should know are considered. The history of the use of oil and gas, development and current state oil and gas industry Russia, views on the origin of oil. Provides information about largest deposits and world oil and gas reserves. Initial information on the search and exploration of oil and gas fields is given...
