Russian Polish translator with Google pronunciation. Russian-Polish online translator and dictionary. Specialized dictionaries of the Russian language

Very often, beginners, and frankly speaking, professionals, have to resort to for translation services. Of course, beginners do this much more often, but more experienced native speakers may also have some problems. In this case, there is no need to contact a specialized translation agency. To do this, you can use our online Russian-Polish translator, which will quickly and free of charge help you solve your problem. And if you need to translate Polish text, just change the language and you will get a Polish-Russian translator online :)

Rules for working with an online translator

An invention like online translator made our life much easier. It would seem that it could be simpler: copy the text into the translator window, click the “translate” button and voila! translation is ready. But it depends for what purposes. If you just want to understand the meaning of what is written and translate from Russian into Polish, then this option is suitable. But if you have slightly different goals, then you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of a translator’s work. Of course, in order for the translation to turn out more or less normal and not cause any confusion, it is worth paying attention to some points. So, the rules for working with an online translator from Russian to Polish, and vice versa (from Polish to Russian):

1. First of all, if something doesn’t work out for you with the translation, pay attention to spelling. Because even one wrong letter will not allow you to translate the word into another language. So, the word will either remain in Russian, or you will see the same word in Latin. For example, if you write the word “Russian” as “Russkiy”, then instead of “rosyjski” you will get rusky.

2. Watch your punctuation. Everyone knows the phrase “Execution cannot be pardoned.” So here, the meaning of the resulting sentence will depend on the correctly placed punctuation marks. Either you “execute” or “have mercy”.

3. Don't use fancy sentences, if you don't want to get into complete confusion. Let it be simple with direct word order.

4. Brevity is the sister of talent, but not at this point. Don't use abbreviations. After all, many translators may simply not recognize such an abbreviation.

5. Try not to miss function words, then the translation will be more accurate and of higher quality. But about slang words: it’s worth removing them when using an online translator from Russian to Polish, and vice versa.

6. If you have problems translating a word, try to find a synonym, perhaps then the problem will be resolved on its own.

7. Do not forget that entering text into the translator will not be enough. Since very often the translator can show the results incorrectly. That's why always adapt the translation to the rules of the language. You will improve your language skills and get a good translation.

Use our Russian-Polish translator online, and you will save yourself from long-suffering searches for translations in dictionaries. The same applies to the Polish-Russian translator.

Features of translation from Russian into Polish

Every language has its own characteristics, which are worth considering if you want to receive a high-quality and literary translation. Of course, translating from Polish to Russian using a Polish-Russian online translator will be much easier. Indeed, in the Polish language, direct word order predominates and many words have the same meaning. But with the translation from Russian to Polish language problems may arise when using our online translator. After all, the Russian language is very rich, it has many synonyms, many words that can be used in different meanings. So, in the Russian language there is a category of words that refers to ambiguous. For example, if you didn’t know, the word “go” has 40 meanings in the dictionary edited by Ushakov!

But if you can look at the situation and choose the necessary word, then with words in figurative meaning You should be more careful. For example, the word "black". It can be used in the following meanings: black bag, black Saturday, black box (on an airplane), black thoughts, black ingratitude, and now also Black Friday (sale day). That is, the word is one, but if it is used in a different context, it will have a completely different meaning. But we should not forget that if such a phrase is accepted in the Russian language and the meaning is quite clear, this does not mean at all that it will also be preserved in the Polish language. 🙂 It also happens that the meaning of a sentence from one word can change or you simply will not be understood.

Therefore, to avoid such situations, it is worth remembering one thing: do not try to translate the text word for word! You can always find the equivalent of a Russian word in Polish, sometimes everything can even turn out to be much simpler than you think. Especially if you are new to learning Polish, try to use more simple words, and with experience will come the ability to use more complex forms of communication. 🙂 Yes, and use words with one meaning, since ambiguous words can confuse or put you in an awkward situation.

So, Russian-Polish translator quite a convenient thing that will help in learning Polish. But still, it is worth considering many points when using it. Especially, do not forget how rich and powerful the Russian language is, and the conversion of words in a sentence, as well as ambiguous words, can spoil your translation. Therefore, using simple rules You will be able to increase the efficiency of using an online translator.

Russian-Polish translator online will allow you to quickly translate from Russian into Polish. Also, the effectiveness of learning Polish can be greatly improved by using a Polish-Russian translator online.

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The division of Slavic languages ​​into western, southern and eastern occurred after the settlement of the Slavs in the era early Middle Ages. , and Polish languages ​​formed the western group of Slavic languages. These languages ​​differ in many ways, but native speakers of these languages ​​can communicate without a translator.

The formation of the Polish language coincides with the formation of the state. In the second half of the 10th century, the Polish prince Mieszko I converted to Christianity, and soon he managed to unite several Slavic tribes. The unifying factor was language and related culture. Together with Christianity, oral Polish acquired Latin writing. Documents with Polish proper names have been preserved. In particular, the oldest is Dagome iudex - an act transferring lands under the protection of the Pope. The act dates from 990–992. and contains a list and description of the transferred lands and the cities of Gniezno and Krakow.

The penetration of Latin into Polish made it possible to form the first spelling rules in the 13th century, on the basis of which the ecclesiastical version of the Polish language subsequently developed. The first handwritten texts in Polish were prayers and sermons translated from.

In 1440, the first attempt was made to systematize the Polish language. A scientific work on Polish orthography was compiled in Latin. Around this time, the language began to be used in law and in court proceedings. Came out first cookbook in Polish.

The first dictionary appeared only four centuries later (1814). Samuel Bohumil Linde compiled a six-volume dictionary, published in 1,200 copies. In his dictionary, Linde described 60 thousand Polish words. The 18th century is characterized by the entry into the Polish language of lexemes from the French dictionary. Many representatives of the Polish elite of that time preferred to communicate in . From that time, the words makijaz, mansarda, koniak and many others remained.

In the 19th century, German and Russian borrowings penetrated into the Polish language, which is explained by the conquest of Poland by Germany and Russia. The second wave of Russian borrowings dates back to the period of World War II.

In the second half of the twentieth century, borrowings spread into Poland and poured into Polish so actively that by the beginning of the new century, linguists stopped talking about the influence in English. Anglicisms make up terminology related to computer science, sports, music, economics and everyday life.

  • The grammar and phonetics of Polish are so complex that it is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn.
  • Almost all words in Polish have the stress on the penultimate syllable.
  • Similar words in Russian and Polish can have opposite meanings. For example, uroda - beauty, woń - aroma, zapominać - forget, dworzec - train station, dywan - carpet.
  • In Polish, you can say goodbye and hello with one word, Cześć, which can mean “Hello” and “Bye.”
  • Poles believe that family life can be happy if the marriage is concluded in a month with the letter “p” - Lipiec (July), Sierpień (August), Listopad (November).
  • The longest Polish word is konstantynopolitańczykowianeczkówna. This translates to "unmarried daughter of a resident of Constantinople." This is a joke word made up and, of course, not used. The Polish language allows for wordplay, which is the basis for many funny sayings. The Poles also came up with a rich dictionary of obscene words, surpassing even Russian.
  • In Poland, waiters may offer you kawusia (coffee) rather than kawa. This is not due to a lack of respect, it’s just that Poles have adopted diminutive forms in everyday life.

We guarantee acceptable quality, since texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using technology

Because it's fun and useful for Polish students! This is very good idea- share knowledge of Polish with Russian speakers in the Polish-Russian dictionary. Any user can make a contribution to the Russian dictionary and all translations will be taken into account. Polish is pretty Difficult language with many dialects, and therefore requires a continuous stream of new entries to be constantly updated. Once a Polish translation of a particular word has been proposed, it appears as "unverified" in the Polish-Russian dictionary. After which, in order to be added to the dictionary forever, this word requires ten votes of confirmation from other users. By doing this, we maintain the high quality of the Polish-Russian dictionary.
If you want to take part in this, you need to register to activate your account and contribute to the development of the Polish-Russian dictionary. This is how you get points, which can be checked on the world ranking page. Suggesting new Polish entries to the Polish-Russian dictionary or confirming already recorded Polish words are two ways to accumulate points. If you have questions about grammar, culture or anything else related to languages, you can check out the Polish-Russian forum and ask all the questions there, as well as answer those questions that were asked by Russian or Polish users. You can write answers in both Russian and Polish.

 Today you can translate any texts from Polish into Russian completely free of charge: Polish news, Polish blogs, documentation in Polish - anything you want. To do this, you do not even need to contact a qualified translator. It is enough to use one of the free Polish-Russian online translators posted on this page.

Have you ever used an online translator? Try it, it's very simple. Insert the text in Polish into the online translator, select the direction of translation, and click the "Translate" button. It only takes a few seconds to translate from Polish to Russian. The finished translation can be edited immediately in the translator.

Polish-Russian online translator Google Translate

The new language in Google Translate is Polish. Fast translation speed and acceptable quality of results. Maximum 500 characters at a time. The translation result opens in a new window.

Polish-Russian online translator

To translate texts from Polish to Russian, you can also use this online translator. You can influence the quality of translation results from Polish into Russian by choosing the most appropriate translation topic. Choice suitable topic Allows the translator to correctly identify and translate complex words. If you find it difficult to determine the topic of the Polish text before translating, you can not select it, but simply leave the topic “General”.

Polish-Russian online translator

Translator of texts from Polish to Russian from the site Maximum 500 characters at a time.

Polish-Russian online translator ImTranslator

If you need to quickly translate text from Polish into Russian, a great solution would be to use this free online translator. It doesn’t matter what topic of text you are going to translate, the translator will cope with the task in a few seconds. For convenience, the translator also includes a Polish dictionary and a Polish virtual keyboard.

If the test for translation from Polish is very large, it must be divided into several parts. The fact is that this free Polish-Russian translator has a limit on the length of the text - you can translate from Polish into Russian a text of no more than 1000 characters at a time. After translation, you will be able to combine parts of the text together again.

[+] Expand translator ImTranslator [+]

For the Polish-Russian translator to work correctly, you must enable frame support in your browser.

For the Polish-Russian translator to work correctly, you must enable support in your browser JavaScript.

Free translation from Polish to Russian

Machine translation systems have been around on the Internet for a long time. They are mainly intended for translating texts from the most common languages. Online translators that allow you to translate from Polish into Russian for free have appeared on the Internet quite recently.

Polish, like Russian, is a Slavic language. Despite the fact that many Polish words can be understood by native Russian speakers, in most cases you cannot do without a translator. In any case, you can use free Polish-Russian translators available on the Internet.

The quality of free Polish-Russian translation is constantly improving. Technologies and online translators are developing. It is quite possible that tomorrow you will be able to receive translations from Polish into Russian of ideal quality.

Entering text and selecting translation direction

Source text on Polish language you need to print or copy into the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for Polish-Russian translation, you need to enter text in Polish in the top window and select the item with from the drop-down menu Polish, on Russian.
Next you need to press the key Translate, and you will receive the translation result under the form - Russian text.

Specialized dictionaries of the Polish language

If the source text to be translated relates to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized Polish dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Law, Music and others. By default, the dictionary of general Polish vocabulary is used.

Translation from Polish.

Due to the peculiarities of the pronunciation of Poles, serious problems may arise with the Polish translation into Russian. In Polish, the stress is always on the penultimate syllable. A qualified translation from Polish is practically impossible without the translator’s knowledge of English. This specificity largely determines the difficulty of working with the Polish language.
Among the things that you need to pay special attention to when choosing a translation from Polish into Russian words are Polish geographical names and their case forms, many of which sound unusual in Polish.
As with any other language, when translating Polish text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, not to translate the text word for word. It is important to find in the target language - Russian- semantic equivalents, rather than selecting words from the dictionary.