Complex English vocabulary for the Unified State Exam. Phrasal verbs

What should be taken into account when completing tasks B11 - B16 (Word formation)?

When performing this task, check word formation skills– knowledge of the composition of the word and the main method of word formation – affixations, i.e. forming words using prefixes and suffixes.

  • After reading the sentence, translate it into Russian and determine what part of speech is missing. This can be a noun, verb, verbal forms (, participle), adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral. For example, if it is a noun, then the gap may be preceded by an article or an article or an adjective, if it is an adverb, then it usually comes after the verb, etc.
  • Determine whether the word has negative or positive value. In the case of a negative meaning, you need to choose a negative prefix or suffix corresponding to the word.
  • Next, you need to change the word on the right and corresponding to the gap into the desired form. For example, in the sentence “It was a large-scale, program-controlled machine which could make a very complex _____. CALCULATE » the missing word is a noun, since the gap is preceded by an adjective with an article. Indefinite article indicates that the missing word is a singular noun - « calculation » .
  • After completing the tasks, read the entire text again to make sure that the forms are correct. Transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.

Take note!!!

To prepare for tasks B11-B16, repeat the prefixes and suffixes that are used to form various parts of speech. You can use the following resources:

Be sure to complete the exercises on word formation rules in your school textbook. You can also use online resources:

What is the strategy for completing tasks A22–A28 (advanced level)?

Tasks A22-A28 refer to higher level tasks. When performing them, knowledge of English vocabulary is tested, with an emphasis on word combinability. You are offered a text with gaps; for each missing word is presented multiple choice of four lexical items.

  • Read the entire text to understand its general content. Look at the possible fill-in-the-blank words.

For example, for a sentence « She was too excited to do any _______ that morning » The following words are suggested to you: A) homework ; B) household ; IN) housework ; G) housewife . We immediately rule out options B) And G): household - household, house, household; housewife – household . To choose the correct option from the remaining two, you need to know the meaning of the words: A) homework And IN) housework . Homework homework, lessons, Homework. Housework - housework, housework. Therefore, the correct option is housework : She was too excited to do any housework .

  • After completing the tasks, transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.

Take note!!!

Of course, to complete tasks increased complexity must be possessed good vocabulary. Need to know lexical compatibility words

To successfully complete tasks of increased complexity, you should repeat sections school textbook, which presents thematic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, set phrases, prepositional phrases. You need to practice doing multiple choice exercises. To do this, you can also refer to online resources:

You should also have good spelling skills. Remember that if a spelling error is made, the answer option will not be counted. How to learn to write without spelling errors? The best way is to write dictations. For example, you can memorize a fragment of text from an English textbook, and then reproduce it in written form, speaking it out loud. Check the written text with the original.

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To get decent results on the Unified State Examination English language, it is not necessary to know all the words that exist in the English language.

In this post, I will share with you my thoughts on the role of vocabulary in passing the Unified State Exam in English, tell you which words you definitely need to know and share some useful tips :)

What is vocabulary and how to expand it

Any language consists of words. Vocabulary is a set of words of a language, its vocabulary. Without mastery of vocabulary, it is impossible to understand the speech of others or express one’s own thoughts. Mastering vocabulary means remembering words and using them in various areas of communication and any language activity, that is, in addition to spoken language also in a letter.

There are state standards that prescribe the requirements for graduates who intend to take the Unified State Exam in English. Graduate full high school must actively use at least 1400 lexical units, which is the minimum.

Vocabulary by nature consists of different words that need to be learned. How to learn new words?

In the context of preparing for the Unified State Exam in English, I can highlight two ways to expand your vocabulary.

The first way is to study words by groups that are in the codifier. These could be words from the group “My family and friends”, “School life and education”, “Our health and lifestyle”.

The second way is to study vocabulary by parts of speech. For example, first master a number of verbs, since verbs are the most common words in the language. Then study nouns. However, this method can be expanded during the middle stage of training. For example, start learning synonyms for the most common verbs, nouns and adjectives.

Also, I would like to recommend Pavel Litvinov’s memorization techniques. It helps a lot of people, I was also interested in learning his techniques. The dictionary was created using an original method of accelerated memorization English words. The technique is based on logical coding - dividing words within parts of speech into groups, united general concept or association, and assigning them code names. This makes it easy to remember the right word, quickly “scrolling” the entire dictionary in memory. I recommend his book to everyone.

Also, another interesting strategy, which shows by example the work of the linguistic principle of learning vocabulary, is the strategy of learning words by their compatibility with each other. For example, the verb to go is characterized by great combinative value, since it can be combined with other words: go by bus, ride a bicycle, go to Moscow. In English, this principle is implemented by studying set expressions with a specific word. For example, go for a walk, go to a city/country, go + sport with the ending –ing (go swimming, hiking, biking).

Exams often test knowledge of word formation in English. So, on the Unified State Exam there is even a separate block of tasks dedicated to word formation. There is a word formation table from Cambridge - Cambridge word formation table. As you might have guessed, there is a whole strategy for learning vocabulary through word formation.

However, you may notice that some words appear more often in the language, and some less frequently. Therefore, the principle of studying vocabulary by the frequency of use of lexical units in speech appeared. That is, there is a certain lexical minimum that covers a little of all topics and all parts of speech. And from these topics, the most frequently used ones are selected. This article uses frequency-based lexical minimum, which is a very effective language learning tool. In the article I present 2000 words, which are selected alphabetically and which are used in various topics of the language and are used in all types speech activity– in writing, reading, speaking and listening.

Lexical minimum for successfully passing the Unified State Exam

So, we present to your attention a fragment of the lexical minimum based on the frequency of use of words in the English language. You will see that the words in this collection are presented in alphabetical order and are not combined by just one or a few topics. This selection is recommended for study by the country's leading linguists and will be useful to you in preparing for the Unified State Exam in English.

Friends, you should print this vocabulary minimum for the Unified State Exam, read them, listen to the pronunciation in online dictionaries, if any words are new and unknown. We must strive to move these words from passive vocabulary to active. Passive lexicon- these are words that we have heard and studied, but have forgotten and cannot immediately, without effort, apply in speech or writing. In turn, active vocabulary is a set of words that we easily use in productive types of speech activity, that is, in speaking and writing.

How to memorize words and use them in the exam

You need to pronounce the words every day and test yourself.

It is also important to consider that during passing the Unified State Exam in English, knowledge of phrasal verbs and collocations, that is, set expressions, is tested. And this is in addition to the lexical minimum from various parts of speech. You can get acquainted with the phrasal verbs that are needed to pass the Unified State Exam in.

In my lessons, I give students tasks to compose sentences with words from this lexical minimum that were unknown to them.

So, check out the list of words starting with the letter A, and try to translate the sentences I composed in the right tense using the words from the list.

For convenience, the words that were in the list of lexical minimum are given as a hint. Then, when you translate these sentences, they will help you remember the words, as they will give you a certain context, lexical and grammatical environment of the word.

  • Today, almost every person has the ability to travel.
  • John has many achievements in his work and is a very hard worker.
  • Every weekend I meet my friend in the store by accident.
  • Linda travels across the whole country once every 5 years.
  • Kate stayed at a hotel abroad today.
  • Are you admiring nature or just looking out the window?
  • We accept your agreement to cooperate with us.
  • What advice do you give me in this difficult situation?
  • In fact/actually (actually) he is waiting for you with flowers under the house.
  • What advantages does your company have?
  • In accordance with the book, he dies at the end, but in the film he remains alive.
  • The affect foreign languages is increasing these days.
  • I'm walking down the street now and see an accident. (accident)
  • She is trying to book accommodation (accommodation) abroad (abroad) today.
  • Does he have an account in a bank?

Now study the list of words starting with the letter B and pay attention to the following example sentences using a word from the lexical minimum:

  • I am yours best friend. I will always support you. (back smb up).
  • You just broke the back of a chair. (back)
  • She's so inattentive. She put this sweater on backwards. (backwards)
  • I was sleeping when suddenly I heard a loud knock on the door. (loud bang)
  • Essentially/overall, she has not learned anything and is not ready for the exam. (basically)
  • My phone is running low, I need to charge the battery (battery.)
  • I can't stand the heat. (bear)
  • It's always great to take a bath after a hard day. (bath)
  • She was a very beautiful woman when she was young. (beautiful)
  • My daughter usually behaves well when visiting. (to behave)
  • Where are you standing? - I'm standing behind you. (behind)
  • Do you believe in God? (believe)
  • Who owns this umbrella? (belong)
  • A cat is sitting under the table. (below/under the table)
  • You need to bend your knees when you ski. (bend)

And finally, familiarize yourself with words starting with the letter C from the lexical minimum and try to practice translating the following sentences:

  • Sarah, someone is calling you. Answer the call! (call)
  • When you have time, come visit us. (call at)
  • The director is busy right now, but he will call you back. (call back)
  • Nastya got sick and canceled the class. (call off)
  • Stas shouted from his seat and disturbed everyone. (call out)
  • He's got a fever! Call a doctor! (call up for smb)
  • He behaves so calmly! Incredible! (behave calmly)
  • Put on the baseball cap I gave you! (cap)
  • Washington is the capital of America. (capital)
  • I love you and want to take care of your children. (care for/about)
  • Wear a warm jacket. It's very cold now. Take care of yourself! (take care)
  • Lena did not want to learn new words and therefore could not speak English. (didn't care to)
  • Your oily skin requires special care. (care)
  • Be careful! The vase is about to fall! (careful)

Advice from me. If you are studying with a teacher, then the teacher should pronounce new words, then place them in the contextual environment, this is mandatory. After all, without context it is very difficult to remember words. To do this, I have come up with example sentences for you that you can translate and practice and repeat vocabulary and grammar at the same time. If you study on your own, check the pronunciation of words in online dictionaries for free.

Having practiced and consolidated your vocabulary, you will not experience difficulties in listening, as it will become easier for you to understand native speakers, and you will also be able to express your thoughts without problems while speaking in the oral part of the Unified State Exam and in writing. Good luck!

Phrasal verbs.

Tables of the 170 most frequently occurring English phrasal verbs by alphabet and frequency of occurrence with examples of their use.

Most common English phrasal verbsTOP 170 with examples of their use from modern novels and feature film scripts. To go to the examples page, click on a word in the list of verbs.

In alphabet order. By frequency of occurrence.

1 . A brief description of the meanings of English phrasal verbs.( small page - 100 Kb)

2. A description of the meanings of verbs in full form is provided.(Only in Russian). (quite large page - 330 KB)

3. A description of the meanings of verbs is provided in Russianke. Plus verb meanings in English according to . Cambridge International Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs Plus other necessary comments.

(The most informative page, but very large - 565 KB) AND

from the book by Alexander Vasiliev "English: rules of pronunciation and reading, grammar, spoken language.":

Note Table of frequency of occurrence of English phrasal verbs I received it in 2005. based on the analysis of modern literary texts. The working database was selected 200 novels/stories and 500 scripts, which amounted to approximately two equal parts in terms of text volume. During the analysis, all encountered word forms of the phrasal verbs under consideration were taken into account and summed up.

Of course, it is absurd to insist on such a sequence. Even if you work with the same database again, the specific distribution locations in the list will be slightly different. Here it is possible to talk only about an approximate order. We can only say with certainty that the leaders of the list are approximately 30 times more often than outsiders.

The column “Meanings of verbs” presents not just a translation into Russian of words from the corresponding dictionary entries, but exactly thosethe meanings in which these phrasal verbs occurred most often in the texts under consideration.

The lesson will present a list of the most frequently used phrasal verbs. We'll look at strategies for remembering them. Theoretical material will be reinforced by performing training and testing exercises.

Lesson summary "Phrasal verbs."

Lesson notes24

Hello, dear students! Today we will review phrasal verbs in English. We bring to your attention information that complements the material discussed in the lesson, as well as training proposals for translation.

English phrasal verbs- these are idiomatic expressions that combine verbs and prepositions, and thus form new verbs, whose meaning cannot always be understood by looking up each word of the phrasal verb in the dictionary. English phrasal verbs widely used in both oral speech, and in writing. A preposition within a phrasal verb determines or modifies the verb it refers to. We present to your attention a list of the most common phrasal verbs.

ask for – ask, ask, demand

ask round – invite home

be out - to be absent (not to be at home, in place)

be about – going to do something

break down - break down, stop working

break into – break in, break in

burst out - to exclaim, burst out (with laughter), suddenly begin

clean up – to clean, put away, put in order

check in – register (at a hotel)

check out – check, check out (from the hotel)

callback - call back

callfor – demand, need, come for someone

call off – cancel

calm down - calm down

carry on – continue

comefrom – to be from

come in – to enter

come on - Come on!, Let's go!; Drop it!, come, arise, advance

end up – finish, end up

figure out – figure out, understand, figure out

fill in – fill out (form, questionnaire)

find out - find out, find out

follow through – bring to the end

follow out - pursue to the end, complete

fool around – play, fool around

get along - to get along, to be on good terms

get back - return

get in – to enter, sit down (in a car)

get out – get out (of the car)

get up - get out of bed

give in – give in, surrender, admit

give up - refuse, quit, give up

go after – to achieve

go back – return

go on – continue, happen

go away – leave, leave

grow up - grow up, become an adult


hand in – hand over

hand out - to distribute

hang up - hang up the phone, disconnect

hold on – wait on the telephone line, do not disconnect

keep away - Don't come near! Keep away, keep at a distance, don't allow to approach

keep on - continue

keep up with – keep up, keep up

lay off - fire

let in – let in (into the house)

let out – release, release

look after – to look after, look after, take care of

look for - search

look forward - to anticipate, to expect with pleasure, to wait impatiently

look out - Beware! Carefully! Look out, pick up

look up - search (in a book)

make up - make up, come up with, make up, make up (paint),

mount, layout (in printing)

pay back - return money (pay), take revenge (repay)

pay off - pay off in full, pay off a debt, pay off (be profitable), take revenge

pick out – choose, understand, decorate

pick up – pick up, drop in (come in), find out, get acquainted (pick up)

play around - have fun, have fun

point out - point out

put off - postpone, defer, cancel, discard,

go (on a trip)

run into - run into, stumble upon, accidentally meet

run out – run away, end, run out, flow out

set up – put, install, found (business), formulate,

prepare, set up, set up (for work)

show off – present in a favorable light, brag

sign up - sign up, enroll (at work),

sit down - sit down

straighten up – to put in order, straighten (clothes)

switch on – turn on

switch off - turn off

take away/off – to remove, take away, take away, select, remove,

take off, take off

take back - take back, take back

take on – take to work, take (form)

try on – try on (clothes)

try out – test, test, check

turn down – reject, reduce (sound, light)

turn into – turn into

turn off – turn off (radio), turn off (lights), turn off (motor)

turn on – turn on (radio), put into action

turn up – appear, come, arrive, intensify (sound),

search, find

use up – completely use up, use up, deplete, exhaust

wake up – wake up, wake up, stay awake

watch out – be careful! Be alert, on guard

write down - write down (on paper)

write up - add, give a finished look

This exercise will help you practice translating sentences containing phrasal verbs.

If you want to stay at this school, you mustabide bythe rules.
Iagree withyou. I think she deserves the award too.
When he saw the dog, hebacked away.
The terrorists said the bomb wouldblow upat 9 o"clock.
Pedrobumped intohis English teacher at the supermarket.
The police have asked any witnesses tocome forward.
An agreement wasdrawn upand signed by the two parties.
The advertising campaign willfocus onthe quality of the product.
Bill walks so fast it"s difficultto keep upwith him.
The old lady dresses so strangely that the kidsmake fun of her.
The meeting wasput off because of the strike.

We wish you good luck!

Tasks on the topic for independent solution

Exercise 1

(2 points)

I have to……. my notes once again to make sure I have learned all important details before the exam.

a) stand for

b) put up with

c) take after

d) pull down
