At your fingertips. Why are papillary patterns needed? Our fingerprints are not that unique. Do people have the same fingerprints?

Incredible facts

The idea that we all have unique fingerprints that can be identified from computer data is wrong, says an expert.

Fingerprints for identifying criminals played a large role in the recognition of guilt.

However, the British Home Office expert Mike Silverman(Mike Silverman), argues that human error, incomplete prints and false results lead to fingerprints as evidence are not that reliable, as was previously thought.


No one has yet proven that fingerprints are unique, and family members may have the same elements of papillary patterns.

There are other problems, such as when scanning the fingerprints of older people, whose skin loses elasticity and, in rare cases, their fingerprints become smooth and featureless.

"Essentially, you you can't prove that no two fingerprints are the same. It's impossible, just like winning the lottery, although people win every week," explained Mr. Silverman. “It takes a specialist to determine that a print taken from a crime scene and from the person in question belongs to the same finger.”

There are many cases where fingerprints have been mistakenly pointed to innocent people.

Besides, Many things affect the accuracy of a print, such as grease and dirt.

Unlike forensic fields, since DNA testing provides a statistical probability of a match, fingerprinting experts typically state that the evidence is a 100 percent match or 100 percent exclusion.

Previous research has shown that experts don't always reach the same conclusions about whether a print matches one at a crime scene when presented with the same evidence twice.


· Fingerprinting is the field of studying fingerprints. The name comes from the Greek words "daktylos" - "finger" and "skopein" - meaning "to study".

· Our fingers have grooves that help us grasp objects. They provide us with both grip and friction, preventing objects from easily falling out of our hands. They also improve the sense of touch.

· When we touch objects, we leave fingerprints thanks to the natural oils contained in the skin and salts secreted by the sweat glands.

· The English anthropologist Francis Galton classified fingerprints into the following types: "spiral", "arc" and "loop".

· Koala fingerprints are similar to human prints. The difference is that koalas have two thumbs and claws.

· Fingerprints are formed even before birth at 3 months of intrauterine development.

· Exists 1 in 64 billion chances that your fingerprint will match another person's fingerprint.

Fingerprint's scanner

Apple has developed a Touch ID fingerprint scanner that can be used as a password.

Not only humans have grooves on their fingertips. But also, for example, in apes. True, primates' fingers are decorated with parallel lines, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to identify an orangutan or a gorilla by fingerprints - the patterns are almost the same. But koala fingerprints are very similar to human ones. Even experienced experts sometimes cannot recognize at first glance whether the print in front of them is human or bearish.

Why are fingerprints needed? Initially, scientists assumed that the grooves on the skin help us hold objects more firmly in our hands, creating, like the tread on car tires, good grip between the hand and the thing clamped in it. However, this theory was later rejected. A series of experiments showed that if the pads of our fingers were completely smooth, our grip would be stronger.

And then scientists created a new theory about the purpose of papillary patterns, which was completely confirmed. It turns out that lines and curls on the fingers improve the sense of touch. When we run our fingers over a surface, the patterns create special vibrations that help us better feel the texture of the object. And circles and curls created from grooves lead to the fact that part of the lines on the fingers will always be parallel to the surface of the object when in contact with it. This structure of prints enhances tactile abilities.

Why are they different

Fingerprints are formed even before birth, around the 9-10th week of intrauterine development. Finger patterns are determined by DNA, but it is not only influenced by genes. After all, identical twins' fingerprints, although similar, are still unique. Scientists believe that the formation of the pattern is influenced by the position of the embryo, its blood pressure, the speed of development and some other factors that simply cannot coincide in different people. That is why each of us has a unique pattern on our fingertips. However, is it really unique? After all, it is impossible to exclude the theoretical possibility of people with identical fingerprints. Mathematicians have calculated that there is a probability of such a coincidence, but it is negligible and amounts to approximately 1 chance in 64 million. This is successfully used by criminologists, because fingerprints help identify criminals.

Erase identity

The idea of ​​the uniqueness of fingerprints was put forward by Englishman William Herschel in 1877. He served in the British administration in India (at that time India was a colony of Great Britain), and as part of his service he had to deal with treaties on which Indians put a fingerprint instead of a signature. Then William noticed that the prints were always different from each other. And this served Herschel well. Indian soldiers often cheated: to the European eye, the faces of the Indians were very similar, and their names were often repeated, so the mercenaries came for their pay several times in a row, claiming that they did not receive any money. After Herschel forced the soldiers to put their fingerprint on the pay slip, the deception was put to an end.

And already at the beginning of the twentieth century, the British police began to conduct fingerprinting to identify criminals. Since then, criminals have had a hard time, because fingerprints could give them away at any moment. Therefore, criminals who had their fingers visible in police files tried their best to get rid of the patterns on their fingertips.

There are cases where the skin on the fingers was simply cut off. However, it turned out that after the wounds healed, exactly the same prints appeared on the fingers as before.

Known in the 30s of the twentieth century American gangster John Dillinger In order to hide from the law, he had plastic surgery and tried to etch his fingerprints with acid. But when the police shot Dillinger, his identity was finally established precisely by his prints - the acid did not dissolve the unique patterns.

Another American robber came up with an even more exotic way to deceive the police - he performed a skin graft operation. He himself acted as a donor - skin was taken from the criminal's chest and transplanted onto the pads of his fingers. However, even this did not help - after a few months, the skin on the fingers was renewed and the telltale lines appeared again! And to this day there is no way to deceive a fingerprint examination.

The existence of twins is an amazing phenomenon that is not so rare to encounter these days. If you look at the situation from the outside, then their appearance in this world can be compared with the plot of a good science fiction novel. The twins themselves, as a rule, do not immediately manage to come to terms with the idea of ​​having an identical double nearby. In this article we will tell you little-known and amazing facts about twins.

Identical twins have different fingerprints

The term "identical twins" should be taken literally. They are called that because they are practically indistinguishable from each other. But even the most similar twins will have different fingerprints. This feature is strictly individual among people.

According to experts, their shape depends on the position of the fetus and the density of the amniotic fluid, which spirals around the fingers in different time. Identical twins occupy different parts of the womb, so their arms are pressed into different places.

Fingerprint testing is the only reliable way to distinguish one twin from the other.

Sometimes one twin disappears

One of the creepiest things that can happen when a woman is pregnant with twins is vanishing twin syndrome.

First, the mother finds out through an ultrasound that she is having twins. And a few months later it turns out that one of them died right in the womb.

According to statistics, this happens in 20-30% of cases of multiple pregnancies.

Twins separated at birth often lead strange lives

Sometimes it happens that twins are separated at birth. At the same time, they do not even suspect that an almost complete copy of them exists somewhere. It is surprising that at the same time they begin to lead parallel lives in adulthood.

One example is Paula Bernstein and Elise Shane, who reunited at the age of 30. They were surprised to discover that they both became writers and had the same political views and passions in art. In adolescence, they suffered from identical intestinal disorders, in addition, they edited school newspapers, and studied film in college.

Twins begin to communicate even before birth

The womb is a lot like your first apartment outside of school. It's cramped, messy, and you spend way too much time sucking weird drinks out of an even weirder tube.

But that first apartment is all yours, and it's brand new to you, so you dig it. The only thing that could make it even better is a cool, friendly roommate, and that's exactly what the twins have.

Twins have an unusually strong bond with each other. According to recent studies, they begin to communicate and feel sympathy for each other in the womb.

For example, it was possible to establish that already at the 14th week of pregnancy, twins begin to reach out to their brother. By the 18th week they are already touching their partner regularly. At the same time, be careful when touching the twin's eyes so as not to cause injury.

"Mirror Twins"

Mirror twins are quite different from the more common identical twins.

In fact, they look exactly the same, but their functions are reversed. They all have the same genes, but one twin can be left-handed and the other right-handed.

If one has a noticeable birthmark on his left leg, then the “mirror twin” will have a birthmark in the same place, but on his right leg. They often have a bite with opposite sides. Moreover, despite this strange asymmetry, most often they are monozygotic.

Siamese twins' minds may be connected

Tatiana and Krista Hogan are identical twins whose skulls are fused together. The fact that they are alive is already a miracle. Most with this phenomenon require surgical separation in order to survive.

What's even more incredible is that their brains share a physical connection that neurosurgeons call the thalamic pons. Thanks to this, they can even feel each other on a sensory level. For example, if Krista tries some new food, Tatiana tastes it.

Twins can have different fathers

It's hard to say where this strange fact would be more appropriate: in a science fiction novel or a sitcom. It is now reliably known that twins can have different fathers.

The fact is that twins occur when a woman produces two eggs, each of which is fertilized by a separate sperm. Therefore, if she dates two men at the same time, this is quite likely.

Such situations most often occur in animals, but they also occur among people. There are at least a few proven cases.

Geminis communicate in their own language

This phenomenon is observed in 40% of twins. It is called cryptophasia. When the twins are still very young and just beginning to master speech, then, unlike most children, together with their partner they are able to create a language that no one else will understand.

These autonomous languages ​​tend to disappear as children acquire adult language. But this doesn't always happen.

Matthew and Michael Youlden are two adult twins who have not lost the language they spoke as children. From about 7 years old they began to actively develop it. They had their own alphabet, grammatical rules, and it became possible to fully communicate in it.

They call their personal language Umeri. This is an amazing phenomenon. Interestingly, the twins keep it a secret from the rest of the world.

The twin gene is passed on from mothers

Counts. that a woman's ability to produce two eggs instead of one. transmitted genetically. So if you haven’t had twins in your female line for several generations, it’s unlikely that you will have them either.

The birth of twins is always directly related to ovulation. Many years of research have concluded that genetic predisposition is transmitted only from woman to woman.

There are more and more twins

In 2014, it was found that a record number of twins were born in the world. Since 1980, the frequency with which they were born has increased by 76%.

This is mainly due to the fact that modern women give birth at an increasingly later age.

Fingerprints are studied by a special science - dermatoglyphics. It arose at the intersection of psychology, fingerprinting and criminology and was initially used to clarify the psychological portrait of a criminal. The official date of birth of dermatoglyphics is considered to be 1892, when one of the brilliant biologists - Sir Charles Darwin's cousin, Sir Francis Galton, published his monumental work on fingerprints and their relationship with human personal characteristics.

So no palmistry: a strictly scientific approach!

So, fingerprint yourself: leave prints of all 10 fingers on a white sheet of paper. Or you can just carefully examine each finger - whatever is more convenient for you.

All fingerprints are individual, but are typologically divided into 3 categories: waves, loops and curls.


Usually a person has 2 or even 3 types of prints, rarely - just one.

Write down on a piece of paper how many you got.

More "Waves"

It is “waves” that are the most common pattern in our latitudes. Such people usually have a calm disposition, an accommodating character and a balanced psyche. At school they said about such people as “strong middle peasants.” They don’t miss stars from the sky, but they don’t get involved in dubious adventures, they easily get along with people, but they are not the “life of the party,” they maintain smooth relationships with friends and colleagues, and are more family-oriented. Among the owners of “waves” as the predominant pattern, there are more people who have chosen a profession in the service sector: hair stylist, makeup artist, personal assistant, confectioner, florist, illustrator, interior designer.


If you have “waves” on your index fingers, you are very sociable and easy-going.

If you have more “waves” on your right hand than on your left, you are very hot-tempered, but easily forgive insults. Accordingly, and vice versa: the predominance of “waves” on the left hand suggests that you are not inclined to be offended over trifles, but if you are offended, it will not be easy to earn forgiveness.

“Waves” on the thumbs indicate that you always insist on your own and sometimes are even deaf to outside arguments. They say about such people “even a stake on your head”: if you are sure that you are right, you are unshakable.

“Waves” on the index fingers indicate excessive emotionality and vulnerability of nature.

If “waves” are located on your index fingers, you are a very responsible and devoted person. You will never leave a friend in trouble and will do everything to complete the task. For any boss, such an employee is a treasure!

More "Loops"

The pattern is more common in central Europe. These are quite open, self-confident and career-oriented people for whom self-development and self-expression are important, even if this does not bring specific material benefits. The predominance of this pattern on the fingertips indicates developed intelligence and a penchant for mental work. People with the loop pattern are found most often in the most ambitious projects; they are the ones who take risks when participating in a startup or even organizing one; more often than others, they open their own business, start as junior assistants and work their way up to general directors. These are very energetic, efficient, creative people, about whom they say “the Earth turns with them.”


If the “loops” are located on your index fingers, you are an ideal team player. You are not eager to become a leader, but you interact wonderfully with colleagues, friends and relatives.

“Loops” on the middle fingers indicate a strong dependence on the opinions of others. Even if you don’t show it outwardly, deep down you’re worried about what your co-workers will think about your new dress, and what your mom will say when you tell her that the promotion didn’t happen.

“Loops” on the ring and little fingers indicate good health: surprisingly, statistics have shown that, being quite sickly in childhood, such people grow up and practically do not get sick with anything serious.

If there are more than 8 “loops”, you love to dream and fantasize. They say about such people that they “have their head in the clouds” or, in more advanced cases, “not of this world.” It was those with a pronounced advantage of loops who became science fiction writers more often than others!

More "Curls"

The more “curls” on your fingers, the higher potential your brain has. Scientists call 10 “curls” the “seal of genius”, since such a pattern is extremely rare and almost always found among scientists, brilliant inventors and discoverers. The predominance of “curls” indicates highly developed logical thinking, the ability to analyze, and good linguistic and mathematical abilities. Such people easily learn several languages, in mature age they can radically change their profession, having mastered something fundamentally new, emigrate several times, finding a more interesting job, or - strictly opposite - devote their whole life to some scientific research. The only thing they are almost indifferent to is material wealth.


“Curls” on the thumbs indicate a desire for dominance. Such a person is not able to work in complete subordination; he needs space for individual projects, attention to his ideas. Routine is the worst punishment for him.

If “curls” are located on all fingers except the thumbs, we are talking about an extremely psychologically unstable person. They say about such people “from love to hate it is one step”; such people can radically change their position in a matter of minutes, since new arguments or facts have appeared.

“Curls” on the index fingers indicate that a person can take on a hundred things at once, and often quite successfully. But the other side of the coin is that such people find it difficult to concentrate. For successful work they need a clear daily routine and organization of the process.

“Curls” on the little fingers speak of a person’s indecision and inner isolation. Such people are distrustful, rarely get close to anyone, and prefer to spend time alone. But if someone manages to win their trust, you won’t find a more loyal friend.

You are an absolutely individual and unique person on our planet, and this is confirmed not only by your unique fingerprints, but also by the other nine parts of your body that are unique to you.

1. Iris of the eye

Eyes are the mirror of your soul and personality. Your iris has tiny textured patterns. DNA determines its color and structure, and its uniqueness and uniqueness are laid down at the stage of fetal development.

2. Ear

Consider the edges of your ear. You only person in a world with this shape. In one British study, scientists developed an algorithm that could identify a person with 99.6% accuracy based on their ears. The ear is such a convenient identifier that technologies are now being developed to unlock smartphones using an ear scanner.

3. Lip prints

Research has shown that lip patterns are as unique as fingerprints. There's just one problem: yes, lip prints can be used in some cases as identification and proof of identity in court, but criminals usually don't kiss the crime scene.

4. Language

The tongue also has its own shape and texture, and its tiny bumps are arranged in a completely unique and inimitable way. This “pattern” practically does not change over time, since the tongue is protected inside the mouth (unlike the fingertips, which can be scratched and injured). Researchers are already developing 3D language imaging to reliably identify a person.

5. Voice

The voice is, of course, not exactly a part of the body, but it is definitely different from any other. Some vocal characteristics are fairly easy to identify: frequency and intensity. The unique human vocal channel is determined by genetic factors and has already been partially studied. The structure of the neck and the width of the larynx play a certain role. Based on these general outline, scientists have created systems for automatically recognizing a person’s voice if it is entered into databases.

6. Toeprints

Toe prints are also absolutely unique. In one classic case, this evidence was used in court when a criminal broke into a Scottish bakery and left a footprint on the dusty floor.

7. Teeth

This is why dental records are often used to identify a person, but you also have personal “dental habits” that are unique to you. You may be clenching your jaw, grinding your teeth, playing a certain musical instrument or like to chew on your pen. Thanks to this wear on the teeth, the person is fairly easy to identify.

8. Retina

The retina displays a pattern of blood vessels that your eye doctor observes to detect early signs of diabetes, high blood pressure, and even deteriorating brain health. Retinal examination is widely used in the animal kingdom to examine pigs, cattle and thoroughbred horses, and to monitor disease outbreaks.

9. Gait

It's not exactly your legs, but how you use them. Even if you have never noticed anything unusual about your gait, it is also unique. Although more research is needed, gait identification could eventually be a way to identify people from a distance—for example, CCTV footage that could be used to identify a robber leaving a bank.
