Eurasian Open College correspondence distance learning. Eurasian Open Institute. Partnerships with professional organizations



She completed the retraining course “Accounting Analysis and Audit” there. Unheated premises of the institute and 60 people in the group. Accounting has come down to independent decision problems on a piece of paper and calculating the balance on a calculator. This took 2/3 of the entire training time. Postings and accounts must be memorized, otherwise the final grade will be 3 (this grade is given only to those who came once and only for the exam). The rest are 5 and 4). Since I didn’t understand why I had to learn by heart, since all modern accountants work on computers in programs, I naturally got a 3, don’t repeat my mistake (everything else was passed with a 5). A waste of time and money on travel (the institute is located far from the metro). If you need a diploma with training from 20 years ago, then this is here.



From the prosecutor's office website:
The Lefortovo interdistrict prosecutor's office took action in connection with the non-payment of salaries to employees of the Eurasian Open Institute for more than 10 months

Do you think really good teachers will teach classes at a university where they are not paid a salary?





For that matter, I will also write my opinion.
I finished my first higher education and decided to go further to study.
I came to the EAOI, where I was greeted by polite, smiling employees. They answered all my questions and told me everything. And then I decided that I would go here to study.
I submitted the documents and a couple of months later they called me and said that there was a meeting on such and such a date, come. I came. At the meeting, we were asked to pay extra from absentee and switch to remote. Moreover, all this was voluntary-compulsory. You may not pay extra, but then you will have problems passing the session.
But then I didn’t care, so I paid extra and transferred.
After this the problems began. You'll never catch anyone.
I studied on an abbreviated basis, so I had some subjects left over from my previous studies, and some had to be completed. They sent me a book, tests and said: “Get ready, come... dates, take the test online.” I got ready, came and was blown away. The tests were completely different, there weren’t even any common topics. In the end, I failed. To which they told me that I could prepare again and come to them to take it later. But later it turned out to be unnecessary. I called, they told me “later”, they called again - the same thing, and again, then they told me: “We gave you a C grade, you don’t need to pass.”
As a result, I did not meet with a single teacher. The tests did not match the books in any way; I had to prepare on the Internet. I caught the student relations manager 3 times throughout my studies (even through calls). They didn’t call me, even when it was time to pay (I called myself). And the payment was increased without warning every session.
After all this, I realized that I would not be a specialist and decided that I would just finish it and forget about everything. But it was not there.
It's time for your diploma. They assigned me a manager, I came and... he said: “Choose a topic, write an application and you are free. Here is my phone number...”
I called her after that and asked for help, but they told me to write and send her the finished diploma (as best I could). I wrote and sent. And silence. For 2 months she did not have time to read it. The session was postponed due to lack of a license. In the meantime, I pestered the manager. When they called me and said that the date for my diploma had been set (and the state examination and defense were on the same day), I notified my supervisor about this. As a result, they asked me to call in a week. And hallelujah! The manager reviewed my work and wrote me comments. I tried to fix it as best I could. Sent. I called 2 days later, and the answer was: “I didn’t have time, I’ll read it maybe later.”
Time was running out, and now the day of delivery was approaching. Creepy.
Like this! But the worst thing is that I didn’t receive a diploma. The day before sending the diploma to Moscow, the supervisor said that I needed to completely redo my diploma. And when I didn’t do this, because... I decided that I would defend myself without a recall, the manager called Moscow and they refused to defend me.
Please think about whether you need these problems?! Is all this worth your nerves and tears?!
Now I really regret my choice and the lost money.





Friends, it’s like in school, if you want to learn, gain knowledge and use it, or if you don’t want to gain it, you will still be given this diploma, but you will still have to sweat a little, like in school. You just have to understand what all this is needed for: to become smart and work in good location or employ smart people in a good place. There's just a fine line between smart and cunning. What I am going to gives me a step, without which I will not see entrepreneurial tricks, without which I simply cannot earn money for my dream. I will say one thing - learning this way is not only a pleasure, it is an experience that gives you the opportunity to develop and apply it immediately the next day (practice) and only after that you see a masterly sign that shows you the way out of the vacuum. During my school years, I received little from endless theories, and in general I studied for dust. Of course, if I studied better, it would be completely easier, but I doubt that I would look at things with the same eyes as I do now. Of the 3 institutes that I entered, only one was the “EAO” institute, and that’s where they sheltered me. And now I’m very glad that I’m studying there and nowhere else where the last thought would be squeezed out of me and the anxiety from hair falling would not leave me. Now I work calmly, pay my rent on time, my good work experience works and time flies in my favor! Good luck to everyone and be pragmatic, Friends!



I just entered the Institute, I have a great desire to study, so I don’t care about negative reviews, unfortunately, I can’t find a single university now where someone doesn’t like something. I will study remotely; it was precisely because of the availability of this form of education that I was attracted to this university, although there was plenty to choose from. The site is designed in a modern way, I watched the video on the site about how the institute functions, including the distance learning form, and it seemed to me that everything was worthy. IN admissions committee- very adequate girls! I absolutely disagree with the negative reviews about them. Very responsive and pleasant, they helped me with everything. I live in the Moscow region, I visited the institute, it’s a good institution, there was no mistrust.

Eurasian Open Institute

Eurasian Open Institute (EAOI)- an autonomous non-profit organization of higher professional and postgraduate education, licensed and certified by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, state accreditation No. 1827 of March 11, 2009. The institute was created in 1998. EAOI specializes in training highly qualified specialists in the fields of economics, management, finance, information technology, marketing and other popular areas of study. The Institute implements higher education programs vocational education, postgraduate studies, additional professional education. At the EAOI there is a college that implements secondary vocational education programs.


Educational concept

The main goal of the Eurasian Open Institute has been unchanged for 12 years - training busy people. EAOI students are working people interested in acquiring knowledge in the most convenient way for them. The cornerstone of the educational concept of the EAOI is personal development- a process that is implemented simultaneously in several directions: in the profession, in family life and hobbies. That's why educational programs The institutes are built in such a way that, with the maximum quality of education, they contribute to career and professional growth students and at the same time left time for personal life, work and hobbies. When organizing educational activities EAOI focuses on the needs of students, takes into account the rhythm of their lives and personal characteristics. Openness of education presupposes its accessibility to everyone who wants to improve their educational level, regardless of citizenship, social status, place of residence, age and physical condition. The Institute is open to all people, new educational technologies and ideas. A distinctive feature of the EAOI is a high-quality approach to teaching disciplines, combining fundamental knowledge and practical skills in solving business problems. Training in unique applied programs allows graduates to feel confident in the labor market and find their calling in the most in-demand areas.

Quality of training

The Eurasian Open Institute is a member of EFQUEL- (European Association for Quality in e-Learning). The association was created on June 30, 2005 with the support of the European Commission and the European Agency for the Development of Vocational Education (CEDEFOP). The Foundation conducts analytical work on quality standards issues e-learning(e-learning), quality of digital resources, continuous learning using e-learning. Participation in the association allows the EAOI to gain access to information about the latest projects and trends in the field of e-learning, exchange experiences and ideas, use the results of the Foundation’s research for decision-making, and establish mutually beneficial cooperation with other members of the Association. Consequently, students of the Institute are provided with high-quality support by highly professional university staff, training in comfortable and technologically equipped conditions, which are constantly being improved.

Students and teachers

Today, the Eurasian Open Institute has 3,500 students, more than 35,000 students, and 85 graduate students. The Eurasian Open Institute is one of the best economic and IT universities in the capital. The Institute has a highly qualified teaching staff - candidates and doctors of science, honored scientists of the Russian Federation, honorary workers of higher professional education of the Russian Federation. Among the Institute's teachers are leading specialists from well-known Russian and foreign companies. In this way, students gain practical knowledge and skills first-hand.


Rector of the EAOI S.N. Isaev

President of the Eurasian Open Institute - Vladimir Pavlovich Tikhomirov, Doctor of Economics, academician, vice-president of the American Association distance education. Laureate and recipient of many state awards.

Rector of the Eurasian Open Institute - Sergey Nikolaevich Isaev.

Specialties and directions

Bachelor's degree(directions):

  • Economics (080100)
  • Management (080500)
  • Fundamental computer science and information technology (010300)
  • Trading business (100700)
  • Psychology (030300)
  • Jurisprudence (030900)
  • Advertising and public relations (031600)
  • Sociology (040100)
  • Psychological and pedagogical education (050400)
  • Business informatics (080500)
  • Tourism (100400)
  • Commodity research (100800)
  • Land management and cadastres (120700)
  • Quality management (221400)

Master's degree(directions):

  • Economics (080100)
  • Applied computer science (230700)
  • Management (080500)
  • Finance and credit (080105)
  • Human Resources Management (080400)
  • State and municipal administration (081100)


  • Organization management (080507)
  • Marketing (080111)
  • Finance and credit (080105)
  • Accounting analysis and audit (080109)
  • Applied informatics in economics (080801)
  • Customs (036401)

Forms of training

  • Full-time education
  • Part-time and part-time education (weekend group)
  • Correspondence course (classical)
  • Part-time education (using distance learning technologies)

Regional network

The regional network of the Eurasian Open Institute includes 9 branches:

  • Azov branch
  • Donskoy branch
  • Kaliningrad branch
  • Kolomna branch
  • Konakovo branch
  • Perm branch
  • Ryazan branch
  • Udmurt branch
  • Elektrostal branch

And more than 100 partner organizations in Russia and abroad: in Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Israel and Germany.

Innovation activities

EAOI is a recognized leader in the organization of e-learning and innovation management knowledge. The Institute has developed basic approaches for use in Russian higher school principles of open education. Within the framework of the Eurasian Open Institute, a Global Electronic Learning Environment (GELE) has been developed, which is one of the leading programs for the deployment of a virtual educational space and the transfer of university educational and administrative processes to an electronic environment. On this moment Over 20,000 students and listeners are connected to the GESO program; it unites more than 50 branches, 220 representative offices and partner organizations of the International Consortium “Electronic University”, including students and listeners of the EAOI into a single educational space. Global e-learning environment is the winner of the competition for the best e-learning project at a university - eLearnExpo Awards -2009

Cooperation with educational structures

The Eurasian Open Institute actively cooperates with state universities that are part of the International Consortium “Electronic University” and meet the requirements of UMO (educational and methodological associations that determine training standards in a particular specialty), which are developed by leading Russian universities. Interaction with the UMO predetermines full compliance with state regulations educational standard And high level education. Partnerships with foreign universities allow the Institute to use the best international experience in the field of education in its work.

Cossack Faculty

The Cossack Faculty of the EAOI is a new faculty of the Eurasian Open Institute. Grand opening Cossack Faculty took place on October 4, 2011.

The Cossack Faculty of the EAOI is intended to complement the system of multi-stage Cossack education practically. There are now 24 Cossacks open in Russia cadet corps, V educational institutions There are classes with a Cossack component.

Comprehensive distance programs higher education, with the inclusion of the Cossack component, created by the Eurasian Open Institute, make it possible to resist the migration of young personnel, combine education and military service. The Cossack component includes the history of the Cossacks in Russia and abroad, the study of the traditions and culture of the Cossacks, as well as religious studies. Practical classes will be carried out on the basis of the branches: dressage, horse riding, hand-to-hand combat, possession of edged weapons and shooting practice.

Partnerships with professional organizations

The Institute is a member of recognized professional organizations:

  • Russian Marketing Association (RAM)
  • Association of Non-State Higher Educational Institutions of Russia (ANVUZ)
  • EFQUEL - The European Foundation for Quality in E-learning)
  • Russian Association of Business Education (RABO)
  • UMO for education in management, finance, accounting and global economics, marketing and applied computer science
  • Central and East European Management Development Association (CEEMAN - Central and East European Management Development Association)
  • European Distance and E-learning Network EDEN (European Distance and E-learning Network)

Membership in these organizations is a confirmation of our highly qualified work and competence. The Institute's teaching staff regularly attends conferences held by associations. Representatives of leading Russian companies participate in these conferences. The Institute’s teachers are in constant contact with them and, thanks in part to this, offer students the most up-to-date knowledge. Partnerships with associations enable students and listeners to participate in association conferences, which opens up wide opportunities: access directly to potential employers, meetings with highly qualified specialists for joint projects, scientific works. Participation in such events will expand not only your professional horizons, but also your business connections.


