US claims about extraterrestrial civilization. NASA announced the existence of aliens. People die for metal

Former NASA head Charles Bolden, speaking at a press conference in Houston, spoke about the imminent alien invasion of Earth. After such a statement, Bolden was given leave for 6 months due to illness.

The head of NASA, Charles Bolden, made a loud public statement about the alien invasion, which, according to his information, will happen in the near future - before 2025.

Charles Bolden's statement was made on Saturday, April 22, at a conference in Houston, where he shocked the audience by talking about the imminent invasion of aliens on our planet. According to him, the fateful event for humanity is only a few months to a few years away.

Bolden explained the attention of aliens to our planet by the high activity of humans in space. At the same time, he noted that the aliens are unlikely to turn out to be peace-loving creatures.

The statement by the former head of NASA allegedly caused such a controversial reaction that he was taken off stage. At the same time, other representatives of the space agency tried to reassure those gathered, saying that there was no confirmation of information about extraterrestrial life and a possible alien invasion, and Bolden’s words were in no way connected with the official position of NASA.

According to the famous astronaut, there are about 30 thousand different extraterrestrial civilizations in the universe. He believes people should be concerned about this “fact.”

“We estimate that there are at least 30 thousand alien civilizations in the Universe. We have been active in outer space for decades, and therefore have certainly attracted the attention of at least some of them. We can be captured at any moment!”

However, no evidence of such a speech by the former head of NASA could be found in foreign publications.

It is noted that Bolden was literally taken off stage after saying that “aliens will invade Earth in a few months.” This is not the first time such speeches have been made by the head of NASA, but before he has never spoken so openly about an alien invasion.

According to preliminary data, the former head of the space agency took sick leave for a period of 6 months.

According to NASA employees, not everyone shares Charles Bolden's opinion. His deputy, Dave Newman, tried to calm the meeting, saying that NASA had no information that anyone was going to attack our planet. Later, Charles Bolden refused to make any comments.

Bolden is a veteran of the spaceflights Columbia, Discovery and Atlantis. He has more than 680 hours in space. In 2009, he was appointed director of NASA.

Humanity has been kept in the dark for a long time: where is it from, where is it going and why? About whether we are alone in the Universe? About who and how built the great civilizations of the past.
And now, finally, NASA (US National Aerospace Agency) announced the existence of aliens and long-standing contacts with their representatives.
They stated casually, casually surprised by the ignorance and slowness of the earthlings themselves at the obvious facts: if there are so many high-tech
artifacts - from huge pyramids to perfect man-made products for cultural purposes - then simple logic should have led people's consciousness to the fact: ALIENS WERE ON EARTH AND IN SPACE ALWAYS AND CONSTANTLY. AND THE GOVERNMENTS OF ALL COUNTRIES HAVE BEEN FOOLING US FOR A LONG TIME AND EVERYWHERE!..

NASA spokeswoman Trish Chamberson openly admitted the existence of alien civilizations and, moreover, noted that The national agency is located at this moment in contact with four alien races.

“Who do you think built the ancient pyramids and all the other megalithic structures around the world? In my opinion, everything is obvious." - noted a NASA representative.

Separately, Chamberson emphasized that aliens also have complaints about the actions of earthlings. The aliens are unhappy with the use of nuclear weapons on Earth because, according to a spokesman, "it has a bad effect on parallel universes».

Translation by Gugel

"Regret. We just assumed that everyone had known and understood this for a long time." , said NASA spokeswoman Trish Chamberson - at a press conference in crowded headquarters in Washington, DC. Today, routinely, and as if it were a matter of course, the space agency announced the fact that for many years representatives of alien life have been ruling the Earth, but they simply forgot to tell humanity about it...

"There are so many films documentaries and television programs about aliens; We thought everyone was aware of them by now". Next, g Mrs. Chamerson explained to the shocked crowd of reporters that "Various aliens have been visiting our planet for many thousands of years. For, to So, then, who do you think built the ancient pyramids and all the other Superstructures around the world?Come on, guys, it's completely obvious..."

During the two-hour briefing, NASA scientists confirmed previous speculation regarding UFOs and alien technology, confirming that four separate races of aliens are in constant contact with NASA. They, the aliens, actually asked the agency to officially convey greetings from them to all people on the planet.

“We apologize for this misunderstanding - it just escaped our attention,” explained another scientist. "We've been so busy processing alien engineering technology into our designs that just forgot about it. We would like to confirm:They have long had bases on the far side of the Moon, and are currently actively engaged in mining various minerals on several planets in our solar system. SoThey began new development on Jupiter, mastering its resources and new rings around it.They hardly talk to us, but they always complain about our presence of nuclear weapons among earthlings, claiming that they negatively affect parallel universes - every time they go off...”

Alas, the Millennium Reveal occurs only after 70 years of countless sightings and abductions. But questions about why exactly they are here and have always been hiding from us still remain...

At the conclusion of the briefing, NASA scientists stated:"Aliens are actually harmless and only interested in natural resources our planet "so contact them shouldn't cause us any problems "....


Well, we WAITED for what many already guessed...
The Shepherd-Papas of humanity decided to suddenly show up.

It’s just a pity that such an epoch-making event happens somehow too casually... - as if the strolling dad decided to return to the family... and instructed the tortured and confused mother to announce this to her children...

And the funny thing is that several “dads” showed up at once. So it turns out that each race has its own “dad”. We hope that they will not regret toys and candies for their children in the future.

Now let's follow the events...
Suddenly the “dads” need not only our “vegetable gardens”...


SECRET MATERIALS. Formula for Harmonious Life -

Aliens are based on the far side of the moon and trade military technology in exchange for gold

Aliens are based on the far side of the moon and trade military technology in exchange for gold

The US National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) made a sensational statement, which some regard as a joke, and others as a confession. NASA spokeswoman Trish CHAMBERSON said at a press conference in Washington that earthlings have been cooperating with aliens for a long time.

A NASA representative called humanoids harmless creatures who are primarily interested in the Earth's fossil resources.

They have bases on the far side of the Moon and are currently mining minerals by aliens on several planets on our planet. solar system. They have just begun to explore Jupiter recently, evidence of this is the new rings around it. "They don't say much, but they always complain about our nuclear weapons, claiming that the explosions affect parallel universes," she said. Trish Chamberson.

She apologized for the long denial at the official level of contacts with other civilizations, explaining this by the busyness of NASA, as well as the obviousness of their presence in our lives.

- The “Greys” have been visiting our planet for thousands of years. Who do you think built the ancient pyramids and all the other superstructures of the world? Come on, guys, it's completely obvious,” Chamberson told a group of surprised reporters.

People die for metal

What do these “grays” mine on Earth? It's not hard to guess. Most likely gold. According to its characteristics, it is ideal for use in the space sector. Gold is inert, perfectly conducts electricity and reflects the energy of infrared radiation. It is known that gold is a very rare metal in the entire Universe, and it is not surprising that aliens are using our planet as a huge “gold mine”.

Of course, we are not fools to hump ourselves. Homosapiens work hard for them like damned people. They die, so to speak, for metal. By the sweat of their brows they work out the reasons for their existence.

Humanity has loved gold for as long as it can remember. Thus, the ancient Egyptians considered gold an attribute of the alien gods. And, for example, the Incas considered it the sweat of the Sun, which fed its children, that is, aliens.

Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro conquered the Incas with an army of 80 people! The Vatican keeps notes made by witnesses of those events: “When the Incas surrounded us in crowds of thousands, many of us urinated directly into our armor, thinking about immediate death.” But the Incas made a mistake - because of the shine of their armor and unusual appearance, they mistook the conquerors for aliens arriving for the next golden tranche and died.

Scientists think that at first the humanoids hunted on their own, but then, by crossing their genes with the genes of primitive earthlings, they got Homo sapiens. Numerous chimeras, the mention of which abound in ancient manuscripts, are simply a by-product of a long genetic experiment.

Apparently, man's homeland is indeed Africa. Official science was not mistaken here. And the first gold began to be mined here. The continent is literally dotted with ancient mines. As, indeed, the whole planet. In them, during excavations in different parts of the world, scientists encounter unusual mummies and skeletons that do not look like human ones, but they have never been able to prove that they are aliens. It was these remains that became the basis for tales about gnomes mining gold again. Most likely, these are androids created to work in mines, which were later abandoned for some reason.

The man really does a great job. As civilization developed, the gods no longer needed to appear to the people in a blaze of glory and power, descending from the sky on “chariots of fire.” People have it firmly drilled into their heads that all power comes from God and that they must obey kings, pharaohs and others, because the blood of aliens flows in their veins.

Since then, monarchs and top managers have been in charge of gold mining themselves, reporting for their work to senior management.

The theory perfectly explains many wars. It is easier for modern officials to protect and collect tribute from one shopping center than from hundreds of tents scattered throughout the area. The same goes for aliens. They prefer to deal with a dozen powerful monarchs. And they destroy competitors in the struggle for the favor of the “gods”.

In return they receive power and technology. First of all, the military. It is by military superiority that one can judge with whom the aliens have peace, friendship, and chewing gum.

Recently, the publication Veterans Today, owned by the Pentagon Veterans Society, published an article by Dr. Preston James. He claims that in the Middle East, the Russian military is testing weapons systems developed under top-secret projects in cooperation with extraterrestrial allies.

By the way, Russia has always emphasized its chosenness of God with the golden domes of churches that look like spaceships.

James's sources inside the US alien space program provided him with information that many of the militants of the Islamic State (banned in Russia) are clones of a race of gray reptilians created using advanced genetic engineering - the same ones that NASA is friends with. The source material for these monsters, which are riveted in hundreds at underground bases, is supposedly pigs.

According to the magazine's experts, Russia and the United States are cooperating with various alien coalitions. In total, up to five groups of aliens are participating in the struggle for earthly gold.

Actually, this explains a lot. First of all, the appearance different races. On each gold-bearing continent, humanoids created hybrids from their own material.

Fort Knox is as empty as a rotten nut.

By the way, Islamic pig terrorists can be considered an improved modification of the cynocephalus known in antiquity. Describing Carthage in the area of ​​​​the Gulf of Gabes and Lake Schott-Jerid, Herodotus wrote: “Huge snakes, lions, elephants, bears, poisonous vipers, copperheads, horned donkeys, and dog-headed people live there.”

Respectable Christian authors also write about the Psoglavians. For example, Aurelian Augustine in the work “On the City of God” asks: “What can we say about the cynocephali, whose dog’s head and barking rather give them away as animals than as people?”

Appearing again in North Africa, the dog-headed army spread to all corners of the world, where they were used in military affairs. Thus, the famous Russian hero Polkan was described in epics as the owner of a dog’s head. For example, the Aralez fought on the side of the Armenians - dog-headed gods who could lick the wounds of those killed in battle and bring them back to life.

Naturally, they fought for gold, which was regularly taken by its real owners.

And finally, we come to the main thing. How to figure out whether earthly governments really periodically pay tribute to aliens. The proof is as simple as a nickel. A lot of gold is mined annually, about 2.3 thousand tons. Where are these mountains of gold, where do they disappear, given that crumbs are spent on electronics and medicine, and jewelry is made mainly from recycled materials?

We are told that it seems to be stored in special storage facilities. But no one saw living gold there. For example, the famous American Fort Knox has not allowed visitors for forty years. They have long said that it is empty, like a rotten nut. The gold reserves of other countries are also hidden from view. “Live” gold has completely gone out of circulation. It is precisely because of its absence that all ideas to issue some kind of currency backed by real precious metals fail. It is mined and immediately disappears into storage facilities where no human has ever set foot.

Ufologists, constantly observing outer space, have calculated that a cluster of unknown objects is rapidly moving towards our planet.

Experts believe that this could be an armada of intergalactic alien ships. Moreover, researchers are convinced that representatives of extraterrestrial civilization are very hostile, and the first mass contact between the “little green men” and earthlings does not bode well for us.

What might aliens need here? Our “blue ball” itself, its minerals, or maybe we ourselves or our technologies? The latter does not seem very likely, since humanity has not yet flown further than the Moon (and even then it is very doubtful), but the uninvited guests have presumably already traveled many millions of light years to enslave or destroy people. Naturally, we have been frightened many times before by subsequently unfulfilled predictions about the attack of the “little green men”, but this does not mean at all that the next prediction of ufologists cannot turn out to be true.

Experts say:

According to the data we have received, a battle fleet of representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization will reach us by the end of the year. At the same time, now with spaceships something strange is happening to the aliens. The future invaders seemed to realize that they had been spotted and resorted to some kind of deceptive maneuver. Part of the armada turned around and flew back, while the other part moved towards us with increased speed. In less than three months it will fly up to Earth. We believe that we will be attacked first strike force, the main goal of which will be the destruction of the largest cities in the world. This will immediately plunge society into chaos. Then another flotilla will fly to our planet, which will establish a new order here. However, there is a high probability that we will all simply be destroyed.

Ufologists also report that the governments of America, Russia, China and other influential countries in the world are well aware of the upcoming invasion. At the moment, they say, they are thinking about how best to act in this situation. On the one hand, politicians can come to an agreement with the aliens and try to minimize the consequences of alien interference in our lives. On the other side, the mighty of the world they can “sell” us to the invaders and go live in their luxurious bunkers under the ocean. Finally, a large-scale war is possible that will unite all the countries of the Earth in the face of a common enemy.

Famous personalities about a possible attack

It is noteworthy that quite recently a similar statement was made by the famous English theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. The authoritative scientist did not report the exact date of the invasion of representatives of an alien civilization on Earth, but said that he had no doubts about the aggressiveness of the aliens and the defenselessness of earthlings against conquerors from other planets. People, according to Hawking, will not be able to defend themselves against a highly developed alien civilization that has mastered space flights over enormous distances. However, the physicist is “encouraging” that no invasion may take place if humanity destroys itself in advance nuclear war or will create a powerful artificial intelligence that itself will want to wipe us off the face of the earth.

Former astronaut Ed Mitchell, who died last year, made a sensational statement before his death. He told reporters that he saw aliens with his own eyes. According to the American, the aliens were thin and small in appearance with disproportionately large heads. In addition, Mitchell said that the aliens are extremely aggressive towards us and consider human civilization to be defective and unworthy of existence. The astronaut also said that the American government has long known about the intentions of humanoids from other planets, but is in no hurry to do anything about this.

Finally, in April of this year, another sensational information came from the former head of the American national space agency. Charles Boldenn, who had recently been suspended by NASA, said that the invasion would happen very soon, and our days were numbered. Ufologists around the world then believed that the former astronaut was removed from a high position after he declared his desire to tell the world community the truth about aliens. The words of this specialist, who had access to the most secret and important information about UFOs and aliens, are difficult to doubt.

NASA Director Charles Bolden announced stunning news at a conference on April 22. After repeated media publications that NASA is deliberately hiding any facts, the head of the space agency said that aliens could start a war with our planet in just a few months, the site reports with reference to esoreiter.

The director of the department is a former astronaut and a veteran of several space flights. Charles Bolden has spent nearly 700 hours in space since 2009. He decided to admit that NASA was hiding facts about the existence of tens of thousands, if not more, in space.

As our journalist Amalia Chervinchuk reports, our planet full of resources has long attracted their attention. This is evidenced by the increased UFO activity in last years. According to him, aliens can take over the planet at any time, at least this will definitely happen in the coming years.

After the controversial statement, the director was escorted from the stage, presumably by CIA or FBI officers. Apparently, the fact that Bolden has recently often begun to give high-profile interviews and expressed bold opinions about humanoids and their plans has forced the intelligence services to closely monitor him.

Previously, none of NASA employees allowed themselves to openly judge the existence of extraterrestrial life. Therefore, the statement of the agency director alarmed even renowned ufologists. But it is worth noting that other NASA employees were quick to disown the words of their superiors.

Deputy Director of the organization Dave Newman tried to reassure the public, saying that there is and cannot be any real information about the supposedly possible invasion of humanoids on Earth.

Let us recall that earlier ufologists accused NASA of according to ufologist Waring, in that the only time, when the astronauts landed on the Earth's satellite, they encountered aliens, and they threatened that people would no longer return to the Moon.
