Minerals of the Karachay-Circassian Republic. They began to earn more, build and extract minerals in the KChR What minerals are mined in the KChR

APRIL 8. KChR. In the field of subsoil use of Karachay-Cherkessia, over the past three years, a positive trend has been maintained in increasing the volume of mining, in particular, gypsum and limestone, which indicates the activity of the business sector even in a crisis economy.

Today, in the small hall of the Government House of the republican capital, the final meeting of the Ministry of Property and Land Relations of the KChR was held, where the results of the past 2015 were discussed.

First of all, last year, the department in the field of subsoil use focused on involving new deposits in circulation, with the aim of rational efficient use of the resource potential of the republic.

As of the beginning of 2016, the republican list of subsoil plots of local importance includes 75 sites with common minerals and 34 sites containing fresh groundwater.

In 2015, the Ministry issued 12 licenses for the right to use subsoil based on the approved lists of subsoil plots of local importance. The dynamics of their issuance over the past three years has increased significantly, maximum value was established in 2014, however, despite the difficult economic situation, the number of permits issued last year is higher than the average for the last three years. This factor testifies to the interest on the part of entrepreneurs and the intensification of their activities in this direction, especially in the context of a shortage of promising explored areas.

In order to develop the mineral resource base at the expense of subsoil users, reserves of andesitic porphyrites in the amount of more than 18 million cubic meters were explored and put on the territorial state balance sheet. meters and 680 thousand cubic meters. meters of boulder-sand-gravel mixture, which will increase the taxable base in the future and, accordingly, bring more revenue to the regional budget.

According to the analysis of the volumes of extraction of solid minerals and groundwater in the past year, there is a tendency for this indicator to grow in comparison with the previous period for a number of types of minerals. Thus, despite the increase in taxes, an increase in gypsum production by 22%, limestone - by 2.2 times, metamorphic rocks by 20% was recorded. This positive trend has been maintained over the past three years, despite the increase in extraction taxes.

"The reverse side of the active mining process is the fact that the rational use and protection of subsoil should take into account the need to preserve geological natural monuments located on the territory of the republic. At present, there is no certification of geological natural monuments of regional significance, which can lead to the irreparable loss of such objects," Radmir Agirbov, First Deputy Minister of Property and Land Relations of the KChR, noted during the final board.

Among other things, one of priority areas The activity of the regional ministry is to increase the efficiency of managing state-owned objects and their involvement in economic circulation, improving the quality of their accounting. In the field of property relations, the department's employees are primarily aimed at identifying inefficiently used real estate and their further transfer to small businesses.


General information

The Karachay-Cherkess Republic is part of the Southern Federal District (SFD) of the Russian Federation

Territory: 14.3 thousand km2.

Population: 427.2 thousand people – 01.01.09

The administrative center is the city of Cherkessk (116.733 thousand people) (according to the materials of the site: http://www.*****/bgd/regl/b09_109/Main.htm)

Location map of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic President

Department of Subsoil Use in the Ministry of Property, Land Relations and Subsoil Use - Head of Department, KChR, 9.

Tel. (878-22)5-40-22,

Address: KChR, 3, Government House

Head of the Department for Subsoil Use in the KChR - , tel /, e-mail: *****@***ru; *****@***com KCHR, 7

Sectoral structure of production in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic in 2009. (data in percent)

There are 4 cities and 11 urban-type settlements in the republic, 140 rural settlements. The leading sectors of the economy are agriculture and industry, which is dominated by mining and processing industries. The Republic has a developed network highways, the railway line reaches the Ust-Dzheguta station. Coniferous and mixed forests are widespread in the southwestern part of the territory. 80% of the area of ​​the republic is occupied by mountains up to 4700m high. Almost the entire high-mountainous part of the republic is a protected area, in which there are many sports and resort facilities.

2. Condition and use of the mineral resource base


SE "Teberda"

Mineral water

No data

No data

Fresh underground water

66.2 thousand m3/day

No data

No data

No data

Thermal water

5.32 thousand m3/day

No data

No data

No data

The main enterprises providing geological study and

reproduction of SMEs on the territory of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Company name


Phone, fax, e-mail

Main activity profile

FGUGP "Kavkazgidrogeologiya"

Stavropol region, Zheleznovodsk, pos. Inozemtsevo, st. Highway, 207

f 4-48-39, e-mail

Regional, prospecting and exploration hydrogeological works

369000 KChR, 09

f. (8782), e-mail: *****@***ru

Search and exploration of minerals

State Research and Production Enterprise "Hydrogeoecology"

369000 KCHR, 7a

Hydrogeological research and monitoring

Licensing activities . As of October 1, 2009, there were 41 valid licenses in the republic. Of these, by deposits: precious metals in total - 2, including 1 - for prospecting and appraisal work, 1 - for exploration and exploitation on the terms of entrepreneurial risk; other solid minerals in total - 19, including 1 - for prospecting and appraisal work, 7 - for exploration and exploitation under conditions of entrepreneurial risk, 11 - for exploitation; groundwater in total - 16, including fresh water in total - 7, all - for operation; mineral deposits in total - 9, of which 3 - for exploration and exploitation on the terms of entrepreneurial risk, 6 - for exploitation; other licenses - 3; others - 1.

3. Prospects for expanding the mineral resource base

In the republic, it is possible to discover non-traditional types of minerals, which are raw materials for the production of mineral fibers, refractories, porcelain, high-strength crushed stone, facing stone, and abrasives. Manifestations of such minerals on the territory of the republic are known, but they require further geological and technological study and delineation. With the development of work on in-depth study of the material composition, structural position and technological properties of rocks in the region, it is quite likely that new types of deposits will be discovered.

Forecast fresh groundwater resources - 2.5 thousand m3 / day.

4. Main problems in the reproduction and use of SMEs and ways to solve them

Problems: 1. Lack of assessment of the resource potential of highly liquid (gold, silver) and scarce (lead, zinc, tungsten) minerals, fuel and energy and hydro-mineral raw materials.

2. Non-involvement in the exploitation of some explored deposits of copper and tungsten, as well as a number of solid minerals, such as refractory clays, feldspar raw materials and others that have investment prospects.

3. Lack of demand for high-quality fresh groundwater deposits.

4. Poor knowledge of endogenous (seismicity, volcanism) and exogenous (mudflows, landslides, etc.) dangerous geological processes.

Problem Solving Ways: 1. Evaluation of the possibility of using the technology of hydrometallurgical processing for the development of small copper sulfide deposits explored in the republic.

(regional work and for solid minerals).

Exploration objects

cost, million rubles

Prospecting for gold on Mariinskaya Square

Exploration work for kaolin clays in the Tarakul-Tube area

Monitoring of hydrogeodeformational, geophysical and gashydrogeochemical fields in seismically hazardous areas of the Southern Federal District

Conducting state monitoring of the state of the subsoil of the territory of the Southern Federal District in the years.

Identification of promising areas for non-ferrous metals and gold within the metallogenic zones of the North Caucasus according to geochemical data

Determination of the main conditions for the development of deposits of solid minerals of the unallocated subsoil fund of the Southern Federal District

The Karachay-Cherkess Republic (KChR) is located on the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, in the Elbrus region. It has internal borders with Stavropol and Krasnodar region, with Kabardino-Balkaria, and external - with Georgia.

The length of the territory from north to south is 140 km, from west to east - 170 km. The distance from the capital of the KChR - Cherkessk - to Moscow is 1674 km. Transport communications are well developed in the republic. The road network is over 3349 km. The density of paved roads is higher than the average for the Russian Federation.

According to the relief, the territory is divided into flat, foothill and mountainous. Mountains occupy about 80% of the territory. Steppe and forest-steppe vegetation prevails in the foothills. The mountains are covered with mixed and deciduous forests, there are many valuable species of broad-leaved trees (beech, oak, hornbeam); subalpine and alpine meadows, mountain pastures are spread on high-mountainous areas. In total, 344 thousand hectares are occupied by forests. In the mountains of the KChR, there are well-known centers of international tourism, mountaineering and skiing - Dombay, Teberda, Arkhyz, surpassing the famous recreational complexes in the Alps in their beauty. The Teberdinsky State Nature Reserve is also unique. There are many mountain recreation camps and tourist centers in the mountains, more than 60 tourist routes, including horseback riding, operate.

The territory of the republic is crossed by more than 5 thousand rivers and rivulets originating in the mountains. The main river is the Kuban with tributaries Bolshaya Laba, Bolshoi and Maly Zelenchuk, Teberda and others. The climate varies along the altitudinal zones: in the foothills in winter, the air temperature ranges from 0 to -10 "C, in summer - from +18 to + 25" C. It is much colder in the mountainous regions. The growing season in the north of the KChR lasts 182 days, which is favorable for agriculture, and in the south, in mountainous areas, it lasts only 50-75 days. Soil and climatic conditions make it possible to develop the most important branches of agriculture: the production and processing of cereals, sugar beets, vegetables, meat, milk, and wool.

The bowels of the republic are rich in ore and non-metallic minerals. Deposits of copper, zinc, tungsten, polymetallic ores, coal, cement raw materials, gypsum, facing and building stone (marble, serpintinite), silicate and building sands, refractory, expanded clay and brick clays, mineral paints (red lead), building and technological lime, gravel, fresh mineral and thermal healing waters have been explored. Non-metallic materials are available in large volumes and serve as a good raw material base for the intensive development of the building materials industry in the republic.

Extraction and processing of mineral raw materials for the production of building materials is carried out by about 20 enterprises, including Kavkazcement JSC, Silikatchik LLP, Karachaevsky ZhBI JSC, Alibek JSC and others. (Krasnogorsky), building stones (Tashlykolsky and others), granite and marble (Agutsky, Dzhemagatsky) and other minerals.

Significant and diverse reserves of high-quality underground mineral waters.

The use of hard coal reserves is currently not profitable for reasons common to the coal mining industry in Russia, as well as due to the depletion of coal seams and the complexity of developing deposits in the KChR. Coal mining in 1996-1997 was only 35 thousand tons per year.

Of great industrial importance is the extraction of copper pyrite ores with a high content of copper and associated zinc. The main deposit is Urupskoye (6 more have been explored, including the large copper Bykovskoye in the Labinsk Gorge). Urupsky Mining and Processing Plant (GOK) is the main copper mining enterprise in the industry, the second largest is Zelenchuksky GOK.

Deposits of gold (near Rozhkao) and silver have been discovered on the territory of the KChR. There are significant reserves of polymetallic ores (Khudesskoye deposit - eastern region copper zone), some of which contain copper, zinc, cobalt, etc.

The Republic needs investments for the development of promising fields:

  • tungsten ores (Kti-Teberdinsky - a feasibility study for the construction of the Aksautsky tungsten mining and processing plant has been prepared);
  • hematite ores (Biychesyn-Bermamytskoye deposit - with an annual production of 120-150 thousand tons, they can be used to supply iron-containing additives for Kavkazcement JSC and other regions of Russia);
  • copper pyrite and sulfur pyrite ores (Khudessky);
  • porcelain stone (Marinsky - at present, porcelain and ceramic factories in Russia are experiencing a shortage of raw materials, which are estimated at 350-400 thousand tons on an average annual basis);
  • gold-bearing ores, which, with the necessary additional exploration and development, will provide more than 100 tons of gold.

The Karachay-Cherkess Committee for Natural Resources is working on the study, use and protection of natural resources. Due to taxes received from mining enterprises, geological exploration of non-ferrous and precious metals, oil, natural gas, building materials. The Committee also issues licenses for the right to extract minerals and conduct prospecting.

In Karachay-Cherkessia, a number of deposits of non-metallic raw materials have been explored, which for many decades remained unclaimed. These include: refractory clays of the Krasnogorsk deposit, feldspar raw materials of the Kishkit deposit, serpentinites of the Beden massif (as a raw material for the production of forsterite refractories). Manifestations of minerals new to the republic, which remain poorly studied, have been revealed: an array of granites Balki Moshchevoy for the production of high-strength crushed stone; colored stones for building and landscape design, as well as the production of modern finishing materials; clastolavas of basalt composition for the production of mineral fiber; grenades of the Blybsky area for the production of abrasives.
The Krasnogorsk deposit of refractory clays (Ust-Dzhegutinsky district) can serve as the basis for the creation of a plant for the production of fireclay refractory products. The raw materials of the deposit are also excellent for the production of facing tiles, porcelain stoneware, and sanitary ware. Raw materials are of high quality, reserves are large (10.5 million tons), but only underground mining is possible, which scares off investors, because Usually deposits of refractory clays are developed by quarries. In the KChR, the Kishkitskoye deposit (Zelenchuksky district) has been explored, the raw material of which is distinguished by a high potassium module, the main limiting indicator of this kind of raw material. In the Karachay region, the Karakent deposit of clastolaves has been explored for the production of facing products.
In the KChR, it is closest to railway an array of granites of the Moshchevo beam (near the village of Kurdzhinovo). An array of granites requires additional study with drilling of wells and a systematic study of the physical and mechanical properties of the stone. The latter have so far been studied on single samples, which indicate high strength (grade 1200) and frost resistance (100 cycles) and low radioactivity of granite. Reserves are approximately 70 million tons. m³. Nearby is the Beskes massif of approximately the same size. The r. The thickness of the Bolshoy Laby massif reaches 200 m. On both sides of the river gorge, quarries can be laid in the form of narrow (up to 700 m) strips 1.5–2 km long. Today the demand for the new kind mineral raw materials, not previously studied - a colored stone used for decorative masonry under the "wild" and for landscape design. In the KChR, one can outline entire massifs of such rocks located near existing roads: white, beige and yellow limestones, black and white-gray marbled limestones, light gray and pink granites, yellow-beige and orange-pink granite porphyries, cherry sandstones, red-brown rhyolites, brownish dacites, light green felsite, dark green diobases, yellow -green serpentinites, etc. At the mouth of the river. Blyb (left tributary of the Bolshaya Laba River) revealed an area composed of crystalline schists containing up to 30% of garnet grains, and its hardest variety is almandine. Such garnet is used for the production of abrasive grinding tools, abrasive skins and abrasive pastes for polishing stone.
A number of deposits and manifestations of gypsum have been identified in the KChR. A band of gypsum-bearing Tithonian deposits stretches across the entire territory of the republic from west to east. The thickness of the gypsum lenses reaches 70 m. The quality of the raw materials is good. Only the Zhako-Krasnogorskoye and Ali-Berdukovskoye fields are being developed in very small volumes.
At present, the Bechasyn-Bermamyt deposit of mineral paints has been transferred to the group of developed ones. As of January 1, 2006, the deposit's reserves amounted to 1351 thousand tons of industrial categories B+C1 as a raw material for the production of red lead.
Main Natural resources republics - coal, lead, zinc, tungsten-molybdenum ores (Ktiteberda deposit), copper (Urup deposit), building materials (high-quality marble in the Teberda region, granites, quartz sandstones), gold.

The Karachay-Cherkess Republic has a great potential for natural stone. The availability of explored reserves is quite high. On the territory of the KChR, 8 copper pyrite deposits have been identified. One of them - a small Vlasenchikhinskoye deposit - has already been mined in a quarry in the 70s. The total balance reserves of copper in the republic is 1128.2 thousand tons, including 896.1 thousand tons of categories A + B + C1 (45.6% of the total in the North Caucasus), 232.1 thousand tons of category C2 (61.6% - respectively). Off-balance reserves amount to 118.2 thousand tons of copper. Of the fields taken into account, the largest in terms of reserves of categories A + B + C1 are Khudesskoye (53.4% ​​of the total for the republic) and Urupskoye (39.5% - residual reserves). Industry is developing the Urupskoye deposit, the rest are the State Reserve (60.5% of the total copper reserves of categories A + B + C1, 7% - category C2 and 89.2% - off-balance sheet). In copper pyrite deposits, in addition to copper, the balance also includes reserves of zinc, silver, gold, cobalt, cadmium, selenium, tellurium, indium, gallium, germanium and thallium.

There are also closely located copper deposits Beskesskoye, Pervomayskoye, Skalistoye in the reserve. The Beskesskoye deposit is located in the valley of the river. Beskes, in the Urup region. The deposit is composed of volcanic-sedimentary formations of the Kizilkol and Kartdzhyurt suites. The Kizilkol Formation is dominated by rocks of the diabase-rhyolite series, crumpled into complex folds and crossed by a number of faults that create a block structure. The thickness of the suite is 500-700 m. The density of the exploration network made it possible to qualify 25% of the reserves as category B. In the zone of the Urupsky GOK, 4 more small copper sulfide deposits were discovered - Bykovskoye, Beskesskoye, Pervomayskoye and Skalistoye, in which the content of useful components is lower than in the ore of the Urupsky deposit.

The Kyzylkol and Vostochnaya deposits, studied by single wells, were also identified. It has been established that in these small deposits, accompanying the main deposit, composed of poor ores, the content of copper, zinc and gold is 2-3 times higher. The predicted resources of rich copper-zinc ores (copper - 2.68%, zinc - 2.33%, gold - 4 g / t) are estimated at 11396 thousand tons, copper - 306 thousand tons, zinc - 265 thousand tons, gold - 11.5 tons.

Tungsten deposits are located in the Zelenchuksky district of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, in the upper reaches of the Aksaut River and on the northern slope of the Main Caucasian Range within the elevations of 1950-3200m. In the upper reaches of the Aksaut, the Kti-Teberda deposit, which is average in terms of reserves, has been explored, in the ores of which the average content of tungsten trioxide is 0.366%. Currently, ores with grades of about 1% and above are mined in the world.

On the territory of the KChR, 75% of the coal of the North Caucasus (excluding the Rostov region) is concentrated, which amount to 8572 thousand tons, and 6.2 million tons are taken out of balance. In the overall coal balance of Russia, KChR coal is not significant and is intended for local consumption. In Carboniferous deposits, coal seams are characterized by a complex structure and variability in thickness. The thickness of the seams usually does not exceed 1-3 m, seams with a thickness of 0.3 to 1.5 m predominate. Coal deposits have grades Zh, OS and K and can be used in coke chemistry. In 2000 for this object, thermal power plants were compiled, in which a conclusion was made about the unprofitability of the development of the field under the existing taxation system.

In the field of subsoil use of Karachay-Cherkessia, over the past three years, a positive trend has been maintained in increasing the volume of mining, in particular, gypsum and limestone, which indicates the activity of the business sector even in a crisis economy.

Today, in the small hall of the Government House of the republican capital, the final meeting of the Ministry of Property and Land Relations of the KChR was held, where the results of the past 2015 were discussed.

First of all, last year, the department in the field of subsoil use focused on involving new deposits in circulation, with the aim of rational efficient use of the resource potential of the republic.

As of the beginning of 2016, the republican list of subsoil plots of local importance includes 75 sites with common minerals and 34 sites containing fresh groundwater.

In 2015, the Ministry issued 12 licenses for the right to use subsoil based on the approved lists of subsoil plots of local importance. The dynamics of their issuance over the past three years has increased significantly, the maximum value was set in 2014, however, despite the difficult economic situation, the number of permits issued last year is higher than the average for the past three years. This factor testifies to the interest on the part of entrepreneurs and the intensification of their activities in this direction, especially in the context of a shortage of promising explored areas.

In order to develop the mineral resource base at the expense of subsoil users, reserves of andesitic porphyrites in the amount of more than 18 million cubic meters were explored and put on the territorial state balance sheet. meters and 680 thousand cubic meters. meters of boulder-sand-gravel mixture, which will increase the taxable base in the future and, accordingly, bring more revenue to the regional budget.

According to the analysis of the volumes of extraction of solid minerals and groundwater in the past year, there is a tendency for this indicator to grow in comparison with the previous period for a number of types of minerals. Thus, despite the increase in taxes, an increase in gypsum production by 22%, limestone - by 2.2 times, metamorphic rocks by 20% was recorded. This positive trend has been maintained over the past three years, despite the increase in extraction taxes.

"The reverse side of the active mining process is the fact that the rational use and protection of subsoil should take into account the need to preserve geological natural monuments located on the territory of the republic. At present, there is no certification of geological natural monuments of regional significance, which can lead to the irreparable loss of such objects," said Radmir Agirbov, First Deputy Minister of Property and Land Relations of the KChR, during the final board.

Among other things, one of the priority areas of activity of the regional ministry is to increase the efficiency of managing state property and involving them in economic circulation, improving the quality of their accounting. In the field of property relations, the department's employees are primarily aimed at identifying inefficiently used real estate and their further transfer to small businesses.
