Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in a preparatory group for school Topic: “Voice consonant sound, letter C. Open speech therapy lesson “Sound, letter C” Consonant sound c speech therapy lesson preparatory group

Subject: Sound and letter C

Target: Consolidating the correct pronunciation of sounds and familiarization with the letter C;

formation of neuter nouns with diminutive –

affectionate meaning using the suffixes –ets, -its, -ts-; definition

places of sound in a word; working with sentences, reading, typing words,

sound analysis.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Psycho-gymnastics.

Riddle: “He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye two shells” (Chicken). Showing toys. Please draw a picture of a chicken sitting in an egg. Show how he gets out of the shell: first he sticks out his head, then the right wing, then the left.

2. Pronunciation, characteristics of the sound C: consonant, voiceless, whistling, always hard.

3. Speech exercises.

Ats – ots – uts-ts tsa – tso – tsu – tsy

Atsl - otsl - utsl - ytsl tsva - tsvo - tsvu - tsvy

Tsa-tsa-tsa - the chicken has two eggs

Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid an egg

Tsu-tsu-tsu - here are the chicks going to the egg

Tsk-tsk-tsk - all the chicks are great

4. Emphasis on hearing and pronunciation

A) ac, ac, so, tsu, us, su, hundred, tsla, tsta, ost, otss.

B) heron, haymaking, telephone, policeman, leaf fall, sugar bowl, tea, chicken, vacuum cleaner, ring, calf, mill, chain.

5. Compose (repair) a proposal.

Flowers, many, in the flower garden, different.

Hen, chickens, twelve, y, motley.

Five, pen, on, fingers.

Breadbox, table, stand, on.

Candy bowl, in, candy, lie.

6. Physical education lesson - logarithmics with musical accompaniment


7. Determining the place of sound in a word.

Sheep, heron, chick, chick, hen.

8. Introducing the letter C.

a) showing a letter

b) drawing in the air

c) laying out on a carpet

d) being at the cash register

9. Working with split alphabet

Color – flowers – bloom – flower – flower

10. Physical education minute.

Finger game"Wheat pies"

We bake wheat Children “bake pies” (either one hand on top, then

The pies are excellent. another).

Who will come to us to try Raise your shoulders up, spread your arms to the sides.

Wheat pies?

Mom, dad, brother, sister, Bend the fingers on the hand, starting with the little finger.

A shaggy dog ​​from the yard.

And others, everyone who can, “Calling” with hands.

Let them come with them too. Stretch your arms forward, bending slightly.

We kneaded the dough Knead your thighs with your fingers.

We haven't forgotten sugar They quickly finger it (“sprinkle sugar”).

Wheat pies They press their palms loosely against each other, showing


We put him in the oven. Extend your palms straight forward, touching them

sideways to each other.

The stove burns merrily They move their fingers quickly, raising and lowering their hands (“fire”).

Our mom says: Place your hands in a “shelf” position in front of your chest.

The crumbs that remain “The crumbs are crumbling.”

The sparrow will get it. Tapping their index fingers on their knees

(“sparrows are pecking”)

11. Printing.

Street, cucumber, flowers, sheep.

Flowers are blooming.

12. Ball game “Say kindly”

Business - business

Assignment - assignment

Dress - dress

Soap - soap

Poem - to the poet

Schedule - schedule

Gun - gun

Salo – lard

Building - building

Shilo - shilse

Mirror - mirror

Blanket - blanket

Butter – butter

Jam - jam

Cookies - cookies

Letter - letter

Decoration - decoration

Treat - treat

Summary of the lesson.

Ekaterina Sherstneva
Abstract open class on teaching literacy in the preparatory group “Sound [C] and letter C”

Summary of an open lesson on teaching children literacy in a preparatory group"Gnomes" Sound and letter C.


1. Introduce children to a new consonant sound - C; its articulation and acoustic characteristics, ways of pronouncing sound.

2. Continue work on the development of the articulatory apparatus, methods of pronunciation sound;

3. Introduce letter C, practice differentiation of concepts « sound» And « letter» .

4. continue work on developing imagination, memory, logical thinking;

5. To develop the ability to independently complete a learning task;

6. develop attention and perseverance.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part.

Let's smile at each other

And to our guests

Wonderful discoveries

We wish you all.

Guys, we will be there again today learn to read and write, let's talk about sounds and letters.

2. Articulation gymnastics. Today I want to tell you a fairy tale. But first, guess the riddle.

Was White House, wonderful house,

And something knocked inside him.

And he crashed, and from there

A miracle ran out alive.

He appeared in a yellow fur coat,

Goodbye, two shells.

That's right, it's a chicken.

A chicken lived in one shell, it felt cramped and boring, and he wanted to be born. Let's draw a chicken sitting in an egg and show how it gets out shells: first he stuck out his head, then the right wing, then the left. And so he came out of his shell.

And what do you think the chicken said?


The chicken looked around him and surprised: “Ats - ots - uts!”

Children repeat with the same intonation and facial expressions.

But then a light breeze blew, and then a strong wind. (Children show).

- The chicken got scared: “Tsa-tso-tsu!”

The breeze began to subside and stopped completely. To keep the chicken from freezing,

Let's warm him up: deep breath through the nose, exhale slowly through the mouth.

The chicken calmed down and smiled: “Qi-qi-qi.” “What a wonderful world!”- said the chicken. Guys, let's invite the chicken to join us in the country sounds. Who can say what kind of country this is? (country in which they live sounds and letters) That's right guys, here's what sounds live in this country, now try to guess for yourself.

3. Updating basic knowledge

Exercise "Rays of the Sun".

Every day in kindergarten we do small discoveries. Each opening Like a ray of sunshine for us! Guys, look at the picture, what do you see? Sunshine, and placed on the rays of the sun, what? Right, letters that you already know.

You have your own rays of sunshine on your tables, move your work towards you! You see, on each ray are written letters! Now the task, try to place the rays around the houses. But first, let's remember. Guys, why the letter is different from the sound? (we see and write the letter, we hear and pronounce the sound) What are there sounds? (vowels and consonants) Than consonants sounds different from vowels? That's right, vowels - sounds we can sing and draw and they live in a red house, and the consonants sounds we can’t sing and draw, because some kind of obstacle always gets in the way and we live in a blue house.

Now it's time to post letters by house. And they will post it at the board letters Vasilisa and Sasha. We place rays in each house. Guys, who has the same thing? Well done! Now call Vasilisa letters, which you placed in the blue house, and Sasha in the red one? Why these letters you placed in this house, and Egor Kiselev, Zhora, Misha what letters placed in the red, blue house, why? Sasha, explain why you placed these letters in a red house.... Vasilisa, why did you post these letters in blue house?

Well done. And we continue our journey across the country sounds.

4. Formation of ideas about sound.

4.1. Guessing riddles. - Do you like riddles? I want you

ask riddles, and you try to guess them and try to guess which new sound we will meet in our country.

As you solve the riddles, a picture appears on the screen - the answer.

So, the first riddle:

Stands on one leg

He looks intently into the water.

Pokes his beak at random -

Looking for frogs in the river. (Heron)

Living in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They will count everything in the world. (Numbers)

Elegant sisters

Guests are greeted all day,

They treat you with honey. (Flowers)

Children are very interested in him

Always here doors are open,

Even animals perform here.


4.2. Selection sound.

Guys, now let's say the words of the answer, highlighting the first one sound.

Now tell me Sasha? Masha? Alena?

Have you guessed which one? sound will be discussed in class today?

That's right, today we will get to know each other sounds"C".

First let's get to know sound"C".

4.3. Learning to pronounce sound.

"C"- This name sound, and each name must be pronounced clearly and correctly. Tell me what is involved in pronunciation sound(lips, tongue and teeth)

Pick up the mirrors and say sound ts

What do lips do? (smile)

We pronounce t are your teeth visible? (teeth visible)

We pronounce T...What does the tip of the tongue do (rests on the upper teeth)

4.4. Characteristic sound

Put down the mirrors. Sound Is it a vowel or a consonant? Why (C – consonant! It is not sung, and a barrier appears in the mouth)

Guys, I tell you I'll tell you a secret, sound ts - it is always hard.

Now, please determine sound ts - voiced or voiceless? (deaf)

So, sound ts - consonant, hard, deaf.

4.5. Selection exercises sound ts from a stream of speech

A game "Attentive ears"

Let's play game: "Who is more attentive" and let's try to catch sound"C". Be careful, we're catching a hard one sound ts in words. I will say the words, and you clap if this there is sound in the word:

Words: Heron-stork; king-king; chicken egg; theater-circus; rose flower; chain bracelet; letters and numbers.

4.6. Phonetic exercise with sound ts: Word selection with sound [Ts].

Now come up with words where sound"C" stands at the beginning of a word.

Well done!

5. Physical education minute.

It's very difficult to stand like that

Don't put your feet on the floor

And don't fall, don't sway,

Don't hold on to your neighbor.

(The poem is recited by the children 2 times; the first time the children stand on one leg, the second time on the other)

6. Formation of an idea about letter C

6.1. Getting to know letter C. Look, you and I didn’t even notice how we approached the house sound. Every sound lives in his own house in this country. What house do you think he lives in? sound T?

That's right, in letter c.

Guys, what does it look like? letter c?

Look (showing letter) :

That's what it is letter C-

With a claw at the end.

Claw - scratch,

Like a cat's paw.

6.2. Writing letters in the air C.

Let's see what elements the house is built from sound(from 4 lines).

Now get your index fingers ready. We will write letter C in the air. I lift up left hand and with my index finger I write in the air letter. The children repeat after me.

We draw one line from top to bottom. We retreat. We draw another line parallel to it. Then, from the first line, we draw a line to the second, stop and write a downward oblique line.

6.3. Writing letters C on the table. And now also, let's write letter c on the table.

7. Visual gymnastics. Guys, while you were writing, your eyes were tired.

Look at the screen and follow the umbrellas, the ball.... Now close your eyes open and we will continue to work.

8. Work in notebooks. Reinforcement tasks letters ts.

8.1. Now take a piece of paper, turn it over and what do you see? That's right, in front of you letter c. Let's shade it. What pencil will we use to draw with? (blue). Why? (denotes consonant, hard sound)

8.2. Draw next to letter c object starting at sound ts. Guys, think about what you can draw?

9. Summary classes. Well done boys. Our journey has come to an end, and look out the window, the sun is shining for us. And in the country sounds the sun also shone, and on a ray of sunshine began to shine sound ts. Guys, with what letter we met today (WITH letter C)

-“Chicken, did you like our trip to the country sounds

-“Of course, I liked it, and I want to stay and live in this house? Can?"

-"Of course you can. After all, your name also begins with this letters, which means this is also your house.”

And it’s time for us guys to say goodbye to the inhabitants of the country sounds and letters and return to our native kindergarten.

Well done boys! The lesson is over!

  • consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sound C (TS);
  • learn to hear and identify sound (at the beginning, middle, end of a word);
  • introduce the concept of “a deaf consonant, always a hard sound”;
  • introduce the letter C;
  • learn to read open and closed syllables with the sound C;
  • consolidate a skill sound-letter syllable analysis;
  • consolidate the correct agreement of the pronouns MY, MY, MY, MY with nouns;
  • consolidate the correct use of nouns in R.p., units. and many more number;
  • enrich the subject vocabulary with the sound C;
  • develop fine motor skills of the fingers;
  • develop spatial orientation on a plane;
  • develop memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: - toy - heron, pictures for the sound T, beginning of the word - heron, king, number, cicada, chain, chicken, flowers; the middle of the word is sheep, sheep, ring, rings, cucumbers, porch, chicken, caterpillar, bird, tit, egg, face; the end of the word - cucumber, finger, blacksmith, singer, baby; pictures for the game “The Cubs Got Lost” - lion cubs - lioness, tiger cubs - tigress, cubs - she-bear, etc. (see game); individual speech therapy mirrors; picture "smile-fence"; picture of Grasshopper; magnetic board, marker black, blue, red; card letter C; card-picture “What the letter C looks like” - “This is what the letter C is like: with a claw at the end”; wall ABC; blank letters, for writing with a finger, with a tactile surface (velvet paper); red and blue cardboard mugs; “Find the window” cards to determine the place of a sound in a word; tables for reading syllables; notebooks (halves of an ordinary thin squared notebook); pencils (plain, red, blue); cotton balls and pebbles for each child; ball.

During the classes

Organizing time:

Guessing riddles: - A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys (Sheep); - He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye two shells (Chicken); - Two mothers have five sons, one name for everyone (Fingers); - Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there are nails (Scissors); and another riddle at the discretion of the speech therapist - A large sunflower in the sky, It blooms for many years, It blooms in winter and summer, But there are still no seeds (Sun); What sound did we hear in the answers - the sound Ts.

Phonetic gymnastics "Walk in the forest".

Concepts: hard consonant, soft consonant.

We're in the forest. A Grasshopper is jumping in the forest - Ts - Ts - Ts: (picture Grasshopper). Consideration of articulation. Picture "Smile - Fence". Smile, teeth together, tongue behind teeth. There is an obstacle, which means the sound is consonant. The speech therapist explains to children that consonant sounds can be hard and soft. For example, a cat meows - the sound is m - m - m - soft. Children hold a cotton ball in their hands, squeeze and unclench it. They conclude that it is soft. Soft sound is indicated by green color. Children imitate the Grasshopper - tsk tsk tsk. The speech therapist explains, and the sound T is always a hard consonant, like a pebble. Children squeeze pebbles in their palms and pronounce the sound T - hard pebble, hard sound. Soft sound There can be no ts - it is always a hard consonant sound. Next, the speech therapist explains to the children that the sound T is a dull sound. Children cover their ears with their palms - the sound does not ring in their ears - it is a dull sound. Children pronounce the sound T, imitating the Grasshopper, first all together, then one at a time.

Game "Name the picture".

Children name pictures, highlighting the sound Ts. The game uses “Find the Window” cards to determine the place of the sound Ts in a word. Words: heron, chain, sheep, ring, egg, cucumber, finger, singer;

Game "Greedy".

The speech therapist lays out pictures in front of the children. He asks them to name them correctly. Then the participants in the game take turns covering any picture with their palm and saying: “My cucumber.” My chicken. My ring. My scissors, etc. The speech therapist monitors the correctness of the task.

Game "What Isn't There"

The speech therapist lays out pictures in front of the children. He asks them to check whether the sound C is hidden in each word. Then the teacher asks them to photograph the pictures with their eyes and remember in what order they are laid out. And now the children close their eyes - the speech therapist removes one picture, asking: -What’s missing? We repeat three times. We hide two pictures twice. Three pictures at once.

Game "Catch the Sound".

The speech therapist offers children to train their ears. As soon as you hear the Grasshopper - TsTsTsTs: clap your hands, catch the sound C. In the game you can also give words for the sound C, thus preparing children’s ears to differentiate the sounds C - S. Words: heron, number, king, owl (we don’t clap, there is no sound T), tit, chicken, lioness, boot, ring, porch, egg, lettuce don’t clap - this is not a Grasshopper, well done), sun, scissors, sheep, fox, caterpillar, etc.

Physical education minute:

We are in the forest, the Grasshopper is chirping - TTSTSTSTS.. Children pretend to be grasshoppers, jumping and running in a circle, chirping - TTSTSTSTS: Next, the children pronounce the words, performing the appropriate movements.

Oh, oh, what a thunder
(hands pressed to the cheeks, head tilted to the sides);
- Our Blacksmith is building a house.
(use your hands to depict a roof above your head);
- Hammer: knock - knock - knock:,
(clap hands in front of you);
- The rooster is coming to help.
(hands down behind the back, steps with legs raised high, knees bent);

Ball game "One - many".

The speech therapist invites children to play ball, changing the words - one - many: ring - rings, egg - eggs, face - faces, heron - herons, chain - chains, number - numbers, cucumber - cucumbers, singer - singers, finger - fingers, baby - babies, etc. Well done - well done!

Showing the letter - card C; - showing and finding the letter C on the wall ABC; -showing the card “What the letter C looks like” - “This is what the letter C is like, with a claw at the end”; -where the tail or claw of the letter C is at the bottom right; -raise your right hand and write the letter C in the air; - writing the letter C with your fingers on tactile cards;

The concept of a “hard consonant” sound.

The speech therapist tells the children that letters and sounds are always friends. And we already know the sound T well. The children again look at the articulation in the mirror, pronounce the sound T. A wide smile, the teeth stand in a beautiful fence, the tongue behind the teeth. The speech therapist asks the children if there is an obstacle here when we pronounce the sound T. - yes, there is an obstacle, our teeth are closed. Thus, the sound T has an obstacle - teeth (children see this in mirrors). The speech therapist reminds children that sounds that have a barrier when pronounced are called consonant sounds. And the sound T is also always a hard sound (children squeeze and unclench pebbles in their palms) and is indicated in blue. The speech therapist then shows a blue circle or square and draws a blue circle on the magnetic board under the letter C. The sound T is also a dull sound (children pronounce the sound, chirp like Grasshoppers, cover their ears with their palms - the sound does not ring). Thus, the speech therapist once again fully characterizes the sound C: - consonant sound - there is an obstacle (teeth);

  • the sound T is always a hard sound (like a pebble);
  • the sound C is a dull sound (the ears do not ring);

Work in notebooks.

Children print the letter C in notebooks (five, seven letters), according to the teacher’s model. Children draw a blue circle in their notebooks under the letter C, while saying that the sound C has a barrier - it is a consonant, a voiceless, always hard sound, denoted in blue.

Reading syllabic tables.





Sound-letter analysis.

The work is done by children in notebooks. Children print the syllables CA and AC (you can make it more difficult to give the word SHEEP) with simple pencils. And under the syllables and the word they draw diagrams of sounds with red and blue pencils, justifying whether there is an obstacle in the sound or not, a consonant sound or a vowel is analyzed.

Ball games "Come on, repeat."

Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist throws the ball to the child and asks him to repeat the phrases:

tsa-tsa-tsa - the boy is standing at the porch;
tso-tso-tso - the sun is shining in our faces;
tsu - tsu - tsu - they gave us a cucumber;
tsy -tsy -tsy -we washed the cucumbers;
dude - dude - dude - the cucumber is eaten, and our boy is great!

Game "Echo".

The speech therapist asks the children to repeat rows of syllables - first loudly, then quietly.




tse -tse -tsa, etc.

Game “Say proverbs and sayings” (explain their meaning);

The sun will also peek into our window;

He who undertakes everything succeeds in nothing;

The end is the crown of the matter;

Well done against the sheep, and against the good man the sheep itself;

Game "The Cubs Get Lost"

Children help baby animals find their mother. Work from pictures: lion cubs - lioness, tiger cubs - tigress, bear cubs - she-bear, camels - camel, donkeys - donkey, fox cubs - fox, wolf cubs - she-wolf, lambs - sheep, lizards - lizard.

Summary of the lesson.

The speech therapist asks the children: - What sound did we play with today? - Is there an obstacle to the sound C? -What can we tell you about the sound T? (The sound C is a consonant sound, dull, always hard) - How do we designate hard consonant sounds? -What letter represents the sound C? (Letter C). - What does the letter C look like, how do we write it? Well done kids. Our lesson is over.

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of sounds and familiarization with the letter C; formation of neuter nouns with a diminutive meaning using the suffixes –ets, -its, -ts-; determining the place of a sound in a word; working with sentences, reading, typing words, sound analysis.



Topic: Sound and letter C

Target: Consolidating the correct pronunciation of sounds and familiarization with the letter C;

Formation of neuter nouns with diminutive –

Affectionate meaning using the suffixes –ets, -its, -ts-; definition

Places of sounds in a word; working with sentences, reading, typing words,

Sound analysis.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment. Psycho-gymnastics.

Riddle: “He appeared in a yellow fur coat, goodbye two shells” (Chicken). Showing toys. Please draw a picture of a chicken sitting in an egg. Show how he gets out of the shell: first he sticks out his head, then the right wing, then the left.

2. Pronunciation, characteristics of the sound C: consonant, voiceless, whistling, always hard.

3. Speech exercises.

Ats – ots – uts-ts tsa – tso – tsu – tsy

Atsl - otsl - utsl - ytsl tsva - tsvo - tsvu - tsvy

Tsa-tsa-tsa - the chicken has two eggs

Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid an egg

Tsu-tsu-tsu - here are the chicks going to the egg

Tsk-tsk-tsk - all the chicks are great

4. Emphasis on hearing and pronunciation

A) ac, ac, so, tsu, us, su, hundred, tsla, tsta, ost, otss.

B) heron, haymaking, telephone, policeman, leaf fall, sugar bowl, tea, chicken, vacuum cleaner, ring, calf, mill, chain.

5. Compose (repair) a proposal.

Flowers, many, in the flower garden, different.

Hen, chickens, twelve, y, motley.

Five, pen, on, fingers.

Breadbox, table, stand, on.

Candy bowl, in, candy, lie.

6. Physical education lesson - logarithmics with musical accompaniment


7. Determining the place of sound in a word.

Sheep, heron, chick, chick, hen.

8. Introducing the letter C.

a) showing a letter

B) drawing in the air

C) laying out on a carpet

G) being at the cash register

9. Working with split alphabet

Color – flowers – bloom – flower – flower

10. Physical education minute.

Finger game “Wheat Pies”

We bake wheatChildren “bake pies” (either one hand on top, then

The pies are excellent. another).

Who will come to us to tryRaise your shoulders up, spread your arms to the sides.

Wheat pies?

Mom, dad, brother, sister,Bend the fingers on the hand, starting with the little finger.

A shaggy dog ​​from the yard.

And others, everyone who can,“Calling” with hands.

Let them come with them too.Stretch your arms forward, bending slightly.

We kneaded the doughKnead your thighs with your fingers.

We haven't forgotten sugarThey quickly finger it (“sprinkle sugar”).

Wheat piesThey press their palms loosely against each other, showing


We put him in the oven.Extend your palms straight forward, touching them

Lateral parts to each other.

The stove burns merrilyThey move their fingers quickly, raising and lowering their hands (“fire”).

Our mom says:Place your hands in a “shelf” position in front of your chest.

The crumbs that remain“The crumbs are crumbling.”

The sparrow will get it.Tapping their index fingers on their knees

(“sparrows are pecking”)

11. Printing.

Street, cucumber, flowers, sheep.

Flowers are blooming.

12. Ball game “Say kindly”

Business - business

Assignment - assignment

Dress - dress

Soap - soap

Poem - to the poet

Schedule - schedule

Gun - gun

Salo – lard

Building - building

Shilo - shilse

Mirror - mirror

Blanket - blanket

Butter – butter

Jam - jam

Cookies - cookies

Letter - letter

Decoration - decoration

Treat - treat

Summary of a frontal lesson on pronunciation in 1st grade

teacher-speech therapist Fetisova A.V.

Subject: Sound and letter C

Target: introduce students to the hard consonant sound [ts], letters Ts, ts.


Educational : developing the ability to correctly pronounce the sound [ts] based on visual, auditory and kinesthetic sensations;

Corrective: development of phonemic awareness and phonemic representations; clarification and expansion of vocabulary; work on the syllabic structure of the word. Development of word formation skills. Practice sound word analysis skills. Development of general and fine motor skills.

Educational: formation of positive motivation for classes; fostering perseverance and self-control of speech.

Equipment: mirrors; presentation, screen, computer; subject pictures; handouts for students.

During the classes

    Organizing time.

1,2,3,4,5 – we will be there again now

Watch, listen, reason,

But don't interfere with each other!

We will speak clearly, distinctly,

To make it clear to everyone!

    Lesson topic message. Setting a goal.

    Articulation gymnastics (working with presentation)

    Breathing exercises. Exercise “Butterflies” - butterflies sit on the palms – “flowers”. In order for them to fly, you need to blow smoothly and make the correct speech exhalation.

    Introducing the sound [Ts].

Listen carefully to the pure talk.

The heron, standing on the porch, explains the letter “C”:

Come here, Chicken Little! Repeat: chick-chick-chick!

If you learn your lesson, I'll give you a flower!

Who are we talking about?

What is the first sound heard in the word heron! (The picture is hung on the board)

What sound do you think we will be introduced to today?

    Characteristics of sound by articulatory and acoustic characteristics.

Demonstration in front of a mirror and explanation of the articulation of sound [Ts]:

Characteristics of sound [ts] according to the diagram.

Let's make the sound "ts"

What do lips do? (smile)

What do teeth do? (fence)

What does the tongue do? (rises up)

What kind of wind is blowing? (cold)

Is there a bell in the neck? (No)

Characteristics of the sound: the sound is consonant (the tongue creates a barrier to the air), always hard, dull. Designation: blue square.

Find a figurative comparison of sound (sound symbols are posted on the board)

How does a grasshopper chirp?

How do mom's heels click?

    Isolation of the studied sound in isolation and in words.

    Exercise "Traffic lights" - You need to raise the blue traffic light when you hear the sound among others.

The speech therapist pronounces a series of sounds, the students raise the traffic light to the sound C.

    Sound analysis of words – determining the position of the sound “ts” in words (work using individual cards)

We learned a lot of sounds

We reached the sound T.

There are words where c is at the beginning

In the middle and at the end.

    Physical exercise “Chicken”

Our chicken stood up on its paws,

Got ready to charge.

Turned left - right

I did the squats smoothly.

Klyuvikov cleaned the fluff -

And on the grass - plop!

    “Name the words correctly” - word formation of nouns (work with presentation). Pronouncing words with complex syllabic composition: sandbox, napkin bowl, tureen, mill.

    Introducing the letter Ts,ts.

    Development of fine motor skills - working with the letter “Colored letter C” (on individual cards). Students decorate the letter with pieces of colored paper.

    Kinesiological exercise “Chains - fingers”
