About manners - a class hour. Class hour on the topic “Good manners Conversation at school good manners

People know from childhood,
“What is etiquette”...

Do you know what it is? Etiquette rules for children are magical rules that will help you become a well-mannered, polite and friendly person. Knowing these rules, you will be able to communicate more easily and simply with your friends, parents, loved ones and complete strangers. You can easily learn how to say hello correctly, give and accept gifts, how to visit, talk on the phone and much more...

Well, are you ready to learn? Then let's get to work!

Greeting rules

Rules of conduct with adults - For well-mannered children

Rules of Friendship - For children and teenagers

It is very important not only for children, but also for adults to know the rules of behavior in the theatre, cinema and concerts. Since in our time there are also adults who do not behave very civilly at such events.

When going to a theater or concert hall, you must remember a very strict rule established by etiquette regarding the clothing in which you can visit such establishments. Take this seriously so as not to look like a black sheep among the people present there!

It is not customary to come to the theater in jeans and sneakers, much less in a tracksuit. Men usually wear a dark suit, light shirt and tie. Women, as is customary, come in evening dresses.

You need to come to the theater or concert early so that you have enough time to get yourself in order, put your outerwear in the wardrobe, and just take a walk in the foyer.

If your seat is in the middle of a row, try to take it early so as not to disturb those sitting at the front of the row. But if such a situation occurs, go facing those sitting, and do not forget to ask forgiveness for the disturbance.

It is bad form to eat or drink anything during a performance.

It is better not to go to the theater if you have a cold. With your cough you will disturb both the audience and the performers, and you yourself will find yourself in an awkward situation.

At a concert, do not sing along with the performer, understand that people did not come here to listen to you sing.

At musical concerts, in order not to look stupid, do not rush to applaud if you do not know the piece of music very well, because a pause in the performance may not mean the end of the performance, but a break between parts.

The rules in the cinema are simpler than in the theatre. However, you still shouldn't relax too much. There is no need to turn the cinema hall into a dump of popcorn, candy papers and drink cans. Behave yourself.

People usually don't take off their outerwear in the cinema. However, you must always be aware of the people sitting behind you. Take off your hat before you are asked to do so. Not only boys, but also girls should do this.

If the person sitting in front did this for you, be sure to thank him.

It is a sign of bad manners to predict what will happen in a film. Do not comment on what you see, do not express your opinion about the film and your attitude towards the characters as you watch. It bothers others. And if someone thinks differently, an argument or noisy discussion may arise, which has no place in a movie theater. Don't forget that people came to watch the film, not to listen to comments and arguments.

Visiting the theater has recently become increasingly popular, both among young people and adults. That is why it is very important to know the rules of conduct in the theater, like the multiplication table. After all, if a child behaves defiantly in the theater, this will certainly attract disapproving glances at his parents. In order not to blush and feel awkward, you need to teach your child these simple rules in a timely manner.

How to give gifts

Not everyone knows how to give gifts correctly. But this event also has its own special rules of etiquette that you should learn and remember.

The holiday is coming... and we, as always, are at a loss... But what... to whom... and how... can we give?

So let's get started. How to give gifts according to the rules:

— When preparing a gift for your family, you can draw something, embroider something, or do something with your own hands. For your mother's or father's birthday, you can learn a poem or a song.

— If you buy a gift for a friend in a store, ask an adult to help you choose it.

— It is indecent to give money to a friend and at the same time advise him to “buy yourself whatever you want.” If you really care about the recipient, then you should work hard and come up with the right gift for him that will bring joy.

— First of all, it is important to take into account the tastes and hobbies of the recipient. Remember what this person loves and what he is passionate about!

— The best way to wrap a gift is to unwrap it, it’s very pleasant!

— You can attach a card with a wish to the gift.

— Don’t forget to remove the price tag from the gift.

- You cannot give animals as a gift unless it is discussed in advance! Your friend will most likely be very happy, but his parents may be against it.

New Year- this is a magical holiday when everyone expects miracles and surprises! Therefore, gifts should be given to all relatives and friends, and gifts can be inexpensive but pleasant little things. When preparing New Year's gifts, try to show a sense of humor - this will greatly please and amuse your friends and family.

- Remember, a person will use a well-chosen and sincere gift and will remember you well. Nobody will use a gift that is boring or made for a simple formality; such a gift will be given to someone else, or simply thrown away.

Now you know how to give gifts, which means you can safely wait for the coming holidays to congratulate your loved ones according to all the rules of etiquette!

Conversation “Etiquette, or Just Good Manners”

Target: Introduce children to the need to learn the basics of etiquette.

Progress of the event

Educator: Let's imagine that we have two pointers in front of us. One of them shows the way to the land of Politeness, and the other to the land where there are no rules. Which of these countries would you like to go to?

(If children choose the country of Politeness, the teacher warns that the path there lies through a country in which there are no rules.)

Educator:- So, we found ourselves in a country where there are no rules. The main slogans in this country are: “And that’s how I want it!”, “I don’t care!”, “I’m the best!”, “I don’t care!” Imagine for a moment what you can see on the streets of this country.

(Children exchange opinions.)

Educator:- Would you like to stay in such a country for at least a day, two, a week? Why?

Now let's hurry to the land of Politeness. It is ruled by Queen Etiquette. She is already several centuries old, but she is young, beautiful, graceful. It was she who taught everyone to be kind and attentive, fair and careful. It was she who taught the people of her country not only to follow the rules of behavior, but also to treat each other well. Kindness and peace reign in this country. In this country, every person is a little magician. He will certainly cheer up the sad, help in a difficult situation, and will be happy with your successes as if he were his own.

If you want to become at least a little good wizards, you definitely need to get acquainted with the rules of etiquette, the rules by which you need to behave in society, among people, the rules of cultural behavior.

So, The topic of our lesson is “Etiquette, or Just Good Manners.”

Educator: Generally accepted norms of etiquette are simple and accessible to everyone, but only constant adherence to them will make a person’s manners beautiful and the person himself charming.

What are manners? (Way to behave, external form of behavior, treatment of other people.)

Reminder "Good manners"

1. A well-mannered person is punctual, he is never late, be it work, a party or a meeting with a friend.

    He will never sit down at the table before his elders.

    At the door he will let an older man or a girl pass.

    If he enters a room where his colleagues or friends are already present, he greets first.

    Stands up, talking to elders.

6. Knowing that there is a girl ahead, the boy can afford to go only in certain cases:

    if the road is bad;

    when going down the stairs;

    when he opens the door;

    when entering an elevator or when you need to take on a difficult and dangerous task;

    when he gets out of the vehicle.

Educator: A person's manners are manifested in gestures, facial expressions and pantomime. And they make up his appearance, as well as the moral level of the personality: tact, courtesy, modesty and goodwill, or the lack thereof.

Scientists say that during a conversation we receive only 20-40% of information through perception. The rest comes from gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, and intonation of speech.

Gestures are, first of all, hand movements. Researchers count more than 700 thousand different hand movements. Such diversity helps to convey the subtlest shades of our mood and our feelings. Gestures may be appropriate, undesirable, or inaccessible.

For example, it is unacceptable to keep your hands in your pockets, point a finger, wave your hands, etc.

Unwanted gestures:

    aimlessly twirl an object (pencil, spoon, etc.) in your hands;

    twirl the button of the interlocutor;

    tugging on your sleeve while talking;

    pat on the shoulder, hang on someone;

    swing your legs while sitting at the table.

Facial expressions – facial expression (smile, glance, laughter).

The best face drawing is his friendly expression. Loud laughter is considered indecent, laughter for reasons that are not known to others: after all, someone can take this laughter personally and be very offended. But if a girl, for example, knows how to thank with a look, a smile, a nod of the head for the kindness shown to her, etc., this is considered a sign of good manners, courtesy and good manners.

Pantomime – body movements (posture, gait, posture).

What can pantomime tell about a person? (Children's answers.)

Yes, pantomime can tell a lot about a person. It is considered indecent to make faces, stick out your tongue, or open your mouth wide. Posture and manners should be respectful. Pantomime is designed to emphasize your dignity, and not to entertain others.

Practical part. Exercises and games on the development of facial expressions, gestures, pantomime.

Conclusion: Good manners must be learned. A person should be restrained in manners. Must be able to control yourself.

Conversation with children “Good manners”

Ethical conversation “Good manners” for children with moderate mental retardation.

Destination: I bring to your attention a summary of a conversation with children, developed for children with moderate mental retardation. Also this one methodological development may be useful for teachers preschool education and parents.
Middle group girls, number of children: 4.
Pargisheva Raisa Nikolaevna. GKURS(Y) Republican Children's Home Boarding School.
Target: Conduct an ethical conversation with children.
- Strengthen ideas about good manners;
- Develop attention, visual – imaginative thinking;
- Cultivate motivation and culture of behavior.
Material used: pictures with mood faces, for all children, pictures for poems, magic words on the board, pictures.
Progress of the lesson:
1. Organizational moment.
- Hello girls, I’m glad to welcome you to class today. Sit down on the carpet (children sit in a semi-circle).
- There are mood cards in front of you, take them and show them what mood you have this moment mood (children take cards and show if everyone is in a good mood, the teacher continues the lesson, and if someone is in a bad mood, we try to raise it and figure out why it is bad).

- Everyone has good mood, you are all glad to see me and I am very happy.
- Let's look at each other and smile, let's start our lesson in a good mood.
2. Main part.
- You and I have talked more than once about good manners. Today in class I will check how you have mastered them.
- In the everyday life of a polite, well-mannered person there are always words that we call “magic”. With the help of these words you can even sad or offended person help restore good mood.
- Do you know the magic words?
- What words are these?
- Oh, please, is this the magic word? (children's answers).
- Of course, it’s magical.
- What other magic words do you know? (please, excuse me, excuse me, thank you). I post the words on the board.
- Can we call magic words kind words? (children's answers).
- Kind words are words that will be very useful to you in life.
- Guys, when you enter the group, how do you greet the teacher? (saying hello).
- Hello, this is a word of greeting.
- What other words of greeting do you know? (children's answers).
- Now listen to the poems:
Kind words are not laziness
Repeat to me three times a day,
I'll just go out the gate,
To everyone going to work,
Blacksmith, weaver, doctor,
"Good morning!" - I scream.
"Good afternoon!" - I shout after
Everyone going to lunch.
« Good evening! - that’s how I greet you

Everyone rushing home for tea.
- You know kind words, but listen to this story that happened one morning.
I got up terribly gloomy,

Neither roosters nor hens,
Neither burdocks nor shepherds
Didn't shout:
"Good morning!"
- Guys, what do you think this boy was in? (bad)
- Show me on the mood cards that lie in front of you, bad moods (show).
- Now show me your bad mood (the children grimace).
- Do you think this boy did the right thing by not saying hello to anyone?
- Of course not. If you are in a bad mood, you still need to say hello to everyone.
I rise with the sun,
I sing with the birds:
- Good morning!
- Happy clear day!
That's how nice we sing!

- Guys, what word of greeting did you hear in this poem? (Good morning). Let's read this word on the board.
- Guys, when men or boys enter the premises, what do they need to do? (correctly say hello).
- And when entering the premises, men must remove their hats.
- What is a headdress? (children list).
- Do our boys do this? (girls' answers).
He was a boletus, smart, daring,
He raised his hat slightly,
When we met, he said: “Hello.”

- Now let's play a little. We get up and go to the table. There is a cut picture in front of you, you need to assemble it. They put it together, well done (whoever has difficulty, the teacher provides assistance).
- Well done, it's a hare.

We made a snow hare in the garden,
The whole snow hare
loved winter
We often brought carrots to the hare.
“Eat to your health!” we asked.
Our hare held a carrot in his paws;
If he could, he would say “thank you.”

- Guys, kind words, you should always remember.
- You girls have been studying together for a long time and live in the same group. If you need to ask for something, such as a pencil, how do you ask?
- Don't forget about polite words. You need to ask not just give me a pencil, but by saying the magic word.
-What word is this? Let's find it on the board (please).
Physical education minute “Bunny”
- Now let’s take a little rest and stand in a circle:
The gray bunny washes himself,
Apparently he's going to visit
I washed my tail, washed my ear,
Wiped it dry.
Skok - skok, skok - skok,
The bunny jumped onto the sand
He beats the drum loudly,
He invites you to play leapfrog.
It's cold for the hare to sit
Need to warm up my paws.
Paws up, paws down,
We stood up on our toes.
We put our paws on the side.
On your toes, hop - hop - hop,
And then squat down,
So that your paws don't freeze.

(the teacher shows the movements, the girls repeat).
- Well done, let's sit down on the carpet.
- Now listen to the poem:
A 5-6 year old bear was taught how to behave:
Away, bear, you can’t roar,
You have to bow to your acquaintances, take off your hat to them,
Do not step on paws or catch fleas with your teeth,
And don't walk on four. No need to slurp and yawn,
And whoever yawns must cover his open mouth with his paw.
Be obedient and be polite
And give way to passers-by, and respect the old.
The bear was taught for 5-6 years how to behave...
But, apparently, the teachers were wasting their time!

-Who is the poem talking about?
- What did they teach him? (rules of behavior).
- And how successful? Why?
Polite words.
- Now let's play polite words. Say the word (read the words on the board).
1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word...;
2. The old stump will turn green when it hears....;
3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll say together...;
4. The boy, polite and developed, says when we meet….
3. Lesson summary:
- What a great fellow you are, you did so well today;
- What did you like most?
- Let's read the magic words on the board again. And we will never forget about them.
- Show the mood card with what mood you are finishing our lesson. Why.
Thank you for your attention!


  • contribute to the development of good manners and goodwill in students;
  • mutual understanding with classmates;
  • introduce schoolchildren to the rules of good manners accepted in our society and in other countries;
  • introduce students to the term etiquette and its concepts and meaning; learn the history of etiquette.


  • posters with sayings:
    • “Etiquette makes kings slaves to the court.”
    • The tongue protects the head.
    • If you want respect, don't start with an insult.
  • invitation cards, - 2 pieces
  • poster “Well-mannered man” - 2 pieces
  • colored pencils, felt-tip pens
  • sheets for dough - everyone
  • a box for each team (socks, a handkerchief, a vase, a flower, a box of chocolates, a book, a soft toy, a piggy bank, a set of pens, pencils, a toothbrush, gift bags for wrapping gifts).
  • medal “Etiquette Expert” (? pieces)
  • sheet with proverbs – 2 pieces
  • prizes (chupiki)


There are guests at our lesson, whom we will ask to act as a jury for today's competitions.

Teacher. Whether you are a person of any origin, hold any beliefs, politeness and tact will never spoil you.

How many times have you heard: “take off your hat indoors”, “greet your acquaintances”, “let girls go ahead of you” and much more. All these are rules of good manners or, in other words - etiquette.

Student. Eat funny story on the origin of good manners: “One day, wet snow caught a large company of hedgehogs on a rock plateau. They found the cave with difficulty. Huddled together - it’s warmer. But those who were in the middle were suffocating, and those who were on the edge were freezing. The hedgehogs could not find a middle ground - they stabbed each other with needles, froze, collided, and scattered into corners. And then we agreed: to give in to each other. If you get warm in the middle, go to the edge and wait your turn again.”

Teacher: says again: the hedgehogs have agreed, they have established their own order of behavior.

A the established, accepted order of behavior in society is called ETIQUETTE.

Teacher Today in class you will learn the history of the origin of etiquette, get acquainted with the rules of behavior of some peoples, and learn why it is necessary to follow etiquette. So where did they come from? different rules etiquette?

The word “etiquette” appeared under King Louis 14. At one of the king’s magnificent receptions, all invitees were given cards with rules of behavior that guests must follow. These cards were called “labels”. This is where the concept of “etiquette” comes from - good manners, good manners, ability to behave in society.

Many rules originated in the Middle Ages. For example: take off your hat or gloves when greeting.

Student. The medieval knight, wanting to show that he was among friends and had nothing to fear, took off his helmet or raised his visor. Subsequently, when the helmet gave way to other headdresses, the nobleman took off or raised his hat for the same purpose to show that he was among friends. Even later, they began to remove the hat in front of a superior person, and when greeting an equal, they only touched it. Women were always greeted by removing their head covering. And in this form, this ritual was preserved in the 19th century, without changing over the centuries. Even the kings of France, who never took off their hats to anyone, touched her when a lady appeared.

Teacher. Thanks, very interesting. We have another message.

Student. The custom of shaking hands has more ancient history. The man extended his unarmed palm with the fingers of his right hand extended as a sign of no hostile intentions. A tradition has been preserved to this day, according to which the youngest in age or position never extends his hand first, since it may simply not be accepted.

Teacher. Compliance with the rules reached the point of absurdity. There was even a saying: “Etiquette makes kings slaves to the court”.

Student. There have been cases in history when the desire to maintain etiquette could cost people their lives. The Spanish King Philip III sacrificed his life in the name of etiquette. Sitting by the fireplace, in which the fire was burning too hot, the king did not allow any of the courtiers to put the damper on and did not move away himself. The courtier who was supposed to watch the fire in the fireplace was absent. The king decided not to move, although the flames were already burning his face and the lace on his clothes caught fire. Having received severe burns, he died a few days later.

Teacher. And another example of absurd behavior.

Student. Sometimes strict adherence to etiquette led to the sacrifice of human lives. At the Spanish court of Philip II, the queen once fell from her horse, getting her foot stuck in the stirrup. The horse dragged the queen along, but no one dared to help her, so as not to offend Her Majesty by touching her leg. When two courtiers nevertheless decided to save the half-dead queen, they hastened to immediately hide from the king’s wrath for a gross violation of the rules of etiquette.

Teacher. The word etiquette entered the Russian language early XVII century. At first, etiquette was used as a court ceremony. With the advent of printing, the first manuals on etiquette began to appear. The first book on etiquette was called “Domostroy”. It outlined the rules of human behavior in everyday life. Peter 1, who traveled extensively throughout Europe, really wanted his subjects to be like Europeans. He wanted to adopt their customs and morals. Under Peter 1, in 1717, a book about good manners called “An Honest Mirror of Youth” was published. This book was addressed to young people and talked about the rules of behavior in society. A well-bred nobleman was supposed, for example, to always be polite and courteous, know foreign languages, be able to speak eloquently, and treat elders with respect.

Teacher. Let's check your attentiveness.

What was the name of the first book on etiquette in Rus'? DOMOSTROY.

What was the name of the book published under Peter I? “THE HONEST MIRROR OF YOUTH”


But the rules are different. Etiquette has national characteristics. The same rules are interpreted differently in different countries. Let's take the simplest thing - greeting. How do we greet each other?

Here's how they greet each other in different countries:

Student: Ancient Greeks - “Rejoice!”

  • modern Greeks - “Be healthy!”,
  • Arabs - “Peace be with you!”
  • Indians - “Everything is fine!”,
  • British and Americans shake hands,
  • Chinese people shake hands with themselves,
  • Laplanders rub noses together
  • Latin Americans - kiss each other on the cheek,
  • Japanese people bow.

Teacher. They can say a lot gestures: We nod our heads up and down - yes, Bulgarians - no.

The teacher suggests "Game of Gestures"(physical education minute)

Are you happy with today?

Is there a lot homework did you get it for tomorrow?

Are you looking forward to the holidays?

(Students answer the teacher’s questions with gestures.)

Well done! We laughed, now let's continue the conversation.

Teacher. Untidyness, rudeness, cheekiness, ignorance of decency repel people from us who could love and respect us if we were more educated. Good manners are strongly associated with a person’s internal culture.

Live as if there was a mirror in front of you.

Treat people the way you want them to treat you.

Do you want someone to joke with you the way you are going to joke with a friend?

Do you want someone to cheerfully hide your briefcase or move your pencil case?

Contest: "Invitation Etiquette.”

A polite person is usually friendly and cheerful. He has a lot of friends.

Imagine that you are inviting guests to your birthday party. And a lot depends on how you invite them, in what mood they will come to you. You can invite someone to visit in writing or orally. Your task is to write invitation cards to a friend. But first, warm up:

-What to do if you are invited to visit? (thank you, ask parents for permission)

Is it possible to invite someone to a birthday party by phone? (you can, but only a very close friend)

Is it polite to be late for a visit? (indecent)

-If for some reason you cannot accept an invitation, what should you do so as not to offend the inviter? (apologize and be sure to state the reason for the refusal)

-How should you invite to a birthday party: a few hours before the celebration or in advance? (in advance)

-How should you behave when visiting? (be cheerful, friendly, don’t try to attract special attention)

The ability to write legibly is the first rule of politeness. (V. Klyuchevsky)

(Teams write, then read out invitations). Jury Score

Teacher: So, the invitation has been received, now you need to choose a gift, the next competition is dedicated to gift etiquette.

Student. We all love gifts. Giving gifts is as pleasant as receiving them. But you need to be able to do both.

Any gift is an encrypted message. It can be a sign of friendship, attention and respect. For my centuries-old history giving gifts has turned into a real ritual with its own rules, norms and requirements, according to which a gift should be chosen and presented so that the person for whom it is intended would like it, and the moment of presentation would look dignified.

Contest.“Gift etiquette”(see packages)

You see a lot of gifts on the table. The team member must choose the gift that he would like to give to his friend, girlfriend, or mother. Keep in mind the main thing: you will need explain, to whom it is (friend, grandfather, etc.) that you will present this gift and Why your choice fell on this thing.

(Team member shows the gift and explains his choice). Jury assessment.

Teacher: The gift has been chosen. You can go visit. But in fact, that's not all. After all, a person’s appearance is also very important! A sloppy and unkempt person shows disrespect for the feelings and tastes of other people. Every team must now draw up rules for the appearance of a well-mannered person. (1 min)

Clothes must be clean.

Hair must be styled.

Clothes should be neat.

Nails are in decent shape. Jury Score

Teacher: Well, now you're really ready. You can go visit. When visiting, you are already asked to take a seat at the table. Now you need to remember the rules of behavior at the table.

Contest “Table etiquette” Questions with answers are asked to teams in turn.

1. When can you sit down to the festive table?

As soon as we entered the room.

Only after the owners sit down.

After the hostess's invitation +

2. You sit down at the table, take a napkin and...

Tuck it into the collar.

Place it on your knees +

Place it next to the plate.

3. How to behave if you are offered a dish that you don’t really like?

Angrily refuse.

Refuse, stating the reason for refusal.

Take a little, thanking +

4. What should you not talk about at the table while eating?

About diseases +

About the weather

About new impressions

5. Why is a knife applied to fish?

To separate meat from bones +

To cut a large piece into small ones.

To hold the piece when using a fork.

6. Which cuts from the common dishes should you choose?

The biggest.

The smallest ones.

Those that are closer to you +

7. If you need to cut food into pieces, which hand should you hold the knife in and which hand should you hold the fork in?

In the right hand is a fork, in the left is a knife.

In the right hand - a knife, in the left - a fork +

One by one.

8. What should you do if you accidentally dropped a fork, knife or spoon on the floor?

Get up and continue eating.

Ask for another device.

Apologize and ask for another device +

Jury Score

Teacher.The main purpose of a friendly meeting is not food, but atmosphere– friendly gestures, glances, smile.

Every cultured person must not only know and observe the basic norms of etiquette, but also understand the need for certain rules of relationships.

Choosing an “Etiquette Expert”

One test will help us find out how well you are familiar with etiquette rules. Your task: after listening carefully to the question, answer “yes” or “no.” After which everyone will count their points and find out how you know the etiquette rules. Try to be completely honest. Ready? Attention question.

1. Are you sure that if you quarrel with a friend, then there is no need to greet him?

2. On public transport, do you always give up your seat to the elderly, the sick and those with children?

3. After eating candy on the street, do you carefully roll the candy wrapper into a small ball and, so that it doesn’t lie under your feet, throw it on the lawn?

4. Do you always say hello to people, even if you are in a bad mood?

5. When you find yourself in an unfamiliar house, do you try to look into all the rooms to know where everything is happening?

6. Do you always hold heavy doors so that they don’t hit the person walking behind you?

7. After receiving a gift, you will put it aside and say: “Thank you. Will watch later"?

8. Do you think that late guests should wait until they arrive, and only then invite everyone to the table?

9. When inviting guests, do you hope that they will be able to entertain themselves?

10. After eating a light cake, do you always wipe your fingers with a napkin instead of licking them?

Now let's see what you got. “Yes” answers should be numbered: 2, 4, 6, 10; the rest are “no”. For each match - 1 point.

Has the jury counted? Let's see what results you got.

  • 10 points - you are an excellent expert on the rules of etiquette!
  • 6-9 points – your knowledge of etiquette needs improvement.
  • 3-6 points – you need to educate yourself.
  • Less than 3 points – this is probably the first time you’ve heard the word “etiquette.”

Now the jury will award the most “Etiquette expert”

Tasks for teams:

Task No. 1: in a minute, connect the halves of the proverbs:

Jury Score

Teacher. Through etiquette, a person learns good manners and rules of behavior in society. Today we got acquainted with several types of etiquette: knightly etiquette (greeting, handshake), palace etiquette, invitation, gift, table etiquette. Great importance in communication between people has speech etiquette.

With the help of certain phrases, we can set the people around us to have a friendly attitude towards ourselves, express joy, desire, request, resentment, dissatisfaction. Examples of violations of speech etiquette (a salesman on a first-name basis, an acquaintance who did not say hello at the meeting, did not apologize for a bad deed, did not thank him for the service). Lack of respect for the feelings of others leads to cruelty and rude manners. And rudeness pushes us away from such people.

Task No. 2

In 30 seconds, write down as many “polite” words as possible.

  • Thank you!
  • Please!
  • Thank you
  • Sorry!
  • Sorry!
  • Please!
  • Be kind!
  • Don't blame me!
  • Welcome!
  • Hello!
  • Good morning!
  • Good afternoon
  • Goodbye!
  • See you again!
  • Good night!

Jury Score

  • What do “magic” words sound like in other languages?
  • English language – thank you
  • German language – danke
  • Italian language – grazie
  • French merci
  • Ukraine. language - thank you
  • Spanish language – gracias
  • Kazakhs. language – Rakhmet

When listing “polite words”, the last example would be “be healthy!”

Current situation:

The result of the lesson is the poster “Well-mannered person”

We learned a lot today about observing the rules of behavior in society and etiquette. Let's summarize. Each team is given a poster. You must continue your statement.

“A well-mannered person is one who...”

Write down all the continuation options you come up with with felt-tip pens on the poster.

(Then the posters are hung up and read out.)

Summarizing. The jury names the winning team and presents them with prizes. The second team is also awarded.

Many thanks to the jury. Many thanks to the participants!


Educational: to raise children into well-mannered people.

Educational: learn to make yourself an educated person .

Plan. 1. What kind of person can be called educated?

2. Self-observation.

  1. Self-esteem.
  2. Study other people's opinions.
  3. Check yourself.

“Manners are not trivial matters; they are the fruit of a noble soul and an honest mind" Tennyson

“Good manners consist of small self-sacrifices.” » Emerson

“The ability to behave adorns and costs nothing » German proverb

“Don’t say anything bad about anyone unless you know it for sure, and if you do, then ask yourself: why am I saying this?” J. Sand

The lesson takes the form of a conversation. The teacher poses questions to the students and together they try to find the answers.


There are thousands of situations in life that no, even the most complete, set of rules of behavior can foresee. And then the only right decision will be prompted by good manners. What kind of person can be called educated?


He will not allow unceremoniousness or rudeness.

He will establish positive qualities in a person - tolerance, unobtrusiveness, simplicity, delicacy, understanding. Etc.


Where do such qualities come from?


Gift of nature.

Education from childhood.

With the help of adults.

Observe people whose behavior you like. Etc.


But if we distinguish educated people, isn’t it possible to learn something from them? What is needed for this, let's think together:

Students: 1) you need to know what kind of person you would like to be,

2) we need to know what we are like.

3) how to bridge the gap between the second and the first.


“Know yourself,” the ancient Greeks said and believed that this was the most difficult thing in the world.

To achieve this, there are several techniques that the guys will tell us about.

(I gave them topics in advance to prepare for the event).

Student1: Self-observation.

It is as if you need to split into two: you live and do everything as usual, and at the same time observe yourself from the outside through the eyes of another person. For example: having lunch: while grandma is pouring soup, you sit and wait, don’t help her;

or scratched your head;

or touched your nose;

or the bay leaf was taken out and placed on the table;

bent low over the plate; etc.

Next time the goals will be different.

How do I talk to people?

How do I say hello?

To whom and how do I provide services?

How do I behave when visiting?

You note all your shortcomings and try not to do them.

Teacher: Of course you need to notice all your shortcomings, but you also need to see the good.

Student2: Self-esteem.

It is already clear that you need to not only take care of yourself, but also give yourself an honest assessment, without any discounts. In the evening, when you go to bed, you can remember how the day went, what you noticed about yourself, and tell yourself directly: this is bad, but things are okay here. You can keep a diary of your impressions, it also helps, but don’t let anyone read it.

Teacher:Right . After all, no one can read our thoughts in our minds, so we have no one to be ashamed of when examining our actions .

Student3.Study other people's opinions.

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake. Much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Teacher: There is a game that even adults play, let's play too. Here is a list of qualities: well-mannered, kind, affectionate, calm, patient. Rate yourself on pieces of paper opposite all these character traits.

The students write.

Teacher: Now exchange sheets of paper with your neighbor and give your neighbor marks for the same qualities.

Look: did the estimates match? Probably not. We need to think about it!

Now check yourself:

One day I was leaving the grocery store. I had bags in both hands. An unfamiliar boy opened the door for me and held it until I passed. I wanted to say thank you to him, but I don’t know if it’s right. After all, boys are obliged to let girls pass?


Who should end the phone call first?

Students: The one who calls.

Results of the event:

A poster appears.

◄ to be well-mannered:

◄ we must strive for this;

◄ we need to work on this,



Extracurricular activity plan

"Let's talk about good manners."


Educational: to raise children into well-mannered people.

Educational: learn to make yourself an educated person.

Plan. 1. What kind of person can be called educated?

2. Self-observation.

  1. Self-esteem.
  2. Study other people's opinions.
  3. Check yourself.

6. Results.

Write or prepare posters on the board:

“Manners are not trivial matters; they are the fruit of a noble soul and an honest mind" Tennyson

“Good manners consist of small self-sacrifices.”» Emerson

“The ability to behave adorns and costs nothing» German proverb

“Nobility of feelings is not always accompanied by nobility of manners” Balzac

“Don’t say anything bad about anyone unless you know it for sure, and if you do, then ask yourself: why am I saying this?” J. Sand

The lesson takes the form of a conversation. The teacher poses questions to the students and together they try to find the answers.

  1. What kind of person can be called educated?

Teacher :

There are thousands of situations in life that no, even the most complete, set of rules of behavior can foresee. And then the only right decision will be prompted by good manners.What kind of person can be called educated?


He will not allow unceremoniousness or rudeness.

He will establish positive qualities in a person - tolerance, unobtrusiveness, simplicity, delicacy, understanding. Etc.

Teacher :

Where do such qualities come from?


Gift of nature.

Education from childhood.

With the help of adults.

Observe people whose behavior you like. Etc.

Teacher :

But if we distinguish educated people, isn’t it possible to learn something from them? What is needed for this, let's think together:

Students : 1) you need to know what kind of person you would like to be,

2) we need to know what we are like.

3) how to bridge the gap between the second and the first.

Teacher :

“Know yourself,” the ancient Greeks said and believed that this was the most difficult thing in the world.

To achieve this, there are several techniques that the guys will tell us about.

(I gave them topics in advance to prepare for the event).

Student1 : Self-observation.

It is as if you need to split into two: you live and do everything as usual, and at the same time observe yourself from the outside through the eyes of another person. For example: having lunch: while grandma is pouring soup, you sit and wait, don’t help her;

or scratched your head;

Or they touched their nose;

Or the bay leaf was taken out and placed on the table;

They bent low over the plate; etc.

Next time the goals will be different.

How do I talk to people?

How do I say hello?

To whom and how do I provide services?

How do I behave when visiting?

You note all your shortcomings and try not to do them.

Teacher : Of course you need to notice all your shortcomings, but you also need to see the good.

Student2: Self-esteem.

It is already clear that you need to not only take care of yourself, but also give yourself an honest assessment, without any discounts. In the evening, when you go to bed, you can remember how the day went, what you noticed about yourself, and tell yourself directly: this is bad, but things are okay here. You can keep a diary of your impressions, it also helps, but don’t let anyone read it.

Teacher: That's right. After all, no one can read our thoughts in our minds, so we have no one to be ashamed of when examining our actions.

Student3. Study other people's opinions.

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake. Much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Teacher : There is a game that even adults play, let's play too.Here is a list of qualities: well-mannered, kind, affectionate, calm, patient. Rate yourself on pieces of paper opposite all these character traits.

The students write.

Teacher: Now exchange sheets of paper with your neighbor and give your neighbor marks for the same qualities.

Look: did the estimates match? Probably not. We need to think about it!

Now check yourself:

One day I was leaving the grocery store. I had bags in both hands. An unfamiliar boy opened the door for me and held it until I passed. I wanted to say thank you to him, but I don’t know if it’s right. After all, boys are obliged to let girls pass?

Students express their opinions, discuss, and come to the conclusion that saying thank you is not harmful. The more often the better.

Who should end the phone call first?

Students : The one who calls.

The teacher sometimes corrects, sometimes agrees.

Results of the event:

A poster appears.

“Good manners cannot be hammered into a person, it cannot be instilled, pinned down, it cannot be forced onto a person.

This is a quality that grows from within as a result own work person above you».

The students sum up the results of the lesson by reciting the main thoughts voiced during the lesson:

◄ to be well-mannered:

◄ we must strive for this;

◄ we need to work on this,

◄ you need to engage in self-improvement.
