The end of the stage. The phrase “at the end.” How to distinguish between a noun and a preposition

Many rules of the Russian language cause difficulties even for native speakers, not to mention foreigners. finish or finish? Are these two verbs interchangeable, is there a difference between them? Detailed answers to these questions are contained in the article. Provided and simple examples which will help you better understand the material.

Finish or Finish: What's the Difference?

It may seem that these verbs have exactly the same meaning. Does the person verbally or writing the verb “to finish” or “to finish” does not have any effect on the meaning of the phrase. People who sincerely believe this forget that the Russian language has no room for accidents. Every element serves a specific purpose, and verb prefixes are no exception.

Different prefixes are used precisely in order not to distort the meaning of the phrase, but to accurately convey the meaning of the word depending on the semantic context. There really is a difference between the verbs “finish” and “finish”. You just need to understand what exactly it is.

Verb "to finish"

So, finish or finish? Suppose that a person wants to talk about the completion of an action that is associated with the completion of a certain job or only part of it. It can be intellectual, physical, creative. Or we are talking about the completion of a certain process that is not related to human activity.

What verb should he use in this case? The correct answer is to finish.

Examples with the prefix “for”

The examples below will help you better understand when the verb “finish” is used.

  • “Peter Fedorovich finally finished the construction of the cottage and began arranging the garden area.”
  • “The writer ended the novel with a sad phrase about an unhappy first love.”
  • "The storming of the fortress walls ended the reign of the cruel dynasty."
  • “The speaker finished her speech to thunderous applause and took her place in the auditorium.”
  • “Tatyana Vitalievna needs time to finish sewing the dress.”
  • “The opponents decided to end the dispute because they could not reach a consensus during the debate.”
  • "Victoria must finish cleaning the apartment before the guests arrive, as she wants to make a good impression."
  • “Alina Arkadyevna noticed that the rain had stopped.”
  • “Winter is ending, the long-awaited spring will soon come.”

Verb "to finish"

Let's say a girl's studies at the university have come to an end. Correct way to write: graduated from or graduated from a university? IN in this case the verb "to finish" should be used. This option comes to the rescue only when it comes to the learning process; it is the only correct one.

There are set expressions that are useful to remember in order to no longer hesitate in choosing the right option. School, lyceum, seminary, university, technical school - all these institutions can only be completed. Which is correct: graduate or graduate from college? The correct answer in this case is a verb with the prefix "o".

Also, the verb “graduate” should be chosen without hesitation when it comes to completing studies in certain courses, and not doubt how to write correctly: graduated or graduated. For example, courses foreign languages, cutting and sewing, extreme driving, oratory.

Examples with the prefix "o"

“It was hard to study, but Maria still graduated from the university with honors.”

"Alexander graduated from school with honors, and then moved to St. Petersburg."

Completed the courses English language in order to find work abroad."

“Alexey Mikhailovich completed extreme driving courses because he wanted to feel more confident behind the wheel of a car.”

“Svetlana did not want to spend five years studying at the university; she preferred to graduate from technical school and get a job.”

“Nikolai began acting in films and TV series after he graduated from the Shchukin School.”

“Life circumstances forced Evgeniy to leave the university immediately after he completed his first year.”

So, did Antonina Sergeevna graduate or graduate from university? The only possible answer is that she graduated.

About interchangeability

The rules of the Russian language that are relevant today allow us to use the verb “finish” without hesitation when we are talking about the completion of an action or process. For example, you can say “the patient’s treatment is finished” or “the construction of the dacha is finished”, this will not be considered a gross mistake.

However, the verb "finish" cannot be used in cases where the completion of training is implied. You can only graduate from school (university, lyceum, technical school), but not finish it. Therefore, you should not think about whether the student graduated or graduated from college.

Outdated option

There were times when the verb “to finish” was actively used in the Russian language, not only in spoken but also in written speech. As evidence, one can cite a conversation between two characters from Viktor Astafiev’s work “The Sighting Staff.” One person tells another that “he finished school and became literate.”

The times when the use of the verb “to finish” absolutely did not violate the rules of the Russian language are in the distant past. Nowadays, they no longer say “finish school”, since this is a gross mistake that a literate person should not make.

Let's sum it up

The verb “finished” is used when it is necessary to report the completion of an action in a broad sense. Whereas the verb “finished” is used only when the completion of the learning process is implied.

The verb “finished” is part of stable combinations, while the verb “finished” does not form them. The option with the prefix “for” can be used in any speech construction that is suitable in meaning.

The verb “finished” cannot be replaced with the verb “finished”; this will be considered an error. Which is correct: graduated or graduated from college? The only possible option is to graduate.

The verb “finished” can be replaced with the verb “finished”, regardless of the context.

There is currently talk of finally making the verbs "end" and "finish" interchangeable. This proposal is supported by some linguists, but not by all.

All we can say with certainty is that no serious steps have been taken in this direction yet. It is possible that the time will come when it will be possible not to specify whether a student has graduated or graduated from university, but to confidently use any of possible options. After all, the rules of the Russian language sometimes change.

The Russian language has always been difficult to learn. Even native speakers often have questions. This time we will deal with a rather complex case of using different parts of speech. Namely, how to correctly use the words “at the end” and “at the end” in writing (or also).

1. Upon completion

If we mean the neuter noun "ending", then it obeys general rules case declensions for the following nouns:
  • Them. p. - ending
  • R.p.-endings
  • D.p.-ending
  • V.p.-ending
  • T.p.-ending
  • P.p. - about the end
That is, if we need to use the dative case of a given noun, we write “at the end.”
Example: At the end of the detective story, we judge the author. Definition of case at the end of a word.

2. Upon completion

When we use the expression “at the end” as a preposition, the only correct spelling is with the ending -ii.
Example: After the movie ended we went home. At the end of the season, the players go on vacation.

How to distinguish between a noun and a preposition

If we can add a pronoun to the word "ending", then it is a noun.

At the end of it, we judge the author.

If it is possible to replace the phrase “at the end” with the word “after”, this is a preposition. Example:

After the movie we went home.

Good afternoon Please clarify whether I can use the phrase “Upon completion of the work” in the context of the fact that the work must be completed before the completion of the work, and not after. If given word not suitable, please suggest options so that it would mean “until the end” and not “after”.

Combination upon completion of work has the meaning "after completion of work". You'd better use the options: by the time the work is completed, by the end of the work, before the completion of the work.

Question No. 279856
Which is correct: at the end of the evening or at the end of the evening

Russian help desk response

In the meaning "after the end of the evening" the following is true: upon completion

Question No. 275631
I ask for help in resolving the issue at the end of the sacrament.
There was a similar answer in question 272904, but my situation is a little different.
Which is correct: "OJSC CB "Mosbank", hereinafter referred to as..." or "OJSC CB "Mosbank", hereinafter referred to as...".

Russian help desk response

Right: OJSC "CB "Mosbank"", called...

Question No. 275475
at the end or at the end of the concert, thanks for the answer

Russian help desk response

In the meaning “after the concert” it is correct: at the end of the concert.

Question No. 275383
Is it correct “at the end” or “at the end” (meaning a period of time)?
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Preposition - upon completion.

Question No. 274580
Good evening) Which is correct: at the end of the course or at the end of the course?

Russian help desk response

In the meaning "after completion of the course" the following is true: upon completion. If the combination is used in a different meaning, then the second option is correct.

Question No. 274338
Good afternoon
I am completely confused with the conjugation, and I am surprised that no questions about this arose at school or institute. And now I can’t figure it out with my son (6th grade).
According to the rule from the textbook, the verb LIVE should belong to the 2nd conjugation (all verbs are in it, except shave, lay), but it is clearly 1st conjugation!
The same goes for beating, pouring, howling, and so on.
It looks like the rule is greatly truncated and it is not clear how to determine conjugations then.
I advise my son to now conjugate the verb in plural THEY LIVE and at the end determine that this is 1 conjugation.
I found a more complete rule on Wikipedia, and all these verbs are listed there - and it turns out that there are not 11 exception verbs at all, but much more - it is simply impossible to learn them. So why are children forced to learn a truncated rule that does not stand up to criticism? And how do you come across the verb LIVE, SLEEP (according to rule 1, according to life 2), SOUND, SHAKE, etc. - what should a child do? test work, how to determine conjugation?
And horror also arises with differently conjugated verbs - where is the list of them, except to run and want. Poor children - a complete mess in their heads! Please tell me how to organize this mess?

Russian help desk response

Question No. 270666
In what cases in geographical names is the gender determined by the generic word (city, river, principality, etc.), and in which by the ending ? If only foreign languages ​​are determined by generic words geographical names, then is it worth considering the names of cities in foreign languages? former USSR? For example, the names of cities in Moldova, where now official language only the Moldovan language is recognized, they are still consistent by the ending in the name, and not by the generic word (Rybnitsa was included, Balti is located). But at the same time, you can often hear disagreements regarding the agreement of adjectives and verbs with such Belarusian cities as Buda-Koshelevo, Molodechno, Berezino, etc. Is it correct to coordinate them in the neuter gender or in the masculine gender? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Alexey

Russian help desk response

Here you need to pay attention to the inclination or indeclinability of the name. If the name in Russian is not inflected, then the agreement in gender is determined by the generic word (city, village, village...). If the name is inclined to -O, then the gender is neuter.

Question No. 270238
Dear Certificate,
Please help me figure out what kind of name the Greenpeace organization is.
In the spelling dictionary, without quotes, and husband. gender (judging by the ending of the gender case -a). But in the dictionary of proper names on your portal, in quotation marks, with the notes uncl., female. genus.
What to focus on and what will be the right way?
I'm looking forward to your answer! Thanks for the previous answers, they were very helpful in my work.

Russian help desk response

Yes, dictionaries contain contrary recommendations. But on the website of this organization they write: Greenpeace made it public, Greenpeace revealed, i.e. agreement on masculine(as indicated in the Russian Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Question No. 270066
Good afternoon Please tell me how to write correctly in the application: at the end of vacation (work) or at the end of vacation (work)? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Right: upon completion(meaning “after something”).

Question No. 267869
How to write correctly: at the end of the program or at the end of the program?

Russian help desk response

In the meaning "after completion" the following is true: upon completion.

Question No. 264539
How to write correctly
At the end of work or at the end of work

Russian help desk response

Meaning "after work" - upon completion.

Question No. 264230
Good afternoon

A dispute arose at work: at the end of the training period or at the end of the training period? Which is correct? And also - upon completion or upon completion of training?

Thanks in advance for your answer!

Russian help desk response

Right: upon completion, upon completion. Pretext By in the meaning “after” is used with nouns in the prepositional case.

Question No. 262487
How to say correctly: according to the director’s order or according to the director’s order?
At the end of work or at the end of work? Thanks in advance!

Russian help desk response

Correct: according to the order, at the end (=after) the work.

Question No. 261687
Help (,) please! What is the conjugation of the verb DAT? This is not a differently conjugated verb, and it has unusual endings (-m, -sh, -st, -im, -ite, -ut). If you define it by the infinitive or by the end of 3 years pl. h., it turns out that this is a verb of 1st conjugation. Is this so? Very urgent! Thanks in advance! And is it necessary to put a comma in the 1st sentence?

Best regards, Nastyusha!

Russian help desk response

At the verb give a special type of conjugation; in school practice this verb is usually called heterogeneously conjugated. A comma is needed.

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    upon completion- Institute they will go to work in the North... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    upon completion- at the end, preposition with gender. After the exam was over, everyone went to the cinema... Together. Separately. Hyphenated.

    assessment at the end of the Games- This term refers to the analysis and evaluation of the Games (from internal and external points of view), as well as the collection of information required for analysis or knowledge transfer. [Department of Linguistic Services of the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. Glossary of terms] EN ...

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    low paper warning signal- (in recorders and oscilloscopes) - [Ya.N.Luginsky, M.S.Fezi Zhilinskaya, Yu.S.Kabirov. English-Russian dictionary of electrical engineering and power engineering, Moscow, 1999] Topics of electrical engineering, basic concepts EN paper out alarm ... Technical Translator's Guide

    upon completion- upon completion (having finished) ... Russian spelling dictionary

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  • Diploma of completion of kindergarten (ШД-006437), . Diploma of completion of kindergarten. Full color printing. Format: A 4. Paper type: coated cardboard. Made in Russia...