Day of missile forces and artillery in Russia. Day of Missile Troops and Artillery Day of Missile Troops and Artillery 19

November 19 is celebrated in Russia missile forces and artillery. On the calendar holiday dates The date November 19 was chosen due to the fact that in 1942 it was on this day that the first phase of the Red Army’s counteroffensive at Stalingrad began. From July to November 1942, the defensive operation continued, which extinguished the enemy’s offensive impulses, exhausted him and gave the Soviet troops the opportunity to prepare for the decisive blow in difficult conditions. The most important role in the counteroffensive operation was played by the use of artillery against Nazi troops, which in the future served as the basis for the introduction of a new holiday into the calendar of military dates.

The plan for the counteroffensive of the Red Army near Stalingrad, called “Uranus,” was developed by the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command and the General Staff since September 1942. The development of the operation plan was led by G.K. Zhukov and A.M. Vasilevsky. On November 13, Uranus was approved. Maintaining the secrecy of the plan made it possible to ensure the surprise of the counteroffensive and, due to the transfer of forces from areas that were not identified as strategically important, a significant superiority in both manpower and equipment was ensured in the attack axes.

Success in Stalingrad operation in fact, provided a radical turning point in the Great Patriotic War, and from the defeat on the banks of the Volga, Hitler’s army, in fact, was never able to fully recover.

In 1944, November 19 became an important military date - Artillery Day. An addition to this holiday in the form of missile troops appeared, for obvious reasons, later - in 1964.

However, when talking about missile forces and artillery, we certainly cannot ignore earlier historical periods. The first mention of the use of guns in our country, generally speaking, refers to the battle against the Horde Khan Tokhtamysh in 1382. During the defense of Moscow, fire was fired from the so-called mattresses (presumably from the Turkish “tyufenk” - gun and the Persian “tufang” - pipe).

This firearm was originally used as a means of defense against city walls. In the same battle, chroniclers (in particular, talking about the Nikon Chronicle) provide materials about the first use of classical cannons, which, according to historians, were mostly of foreign origin.

From the chronicle of 1389:

In the summer of 6879 (1389) the Germans brought armata and fiery guns from the Germans to Rus', and from that hour they learned to shoot with them.

For a long time, by the way, in historical literature the term “from German” (in fact, from abroad) was omitted, which clearly did not add historical authenticity.

And about today...

What are the Russian missile forces and artillery in our time? This is an integral part of the Ground Forces, consisting of missile, rocket, artillery brigades, including high-power artillery divisions, rocket artillery regiments, separate reconnaissance divisions and artillery formations of combined arms brigades and military bases.

As part of re-equipment and modernization Russian army The troops receive new equipment, which simultaneously changes the appearance of the missile forces and artillery (RV and A). Only recently have the troops been replenished with hundreds of weapons, including 152-mm Msta-SM self-propelled howitzers and 9K51M Tornado-G MLRS. The Tornado-G salvo time with 40 guides is 20 s. This ensures effective destruction of targets across areas with a declared firing range of up to 60 km (some sources report that 60 km is not the limit for a modernized MLRS model).

RV and A receive anti-tank weapons, including Khrizantema-S missile systems. This is an all-weather multi-purpose missile system designed to destroy not only those tanks that are already in service with a potential enemy, but also their promising versions. "Chrysanthemum-S" is effective against low-flying air targets and small surface vessels. With its help, the enemy’s defenses, including those located in shelters, can be overcome. The complex has high degree protection against various radio interference. The maximum firing range is 6 km, the minimum is 400 m. Carryable ammunition is 15 rounds of ammunition. Automatic charging implemented.

On the eve of the holiday, the head of the Missile Forces and Artillery, Lieutenant General Mikhail Matveevsky, noted that the plans include the transfer of missiles and missiles from the Tochka-U complexes to the Iskander OTRK by 2020. RIA cites a statement from Mikhail Matveevsky:

Currently, all units of the Central Military District are completely rearmed. In addition, rearmament has been completed in the Southern and Eastern Military Districts.

It is worth noting that a feature of the Iskander-M OTRK, which is actively entering service with the troops, is its equipment with automation equipment not only for preparation for launch, but also for the missile launch itself. The developers guarantee that the Iskander-M missile hits the target with a probable deviation of no more than 15 m. At the same time, active work is underway to equip the Iskander missiles with all-weather homing heads.

On this day, Military Review congratulates all military personnel and veterans of the Missile Forces and Artillery on the holiday. To the troops themselves - systematic development and improvement!

Rocket Forces and Artillery - RFA - a branch of the ground forces, is considered the main means of fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy during combat operations. The RMiA includes missile, rocket, artillery brigades, regiments and divisions, as well as individual and part of divisions, brigades and military bases of the Russian army.

Photo: Anti-tank gun MT-12 Rapier (RIA Novosti / Pavel Lisitsyn)

The Day of Missile Forces and Artillery - as an official holiday, the day when military personnel accept congratulations - appeared on October 21, 1994, after the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. But the defenders of the homeland were honored during the Great Patriotic War, after the large-scale and extremely important Operation Uranus, carried out on November 19, 1942.


The results of Operation Uranus, one might say, changed the course of the Second World War and the success of the counteroffensive of Soviet troops during the Battle of Stalingrad. It was 80 minutes of powerful, pre-prepared and carefully planned artillery bombardment - as a result, our soldiers managed to break through the Nazi defenses, on which Germany had high hopes. The enemy's plans were destroyed, and at that moment the artillery of the Southwestern and Don Fronts launched another fire strike, reinforcing the success and eliminating enemy personnel and equipment. Afterwards, a 76-day offensive by Soviet troops began, which ended in the defeat of the German group.

Photo: Captured German at Stalingrad,

In difficult times for Russia, when our army had to defend its territory from occupation, artillery was respectfully called the “god of war.” This nickname stuck and came into use after Stalin’s landmark speech in 1940. Then Marshall Soviet Union said:

- In modern warfare, artillery is God... Anyone who wants to adapt to a new modern way must understand that artillery decides the fate of the war.

And in the Battle of Stalingrad, artillery clearly demonstrated that it really decides fate. It was after this attack, taking into account the role of guns and missiles, that Artillery Day was established - November 19.

In 1961, the name of the holiday was changed. Then this was associated with the reorganization in the army - on the basis of the artillery and missile formations of the Ground Forces, the Rocket Forces and Artillery branch was formed as a separate branch. Of course, due to confusion and all sorts of changes, the holiday lost touch with historical event The Great Patriotic War, from 1988 to 2006, Rocket Forces and Artillery Day was celebrated every third Sunday in November. But after that, everything returned to stock; now this day is celebrated, as at the very beginning, on November 19.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Pavel Lisitsyn


Artillery is the oldest branch of the Russian army - it is almost 500 years old. And during this time, a lot has changed - it all started with homemade throwing devices, capable in some cases only of frightening the enemy, and continues with innovative, best missile systems in the world, which by their very appearance make it clear that Russia is reliably protected and will fight with us hopeless and extremely dangerous.

The first mentions of artillery are found already in the 14th century - then, during the defense of Moscow from the troops of the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh in 1382, the city guards used primitive artillery pieces - “great cannons”, as well as short-barreled cannons that showered enemy troops with iron loaded into the bowl elements and stones. These shells were called “mattresses.” And there were also “launchers” - another type of projectile that was used to attack the enemy from a distance.

The first cast cannons appeared in Russia only under Ivan III. Before him, weapons were cast abroad and brought to us, but after that, the craftsmen gained experience and mastered production, which was later put into production. At that time, artillery deservedly became an integral part of the Russian army on campaigns - guns were equipped with wheels and tied to carts and carts - and delivered to the front line. At the same time, the Cannon Order was established - this is a sectoral ministry, which was entrusted with monitoring the process of casting guns, supplying them to the army and manufacturing ammunition in sufficient quantities.

In 1586, the legendary Moscow foundry worker Andrei Chokhov made a cannon with an equestrian image of Tsar Theodore Ioannovich. Later it would be called the Tsar Cannon. Then, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, artillery became an independent branch of the military.

Photo: Tsar Cannon, RIA Novosti / Valery Shustov

Artilleryman's Day is now

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is not celebrated on a large scale in Russia - rocket men are modest, responsible and a little stern people. Perhaps the main tradition of this day is laying flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow. Also on November 19, local military parades and reviews are held throughout Russia, accompanied by artillery salutes.

According to tradition, on November 19, military personnel congratulate each other and thank relatives, friends and colleagues from related units for their kind words and wishes. If among your acquaintances there are officers and warrant officers, cadets, defense industry workers, military contractors and conscripts, veterans of war, labor and the Armed Forces associated with missiles, be sure to congratulate them on this day.

The Japanese name for Japan, Nihon (日本), consists of two parts - ni (日) and hon (本), both of which are Sinicisms. The first word (日) in modern Chinese is pronounced rì and, as in Japanese, means “sun” (represented in writing by its ideogram). The second word (本) in modern Chinese is pronounced bӗn. Its original meaning is "root", and the ideogram representing it is the ideogram of the tree mù (木) with a dash added at the bottom to indicate the root. From the meaning of “root” the meaning of “origin” developed, and it was in this sense that it entered the name of Japan Nihon (日本) – “origin of the sun” > “land of the rising sun” (modern Chinese rì bӗn). In ancient Chinese, the word bӗn (本) also had the meaning of “scroll, book.” In modern Chinese it is replaced in this sense by the word shū (書), but remains in it as a counting word for books. The Chinese word bӗn (本) was borrowed into Japanese both in the sense of "root, origin" and in the sense of "scroll, book", and in the form hon (本) meaning book and in modern Japanese. The same Chinese word bӗn (本) meaning “scroll, book” was also borrowed into the ancient Turkic language, where, after adding the Turkic suffix -ig, it acquired the form *küjnig. The Türks brought this word to Europe, where it from the language of the Danube Turkic-speaking Bulgars in the form knig entered the language of the Slavic-speaking Bulgarians and, through Church Slavonic, spread to other Slavic languages, including Russian.

Thus, Russian word book and the Japanese word hon "book" have common root of Chinese origin, and the same root is included as the second component in the Japanese name for Japan Nihon.

I hope everything is clear?)))

Rocket Forces and Artillery Day is a professional holiday for rocket and artillerymen. Everyone related to this branch of the military, including service veterans and cadets of military educational institutions, joins the celebration.

In Russia in 2020, the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is celebrated on November 19 and is held at the official level 77 times.

Meaning: the date of the holiday is timed to coincide with the counter-offensive of the Red Army during Battle of Stalingrad 19.11.1942.

On this day there are festive celebrations, concerts with the participation of show business stars, receptions, parades, demonstrations of technical weapons, demonstration exercises and shooting, rallies, and meetings. Distinguished employees are awarded medals, awards, and cash bonuses.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The date of the event has a symbolic meaning. On November 19, 1942, a fierce battle took place Soviet army with the soldiers fascist Germany near Stalingrad. The artillery fire stunned the enemy, and after a counteroffensive he was driven out of the captured territory. The contribution to the victory of these troops was enormous, and for military merits, the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 21, 1944 “On the establishment of the annual holiday “Artillery Day” of the Red Army” established its annual celebration on November 19. The document was ratified by the Chairman of the Presidium M. Kalinin, with the secretary A. Gorkin.

With the creation of the missile forces, this holiday was renamed the Day of the Missile Forces and Artillery in 1964. Since 1988, according to the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorable days", it began to be celebrated on the third Sunday of November. But in 2006, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the original date of the celebration was returned.

Holiday traditions

On this occasion, ceremonial honors of military personnel are held. Concerts with the participation of show business stars, marches, parades, rallies, meetings, displays of technical weapons, demonstration exercises and shooting are held. In the evening, artillery salutes are fired into the sky. Distinguished employees are awarded awards, medals, and bonuses.

Also, the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is a memorable day. On this date, the traditional laying of wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow takes place. Veterans, active military personnel, and school cadets take part in the ceremony.

Daily task

Look documentary or a report on the Russian missile forces and artillery.

  • The Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces of October 21, 1944 stipulated that “Artillery Day” should be celebrated with 20 simultaneous shots from 224 artillery pieces.
  • The artillery chronicle dates back to 1382. Defending Moscow from the attack of the horde, they used “mattresses” and “guns”.
  • Proven and effective combat systems are named after natural elements and plants: “Hail”, “Hurricane”, “Acacia”, “Tornado”.
  • The world's first multiple launch rocket system is recognized as "Katyusha" - the brainchild of Russian scientists.
  • The first rockets in the Russian army appeared in 1717. These were flares.
  • For the first time, rocket troops began battle in the Caucasus in August 1827, during the Russian-Iranian war.


“Congratulations on the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. I wish you absolute peace on the borders of the Motherland and absolute confidence in combat readiness for any unforeseen event. I also wish you courage and determination, perseverance and endurance, perseverance and steadfastness. May every goal in life be achieved as quickly as a rocket launcher reaches its goal.”

“Today is a holiday for those who shoot the hardest and farthest - the missile forces and artillery. I wish you on this day that not only at the training ground, but also in life, you have continuous hits! So that health, joy, love, prosperity, prosperity and peace of mind- always had the highest indicators, and everything you planned fell into the top ten! And most importantly, let your valuable knowledge be used only at shows and parades, under the peaceful sky of the Motherland.”

“Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the holiday! May the day of the missile forces and artillery bring you many pleasant surprises and the most good mood! I wish you a lot of positivity, real luck and crushing victories in any business!


Thematic accessory. A mug, wallet, T-shirt, baseball cap, phone case with the emblem of the missile forces will be an excellent gift for a serviceman for his professional holiday.

Military encyclopedia. The military encyclopedia in a gift edition will be an excellent present for a military man. Anyone who prefers to spend their leisure time reading can also be presented with a collection of works by their favorite author.

Wrist watch. A commander's watch will be a practical and stylish holiday gift. Personalized engraving will turn such a gift into a memorable item.

Camouflage uniform. A durable waterproof camouflage uniform will please the military. Such clothes can be used at any time of the year and will come to the rescue when fishing, hunting, picnic or hiking.


Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare kits men's clothing: T-shirt, shirt, trousers, belt, socks, shoes, etc. The number of kits must correspond to the number of participants. The clothes are laid out on chairs, and the contestants line up. The leader gives the command and lights the matches. Contestants must run to the chairs and put on their clothes. The winner is the participant who managed to put on more wardrobe items during the time the match was burning. If two competitors have the same results, then an additional round is played.

Accurate shooter
To conduct the competition, you must draw a target on whatman paper. Participants in the competition are given equipment - colored felt-tip pens. Contestants remove the caps from the markers and take turns throwing them at the target. The one whose “shot” is closest to the target wins. To complicate the competition, you can blindfold the participants and invite them to demonstrate their accuracy blindly.

The props for the competition are a transparent tall container (jar or decanter), at the bottom of which a glass is placed. The container is completely filled with water. An unlimited number of people can take part in the competition. Each competitor is given a coin. Their task is to throw a coin into a glass. The one who manages to hit the target becomes the winner.

About employees of the missile forces and artillery

The missile forces and artillery are part of the Ground Forces and are the firepower of the army. They ensure peace and tranquility of the country, and in the event of an enemy attack, they attack with artillery and rocket launchers. During combat operations, missile forces and artillery are the main means of engaging the enemy by fire. The development and increase in combat capabilities occurs through equipping with high-precision weapons, increasing the power and firing range of ammunition, and automating the firing processes.

rocket, cannon, howitzer, artillery reconnaissance, support and control. The missile forces and artillery include Ground troops, Coastal troops of the Navy and Airborne troops of the Russian Armed Forces. The artillery of the Russian troops consists of units: mortars. Service in them begins after graduating from specialized military educational institutions.

This holiday in other countries

In Belarus and Kazakhstan, as well as in Russia, the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery is celebrated on November 19. In Ukraine, this holiday is celebrated on November 3.

You are serving proudly,
Defenders of Russia - anywhere!
Artillerymen are held in high esteem in our times,
We will glorify them for many years to come.

And on this day we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness, affection, feminine warmth.
You proudly bear your duty to your Motherland,
Good luck, Missile Forces.

You served as an artilleryman,
This day is not for a tanker -
There are missile troops here.

Be cheerful and healthy.
Be strong, be courageous.
Develop, be beautiful
And be gallant too.

May you always have good luck
Smiles completely.
Like a rocket mission
Always hit the target!

Congratulations on the Day of Missile Forces and Artillery. I wish you absolute peace on the borders of the Motherland and absolute confidence in combat readiness for any unforeseen event. I also wish you courage and determination, perseverance and endurance, perseverance and steadfastness. May every goal in life be achieved as quickly as a rocket launcher reaches its goal.

This day is dedicated to the brave and strong
And no one will dare to say otherwise.
Rocket Forces of Great Russia,
We hasten to congratulate you with pride in our hearts.

Artillerymen are held in immense esteem.
In our country it is infinitely large.
Thank you for taking care
Peaceful sky above your head!

Now is the hour of artillery,
So accept these words from us:
On the day of the rocket and shell
We send you the power of the charge,
Flight ranges in life,
Everything will happen, just whistle.

How difficult it is to be the God of War!
Carrying this heavy burden.
But we know what the country has
Heroes of our time.

Rocketman and artilleryman
Invisible guardians of the world.
May your horizon be clear.
And peace will be in your abode.

Always behind you, like a shadow
Let radiant happiness follow.
And we drink to you on this day -
Rocket gunner!

Happy Missile Forces Day
I congratulate you
You are a hero for us,
I am proud to say this!

On this day I wish
Smiles, moods,
Save for us, for everyone
Strength and patience.

You defended the Fatherland
Furiously and smartly,
May all your dreams come true,
Just don't lose heart.

Artillery, Missile Forces -
Happy holiday, you deserve it!
So that sadness does not touch the heart,
So that women only love you.

So that if you hit, it will only fly in,
Well, so that your nerves are strong.
So that the rockets take flight,
The targets were always accurately found.

And so that on your holiday in heaven
The inscription lit up bright red:
“Dear, dear ones, we love you -
Let danger pass by!”

Peaceful sky above your head,
Always clear sunshine...
Brave guys, real men
Let's shout three times - “Hurray!”

Artillerymen, brave rocketmen
We would like to wish:
Fortitude of spirit, healthy body,
So that they can protect us!

Well, let there be love and prosperity in the family,
To arrange life...
Glory and honor to the officers, soldiers,
That they hold our missile Shield!

Artillerymen and rocket men are soldiers!
Today we congratulate you guys.
We wish you to be proud of your skills,
But in practice, they won’t be useful in battle.
May heaven and earth be peaceful!
Congratulations again, friends!

Steel barrel, shell loaded,
The gunner caught the target in his sights,
The enemy is trembling, discouraged,
He was left out of work.

What if suddenly there’s an attack from heaven,
The enemy is in the sky ahead,
He will have to, oh it’s not sweet,
Our missiles are already on their way.

Thank you, artillerymen,
And to all the rocket scientists of the country,
Because our sky is clear,
Bow to you, sons of the Motherland.
