Without a penny. How a young entrepreneur can make a million: examples of a rapidly growing business from scratch. Japan didn't pay a penny for spying

At the end of last week, as you remember, my wife Yulia and I sowed our first seeds in our lives (read more - In the meantime, we are waiting for the shoots, I propose to tackle an equally serious issue - finding a plot of land? With the fruits that I grew within the four walls of my own apartments, you won’t be able to feed yourself for a long time. So, we have to go there...

Let everything be legal
So, we are interested in the classic six hundred square meters, despite the fact that we do not have an extra three hundred to five hundred thousand rubles. Not even a hundred. And taking ownership of the land is not an option. Every year you will have to pay a hefty tax for it. To calculate it, multiply the area of ​​the plot by the cadastral value of one square meter land and the percentage tax rate. For land for private farming it is 0.3%. Depending on the size of the plot and its cost, the amounts can add up to tens and even hundreds of thousands.

What to do? Lawyer Alexander Vorsunov, well-known to readers, explains: taking into account the latest changes in land legislation, only benefit recipients can receive plots for free. And to them new law counts: disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, medical workers and specialists Agriculture who live and work in rural areas, as well as young spouses no more than 35 years old who permanently reside in the village.

Personally, I won’t be able to quickly become a doctor or an agronomist. Even if you try really hard. Go to live with your wife in the village? It is possible, but “permanent” residence, as referred to in the law, requires more than one year. We need everything at once. This means that only one of the preferential options is suitable - a participant in the war. A kind veteran who agreed to give us the plot for temporary use (it’s unlikely that at 90 years old you can do this yourself). He gives us the land, we give him the fruit - a mutually beneficial exchange. True, among our relatives and friends there was no such person.

By the way, the regional law also talks about large families. But I rejected this option immediately. My wife and I won’t be able to quickly give birth to three or more children either. Even if you try really, really hard. We won’t accommodate adopted children (besides, at least one of the three children in the family must be their own). And most importantly, perhaps this program will cease to exist in the foreseeable future when the regional law is brought into line with the federal law.

It’s a little easier, as Alexander told us, to re-register the land as the property of the person who received it in Soviet time and cultivated it all my adult life. You will have to go through the authorities, but the result will be positive. This doesn't work for us young people. But we can also turn to a pensioner with a request to provide us with a dacha for a while. But few grandmothers are in a hurry to go to government agencies. If the plot is owned, you will have to pay tax. We have already talked about its size.

There is another unlikely option: to find some kind of gardening and non-profit (gardening and dacha) partnership that has registered the land it owns. In this case, SNT (SDT) can dispose of the land as it wants. Including - to allocate one of the free plots to us. Put it on the cadastre and bring up the issue of free provision of the site to the general meeting of members. All we have to do is agree with the administration on changes to the general development plan for the partnership's area and register the right to the site. However, there are so many “buts” in this option that I won’t even list them. In our case, the chances are almost zero.

And here we are!
We have exhausted legal methods. Now let’s see how we can act “informally” and what we will get for it.

As you know, there are more than enough ownerless summer cottages in the region. There are entire abandoned villages, you just have to look. True, having found your desired six hundred square meters, you never know when the owner will come. Try to explain to him that you are a journalist for Samara News and are conducting a country experiment. He will tear off his ears and say that it happened.

You can return to the conversation about SNT and try to act through it. The chairman of the partnership will look around his land and indicate which area is being used and which is not. Perhaps, after lengthy negotiations, he will agree to give us this piece of land. Maybe for a certain amount, maybe for a few bottles of vodka, or maybe he will send us away. It depends on your luck.

Let's say we succeeded. Here it is, our promised land! But it’s too early to rejoice. Even if you manage to sit on these acres for more than one year, at one point everything can go down the drain. Having occupied the site in such a daring manner, we have no right to build or grow anything on it. If they get caught for illegal enrichment or unauthorized possession, it won’t seem like much (especially since the chairman is already in the know). You will have to pay land tax for every year you live on it. I don’t want to repeat again how much money this is. Unless our statute of limitations is 3 years, as our lawyer reminds us. This means that after sitting illegally on the property for 10 years, you will only pay for three. But you can’t sit that long!

So how can I make sure my foot finally sets foot in the country? To summarize what has been said, I chose the only option for myself: find familiar summer residents and use the site with their permission as much as you like. These people can be of any age and any gender. The main thing is that they own the land.

The youngest American businessman opened his own business at the age of three. It was at this age that Ryan started a chicken farm in his yard. More than 50 birds brought the boy $15 every day. The boy decided to sell the products of his mini-farm near the church. After some time, he began to expand his own business, also taking up mowing and watering lawns.

After he got tired of messing around with chickens and lawns, Ryan, without realizing it, made the decision to become a real manager. Namely, he “delegated authority,” that is, he hired older children: under his leadership, they mowed lawns, for which the young “foreman” received $20 per hour. Ryan, in turn, was not greedy - he gave 15 dollars to his friends, and received 25% of the income (simply: five bucks) himself. Parents deny any relationship to their son’s business endeavors.

According to Ryan himself, accounting was the most difficult for him. The boy shares the secret of the successful development of the project: he distributes his profits according to the 80-10-10 principle. This means the following: 80% of profits are invested in business development, 10% goes to charity, and the remaining 10% is kept for yourself. It is his personal belief that children can succeed in many areas of business.

The main thing is to understand in time that in order to do work that is too difficult for you, you need to hire others.

As of today (2014), schoolboy Ryan has already single-handedly earned a fortune of $900 thousand. He still donates a tenth of his profits to help the poor.


The production of jams brought the Scottish boy his first million dollars. It all started when fourteen-year-old Edinburgh resident Fraser Doherty, left alone at home, began experimenting with creating a new flavor of jam - the teenager mixed various ingredients and came up with new fruit combinations. The first jars were packaged and sold to neighbors. After a while, using the profit received, the young entrepreneur rented an entire production line at a nearby poorly functioning cannery. This is how the Superjam brand was born. The young founder of the brand worked daily to expand the product line. The guy admits that less than 5% of all experiments ended in success and the appearance of an exclusive variety of jam.

According to Fraser, the most difficult thing was to gain the trust of large supermarkets in their products. But a few years later, while Fraser was still in school, his company’s turnover amounted to 750 thousand dollars a year - and currently the annual profit of his company alone reaches two million dollars.

Web designer of the era "before web design"

The example of 14-year-old Ashley Qualls shows that in business the main thing is to catch the invention in time that will conquer the world. In the early 2000s, when social networks were just emerging, a young American woman had web design skills. Watching her peers create accounts, she noticed an important need: to diversify, to make her page stand out among thousands of others. And Ashley created the first illustrated personal styles for a social network (which was MySpace).

The starting capital for the young businesswoman was... $8, for which she registered the domain Whateverlife.com, where her first business card website was created.

On her website, Ashley published various background templates for designing pages on social networks. Within a few years, the traffic to her page reached a million people, and the annual income from the sale of advertising on it reached a million dollars.

Internet guru

Chad Hurley, graduating visual arts, sent a resume (designer) to the then completely new electronic payment system PayPal. As test task Chad was asked to design the company logo, which ended up lasting for many years. And when eBay bought PayPal, the author of the logo received a bonus from the deal - and decided to start his own business with these substantial thousands of dollars.

One day, returning with his friends from an event, he, to his surprise, noted that the video recorded there was difficult to post online for easy and convenient instant viewing. That's when the idea arose to make a powerful site for hosting home videos. The YouTube domain was activated by Chad Hurley in 2005. And already in July 2006, more than 50 thousand videos were uploaded to this portal, the number of views increased to one hundred million. Flash Video technology, which was used in YouTube, made it possible to obtain good recording quality with a small amount of transmitted data. Very soon the project gained popularity among users. Mainly due to the ease of downloading and watching videos, as well as various competitions among their owners.

According to Chad Hurley, the main vulnerability for video hosting is the constant claims of copyright holders, which are violated by users by posting licensed products on the site.

After Google bought YouTube, Chad Hurley, now a multimillionaire, served as its chief executive for another four years. And tired of video hosting, Chad, remembering his design skills, started producing fashionable clothes and accessories for programmers living in Silicon Valley.

Not to have a bean

endure hunger and cold, live in grief, be broke, live in poverty, barely make ends meet, barely make ends meet, sit penniless, somehow make ends meet, not have a penny to your name, live in life, live in great extremes, to live from hand to mouth, to be in poverty, to be poor, to fight like a fish on ice, to get by, to be in need, to pound

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    Spelling dictionary-reference book

  • - Razg. Express Absolutely, completely without money...

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    Together. Apart. Hyphenated. Dictionary-reference book

  • - I not a penny, not a penny adv. quality-quantity decomposition Not at all. II not a penny, not a penny predic...

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  • - no gr "osh"...

    Russian orthographic dictionary

  • - Simple. Express No money. “Just don’t go to this Duska-Onoska again. I’ll say it, I’ll say it tomorrow, I won’t give you a penny. There is already one flaw in the economy”...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - What. Razg. Express 1. Something is of no use and is of no value. On the morning of the 31st we passed through the town of Izdeliye and another place called Istingov. Neither one nor the other deserves attention...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - What. Razg. Express The same as a href=”/dict/frazslov/article/4/9680.htm” not worth a penny/a ...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - Razg. Express No money at all. He has not yet asked his aunt’s consent, he doesn’t have a penny of money, and he doesn’t know when they will get it, he doesn’t even know how much income he will receive from the village this year...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - who. People's About a very poor man. DP, 89; Jig. 1969, 353; FSRYaa, 113; AOS 10, 83...

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  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 4 in the minus bare-footed, rolling on zeros...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 19 poverty-stricken, poverty-stricken, struggling like a fish on ice, hanging on a romp, barely making ends meet, barely making ends meet, living in a big...

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  • - Cm....

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Are you thinking about starting your own business, but don’t yet know where to get the money for it? Here are some tips on how to start a business without a penny in your pocket. Just like meeting your soulmate or having your first child, the best time to launch a new product or service may come when you least expect it. To make the most of the opportunities that arise, you must gather your courage and act decisively!

Let's say you, like most people in our world, were born without a silver spoon in your mouth, and therefore you may get the impression that a discovery is on the way own business there are insurmountable obstacles. So how can you turn your idea into a thriving business with little or no initial capital? Is it really possible to start a business in this age of multimillion-dollar Series A investments without the help of an angel investor or venture capitalist?

Answer: of course, yes. But this is not easy, and such a process cannot be understood intuitively. Here are three tips, based on my own experience, on how to start a business without having to sell off your belongings to scrape together money in the process:

1. Don't quit your day job

At least for a while. By working full-time while you prepare to launch your company, you can use your salary to cover unexpected expenses (outside your free time) that pop up from time to time when starting your own business. This approach will also provide you with the financial stability and peace of mind you need to observe and learn from other people's successes and failures before diving into things yourself. This can be done by networking with businesses in your industry, volunteering, and researching the entrepreneurial landscape to prepare for any eventuality. The Everyday Entrepreneur will help you with your last endeavor. It contains clear, easy-to-follow lessons from entrepreneurs in a wide variety of industries, providing valuable advice on how to avoid costly mistakes for newbies.

2. Try literally every option available.

One of the most important (and expensive) lessons I learned from founding Heritage Link Brands is that not all countries, states or municipalities are created equal when viewed from the perspective of a company's physical location. Some provide more perks or hidden benefits to start-up companies to encourage entrepreneurship depending on the industry, product or service provided. Since we decided to launch a wine company (one of the most regulated industries in the world), we kept detailed records to understand the costs (for example, annual licensing cost $5,000 in Massachusetts versus $400 in California) and made decisions accordingly. . Because there is so much information available online, you should take advantage of visual comparisons or commercial indexes before making large investments. Also, do not forget to use services such as freelance, which will allow you to attract outside specialists who deal with minor details that always take place when running a business. With the support of such firms, your business can slowly gain momentum as you expand your capabilities to match the pace of your enterprise's growth.

3. Don't be afraid to accept help from strangers, friends or family.

Whether it's finding interns at the university you graduated from or recruiting volunteers who have heard through the grapevine how unique and diverse the services you offer are, you can radically expand your enterprise's capacity. This low-cost/no-cost opportunity is most easily managed by providing a trial period for those people who are willing to take a closer look and develop systems and processes for ongoing collaboration in the future. You should also select skills that match the needs of the business. It's also important to remember that whoever you get involved needs to know what they're doing - because if things go wrong, the consequences will only get worse if family members or friends are involved. If you feel like things aren't going well, don't hesitate to let go of volunteers who aren't contributing to the company. Last but not least, always express your gratitude and appreciate the extra help these noble people give you! Honestly, I don't know how I would have managed without the help of the many volunteers who have contributed to the success of my business.
