To help the parent committee. Such a great parent committee! His tasks and responsibilities What to do

With children;

· influence the formation of a culture of parental communication;

· be a mediator between family, school, and public organizations in difficult life situations;

· stimulate selflessness and responsibility in raising the younger generation;

· come up with initiatives and proposals to improve educational educational process at school;

· observe ethical standards in communicating with students, teachers and their parents;

· actively participate in the organization of the educational process in the classroom;

· assist the class teacher and the school in purchasing textbooks and manuals;

· visit with class teacher homeschoolers;

attend lessons and extracurricular activities;

· express your opinion about activities carried out in the classroom;

· take, together with the class teacher, certain measures of influence against those parents who are not involved in raising their children;

· Conduct conversations with problem students;

· maintain close contact with law enforcement agencies and public organizations to protect the rights and interests of the child and family;

· involve, if necessary, various kinds of specialists to solve family problems.

The main tasks of parenting


1. Assistance in organizing the educational process.

2. Assisting the class teacher in extracurricular activities

The chairman of the parent committee is responsible for organizing the work of the parent committee as a whole, and his deputies are responsible for certain areas of work.

Help for children" href="/text/category/pomoshmz_detyam/" rel="bookmark">help for children who are behind in their studies.

Textbooks" href="/text/category/uchebnie_posobiya/" rel="bookmark">textbooks." alt=" Signature:" align="left" width="300" height="245 src=">!} Cultural and sports pass.

Responsible for cultural and sports activities.

Organizes assistance from parents in organizing various shows - competitions, brain rings, involves parents in organizing clubs, holding class hours and evenings.

Parents successfully participate in the work of the jury, extracurricular activities in the classroom, and become participants in KVN. At their own request, parents participate in patronage work for dysfunctional families.

The class has traditions of preparing and holding parent-teacher meetings. With the help of the parent committee and students, individual invitations are issued to fathers and mothers to participate in the parent meeting.

The parent committee, together with the class teacher, prepares traditional congratulations to parents on their anniversaries.

Both parents and the class teacher must understand that only common cooperation can make joint activities students, teachers and parents meaningful, interesting, joyful.

Parent committee work plan

August. Parents' committee meeting dedicated to the beginning academic year.

Meeting of the parent committee of the previous school year with the class teacher, identification of parent candidates to work in the new parent committee.

September. Meeting of the parent committee with the school administration. Familiarity with planning and main tasks of work educational institution for the new school year.

Parent meeting: “The first problems of adolescence.”

“Study by the parent committee of the issue of organizing meals for students in the new school year.”

October. Raid check of reading forms of class students in the school library for five years.

Parental readings “About books and children’s reading.”

November. Class parent meeting “Computer in the life of a schoolchild.”

Participation of the parent committee in the visit problem families. Analysis of this situation with the class teacher, discussion of measures taken to solve the problem.

Participation in the celebration of Mother's Day.

December. Preparing for the New Year celebration. Decoration of the hall, construction of a snow town.

Summing up the results of the educational activities of class students for the first half of the year.

Letters of gratitude parents of the class.

January. Meeting of the parent committee - Summing up the work of the parent committee for the 1st half of the year. Determination of urgent tasks for the second half of the year.

Thematic parent meeting – “ Physical development schoolboy."

Report of the parent committee to the parent meeting on the work done.

Meeting of the class parent committee with the teacher physical culture and a doctor.

February. Preparation of a festive meeting of generations for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Congratulations to fathers, grandfathers and boys of the class.

Preparation and conduct of the hour of Revelation.

March. Competition for best essay about mom.

Preparation together with the class teacher and holding a parent evening “And mother’s eyes always look at us with excitement.” Ode to Mom.

April. Attendance of lessons and extracurricular activities by class parents (according to the schedule of the parent committee).

Parents' meeting - " Positive emotions and their significance in human life."

Meeting of parents with subject teachers.

May. Preparation of a festive concert dedicated to the end of the 6th grade. Rewarding students.

Help students create a class chronicle.

June. A joint trip between class students and parents “Magpie-Crow Cooked Porridge” (creative report).

Participation of class parents in the renovation of the classroom.

Annual report on the work of the parent committee at the School Council.

The clear and well-functioning work of the class parent committee bears fruit. Schoolchildren are always glad that their parents come to lessons and extracurricular activities, and participate in joint holidays and hikes. They are proud of parents' participation in the life of the class. It should be noted that the active participation of the parent committee and parents in general in cool life It also greatly stimulates even the best class teacher to take action.

A good tradition is to conduct unique creative reports on the joint activities of the parent committee and the class team. Such meetings are held at the end of the academic year, and are a kind of summing up of the work for the year.

Forms of presentation can be very diverse: a film about the life of a class, KVN, a festival, etc.

The main thing is for parents and children to be together. Adults see the children’s achievements over the year and rejoice at each other’s successes.

Expected results.

In order not to later be disappointed in the parents of his students, the class teacher, from the first days of working with the children's team, must introduce parents to the prospects for its development, and give them the opportunity to become active participants in class affairs.

The parent committee of the class in each quarter must familiarize itself with the plan of educational work and introduce it to the parents of the entire class. Create conditions for making joint decisions on the organization of activities in the classroom during vacation and school hours.

The participation of parents themselves in all extracurricular activities will bring positive results. Parents of schoolchildren should be with their children on excursions, hikes and trips, on family holidays and classroom hours, carried out on the initiative of the class children and the parents themselves. It is of great importance to involve parents in clubs and creative work with the children's group in which their child studies.

The class teacher, when working with the children's team, involving parents in the work, can resolve many issues concerning children and parents.

1. The more time parents spend with their child in his childhood and adolescence, the greater the chance for elderly parents to see adult children in their father's home.

2. A lot of work carried out by the parent committee with problem children, the authority of other people's parents in the eyes of a problem child, can do much more than inviting various specialists.

Both parents and the class teacher must understand that only common cooperation and co-creation can make the joint activities of students, teachers and parents meaningful, interesting, and joyful.


6th grade and parent committee

“The magpie-crow was cooking porridge.”

Participants: Class teacher, 6th grade students and their parents.

Venue: Forest glade.

Goals: 1. Summarize the activities of the class team, and

parent committee for the school year.

2. To promote the development in students of skills and abilities of self-analysis of their actions, deeds, and achievements.

Preparatory work:

I. Students and the class teacher are preparing a concert for parents.

Parents are preparing a response speech.

II. Students in the class create five creative groups led by members of the parent committee, each of which composes a secret message on one of the listed topics.

· Success in studies.

· Victories in sports.

· Creative success in school affairs.

· Creative success in class matters.

· Labor achievements.

III. The parent committee prepares certificates for each child and letters of gratitude to parents.

IV. The class teacher is preparing a secret message about how classmates communicate with each other.

V. A chronicle of the life activities of the class team is drawn up.

VI. Parents are preparing a forest clearing for the meeting and camping equipment.

Design, equipment, inventory:

a) products for porridge;

b) camping equipment for its preparation;

c) 14 certificates for students, 14 certificates for parents;

d) invitations for parents.

Progress of the class hour:

I. At the appointed time, sixth graders gather at the school building. They are met by representatives of the parent committee and the class teacher. Under their leadership, they make a forced march to the forest clearing where the meeting is scheduled. Here the participants are met by parents of sixth graders.

II. Opening remarks chairman of the parent committee:

Guys and parents. The school year has ended, and with it another stage of our life together in the class team has ended. During this time we have done a lot and learned a lot. Let's take stock of the work of our class team and the parent committee together, and try to find answers to the following questions:

1. What have we become?

2. Have they changed?

3. What have you achieved?

4. Where did you fail?

5. Do you guys remember the children's nursery rhyme about the thieving magpie?

Today we have to brew the porridge together and sort it out ourselves. How many of you know what the expression “brew porridge” means?

III. The sixth grader offers this version of the answer:

History has preserved a legend about the wedding of Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy. In Rus' at that time it was customary to arrange porridge at the bride's father's place as part of a wedding ceremony. But Dmitry Donskoy considered it beneath his dignity to go to the Nizhny Novgorod prince Dmitry Konstantinovich. But the latter, in turn, refused to go to Moscow. Then they decided to arrange a porridge in Kolomna, a city located between Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. Almost the entire city and all its guests took part in this action. It is no coincidence that for a long time now Russian state about the organization of a complex business they say “Make a mess,” and literally immediately they add to this phrase: “That is, you started something troublesome, and get out of it yourself.”

IV. The class teacher and the chairman of the parent committee offer to stir up some porridge at the end of the school year. After obtaining the consent of the sixth-graders and their parents to participate in this activity, they are asked about what we will cook the porridge from.

Students believe that porridge should be cooked from products that are quickly listed, and from memories of the class’s favorite activities.

The teacher asks questions:

1. How is porridge cooked?

2. Who is the best cook?

3. Who can tell us the recipe?

Each student and parent is invited to throw as much cereal into the pot as he has done good and useful deeds in a year.

Having assessed their achievements, each child and adult throws the amount of cereal that he considers necessary into the cauldron.

V. Ritual of lighting a fire.

We gathered in a circle

By our fire

Burn a cheerful light,

Like the stars until the morning!

Yes, it's a pity that people say:

Stop it, it's late!

And we haven’t been a kindergarten for a long time,

How they think about us.

Let the flame burn brighter

Sparks fly over the fire!

Hey friends, let's sleep

Let's sing a sonorous song.

Everyone sings a song together: “It’s great that we are all gathered here today.”

VI. Chairman of the Parents Committee:

The fire is burning. There is cereal. Now you need to pour water into the pot. But you can pour as much water as there are labor cases on the account of our class. Let's listen to the secret message and evaluate our labor achievements.

Creative team report

Visit kindergartenimportant stage child development. At the same time, you need to understand that by sending a child to kindergarten, parents do not throw off responsibility and tasks, but only replace them with others. So that mothers and fathers are not observers of the educational process, but its participants, a parent committee is created in the kindergarten.

Tasks of the parent committee of the preschool educational institution

At first glance, it may seem that the responsibilities of the parent committee are limited to financial matters, but this is far from the case. The regulations on the parent committee in the preschool educational institution contain many clauses regulating the rights, responsibilities and functions of this self-government body. Let's try to make a basic list of what the parent committee does:

  1. Finds out what children need in addition to what is provided by the preschool educational institution.
  2. Initiates and carries out the purchase of necessary items - office supplies, repair materials, interior items, toys.
  3. Determines a list of events for which it will be necessary to purchase gifts for children and other kindergarten employees.
  4. Helps organize events and assists teachers in the process of working with children.
  5. Resolves minor organizational issues that do not require the presence of all parents.
  6. And, naturally, the parent committee in the kindergarten is engaged in calculating and collecting the necessary funds to implement the above.

Composition of the parent committee

The parent committee usually consists of 3 to 6 people; this issue is decided individually. Since it is necessary to select a parent committee at the very beginning of the school year, and this issue is decided by voting, the composition usually includes the most active mothers and fathers who have enough free time. This is a free activity, and you can become a member of the parent committee only on a voluntary basis. Also, so that the work of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution is clearly organized and competently organized, a chairman is elected.

Parent committee work plan

After determining the composition, a work plan for the parent committee in the preschool educational institution and the distribution of responsibilities are drawn up. For example, a person is appointed who will maintain contact with other parents, call if necessary and inform, another representative of the committee may be responsible for choosing gifts, a third for repair work, etc. It is obvious that meetings of the parent committee in preschool educational institutions are held more often than general meetings parent meetings. Their minimum frequency is agreed upon with the kindergarten administration. During the meeting, the minutes of the parent committee in the preschool educational institution must be kept, which records the date, the number of those present, the main issues of discussion, proposals of committee members and decisions made.

First of all, it is worth noting that a representative of the parent committee is not only a responsible, but also a rather nervous job, so learn to take the situation calmly. From the practical The following recommendations can be recommended.


School Parents Committee

The form of cooperation between the class teacher and a group of the most experienced, active parents is a class parent committee, working on the basis of the Regulations on the school’s Parent Committee, which, together with teachers and under their leadership, plans, prepares and carries out all joint work on teacher education, establishing contacts with parents , providing assistance in raising children in the class: analyzes, evaluates, sums up the results of cooperation between school and family.

But this is ideal. What do we face in our daily school life? Most often, a cool parent committee is just our dream, but in reality it is 1-2 people (in elementary school a little more), helping the teacher in some organizational matters. But if members of some class parent committees work more actively and harmoniously (for a number of objective and subjective reasons), among them there are initiative people interested in improving the life of the class in which their child is studying, then there are no such people in the school-wide committee. This is largely our fault. The school needs a large parent committee, which includes representatives from each class. We need an proactive, working group of parents interested in helping the school both in matters of education and upbringing, and in strengthening the economic, educational and material base. Let it be 1-2 people from parallel, but they will act as a coordinating headquarters for a variety of work with all parents and solving various problems.

Class Parent Committee

Plays a huge role in the cooperation between students’ parents and the class teacher. class parent committee. The atmosphere in the classroom, the relationships between parents, and the communication between adults and children depend on how harmoniously and responsibly the parent committee approaches its activities.

A well-organized PTA can serve a variety of roles in the classroom. One of the main functions is to assist the parent committee in organizing the educational process. The parent committee can take upon itself the organization of competitions for the best diary and notebook; raids to check students’ careful attitude towards their briefcase, textbooks, and writing materials.

The participation of the parent committee in the class open day and self-government day is of great importance. Another important function of the class parent committee is to assist the class teacher in extracurricular activities.

First of all, this is the organization and conduct of parent lessons in the classroom. Parenting lessons are an opportunity for creativity and improvisation for every family. During the parent lesson, the children get acquainted with the hobbies of the family, learn about interesting traditions and customs, develop their horizons.

In addition to such lessons, the parent committee can help the class teacher in organizing holidays, excursions, and trips. Without the help of parents, it is difficult for a teacher to organize visits to theaters, museums, and exhibitions. The benefits of the parent committee in resolving this issue are enormous; all these events are interesting not only for children, but also for parents themselves - to see their child in an unusual environment, analyze his behavior, attitude to what is happening, and simply communicate with his child and other children.

The parent committee can do a lot to resolve household issues in the classroom. Repair of the office, furniture, feeding children in the school canteen, compliance with sanitary, hygienic and preventive measures by students and the school - this and much more may be within the competence of the parent committee.

At the request of the class teacher or at the request of the students' parents, the parent committee can and should contribute to the school's work with disadvantaged and problematic families. These include visits to students’ families, preventive conversations, and protection of students’ rights in various authorities.

The Parents Committee is elected by the general meeting of parents. During the elections, the proposals of the class teacher and the initiative of the parents themselves are taken into account. The term of office of the parent committee is one year, but if there is an urgent need, the parent committee can be re-elected urgently or can continue its powers. When starting work in the classroom, the class teacher must warn parents that every parent should serve as a member of the parent committee; therefore, the parent committee will be renewed annually. It is very important that work in the parent committee of each parent will allow him to understand the problems that the class teacher faces and actively participate in solving them.

As a rule, responsibilities in the parent committee are distributed between the chairman of the parent committee, his deputies responsible for certain areas of work, and the treasurer.

The chairman of the parent committee is responsible for organizing its activities, together with the deputies, draws up a work plan for the parent committee; assists the class teacher in preparing and conducting parent-teacher meetings; is a representative of the group of class parents in the work of the school’s parent committee.

The chairman participates in protecting the rights of class students in judicial structures, if there is an urgent need for this. The chairman of the parent committee, together with school representatives, participates in visiting disadvantaged families and helps resolve conflict situations in the children's team.

If the chairman of the parent committee is responsible for organizing the work of the parent committee as a whole, then his deputies are responsible for certain areas of work.

Deputy Chairman of the Parents Committee, responsible for performance educational activities students in the class, organizes parents to participate in the school life of their children: attending lessons, creativity days in the classroom and at school. His competence includes assisting the class teacher in purchasing the necessary teaching aids; organization of various competitions and brain rings; assistance to gifted students in finding sponsors for participation in various olympiads, competitions and festivals; organization of assistance to children who are lagging behind in their studies; searching for opportunities to reward students who excel in academic activities.

The deputy chairman of the parent committee, who oversees the participation of parents and class students in extracurricular activities, performs a fairly multifaceted job. His competence includes involving the parents of the class in conducting classes for clubs, sections, and parent lessons. Together with the parents of the class, he participates in all joint holidays, trips, organizes excursions, trips, and entertainment events in the class. In addition, it helps the class teacher to realize the capabilities of all students in the class, as well as their parents, in extracurricular activities.

The deputy chairman of the parent committee, who is responsible for the economic work in the classroom, organizes assistance from parents in renovating the classroom, in its design, and in purchasing items necessary for the classroom team.

The treasurer's responsibilities include raising funds from parents for the needs of the class. Together with the parent committee, the treasurer draws up cost estimates and reports to the parent meeting for the funds used. If there is a need for this, he determines funds from the budget of the parent committee of the class to encourage students within the framework of the Gifted Children program, for publishing activities (children's magazine of the class, baby books written by students and their parents, photocopying of the necessary educational materials).

Meetings of the parent committee are held two to three times a quarter. However, if there is an urgent need, meetings of the parent committee may be more frequent.

Documents documenting the activities of the parent committee are minutes of its meetings, the regulations on the school’s parent committee, the work plan of the parent committee for the academic year or half-year, and the schedule of meetings of the parent committee.

Approximate position on the class parent committee

    The parent committee of a class is an association of parents whose activities are aimed at providing every possible assistance to the teaching staff of teachers working in the class and the class teacher in organizing cooperation between family and school for the benefit of class students.

    The parent committee is elected at a parent meeting at the beginning of the school year for a period of one school year.

    Parents of any student in the class can be elected to the parent committee of the class at their request or at the proposal of the majority of participants in the parent meeting of the class.

    The chairman of the parent committee is selected from among the elected members of the parent committee at the first meeting.

    The parent committee reports on its activities to the parent meeting.

    The meeting of parents has the right to demand an extraordinary report from the parent committee if it doubts its actions.

    The class parent committee participates in meetings of the School Council, school conferences, and meetings of class parent committees with the school administration.

    Meetings of the class parent committee are held 3-4 times per academic quarter. The decisions made are recorded in the minutes, which are kept by the chairman of the parent committee.

The regulations on the class parent committee are adopted at a meeting of the school parent committee or at a meeting of the school council.

The parent committee of the class is obliged to:

    assist the class teacher in establishing contact with the group of parents;

    involve parents in joint activities with children;

    influence the formation of a culture of parental communication;

    be a mediator between family, school, and public organizations in difficult life situations;

    stimulate selflessness and responsibility in raising the younger generation;

    come up with initiatives and proposals to improve the educational process at school;

    comply with ethical standards in communicating with students, teachers and their parents.

The Parents Committee has the right:

    actively participate in the organization of the educational process in the classroom;

    assist the class teacher and the school in purchasing textbooks and aids;

    visit students at home together with the class teacher;

    attend lessons and extracurricular activities;

    express your opinion about activities carried out in class;

    influence, together with the class teacher, those parents who are not involved in raising their children;

    conduct conversations with problem students;

    maintain close contact with law enforcement agencies and public

organizations to protect the rights and interests of the child and family;

    involve, if necessary, various kinds of specialists to solve family problems.

The clear and well-functioning work of the class parent committee bears fruit. Schoolchildren are always glad that their parents come to lessons and extracurricular activities, participate in joint holidays and outings, and are proud of their parents’ participation in the life of the class. It should be noted that the active participation of the parent committee and parents in general in class life stimulates the class teacher himself to action.

It is a good tradition of many schools to conduct unique creative reports on the joint activities of the parent committee and the class team. Such meetings are held at the end of the academic year and are a kind of summing up of the work for the year. The forms of presentation can be very diverse: a film about the life of the class, KVN, a festival, etc. The main thing is that parents and children are together, adults see the children’s achievements over the year, and rejoice at each other’s successes.

Sample work planparent committee for the school year



    Parents' committee meeting dedicated to the beginning of the school year. Meeting of the parent committee of the previous school year with the class teacher, identification of parent candidates to work in the new parent committee.

    Parents' meeting "Features of the last school year in primary school." Election of members of the parent committee. Getting to know the plan educational work for the new school year.


    Meeting of parent committees of classes with the administration of the educational institution. A tour of the school, acquaintance with the planning and main tasks of the educational institution for the new academic year.

    Weekend club meeting. September nature hike “Let's join hands, friends!”

    The parent committee is studying the issue of organizing meals for students in the new school year.


    Raid check of reading forms of class students in the school library for four years. Preparing for the young reader competition, visiting open lesson for parents on literature.

    Parent conference “Reading traditions in our family.”


    Class parent meeting "Difficulties in adaptation of fifth-graders - first joys and first failures."

    A trip to the theater for class students with their parents. Joint discussion “Theater in the life of our family.”


    Preparing a script for the New Year's celebration.

    Arranging gifts and surprises for students.

    Summing up the results of the educational activities of class students for the first half of the year. Letters of gratitude to class parents.


    Parents' committee meeting. Summing up the work of the parent committee for the first half of the year. Determination of urgent tasks for the second half of the year.

    Thematic parent meeting “My child is growing up.” Meeting with experts on the problem. Report of the parent committee to the parent meeting on the work done.

    Meeting of the class parent committee with the physical education teacher and the school doctor.


    Review competition “Little secrets of a schoolchild’s diary.” Analysis by the parents' committee of the attitude of students' families to keeping a school diary.

    Preparation of a festive meeting of generations for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Congratulations to fathers, grandfathers and boys of the class.


    Competition for the best story “The Joys and Sorrows of Mother’s Childhood.” Publishing a baby book.

    Preparation together with the class teacher of the concert program “Favorite songs of mothers and grandmothers.” Congratulations on March 8th to mothers, grandmothers and girls of the class.

    Meeting of the parent meeting club “While the candle burns.” Discussion of the problems of forming the moral foundations of the individual.

The students' parents decided to create a parent committee. Unfortunately, the current legislation does not contain systematized provisions on such an association. What is its status, functions and powers? Let's talk about this...

Tasks of the parent committee

Indeed, there are no clear rules governing the work of such a committee. However, a number of regulations still contain references to the parent committee. Thus, paragraph 2.4 of Appendix 1 to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2008 No. 03-599 states that the presence and work of the parent committee influence the determination of the effectiveness of management activities (although this applies to preschool institutions).

And in paragraph 27 of the Procedure conducting the Unified State Exam it is indicated that representatives of parent committees can be among the public observers of the Unified State Examination (the procedure for conducting the Unified State Examination was approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 24, 2009 No. 57).

In addition to such indirect references, there is another normative act that is of particular interest (this document, although adopted a long time ago, has not officially lost force). We are talking about the letter of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR dated March 19, 1971 No. 114-M “On the standard regulations on the parent committee secondary school" In particular, it notes the following tasks of the committee:

Involving the parent community in active participation in the life of the school, to the organization of extracurricular and extracurricular activities;
- assistance in strengthening the economic, educational and material base of the school.

In addition, this Regulation regulates the rights and obligations, powers of parent committees, organizational structure. But when using this Regulation, it is important not to forget that it is applied only in conjunction with the norms of current legislation.

Parent committee status

The creation of a parent committee is one of the forms of exercising the right of citizens to association (Article 30 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).


It arises from the fact of the simple creation of a parent committee. That is, as soon as the parents got together and decided that they would have a parent committee, such an association already appeared. But the norms of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations” do not apply to it.


Article 5 of Law No. 82-FZ defines a public association as “a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to realize common goals specified in the charter of the public association.”

In order to create a parent committee in the form of a public association, it is necessary:

At least three participants;
- organize a general meeting at which a decision will be made to create a committee, draw up minutes of the general meeting, draw up and approve the charter.

The advantages of this form over a simple association are that the committee will be subject to all the provisions of the legislation on public associations.

In this case, the parent committee already acquires the status of a subject of law, special rights and obligations, but does not yet have the status of a subject of civil law - for example, it cannot open accounts and act as a subject of property relations. It turns out that if such a committee collects money, then legally all of it belongs not to the parent committee, but to its members, and the property acquired with these funds will be the common property of the members of the parent committee.

For example, the head of the parent committee will sign an agreement on behalf of the parent committee, but legally it will be considered that all rights and obligations under such an agreement arose not with the parent committee, but with its head as an individual.

The fact is that, according to paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, participants in relations regulated by civil law are citizens and legal entities. Thus, the list of subjects of civil law is exhaustive; there are no parent committees in this list, as well as any other associations of citizens that are not legal entities (this also applies to the first type of association).


In order for the parent committee to begin its existence as a legal entity, it must be registered in the prescribed manner. The organizational and legal forms of such a legal entity can be different: foundation, non-profit partnership, public organization etc. It is important that these forms provide for membership.

IN in this case The committee is recognized as a full-fledged subject of civil law, which means it can:

Organize full control of incoming funds from parents and distribute them for the needs of children;
- appoint responsible persons, ensure accounting of all receipts;
- open a bank account;
- conclude agreements on behalf of the parent committee.

It makes sense to create a parent committee with the status of a legal entity only when there are significant funds received from parents. Otherwise, the expenditure of effort and money on creation will be inappropriate.

Who is responsible for spending funds?

This question also depends on how the parent committee is organized.

If this is a legal entity, then the organization is responsible for the money received. Accounting and reporting in it are regulated by general rules that apply to all legal entities.

If this is just an association of parents, then the person who directly received the money (the head of the committee, another person) will be responsible. This is documented by a regular receipt for receipt of money indicating the name, surname, patronymic and passport details of the person who received the funds. Or you can keep a journal where this data will be reflected, as well as a schedule for receiving funds.

Parent Committee Each class and each kindergarten group must have a parent committee. But not all parents know what he is and what his rights and responsibilities are.

Composition of the parent committee

The parent committee includes representatives from parents of the entire class or group, selected from those willing at a general meeting. IN ideally- from 3 to 7 people from one group or class. From among them, the chairman of the committee and the secretary are selected, responsibilities are distributed among all members, the results are recorded in the minutes of the meeting, and the charter is approved, which the participants must follow.

In practice, the parent committee may even consist of one enterprising person who has assumed the entire burden of responsibility. Parent committees of a group or class are united into a school-wide (or kindergarten) committee that resolves issues relating to the activities of the entire school or kindergarten.

Tasks of the parent committee

In the eyes of many, the function of the parent committee comes down to monetary extortion, but everything is far from being so one-sided. So, the committee carries out:

Finding out what children need and what the preschool administration cannot provide them with;

Raising money for various needs of a group, class, school, children's events, holidays and gifts for them;

Purchasing necessary things for the classroom, materials for repairs, organizing repair work for which the preschool educational institution does not allocate funds;

Purchasing holiday gifts for children and teachers;

Solving minor organizational issues for which there is no point in convening a general meeting;

Assistance in organizing various events;

Assisting educators and teachers in working with children.

Against the first points, you run the risk of hearing that “extortions” are illegal, since by law the state provides kindergartens and schools with everything they need. Unfortunately, in reality, without financial support from parents, budget-funded educational institutions often have an extremely difficult time. You may find that in a group the front door is so dilapidated that it opens easily without a key, you just have to pull harder, the window in the toilet is broken, there are not enough sleeping places (even cots), and new toys were bought 10 years ago. Of course, it’s easy to leave everything as is, citing the fact that communication is more important for children than the environment, but... The tasks of the parent committee, in particular, include assessing real needs and meeting these needs with the help of other parents.

In addition to collecting and spending funds on a targeted basis, members of the RD will have to keep records of all funds received and spent and be ready to provide a report upon request.

The “unofficial” responsibilities of members of the parent committee include the ability to find a common language with the parents of other children in the group, educators and teachers and members of other parent committees in the preschool educational institution.

Rights of the parent committee

Committee members have not only numerous responsibilities, but also rights:

Demand a report on the funds spent from the administration of the educational institution if the collected money was transferred to its disposal.

Make constructive suggestions regarding pedagogical process, educational work and equipment of the educational institution. And demand information about the decisions made.

Receive from the administration a report on the work, financial situation and technical condition of the preschool educational institution, its needs.

Initiate parent-teacher meetings on important issues that cannot wait until the scheduled meeting.

Attend teachers' meetings at the invitation of the teaching staff.

Look for sponsors for preschool educational institutions and children's events among public and commercial organizations.

Report gross violations of children's rights by their parents or school or kindergarten employees.

If you are a member of the parent committee for the first time and still have little idea what to do next, take a few ideas on board.

With the “anticipation” of constantly raising money for every small need, you can create an annual budget for your group or class. Estimate how much money you need for the whole year, taking into account the costs of repairs, holidays, events, gifts for teachers, educators and children and other necessary purchases, add another 8-10% for unforeseen expenses. Communicate the results of the calculations to others so that parents know what expenses they expect.

Get the phone numbers of all parents and teachers so that you can contact them at any moment.

Maintain contact, or better yet, good relationships with members of the parent committee of the parallel class. They will most likely have similar needs, and by joining forces, you can, for example, order books, notebooks, gifts in larger quantities, buying them at a wholesale price or with significant discounts.

And, of course, stock up on strong nerves. Working on the parent committee is useful and necessary, but a completely thankless activity.
