Do they give lessons to young teachers right away? What payments are due to young specialist teachers? Work-related benefits for teachers

In the end, you can just go to him after school with a packet of cookies and say: “I’m not good at anything, I should probably quit.” And now the kettle is boiling, together you analyze possible mistakes and situations, and then you realize that everything is not so bad. Or everything is bad, but fixable. In general, support from colleagues is very important at first.

2. Don’t forget that you are part of a team

Yes, you are now part of the school team. There is no need to stay apart. Don’t think that everyone here is a crazy old lady, and you are standing here handsome (or beautiful) and in a white coat.

Sooner or later you will have to contact each other, and perhaps turn to someone for help. I’m not saying that you need to meet everyone and set a table in the staff room in honor of your appearance at school. Although you can do this, no one forbids you.

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Just be friendly and moderately open. You will communicate with some people more, and with others you will not interact at all, this is normal.

3. Be yourself with students

You've probably already interacted with students in practice and have an idea of ​​what it's like. Although I’ll be honest: a lesson under the supervision of the main teacher in practice and your own lesson are completely different stories.

Over four years of working at school, I understood one simple truth: children do not like falsehood and immediately feel it. You can’t be cheerful, friendly and kind, and after the call suddenly turn your face into a brick and speak in a raised voice. You can’t pretend to be interested in the children’s affairs, and then roll your eyes with the thoughts “God, why am I listening to all this.”

Regardless of age, regardless of class, students penetrate your insides at once. There is no need to prepare a role for yourself: you simply cannot constantly be in an image that is unnatural for you. Being yourself is perhaps the most important thing when working with children, no matter how trivial it may sound.

4. Don't be upset by failures and criticisms

On September 1, 2013, after all the lessons, I cried right over the open magazine. Tears soaked into the paper, the lines floated, and I realized that I seemed to be ruining an important document.

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I can’t say that I managed to somehow mess up terribly on the very first day, but the feeling of some kind of hopelessness and fatigue welled up.

The first time was difficult: a lot of preparation, visits from the administration to my lessons and, of course, comments: “There are no clearly defined goals,” “We should have paid attention to this,” “Not the whole class is involved in the work,” and so on. All this is unsettling.

My advice: don’t give up at the first failures and comments. By the way, you need to listen to comments; in most cases they wish you well and want to help.

Although, comments in the style of “The lesson notes should be written by hand in a notebook of 96 sheets of A4 size, and not printed on a computer!” you can safely ignore it. Stuff your bumps, you can’t live without them, but soon everything will get better for you!

5. Start a diary (or better yet, two)

You can't rely on your memory. You will have so many different meetings, teacher councils, events, excursions, meetings, consultations, parent meetings and other things that it is simply impossible to keep all the tasks, dates and times in your head.

I didn’t keep a diary before because I didn’t see the need for it.

Now I have two of them: one for everything listed above, the other for direct educational moments. There I write down various ideas for quizzes and competitions, come up with tasks for tests and independent work, and write down moments like “Ivanov promised to hand over the poem by heart no later than December 1,” “Ivanov promised to bring the essay on March 5.” Then you show it to Ivanov, and he won’t get away with it.

6. Don't forget that you have your own life.

There are two types of teachers: some, upon hearing the bell from class, run out of the office faster than the students, others sit at school until the moment when the security guard timidly knocks on the door and asks to vacate the premises.

These are two extremes, but I think the essence is clear. Try to be the golden mean.

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Most importantly, don’t bring your work home! Check notebooks at school, prepare presentations or lessons at school too.

You have friends, parents, husband, wife, children - they need you. Meet, communicate, go to the cinema, exhibitions, theater, restaurants. Life doesn’t stop with checking notebooks and finding assignments.

Now you are probably thinking: “What kind of banality is she talking about?”, but I know many examples when teachers complained that they did not have enough time for anything else except school. All because they took work home. “Now I’ll pour some tea and check my notebooks” imperceptibly turns into “Well, I checked my notebooks, I can prepare my lessons for tomorrow.” That's it, the evening (or even the night) is lost.

Now imagine that you live in this rhythm every day. Emotional burnout is guaranteed. Distribute your strength evenly and be sure to switch to other areas of your life.

Do you remember your first working days?

We asked young teachers what it was like to teach high school students, when you yourself are just out of university. Several stories about flirting, being locked in the classroom, and being “attacked” by parents. / still from the film “Very Bad Teacher” is for illustrative purposes

“I had to explain that I don’t give ratings for likes”

Natalya, 23 years old, English teacher:

“My first 11th grade, which I started working in immediately after university, consisted of all boys and only one girl. At first I was scared, for some reason I was sure that it would be very difficult to find mutual language specifically with the guys. But in the end it turned out that communicating with them was much cooler and easier.

Of course, I had to become much more restrained on my pages on social networks, and I even hid a couple of photos - out of harm’s way. The children are constantly on VK, they look through the feed regularly and shower everything with likes on me, no matter what appears there. And I just don’t know how else to explain to students that their likes will not affect their grades.

When I studied at the university, I was going to be a strict teacher: no concessions, strict discipline, clear answers and high scores only to those who really tried to deserve them.

But being among children, it is impossible to maintain the image of the “iron lady” for a long time: one fine day you will smile or laugh, and that’s it - the ice has broken... Well, like it or not, your favorites appear. And since teaching staff- female, most often we sympathize with boys.

Moreover, sometimes we catch ourselves thinking that we rate higher not for knowledge, but for charisma and charm, but we can’t help ourselves. Friends to whom she praised her boy students joked: “So choose one and grow up for yourself!” But I just laugh in response, of course.

In general, there is enough flirting from the boys, and there was a battle for the first desk among them from the first day. Every request I make is fulfilled with a bang: getting water, watering flowers, carrying bags home. Of course, it also happened that it came to an offer to go for a walk together, but I had to pull myself together: “I’m a teacher!” The trouble is that modern schoolchildren do not look their age, and they behave too relaxed...

Thanks to my “children,” I discovered many new talents in myself: it turns out that I can yell perfectly; I manage to drink tea during recess, while keeping the door locked from restless children; I instantly fall asleep in any free minute. And I think I still have a lot of such discoveries ahead of me!”

“They said: “Fuck off with your algebra!..”

Maria, 22 years old, mathematics teacher:

“This is my first year at school, I teach mathematics to ninth graders. The school is an ordinary one, in a residential area where ordinary factory workers live. Children who are more or less gifted and interested in learning primary school they go to the gymnasium, and for me and my colleagues, as they say, what’s left is what’s left... Many students have divorced parents, some drink, some have a brother in prison...

In general, for the first few months I cried with enviable frequency. It’s good that I’m still at home, and not with my “young monsters” who diligently harassed me as best they could.

Every time I tried to write something on the blackboard or bend over for fallen chalk, the guys began to make voluptuous moans or show each other, pointing at me, obscene movements.

They could play on their phones during class, wearing headphones, spitting chewed paper, and not listening at all. Neither failing grades, nor going to the principal, nor calling their parents to school - nothing bothered them.

By doing such small but disgusting dirty tricks, they directly reveled in their bad manners and impunity. They said: “You should go with your algebra, the main thing for me is to finish 9th…”.

And when parents came to school at my call, they sometimes turned out to be no better than their children. Like, what kind of “teacher” is she who cannot teach their son anything, but only complains: this is not right for her, and this is not that way...

But there is no escape from the distribution submarine. I tried to abstract myself as much as possible from the main disturbers of my peace of mind and focus on those who at least listen to me a little in class. I even went to a psychologist a couple of times. Six months later it became easier.

Now I just have to wait a couple of months until the holidays, hold out. And there, let’s hope, most of my “inveterate” students will no longer go to the 10th grade...

But be that as it may, I reassure myself that such a school of life truly toughens and takes off rose-colored glasses. I never stopped loving the teaching profession. But I really hope that these will be the first and last such inadequate students on my path.” / still from the film “Spring on Zarechnaya Street” is for illustrative purposes

“At 25 years old I have 22 children!”

Lyubov, 25 years old, teacher of Russian language and literature:

“When I first came to workload sharing and was told that I would teach the 10th grade, I was scared. I was most afraid that I would enter the class, and no one would want to listen to me, because some students look older than me, and some are a head, or even two, taller than me...

Initially, I thought that only by strictness and shouting can one earn authority. And she was wrong. It was even strange when, at the end of my second year, the new tenth graders told me: “When you first came into class, all stern, in black, we thought that our happy days were over. And you, it turns out, are so cool!”

It’s just that students (of any age, by the way) are individuals, they are exactly the same people as the rest of us, only smaller. And by taking into account their opinions, listening to them and sharing their interests (I, for example, like many guys, am a big fan of superhero themes), you will earn the respect you so expect.

Yes, they are different. At their age, we behaved differently, we treated school and teachers differently. But we were in their shoes, which I think neither young teachers nor experienced ones should forget.

High school students show signs of attention, yes. They help bring a magazine, stacks of notebooks, and a laptop to the teacher’s office. It's nice, of course. And there wasn't a day at school when one of the students didn't tell me how good I looked today. But I think it’s still a sign of respect, nothing more. Or maybe a desire to make friends.

In general, in my experience, with boys it is more difficult in grades up to the ninth - a difficult age. But it’s more difficult with girls in grades 10-11; at this time they become very wayward. Although some come to me for advice, including in their personal lives. All school passions and “Santa Barbara” are immediately visible to the teacher.

And sometimes you have to take a direct part in “showdowns.” For example, to help build bridges in a situation where a girl, after breaking up with a boy, began dating his friend and the class was oh so restless...

IN this moment I am a class teacher for ninth graders. Of course, anything can happen. I cried for them (both from happiness and from resentment), I scolded them, I still sometimes yell at them.

But if one of the subject teachers complains about them, I still defend them. It may be difficult with them, but these are my children: 22 “my” children. We learn from each other every day. They are with me - life and my subject, and I with them - communication with the new generation and love for everything new."

“The children are afraid of me, but a colleague was even locked in his office.”

Olga, 24 years old, English teacher:

“Joining a team with adult, experienced teachers was even scarier than going to the children’s first lesson. After all, before that, both at school and at university, you are mainly with your peers. I was very worried about this age difference, and in reality it turned out to be really difficult.

Many colleagues asked me to help them, for example, print something, create a presentation, and I did not refuse anyone, but after six months I was really tired of being an “errand girl” and I finally learned to say “no.”

But I wasn’t afraid of meeting the children; on the contrary, I was looking forward to it. I had so much enthusiasm and ideas, it seemed to me that I could teach English to everyone, but in reality everything turned out differently. Naturally, there are children who enjoy learning, and there are those who don’t care about all this knowledge. Sometimes I offered the children tasks, and there were those who refused to complete them - I had to come up with something on the fly...

Initially, of course, the children wanted to see me more as a friend than as a teacher. They came with their secrets and tried to chat even in class. They often complained about other teachers: they say they are out of date, boring... But I did not support such conversations. I was very categorical: study, and study again.

But time has passed, and I understand that sometimes children also need to be listened to, laughed with and sad with them. Of course, you won’t become their friend, but the main thing is that they trust you.

High school students, especially boys, of course, tried to embarrass me. For example, at school they said “hello”, and when meeting on the street they said “hello”. But I always said emphatically “good afternoon” or “ Good evening" Many began to add friends on social networks, write, ask about life... And here the most important thing is to maintain distance.

In general, when working with high school students, my age helped me more than hindered me. It’s just that for a long time only adult teachers worked at my school. I was the youngest, and the children were drawn to me. Once, I remember, one 11th grader sighed and said: “I would marry you!” And I smiled for a long time, remembering this moment. / frame from the series “Favorite Teacher” is for illustrative purposes

In general, all high school students express their sympathy in the same way. They really want to help you. And since I was assigned to a rural school, it was expressed there in a unique way: they would offer to dig up the garden, or mow the lawn... As for a person who has lived in the city all his life, this was surprising to me. rural areas There was also the fact that in September the entire school, including the director, teachers and all students in grades 5-11, goes to... picking potatoes!

This was my first “field experience”. I dressed impractically, and did not understand at all what and how to do. Naturally, this caused giggles among the high school students, and later they remembered for a long time how I used two fingers with a beautiful long manicure to collect potatoes, one thing at a time...

But this banter is the exception rather than the rule. The children, I would say, are afraid of me. And that suits me quite well. Because, for example, one of my colleagues, who ended up in a vocational school after university, has a completely different story. There, for quite a long time, the children did not listen to her at all, rebelled and even locked her in the office. I was getting hysterical...

From my experience, I can give the main advice to young teachers: to be respected, always keep your promises. She said, “I’ll give you a two,” so give it right away. She said “at the next lesson we will do something interesting” - do it. She said, “Ivanov, I’ll ask you tomorrow,” just ask. She said “let’s go camping in the summer” - get ready and go... Under any circumstances, fulfill your promise. Then your words will be listened to and respected.”

A young teacher came to school. Is he prepared to work with students? It is absolutely clear, no matter how well the university prepares, the decisive development of mastery occurs in school, in live work with children, in practice. It is in the first years, from the first days, that the most intensive formation of those qualities begins that determine the degree of mastery of the future teacher.

They say it’s good if a teacher joins a strong city teaching team. At hand are both manuals and methodological developments, experienced teachers, nearby institutes, libraries. But this has its own difficulties: in such schools - high level requirements, developed students, prepared parents. What should a young teacher do in rural school? There the level of requirements is lower, but there is actually only one teacher, and he sometimes leads different classes and often 2-3 items, there is no one to ask and the benefits are bad... Different conditions dictate different forms of help, but there is also something in common that must be taken into account.

What difficulties do you encounter in the work of a young teacher?

First of all, in the field of teaching, a young teacher does not have sufficient knowledge of specific material on the topic. He knows, for example, the work of L.N. Tolstoy or history french revolution, Newton's laws, but it is very difficult for him to select specific facts from the writer's biography or popularly reveal the essence of Newton's laws. A young teacher experiences enormous difficulties in selecting material, preparing lessons, etc. As a rule, he does not know how to work. “The survey is a real torture for me,” admits one novice teacher. - What should thirty guys do while this “gimmick” of trying to get an answer drags on? What rating should I give?"

Explaining the material is the favorite part of the lesson for a novice teacher. He diligently and most often tells a good story. The class is quiet, they listen with interest. But a lesson is not only a passive perception, it is also work on the formation of knowledge, skills, abilities, and here the greatest dangers await a beginner: he loses control, the class is noisy, the lesson is disrupted. Not having an arsenal of teaching methods, the young teacher is in a hurry to tell more and more interesting things, to keep the students occupied, to calm them down, to entertain them...

It is difficult to implement a differentiated approach to students. A young teacher is not yet able to understand the nature of his students’ abilities, establish a diagnosis of retardation, the degree of neglect, the uniqueness of memory, thinking, and attention of individual students, so he is deprived of the opportunity to regulate the formation of knowledge. The young teacher avoids calling out weak students, he is afraid of them, he tries to get along with the strong ones, he does not know how to help individual students. As a result, the lag of some students increases, and their development in the learning process occurs spontaneously.

There are no less difficulties in educational work. A young teacher, as a rule, spends his leisure time well with students: plays with them, goes on hikes, on excursions, but how difficult it is for him to hold a meeting, debate, conference, organize duty, work matters...

The central link in organizing assistance to a young teacher is preliminary work with him. There is no need to give him lectures, conduct theoretical

classes. He has fairly recent information obtained at the institute. The young teacher needs practical advice. Such assistance can be: a) preliminary in nature and cover the entire group of young teachers; b) assistance can be individually preventive, related to specific preparation for lessons and various events; c) assistance is provided as a result of familiarization with the work of a young teacher.

A preliminary conversation with young teachers begins with a basic acquaintance with the traditions of the school and the features of the educational process. The school director shows offices, classes, and the school grounds. In a simple and vivid conversation, he reveals particularly successful methods of work of individual teachers and class teachers. As if along the way, the first specific advice is given: “In our school, it is not customary to shout at students. A teacher’s shouting causes a response, a conflict arises, and this, as a rule, does not lead to a solution to the issue.” “At our school, they don’t kick students out of class, don’t read “notations” during lessons, etc.”

The school's deputy director for academic affairs talks with young teachers about how to draw up lesson plans, fill out logs, and maintain the necessary documentation. Samples are shown. Particular attention is paid to preparation for the lesson, organizational aspects educational process. Experienced teachers also talk to young teachers. First of all, the simplest available advice is given: how to conduct a class hour, organize duty, distribute responsibilities, select assets, etc.

Where should a young teacher start? With careful preparation for the lesson. It is necessary to prepare for the lesson in such a way that the students do not have a minute of free time, so that during the entire lesson the student thinks, works, and is extremely busy. The worst thing is if a young teacher develops a “stamp” for a combined lesson. During the survey, he acts as a soulless controller (and the class does not work), during the explanation - in the role of a dispassionate informant, reinforcement is carried out formally, homework is given hastily... In such lessons, everything comes down to the assimilation of ready-made knowledge and its reproduction, there is no inclusion of students in the thoughts

tive activity, they do not develop, do not grow intellectually and spiritually.

It is important to impress upon the young teacher that the first condition for a successful lesson is a clear, scientifically based, convincing explanation. The material on the topic is divided into certain parts, structural elements, each of them is especially emphasized (plan, thesis, repetition, demonstration), properly comprehended, supported by examples and evidence. Students go step by step from simple to complex, mastering the necessary amount of knowledge and skills during the lesson. It is this art - teaching in the classroom - that a teacher needs to master from the first steps of his teaching activity.

Of course, general preliminary conversations do not solve the problem. They, as it were, bring the young teacher up to speed, introduce him to the best experience of the school, the basic requirements that are presented in this team.

The second stage in organizing work with a young teacher consists of specific, individual preliminary assistance in educational process. A new difficult topic is being studied. The director and his deputies will organize timely assistance. An experienced teacher or methodologist will help you create a thematic plan, select tasks, examples, exercises, and material. It is advisable to carry out such work in three stages: the first stage - general advice from an experienced teacher, a conversation two to three weeks before studying the topic, rough sketches general plan work; the second stage - personal preparation of the young teacher, selection of material, reading the necessary sections, solving problems, preparing experiments, compiling thematic plan; the third stage is direct study of the teacher’s work on the topic and corrective instructions, as well as attending lessons of more experienced teachers.

Under the guidance and assistance of the administration, the young teacher prepares for his lessons in a qualified manner. Of course, it is neither possible nor necessary to practice each topic in this way, but the samples obtained will serve as a good example, will affect the formation of the teacher’s work style, and will accustom him to creative searches and thorough preparation for training sessions.

Help is provided in approximately the same direction in conducting educational activities. The Deputy Director preliminarily discusses the progress of the

preparing for the evening, a hike, class hour. This is especially successful if there are two parallel classes and it is possible to consult with an experienced class teacher.

An effective form of assistance is open and demonstration lessons. An inexperienced teacher wants to look at examples of teaching work.

And yet the most difficult type of help is the analysis of the specific work of young teachers. We are often faced with a situation where the conversations went well and preliminary help was provided, but the lessons brought nothing but disappointment.

Here is one example. Graduate pedagogical institute explained the material perfectly. The students listened eagerly, there was absolute silence in the class, but as soon as the survey or reinforcement began, everyone lost interest and made noise. The teacher began to avoid addressing the students. The level of students' knowledge turned out to be extremely low; in fact, they stopped working. Head teacher and leader methodological unification helped to do the so-called “dirty” work, to master the techniques of forming knowledge in the classroom.

Step by step, by attending lessons, reviewing plans, testing students’ knowledge, school leaders will be able to ensure the individual growth of a teacher, taking into account his personal qualities, level of development, pedagogical data, and character.

Much attention should be paid to issues of pedagogical ethics and the development of pedagogical technology. Young teachers who have no experience working with children are very straightforward, easily excited, offended over trifles, shout, and threaten. Every now and then you hear: “This is the last time I’m telling you,” “Marry from class!”, “Don’t come without your parents,” etc. Children respond with hostility, try to offend the teacher, and a so-called emotional barrier arises that interferes with normal work. It is not easy to learn the art of the first reaction, communication with students, and patience. Under any circumstances, a teacher should not explode or lose his “pedagogical face.”

The success of a young teacher often depends on “trifles”: clothes, voice, gestures, random remarks.

AS Makarenko said very well: “For me... such “trifles” became decisive: how to stand, how to sit, how to get up from a chair, from a table, how to raise your voice, smile, how to look.”

The training received at the institute cannot solve the problem of developing mastery. Only through self-education and creative searches will a teacher achieve his mastery. School leaders should help him with this during the most crucial period of his development. It largely depends on them what kind of young teacher he will be!

23.5. The work of the school director on implementation

into the practice of advanced pedagogical experience

In the teacher training system important role belongs to innovators. Their skill, their “secrets” will show the teacher, so to speak, the embodied ideal, pedagogy as an art in action. Who can be called an innovator? Someone who does a good job? Or someone who offers something new? Innovation and excellence are not the same thing.

Advanced experience is a broader concept; innovation is an integral part of advanced experience, so to speak, its highlight, basis. Not every form of work, even successful ones, is best practice, just as not every innovation is best practice. Best practices are something that can be passed on and used in the work of other teachers. Innovation cannot always be conveyed; there is also individual creativity, which gives brilliant results for a given teacher, but other teachers will not be able to work like that.

It's like asking a great artist how he managed to paint such an amazing landscape? He will tell you how he painted nature, what he thought about, what he was worried about, how he created sketches, how he mixed paints... Everything is clear to everyone. But another artist won’t write like that, although he will repeat everything that the master did. It’s the same in our teaching work: nothing can be mechanically adopted. But the techniques developed by outstanding teachers will help you find your own approaches to solving the same problem and achieve success.

Best practices are reproducible methods, techniques and methods of training and education, practically implemented

implemented in the activities of individual teachers and provided good results without additional time investment (i.e., regular work hours). Best practices can be innovative when a teacher offers something original, new, that has not been done before. It could be the whole system works, such as those of Makarenko, Shatsky, Sukhomlinsky, Zankov, when issues of training and education were solved in a comprehensive manner, carried out using various methods and techniques. But innovation can also be more limited, when specific forms of classes or special teaching methods are offered. When we, for example, talk about the work of Shatalov, Ilyin, Lysenkova, we first of all have in mind the lesson. They are masters - innovators in the use of special methods of explanation, feedback, independent work students. Are there best practices that are not innovative? This can't happen. The teacher does not offer a new method, technique, way of working, but he managed to give the “old”, long-known method such a character that it began to sparkle, so to speak, with “new” colors, and became more effective and efficient. Where there is true success, there is always innovation - in one form or another. Pedagogical success is impossible without search, art, and the pangs of creativity. But it’s one thing when a teacher develops the necessary skills for himself, taking into account his character, training, and experience; it’s another thing if he has found working methods or improved old ones so that they give good results and can be widely disseminated and used. Innovation takes on the character of advanced experience that is subject to dissemination and implementation. Not everything, however, can be distributed. When studying the work techniques of an innovator, it is important for the director to find out the main, leading, general thing that can be recommended to everyone, and that which is inherent only to an individual, a talented person, which can be admired endlessly, like a work of art, but which cannot not only be copied, but even approximately to adopt, moreover, to adopt it is harmful, because in another version it will not be effective, and sometimes it will simply be cartoonishly funny. V.A. Sukhomlinsky taught thought lessons. The students sat and thought. Their faces are concentrated, they are immersed in search. But is anyone other than V.A. Sukhomlinsky, can he do this? Who can repeat A.S. Macaren-

co? Is there another ST. Shatsky or another Soroka^ Russian? These people are unique! But in their methods, their techniques, their approaches, there are elements that are accessible to everyone, moreover, there is something in common that has enriched pedagogy as a science and has become the property of everyone.

Advanced pedagogical experience is reproducible methods, techniques and methods of teaching and upbringing, practically implemented in the activities of individual teachers and ensuring improved results and quality of work with minimal investment of time and effort for teachers and students.

Positive experience can be complex when the result of the teacher’s activities (a high level of knowledge, work training and education of students) is revealed at the end school year or upon graduation from school: graduates successfully enter universities, work well in production, and behave approximately in society.

Positive experience can be intermediate, private. The teacher shows special abilities in organizing the educational process: he conducts lessons clearly, prepares them carefully, and intensifies the efforts of the children. It is this, the most powerful part of a teacher’s work, that is studied.

Positive experience can be specific, narrowly focused, when one method, technique, or individual element of the educational or educational process works.

Thus, teaching experience is a broad, ambiguous phenomenon, requiring comprehensive and purposeful activity not only by school leaders, but by the entire teaching staff.

Let's look at this in more detail, specifying this activity, and outline ways to study, generalize and introduce best practices into the practice of teachers.

Identifying, studying and summarizing best practices. School leaders, in their search for excellence, cannot rely solely on the chance that they suddenly discover something outstanding in the work of a teacher. \ ginal, useful. The study of best practices lends itself to organization and planned exploration. First of all, both the director and the head teacher draw up sample questions to be studied, bring them to the attention of teachers, as if stimulating their creative searches in a certain way.

ny directions. There may be thousands of shades and specific approaches, sometimes completely unexpected and unusual, but the main leading elements of the educational process are traditional and well known. Success depends on them. In the field of educational work, these blocks are as follows:

1. Preparing the teacher for lessons.

2. Feedback, the art of questioning students.

3. The ability to explain the material: activation, problematic nature, structure, variety of techniques, TSO, etc.

4. Development of students’ abilities, individual approach, work with strong and lagging students.

5. Development of students’ independence, their ability to acquire knowledge, model, solve original examples, apply knowledge in practice, etc. Development of hard work and love for mental work.

6. Education in the learning process. Techniques for developing beliefs, a system of requirements, a teacher’s personal example, ethics, etc.

In area educational work These questions are slightly different:

1. The ability to study the child’s personality, his abilities, temperament, character, inclinations, level of culture.

2. Work with a group of students.

3. Organization of educational activities.

4. Classroom methodology.

5. Moral, aesthetic and physical education schoolchildren.

6. Fostering hard work, a sense of responsibility, and activity in socially useful work.

7. Working with active students and “difficult children”

8. Work with parents of students, etc.

By studying the work of teachers in these areas, school leaders identify positive and “shadow” aspects of their work, give advice, guidance, and give examples. Each manager has more or less definite standard ideas about certain work methods and tries to convey them to his colleagues. This is undoubtedly one of the means of disseminating best practices, since both the director and the head teacher base their recommendations on generalized best practices and long-term observations. However, such actions are not enough. We are talking about a special study of the activities of teachers,

achieved serious success in their work, identifying the specific features of their techniques for the purpose of dissemination. Where does it all begin?

Through personal observations and analysis of results, school leaders determine that a particular teacher has certain outstanding achievements. How did he achieve them? The learning process begins. The degree of qualification of a leader is manifested primarily in the ability to find the “zest” in the teacher’s working methods, precisely what revives a seemingly well-known technique and makes it effective and efficient. The next step is to identify the elements of this technique, as if dividing it into its component parts and determining the weight of these elements, finding the main, “decisive” link. Then the head of the school determines whether it is possible to carry out this experiment, i.e. pass it on to others, or it depends entirely on the personality of the teacher: his artistry, temperament, disposition. The period of studying experience is extremely difficult and responsible. If the head of the school judges only by the result, without a thorough analysis of the pedagogical process, one can predict in advance the uselessness of such study, and sometimes even danger, since experience will be determined “in general,” superficially, without revealing its essence. On this matter, K.D. Ushinsky said that experience is not transmitted literally, but the idea embedded in the experience is transmitted. It is this “idea” that the school leader needs to find in the process of studying successful work specific teacher.

When studying the work system of an advanced teacher, it is necessary to draw up a plan, which may include next questions:

a) familiarization with the general training of the teacher: scientific, methodological, specialty;

b) studying the work of the teacher in preparing lessons and extracurricular activities (planning, state of the classroom, didactic material etc.);

c) attending several lessons on one topic;

d) analysis of the results of the teacher’s work (level of knowledge and development of students).

For a more complete disclosure of the teacher’s work system, it is necessary to study the organization of extracurricular work with students, an individual approach to them, the features of relations with parents, etc.

Advice for young teachers. How to establish discipline in the classroom.
Fewer and fewer young colleagues come to school. And even if they come, they don’t stay long. The reason is difficulties due to the large amount of work, documentation, educational process etc. But the first reason for any pedagogical failure is the inability to cope with the bad behavior of students.
Children learn most types of behavior unnoticed by observing and adopting the behavior of an authority figure. This is true for society as a whole. Often students adopt their teacher's behavior. Polite teachers have polite students. Teachers who calmly cope with difficult situations, are likely to produce students who are also capable of this. The director of our school said that over time, schoolchildren become like their class teachers. Teachers, without even feeling it, become role models for students. Matching the behavior expected of students with the behavior of teachers themselves is a powerful tool in proactive planning and one of the most important techniques good teachers should use.
When the demands placed on schoolchildren diverge from the behavior of those who work with them, this often becomes the cause of poor student behavior. Thus, the cause of the problem in this case is the teacher himself.
Good teachers know how to impose discipline on the entire class. Here are some ways to maintain discipline:
. Plan your work and follow the plan.
Prepare for lessons in advance, so that students are sufficiently busy throughout the entire class period. May you always have alternative plans and materials.
. Keep the class constantly alert. The students are called not in order, but in sections. When they know they may be called upon, they are more attentive.
. Reporting. The involvement of students in the work of the class is checked by asking questions, reading aloud, and checking the correctness of answers.
. Think over the “highlight” of the lesson. Each lesson should contain something that will cause surprise, amazement, delight of the students - in a word, something that they will remember when they have forgotten everything. It could be interesting fact, an unexpected discovery, a beautiful experience, a non-standard approach to what is already known, etc. The teacher must stimulate the interest of schoolchildren, their passion and desire to participate in the work in the lesson.
. Don't irritate students. The cause of irritation is ignorance of what is expected of them, unfair treatment of students, inconsistent actions of the teacher, inability to express their opinion.
. . Control your anger. If you feel that you are getting irritated, try your best not to let your feelings get out of control and try to relax, let your hands be relaxed, your gestures slow, your voice quiet.
. Delay your reaction. You should not immediately enter into controversy with your opponent, especially if his actions do not pose a threat to others. You need to pretend that you don’t seem to notice the intruder, although at the same time you make it clear that you clearly see his actions. The essence of the technique is that it emphasizes the secondary importance of the offender’s defiant behavior and therefore the teacher has no time and no need to be distracted from teaching the lesson. The “fact of not noticing” an obvious violation allows you to introduce some confusion into the actions of the disruptor and reduces his activity. A delayed reaction often gives a psychological advantage to the teacher.
. Translate the reaction. This technique also serves to debunk the significance of the act and the personality of the offender. This technique is technically implemented through the teacher performing everyday actions in the lesson (addressing the class with a greeting, working with a magazine, looking out the window, etc.) despite the emergency situation, which seems to be urgent. As a result, the “hero” of the conflict is left alone with himself. This reduces the “intent” of the struggle..
. Constant intimacy. During the lesson, the teacher walks around the classroom. You can, for example, continue your explanation by walking towards a student who, as you notice, is about to break discipline.
. Communication with your eyes. Just look the student in the eyes, as if saying: “I saw everything!” Sometimes this is enough to switch his behavior.
. Indirect appeal. The teacher praises the student for correct behavior, which is expected from someone who misbehaves. For example, Aidos gives his cues from his seat, and the teacher says: “Well done, Misha, for raising your hand!”
. Pause. The teacher becomes silent and waits until the student stops violating discipline.
. Voice control. Lowering the pitch, pitch, and volume of the voice can be used to reduce noise levels in the classroom. On the contrary, the increased enthusiasm of the teacher can stir up students and increase their interest.
. Switching attention. When a student begins to act out, the teacher asks him a question about the educational material.
. Maintain distance in relationships. Students need a teacher, not a playmate. Always be sociable, but do not forget that familiarity breeds disrespect. You can interact quite successfully with students without becoming one of them. Once you give in to annoying requests to let you go early, ask for less, etc., you can safely put an end to your reputation: the class senses your weakness very keenly and always hits you right there.
. Reminder of the rules. A simple reminder of the rules has a positive effect on behavior. For example: be quiet while working independently.
It should be noted that none of these points are a panacea; it is important that the teacher is decisive. A certain teacher must make it clear to his students that he is completely serious: there is a limit to everything. This requires decisiveness, a clear and firm tone. Behave in a way that makes it clear that you are a leader. Be decisive. Be in control of the situation. Know how to direct. You are the teacher and the students are waiting to be led. They quickly recognize indecision. The lack of good training and clear instructions is an incentive for bad behavior. The worse the student behaves, the better the teacher should behave in front of him and towards him. You can find a key to every child, but to do this you just need to love all children very much.
