Home workplace in a small apartment. A cozy workplace in the apartment: we work with pleasure! Organization of a workplace in a one-room apartment

The modern pace of life is sometimes difficult for even the most progressive and hardy of us, which is why offices and mini-offices within the walls of one’s home are becoming a common occurrence. A workplace set up in an apartment or house makes it possible to organize an acceptable schedule and not waste time on the road under the motto “home-work-home”.

We’ll talk further about how to create the best conditions for freelancers to work at home or organize an office in the city center, pointing out common mistakes in the design of a work area.

Errors and ways to resolve them

  • Wrong landing

First of all, when arranging an office or workplace at home, you should not place the table in such a way that the window remains behind the back of the person sitting, especially if there is only one in the room. From time to time you will need to look at the view behind the glass to relieve eye strain and just take a little break.


It is better to install a full-fledged desk perpendicular to the window: this will provide you with a free view of the landscape outside the window, as well as observation of the entrance to the room in order to feel comfortable.


  • Enhanced Brightness

Quite often, an area near the window in the kitchen, living room or bedroom is allocated for a home office, placing the table close to the window sill. We have nothing against such a solution, but if you work with a computer, you should not place its monitor parallel to the window. Thus, intense daylight and the brightness of the screen on will inevitably lead to a feeling of heaviness and tension in the eyeball.


If it is not possible to allocate another, less lit area for a table with a monitor, simply rotate the latter perpendicular to the window. This simple action will significantly reduce eye strain; in addition, you can close the curtains or blinds while working with the computer during the day.


  • Snow-white interior

It is not advisable to use white color in large quantities in the design of the office, because it will create the same effect as in the case of a monitor opposite the window. The intense light that surrounds you throughout the working day is tiring; in addition, white has the ability to reflexively reflect other colors and sunlight. That is, if, for example, the sun is shining outside the window, then it will be very difficult to work in a white office, and when it rains outside, the space will seem cold and dull.



Use white, provided that the cabinet is made in a warm natural palette: wood, grass, black and brown, terracotta and sand colors. So, snow-white accents will not harm, but will only create a more solemn and lighter atmosphere.


  • Visual emptiness

Boring walls, dull color scheme, simple geometric shapes is the bane of most urban office spaces. In such conditions, it is quite difficult to work productively without falling into apathy and despondency.


Remote work today makes it possible to plan your schedule more flexibly and make adjustments to the established image of the average office. At home, it is possible to adapt the workplace to personal needs and habits, so you should not ignore such a privilege. For example, you can decorate the walls with paintings depicting landscapes in a natural range of colors (these will help your eyes relax during a break), black and white photographs (they do not distract from work and complement the interior well). We also recommend using lamps and decor of unusual shapes and textures that are pleasant to the touch.

  • Not an ergonomic chair

Poor perseverance can develop for a completely prosaic reason, for example, due to a hard, deep, too low or high seat.


The correct furniture for sitting at a desk is a chair with the back slightly tilted back. The feet of a seated person should be free to touch the floor, legs should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the back should be leaning against the backrest.

Keep in mind that a furniture store salesperson may not tell you this, but there are different types chairs: some will be comfortable for men, others are suitable for women, due to differences in the location of the centers of gravity


  • Lack of local lighting

A workplace or table in a separate office cannot do without additional lighting, because quite often you have to work in the evening. So, the light from the monitor will clearly not be enough to see the symbols on the keyboard, or write down the necessary information in a notepad.


Getting to work in the twilight hours, or giving in to the creative impulse at dawn, is a little easier if your home office is equipped with a desk lamp or architect's lamp.


  • Lack of storage sections

It is difficult to maintain order in the workplace if the table is hidden under a pile of papers, and boxes with folders, office supplies and other supplies are scattered under your feet. A significant disadvantage in the design of the workplace is the lack of places to place the most necessary things for work.



If you don’t want to clutter up the space with cabinets, cabinets and other heavy furniture, you can attach several shelves along the wall above the table, on the sides of it, and even under the tabletop. This will help organize your work area and simply make it tidier.


  • Dilapidated furniture

When it comes to setting up a home workspace, many people make the same mistake: using furniture that was used and borrowed from neighbors, bought at a flea market or brought from a city office. It’s good if these items are vintage, in excellent condition, made of durable materials. It’s worse when an office is formed from a wobbly table and chair, broken drawers and pencil cases without handles, in the hope of soon replacing old items with new ones. As a rule, this “soon” does not come for a long time, and you suffer from your own short-sightedness.


You need to approach the choice of furniture for your home office carefully, and even if it is not new, it must be tested for strength and quality, so that later you do not regret the money spent and the time spent searching for items.

  • Excess colors

Beautiful, cheerful colors energize and inspire you to work harder and yet, the office does not need to be oversaturated with flashy colors. Some of them are too active (yellow, red, fuchsia) and make it difficult to concentrate on main tasks.


If you use bright combinations correctly, they will not only not harm you, but will help you restore your strength during your work break. So, you should not place bright color spots on the desktop and the wall in front of it: it will be difficult to focus attention on something else. It is better if the color is used in the upholstery of the chair you are sitting on, on the rug under your feet, on the wall behind you.

  • Cold floor

When we sit for a long time, we lose flexibility, quickly get cold and get tired. These unpleasant sensations may be aggravated if there is tile or other floor material that is cold to the touch underfoot.


It is possible that you are not ready to replace the covering or use a heated floor system, but laying a soft and warm rug, fur bedding or mat, after all, will not be amiss.


Working from home is the dream of most modern people. Even if we are allowed to work from home at least one day a week, we cannot afford to neglect this opportunity. What if you have already become a happy freelancer or managed to distribute your working time between office and home?

Daily hassles and constant distractions can prevent us from putting plans into action. Even if you're ready for a productive day, stocked up on tea and your favorite snacks, you're unlikely to get anywhere without a suitable place to work. Not everyone can afford to set up a full-fledged office or workshop at home. It's hard to find a private room where no one can disturb you. But setting up your own personal corner in one of the rooms in the apartment, even a very small one, is quite possible. We offer you practical ideas and real photos a workplace set up right at home.

Workspace for two

Workplace in a separate room

Some apartments still have a separate room in which you can set up an entire home office. Even if it is small, the walls and door will still protect you from everyday noise and help you concentrate on your work. Personal Area– it’s not just a desk with a computer. A separate room is often needed for those who do handicrafts.

Good idea: Set up your room with everything you need for work, such as water and a printer. If this is a workshop, then move all the necessary tools there. If this is a home office, then take care of all the necessary equipment. This way, you won't be distracted from your work process by having to fetch something from the kitchen or pantry.

Workplace in a narrow room: nothing superfluous!
Spacious office in a separate room
Home office for two in a classic style

An office in a separate room will create a feeling of a good working atmosphere, even if there is no one else at home except you. Separate areas for work and rest will help you maintain a balance between work and family. What if you don’t have the opportunity to set aside a special place for your favorite activity? Use the idea of ​​​​building an office in other rooms, for example, in the bedroom!

Workplace in the bedroom

An unexpected solution, but quite acceptable if you know how to distinguish between work and rest time. Working while lying in bed is certainly tempting, but this does not always lead to productive time spent. If you work at home regularly, then most likely you will need a good desk with a wide top and enough space for a laptop, monitor (or even two), document storage or craft materials. A workspace in the bedroom will be comfortable if you equip it with your favorite comfortable things and take care of a good chair or armchair. Working while sitting on the sofa at a low coffee table is not the best best idea for those who want to really earn money, and not just work from home.

To designate functional areas, try positioning the monitor so that its back is towards the bed. This will help smooth out the light from the screen, which is important if someone else lives in the room. How and where can you place a workplace in the bedroom? If possible, it is better to place the table near a window or so that the light source is to your left. Another way out is to separate the bed from the work area with a bookcase. This will help create a comfortable layout and make the office atmosphere more private.

Workplace in the bedroom by the window
A full-fledged workplace in a spacious bedroom
Cozy work area

Workplace in the living room

Setting up a workspace in the living room is perhaps the best solution for small apartments. There is always a corner here that will not suffer from additional load in the form of a table, chair and small cabinets or shelves. Where is the best place to place your mini-office? Choose a non-traversable place, in the back of the room, away from the doors. This way, family members passing by will create minimal disruption for you.

An interesting idea: place a table at the side or back of the sofa if it is in the middle of the room. This is a great opportunity to divide space with minimal loss of square meters. Many living rooms today are equipped with wardrobes. Such a simple piece of furniture can also become a great workspace in the living room. You can free one of the sections by placing a small console table there and installing the necessary power supplies for the equipment. Add a small, preferably folding, chair and enjoy a mini-office where nothing distracts you from your work!

Well-organized workspace in the living room A work area that fits perfectly into the living room style
Compact workplace located in the dining area

We use unusual places to arrange the workplace

Do you think that you can organize an office just against the wall or in a spacious room? Nothing like this! Below are non-standard places for cozy corners where you definitely won’t be disturbed by anyone to concentrate.

  • Pantry. These small spaces, too small for a full closet but too large for a regular closet, are perfect for a home office. All you need are doors or a curtain to hide your privacy from prying eyes. You can freely arrange such a workplace in your bedroom, living room or kitchen, and you will know for sure that no one will interfere with your work when passing by.

An office that can easily be hidden behind a curtain
  • Niche in the wall. You are very lucky if your, maybe even a small apartment, is equipped with a niche. It doesn’t matter if it is too narrow: if placed compactly, a separate table and a small chair will fit there. And storage space can be organized on the shelves above your head.

Workplace in a niche
  • Hallway. In ordinary apartments, sometimes there are huge hallways in which it is difficult to rationally use the space. There is a wardrobe against one wall, but the rest are empty, and it doesn’t look very cozy. If there is a blind corner in the hallway, fill it wisely: set up a workstation and enjoy a separate office!
  • Place under the stairs. Although this option is rare in apartments, this idea still has the right to life. Usually a pantry is installed in such places, but why not allocate such a secluded area for more useful needs?

A workplace under the stairs is a space saver!
  • Balcony or loggia. These places in the house are now increasingly being converted into living space. If you have already insulated a balcony or loggia and know that it will be comfortable to spend a lot of time there, why not make a separate work area there, similar to a whole personal room, small, but your own? In the following photos you will see a few more ideas for an unusual arrangement of a home office.

Workplace behind a glass partition
Office right in the closet Cabinet in the dressing room

Workplace by the window

This is an ideal option for enjoying beautiful sunrises and sunsets, as well as making the most of natural light. Looking out the window, you can be inspired and rest your eyes, alternately looking at the monitor and into the distance.

In addition, to organize a workplace by the window, it is not necessary to place a separate table: just expand the window sill, and a full-fledged area for activity with a comfortable tabletop is ready!

Artist's desk
Comfortable workplace on the windowsill
Spacious corner workspace

Planning a competent organization of your desktop

The key to productive work and purity of thoughts is a comfortable place, devoid of distracting things. Therefore, pay close attention to the organization of your desktop. What takes up the most space? Are there any items that are unlikely to be useful during work? Make sure there is enough storage space: papers and folders should not end up on the table by themselves. Give them space on the shelves or buy a computer desk with ready-made drawers and shelves.

Tip: To prevent your printer and large equipment from taking up valuable desk space, move them to a shelf above the desk. Unusual, but why not?

Organization of a compact workplace Storage areas are located on the upper shelves
Thanks to the upper shelves, the work table is unloaded

How can you decorate your workplace?

Here you can focus on your type of activity. How do you spend most of your day? What inspires you? Those who like to make things with their own hands will find useful mini-boxes, drawers and special storage systems that will help keep scraps, beads, threads, accessories and other tools in order.

A universal option for decorating your workspace is a vision board that can be filled with photographs, magazine clippings, personal drawings and inscriptions that will motivate you to be productive.

Handicrafts workplace
Workplace in pastel colors
Thematic design of the workplace

Photo of the workplace

We hope that the following photos of your workspace will inspire you to create your own comfortable home office, which will help you create something new day after day!

Combining a living room with a work area will help you in a situation where you don’t have the opportunity to set up your own office. In this case, the room acquires two functions at once: it combines the possibility of rest and work.

Living room with work area: pros and cons

This design solution has its positive and negative qualities. The good side is that this combination, in addition to saving space, makes the interior more original. In addition, living rooms usually have good lighting, which creates favorable working conditions.

But there are also pitfalls. For example, extraneous sounds from the recreation area can distract from work, and household members, not wanting to disturb the person working, simply will not be able to have a good rest.

Before deciding on this design move, it's worth weighing the pros and cons.

Where should the work area be located?

If you decide to combine a work area with a relaxation area, you first need to decide on its location. The office should be located in the side of the room, for example, in the corner. If it is located in the center of the room, household members will not be able to rest.

It is especially appropriate to locate the work area near a window that will provide natural light.

The work area can become completely isolated if it is placed on a balcony or loggia. It is very important to take care of insulating this area so as not to freeze during the cold season. If the balcony is small, you can destroy the partition so that everything you need fits in this area. But when locating the work area in this place, it is worth considering the disadvantages, for example, noise from the street can distract from work, and dust in the warm season can damage equipment.


One zone will be the hall, and the second will be the office. The division must be clear. You can apply your own ideas or borrow them from famous designers. There aren't many options for a pentagonal room. A piano will fit well into the fifth corner.

Workplace zoning provides comfort to both the working person and his household. For this purpose, different types of partitions are used. For example, solid partitions provide complete insulation. Screens and curtains can act as light partitions, which will additionally create coziness in the room. You can also separate the work area with furniture if you place cabinets so that they hide the entire work area.

Decorative panels will serve not only as screens, but also as decoration. Aqua panels or 3D panels will look very beautiful and stylish. Plastic screens connected to electricity, in addition to the above functions, will be an additional source of light, and in the dark everything looks as impressive as possible.

You can put a large aquarium as a partition: it is quite expensive, but the result compensates for the costs. This method will delight guests with its originality and beauty.

The work area can be highlighted using color. If the living room interior is quite bright and catchy, it is recommended to make the work area in neutral colors to ensure maximum concentration on work.

However, do not forget about the main rule: the work area, in addition to comfort and discreet style, should not stand out too much in the living room. In this case, the room will not look harmonious.

In addition to these techniques, you can also transform the space, for example, create a niche in the wall. This solution will be as comfortable as possible for the employee. It is possible to place the work area on a small podium; this will qualitatively highlight the work area among other items, but it will not be very convenient or practical.

It is recommended that the work area be positioned with its back to the main part of the living room so that the worker is not distracted. However, placing the office facing the seating area can also be beneficial if there are small children who need to be looked after.

Furniture placement

The most important point in this matter is the comfortable and beautiful placement of work furniture in the room. With the space for receiving guests, everything is simple: you should place a TV, a coffee table, a sofa or a couple of armchairs here. The coffee table can be classic or “transformable”, which can be expanded if desired, making it look like a full-fledged dining table.

A convenient solution for the work area is furniture on casters, which can be easily removed, for example, during the holidays, when the family is expecting a large company.

Of course, it will be more convenient for the company to relax in free space.

In order to successfully place the necessary furniture without the effect of cluttering the room, you first need to remove from the room what you can do without. Excess furniture and objects will clutter up the space as much as possible and interfere with free movement. Bulky furniture also looks outdated; it is better to replace it with multifunctional items.

After this, you need to place a desktop - the most important element of the interior, on which most of the work is done. It can be placed diagonally in relation to the room itself. This way the entire corner of the room will be occupied, which will make the work area especially cozy. The table itself should not be too large; the presence of drawers and compartments for placing equipment (computer, printer, etc.) is a plus.

If the size of the table allows for excess, you can place sweet photographs, decorative candles or figurines on it.

The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so that the accessories do not distract from the important work.

In especially small rooms you can use extendable tables– when assembled, they take up virtually no space. On balconies or loggias, you can use the window sill as a table if you expand it with plasterboard. Often in small living rooms the work area is hidden from prying eyes, for example, hidden in a closet.

The selection of a chair is very important: comfort during work affects performance and does not harm the musculoskeletal system.

A transparent table and chair will harmonize with any interior without attracting undue attention. It is appropriate to place an outlet near the table so that you do not have to stretch wires and extension cords across the entire room, which will cause discomfort to the residents and will look sloppy.

To store things, you can use racks, which can also serve as a screen. Don’t forget about hanging shelves, which take up virtually no space. They can be filled with literature, folders, and so on.

Placing a sofa in the work area is not the best solution because it reduces labor productivity. On the contrary, placing a cork board on the wall is very convenient. You can attach notes, reminders, and current documents to it; this will help save important sheets that household members may mistakenly throw away or simply get lost in a pile of other papers. In addition to practical benefits, this element can be used as a decoration that attracts attention.

Despite all the options, the most convenient is making custom-made furniture. This method will help bring all your design decisions to life.


It is known that colors affect the performance and general psycho-emotional state of a person:

  • Cool shades of colors increase concentration at work;
  • Bright colors (yellow, green, blue) influence the creative mood; this is an ideal option for people whose work involves creativity and the need for creative thinking. However, you should not use these colors separately, as they will distract from the main work;
  • Blue color has a calming effect and helps to concentrate, while blue is too relaxing and distracts from details;
  • Red color in small quantities gives a supply of energy and self-confidence;
  • Warm shades will only distract from the task at hand; this is the worst option for accountants and those whose work involves precise calculations and in-depth analysis.


Most often they give preference to the classic or colonial style. A discreet style is ideal - hi-tech, minimalism, loft. This style will not distract from work and will not allow you to relax too much. They also use the colonial style in a diluted form.

Ladies, especially lovers of needlework, prefer to decorate their workplace in Provence or shabby chic style.

Regardless of whether you'll be working on research or using your workspace to finish work at home, you should approach its design with the rules of office design in mind. The ideal workspace is functional and comfortable. In addition to creating a business environment, it must be beautiful, match the capabilities and taste of the owner, and be modern. Let's look at 20 options for organizing a workplace in a modern home style.

Neat, clean, even sterile

Despite the apparent simplicity of the decoration, the interior has pronounced characteristics of the Scandinavian style with a harmonious combination of elements and the use of natural materials. The snow-white color of the walls and furniture, the bright yellow details of the shelves, the ethnic pattern of the facades, the naturalness of the ceiling and floor complement and balance each other. A stylish solution made it possible to abandon the abundance of furniture and accessories, creating a minimalist design that has everything that is necessary for fruitful work.

How to organize a workspace at home. Photo

Unusual design of a familiar office

The photo of a modern-style workplace shows the familiar office style. The large, comfortable table is equipped with a spacious cabinet for papers and stationery. The unusual and original design is created using elements inherent in the loft style.

Photo of a modern workplace at home

The gray color of uneven concrete, ceilings, wall-to-wall cabinets, industrial clocks, elements made of chrome pipes, a stainless steel table lamp, a cabinet chest of drawers with small drawers, all these are characteristic features of the popular style. In such an office, work is completed faster, important decisions are made, because nothing distracts attention from the work process.

Nothing personal, just work

This design is commonly used in open offices with big amount workplaces, but also suitable for home - only a working atmosphere, around everything you need and nothing unnecessary that distracts attention. For fruitful work there is everything you need - an ergonomic chair, a spacious cabinet, modern gadgets and a fairly spacious work desk space.

Organizing a home office. Photo

There is also room for work in the living room.

It is not always possible to allocate a separate room for an office. An original modern idea for a workspace at home will allow you to have a comfortable corner for productive work even in the living room.

A place to read books at home. Photo

The coldness of the black and white interior is neutralized by the warm shade of natural wood on the countertop and floor. Neat, clear lines of objects put you in a working mood, and upholstered furniture helps you relax at the right moment in order to find the right solution to a difficult issue.

Large office in the house? Nothing complicated

Those who prefer to have a spacious workspace at home can take as a basis a stylish black and white office with a spacious and decorative bookcase against a striped wall. The desk is equipped with an expensive glossy tabletop and is the full length of a soft sofa with comfortable armrests. To add stylish chic to an overly neat interior, accent spots of golden color are used in the form of expensive accessories, a floor vase, or a futuristic chair.

Study-living room in the apartment. Photo

The bedroom and the workplace are quite compatible things

Properly implemented in design, the modern idea of ​​a home workplace allows you to combine a chic office with a comfortable bedroom. The contrasting color concept of the interior includes combinations of white and black, the clear lines of which are diluted with details in shades of beige and dark chocolate. The absence of unnecessary items does not distract from work, and the presence of warm colors creates comfort and makes it possible to fully restore strength after a busy day of work.

Workplace for a schoolchild. photo

Office for extraordinary personalities

Artistic types should love an art cabinet with modular furniture. The photo of a workplace in a modern style shows an extraordinary project, which uses a minimalist black and white design, complemented by elements with a noble shade of dark chocolate.

Modern workplace at home. Photo

In it, the unusual shapes of a comfortable chair and a spacious table are continued in original sculptural compositions. A thoughtfully installed bar counter with high swivel stools provides an opportunity to relax in order to make the right decision while thinking.

Loft style is a good choice for a studio apartment

The huge space with high ceilings is perfect for finishing in the popular loft style. It’s quite easy to create a cozy workplace at home by arranging upholstered furniture on an island, using different materials, color and texture combinations. Unusual photos, paintings in simple black frames, a wall in the form of uneven brickwork will help create the right mood.

Workplace at home in loft style. Photo

Bright, stylish, comfortable - ideal for young people!

Young, extraordinary individuals will certainly like the bright, rich design shown in the photo of a workplace in a modern style, allowing you to use even a small space with maximum efficiency. The traditional desk has an updated shape and is paired with open shelving. A black and white workspace helps you concentrate, and a bright environment, if you want to take a break from hard work, gives you the opportunity to relax.

Photos of design workspaces

Work or study - it should still be convenient

A youth room must have a comfortable workplace. The fresh and cheerful design allows you to combine a large window, a sleeping area, open shelves with drawers and a desk in a single solution. All elements are interconnected by shape, color, and are a continuation of each other. The result is a light, sweet interior that makes efficient use of every centimeter of a small space.

Workplace for a schoolchild. Photo

Favorite loft even in a small room

Despite the fact that a loft-style interior requires spacious apartments, its individual elements can also be used in compact spaces. The proposed modern home workspace idea includes an unplastered concrete ceiling, simple shaped furniture, metal industrial handles for attaching shelves, and a chandelier with abstract lines. However, the simplicity and rough details of interior items do not prevent owners from having the necessary level of comfort thanks to a comfortable sofa, expensive appliances, and luxury accessories.

Photo of a workplace in a modern style

Everything you need is at hand

A no-frills room offers its owner a functional space for productive work. A corner table with a spacious cabinet of an unusual shape forms an ergonomic workplace, and open shelves on the wall and in the closet will accommodate a huge amount of reference and educational literature. The eye-catching Jielde table lamp is an iconic accessory and has remained relevant since its introduction in 1950.

Industrial style office

The cool black and white industrial interior is softened by areas of gray concrete on the walls and floors. The author's frame products with wood texture are made in a harmonious color combination - a desk top, a table with a cabinet, and drawer fronts. The design uses the theme of vintage aviation - in the photo, in the shape of the designer chair, the lines of the table lamp. Chromed metal parts highlight the chosen industrial direction.

Stylish interior is formed by details

A home studio cannot do without professional equipment and a translucent screen that lets in the required amount of light. But the central place in the interior rightfully belongs to the desktop. A little more and it would have seemed bulky, but the designer was able to catch the right edge in the combination of the contrasting smooth surface of the tabletop and rough legs made in the shape of scissors. The warm texture of wooden elements neutralizes the cold of the concrete walls and ceiling.

Simply chic minimalism

A distinctly minimalist design characterizes the home’s workspace, in which the impeccable finishing of a few elements testifies to the taste and wealth of the owner. Noteworthy are the white floor with the texture of high-quality natural wood, as well as another wonderful Jielde designer lamp, now in a floor-standing version. It not only decorates the office, but is always on hand to illuminate any task, be it working on a project until dawn or reading a magazine in the evening.

Small area? We'll still decorate it in style!

Using professional ideas, even a small workplace in the corner of the dining area can be decorated chicly. The document shelf allows you to neatly place all sets of documents for storage, but at the same time it does not take up space, as it is located in a niche. The work corner seems cozy and discreet thanks to the color scheme used - a combination of white with delicate shades of marble and concrete. An original chair made of transparent acrylic performs its functions without cluttering its compact volume.

Revitalizing ideas for a boring office

Even a faceless office space designed for productive work can be easily brought to life. In a strict minimalist office you can also relax and cheer yourself up. There are several useful ideas for this - place a flowerpot with pleasant greenery from a houseplant on the table, and a photograph of a loved one on the wall.

Bedroom and workspace? Quite compatible!

Not everyone has the opportunity to allocate a separate room for work or privacy. If the overloaded living room no longer accommodates a desk, it can be placed in the bedroom. The mirrored front of the cabinet will visually double the length of the room, spacious shelves will be hidden behind sliding doors to match the color of the walls, and the neat surface of the countertop will not take up much space.

Unconventional interior for extraordinary personalities

To meet the needs of creative individuals, non-standard solutions are required. The design idea for a modern studio is based on the unusual arrangement of the desktop. Instead of being placed next to a wall, it is placed in the middle of the room. This allows you to observe your changing surroundings for inspiration, rather than constantly studying the section of wall in front of you.

Black and white interior can be boring

By choosing a black and white design for your workspace, you can make it joyful and energetic. An unusual chair with geometric lines is suitable for this, forming a wonderful tandem with a striped carpet. A bright photo in a large frame, an exclusive wall lamp will pleasantly dilute the austere interior, bring a piece of warmth, fill positive emotions after a long day of work.

The modern world is designed in such a way that many people have the opportunity to earn money without leaving home. At first, beginning businessmen often equip their company’s office at home so as not to spend money on rent. Many companies encourage employees to work remotely, while some simply have to finish unfinished reports in the evenings. But to work productively at home, you need to create the right atmosphere without distractions.


To rationally spend time and increase the efficiency of their employees, company managers pay a lot of attention to the issue of organizing their workplace. For those who work at home, the ability and desire to create a comfortable work area is also important.

A work area equipped in your own apartment must meet the following characteristics:

  • There should be no unnecessary objects that distract attention in the work area. The table should be cleared of various figurines and irrelevant documents. This will allow you to direct your thoughts in the right direction without switching to all sorts of little things. And the rule of tidying up your desk at the end of each working day will not only allow you to keep your place in order, but will also become a kind of ritual that separates the time of work and rest.
  • If the house has a separate office, then you should explain to your family that you should not enter it for trifles during the day. It is also necessary to limit the access of pets. When the corner with the computer is located in the common room, you can put on headphones and listen to the sounds of nature and heartbeat, so as not to be distracted by extraneous noise.

  • The workplace in the apartment must be designed so that it is functional. A large number of drawers or shelves with everything you need at arm's length will allow you not to get up from the table every time and not be distracted from work. It is important to take into account that for right-handed people, everything necessary should be placed as much as possible on the right side of the table, while for left-handed people it is more convenient to reach into the left drawer. You can also place a paper organizer on the work surface so that the documents you need for work do not lie in piles on the table, but stand neatly in a corner.
  • Another important detail is the availability of sockets. It is best to have the table close to a source of electricity, but if necessary, you can use an extension cord. Just all the wires need to be carefully twisted and hidden so as not to disturb the order and not take up extra space.

  • Good lighting is one of the most important factors in productivity. The best option would be to locate the work area in close proximity to the window. This rule can also be followed when arranging a student’s individual corner. This area in the house should have intense and at the same time uniform, non-dazzling lighting. A prerequisite is the presence, in addition to the general source of lighting, of a local one intended only for the work area.
  • Good ventilation and inaccessibility of foreign odors to the room will make any work more productive. During short breaks, you should leave the office and ventilate it so that when you return, you can breathe easily and freely.

  • The color scheme of the domestic worker's territory should consist of neutral light shades - gray, white, peach or beige. This will not only set you up for a calm and focused pace of work, but will also allow you to complement the interior with small bright details - favorite paintings or photographs - without compromising the overall picture of the room.
  • Motivation and inspiration help you finish the most important things faster and more pleasantly. To place propaganda materials, you can select a part of the wall at eye level, placing a magnetic or slate board, a piece of fabric there, or simply attach pieces of paper to buttons directly to the wall. You can also write down your daily plan and to-do list.

Where to place it?

When it becomes clear what requirements a home workplace must meet, you can move on to choosing its location.

The best option among all existing ones is the ability to organize an office in a separate room. It would be good if this room is equipped with a door. This will allow you to once again avoid the temptation to look into the kitchen or the TV, and will also protect you from extraneous sounds in the apartment. .

You should make sure that the office has all the supplies necessary for work. This will save time and will not distract you from the process

Sometimes a workspace needs to be organized in a one-room open-plan apartment. In this case, the area with the table can be placed in the corner and fenced off with a bookcase or shelving, install a screen or hang curtains. Selecting a space using a color scheme will also allow you to delimit areas for work and relaxation, which, in fact, are in the same room. If someone else is working remotely at home, or there are school-age children, then it would be wiser to divide the space behind the screen into two workspaces. Then everyone can do their own thing without distracting each other.

In a small apartment there is not always room for a desk with a computer and drawers. The salvation in this case will be the presence of a balcony. First you need to put things in order on the balcony and free it from rubbish. After this, it is necessary to insulate the balcony; in the case of a loggia, this is not necessary. You should also ensure there is adequate lighting and access to outlets. To organize a workspace on the loggia you will need at least a small table, a cabinet or shelves for storing documents.

Another space that is suitable for organizing a mini-office is a pantry. If outerwear or boxes of seasonal shoes are not stored in it, but unnecessary rubbish accumulates, then you can safely arrange a compact workplace there. Such a space is characterized by a vertical arrangement of functional furniture, since in the lower part it is unlikely that anything else will fit except a table with a chair. Since there are no windows nearby, you need to carefully consider the lighting. An excellent option would be to install a wall lamp directly above the table. Light colors of furniture and walls will visually increase the area of ​​the pantry.

In an apartment with wide window sills, you can easily organize a space for doing business by the window. With this option, you do not need to purchase an additional table; just choose a comfortable chair and place racks with shelves for documents on the sides of the window. If the window sills are not wide enough, and there are no other options for organizing a work area, then you can extend the space by the window using a tabletop. By working near the window, you can get as much natural light as possible, and during breaks you can admire what is happening on the street.

Some housewives show their imagination and set up their own study corner right in the kitchen. This allows you to save space in the rest of the apartment and cook without interrupting your work. But in this case, you need to be able to quickly switch from work to household chores. You can arrange a full-fledged workplace in the kitchen space by choosing furniture to match the color of the kitchen unit. To save space, you can install a retractable tabletop and a built-in seat along the wall in a free corner.

And the most economical option is to simply use the dining table as a work table, retiring behind it with a laptop.

Design ideas

After choosing a location for arranging the work area, you can begin to design the space. In this matter, you should rely on your preferences and arrange the place for yourself.

If the work area needs to be decorated in another room, then its style should harmoniously fit into the existing interior of the room. Usually the work area is set up in the living room; often the bedroom is also used for this. In the case of a space shared with another room, you need to choose only the most necessary furniture - a table, a chair or office chair that is comfortable for working, and storage space. To save space as much as possible, you can use a transforming table.

If the apartment has a separate space for important matters - an office or a balcony - then this allows for greater freedom in choosing the style of design. A fairly large area must be zoned into a place for work and a relaxation zone.

To decorate the interior, you can choose any of the existing styles.

The most popular are:

  • Classic style is universal and is often found when decorating an office. Such arrangement will appeal to people of status, adherents of everything traditional. Furniture in this style includes luxurious leather sofas with wide armrests, bulky armchairs with wooden inserts, impressively sized tables made of solid expensive wood, and gilded ornate decorative elements. Such furniture requires a lot of space.

  • Modern style unpretentious and accessible, for which we are so loved by many young people. Strict and practical interior items of this style allow you to concentrate as much as possible on solving problems. Furniture in the minimalist style in monochrome shades may seem boring, so it is recommended to add modernist details to the interior. Among the materials, preference is given to metal, wood and glass. Furniture according to the style should be built-in, and lighting should be maximum.
  • Vintage style with its aged furniture, it is suitable for organizing a work area in a light-colored bedroom. A wicker chair and a small shabby table with high legs can become a full-fledged place to complete tasks before bed.

  • Creative individuals you'll love the design of the office in hi-tech style. Transparent plastic and glass are presented in unusual forms. However, not everyone is close to the metallic coldness of this style.
  • For a rustic style The interior is characterized by the presence of cozy armchairs and an abundance of wooden furniture. A large amount of homemade decor in the form of pillows, blankets and cute accessories will add coziness to the work area.

To play up the space, you can use stylish designer accessories. For a full-fledged office, you should not choose small details; it is better to choose a floor vase in ethnic style or a large classic clock with a pendulum.

In a limited space you can put pots of flowers on the shelves, favorite photographs or paintings, an expensive and memorable souvenir.

Examples of spectacular interior design

The original and bold design of the workspace reflects the character and sense of taste of its owner. Some successful examples are presented below.

A corner panoramic window is an excellent opportunity to arrange a business space. The noble brown tabletop, which is a logical continuation of the window sill, plays first fiddle in the entire interior. Storage space is provided by two spacious drawers under the tabletop, and an ergonomic chair on wheels fits perfectly into the minimalist design of the corner.
