Presentation on cell theory. Presentation "Cell Theory". Modern cell theory

From the history of cell theory The study of the cellular structure of organisms was begun by microscopists in the 17th century. (R. Hooke, M. Malpighi, A. Leeuwenhoek); in the 19th century a cell theory unified for the entire organic world was created (T. Schwann, 1839). In the 20th century The rapid progress of cytology was facilitated by new methods (electron microscopy, isotope indicators, cell cultivation, etc.).

Let's test our knowledge. 1. The following statement corresponds to modern cell theory: a) “cells have a membrane structure”; b) “the cells of all living beings have nuclei”; c) “cells of bacteria and viruses are similar in structure and function”; d) “the cells of all living beings divide.”

BASIC PROVISIONS OF CELLULAR THEORY The cell is the basic unit of structure, functioning and development of all living organisms; cell is the basic unit of structure, functioning and development of all living organisms; the cells of all unicellular and multicellular organisms are similar (homologous) in their structure, chemical composition, basic manifestations of life activity and metabolism; the cells of all unicellular and multicellular organisms are similar (homologous) in their structure, chemical composition, basic manifestations of life activity and metabolism; Cell reproduction occurs through cell division, each new cell formed as a result of division of the original (mother) cell; Cell reproduction occurs through cell division, each new cell is formed as a result of the division of the original (mother) cell; in complex multicellular organisms, cells are specialized in the functions they perform and form tissues; tissues consist of organs that are closely interconnected and subject to nervous and humoral regulation. in complex multicellular organisms, cells are specialized in the functions they perform and form tissues; tissues consist of organs that are closely interconnected and subject to nervous and humoral regulation.

The cell membrane is an ultramicroscopic film consisting of two monomolecular layers of protein and a bimolecular layer of lipids located between them. The cell membrane is an ultramicroscopic film consisting of two monomolecular layers of protein and a bimolecular layer of lipids located between them. CELL PLASMA MEMBRANE Functions of the cell plasma membrane: Barrier. Contact with environment(transport of substances). Communication between tissue cells in multicellular organisms. Protective. STRUCTURE

Cytoplasm is the semi-liquid environment of the cell in which the cell organelles are located. Cytoplasm is the semi-liquid environment of the cell in which the cell organelles are located. The cytoplasm consists of water and proteins. The cytoplasm consists of water and proteins. Cytoplasm is capable of moving at a speed of up to 7 cm/hour Cytoplasm is capable of moving at a speed of up to 7 cm/hour CYTOPLASM Organelles are permanent cellular structures, each of which performs its own functions Cyclosis is the movement of cytoplasm within a cell RETICULAR CYCLOSIS CIRCULAR CYCLOSIS Endoplasmic reticulum Cytoplasmic matrix Ribosomes Cellular center MitochondriaGolgi apparatusPlastidsLysosomes

The cytoplasmic matrix is ​​the main and most important part of the cell, its true internal environment. The cytoplasmic matrix is ​​the main and most important part of the cell, its true internal environment. The components of the cytoplasmic matrix carry out biosynthetic processes in the cell and contain enzymes necessary for energy production. The components of the cytoplasmic matrix carry out biosynthetic processes in the cell and contain enzymes necessary for energy production. CYTOPLASMIC MATRIX 1. Provides a change in the viscosity of the cytoplasm, which occurs under the influence of external and internal factors. 2. Responsible for cyclosis and cell division. 3. Determines the polarity of the location of intracellular components. 4. Provides mechanical properties cells, such as elasticity, ability to merge. FUNCTIONS

The entire internal zone of the cytoplasm is filled with numerous small channels and cavities, the walls of which are membranes similar in structure to the plasma membrane. These channels branch, connect with each other and form a network called the endoplasmic reticulum. ES is heterogeneous in its structure. There are two known types of it - granular and smooth. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (RE) Ribosomes Membrane Smooth ER Granular ER Functions of the ER Synthesis of proteins, fats and carbohydrates Accumulation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates Strengthening the connection between organelles

The cell nucleus is the most important part of the cell. It is found in almost all cells of multicellular organisms. Cells of organisms that contain a nucleus are called eukaryotes. The cell nucleus contains DNA, the substance of heredity, in which all the properties of the cell are encrypted. The cell nucleus is the most important part of the cell. It is found in almost all cells of multicellular organisms. Cells of organisms that contain a nucleus are called eukaryotes. The cell nucleus contains DNA, the substance of heredity, in which all the properties of the cell are encrypted. CELL NUCLEUS Structure of the nucleus Structure and composition of the structure Functions of the structure Nuclear envelope Outer and inner membrane Exchange of substances between the nucleus and the cytoplasm Nucleoplasm Liquid substance, containing proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids This is the internal environment of the nucleus - accumulation of substances Nucleolus Contains DNA molecules and protein Synthesis ribosomal RNA Chromatin Contains chromosomes (see chain of storage of hereditary information, next slide) and protein Contains hereditary information stored in DNA molecules (see next slide)

Scheme of the structure of hereditary information Scheme of the structure of hereditary information CELL NUCLEUS (continued) Nucleus chromatin chromosome (see next slide) DNA molecule gene (DNA section) FUNCTIONS OF THE NUCLEUS Storage of hereditary information Regulation of metabolism in the cell

A chromosome consists of two chromatids and after nuclear division it becomes single chromatid. By the beginning of the next division, a second chromatid is completed on each chromosome. Chromosomes have a primary constriction on which the centromere is located; the constriction divides the chromosome into two arms of equal or different lengths. Depending on the location of the constriction, three main types of chromosomes are distinguished: 1) equal-armed with arms of equal length; 2) unequal shoulders with shoulders of unequal length; 3) single-armed (rod-shaped) with one long and another very short, barely noticeable arm CHROMOSOMES Chromatin structures are carriers of DNA - DNA consists of sections of genes that carry hereditary information and are transmitted from ancestors to descendants through germ cells. DNA and RNA are synthesized in chromosomes, which serves as a necessary factor in the transmission of hereditary information during cell division and the construction of protein molecules.

The cell center consists of two centrioles (daughter, mother). Each has a cylindrical shape, the walls are formed by nine triplets of tubes, and in the middle there is a homogeneous substance. The centrioles are located perpendicular to each other. The cell center consists of two centrioles (daughter, mother). Each has a cylindrical shape, the walls are formed by nine triplets of tubes, and in the middle there is a homogeneous substance. The centrioles are located perpendicular to each other. CELL CENTER FUNCTION Participation in animal cell division and lower plants At the beginning of division (in prophase), the centroids diverge to different poles of the cell. The spindle strands extend from the centrioles to the centromeres of the chromosomes. In anaphase, these threads attract chromatids to the poles. After the end of division, the centrioles remain in the daughter cells, double and form the cell center.

RIBOSOMES are ultramicroscopic organelles of a round or mushroom shape, consisting of two parts of subparticles. They do not have a membrane structure and consist of protein and RNA. Subparticles are formed in the nucleolus. RIBOSOMES are ultramicroscopic organelles of a round or mushroom shape, consisting of two parts of subparticles. They do not have a membrane structure and consist of protein and RNA. Subparticles are formed in the nucleolus. RIBOSOMES Ribosomes are universal organelles of all animal and plant cells. Found in the cytoplasm in a free state or on the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum; in addition, they are found in mitochondria and chloroplasts. SMALL SUB-PARTICLE LARGE SUB-PARTICLE FUNCTIONAL CENTER Protein synthesis in the functional center FUNCTION

Mitochondria are microscopic organelles with a double-membrane structure. The outer membrane is smooth, the inner one forms cristae of various shapes. The mitochondrial matrix (a semi-liquid substance) contains enzymes, ribosomes, DNA, and RNA. The number of mitochondria in one cell ranges from a few to several thousand. Mitochondria are microscopic organelles with a double-membrane structure. The outer membrane is smooth, the inner one forms cristae of various shapes. The mitochondrial matrix (a semi-liquid substance) contains enzymes, ribosomes, DNA, and RNA. The number of mitochondria in one cell ranges from a few to several thousand. MITOCHONDRIA 1. Mitochondria is a universal organelle that is a respiratory and energy center. 2. During the oxygen (oxidative) stage of dissimilation in the matrix, with the help of enzymes, organic substances are broken down, releasing energy that goes into the synthesis of ATP (on the cristae). Functions of mitochondria

In the cells of plants and protozoa, the Golgi apparatus is represented by individual sickle- or rod-shaped bodies. In the cells of plants and protozoa, the Golgi apparatus is represented by individual sickle- or rod-shaped bodies. The Golgi apparatus includes: cavities bounded by membranes and located in groups (5-10), as well as large and small vesicles located at the ends of the cavities. All these elements form a single complex. The Golgi apparatus includes: cavities bounded by membranes and located in groups (5-10), as well as large and small vesicles located at the ends of the cavities. All these elements form a single complex. GOLGI APPARATUS FUNCTIONS: 1. Accumulation and transport of substances, chemical modernization. 2. Formation of lysosomes. 3. Synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates on membrane walls

Plastids are the energy stations of the plant cell. Plastids are the energy stations of the plant cell. Plastids can change from one type to another. Plastids can change from one type to another. PLASTIDS TypeChloroplastsChromoplastsLeukoplastsColorGreen Yellow, orange or red Colorless Pegment Pegment chlorophyll Pegment present Pegment absent Function Creation of organic substances Give color Place of deposition of nutrients Characteristics of types of plastids

Lysosomes are microscopic single-membrane organelles of a round shape. Their number depends on the vital activity of the cell and its physiological state. A lysosome is a digestive vacuole containing dissolving enzymes. In case of starvation, the cells digest some organelles. If the lysosome membrane is destroyed, the cell digests itself. LYSOSOMES MEMBRANE ENZYME FUNCTIONS Protective. Heterophagic: participation in the processing of foreign substances entering the cell during pinocytosis and phagocytosis. Participation in intracellular digestion. Endogenous nutrition: under starvation conditions, lysosomes are able to digest part of the cytoplasmic structures.

Comparative characteristics phagocytosis and pinocytosis PHAGOCYTOSIS AND PINOCYTOSIS Large molecules of proteins and polysaccharides penetrate the cell by phagocytosis (from the Greek phagos - devouring and kitos - vessel, cell), and drops of liquid - by pinocytosis (from the Greek pinot - drink and kitos). This is a way of feeding animal cells, in which nutrients enter the cell. universal method nutrition (for both animal and plant cells), in which nutrients enter the cell in dissolved form PHAGOCYTOSIS PINOCYTOSIS Lines of comparison PhagocytosisPinocytosis What is absorbed Solid particles Liquid Result Particles are immersed inside the cell Organic matter immerse themselves inside the cell Which cells are characterized by Cells of protozoa, animals and humans Cells of all animals and plants

Content chemical elements in a cell A microscopic cell contains several thousand substances that are involved in a variety of chemical reactions. Chemical processes processes occurring in a cell are one of the main conditions for its life, development and functioning. All cells of animal and plant organisms, as well as microorganisms, are similar in chemical composition, which indicates the unity of the organic world. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF A CELL Made of 109 elements periodic table Mendeleev found a significant majority of them in cells. Based on the content in the cell, three groups of elements can be distinguished. The first group includes oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen. They account for almost 98% of the total composition of the cell. The second group includes potassium, sodium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, chlorine. Their content in the cell is tenths and hundredths of a percent. The elements of these two groups are classified as macroelements. The remaining elements, represented in the cell by hundredths and thousandths of a percent, are included in the third group. These are microelements.

A cell is an elementary unit of life, the basis of structure, life activity, reproduction and individual development all organisms. There is no life outside the cell (with the exception of viruses). Most cells are structured the same: covered with an outer shell - the cell membrane and filled with fluid - cytoplasm. The cytoplasm contains diverse structures - organelles (nucleus, mitochondria, lysosomes, etc.) that carry out various processes. A cell comes only from a cell. Each cell performs its own function and interacts with other cells, ensuring the vital functions of the body. The cell does not contain any special elements characteristic only of living nature. This indicates the connection and unity of living and inanimate nature. KEY FINDINGS

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Cell theory Sorokina V.Yu.

Development of microscopy

Methods for studying cells microscopy centrifugation X-ray diffraction analysis cyto and histochemistry cinema and photography

The main stages in the development of cell theory Stage I 1590 - Jan Jansen - the first microscope 1609 - 1610 - Galileo Galilei - microscope made 1665 - Robert Hooke - cells, honeycombs, cells 1700 - Antonie van Leeuwenhoek - single-celled organisms, bacteria 1831 - Robert Brown - described the nucleus

Stage II 1839 - Thomas Schwann and Matthias Schleiden Formulated the cell theory: The cell is the basic unit of all living organisms; Animal and plant cells are similar in structure; 3. Cells are formed from non-cellular substances.

Stage III 1850 – Kölliker – mitochondria discovered; 1855 - Rudolf Vierhoff - discovered cell division - “Every cell is from a cell.” 1866 – Ernst Haeckel – storage and transmission of hereditary information occurs through the nucleus; 1868 - F. Miescher - nucleic acids are discovered; 1898 - Camillo Golgi - Golgi complex discovered;

Stage IV 1930 – creation of an electron microscope

Basic provisions of modern cell theory: The cell is the main structural and functional unit life. All organisms are composed of cells; the life of the organism as a whole is determined by the interaction of its constituent cells. The cells of all organisms are similar in their chemical composition, structure and functions. All new cells are formed by division of original cells.

Questions: Suppose that T. Schwann and M. Schleiden were unable to formulate the basic principles of cell theory. How would this affect the development of biological science? Give a reasoned answer. What can the fundamental similarity indicate? chemical composition and the structure of cells of plant and animal organisms?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Cell theory

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The presentation lesson was developed using computer technology, the main theoretical material is reflected in the presentation. Conducting a lesson in such a non-standard form helps to increase motivation...

Lesson topic: Cage. Cellular theory of the structure of organisms. (10th grade chemistry-bio group)Type of lesson: two-purpose lesson (lesson of systematization and generalization of knowledge, application of knowledge, skills and abilities)Teaching methods...

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Cell theory is the most important biological generalization, according to which all living organisms are composed of cells. The study of cells became possible after the invention of the microscope. For the first time cellular structure in plants (a cut of a cork) was discovered by the English scientist, physicist R. Hooke, who also proposed the term “cell” (1665). The Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was the first to describe vertebrate red blood cells, spermatozoa, various microstructures of plant and animal cells, various single-celled organisms, including bacteria, etc.

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Creation of the cell theory In 1831, the Englishman R. Brown discovered a nucleus in cells. In 1838, the German botanist M. Schleiden came to the conclusion that plant tissues consist of cells. The German zoologist T. Schwann showed that animal tissues also consist of cells. In 1839, T. Schwann’s book “Microscopic Studies on the Correspondence in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants” was published, in which he proves that cells containing nuclei represent the structural and functional basis of all living beings.

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Creation of the cell theory The main provisions of T. Schwann's cell theory can be formulated as follows. Cell - elementary structural unit structures of all living beings. Cells of plants and animals are independent, homologous to each other in origin and structure.

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M. Schdeiden and T. Schwann mistakenly believed that main role in the cell belongs to the membrane and new cells are formed from intercellular structureless substance. Subsequently, clarifications and additions were made to the cell theory by other scientists. Back in 1827, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences K.M. Baer, ​​having discovered the eggs of mammals, established that all organisms begin their development from one cell, which is a fertilized egg. This discovery showed that the cell is not only a unit of structure, but also a unit of development of all living organisms. In 1855, the German physician R. Virchow came to the conclusion that a cell can only arise from a previous cell by dividing it.

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Basic provisions of modern cellular theory The cell is a unit of structure, vital activity, growth and development of living organisms; there is no life outside the cell. Cage - unified system, consisting of a set of naturally related friend with each other elements representing a certain holistic education. The nucleus is the main component of a cell (eukaryote). New cells are formed only as a result of the division of original cells. The cells of multicellular organisms form tissues, and tissues form organs. The life of an organism as a whole is determined by the interaction of its constituent cells.

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Additional provisions of the cell theory Cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes are systems different levels complexity and are not completely homologous to each other. The basis of cell division and reproduction of organisms is the copying of hereditary information - nucleic acid molecules (“each molecule of a molecule”). The concept of genetic continuity applies not only to the cell as a whole, but also to some of its smaller components - mitochondria, chloroplasts, genes and chromosomes. Multicellular organism represents new system, a complex ensemble of many cells united and integrated in a system of tissues and organs, connected to each other through chemical factors, humoral and nervous (molecular regulation). Multicellular cells are totipotent, that is, they have the genetic potential of all cells of a given organism, are equivalent in genetic information, but differ from each other in the different expression (function) of various genes, which leads to their morphological and functional diversity - differentiation.

The history of the creation of the cell theory 1590. Jansen invented a microscope in which magnification was achieved by connecting two lenses. Robert Hooke first used the term cell. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek first described bacteria and other microorganisms years ago. Many new descriptions and drawings of various tissues have been published, mainly plant ones. Karl Baer discovered the egg in mammals. Robert Brown described the nucleus in plant cells years. Botanist Matthias Schleiden and zoologist Theodor Schwann combined ideas from different scientists and formulated cell theory, which postulated that the basic unit of structure and function in living organisms is the cell. Rudolf Virchow showed that all cells are formed as a result of cell division.

1665 Examining a section of a cork under a microscope, the English scientist and physicist Robert Hooke discovered that it consists of cells separated by partitions. He called these cells "cells". The history of the creation of cell theory

In the 17th century, Leeuwenhoek designed a microscope and opened the door to the microworld for people. A variety of ciliates, rotifers and other tiny living creatures flashed before the eyes of the amazed researchers. It turned out that they are everywhere - these tiny organisms: in water, manure, in the air and dust, in the ground and gutters, in rotting waste of animal and plant origin. The history of the creation of cell theory

Years. Robert Brown described the nucleus in plant cells. In 1838, the German botanist M. Schleiden drew attention to the nucleus and considered it the maker of the cell. According to Schleiden, a nucleolus condenses from the granular substance, around which a nucleus is formed, and around the nucleus a cell, and the nucleus may disappear during the formation of the cell. The history of the creation of cell theory

The German zoologist T. Schwann showed that animal tissues also consist of cells. He created a theory stating that cells containing nuclei constitute the structural and functional basis of all living things. The cellular theory of structure was formulated and published by T. Schwann in 1839. Its essence can be expressed in the following provisions: 1. The cell is the elementary structural unit of the structure of all living beings; 2. Plant and animal cells are independent, homologous to each other in origin and structure. Each cell functions independently of the others, but together with everyone else. 3. All cells arise from structureless intercellular substance. (Error!) 4. The vital activity of the cell is determined by the membrane. (Error!) The history of the cell theory

In 1855, the German physician R. Virchow made a generalization: a cell can only arise from a previous cell. This led to the recognition of the fact that the growth and development of organisms is associated with cell division and their further differentiation, leading to the formation of tissues and organs. The history of the creation of cell theory

Karl Baer Back in 1827, Karl Baer discovered the egg in mammals and proved that the development of mammals begins with a fertilized egg. This means that the development of any organism begins with one fertilized egg; the cell is the unit of development. The history of the creation of cell theory

1865 Laws of heredity published (G. Mendel) Nucleic acids discovered (F. Miescher) 1873 Chromosomes discovered (F. Schneider) 1874 Mitosis discovered in plant cells (I. D. Chistyakov) 1878 Discovered mitotic division animal cells (V. Fleming, P. I. Peremezhko) 1879 Fleming - the behavior of chromosomes during division. Meiosis in animal cells was discovered (V. Fleming) 1883 It was shown that in germ cells the number of chromosomes is two times less than in somatic cells (E. Van Beneden) 1887 Meiosis was discovered in plant cells (E. Strasburger) 1898 Golgi discovered the reticular apparatus of the cell, the Golgi apparatus d. Formulated the chromosomal theory of heredity (T. Morgan) d. Published natural scientific theory of the origin of life on Earth (A.I. Oparin) d. Ideas about the structure of DNA were formulated and its model was created (D. Watson and F. Crick) d. Nature and properties were determined genetic code(F. Crick, L. Barnett, S. Benner).

1. The cell is an elementary living system, a unit of structure, life activity, reproduction and individual development of organisms. 2. The cells of all living organisms are homologous, the same in structure and origin. 3. Cell formation. New cells arise only by dividing pre-existing cells. 4. Cell and organism. A cell can be an independent organism (prokaryotes and unicellular eukaryotes). All multicellular organisms are made up of cells. 5. Cell functions. The cells carry out: metabolism, irritability and excitability, movement, reproduction and differentiation. 6. Cell evolution. Cellular organization arose at the dawn of life and went through a long path of evolutionary development from non-nuclear forms (prokaryotes) to nuclear ones (eukaryotes). Basic provisions of modern cell theory

The first microscope was invented: 1590 by Jansen. In 1665, Robert Hooke: Saw, sketched and called a cell a cell. Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek discovered: The world of microorganisms. Robert Brown first described in plant cells: Nucleus. Matthias Schleiden proved: All plants are composed of cells; the nucleus is an essential structure. In 1838–1839 The main principles of cell theory were formulated by German scientists: Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden. Both Schwann and Schleiden believed that new cells are formed: From the intercellular substance. Let's summarize:

In 1855, Rudolf Virchow proved: New cells are formed by dividing the mother. The basic unit of structure and vital activity of all living organisms is: Cell. All cells of living organisms have: A similar structure. Cells are homologous because: They have the same origin and similar structural plan. Let's summarize:

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Cell theory is the most important biological generalization, according to which all living organisms are composed of cells. The study of cells became possible after the invention of the microscope. For the first time, the cellular structure of plants (a cut of a cork) was discovered by the English scientist, physicist R. Hooke, who also proposed the term “cell” (1665). The Dutch scientist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was the first to describe vertebrate red blood cells, spermatozoa, various microstructures of plant and animal cells, various single-celled organisms, including bacteria, etc.

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Creation of cell theory

In 1831, the Englishman R. Brown discovered a nucleus in cells. In 1838, the German botanist M. Schleiden came to the conclusion that plant tissues consist of cells. The German zoologist T. Schwann showed that animal tissues also consist of cells. In 1839, T. Schwann’s book “Microscopic Studies on the Correspondence in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants” was published, in which he proves that cells containing nuclei represent the structural and functional basis of all living beings.

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M. Schdeiden and T. Schwann mistakenly believed that the main role in the cell belongs to the membrane and new cells are formed from intercellular structureless substance. Subsequently, clarifications and additions were made to the cell theory by other scientists. Back in 1827, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences K.M. Baer, ​​having discovered the eggs of mammals, established that all organisms begin their development from one cell, which is a fertilized egg. This discovery showed that the cell is not only a unit of structure, but also a unit of development of all living organisms. In 1855, the German physician R. Virchow came to the conclusion that a cell can only arise from a previous cell by dividing it.

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Basic provisions of modern cell theory

A cell is a unit of structure, vital activity, growth and development of living organisms; there is no life outside the cell. A cell is a single system consisting of many elements naturally interconnected with each other, representing a certain integral formation. The nucleus is the main component of a cell (eukaryote). New cells are formed only as a result of the division of original cells. The cells of multicellular organisms form tissues, and tissues form organs. The life of an organism as a whole is determined by the interaction of its constituent cells.

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Additional provisions of the cell theory

Cells of prokaryotes and eukaryotes are systems of different levels of complexity and are not completely homologous to each other. The basis of cell division and reproduction of organisms is the copying of hereditary information - nucleic acid molecules (“each molecule from a molecule”). The concept of genetic continuity applies not only to the cell as a whole, but also to some of its smaller components - mitochondria, chloroplasts, genes and chromosomes. A multicellular organism is a new system, a complex ensemble of many cells, united and integrated in a system of tissues and organs, connected to each other through chemical factors, humoral and nervous (molecular regulation). Multicellular cells are totipotent, that is, they have the genetic potential of all cells of a given organism, are equivalent in genetic information, but differ from each other in the different expression (function) of various genes, which leads to their morphological and functional diversity - differentiation.

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