Brian tracy step by step personal development plan update. Brian Tracy - Update. Step-by-step personal development plan. Highest paid job

Brian Tracy

Update. Step by step plan personal development

Brian Tracy


How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© Brian Tracy, 2009

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2016

This book is well complemented by:

Brian Tracy

Dan Waldschmidt

Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Greg McKeon

I lovingly dedicate this book to my friends and partners John McClelland and Bill Rowland, who help people change their lives for the better


The topic of recreating oneself is close to my heart. At the age of 21, I worked as a laborer at a construction site. In the middle of a cold winter, I had to get up at five o'clock in the morning, take a bus to work with two changes, and carry construction materials from place to place all day. One day, I had an insight that changed my life: I realized that I myself was responsible for everything that happened to me.

I was sitting in my small one-room apartment - and suddenly it hit me like thunder. Just think: all the responsibility lies with me! From this very day, everything I want to achieve depends only on me and no one else. Nobody will do anything for me.

At that moment, I made the first decision to leave the past behind and create myself anew. I looked as far into the future as possible and asked myself what I really what do you want from life? Of course, the subject of my desires were the most ordinary things: a well-paid job that would bring me pleasure, happy relationship, good health and ultimately financial independence.

I remember going to a bookstore during my lunch break and buying a few books that I thought might help me. I started with books about business, then moved on to works on psychology, philosophy, economics and achieving success. Since I was not yet married at that time, I had enough free time, and at night I read a lot, noting interesting points in books.

The more I learned, the faster my confidence grew. I started writing letters to different companies asking them to hire me for one of the office positions. I didn't hear back for quite some time, but eventually I was accepted into the direct sales department. This was the start of my career.

Over the next few years, I reinvented myself as I worked in different jobs and industries, moving up the ranks from salesperson to sales manager. Then I became vice president international company, where my responsibilities included organizing sales in six countries. Subsequently, I received a real estate license and, after reading many books on this topic, became a developer. I have found financial partners and have built over $100 million worth of real estate over the years in this industry.

I subsequently started life anew as an importer and distributor, establishing 65 dealerships (tens of millions of dollars in sales) that imported a full line of Japanese cars.

At each stage of recreating yourself, deciding to take the next step in your life or start new career, I started from scratch. After that, I studied books on a topic that interested me, talked to people, asked them questions in order to study the new line of business as deeply as possible, and began to work.

As I gained experience, I realized that creating oneself anew is not a long process that occurs in a linear, sequential manner. On this path you cannot avoid obstacles, difficulties and even temporary failures. Here, what at first glance seems like the right course can actually turn out to be a dead end, and something unexpected always arises that leads in a different direction. I learned that continuous movement forward allows you to create yourself anew, to become a new person. Decide what you want to achieve and start taking action. Try again and again and again. Never give up and always move forward.

I bought a book. How many times have I read them, and still.... The annotation says:
This book is for those who want to “reboot” their life, find a new interesting job or open a business, achieve big goals. Brian Tracy suggests viewing yourself as a corporation that needs to be managed and the success of which depends solely on you. Questions and tests proposed by the author will help you understand what you really want from life, and recommendations will help you set goals and systematically achieve them. Published in Russian for the first time.

What I liked: Written in easy language, intelligibly, with a convenient structure and motivating quotes

What I didn't like: Preface. But for me it only irritates almost all American authors. Lots of water and lyrics.
The book makes you think. In each chapter, the author asks questions, makes you understand who you are and what do you really want?
If you answer the questions thoughtfully, you will begin to move forward.

There is also a consolidation of the material covered. At the end of each chapter, a list of questions is repeated. But the result will ultimately depend only on the reader. We need to bring everything to life. You need to read with a notepad and pen.
To understand whether you need this book, here are a few questions from the book:
Questions to Consider

1. In what area of ​​your life should you take the time to completely reconsider the current situation based on current realities?
2. How can you reorganize your life or work to align it with what you want and what makes you happy?
3. How can you restructure your life or work to focus more on what brings you the most benefit?
4. How can you simplify your life by entrusting other people with tasks and activities that are of little or no importance to you?
5. If you could wave a magic wand and start your life over, what would you change about it?
6. In what areas of your life do you need to take full responsibility in order to move forward towards your goal?
7. Based on what you have learned in this chapter, what are you going to do immediately?1. Remember the happiest moments of your life.
8. What do you like to do most in your free time?
9. What advice would you give to your child or close friend who wants to succeed in your business?
10.Name your best talent or skill. What is your greatest skill at?
11.What quality would you like to develop in yourself?
12.What is the most important business lesson you've learned?
13.What is the most important lesson you have learned in your personal life?

Update. Step-by-step personal development plan Brian Tracy

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Title: Update. Step-by-step personal development plan
Author: Brian Tracy
Year: 2009
Genre: Foreign business literature, Popular about business, Self-improvement

About the book “Update. Step-by-step plan for personal development" Brian Tracy

Beginning new life from Monday, a rare person is able to maintain a given rhythm even until Sunday. And the point, as a rule, is not so much a lack of willpower, but rather the fact that it is difficult to maintain an interest in constancy. The doubt that has settled in us claims that constancy is boring, it is the lot of losers. However, listen to the very wording of what Brian Tracy offers in his book “Update. A step-by-step plan for personal development" - he talks about "long-term change"! This means that you don't have to fit your schedule into the Procrustean bed of office routine. On the contrary, the best-selling book by recognized management guru Brian Tracy aims to show readers that you can improve your quality of life by making your routine more flexible.

Over the course of his life, the author has helped millions of people identify their priorities in life and achieve a brilliant future. In the book "Renewal", first published in 2009 and causing a lot of approving reviews even from those readers who were previously skeptical of Tracy's ideas, one of the most popular business coaches in the United States talks about an effective way to reorganize all areas of life.

“Renewal” invites the reader to abandon a fatalistic view of their own future, supposedly capable of disappointing expectations and turning out to be bleak despite all the diligence of a person who, as we know, only assumes... Brian Tracy views success not as some kind of gift of fate, which is due for some random merit. For the author of this book, success consists of achieving specific goals; like a seasoned general, Tracy plans entire campaigns for his followers - with maneuvers to avoid the traps set by procrastination, and detailed maps locality - the business environment in general and, on a smaller scale, a specific office space.

The step-by-step development plan compiled by Brian Tracy is not just a template with which you can “reformat” your life once and for all. This is, first of all, a manifesto of change, designed to remind readers that even in Darwin's theory, it is not the strongest who survive, but those who are able to quickly adapt to new conditions.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"Update. Step-by-step personal development plan" by Brian Tracy in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book “Update. Step-by-step plan for personal development" Brian Tracy

Today, be prepared to take decisive action if the need arises. Pick up the pace! Get to work! Work! The faster you act, the more energy you have and the better you feel and get done. The faster you act, the more new things you learn and the more experience you gain, which means you get paid more and are promoted faster.

The secret to maintaining balance in life is simple. Do peace of mind, happiness and family life as your main goals and subordinate everything else to their achievement.

Remember: you are unique. You are created for success; A wonderful career awaits you in the coming months and years. Finding the job you want is both a science and an art. This skill can be learned and developed by reading this chapter over and over again and acting on what you learn. There is no limit to what you can achieve in life; You are only held back by the barriers that you erect in front of yourself.

Your intellectual abilities determine the extent to which you are able to foresee the likely consequences of your actions or inactions. Will you spend time and energy on things that have the most significant consequences?

We were sent into this world to do something wonderful - something that no one but us can do.

Are there any business or personal relationships you have developed that you would not have entered into if you had your current experience if you had to start all over again?

Practice blank slate thinking in every area of ​​your life. Constantly reflect on whether you are doing anything that you would not do if you had your current experience and knowledge if you had to start all over again.

What new skills or abilities would you consider developing? If you could start your life over again, how would it be different from your current life?

If your job, business, industry or profession suddenly became unnecessary or even illegal and you had to start all over again, what would you choose to do?

If your company went bankrupt and you had to start building your business from scratch in a new location, what would you start doing immediately and what would you not do at all?

Brian Tracy


How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© Brian Tracy, 2009

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2016

This book is well complemented by:

Brian Tracy

Dan Waldschmidt

Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen

Greg McKeon

I lovingly dedicate this book to my friends and partners John McClelland and Bill Rowland, who help people change their lives for the better


The topic of recreating oneself is close to my heart. At the age of 21, I worked as a laborer at a construction site. In the middle of a cold winter, I had to get up at five o'clock in the morning, take a bus to work with two changes, and carry construction materials from place to place all day. One day, I had an insight that changed my life: I realized that I myself was responsible for everything that happened to me.

I was sitting in my small one-room apartment - and suddenly it hit me like thunder. Just think: all the responsibility lies with me! From this very day, everything I want to achieve depends only on me and no one else. Nobody will do anything for me.

At that moment, I made the first decision to leave the past behind and create myself anew. I looked as far into the future as possible and asked myself what I really what do you want from life? Of course, my desires were the most ordinary things: a well-paid job that would bring me pleasure, a happy relationship, good health and, ultimately, financial independence.

I remember going to a bookstore during my lunch break and buying a few books that I thought might help me. I started with books about business, then moved on to works on psychology, philosophy, economics and achieving success. Since I was not yet married at that time, I had enough free time, and at night I read a lot, noting interesting points in books.

The more I learned, the faster my confidence grew. I started writing letters to different companies asking them to hire me for one of the office positions. I didn't hear back for quite some time, but eventually I was accepted into the direct sales department. This was the start of my career.

Over the next few years, I reinvented myself as I worked in different jobs and industries, moving up the ranks from salesperson to sales manager. I then became vice president of an international company, where my responsibilities included organizing sales in six countries. Subsequently, I received a real estate license and, after reading many books on this topic, became a developer. I have found financial partners and have built over $100 million worth of real estate over the years in this industry.

I subsequently started life anew as an importer and distributor, establishing 65 dealerships (tens of millions of dollars in sales) that imported a full line of Japanese cars.

At every stage of reinventing myself, when deciding to take the next step in my life or start a new career, I started with a clean slate. After that, I studied books on a topic that interested me, talked to people, asked them questions in order to study the new line of business as deeply as possible, and began to work.

As I gained experience, I realized that creating oneself anew is not a long process that occurs in a linear, sequential manner. On this path you cannot avoid obstacles, difficulties and even temporary failures. Here, what at first glance seems like the right course can actually turn out to be a dead end, and something unexpected always arises that leads in a different direction. I learned that continuous movement forward allows you to create yourself anew, to become a new person. Decide what you want to achieve and start taking action. Try again and again and again. Never give up and always move forward.

After reading this book, you will learn about the most effective ways mindsets that will save you months and even years of your life in the process of reinventing yourself and becoming the person you always wanted to be.


World in times of change

Wherever we are is nothing more than a stage on the way to somewhere, and whatever we do, no matter how well we do it, is just a preparation for something else.

Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish writer and poet

A wonderful life awaits you ahead!

The future may seem uncertain to all of us, but for those reading this book, I can assure one thing: the coming years will be the best years of your life. What you have achieved so far is but a shadow of the achievements you will make in the exciting months and years ahead. You must realize and find comfort in the fact that whatever changes are happening in your life now, it is all part of a larger plan that will help you move forward towards achieving your potential.

As a professor at Princeton University, Albert Einstein had just taken an exam from a group of advanced physics students. On the way to the office, the assistant who was helping him with the exams asked:

– Professor, didn’t you conduct the same exam in this group last year?

Einstein replied:

- Yes, exactly that one.

Assistant, in awe of the greatest physicist XX century, asked again:

- Pardon my curiosity, professor, but why are you taking the same exam from the same group two years in a row?

Einstein answered simply:

– Because the answers to the questions have changed.

At that time, many major discoveries were made in the world of physics, scientific knowledge changed so quickly that it was possible to take the same exam two years in a row and get new answers to the exam questions.

But what does this have to do with me, you think. Today, the answers to the questions that arise in your life are also changing very quickly. If someone asked you, “What was your biggest challenge or goal a year ago?”, chances are you wouldn't even know how to answer. After all, since then the situation has completely changed.

Harvard University researchers once made three predictions about the future. First, they said, there would be more changes in the coming year than in any year before. Secondly, next year the competition will become tougher than before. And thirdly, there will be more opportunities in any field of activity, no matter what you do. However, these opportunities will be different from those that exist now.

These predictions were made in 1952. They remain as reliable today as they were then. So the answers have changed again.

Here's another prediction: Over the next two years, 72 percent of workers will hold different positions at their own or other companies with different responsibilities that require different abilities and skills to produce different results. In this case, the people who will suffer the most are those who will not be able to adequately respond to the changes taking place in the world.

Brian Tracy

Update. Step-by-step personal development plan

How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by the Vegas-Lex law firm.

© Brian Tracy, 2009

© Translation into Russian, publication in Russian, design. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber LLC, 2016

* * *

This book is well complemented by:

Get out of your comfort zone

Brian Tracy

Be the best version of yourself

Dan Waldschmidt

Whole life

Les Hewitt, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen


Greg McKeon

I lovingly dedicate this book to my friends and partners John McClelland and Bill Rowland, who help people change their lives for the better


The topic of recreating oneself is close to my heart. At the age of 21, I worked as a laborer at a construction site. In the middle of a cold winter, I had to get up at five o'clock in the morning, take a bus to work with two changes, and carry construction materials from place to place all day. One day, I had an insight that changed my life: I realized that I myself was responsible for everything that happened to me.

I was sitting in my small one-room apartment - and suddenly it hit me like thunder. Just think: all the responsibility lies with me! From this very day, everything I want to achieve depends only on me and no one else. Nobody will do anything for me.

At that moment, I made the first decision to leave the past behind and create myself anew. I looked as far into the future as possible and asked myself what do I really want from life? Of course, my desires were the most ordinary things: a well-paid job that would bring me pleasure, a happy relationship, good health and, ultimately, financial independence.

I remember going to a bookstore during my lunch break and buying a few books that I thought might help me. I started with books about business, then moved on to works on psychology, philosophy, economics and achieving success. Since I was not yet married at that time, I had enough free time, and at night I read a lot, noting interesting points in books.

The more I learned, the faster my confidence grew. I started writing letters to different companies asking them to hire me for one of the office positions. I didn't hear back for quite some time, but eventually I was accepted into the direct sales department. This was the start of my career.

Over the next few years, I reinvented myself as I worked in different jobs and industries, moving up the ranks from salesperson to sales manager. I then became vice president of an international company, where my responsibilities included organizing sales in six countries. Subsequently, I received a real estate license and, after reading many books on this topic, became a developer. I have found financial partners and have built over $100 million worth of real estate over the years in this industry.

I subsequently started life anew as an importer and distributor, establishing 65 dealerships (tens of millions of dollars in sales) that imported a full line of Japanese cars.

At every stage of reinventing myself, when deciding to take the next step in my life or start a new career, I started with a clean slate. After that, I studied books on a topic that interested me, talked to people, asked them questions in order to study the new line of business as deeply as possible, and began to work.

As I gained experience, I realized that creating oneself anew is not a long process that occurs in a linear, sequential manner. On this path you cannot avoid obstacles, difficulties and even temporary failures. Here, what at first glance seems like the right course can actually turn out to be a dead end, and something unexpected always arises that leads in a different direction. I learned that continuous movement forward allows you to create yourself anew, to become a new person. Decide what you want to achieve and start taking action. Try again and again and again. Never give up and always move forward.

By reading this book, you will learn the most effective ways of thinking that will save you months and even years of your life in the process of reinventing yourself and becoming the person you always wanted to be.


World in times of change

Wherever we are is nothing more than a stage on the way to somewhere, and whatever we do, no matter how well we do it, is just a preparation for something else.

Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish writer and poet

A wonderful life awaits you ahead!

The future may seem uncertain to all of us, but for those reading this book, I can assure one thing: the coming years will be the best years of your life. What you have achieved so far is but a shadow of the achievements you will make in the exciting months and years ahead. You must realize and find comfort in the fact that whatever changes are happening in your life now, it is all part of a larger plan that will help you move forward towards achieving your potential.

As a professor at Princeton University, Albert Einstein had just taken an exam from a group of advanced physics students. On the way to the office, the assistant who was helping him with the exams asked:

– Professor, didn’t you conduct the same exam in this group last year?

Einstein replied:

- Yes, exactly that one.

The assistant, in awe of the greatest physicist of the 20th century, asked again:

- Pardon my curiosity, professor, but why are you taking the same exam from the same group two years in a row?

Einstein answered simply:

– Because the answers to the questions have changed.

At that time, many major discoveries were made in the world of physics, scientific knowledge was changing so quickly that it was possible to take the same exam two years in a row and get new answers to exam questions.

But what does this have to do with me, you think. Today, the answers to the questions that arise in your life are also changing very quickly. If someone asked you, “What was your biggest challenge or goal a year ago?”, chances are you wouldn't even know how to answer. After all, since then the situation has completely changed.

Harvard University researchers once made three predictions about the future. First, they said, there would be more changes in the coming year than in any year before. Secondly, next year the competition will become tougher than before. And thirdly, there will be more opportunities in any field of activity, no matter what you do. However, these opportunities will be different from those that exist now.

These predictions were made in 1952. They remain as reliable today as they were then. So the answers have changed again.

Here's another prediction: Over the next two years, 72 percent of workers will hold different positions at their own or other companies with different responsibilities that require different abilities and skills to produce different results. In this case, the people who will suffer the most are those who will not be able to adequately respond to the changes taking place in the world.

Because the modern society is changing rapidly, in the life of each of us, at least in one area, changes are constantly taking place. And this is inevitable, inevitable and inescapable. Understanding how to effectively deal with them is the main requirement for success during the most exciting period in human history.

Transfer to another job

Perhaps the most common changes occur in professional life, such as losing a job or moving to a new location. Due to the dynamic nature of the American economy, approximately 20 million jobs are eliminated or restructured each year. But fortunately, 22 million new jobs are created every year. No matter how many hundreds of thousands of new workers enter the labor market, the economy always creates favorable opportunities for them. According to the US Department of Labor, in our country there are now 100 thousand types and many different subtypes of employment.

You may also be going through a period of transition in your life due to a career change. Don't forget that someone starting a career today will work on average two years or longer in eleven full-time jobs and will have at least five multi-year careers in different fields. To get a new job, people often switch from one industry to another and move from one area of ​​the country to another. Many people radically change their profession. We may lose interest in a certain business, career or specialty, so we decide to completely change our life. This often happens due to changes in economic conditions, consumer preferences, competition within the country and between different countries, as well as as a result of the reduction or liquidation of entire sectors of the economy. Sometimes the demand for representatives of a certain profession drops within just a few years and even disappears altogether.

Obsolescence of professions and industries

At the beginning of the 20th century, occupations such as carriage building and horse care were considered large industries, employing hundreds of thousands of workers. The automobile, recently invented, was considered a passing fad. However, after a few years, horses and carriages, as well as all professions associated with them, sank into oblivion. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands (and eventually millions) of jobs were created in the production of automobiles and spare parts. New job was cleaner, better paid, and offered more opportunities for career growth and improved living standards.

In 1990, bank clerks represented one of the largest segments of the US labor market. However, after the advent of the computer and Internet era, as well as the advent of ATMs, the need for bank employees became less and less. Millions of workers were laid off, and they had the opportunity to get more interesting and better-paying jobs in other industries. During the real estate boom from 2004 to 2007, hundreds of thousands of people entered the home flipping, mortgage and title insurance business, and many of them managed to make a lot of money in a short time. But, as always happens, the situation has changed. The number of lucrative jobs that offered great opportunities for good income was sharply reduced, and many found themselves in an even more deplorable situation than before, and tried in vain to understand what had happened.

Life is constantly changing

For many people, big changes occur at different stages of family formation. Getting married, especially for the first time, requires a serious change in priorities regarding different aspects of life. Divorce, especially if there are children, can also require major changes. After the death of a husband or wife, sudden or expected, a person often has to change a lot.

Having children and starting family life also requires change. At each stage of a child's growth and development, parents must adapt to new challenges and responsibilities. Subsequently, when children grow up and leave their father's house, everything changes again in the lives of adults. Sometimes they come to the conclusion that now they have a chance to completely change their life - and they actually do it.

Throughout life, financial changes, especially setbacks and even bankruptcy, can require us to make both small and large adjustments to our lifestyle. Sometimes major financial losses happen that force you to completely rethink almost everything you did before.

Rapid changes taking place under the influence of the information explosion, new technologies and all kinds of competition are unlikely to slow down. In all likelihood, the growth in knowledge, technology, and competition will only accelerate, raising the pace of change to incredible levels.

To stay on the path to great success, you must make it your goal to become the master of change, not the victim of it. Use these inevitable and unavoidable periods in your life to gain perspective and reinvent yourself for a different future.

Think about the future

The most successful and happiest members of the human race are extremely future-oriented. They think about it most of the time. These people do not want to think long about what has passed and what cannot be changed. Instead, they focus on what they can control and what they can do to create the future they want.

People who are focused on the future occupy a special position in life. They are convinced that the happiest moments and the most pleasant events await them ahead, which are to be created and enjoyed. They look forward to the future with the same impatience with which a child looks forward to Christmas.

We live in best time throughout the history of mankind. Never before have we had so many opportunities to earn so much money and enjoy high level comfort, live longer and be healthier. These conditions are likely to only improve in the coming years. Today, the average life expectancy of an American is about 80 years. People are becoming more aware and sensible about healthy habits, diet, proper nutrition And physical culture, so they can well expect to live longer than predicted average, for example, up to 90 or even 100 years old, being completely healthy.
