What is most important to me in a person. An essay-reasoning on a moral and ethical topic. What is most important in a person? (for girls). What is the main difference between animals and people

You can name many different traits that a person must have. It is quite difficult to single out the most important of them. For example, appearance. A large number of people try to communicate and be friends with a nice person. But if a person has a beautiful appearance, but bad character, it's not for long. Gradually, its essence is revealed to others. Not many people will want to communicate with a bad person anymore. So looks don't always matter important role. Good character is important to us as people. The ability to speak beautifully is important. A good character in my understanding is when a person speaks the truth, does not be mean, does not lie, is not afraid to help, or stand up for the weak. If such a person is next to me, I am not afraid. And I don’t care how beautiful this person looks. The main thing is that I have confidence in him. No matter what situation we may find ourselves in, such a person will not leave us in trouble. After all, you can find yourself surrounded by very beautiful people with a cowardly character who will leave you in trouble at the first opportunity. Or you can be in the company of not very beautiful people who will stand up for you when they attack you.

Therefore, I believe that the most important thing in a person is his character. A person's appearance fades into the background.

In my opinion, the most important thing in a person is not kindness, soul or health, although this plays an important role in the life of this individual, but honor is most important, because it combines such concepts as fidelity, justice, truthfulness, nobility and dignity.

Since ancient times, the minds of thinkers have been occupied by questions not only on the topic “who is a person,” but also “what is most important about him.” Some believed that morality was the most important thing, others believed that conscience was the most important thing; there were also those who argued that there was no main thing, everything was complementary.

I adhere to the point of view that each person chooses for himself what is most important to him. For example, for some it is more important to be the best in the eyes of friends: the best car, the best hairstyle, the best house or the best suit; for others - not to violate religious commandments; for others - to become a luminary of science, etc.

For the former, the most important thing is not honor, but a sign of honor, which is not the same thing. For example, some people think that if you gave birth to a child, then you have become a parent - this is not true, because this still needs to be studied and learned. I once had a chance to observe a picture when a young girl was walking through the park, wearing one

A stroller in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other. A most unpleasant picture, I must tell you. But no matter what I or anyone else says, people will still be drawn to them because it’s fashionable and cool.

People of the second type are clergy and believers. Well, I don’t believe, looking at the priest’s face and belly shiny with fat, that he religiously observes fasting. From the very time Rus' was baptized, the church became a branch of government. And, besides, the belief that an old man lives high above us, who has a specific list of ten rules, for violation of which he will send a person to the fiery hyena - is absurd!

People of the third type, in my humble opinion, are the most honest of the above, because they produce new knowledge about the world, put forward various theories about the universe and construct complex high-precision equipment not for their own use, but for the benefit of the public.

But the minds of not only thinkers were concerned with this issue, but also of many different layers of society. For example, playwright William Shakespeare wrote in Richard II: “What treasure in the world is more valuable than unsullied honor? More necessary than life good glory to me: having given it away, I will lose the right to life.” However, in my opinion, this was not a literal translation, and the author had something else in mind, because honor and glory are not the same thing, or, in the words of Johann Gottfried Seime, “Honor is rarely where glory is, and even more rarely does glory happen where there is honor.” William Shakespeare probably argued that honor is the highest privilege a person can have, and once it is lost, a person loses the right to exist because he ceases to be a man. What did Johann Seime think? Most likely, he viewed the concept of “honor” as “honesty”, and fame as “fame”. But this is my personal opinion on his words.

Above, I argued that honor combines such concepts as fidelity, justice, truthfulness, nobility and dignity. I will dwell on this in more detail, trying to explain the role of each psychological regulator as part of such a complex system.

What does loyalty mean as part of honor? In my opinion, this means making a decision, believing and maintaining it even when it is sometimes devoid of common sense. For example, we can take the most ordinary relationships of young people. Love that implies fidelity. And even though she cheated on him, and even when the guy found out about it, he is still faithful to her, because he decided so, for him it is so important - not to give up on his decisions, his words, although this thought pains him unbearably. But, again, all people are different, and such a belief is characteristic only of a minority, which seems to other people to be nonsense, devoid of meaning.

What is justice? Justice is objectivity. This does not mean at all that “you are my friend, therefore you are right, but I am seeing him for the first time, therefore he is wrong.” No, this is what an objective approach to truth consists of. Everyone should be rewarded according to what they deserve: sinners will be rewarded for their sins, the righteous - for righteous deeds; then and only then will happiness come, although the guitar god Jimi Hendrix believed differently, claiming that “when the power of love surpasses the love of power, then there will be peace on earth.”

But what then is truthfulness? In my opinion, this is a state when a person is uncomfortable telling a lie, so he speaks, or at least tries to tell, only the truth. But this does not mean that a person should not tell a lie - it is simply unpleasant. For example, when I don’t want to tell the truth, I laugh it off, but I do it in such a way that it’s clear to everyone that it’s a joke. And the truth will actually be the opposite of the joke.

Nobility? If we analyze this word according to its composition, we get a “good kind”, that is, the sublimity of the motives of human behavior, their kinship with the Good, where the motives are not selfishness, but altruism, the desire to help one’s neighbor, and not for the sake of profit, but for the sake of happiness.

Dignity is respect or self-respect for the human person. It is inalienable and intransferable, and personal dignity is also protected by criminal law. Yes, dignity is given to a person from birth, and it cannot be taken away. But a person with just one small act can drop it so much that he will not be able to restore it in his entire subsequent life.

Thus, honor, in my opinion, is the most important psychological regulator of such a complex biosocial being as a person, and people do not even realize its exceptional significance, inventing something else for themselves that they consider important, letting truly priceless things pass them by. And, inventing, they violate one of the ten commandments: “Thou shalt not make for yourself an idol,” and although I consider religion absurd, I admit that it is not devoid of common sense.

I believe that the most important thing about a person is how he communicates, what thoughts and ideas he has about the world. What is the use of money if you don’t have love for people, sympathy for someone else’s misfortune, if you don’t know how and don’t want to truly be friends? What's the use of a cool car, a mansion in a prestigious area with a warm swimming pool and peacocks on the terrace, if you remain a stupid, incompetent, limited person? You, in this case, are just an animal who accidentally became rich and poses as a homo sapiens while remaining

Like a boastful macaque or a thug orangutan.
There is no need to chase the luxury of the environment, external splendor, it is better to focus on expanding your horizons, developing your positive qualities, willpower, making real friends, on being and not seeming. And then, over time, everything else will come: material well-being, independence from circumstances, and the ability to stand up for yourself.
Of course, my thoughts are somewhat chaotic, but I am still at a crossroads, although it seems to me that I have already chosen the most correct direction for myself - to develop my mind and positive character traits, and the rest will follow!

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What is most important in a person, for example, in a modern girl? Many girls think that beauty, figure, attractiveness. This is partly true. But all this is not the most important thing!

The most important thing is what is inside, that is, internal qualities, character, soul.

Of the qualities that are most important for a modern girl, I would name such as cleanliness of body, thoughts and behavior, kindness, conscientiousness, and the ability to predict the consequences of one’s actions. After all, you can be clean and beautiful on the outside, but terribly dirty and black on the inside! You can be seemingly sweet and kind for show, but if you look at some of these girls more closely, you will see that all this is superficial, external husk, but inside this person is a callous egoist who only cares about making her feel good, so that Everyone had an opinion of her as attractive and charming.

Girl from the very early childhood should think about what she wants and should become - sincere, smart, honest and pure. And you don’t need to bother yourself too much with thoughts about who you want to become - it’s absolutely all the same! In terms of her internal qualities, a milkmaid can be much better than a fashion model, although in her external appearance she may be inferior to her in some ways.

No problem! Life will put everything in its place.

What is most important in a person?

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