Test what is your hidden talent. A test that will help you discover your hidden talents. How to Uncover Hidden Talent

You are certainly talented - that's a fact. But what exactly? And how to “awaken” your creative thinking? How can you feel the feeling of creative flight again and quickly find an original solution to a problem? Take the test and find out your recipe for creativity! It's really simple: choose the answers that best suit you and mark the number of points in the key table provided after the test.

1. I remember myself well from about...
A three to five years
B seven to ten years
C twelve to fifteen years old
D I don’t remember my childhood well at all

2. Imagine yourself in a boring meeting and quickly draw something on a piece of paper. What does your drawing look like?
A"Little Man"
B Confusion of different lines
C Animal
D Rhythmic lines

3. You read an interesting book. What do you remember best?
A Characters of people
IN Descriptions of nature, buildings, clothes of heroes, their appearance
C I can briefly outline the logic of events and plot
D I can vividly describe my emotions and feelings about the book.

4. When do you arrive in new town, country, what do you pay attention to most?
A On architecture, streets
IN Features of life - politics, culture, events
C Habits and behavior of residents
D I just love wandering the streets and observing

5. Remember an event from childhood when you were very happy. What exactly came to your mind?
A People around me
B The words that were spoken to me, the music
C General feeling of self, exciting emotions
D What was I wearing

6. You fell in love. What do you remember most often when you think about him?
A I see his eyes
B Feelings of his hands, body
WITH His words, speech, I can repeat them
D The timbre of his voice, a whisper

7. Fold your arms over your chest, smile and look at yourself in the mirror, wink at your reflection...
A The body is slightly tilted to the left
IN The right corner of the mouth is raised
WITH Left hand on top of the right
D I wink with my left eye

8. How do you find it easier to think about something?
A I feel more comfortable alone
B I like to sit in a small cafe
WITH When I'm wandering the streets
D I can read something on the topic or discuss the problem with a specialist

9. Do you fall in love easily?
A Oh, I don’t even notice how this happens again and again
IN No, I first need to learn a lot about a person and appreciate him.
WITH If he's handsome, yes
D Sometimes all it takes is talking to him and I'm smitten

10. When you are upset, what helps you most often?
A Take a bath and relax
B Have a heart-to-heart talk with a friend or go to a specialist
WITH Listen to your favorite music
D Get into the car and drive wherever your eyes take you

Calculate your points using the key table below. The resulting number of points will help determine where your creativity is “buried.”

1 4 3 2 1
2 3 4 2 1
3 2 4 1 3
4 4 1 2 3
5 1 2 3 4
6 4 3 1 2
7 3 2 4 1
8 4 2 3 1
9 3 1 4 2
10 3 1 2 4

0-10 points - POWER OF WORD
You are quite logical and rarely allow something to blow your mind, you trust only authoritative opinions and are used to always relying on expert assessments. You can look for your inspiration both in debates, discussing the problem with experts, and by leafing through specialized literature. You have your own special view on many things.
One piece of advice: allow yourself to be less serious more often, go for a walk along unfamiliar streets, meet new people, because even in a roadside cafe, not only maniacs drink coffee... And always write down any of your ideas - this way you will have your own small bank of discoveries!

10-20 points – THE SOUND OF MUSIC
You are extremely musical and sensitive to what many will not even hear: the whisper of drops on glass, the music of the words of a loved one. Again, sounds can help you find a solution - sometimes it’s useful to take a walk, even without really listening to what’s happening around you, or listen to silence. Don’t forbid yourself to rhyme funny rhymes, hum or come up with funny songs, this is where your creative resource is. You can even argue with yourself if necessary - to do this, speak the problem into a voice recorder and listen to yourself or talk to an imaginary interlocutor.

20-30 points - DO YOU DANCE?
You are as organic as a wild cat, and even if those around you don’t notice it, there is a natural harmony inside you. Let her open up - sign up for salsa classes, go to fitness. When you need to think about a difficult task, allow yourself to relax - take a bath, turn on music and start dancing, listen to your body. You can also unleash your creativity by starting to draw. Take a close look at the “doodles” that you get when you think hard about something and simultaneously move your pen across the paper - your hand will certainly tell you something new, some creative path...

30-40 points - LOOK BOTH!
You are very creative by nature and allow yourself to perceive the world with childlike spontaneity. Stay like this! And when you are faced with a task that requires a creative solution, but it just doesn’t come, try to draw it, wander the streets and imagine how the passers-by you see would cope with this problem - this serious guy with a thick briefcase or this laughing girl with freckles - what would they tell you in response to your question? What, have you already come up with something? Well, of course! Just allow yourself to be yourself and everything will work out!

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Each of us is unique in our own way and has special abilities. However, not everyone knows that a certain talent is hidden in him.

With this test you may discover the ability that lies within you.

Sometimes it takes people many years to discover an unusual ability in themselves, since talents can be hidden somewhere deep within ourselves.

This simple test may help understand your own capabilities. We invite you to answer a few simple questions, score a certain number of points, count them, and find out your hidden talent.

It is worth noting that this test may not reveal the full picture and may not give an exact answer in which area it will be more convenient for you to develop. You shouldn’t take this test too seriously or to heart. However it's never too late to try something new, because no one knows what might come out of this.

Let's start

1. What would you like to do, regardless of your education?

Psychologist or analyst - 0

Something related to creativity - 1

Journalist or teacher - 2

"Dust-free" office work - 3

Scientist, explorer or inventor - 4

Manager, boss - 5

2. Which ofyou can do this the best thing?

Good understanding of cinema or books - 1

Help people - 2

Maintain order in the house - 3

Be flexible, easily grasp new trends, and be able to apply them competently - 4

Set yourself goals and build a strategy to achieve them - 5

3. What fromDoes the following best describe you?

You know how to influence people - 0

You understand beauty and have good taste - 1

You are able to create a cozy atmosphere in a team - 2

You know how to please friends and family - 3

You can always find a task to think about - 4

You are able to manage a team and coordinate its work - 5

4. Whichanimalyou want to choose :

Butterfly - 0

Swan - 1

Dolphin - 2

5. Which of the following statements is closest to you:

The walls have ears - 0

Fog is not able to hide the smell of flowers - 1

Take some water into your hands and you will see the moon in them - 2

Errors are hidden in haste - 3

You won't help the sprouts if you pull them out - 4

Strong people have big desires, and weak people have big dreams - 5


Now count your points and find out your hidden talent

If you have 0 - 5 points

Not every person is able to understand another person. According to the test results, you are able to find a connection between a person’s actions and fluctuations in his behavior. You can also often predict the actions of others.

Thanks to such abilities, we are able to manipulate, and this does not necessarily mean in a bad way. Of course, such an ability needs to be developed; it rarely manifests itself. Understanding human nature, you are able to avoid conflicts, as well as help people in terms of mutual understanding.

The ability to recognize the feelings and emotions of others allows you to better understand yourself.

If you have 6 10 points.

Are you a creative person?.

There is a possibility that there is a creative and sensual nature hidden within you that can understand art and the meaning it carries. You love and understand cinema well, and also understand the visual arts and literature (or can develop these qualities).

The ability to feel beauty may have motivated you several times to create something of your own, for example, to write poetry, draw, play in the theater or play a musical instrument. You should decide what you like best and continue to develop. There is a chance that your talent will help you realize yourself in a field that you have never even thought about.

If you have 11 15 points.

You are the life of the party.

You are familiar to many people, as you enjoy spending time in pleasant and friendly company. In company, you are friendly, have a good sense of humor, you are a good listener, and it is pleasant to communicate with you.

You may not be the life of the party, but you are not deprived of attention. You have an amazing ability to win people over. There is even a chance that people will trust you with their secrets and help you in your quest.

If someone is in need of good company and proper communication, then you can be more useful than ever.

If you are 16 20 points.

You are an inventor.

You have quite high level intelligence. You don't like to stand still, and you always want to move forward, learn something new and unusual. You are capable of giving new life to broadcast to the old, to see potential where most simply do not notice it.

Your talent lies in creating something new from something familiar. Often, non-trivial ideas come into your head, which may seem very strange to others, but only because they do not try to implement them.

You get bored when you have to follow the beaten path, so you try to look for other paths.

If you are 21 25 points.

You are a leader.

It is impossible to be born a leader; you can develop management skills, learn the rules of the game and be able to take advantage of circumstances. However, it is quite possible to become a leader if you are born. You are strong-willed and have the ability to achieve your goals.

Sometimes a leader doesn’t have to try hard to make something happen, because people already see him as an authority. With this in mind, you are able to set goals and make plans to achieve them. A leader is able to achieve success both in work and in life.

If you develop the qualities of a leader, then many tasks that seem impossible will not seem so to you.

Having known yourself, your strengths, you are capable of achieving a lot. Keep moving forward, educate yourself and the world and you may be able to do a lot to change it for the better.

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“Do I have talent?”, “What if I’m doing the wrong thing?”, “What if I have a completely different purpose?” - these questions torment many people, regardless of age.

Take some time to understand yourself. The more you delay this procedure, the longer you continue to be in ignorance and doubt about your life path.

website invites you to get acquainted with the effective technique of psychologist Ivan Pirogov called “Analysis of a person’s purpose.” Grab a pen and paper!

Step #1. Name your dream

The first thing you need to do is remember all your dreams: what you dreamed of as a child, as a teenager, at school, in college, in adulthood. Up until now.

Write them down.

Step #2. Separating “to have” and “to be”

So, the dreams are listed. It's time to divide them into the categories of “have” and “be”.

Step #3. What resonated with you internally?

Remember, did you feel a special thrill when observing people of a certain profession? Would you like to be in their place? Write it down.

Step #4. What did you like to do?

To the list obtained in the previous steps, add all the activities that brought you pleasure. What did you like to do as a child? In youth? At an older age? What processes and activities bring you joy now?

Step #5. Let's discard everything unnecessary

Now check all the recorded dreams for “emotional response”. To do this, sequentially visualize each item from the “to be” list and listen to the sensations and emotions that arise. You need to visualize from the first person. Step into the role you've been dreaming about. Imagine that this role is already your reality. What are you doing at this moment? What do you do? What do you see and hear? And finally, how do you feel?

Once you are in character, pay attention to the emotions and sensations. Then rate the strength of your emotions from 0 to 10.

Step #6. We cross out mercilessly

Now cross out the dreams that received the lowest scores in the previous step. These are dreams that you can give up once and for all right now. They are no longer relevant to you in the present moment.

Step #7. Grouping of qualities

So, here is a real list of your innate inclinations, formulated in the form of dreams. At this stage they are randomly dumped into one pile. Look carefully at the list and answer the questions: which items on this list can be grouped? what points can be closely related to each other?

For example, your list contains the following items: “I want to travel around countries”, “I want to become a writer” and “I want to learn foreign languages" It is clear that the desire to travel around countries goes very well with the desire to learn languages. And the desire to write books can be closely related to travel. As a result, all three points complement each other beautifully.

Step #8. We give names to the groups

Look at the grouped items and give each group a name. The name should speak about your innate talent, which gave rise to a whole chain of interconnected dreams. For example: “The ability to search for information, find answers and solve mysteries”, “The ability to help people” and so on.

Step #9. Looking for connections between groups

We're almost done! It remains to understand how the groups are related to each other. To do this, write down the resulting groups in a separate list.

Look at the list and think about how the existence of one group supports the existence of another? Practice shows that groups always have mutually supportive connections.

Step #10. We are looking for a use for our talents

Think and write everything down possible options realizing their talents in real life. What kind of profession or activity is this? Maybe your talents suit different professions at the same time? The more options, the better.

Step #11. We finally decide on what we love to do in life!

Have you written down a list of possible uses for your talents? Great, now rate each item on the resulting list on a ten-point scale. 10 is a very desirable option. 0 is the least acceptable option.

After this, you will finally clarify a specific direction that is really worth your attention. This direction will bring you success, joy in life and, of course, good income. After all, when you know that you definitely have a talent for this, things go with confidence and enthusiasm.

Useful tips

Is talent something given from birth, or is it something that a person creates himself? The dictionary says that talent is natural giftedness, so each of us is born with our own talents.

But we must nurture and develop what is given to us at birth. However, not everyone immediately understands what they are capable of. Sometimes our hidden abilities are right in front of our eyes, and we just need to dig a little for them to come to light.

How can you discover your talent? Here are five simple steps.

How to find your talents

1. Listen to others

You may not be aware of your talent, but the people close to you definitely see it. Ask them about it. It often happens that those around us know better than ourselves what we do best, so they themselves come to us and advise others to contact us.

2. What comes easy to you?

Are there things that are very easy for you to do, while others have to work hard? If you have to put in little to no effort to do certain things, you may assume that this is true for all people. But in most cases this is not the case.

You might watch someone puffing away at doing something and think that you could do it much faster and easier. Surely this is your talent. Think about it.

3. What do you like best?

Your talents can show themselves in other ways. Is there a topic you can't help but read when you come across it in a magazine? Or is there a show that you binge-watch? Think about what you like to do most when you have free time. If you are emotionally attached to something, passionate about it, and enjoy learning about it and practicing it, that's it.

4. What do you talk about a lot?

Is there a particular topic that you really enjoy talking about and having long conversations about? This could be one of your hidden talents.

5. Just ask

Ask people who are willing to give you an honest assessment of your talents. Ask them to ignore your bad habits. Try to do this one on one, and, summarizing the answers received, draw a conclusion.

How to find out your hidden talent

When a person is aware of his talents, he is more in tune with his life. The sun shines brighter for him, and the sad moments are not so sad, and all is well in his world, because he is on the right path. He has a purpose.

Add a little rationality to your talent to succeed in the business world. When you make money from your talent, it stops being work and becomes a fulfilling process.

Also, to help yourself discover your talents, you can use the hint from your date of birth. You need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth and bring the resulting number to a single digit, that is, from 1 to 9. The resulting number will tell you in which area you can achieve maximum success.

1 – number of leadership abilities

You will be successful in any work with a team, as you know how to captivate people and lead them. People with this talent number are very responsible, sociable, persistent and proactive. They are born leaders. If in this moment You don’t hold a high position, just remember that everyone started somewhere and immediately start taking action.

2 – the number of diplomacy and peacefulness

The carriers of this number know how to negotiate, they know how to win over the most pretentious people, and resolve any conflict situations. Such people can achieve success in many areas - they are good psychologists, diplomats, lawyers and entrepreneurs.

How to Uncover Hidden Talent

3 – the number of inspiration and cheerfulness

This number gives its bearer a rich imagination, a desire to create and high energy. They know how to speak and express their thoughts so convincingly that sometimes even close people cannot distinguish truth from deception. These people are made for artistic creativity, especially they achieve great success in acting.

4 – number of concentration and practicality

These people are very observant, they have a high ability to concentrate, and also pay close attention to detail. Thanks to this, they can succeed even in the most monotonous and complex work.

Each person is unique in their own way because we all have special abilities with which we can surprise and delight others. This test will help you find out which one is hidden in you.

Sometimes we spend half our lives trying to find ourselves, because our talents are often hidden within ourselves, and we do not know our strengths. A simple test will help you understand your own capabilities. By answering a series of questions and adding up the points for each answer, you will find out how you compare favorably with other people.

Test for talents and hidden potential

1. What is your favorite job? Don't think about your education and your career at this stage of your life.

  • psychologist or analyst - 0
  • person of a creative profession - 1
  • presenter, journalist or teacher - 2
  • any office “dust-free” work – 3
  • scientist or inventor - 4
  • manager, boss, director - 5

2. Which of the following do you do best?

  • understand and guess people’s thoughts and feelings - 0
  • understand films or books - 1
  • sympathize with people and provide support - 2
  • keep the house in order - 3
  • understand new trends, find new ways to use things - 4
  • set goals and determine ways to achieve them - 5

3. Which of these statements resonates with you the most?

  • you know how to influence a person - 0
  • you know what is beautiful and tasteful and what is not - 1
  • you know how to make everyone in the team feel comfortable - 2
  • you always know how to please your loved ones - 3
  • always find a problem to think about - 4
  • know how to successfully coordinate the activities of a team - 5

4. Select an animal:

  • butterfly - 0
  • swan - 1
  • dolphin - 2
  • wolf - 3
  • raven - 4
  • lion - 5

5. Choose the statement that is closest to you:

  • There is always an ear on the other side of the wall - 0
  • Thick fog does not hide the fragrance of flowers - 1
  • Scoop up water and the moon will be in your hand - 2
  • Errors are hidden in haste - 3
  • You can’t help the sprouts by pulling them out of the ground - 4
  • U strong people have desires, but the weak have dreams - 5

Answers to the test “Your hidden talents”

From 0 to 5. Soul Expert

Understanding a person is not given to everyone. You know how to not only see patterns between the impact on a person and changes in his behavior, but also predict them. This makes you an excellent manipulator, while your qualities are not necessarily used to the detriment of a person. With an understanding of human nature, you can avoid conflict yourself and help others find mutual understanding. A person’s feelings and emotions are an area in which you feel confident, and this also helps you in self-knowledge.

From 6 to 10. Man of art

You are probably a sensual person, subtly understanding and perceiving art, whose tastes regarding cinematography fine arts, or literature and theater may not be shared by everyone. A developed sense of beauty has probably more than once given you the need to create something wonderful on your own: write stories or poems, draw, learn to play musical instruments, develop acting skills given by nature. These qualities make you an absolute creator. Determine where your soul lies and continue to develop - perhaps your book will become a bestseller, and your paintings will be exhibited in the leading galleries of the world.

From 11 to 15. Soul of the company

Many people probably know you, because you often spend time among friends, acquaintances and just good acquaintances. They are all united by a positive attitude towards you. You are friendly, know how to make great jokes, listen to your interlocutor and have a good rest. You haven’t always been the one who started it, but many people’s eyes are focused on you. Surely many people trust you with their secrets. Your talent lies in the ability to win people over. This makes you an expert in human life and opens all paths to you. Where it is necessary to interact with people, you will be simply irreplaceable.

From 16 to 20. Innovator

Having a very high level of intelligence, you are ready to move forward, try new things, and find something missing in what seems ordinary to everyone. New uses for old things are your thing. You tirelessly strive to learn about the little-known and little-known. Sometimes non-standard ideas come to your mind, which sometimes seem completely inappropriate and eccentric. But that's only because they weren't tested. Have you ever been called a "crazy professor"? There is, of course, no madness here. You're just bored of doing everything the old way and following proven paths.
