Synopsis on the formation. Abstract of the didactic game in the middle group. Preparation for the didactic game includes

Lesson summary

on the formation of elementary mathematical representations

in the senior group No. 9

MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 "Smile"

on the topic: "Number 10".

Developed by: Fokina Anna Konstantinovna

Lesson topic: Number 10.

Class type: Learning new material.

Purpose of the lesson: To introduce the formation of the number 10, learn to count within 10.


    Improve counting skills within 10 and practice counting according to the model.

    Continue to form ideas that an object can be divided into two equal parts, learn to name the parts and compare the whole and the part.

    To improve the ability to see in the surrounding objects the shape of familiar geometric shapes.

    Learn to understand the learning task and perform it independently.

    Build skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Planned educational tasks: Based on the results of the lesson, it is planned that children will know the name of the number 10, be able to count within 10.

Equipment: images of nuts, a doll, ribbons, 10 circles - a button, a dress outline, 4-5 cards with an image of 6 to 10 circles, rectangular napkins, scissors, cards divided into 9 squares (a geometric figure is shown in the central square: a circle, square, triangle or rectangle, 4 cards for each child), a tray with a set of cards depicting round, square, triangular, rectangular objects, cards depicting from 6 to 10 circles, 15 circles - a button of the same color.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time. Finger gymnastics. 45 seconds.

    Motivation-indicative stage. Mystery. 45 seconds.

    Search stage. Game exercise "Let's help dolls pick up buttons for a new dress." 3 minutes

    Practical stage. Game exercise "Let's tie a bow to the doll." Game exercise "Napkins for dolls". Fizkultminutka. Didactic game "Geometric Lotto". Game "Cars and garages". 20 minutes.

    Reflective-evaluative stage. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed. 30 seconds.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, sit down in your seats. Now we will remember our exercises for fingers.


There is a lock on the door

Who could open it?

(Quick connection of fingers in the lock.)


(We pull the brushes to the sides.)


(Waving movements.)


(Fingers are clasped into the lock, children knock with their palms.)

And they opened it!

(Fingers unclenched.)

2. Motivational-indicative stage

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle.

I found in the hollow of a squirrel

Nine small nuts.

Here lies another one

Moss carefully covered.

Well, squirrel, here is the hostess!

Count all the nuts!

The teacher lays out 9 nuts and one more nut on the board.

Educator: Guys, how many nuts are in the hollow of a squirrel?

Children: ten.

Educator: And how did you get the number 10?

Children: They added one to nine - it turned out ten.


Nothing is easier

Write the number ten.

Only needed for one

Draw zero on the right.

3. Search stage

Game exercise "Let's help dolls pick up buttons for a new dress."

The teacher shows the children the dress of the doll.

Educator: Guys, let's try to pick up buttons for the dress. You need 10 buttons of the same color.

One child is called, the rest in the field count 10 circles each - a button of the same color.

Educator: How many buttons were counted in total?

Children: Ten

The teacher offers to “sew” the buttons to the dress, removing one button from right to left and counting how much is left. Children complete the task together with the teacher.

4. Practical stage.

Game exercise "Let's tie bows to the doll."

The teacher shows the children a doll with one pigtail.

Educator: Guys, let's braid our doll with two pigtails and tie her bows. But here's the problem! I only have one ribbon. It is necessary to pick up another one for the second bow exactly the same in length and color.

Children can't find the right length of ribbon.

Educator: What needs to be done to make the tapes the same?

Children: cut off

Educator: What needs to be done to cut the ribbon of the same length?

The children make their guesses.

The teacher leads them to the need to use a conditional measure. Children, together with the teacher, consider adequate conditional measures and choose a cardboard strip. Then, the equality of the lengths of the cardboard strip and the ribbon is checked by direct comparison.

Using a cardboard strip, the teacher, together with the children, measures and cuts the ribbon of the desired length, compares it with the first ribbon and ties bows to the doll.

Game exercise "Napkins for dolls"

Educator: Guys, look, I have a napkin. What form is it?

Children: Rectangular.

Educator: Let's give our doll and her friend a napkin of the same size. What needs to be done to make two napkins from one napkin?

Children discuss ways to divide a rectangular napkin.

Children: You need to fold it in half so that the short sides match.

Children cut the napkin in half along the fold line and check the equality of the resulting napkins.

Educator: How many parts did it turn out?

Children: two

Educator: How can you name each part?

Children: Half.

Educator: What is more: the whole or the part?

Children: Whole

Educator: Which is smaller: the whole or the part?

Children: part.

Children give napkins to dolls.


Movements in the text of the poem.

One or two - everyone get up,

Three-four - squat,

Five-six - turn around

Seven-eight - smile,

Nine-ten - do not yawn,

Take your place!

Didactic game "Geometric Lotto".

Children are divided into four subgroups. Each subgroup has a map divided into 9 squares. The central square depicts a geometric figure (circle, square, triangle, rectangle). Cards with the image of objects of the corresponding form lie on a common tray.

Educator: Let's close the empty squares with cards that show objects of the shape that you have in the center. The team that completes the task faster will win.

In the process of checking, children name objects and their shape.

The game is repeated 2-3 times with the change of cards.

Game "Cars and garages".

Cards with the image of 6 to 10 circles are laid out on the carpet. These are garages. Children have the same cards indicating car numbers.

Educator: Each garage has its own number, indicated by a certain number of circles. Your cars have the same numbers. At my signal, put your cars in the garages with the appropriate numbers and explain your choice.

The game is repeated 3-4 times. Each time the children change cards.

5. Reflective-evaluative stage

Children have three circles - red, yellow and green.

If all the tasks are completed by the child correctly, the children leave a green circle, if 1-2 errors - yellow, if there are 3 or more errors - red.


1. Golitsyna N.S. Abstracts of complex-thematic studies. Senior group. Integrated approach.

2. Kolesnikova E.V. Mathematics for children 5-6 years old. Methodological guide to the workbook "I count to ten."

3. Ponomareva I.A., Pozina V.A. Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Senior group.

Ekaterina Potemkina
Abstract of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations. middle group

Target: Continue to develop mathematical representations in children of the middle group.



form ability to equalize groups in two ways, adding to the smaller group one(missing) thing or removing from a larger group one(extra) thing.

Continue learning to compare two groups of objects, different in form, defining their equality or inequality based on pair matching. Improve the ability to compare two object by length, width

To consolidate the ability to distinguish and name flat geometric figures: circle, square, triangle.


Develop attention, logical thinking, eye, fine motor skills of hands


Cultivate a positive attitude towards animals.

Cultivate interest in occupation responsiveness, willingness to help others, ability to work independently

caregiver: Guys, today we will go to the zoo.

The boys go to the zoo

Schoolchildren and preschoolers

Want to see the animals

All the animals are in cages.

And bring them a treat:

Who is a banana and who is a cookie,

1. Game situation "Road to the Zoo"

Guys, getting to our zoo is not so easy. Look at the paths in front of the zoo.

Let's compare them with you. Are the tracks the same?

To get to the zoo, we need to choose the longest and widest road. look carefully and choose which we need.

Children: red.

caregiver: Well done. Here we are at the zoo

2. "Hang up handkerchiefs"- equalization groups of objects in 2 ways

caregiver: Who meets us first? Pay attention to the raccoon that dries handkerchiefs on a rope. How many handkerchiefs are dried on a rope?

Children: Lot.

caregiver: What color are they?

Children: Red, yellow

caregiver: Are the handkerchiefs the same form?

Children: Round, triangular.

caregiver: What can be said about the number of round and triangular handkerchiefs: are they equal? How can you find out?

And to find out, we put as many round handkerchiefs on the top strip as a raccoon. How many round handkerchiefs? Let's count. (5)

Now lay out triangular handkerchiefs on the bottom strip. How many handkerchiefs does a raccoon have? (4)

caregiver: What handkerchiefs more: round or square forms?

Children: Handkerchief round shapes more.

caregiver: What handkerchiefs smaller: round or square forms?

Children: square handkerchief shape less.

caregiver: How to make handkerchiefs round and square forms are equal?

(Together with the children we discuss ways to equalize groups of objects).

3. Physical Minute.

monkey suggested play a ball game "Say the opposite"

low - high,

long short,

Day Night,

narrow - wide

light heavy,

Left - right

Far close;

Above - below

One is many

Morning evening,

thick - thin

4. "extra figure"

caregiver: Let's see who else is waiting for us at the zoo? (parrot). He brought us the task of playing. Here are the figures on the card. Need attentively look at the card and find the extra piece. This figure will need to be laid out from counting sticks. And then we'll see if you found the extra figure correctly.

caregiver: What good fellows we are!

5. "Unravel the Paths"

caregiver: But the zoo is already closing and it's time for us to return to group. But what do all the tracks get messed up and to go back to group you need to decompose the tracks from the longest to the shortest. Take your tracks and lay them out on the table from the longest track to the shortest track. And now let's check if we have laid out the tracks correctly.

Here we are in group.

Where have we been today?

What animals met us at the zoo?

What did we do with the raccoon?

What game was played with the monkey?

What task did the parrot prepare for us?

That's what good fellows we are!

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Mishkina Irina Nikolaevna-educator
KGKP kindergarten "Aigolek"NKO district named after G. Musrepov, Novoishimskoye village

Subject:“We will take gifts, we will go to visit the hedgehog”

Target: Consolidation of children's knowledge of geometric shapes


* Exercise in the ability to group objects by shape, color.

* Strengthen the ability to correlate a numerical card with the number of items. * Develop the ability to generalize, classify. To promote the development of attention, memory, thinking, imagination, speech.

* Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals. To form ideas about the environment, to develop a cognitive interest in nature.

Bilingual component: kirpі - hedgehog, tulki - fox, kaskyr - wolf, sharshy - square, tikburysh - rectangle, shenber - circle, ushburysh - triangle, kyzyl - red, zhasyl - green, thorns - tiken, zhidekter - berry, almalar - apples, bir - 1, ekі - 2, үsh - 3, tөrt - 4, demon - 5, alti - 6, zhetі - 7, segiz -8, togyz - 9, he - 10.

Visualallowance: decoration of the autumn forest, a toy - a hedgehog, apples, mushrooms, geometric shapes;

Handout: vv games Voskobovich "Magic Lanterns", "Two-Color Square", "Miracle Basket".


  1. T.M. Bondarenko “Developing games in preschool educational institutions. Abstracts of classes on developing games by V.V. Voskobovich. A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: IP Lakotsenin S.S., 2009. - 190 P.
  2. Kharko T.G., Voskobovich V.V. “Game technology for the intellectual and creative development of preschool children aged 3-7 years “Fairytale labyrinths of the game”

Lesson progress

Introductory part:

  1. Introductory speech by the educator.

- Hello, children, today we will visit a fairy tale. But in order to get into it, you need to guess the riddle:

Instead of a fur coat, only needles.
Wolves are not afraid of him either.
A prickly ball, legs are not visible,
Call him of course... (Hedgehog - bricks )

Children, you can’t visit without gifts. For the hedgehog, we have a treat - cookies. It is different - triangular and rectangular. You and I need to make baskets for ourselves.

  1. Voskobovich's game "Two-color square".

Educator: The boys will take a square and make red triangular baskets (fold the square), and the girls will make green rectangular ones.

Children repeat what colors their figures are (red - kyzyl, green - zhasyl)

Educator: You have cookies (geometric shapes) on the trays. Choose for yourself cookies of only the shape of the shape of your baskets (square - sarshy, rectangle - tikburysh).

Well, the gifts are collected, you can hit the road.

Children from the tables go to the chairs.

Main part:

  1. A conversation about a hedgehog (submit illustration)

- Let's remember what a hedgehog looks like. (He is prickly, he has small paws, there is a muzzle with eyes, a nose and a small mouth).

The teacher clarifies the answers of the children: the muzzle of the hedgehog is small, with an elongated nose, all covered with short gray hairs; black, like beads, eyes seem very smart, but the hedgehog sees badly, but his scent is excellent; The hedgehog's legs are short with small claws.

What else have I forgotten? (thorns - tiken)

- Well, of course, thorns! Why does he need them? (so that the wolf does not eat the hedgehog - қasқyr and the fox - tүlkі).

- Right. How can he be without needles? It is a defense against enemies. How else does he use them? (he wears berries on them - jidekter, apples - almalar).

- Well done boys. And now we will rest a little.

  1. 4 . Rhythmic movements "Here the hedgehog curled up into a ball ..."

Here the hedgehog curled up in a ball,

Because he's cold.

The ray of the hedgehog touched

The hedgehog stretched sweetly.

Here are the needles and pins

Creep out from under the bench

sly hedgehog sly hedgehog

He looks like a ball

Although the hedgehog is small in stature,

He showed us the thorns.

And the spines also look like a hedgehog.

Children press their hands and head to their chest and shake, pretending to be cold.

Stretch your hands up

Spread your fingers as much as possible

Children again press their hands and head to their chest, gathering in a ball

They sit down, stretch their arms up and spread their fingers.

We rested a little, and now let's go look for a clearing where a hedgehog lives in its mink. To get to the clearing, we need to follow the path. It is very dark in the forest and we will have to “light” the lanterns.

  1. The game "Magic Lanterns" according to the method of V.V. Voskobovich

- Light the round lanterns.

- How many flashlights?

What color are the lanterns?

- How many greens?

- How many red ones?

- How many big ones?

- How many little ones?

Light up the square lanterns.

- How many flashlights?

What color are the lanterns?

- How many greens?

- How many red ones?

- How many big ones?

- How many little ones?

Then the children light triangular, rectangular lanterns.

Bilingual component: shenber - circle, sharshy - square, ushburysh - triangle, tikburysh - rectangle, kyzyl - red, zhasyl - green, ulken - big, kishkentai - small.

Educator: Children, we went to a clearing with mushrooms. Look how many mushrooms are here. We will now help to make a hedgehog stocks for the winter. There are baskets in front of you.

  1. The game "Miracle Basket" V.V. Voskobovich

The teacher distributes baskets and cards to the children:

You need to take one basket at a time, and collect as many mushrooms in your basket as many circles you have drawn on a numerical card.

The children are doing the task. Then the teacher, together with the children, analyzes the completed task.

How many circles are on your card? (three - ush). How many mushrooms did you find? (three - ush). All carts are checked.

Bilingual component: bіr - 1, ekі - 2, үsh - 3, tөrt - 4, demon - 5, alti - 6, zhetі - 7, segіz -8, togyz - 9, he - 10.

Well done boys. With such gifts, we may well go to the hedgehog for tea. And here the hedgehog itself meets us (toy).

Final part:

The teacher asks the children questions: - Guys, where have we been today? Who did you meet? What did they give the hedgehog? Did you like our trip to a fairy tale?

Children answer questions.

Oh, guys, the hedgehog wants to say something in my ear. He says he likes you very much. You played well, helped him find friends, collected a lot of mushrooms in a basket. He was very funny and interesting with you. He tells everyone "Goodbye!"

Topic: "How the Slavs lived"
Target: to acquaint children with the way of life of the ancient Slavs, to form an understanding of the word "ancestors", an understanding that Russia is a country with a great centuries-old history.
To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about the past of our Motherland; form an idea of ​​Orthodox Russia;
to promote the manifestation of interest in historical events and people who glorified Russia.
To consolidate the knowledge of Russians - folk proverbs and sayings, where love for the Motherland is sung.
Developing: develop
visual memory
Develop children's historical memory, cognitive abilities.
Educational: bring up
Encourage activity and independence in children
To bring up in children a positive attitude and respect for the glorious life of our ancestors, the desire to become the heirs of their traditions.
Cultivate a sense of friendship, solidarity, collectivism.
Type of lesson - Assimilation of new material
Preliminary work: Reading. T. Koti "My first book about Russia."
Examination of the album with national costumes.
Equipment: ICT, didactic game "Find a couple".
Methodical methods: use of ICT, visual material, riddle, use of game technologies, conversation, questions. Receptions of health-saving technologies: change of activities, physical minute.
Form of organization of work in the classroom: group, individual, pair work.
Lesson progress

Guys, today I want to talk to you about our country. What is the name of the country we live in? (Russia)
Think, has our country always been the way it is now?
Russia arose a very long time ago, it has an ancient and interesting history. Do you know what our state was called before?
Children. Russia, Russia wooden.
The teacher reads a poem by J. Rodari "General History"
At the beginning of our life
Everything was not right.
People put in a lot of effort
To make the earth a garden.
There were no paths anywhere.

To climb mountains
There were rivers without bridges,
Inaccessible like the sea.
There were no benches anywhere
to sit down tired.
Can't find beds anywhere
Neither big nor small.
Only people had
Hands are just hands.
And our ancestor worked,
And he did not know boredom.
- Do you want to know how people lived in ancient Russia?
I suggest you take a trip in a time machine.
To travel back in time, we need to turn the hands of the clock.
But I forgot which way to turn them - forward or backward. Can you help me remember?
Children. Back, in the opposite direction, because we will go to the past.
- . The road will be long, because it was a very long time ago.
2. The main stage 25 min - What do you think, who are the ancestors? (Children's answers)
Ancestors are people who lived on our earth many, many centuries ago.
- Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, were the first to settle on the territory of the Russian land.
Slavs - means glorious, good people. The Slavs were strong, courageous people. What did they look like?
Children, together with the teacher, describe the appearance of the Slavs: blond hair. blue eyes, tall.
Let's look at the clothes of the Slavs.
Look at the clothes for men and women. The Russian shirt has a feature of the cut of the collar, its cut is not located in the middle of the chest, but on the side. Hence the name kosovorotka, often blouses were decorated with embroidery. They girded the shirt with a belt - a sash. The belt (sash) was not only an ornament, it was sewn to it: a knife, a spoon. The belt replaced the pockets.
Women's clothing was represented by such attributes: sundress, caftan (blouse), apron. Married women wore poneva - this is a skirt in which the edges and apron are not sewn. The most common shoe of the Russian people were bast shoes
-The ancient Slavs lived in wooden houses - log cabins, which were built from logs, together, helping each other. One person could not cope with heavy logs. And it was not possible for a person to survive in those distant times for a person alone.
In the hut, 3 places have always been considered holy:
Red corner In the red corner, daily prayers were performed, from which any important business began. The red corner is the most honorable place in the house. a person who came to the hut could go there only at the special invitation of the owners. They tried to keep the red corner clean and smartly decorated. The very name of the corner "red" means "beautiful", "good", "light". It was cleaned with embroidered towels.
The table is "God's hand". "Not a piece of bread - a table - a board" - so the peasants said. In the Russian hut, almost everything was done by the hands of the peasants themselves. The furniture was homemade, wooden, very simple. Benches where they slept, a chest for things, benches for sitting at the table.
- Guys, look what is on the table? This is the utensils that people used. It is made of wood and clay. This is Tuesa. They are made from the bark of trees. They kept food. And here are various jugs for liquid: for milk, for honey. All this is called kitchen utensils.
A stove - without a stove, a hut is not a hut. The stove was an integral part of the home. It served as a source of heat and light. It occupied most of the house. You could sleep on the stove, or lie down to warm yourself. The place where people slept on the stove was called a bed. They built a brick oven and covered it with clay, and the stove-maker laid the oven. Bread was baked in the oven, food was cooked.
\Let's play the game "What was, what became"(The teacher asks questions, the children answer)
1. They used to wear bast shoes, but now ... (boots)
2. They used to cook in the oven, but now ... (on the stove)
3. Previously, they slept on the benches, but now ... (on the bed)
4. Previously, clothes were stored in chests, but now ... (in the closet)
Game Find a Pair. Now let's split into two teams: let's see who can complete the task faster. There are pictures on the tables. You need to find a pair. Then we will exchange places and check if you did everything right.
Well done guys did a great job. Let's go further into the past.
- It was necessary to defend both from wild animals and from enemies, so a high thorny fence was built around the village - a palisade.
The men were engaged in hunting and fishing.
Women gathered mushrooms, berries and medicinal plants in the forest: after all, there were no pharmacies then. The Slavs lived in large groups - TRIBAL. Due to the fact that the houses of the Slavs were made of wood, their settlements began to be called villages. Enemies often called the Slavs Rus. Therefore, the lands on which they settled eventually began to be called Russian lands.
Gradually, the Slavs began to master cattle breeding and agriculture.
To do this, they cleared areas from trees in the forest, plowed the land, and sowed grain. So the Slavs learned to grow bread. Just imagine, in those days there was no equipment and machines that would help people, the ancient Slavs had to do everything manually: plow the land, sow seeds, harvest, grind grain. To bake bread. That's how hardworking our ancestors were.
There were no shops in those distant times, so people had to do everything themselves.
-what do you think. What was necessary for a person to live in the first place? (children's answers)
And clothes, and utensils, and shoes, and weapons for hunting - all the Slavs made themselves. This is how the first crafts and craftsmen appeared who could do their job better than others. The men were blacksmiths, carpenters, potters, and the women were weavers and seamstresses.
Gradually, the villages grew, became more and more. The first cities began to appear. The most important city of Ancient Russia was Kyiv.
It was the most beautiful and richest city of that time. The fame of ancient Kyiv spread far beyond its borders.
Ruled then by Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise. They didn't call him Wise for nothing. Yaroslav was a very fair and intelligent person. Under Yaroslav the Wise, the ancient Russian states began to grow and flourish and flourish. Russia became one of the most powerful countries of that time. But look how the city of Kyiv looks now.
There is nothing better, more beautiful
Dear Motherland of yours!
Look back at our ancestors, At the heroes of the past.
Remember them with a kind word -
Glory to them, tough fighters!
Glory to our side!
Glory to Russian antiquity!
N. Konchalovskaya.
-And now guys it's time to go back to the children. Garden. We translate the hands of the clock in front. We close our eyes. And now we are already in kindergarten. So the guys we visited the Ancient Slavs. What did you like?
Summary of the lesson:
-Who are the ancestors?
-What were our ancestors called?
-How did they live?
- What is the main city of Ancient Russia?
-What did you like about our trip?
- What have we learned?

Publication date: 09/21/17

Didactic games occupy a large place in the work of preschool institutions. They are used in the classroom and in independent activities of children. Didactic game can serve as an integral part of the lesson. It helps to assimilate, consolidate knowledge, master the methods of cognitive activity.

Children master the signs of objects, learn to classify, generalize, compare. The use of a didactic game as a teaching method increases interest in classes, develops concentration, and provides better assimilation of program material. These games are especially effective in the classroom for the formation of elementary mathematical representations. In the middle preschool age, the vocabulary increases, thinking develops: they begin to group objects according to material, quality and purpose, in the environment they find the qualities of familiar geometric shapes. Didactic games are a kind of games with rules specially created by pedagogy for the purpose of teaching and educating children. They are aimed at solving specific problems of teaching children, but at the same time, they show the educational and developmental influence of gaming activities.

Didactic games are a type of training sessions organized in the form of educational games that implement a number of principles of gaming, active learning and are distinguished by the presence of rules, a fixed structure of game activity and an assessment system, one of active learning methods

The organization of didactic games by the teacher is carried out in three main directions:

  • preparations for
  • its holding
  • analysis.

Preparation for the didactic game includes:

  • selection of games in accordance with the tasks of education and training: deepening and generalization of knowledge, development of sensory abilities, activation of mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, speech) and etc.;
  • establishing compliance with a certain age group;
  • determination of the most convenient time for the did. games (in the process of organized learning in the classroom or in free time from classes and other regime processes);
  • determination of the number of players (whole group, small subgroups, individually); the whole band played.
  • preparation of the necessary didactic material for the selected game
  • preparation for the game of the educator himself: he must study and comprehend the entire course of the game, his place in the game, methods of managing the game ;
  • preparation for the game of children: enriching them with knowledge, ideas about the objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, necessary for solving the game problem.

When planning didactic games, teachers need to take care of complicating the games, expanding their variability (it is possible to come up with more complex rules). (Option "Path for Matryoshka")

Conducting didactic games includes:

  • familiarization of children with the content of the game, with the did-it material that will be used in the game (showing matryoshka and geometric shapes)
  • explanation of the course and rules of the game.
  • determining the role of the educator in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee. Participating in the game, the teacher directs the actions of the players (advice, question,
  • Summing up the results of the game is a crucial moment in managing it, because. the results that children achieve in the game, you can judge its effectiveness

The pedagogical value of the didactic game:

In didactic games, children are given certain tasks, the solution of which requires concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, the sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties.

They contribute to the development of sensations and perceptions in preschoolers, the formation of ideas, the assimilation of knowledge. These games provide an opportunity to teach children a variety of economical and rational ways to solve certain mental and practical problems. This is their developmental role.

It is necessary to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child, serves to form his abilities.

The didactic game contributes to the solution of the problems of moral education, the development of sociability in children. The teacher puts the children in conditions that require them to be able to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding.

Didactic game has its own structure:
1. The learning task is the main element of the didactic game, to which all the others are subordinate.

2. Game actions are ways of showing a child's activity for game purposes.
3. Rules - ensure the implementation of game content

summary of the didactic game in the middle group

Subject: "Matryoshkas visiting the guys"



to consolidate the idea of ​​​​geometric shapes, the ability to recognize them, compare them by shape, color, size,

continue to exercise children in orientation on a plane

and the names of flowers on handkerchiefs and geometric figures.


develop attention,

logical thinking,

  • memory,
  • fine motor skills of the hands,
  • develop thinking, interest in the game


to cultivate independence, creative activity, a sense of camaraderie.


demo material : "Matryoshka",;

Handout: geometric figures, nesting dolls.;

GCD progress:

1) Organizational moment


All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

2) Introduction

Motivational - incentive stage.

Guys, I found a package in our group. Let's see what's in it. (Mystery.)

Now I will guess it for you, and you listen carefully and try to guess:

wooden girlfriends

They love to hide in each other

Wear bright clothes

They are called - (matryoshka).

3)Main part:

Organizational-search stage.

Game exercise: Number and count.

Matryoshka is one of the most beloved Russian toys. It is made of wood and painted with cheerful colors.

Do you want to play with matryoshka?

Do you think the matryoshka came to visit us alone?

Why do you think so?

Correctly. There are always a lot of nesting dolls, and they are hidden in each other. Let's check. Here they are.

Let's meet our friends. (One of the children exposes 5 nesting dolls) The children count them.

Let `s have some rest:

Fizminutka "Matryoshka"

(Hands on the belt, children perform squats with turns to the right and left)

Look, here we have red boots.
(Hands on the belt, “picking” movement, completed by three stomps)

We, nesting dolls, are such crumbs

Look, here we have rosy cheeks
(Rubbing cheeks with hands)

We, nesting dolls, are such crumbs
(Hands on the belt, squats with turns to the right and left)

Look, here we have bright handkerchiefs.
(Turns the head to the right and left, holding the "tips of handkerchiefs")

The purpose of the next exercise: exercise in the name of colors, develop attention, memory.

Guys, we also have nesting dolls among the girls (Four girls come out: Katya, Natasha, Dasha, Olya. Children tie scarves: red, yellow, green, blue and stand in a row - these are nesting dolls)

What kind of handkerchief does Katya have? Natasha? Dasha? What about Olya?

The guys remembered. (Now the girls go out the door and 2 bandage the handkerchiefs, come back to the song “We are cuties, tumbler dolls!”) (play 2 times)

What changed?

Well done, you were very attentive.

Guys, nesting dolls did not come to us empty-handed. Look what a beautiful chest they brought: wooden, painted. Let's look into it and find out what's in there. Yes, they are geometric figures. You can also play with them.

didactic game "Dress up a nesting doll"

“Today Katya's Doll has a birthday, but her birthday is unusual - geometric, and she invited her girlfriends - matryoshkas.

Guys, what clothes do they wear to their birthday?

Let's dress up our nesting dolls.


  • Teach children to memorize geometric shapes.
  • To teach the grouping of objects by color, the correlation of objects by shape using the overlay method.
  • Improve tactile sensations.
  • Develop fine motor skills.
  • Teach children to fix attention on the color properties of objects.

Material: 4 nesting dolls with different handkerchiefs: red, blue, yellow and green, with geometric patterns, geometric shapes, "paths".

Guys, do our nesting dolls also have handkerchiefs?

What color are they?

What geometric shapes do you see?

Why is the triangle called that?

Which figure has angles, but they are right?

Guys, which figure is not like the rest? Why?

Take a matryoshka. Let's decorate the matryoshka sundress.

The child takes a nested doll and lays out geometric shapes along the contour using the overlay method. The game is considered over if all the contours are closed with geometric shapes of the desired color.

This is the 2nd version of this game "Find the matryoshka her path."

Well done boys!

And now let's send the nesting doll along the magic triangular path.

Look carefully at the handkerchief of your matryoshka. And take the path that will start with the same color.

(When the child has decorated his nesting doll. He needs to find a “path” with a red geometric figure and lay out all the triangles on it). The game is considered over if the nesting dolls are on the tracks)

Well done boys!

4) The final part.

Reflective - corrective stage.

Who came to visit us today?

What geometric shapes did we use for the outfits?

I will now give you small nesting dolls, but is something missing for them?

If you liked our game, draw a happy face to your nesting doll? If you didn’t like it, draw a sad one.

Matryoshkas came to visit us,
And brought as a gift

Fancy Cookies-
For fun kids.

Matryoshkas have prepared another gift for us. (The teacher distributes cookies of different geometric shapes)


The main task of teaching preschool children is to form a system of knowledge about geometric shapes. It is recommended to consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes familiar to them in didactic games. In a didactic game, a child observes, compares, contrasts, classifies objects according to one or another feature, makes analysis and synthesis available to him, and makes generalizations. The content of the game contributes to the manifestation and formation of interest in knowledge, the identification of patterns, connections and dependencies of objects.

The performance of a didactic game arouses a lively natural interest in children, contributes to the development of independent thinking, and most importantly, to the development of methods of cognition.

This didactic game helps to memorize the distinctive properties of geometric shapes. Models of geometric figures are given. The child examines them, feels and names the figure. The ability to distinguish, compare figures is improved at this age through mastering the examination of their contour. In the exercises, children master the corresponding movements with their fingertips along the contour of a flat figure, a three-dimensional surface. Gradually, they begin to highlight the main structural elements, first the sides, then the corners. In this didactic game, tasks are offered to differentiate the features of color and shape of geometric shapes. Children correlate the color and outline images of figures, select the appropriate shapes. This game form is aimed at children's sensory perception of the form through the child's tactile perception of the figure.

The main result of this didactic game is that during the game the child distinguishes and names a circle, a rectangle, a triangle, knows their characteristic differences, determines the color of the figure.
