Conversation about fire safety in the middle group. Summary of a conversation with children of the middle group “What causes fires in the house. Conversation on the topic

Objectives of the lesson on fire safety: form concepts about safe behavior, actions to prevent fire;

develop logical thinking children, memory, curiosity, desire to learn the world, the ability to draw conclusions and express one’s thoughts; cultivate attentiveness, accuracy, independence, prudence in everyday life; instill a sense of responsibility for your actions.

Material: layout of the mansion and puppet characters - mouse, hare, frog, fox, wolf, bear; kitchen and children's room layouts; “lights” made of cardboard - 2 small and 5 large; toy fire truck, memory cards with its image and the numbers 101; A-1 sheet of paper made of red and green halves for decoration

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). Children, the weather is wonderful today! And you good mood? (Yes!)

I suggest keeping it the same throughout the day. Just as the sun shares its rays with us, so we will share our smiles with each other. Also, are you ready for adventure and new discoveries? (Yes!) In this case, make yourself comfortable, because today the characters of the Teremok Theater have arrived to visit us.

Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher addresses them, putting on the table a model of a mansion and the fairy-tale characters who live in it.

IN. There was a tower in the forest,

He was neither short nor tall.

They lived in it together:

Little mouse,

frog frog,

Foxy friend,

Bunny is a forest coward,

Wolf - gray tail.

Friends lived, did not fight,

They minded their own business.

He places a model of the kitchen on the table.

The little fox in the kitchen decided to prepare lunch for her friends. She set the saucepan and lit the fire. (Exhibits a small “light.”) Suddenly, the phone rang in another room, the fox ran towards it and began to talk to someone. Meanwhile, the fire keeps burning and burning. And while the red-haired housewife was away, he jumped out of the stove and ran and began jumping around the kitchen. (Puts on a big “light.”) What has our light become over time? (Big, scary.) Indeed, he broke out of the slab. Why did he run away?

Children. Because the fox went to the phone and did not look at the fire on the stove.

IN. What needs to be done to prevent the fire from escaping?

Children. Do not leave lunch on a burning stove unattended.

IN. Well done, you are very attentive!

The teacher puts a model of the children's room on the table.

IN. Meanwhile, the Mouse and the Frog decided to play. They stole matches from the fox and also began to prepare dinner for their dolls. They struck a match on the box and a light appeared. (Puts on a small “light.”) The Mouse and the Frog got scared and ran away. And the light started jumping around the cribs and toys. (Puts on a big “light.”) Do you think you can play with matches?

Children. No!

IN. What are matches for?

Children. Adults, mom and dad, need matches to light a fire.

IN. Can children light the fire themselves?

Children. No!

IN. What would you say to the Mouse and the Frog?

Children. Children should not play with matches!

IN. That's right, well done! Now let's see again what is going on in the tower? You see, the little animals didn’t know that a small flame could start a fire.

Displays a tower and large “lights”.

They ran away, scared of their girlfriends:

Mouse, Fox and Frog.

The bunny runs to the phone -

Who is the bunny calling?

Children. Firefighter.

IN. Who rushed to save the tower and its inhabitants?

He places a fire truck on the table with a wolf and a bear riding on it.

Children. Firefighters.

IN. What did they come with?

Children. On a fire truck. She helps put out the fire.

IN. How will the wolf and the bear put out the fire?

Children. Water.

IN. Absolutely right. This machine has a hose that firefighters use to douse the flames. (The wolf unwinds the hose.) Water defeats the fire and the fire gradually dies out. The fire no longer makes noise, does not hum, but only hisses, trying to escape from the water: psh-sh-sh-sh! (Removes the “lights.”)

Children. Psh-sh-sh-sh!

IN. Firefighters saved the tower. (All characters are placed near the tower.)

Chief rescuer Mikhail Potapych asks you to help him. Teach fire safety rules to Mouse, Frog and Chanterelle. (Children approach the table on which thematic cards are laid out.)

Game "Good and Bad".

IN. Let's help Mikhail Potapych make a reminder poster for the residents of the tower. Let them know how to avoid a fire.

He takes the first card, which depicts a situation where lunch on the stove was left unattended.

How can a fire occur?

Children. If you leave the fire on the stove unattended.

IN. How to prevent a fire?

Children. You can't be distracted when the stove is running. The fire must be closely monitored. (Select the appropriate card. The teacher attaches both cards to the poster: the first on the red field, the second on the green.)

The teacher takes a second card, which reflects the situation when children play with matches.

IN. Why do you need matches in the house?

Children. To light a fire and cook food.

IN. Can I play with matches?

Children. No, matches are not a toy. If you mess with them, a fire may start.

IN. How to avoid a fire?

Children. You only need to play with toys. Only adults can take matches.

(Find the corresponding card and attach it to the green part of the poster.)

IN. Well done boys! You already know how to behave to prevent a fire from starting. But what to do if trouble does happen?

Children. We need to call the fire department. (Find the desired card and attach it to the green half of the poster.)

IN. You did a good job and helped Mikhail Potapych teach Mouse, Frog and Chanterelle the rules of fire safety. Today, using the example of our magic theater, we have once again seen what can happen if you handle fire irresponsibly. It is important that every tower, and not only in a fairy tale, but also in life, remains safe and sound. Let's say the first rule together.

Children. Remember at night, remember during the day, that you cannot joke with fire!

IN. When trouble came to the house, what should we do then?

Children. Call firefighters by phone.

IN. Absolutely right, so let’s also unanimously voice the second rule.

Children. Every citizen should know: the fire department number is 101!

IN. Thank you, our lesson is over, well done everyone! So that you, too, do not forget about safety lessons, our rescuers have prepared souvenirs for you.

Hands out memory cards to students.

Conversation on the topic:

“Caution – electrical appliances!”

Target: Reinforce the understanding of electrical appliances and the rules of conduct during a fire.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I was told today that the electrical appliances that are in our home can be dangerous. Let's figure this out!

Remember and name what electrical appliances you have at home! (Children list)

That's how many electrical appliances we have listed! But this is not all the devices that our apartments are equipped with. We forgot to talk about electric lamps in lamps: chandeliers, floor lamps, table lamps and nightlights.

Electric current runs through the wires and makes all these devices work. Electric current is our helper! After all, if it’s not there, we won’t be able to watch TV, blow-dry our hair, or listen to music. But electricity may be dangerous and even cause a fire.

Who knows what a fire is?

What can cause a fire?

Yes, guys, another cause of fire is our forgetfulness, inattention, haste, for example, leaving an iron, electric kettle, or TV on.

What happens if you don’t turn off the iron or TV?

That's right, therefore, when leaving the house, you need to slowly walk through all the rooms and go into the kitchen. Unplug all electrical appliances and turn off lights everywhere.

Guys, who knows what to do if the TV catches fire?

Guys, do not under any circumstances pour water on the TV while it is on, it can give you an electric shock! After all, water conducts electricity! First, remove the plug from the socket, and then throw a thick non-flammable cloth over the TV and call the fire department as soon as possible by calling 01. Clearly and accurately state your address: street, house and apartment number.

Never touch the wires or electrical appliances themselves with wet hands and do not connect several appliances to the same outlet at once. And if you smell burning rubber, see a smoking wire, or notice that the socket or plug gets hot during operation, immediately tell an adult about it. All this can lead to a fire! Oh, thanks guys, we got it right. I have to go. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:

“The kitchen is not a place for games!”

Target : Introduce children to dangerous objects in the kitchen.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! Guys, they say you can't play in the kitchen. Is this true or not? And why?

That's right, the kitchen is the place where mother or grandmother prepares food. The kitchen has an electric or gas stove. Porridges and soups are cooked on it, meat and pies are fried, and vegetable stews are prepared. There are pots of hot soups and broths on the stove, kettles are boiling, and cutlets are being fried on a hot frying pan.

You may accidentally touch hot objects and get burned. It's even worse if you spill hot soup or tea on yourself. While running near the window, you may accidentally touch the curtain, and if it touches the burning gas, it will ignite and there may be a fire in the kitchen! Guys, name the dangerous hot objects that are in the kitchen. Well done, you know a lot of subjects!

There are also many items in the kitchen that serve as a source of fire. Tell us about them.

Right! To light a gas stove burner, strike matches and a lighter. By the way, the combustion products of household gas are very harmful! It is better not to inhale them, but you should cook food by keeping the window open.

What hot items are there in the kitchen? Right! Kettles, pots, pans. If you pour oil into a very hot frying pan, it may catch fire.

There are a lot of dangers in the kitchen, guys. Therefore, it is better to play with your favorite toys in the children’s room, and to play outdoor games with friends in the fresh air, on the playground.

We had such an interesting conversation today. I’ll go tell the other guys why you can’t play in the kitchen! See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:

"Fire in the apartment"

Target: Introduce children to fire safety rules and how to behave during a fire.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I came to talk to you about the fire.

Tell me why there might be a fire in the apartment?

That's right, they forgot to turn off electrical appliances, faulty electrical wiring, an unextinguished cigarette, children's pranks with matches and a lighter.

Guys, what should you do if there is a fire?

If there are adults at home, you should quickly run to them for help! What if there is no one at home?

That's right, we need to call the fire brigade. To do this, dial 01. Remember this number. You need to speak clearly on the phone, clearly indicate your address: street, house and apartment number, floor. Do you know your address?

Most importantly, do not panic, do not run around the apartment in vain and do not try to put out the fire yourself. After calling the firefighters, slam the door to your apartment tightly and run outside. Try to inform your neighbors about the fire.

You need to remember the rules of behavior in case of fire:

  1. Never open windows and doors wide into an apartment where there is a fire, this will increase the draft and the fire will become stronger.
  2. Do not extinguish electrical appliances that are plugged in with water, you may get an electric shock! The plugs of electrical appliances must first be removed from the network.
  3. During fires, not only fire is very dangerous, but also smoke. In modern apartments, most of the furniture is made of chemical substances which emit toxic gases when burned. It is enough to inhale such toxic smoke two or three times, and you can lose consciousness. Therefore, immediately wrap your face with a wet towel or scarf and move around the apartment crouching down, since there is less poisonous gas below. But the main thing is to quickly leave the burning apartment!

Guys, did you remember all these rules?

Well done then! I’ll go tell the other guys soon! See you soon!

Conversation on the topic: “Children’s pranks with fire”

Target : Teach children fire safety measures, develop in children basic knowledge about the dangers of pranks with fire, about the dangerous consequences of fires in the house.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! Guys, have you ever thought that children's pranks with matches and lighters can lead to a big fire?

Fire always occurs unexpectedly. It would seem that everything was fine just now, and suddenly a flame appears and suffocating smoke appears.

Once I saw such a picture. Two boys were walking along the path ahead of me. In the hands of one of them was a box of matches. The boy lit matches and threw them on the ground. It’s good that the blowing breeze extinguished the flames. But in the way of the guys there was a pile of dry fallen leaves. The boys squatted down and began to set fire to dry leaves. I had to intervene: take the boxes away from the guys and explain to them that the foliage could catch fire, it would cause grass, then dried branches and a big flame would flare up. And if a burning match falls on a pile of oily rags, then disaster will follow!

Adults should remember that matches and lighters should be kept out of the reach of children! These are not toys, these are dangerous objects. Dear Guys! Never play with them, do not set fire to old newspapers or sheets of paper. Remember the proverb: “There are a hundred fires in one box!”

By the way, why do they say that? Right! Because there are many matches in one box, and each one can cause a fire.

Listen to what one boy told me:

I found a box of matches

And he poured it on the table,

I wanted to make fireworks -

Everything went up in flames, the light went dark!

I don't remember anything else!

Only the flame burns all of me...

I hear screams, the sound of water...

How much trouble comes from the fire!

They barely managed to save me,

But they didn’t manage to get the apartment.

Now I'm in the hospital

And I can barely stand the pain.

I want to remind everyone, friends:

You can't play with matches!!!

This is what matches can do! Do you guys remember? Well, I have to go. I'll go tell the other guys. See you soon!

Conversation on the topic:

“A firefighter is a hero, he fights with fire”

Target : Introduce children to the work of firefighters.

Pinocchio arrives.

Hello guys! I heard a poem here, listen:

A cloud of dust mixes with the smoke.

Fire trucks are rushing

They click loudly, whistle alarmingly,

Rows of copper helmets shine.

A moment - and the copper helmets scattered.

The stairs grew quickly, like in a fairy tale.

People in tarpaulin - one after another -

They climb the stairs into the flames and smoke...

What and who is this poem about? Right! About firefighters and fire trucks.

What is the job of firefighters? Yes, they are putting out the fire. But it is easier to prevent a fire than to extinguish it. Therefore, firefighters inspect every building and do not build houses or factories without their permission. Shops, schools, and kindergartens are inspected for fire safety. Firefighters also constantly train, work out in gyms, so that during a fire they can demonstrate dexterity, strength, and dexterity.

How are firefighters dressed? That's right, firefighters wear special clothing that protects them from fire and smoke. They have a steel helmet on their head, their pants and jacket are made of thick tarpaulin, and their feet are wearing strong and comfortable boots. After all, a firefighter must go into the fire! But if you see fire or smell smoke, what should you do? Right! Dial number 01 and call the fire brigade. What do firefighters use to get around the city? Yes, on specially equipped fire trucks. What does a fire truck look like? Yes, it is bright red with a ladder with gates. (Shows a picture) Look what it is like.

What do firefighters use to extinguish raging flames? Right! Fill with water from special hoses. They are called "sleeves". Water is pumped into the hoses by a pump, which firefighters bring in a fire truck. In addition, the fire is extinguished with special foam contained in fire extinguishers.

Well done guys! You know a lot about firefighters. Let me go tell all this to my friend. See you soon!

“May the New Year tree bring us joy”

Target: Introduce children to flammable toys that should not be used to decorate the Christmas tree.

Pinocchio arrives with an artificial Christmas tree.

Hello guys! Look what I brought with me?

Let's find out what types of Christmas trees there are? Yes, natural and artificial. A real live Christmas tree is specially grown for us in the nursery. The fluffy forest guest brings the smell of winter forest, resin, and pine needles into the house. It is usually placed in a bucket of sand and firmly strengthened. The Christmas tree cannot be placed near batteries. Why do you think? Right! Heat comes from the batteries, and the tree will quickly dry out, turn yellow, and lose its green needles. Usually the Christmas tree is placed in the middle of the room so that round dances can be performed around it. An artificial Christmas tree is made from plastic. It does not dry out, does not turn yellow, and does not drop needles on the floor. For the first time, while the natural tree still retains moisture, it burns poorly. But when it dries, it can cause a fire. If an artificial tree catches fire, it emits toxic smoke that can cause poisoning.

Dear Guys! Let's talk about how to properly decorate a Christmas tree and how to behave around a decorated Christmas tree to prevent a fire. Before installing it, you need to remove the carpet from the floor. After all, if a spark hits the carpet, it can catch fire.

Guys, can we put a Christmas tree near the door? Why? That's right, the doors must be clear so that in the event of a fire, another room can easily pass through them.

Before decorating the Christmas tree with electric garlands, what should you do? That's right, check if the light bulbs are broken, if the wiring is intact, if the plug is working.

Do you think it is possible to decorate a Christmas tree with multi-colored wax candles? Of course not! There should be no open fire on the tree. This is dangerous and can lead to trouble. It is better not to decorate the Christmas tree with cotton wool toys, because cotton wool is a highly flammable material. During the holiday, can you light sparklers, firecrackers, or set off fireworks near the Christmas tree? Why? Where is the best place to do this? That's right, on the street away from residential premises! There are times when a burning piece of firecracker or firecracker flies onto the balcony. If old items are stored there, they may catch fire and cause a fire.

Remember that children should not be left alone in the hall or room where the Christmas tree is located! What an interesting conversation we had. I have to go, guys! See you soon! I'll go decorate the tree!

Leisure activities on fire safety for children of the middle group of preschool educational institutions

- Formation of skills for careful handling of fire and understanding of the need to comply with fire safety rules.
- To equip children with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to act in extreme situations.
- Bring children to understand the likely consequences of children's pranks;
- Foster responsible behavior when it comes to fire safety;
- Continue to introduce the profession of a firefighter and the equipment that helps extinguish a fire;
- Foster respect for the work of firefighters.
- Develop cognitive activity, curiosity, Creative skills, observation, ingenuity, intelligence;
Methodical techniques: Literary word, surprise moments, didactic games, problem situations, conversations, guessing riddles, musical accompaniment.
Preliminary work:

1. Educational conversations: “Good and evil fire”, “How firefighters protect themselves from fire”, “Fire extinguishing means”, “Causes of fire”;
2. Didactic games: “Loto 01”, “Where danger lurks”, “Lay out and tell”;
3. Examination of illustrations “Causes of fire”, “Rules of conduct in case of fire”;
4. Reading and discussion of works for children on fire-fighting topics: S. Marshak “Fire”, “The Story of an Unknown Hero”, L. Tolstoy “Fire”, B. Zhitkov “Fire”, “Smoke”, “Fire at Sea”
5. View and discuss cartoons on this topic: “Cat House”, “Kuzma the Fireman”, “Anfisa and Matches”.

Progress of the event

Guys, have any of you gone to the forest? (children's answers)
- What did you like most there? (children's answers)
- Today, while you were sleeping, a magpie postman flew to us and left such a package with coloring books for you (I show the children the box)
-I suggest you decorate this forest so that it becomes beautiful and fabulous.
(children color to the accompaniment of music).

Next, the teacher discusses with the children how beautiful it is, how happy the people who walk or relax there are. And then a disaster happened - a fire. Children take black paint and complete the drawing, creating a picture - after the fire.

- Tell me, guys, where would you like to be: in the first or second option? Why?
Physical education lesson “What causes a fire”
-I will list the actions, and you must highlight (clap your hands, stomp, etc.) only those that can lead to a fire: drawing, setting fire to paper, singing, playing with a lighter, swimming, lighting a candle, etc. .
Game "Flammable Objects"
- Do you know, guys, that not only actions can lead to a fire, but also improper handling of many objects. Which of these items do you think can cause a fire?
(Children are given cards that depict flammable objects and simply dangerous objects. For example: a candle, an iron, sparklers, a stove, a saw. You need to remove the card with the image of an object that does not pose a threat to a fire.)
- Well done, you guessed everything correctly! Guys, while we were playing, we received mail. This postman dog delivered it to us. But this is not just a package, this is a video letter. Let's see what it's about. (Children watch the presentation “To kids about fire”).

- This is what such a smart dog wanted to tell us about. How should we behave if there is a fire? (children's answers)
- What dangerous objects in the house can cause a fire? (children's answers)
- It’s good that you remembered everything and were very attentive. And there’s something else in the parcel. What is this? Treats! (The teacher distributes candy to the children.)

Presentation on the topic: About fire for kids

Conversation with children on the topic “To prevent a fire.”

(middle group)


Strengthen knowledge about fire safety;

Develop the ability to talk about fire safety rules;

Encourage children to answer the teacher’s questions coherently;

Visual material: toy fire truck, pictures “About fire safety”.


1. “Guess the riddle.”

If the smoke billows out,

The flames curl in tongues,

And fire is everywhere and heat

This disaster is... (fire).

Today, we will talk about fire safety. Fires are very dangerous. Furniture, clothes, toys and even people can burn in a large fire.

Guys, to prevent such a disaster from happening to you, let’s remember the fire safety rules.

What should children not do?

You cannot pick up matches, lighters, sparklers, firecrackers, or firecrackers.

Do not go close to the gas stove.

Do not turn on electrical appliances yourself.

Do not put objects into sockets.

How to call a fire truck? (On the phone, dial number “01”).

What kind of fire engine is it? (the car is red and there is a ladder attached at the top, number 01).

Let's look at the pictures and tell you what they show?

2. Listen to the poem:

A red car is rushing down the road,

She needs to appear on the spot as soon as possible,

There is fire to extinguish the avalanche -

Everyone calls the red fire truck.

“01” - these two numbers are often dialed;

This means that they are not always careful.

(V.I. Miryasova.)

That's right, guys! The fire truck is always red so that it can be seen from afar.

Red color - color alarm, color of fire!

How does a fire truck drive, fast or slow? (fast)

What are the people who save from fire called? (rescuers, firefighters).

When a car drives down the road, you can not only see it, but also hear it, you can hear the siren.

What does a siren sound like? (oo-o-o-o).

Guys, what do you think is in the back of the fire truck? (tools: hose, axe, shovel, etc.)

How does the water hiss as it pours out of the hoses? (sh-sh-sh-sh).

Guys, why do you think fires occur? (Children's answers.)

Yes, there are many fires caused by careless handling of fire. Fire is very dangerous. At first it burns slowly, then the flames become higher, flare up more strongly, and rage.

3 . D/i "Ogonki".

Let's imagine that you are little lights. At first you burned quietly, then you began to flare up more, more, higher, higher. (Children imitate fire.)

4 . Game “Say the sentence”

To avoid trouble, you need to know the rules well!

Let's repeat the fire safety rules again?

Matches cannot be... (taken) ;

Gas cannot be... (lit) ;

The iron cannot be... (turned on) ;

Fingers cannot be... (inserted) into the socket.

Guys, try to remember these rules and always follow them so that a fire truck never comes to your house.

GCD on fire safety on the topic “So that there is no trouble” in middle group preschool educational institution

GCD will be of interest to educators, parents, and senior educators.
Target: systematize previously acquired knowledge about fire and fire.

- Clarify and deepen children’s knowledge about the benefits and dangers of fire, fire safety rules and rules of behavior in the event of a fire.
- Develop practical skills to act in case of fire.
- Improve the ability to make basic conclusions.

- Develop logical thinking, intelligence, initiative when solving problem situations;
- Develop creative abilities of the event according to the description.

- Develop independence when analyzing various actions and behaviors; desire to comply with fire safety rules always and everywhere;

To develop respect for the firefighting profession.

Preliminary work:
Learning poems, proverbs and sayings;
Visual activities on the topic of fire safety;
Didactic game “Who needs what for work”
Thematic and didactic game “Firemen”

Equipment and material:
Column uzb, pictures “Fire safety rules for preschoolers”, “Fire safety rules for preschoolers”, easel, green and red cards, ball, telephone, coloring books, colored pencils,

Methodological techniques: examining plot pictures, drawing up rules based on pictures, didactic and educational games, searching for fire extinguishing means, searching questions for children, creating problem situations, explanations, reading poems, guessing riddles, calling firefighters by phone, encouragement, evaluating children's answers.

Organizational part.
Educator: I’ll tell you a riddle now, and you

Hisses and gets angry
He is afraid of water.
With tongue, not barking.
No teeth, but bites.
He is beautiful and bright red,
But it is burning, hot, dangerous.
Children guess the riddle.

Progress of the lesson

Conversation with children.
Educator: That's right, it's fire. A long time ago people learned how to make fire, and fire serves man faithfully. Fire brings many benefits to people. Listen to the poem.

We are without a good fire
You can’t get by even a day:
The cold is driving
The darkness is driving.
He's a welcoming flame
Raises it like a flag.
Everyone needs a good fire,
And for that he is honored,
What warms up the guys' dinner?
Cuts steel
And bakes bread.

Educator: But fire can also be a dangerous enemy.

As a result of careless handling of fire, children's pranks with matches, an accident can occur - a danger to the health and life of people.

And now you guys and I will play the game “Wall to Wall”

Now each of you will take a picture and look at it carefully. During the task you will be divided into two teams. The first team has pictures where fire brings benefits, the second team has pictures depicting situations where fire brings misfortune.

Everyone will defend their team and defend their position based on their picture.

You can start with the words “fire is our friend, because...”

Or from the words “fire is our enemy, because...”
(answers alternate)
- Everyone listens carefully and corrects if necessary.
- What determines whether fire will be our friend or our enemy? (children's answer)
- It depends on how people treat him.

Educator: What do you think causes the fire?

TRIZ game “Good and bad”
Description of the game.
IN: Fire is good.

Children name its positive aspects, laying out green cards on the easel.

IN: Fire is bad.

The kids call him negative sides, laying out red cards on the easel.

IN: Guys, when people forget to be careful when handling fire, fire becomes deadly. What can cause a fire?

Educator: I will start a poem, and the one to whom I throw the ball will have to finish it and return the ball to me:
-Where people are careless with fire

There a ball will rise in the sky,
There will always be a threat to us
- Smoke suddenly rose in a column,
Who hasn't turned it off...
- The table and the cabinet burned down at once,
Who dried clothes over...
- The flame jumped into the foliage,
Who burned at the house...

Educator: Your answers are correct, well done.

There are proverbs about fire. Now the children will tell us about them:
“Matches are not toys, fire is not fun.”
"Don't joke with fire, you'll get burned"
"They don't joke with fire"
“He who does not take care of fire will soon get burned”

Educator: I suggest you play the game “Put out the fire”
(Open your eyes wide, take air into your mouth, then close your eyes, and forcefully release the air.)

Educator: What should you do if there is a fire?

Expected responses from children: leave the premises, call neighbors for help, call 112, give your last name, first name and home address.

Listen to the poem:
In case of fire it is necessary
Feel free to pick up the phone,
be able to dial “112”
And name it later:
city, street and house,
and the apartment where you live,
and what kind of lock she has,
and more to say
“I give you my last name,
also phone number,
where I'm standing"

Educator: Guys, remind me again what phone number they call the firefighters?
Educator: Who do you think can quickly cope with the fire?

Suggested answers: firefighters.
Educator: What do you think a firefighter should be like?

Suggested Answers: brave, strong, smart, resourceful, attentive, dexterous, quick-witted, not afraid of anything, brave.
- What kind of people won’t be hired as firefighters?
-What do you need to do to become a firefighter?

Educator: What does a fire truck look like?
Suggested answer: red, large, there is a staircase at the top.

Educator: Why do you think the fire truck is red?

Suggested answer: Fire trucks are painted red: the color of fire, the color of danger, the color that catches the eye from afar

Educator: When a car drives down the road, you can not only see it, but also hear the siren. Why do you think it sounds so loud?

Suggested answer: so that other cars hear the horn and give way to the fire truck.

Practical part.
Educator: I suggest you draw how a fire is put out. Children are given coloring pages of a fire truck.
Children draw water or foam pouring from a fire hose.

Physical education session “Cat House”
- We are friendly guys
- And we go into a fairy tale (children walk in a circle, raising their legs high)
- Let's see who's in the fairy tale
- Puts out a cat's house (bending forward and backward)
- And if necessary, too
- We will help (walk in a half-squat, hands on knees)
- And we will say to everyone:
“You can’t play with fire” (turns left and right with a threatening gesture)

-If we want to put out the fire,
We have to hurry, kids! (running in circles)
The fire is growing
Help by running and running. (running at an accelerated pace)
Now take a deep breath. (inhale, arms up through sides)
Exhale. (exhale, hands down)

Educator: Well done! Everyone is so attentive and knows the rules of behavior in case of fire.

Educator: Today I really liked the way you answered questions, reasoned, played, told proverbs and poems, and I would like to award you all with “Young Firefighter” medals.

Guys, today we learned that it is necessary to follow fire safety rules so that there is no fire and what needs to be done if a fire does happen.
