Reading lesson plan. Summary of the lesson "literary reading". VI. Homework. (slide)

Plan - lesson summary

"Where the fighter realizes, there is the end for the enemy!"

innovation platform

socialization of schoolchildren.

Spent: primary school teacher

Usacheva Yulia Yurievna


Lesson type:

A lesson in discovering new knowledge.


1 . to introduce students to the work of L. N. Tolstoy "Shark";

2 . to teach expressive reading for a deeper and more subtle transmission of thoughts and feelings embedded by the author in the work;

3 . create conditions for improving the artistic and aesthetic activities of students through the analysis of a work of art;

4 . to form the ability to build inferences;

5 .nurture a culture of communication, universal values;

6 .to develop a recreative and creative imagination;

7 .education of love for the Motherland.

Formation of UUD:

Cognitive UUD : to form the ability to analyze, synthesize. Evaluate what has been read in order to prepare a retelling.

Communicative UUD : to form the ability to express one's thoughts in a value judgment, using various artistic means in accordance with a specific communicative speech situation, to build a monologue demonstrative statement.

Personal UUD: empathy as understanding the feelings of other people and empathy for them.

Regulatory UDD : to form the ability to accept the educational goal and task, to plan its implementation.

Basic concepts : The behavior and experiences of the protagonist, whose actions are determined by his feelings.

Equipment: textbook, multimedia projector (presentation, video file),portrait of L. N. Tolstoy, signal cards, cards - assistants, pictures for applications, an exhibition of books.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity : collective, individual, group.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time

- Good afternoon! I am very glad to see you at the lesson. Smile at each other, sit down.

Meeting with a book, what with a friend,

It's like a holiday for everyone

The book teaches children

All the wisdom of life

How to be human

And to be needed by the Fatherland.

Today in the lesson we will learn to think, reflect, reason, understand the meaning of what we heard and read, and also draw conclusions for ourselves.

1. Checking homework.

- With the work of which writer did we meet in the last lesson?

Let's check our homework.

- Tell us about the life and work of Leo Tolstoy according to the plan.

Plan :

1) Childhood of L. N. Tolstoy . (slide)

2) The life and work of the writer.(slide)

2. Motivational moment

Look at the desk. Read the words.

Yasnaya Polyana.
School for children.
How do these words relate to today's lesson?

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of one of the greatest classics of Russian literature - Leo Tolstoy. (The teacher hangs a portrait)

Let's go on a literary journey together to get acquainted with one of his works. The name of which you will learn by guessing the riddle.

Through binoculars I can see the evil

And report to the captain.

They all know very well

It's dangerous to play with her.

Teeth sharp as a knife

You better not touch her!


II. Learning new material

1 . Introduction to the topic. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson .

Formulate the topic of the lesson? (slide)

- Indeed, today we will work with Leo Tolstoy's work. And what exactly will we do during the trip, determine with the help of reference phrases: (The reference phrases are written on the board, the children read the beginning, continue the phrase on their own) (slide)

Let's continue with the art...

- expand your knowledge about life ...

-We will continue to work on the development of readership ...

Be careful so that the course is correct, and we do not go astray, the whole team must work together and clearly along the entire route.

As an epigraph for today's lesson, I took the proverb: "Where a fighter understands, there is an end to the enemy!" (slide)

How do you understand its meaning?

Guys, who is a patriot? (He who loves his fatherland, is devoted to his people, is ready for sacrifices and deeds in the name of the interests of his Motherland.)

Can Tolstoy be called a patriot?

(- In his works, one could trace love for the Motherland, for its people, traditions, the desire to make his country even more beautiful.)

2. Exhibition of books by Tolstoy.

- Pay attention to the exhibition of books. Who is the author of these books? (L.N. Tolstoy)

What works did you read on your own? (children go out and show the book)

– What genres of works did Leo Tolstoy write?

(fables, were, stories)

people, children, nature. He also wrote fables

and were. He cares about human feelings, relationships.)

3. Preparation for the perception of the work.

In the lesson about the world around us, we talked about marine animals. What do you know about sharks?

(Slide)A student's story about a shark.

Shark is a terrible predator of the sea. These are very ancient fish. The shark fish is voracious and predatory. The mouth of a shark is lined with several rows of sharp teeth. The skin of many sharks is covered with scales with sharp spikes. Therefore, even a light touch of a shark swimming at a speed of 40 km / h inflicts serious wounds. But not all sharks are predators. Many feed on jellyfish, small fish. Sharks are aquatic animals belonging to the class of fish, to be more precise, to the class of cartilaginous fish, to which their closest relatives, rays, also belong. They should not be confused with mammals living in the seas and oceans - whales, dolphins, killer whales, seals and other aquatic mammals. Sharks are fish. It is worth clarifying here that all sharks are predatory fish. All sharks are carnivorous, whether their food is plankton or giant tortoises, regardless of size or habitat.

4. Assumption.

(Slide)Sailing on ships was long, for several months, various entertainments were invented on the ship, sometimes their inhabitants found themselves in the most incredible situations. What came out of it, we will find out today.

Try to guess what could be discussed in a work with such a title?

Is it possible to determine by the name whether it will be serious, comic, funny, instructive?

Whether your assumptions were confirmed, we will find out after listening to it.

III. Getting to know the text

1. Listening to the slide film "Shark" (slide)

2. Questions on the primary perception of the text.

Did you like the work? How?

Were you scared? When?

What episodes do you remember the most?

Who were you worried about?

To what literary genre do we attribute this work?

Name the characters in this story

3. Vocabulary and lexical work

(slide with words)

Look at the desk. Now you will work in pairs.

There are difficult words in the story. Find the meaning of these words in explanatory dictionaries.

    Artilleryman - artillery soldier

    Deck - a horizontal covering in the ship's hull

    Wick - a combustible cord for igniting charges

    Murmur - discontent expressed in a muffled form, in low voices

    Anchor-p vessel holding device, floating lighthouses, etc. as
    attached to a long chain of a metal rod with paws hooked on

4. Slow thoughtful repeated reading (along the chain)

We will now read the text again so that we can proceed to its analysis.

5. Physical minutes (swimming, vigilance)

We quickly went down to the sea,

Bent over and washed.

So nicely refreshed!

And now they swam together:

Together times, it's a brace.

One, the other, it's a crawl.

All as one, we swim like a dolphin.

They swam far and wide and returned to the lesson.

6. Putting questions to the work (to clarify the understanding of the text)

I suggest you answer the following problematic questions.

What feelings does this story evoke in the reader? (anxiety, anxiety, fear, despair, joy)

What are the most moving moments in the story?

Who is the main character of the story?

How did the artilleryman react to his son's amusements?

How does he behave in a moment of danger?

Why, when everyone was trying to save the boys, did the father of one of them stand by and do nothing? (he was shackled by fear and despair for the children, the boys were on the verge of death).

So, what feelings does he experience throughout the story?

(first joy, then anxiety, fear, then relief)

What qualities of the old gunner appeared in this story?







love for son

What could be the consequences of the shot?

Do you think it was easy for the father to make such a decision? (no, but when he realized that the children were on the verge of death, then strong fatherly feelings, courage, responsibility gave him confidence and determination)

Guys, we often talk about responsibility. How difficult it is sometimes to choose the right decision, on which a person's life may depend.

Why did Lev Nikolaevich write his work?

To show the selfless love of parents for children;

How his father's love helped him to act correctly at the decisive moment;

How the irresponsibility of the boys almost led to tragedy.

Who is the main character of the story? Why?

The artilleryman is a strong-willed, courageous man. He saves his son, shows resourcefulness in tragic moments.

In a moment of danger, courage and determination save. When children are on the verge of death, fatherly feelings always help to act decisively, not to lose self-control.

Is there a need for such people in our time? (yes, because in our life there are very often situations in which it is required to show resourcefulness and determination, in which the courage and courage of individuals is of decisive importance in difficult extreme situations).

What then is the main idea of ​​the story? (in that character traits (decisiveness, resourcefulness, self-control) help a person in extreme situations).

7. Work on the plot of the work

Let's restore the sequence of events in the story again (on the card board)

What was first? What then?

Shark Appearance

Swimming in the sea

piercing screech

Rescue Boys

Cannon shooting

8. Checking work

Why do you think the story is called "The Shark"? (Because the plot of the story is based on her appearance

What are the plot elements?

Slide(plot elements)

The plot is the episode from which the development of the action begins.

The climax is the most important, tense moment in the work.

The denouement is the episode that completes the development of the action.

What is the plot of the plot (how did it all begin? (The boys swam in the open sea and someone shouted: “Shark!”)

How events developed further (Sailors on a boat sailed to save the boys, but the shark was close to the boys, they noticed it, squealed and swam in different directions, the gunner ran to the gun)

What moment was the most tense, culminating? (gun shot)

What is the denouement of the plot? (joyful cry)

IV. Final conversation. Creative work in groups.

So guys, never get lost in different situations. Always try to find the right solution, as the father of one of the boys did.

Our journey ended successfully. We return to our port class, animated, joyful that everything ended well.

And now I invite you to do creative work in groups. Collect an application for the story.

I am very glad that you did a great job with this task.

V. Summing up the lesson

Look at the desk. Read the proverb again to yourself. Why did I choose this proverb? (slide)

Who is the fighter in the story? Why?

And who is the enemy?

- It's time to sum it up:

-How do you feel about the act of the artilleryman?

What prompted him to do this act? (Love for son)

Every person in life has such moments when he does not know what to do, what to do next. If such a moment also comes in your life, I advise you to be brave, decisive, think over the situation well and make the right decision, as its main character did in the story.

VI. Homework. (slide)

To the whole class: expressive reading of the story.

Students' choice:

Think of a continuation of the story

draw illustration

Write a poem about a shark


How did this work touch, “melt” your hearts? Show me one of the proposed colors: yellow - cold (did not affect), green - warm (hit it to the quick), red - hot (made a strong impression).

(The quiet music of F. Liszt “Dreams of Love” sounds.)

On the board slide: girl with a candle .

Russian people have a tradition: everything good, bright will come true if you wish it while the candle is burning. (I light a candle)

Wish in your heart to the closest, dearest people what you would like to wish.

And I wish you:

Love your homeland

Become the best among wonderful people.

It was a pleasure for me to talk with you. Thank you for the lesson.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2, Shchigry, Kursk region"

Plan - lesson summary

for literary reading on the topic:

" Where a fighter realizes, there is an end to the enemy! "

(story by L.N. Tolstoy "Shark")

at an open session of the municipal

innovation platform

"Patriotic education as an aspect

socialization of schoolchildren.

Spent: primary school teacher

Usacheva Yulia Yurievna


Literary reading lesson

Topic: A. Platonov "Still Mom" ​​(lesson 2, lesson generalization)

EMC "School of Russia"

Class: 3.

Target: continue work on the work of A.P. Platonov "Still Mom";children's awareness of the meaning of the title of the story "Still Mom", the ability to know the depth of the work. What does "more" mean?


1. Educational - the ability to analyze the text, determine the genre of the text, control the level of comprehension, the depth of knowledge, expand the association spaces, namely, comparison with another work, sensory associations.

2. Developing: the ability to compare, systematize, draw conclusions, develop critical thinking, communication skills; develop your own opinion based on the comprehension of the text

3. Educational - the development of an attentive, caring attitude towards parents, a respectful attitude towards teachers.

Planned results:

subject : know what a dialogue is and how it is written in a letter; find dialogues in the text, replace them with indirect speech when retelling episodes, reproduce an episode from the text, keeping the main idea and theme of the episode.

Metasubject :

Regulatory: formulate the learning task of the lesson, plan your statement; evaluate their own speech statements and statements of peers.

Cognitive: highlight at the request of the teacher the necessary episodes from the text; highlight the main idea and theme of the episode.

Communicative: build your speech statement according to a pre-planned plan, reproduce a planned statement, conveying the feelings of the characters and your attitude towards them.

Personal: to realize the meaning of the acquired skill, to understand where else this skill can be useful.

Lesson type: combination lesson,using ICT.

Type of lesson: a lesson in open thought, a lesson in exploration.

Used methods and techniques:

1. Verbal methods: story, explanation, conversation, work with a textbook.

2. Visual methods: observation, demonstration of illustrations.

3. Practical methods: oral exercises, dramatization of parts of a literary work.


1. Audio recording.

2. Computer,multimedia projector, screen, presentation, slide filmA. Platonov "Still Mom".

3. Costumes or elements of costumes for staging.

4. Native speech. Textbook for grade 3 elementary school.

Lesson plan:

Lesson stage


Summary of the stage


Organizational stage



The teacher encourages students to cooperate, sets the emotional background of the lesson.

Inclusion in the educational process.



Articulation warm-up



Students perform exercises aimed at developing error-free, expressive reading.

Subject learning activities.

Check D/3



Comparison of illustrations in the textbook and children's work.

Formation of search activity skills.

Knowledge update



Partial search activity, practical work.

Subject learning activities.

Phys. minute



Recreation of students to the music.

Rules and culture of interaction.

Work on content



Students answer questions from the teacher, "selective" reading.

Subject learning activities.

Dramatization of the text



Children are divided into groups, prepare a dramatization of the text, speak to others


All groups participate in the discussion of the results of the work.

Formation of the ability to work in a group, evaluate the work of others according to specified criteria.

social competence.


5-6 min

Students evaluate their performance in class.

Formation of self-assessment, analysis of the work performed.


2-3 min

Students express their attitude to the lesson

Reflection of motivation, ways of communication activity.


1-2 min

Teacher explains homework


Lesson summary:

    Organizational moment (slide number 1 music)

Sit comfortably, relax, imagine that a ray of sunshine has touched your head. You feel his warmth, like a warm mother's hand stroking your hair. Tell yourself: I feel warm and calm.

2. Articulation warm-up

On the street a wonderful time of the year - spring. Breathe in the smell of spring freshness. Imagine that the first drop of rain fell on your palm, blow it off.

On the screen: ... With a clear smile nature (slide number 2)

Through a dream meets the morning of the year ....

Read expressively.

How amazing good life! Like a mosaic, it consists of different pieces of impressions. Today in the lesson we will continue to work on the work of Andrei Platonovich Platonov"More Mom", which he dedicated to his first teacher.

Our task is to understand what a mother means for each of us and what is the role of a teacher in the life of each of you.

    Checking d\z.

Look at the interesting title of the work “Still Mom”.

What is another name for mother? Let's try to find the same root words for the word mom.





Let's answer questions #1 after the text in the textbook on page 143.

At home you were artists and drew an illustration for the work "Still Mom". I decided to name your drawings

"Stop, moment..."

What or who do you depict in your drawings?

Yes, you are good observers. I really liked your drawings, I hope you will give them to me.

Exhibition of children's drawings at the blackboard.

    Actualization of knowledge.

What genre does the read work belong to? (story)

Why do you think so? Prove it.(all events follow one after another, there is a plot)

Let's turn to the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

S. I. Ozhegov said the story is ...(child reads)

Do you agree with the statement that school is a second home? Why?

- I propose again. you to return to the world in which the heroes of this interesting story live

What is the name of the main character in this story?

What kind of family did Artem have?

Did the boy want to go to school? Why?(The boy loved his mother very much and did not want to go to school only because he was afraid to leave his mother alone, he was afraid that “she would not wait for him and would die of longing.”)

What happened when Artem was seven years old.

(p. 137-138) reading by roles of the passage “The conversation of a boy with his mother”

With what intonation will we read? Try to convey the inner state of the characters with your voice, remember yourself when you went to school for the first time.

What did he ask his mother before leaving? (Make sure she waits for him)(slide number 3)

“... the mournful and attentive look of the child meant his constant fear;

he seemed to say: mother, always live with me, never die "

What order did the mother give?(Obey the teacher, she will be your mother at school)

Why did Artem not want to agree with his mother's words?

(He could not imagine another woman as a mother)

What desire did Artyom and his mother have when he went further alone?(They both wanted to go home)

Why didn't they come back?(They both understood that they had to go to study)

(Show what trials fell to Artyom's lot?)

Do you think he never walked down this street? Then why does everything seem alien and hostile to him?(He went many times, but not alone, but with his mother, and now he goes alone, and he sees everything as a stranger, dangerous and scary)

Let's remember the work of L. Tolstoy, where the author tells us about a little boy who ran away to school. -What is the title of the piece?(Philippok )

What was the main character's name?(Philippok )

    Phys. minute (slide number 4 music).

I suggest you get some rest. Lie on your arm and listen to who and to whom can sing this song? (Anna German "Lullaby")

6. Work on the content.

How did the teacher meet Artyom at school?

- What artistic technique does the author use?

(comparison "as small")

Why did Artem feel a close person in her?(She smelled of warm bread and dry grass, like her mother)

Why didn't Artem listen to the teacher?(He thought about his mother)

And how did Apollinaria Nikolaevna react to his inattention?(I didn’t scold, I understood that he was at school for the first time. I felt his anxiety.)

With what words did the teacher begin to teach Artyom to read and write?(Mom, Motherland)

Why? What proverbs do you know? (Bread, land, Motherland, mother is something without which a person cannot live.) (One man has a mother, one and the Motherland)

Find and read the passage that describes how the boy began to diligently learn to read and write.(p. 142)

(slide number 5)

What qualities should a teacher have to be considered a mother?Let's characterize the teacher, what was she like?









( Artyom liked the teacher. He found support in her. The boy realized that he now had two mothers: one at home and the other at school.)

    Group work. Dramatization of parts of the text.

Remember what text we can stage? (In a literary work there must be characters, action, dialogue). Costume elements are used: a scarf, a cap, etc.

Children are divided into groups and act out parts of the text:

    The conversation of the boy with his mother.

    Meeting with "terrible" animals.

    Artem at the first lesson.

    The teacher and the boy.

    The son returned home.

The groups are performing. Children read the text “by roles”, using elements of theatricalization.

Listen to the part of the story not included in the textbook.

(slide number 7)

And Artyom saw the black head of a bull in the window. The bull looked at Artyom with one bloody eye and went to the school.

- Mother! Artyom shouted.

The teacher grabbed the boy and pressed him to her chest.

- Do not be afraid! - she said. "Don't be afraid, my little one. I won't give you to him, he won't touch you.

- Wu-u-u! boomed the bull.

Artyom wrapped his arms around Apollinaria Nikolaevna’s neck, and she put her hand on his head.

- I'll chase the bull.

Artyom did not believe.

- Yes. And you're not a mom!

- Mom! ... Now I'm your mom!

- Are you still a mom? Mom is there, and you, you are here.

- I still. I'm still your mom!

Why didn't Artyom believe that the teacher could drive the bull away? (I thought only mom could do this)

Let's give the floor to ourresearchers

8. Summing up

At different periods of life, a person feels love for his mother in different ways, the need to be close to her.

Why do you need closeness to your mother?

Guys, during the lesson I evaluated you, and now I want you to evaluate me.(The questions are written on the blackboard.)

1. How old is Artem?

2. Where was Artem sitting during the lesson?

3. What were the first words the boy wrote?

4. What word did the teacher praise Artyom for his diligence and beautiful writing?

five . Why did Artyom start getting ready for school early in the morning?

Examination (slide number 9)

Checkyour answers. Who made mistakes?

Guys, thank you for the lesson, put your grades in your diaries. I really enjoyed working with you. You are smart, reasonable, attentive.

And if you think that today we have a dialogue with you, if I was able to win you over, you felt that I was for youstill a mom – show me with a signal, as shown on the screen.(slide number 10)

9. Reflection

Finish the phrase.

On the lesson…

I understood…

I like it…

I found out…

I want to…


10. D/Z I suggest come up with a continuation of the story at home.

Lyubov Sharygina
Outline of a literary reading lesson (second grade)

Routing lesson

Subject Literary reading UMK"system of L. V. Zankov"

Class 2

Type lesson Lesson discovery of new knowledge

1. Develop the ability to guess, anticipate the content of the text by title, illustration.

2. Improve the skills of role-playing characteristic expressive reading.

3. Achieve understanding of the text at the level of content and at the level of meaning.

4. Arouse interest in reading and lay the foundations for the formation of a literate reader.

Teacher activity Student activity UUD

1. Formation of educational motives.

To become a friend of nature

Know all her secrets

Unravel all mysteries

Learn to observe

Together we will develop mindfulness,

And our curiosity will help to find out everything.

Guys, look at the sayings and explain what they are about.

Guys, what types of oral folk art do you know?

Listen. What genre of oral folk art are we talking about?

What is the genre of oral folk art?

What are the types of fairy tales?

What groups are fairy tales divided into, depending on who wrote them?

What does a fairy tale teach?

Children take their places


(rhymes, riddles, songs, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales, etc.)

(fairy tale)

(magical, about animals, household)

(kindness, honesty, decency, etc.)

Metasubject (UUD):


exercise self-control;

Master the ability to predict;

Emotionally positive attitude lesson, creating a situation of success, trust.


Be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

2. Statement of the learning task. trial action.

On the literary reading lesson

Drop all doubts.

We will introduce a very strange

wooden man,

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere he sticks his nose long ...

Who is this? (Pinocchio) Pinocchio picture.

And who is Pinocchio, explain. Who already knows what it is?

About Pinocchio

This is a log that came to life

Metasubject (UUD)


Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity on lesson;

Under the guidance of a teacher to plan its activities on lesson;

Determine the sequence of actions lesson.

3."Opening" new knowledge.

Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born on January 10 (December 29th) 1883 in the city of Nikolaevsk, Samara province.

The childhood years of the future writer were spent in the village of Sosnovka, which belonged to his stepfather. Here, under the guidance of a visiting teacher, he received his initial education.

Alexei Nikolaevich sought to reveal to young readers, to show them the enormous ideological, moral and aesthetic wealth that permeated the works of Russian oral folk art. Carefully selecting and sifting hosts of folklore works, as a result, he included 50 fairy tales about animals and about seven children's fairy tales in his collection of Russian folk tales.

Of course, it is necessary to note the inexhaustible contribution of Tolstoy to the national children's literature. It was Alexei Nikolaevich who translated, supplemented and wrote a wonderful fairy tale in Russian "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".


Define common rules of conduct for all;

Determine the rules for working in pairs;

Evaluate the content of digestible material (based on personal values).

Metasubject (UUD)


Work on plan;

Put forward your hypotheses on the basis of educational material;

exercise self-control;

Own the dialogic form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

4. Main body lesson

Who wants to talk

He must speak

Everything is correct and clear

To be clear to everyone.

We will talk

And we will speak

So right and clear

To be clear to everyone.

Guys, read the title, tell me your opinion

Chain Reading

Express their opinion.

Complete the task:

To be able to find letters in words that represent two sounds.

Metasubject (UUD)


Distinguish between a correctly completed task and an incorrect one;

exercise self-control;


To carry out the analysis of educational material;


Listen and understand the speech of others;

5. Final part lesson.

A wooden mischief-maker from a fairy tale entered our lives,

Lover of adults and children

Daredevil and inventor of inventions,

A prankster, a merry fellow, and a rogue,

Tell me what's his name?

Pinocchio holds a contest connoisseurs: "Who is it? Find out the hero by description» SLIDES

1. In a wide hat, he walked around the cities with a beautiful hurdy-gurdy, singing, and earning his bread with music. (The organ grinder Carlo.)

2. He swayed, swayed on his thin legs, stepped once, stepped another, hop-hop, straight to the door, through the rapids and out into the street. (Pinocchio.)

5. On their heads they wore bags with cut holes for the eyes. One shorter was brandishing a knife, the other taller was holding a pistol. (Cat Basilio and fox Alice.)

8. “A little man in a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was sprinkled with powder as white as tooth powder.” (Pierrot)

9. “Curly-haired pretty girl with a pretty upturned nose. (Malvina)

10. “The curly hair on the front half of the body was combed, the tassel at the end of the tail was tied with a black bow” (Poodle Artamon)

Pinocchio holds a quiz: Who owns these items? SLIDE

4 Log (Giuseppe)

3 Net (Duremar)

1 crutch (Basilio)

6 ABC (Pinocchio)

2 Whip (Karabas-Barabas)

5 Black bow (Artemon)

Librarian: conducts a quiz "Heroes and objects of a fairy tale in riddles"

wooden playful

I could make friends with a book.

He got into the puppet theater

Dolls became a true friend. (Pinocchio.)

Who is the prankster boy

Made from a log

And I bought the boy a book,

For him to go to school? (Papa Carlo.)

What is the name of that textbook?

It's not hard for us to guess:

All the kids in school need it

What kind of farce is this?

Barkers here and there

And at the cash desk - mothers, children:

"Give us a ticket soon!"

This is not a school, this is a game,

The children are watching the play.

What kind of farce is this?

Answer us soon! (Puppet Theatre.)

He is a poet and musician

Apparently a great talent.

And he's still unhappy...

From what? - He's in love! (Pierrot.)

That girl is not more beautiful

That girl is no smarter.

And Pierrot, her admirer,

He sings about her all day long. (Malvina.)

And now we open notebooks and draw Pinocchio, as you imagine it


Metasubject (UUD)


Listen and understand the speech of others;

The ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

6. Reflection. Outcome lesson.

Well done guys, you did a great job today lesson, and the mood of the vayai, I also think is excellent. You have a smiley on your desks, who is in a great mood, show me a smiley, who is sad, and who does not have it at all?



Establish a relationship between the purpose of the activity and its result.

The editors of the site are not responsible for the content of the article in this section.

Lesson plan for literary reading in grade 1 “Sounds [g], [g ’], letters G, d, sounds [d], [d ’], letters D, d. The difference is a word - a syllable. Calls"

2013 Lesson according to L.V. Zankov.

Target: to acquaint with the sounds and letters that denote them, to learn to distinguish a syllable from a word.


1. Learn to distinguish a syllable from a word.
2. Acquaintance with incantations - a genre of Russian folk art.
3. Develop speech, thinking, memory, attention.
4. Instill a love of reading.


Computer, screen, projector.
. Nechaeva N.V., Belorusets K.S. ABC: literacy textbook for grade 1.
. Nechaeva N.V., Belorusets K.S. I read. Notebook for reading to the "ABC" No. 2.

1. Work on the topic.

1) Acquaintance with the sounds [g], [g ’] and the letters G, g.

Today we continue our tour of the zoo. (slide 2)

Mystery.He walks solemnly across the meadow, Comes out of the water dry, Wears red shoes, Gives soft duvet covers.(goose)

How does a goose cackle? (ha-ha-ha)

Name the first sound in catches. What is he?

To the goose looked into the aviary - a hippopotamus. Why? After all, we met him in an aviary with the letter b? (slide 3)
- How are the sounds [g] and [g '] similar?
- Acquaintance with the letter. (slide 4)
- Name the words in which there are sounds [g] and [g '].
What does the letter g look like? (slide 5-6)

The letter "G" is beautiful!

This is "B" - no belly.

Reading syllables and words (slide 7)

ha mountain
th head
Gu Galina
gi a lot
gee mushrooms

Reading words, division into syllables, stress.
How is a syllable different from a word? What word is missing?
Printing 2 columns in a notebook. Which word can be misspelled?


Swing, spin around
Stretch, straighten up
Sit down, sit down
Walk, walk.
Stand on the toe, on the heel,
Jump on a squat
Take a deep breath now
Sit up straight, don't make noise.
Put everything in order.

2) Acquaintance with the sounds [d] and [d '], the letters D, d.

Traveling around the zoo with us ... (slide 8)

Mystery. The hedgehog grew 10 times, it turned out ... (porcupine)

And who settled with the porcupine?

Mystery. In the forest, under the chirping and whistling, the forest telegraph operator knocks: “Great, thrush-buddy!” And signs...(woodpecker) (slide 9)

What do the words porcupine and woodpecker have in common? What is this sound?

To whom did the woodpecker send a telegram? What is 1 sound? How are the sounds [d] and [d "] similar? How are they different? (slide 10)

Introduction to letters. (slide 11)

Name words that contain these sounds.

Reading syllables and words. (slide 12)

before the house
yes smoke
dy oak
doo dog
di year

Complete syllables to words. How are the words in columns 2 similar? What word is missing?

2. Fixing.

Working with the textbook 44

1) Acquaintance with invocations. (slides 13-15)
We learn the first call in the lesson.
Underline the letters G, d, D, d in the invocations.

2) Work with schemes. Coloring schemes for the words geese, mushroom, sofa.

3) Underline the words, complete the syllables to the words:

Smoke road gu goal in you was zhu lived winter

3. Bottom line. (slide 16)

What new did you learn in the lesson?
