The five richest people in the world. Top 5 Richest People in the World A "Wonderful" Vacation in the Bahamas

There are many strange and interesting things in our world. And even among the people who inhabit this world, there are such unusual individuals that neither scientists nor medical luminaries are able to explain these human phenomena. Our top 10 most unusual people world will present you just such phenomenal personalities.

10 The fattest man

Carol Ann Yager currently holds the championship in the weight category. Already at the age of 20, she weighed 727 kg. With such a body weight, the girl was unable to move. For Carol, several special devices have been created that make her existence easier.

9 Magnet Man

The body of a 70-year-old Malaysian Liva Tou Lin has magnetic properties and firmly attracts metal objects (spoons, forks, irons, etc.). Liv's body is able to cope even with a car, pulling it on a chain. Doctors and scientists just shrug their shoulders, not knowing how to explain such a phenomenon.

8 The man with the most elastic skin

Human skin tends to stretch. For example, in a woman during pregnancy. Or, with age, the skin becomes looser, more stretched, and wrinkles form. But this is with age. However, there is such a disease when the skin has increased elasticity - this is the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Doctors made this diagnosis Harry Turner whose skin can stretch up to 16 cm.

7 Boy with giant hands

An eight-year-old lives in India Kalim, whose hands are gigantic. This fact brings a lot of inconvenience to the boy. After all, such hands are not able to perform in everyday life or during children's games those elementary things that are available to an ordinary child. The size of the hands from the base of the palm to the tip of the middle finger is 33 cm. The weight of each hand reaches 8 kg. Medicine in this situation is powerless, since doctors cannot even make an accurate diagnosis of Kalima.

6 The woman with the largest natural breasts

How many women dream of having big and lush breasts. To make their dream come true, there are many ways to increase breasts, ranging from folk methods treatment with herbs and ending with plastic surgery. But Annie Hawkins, also known as Norma Stitz, in January 1999 broke the world record, becoming the woman with the largest breasts. Moreover, natural breasts, the volume of which is 175 cm.

5 Man without pain

Each person has a certain “pain threshold”, which indicates his susceptibility to pain. Tim Cridland is an exception to the rule. His body feels no pain at all. Therefore, Tim can safely pierce his arms through and through with thin knitting needles. His body is able to withstand very high temperatures. It was all childish pranks at school. Now Tim is touring America, shocking the audience with his incredible stunts.

4 Gymnastics champion born without legs

Jen Bricker, an American gymnast who was born without legs. Due to a physical handicap, her parents abandoned her. The girl was adopted by a married couple, giving her her last name Bricker. They also enrolled their adopted daughter in sports school when Jen was 16 years old. The girl idolized gymnastics, and with it the famous American athlete Dominique Helena Mosina-Canales. As it turned out, it was the call of the blood. Subsequently, it turned out that Dominic and Jen were sisters. At 27, Jen Bricker won the competition and became the state champion in gymnastics.

3 The Man Who Doesn't Sleep

In Belarus, in the city of Minsk, there lives a man who survived clinical death. The consequence of this unpleasant moment of his life was the complete lack of sleep. Yakov Tsiperovich doesn't sleep at all. Almost 70 different films have been made about the life of this man and this phenomenon. Doctors examined him, scientists studied him, but they could not explain what was happening.

Radhakrishnan Velu from Malaysia has the strongest and strongest teeth. Clamping a cable with his teeth, he moves various vehicles. His most difficult "achievement" is a train consisting of six cars, total weight 297 tons.

Such people live among us. For some of them it is easy, but for some it is difficult to live with their fate. But they live: they find the use of their abilities, benefiting from it; set goals and break records; become famous.

For some, five kilograms is already overweight. However, there are those who, due to their unbridled appetite or a serious illness, remain locked in their heavy body and cannot not only play sports, but simply get out of bed. talks about those who, as a result of diet and surgery, managed to defeat obesity.

John Brower Minnock. Photo: / Zeynal

The heaviest person in the history of medicine is considered to be, who at one period of his life weighed approximately 634 kg. Doctors from the University of Seattle, however, could not determine his exact weight, since the American could not move, and to turn him over, the help of at least 13 people was required. Minnock was taken to the hospital already in 1978, when he was 37 years old, due to heart failure. As it later turned out, the man suffered from edema, in which excess fluid accumulated in his body. Endocrinologist Robert Schwartz determined that the liquid was about 408 kg overweight of the patient.

It is worth noting that Minnock always had problems with weight. Already at the age of 12, he weighed 132 kg. Weight gradually increased, and at the age of 22, the mark on the scales reached 178.

After 16 months in the hospital, during which the man consumed about 1200 calories a day, he lost 419 kg and weighed 215 kg.

The American went to the hospital again in 1981, as he again recovered to 432 kg. Doctors could not help the man and recognized his illness as incurable.

John Minnock died in September 1983 weighing 362 kg. He was only 41 years old.

Michael Hebranco. Photo: / Monoklon

Problems with weight Michael Hebranco were with early childhood. Already at the age of 16, the boy weighed 160 kg.

“I ate a dozen eggs, a loaf of toasted bread with syrup for breakfast - and then the real food began,” the heavy American later recalled.

However, excess weight did not interfere with personal happiness - Michael got married in 1976. At that time he weighed 400 kg. The world first learned about the American in 1989 after he managed to lose 321 kg. Hebranco claimed that the impressive result was achieved with the help of a diet. Richard Simmons. In fact, it was not without the help of doctors at St. Luke's Hospital in New York, who removed fat from the man's abdomen, chest, arms and legs. In 1990, he even got into the Guinness Book of Records as a man who lost a record number of kilograms.

Using his newfound fame, Michael Hebranco began to travel around the country and talk about how in just 19 months he managed to lose weight from 411 to 90 kg. Hiding at the same time his depressed state and numerous health problems. It was not possible to consolidate the success. Over the next seven years, the man gained even more than he threw off.

“I know food is killing me. I am addicted to food, like an alcoholic or a drug addict, ”Hebranco shared with the media.

In 1996, his name made headlines again as he was taken to the Brookhaven Rehabilitation and Health Center with gangrene. In June 1999, Michael Hebranco reached his maximum weight of 500 kg. According to him, he could consume more than 13 thousand calories per day at a rate of 2.5 thousand. He again managed to lose 420 kg and again get into the Guinness Book of Records as the man who lost the largest mass in history. Hebranco struggled with weight until the end of his life. Before his death in July 2013, Michael weighed 250 kg.

“I want everyone to know that obesity is a disease. If you have it, seek help immediately."

Rosalie Bradford. Photo: / Monoklon

Life cannot be called easy. She was born in 1943 in Pennsylvania. When the girl was only six months old, her mother left her - and showed up again when Rosalie was eight years old. The foster family defended their right to the child, but it is still unknown whether Rosalie herself, who was afraid of her stepfather, was glad about this.

A difficult childhood may have been the cause of her weight problems. It was always very difficult for the girl to control her appetite. Even as a child, Bradford was quite a chubby child. By the age of 15, she weighed 140 kg. Despite being overweight, Rosalie managed to successfully marry a man who stayed with her even after she recovered to 544 kg with a height of 167 cm. Her weight reached its peak after Rosalie caught a blood poisoning, due to which could get out of bed for a year and a half. All care for the son Robbie at that time her husband took over Robert, and Rosalie herself remained motionless, which caused terrible bedsores to form on her skin.

In 1988, the woman was in such a depressive state that she even tried to commit suicide. Pain medications did not work, and Rosalie remained bedridden. In 1994, the Guinness Book of Records awarded her the status of the heaviest woman on the planet.

Interestingly, Richard Simmons, whose diet was once advertised by Michael Hebranco, helped Rosalie start losing weight. It was the nutrition instructions and the cassette with physical therapy exercises that eventually helped the woman lose 190 kg in a year. At first, Mrs. Bradford could only clap her hands.

“It was the only move I could make,” she later recalled.

Over time, the woman managed to get out of bed. She continued to stick to the diet and even sought the help of a physiotherapist. Ultimately, the American managed to lose weight to 128 kg, dropping a total of 416 kg. She is still considered the woman who lost the biggest weight in the world. Her achievement was noted in the Guinness Book of Records. She re-gained weight, but she quickly managed to throw it off.

Rosalie Bradford lived to be 63 years old and died in 2006 from complications following an operation to remove the skin, which, according to doctors, weighed up to 30 kg.

Like Michael Hebranco, the holder of the title of the thinnest woman in the world advised not to be alone with trouble and seek help with being overweight.

Manuel Uribe. Photo: / Valdis72

In 2006, the Guinness Book of Records recognized Manuel Uribe, who at that time weighed 560 kg, the heaviest person on the planet. The Mexican first appeared on the screens when he turned to journalists for help and starred in the film The Heaviest Man in the World. As the man later admitted, he began to gain weight after he was 20 years old.

“I drove my car from home to the office and back and ate all day long. And at the same time, I didn’t go in for sports at all, ”said Uribe, who illegally emigrated to the United States in 1987, where he repaired computers.

He subsequently returned to Mexico, but the habit of overeating remained. In 2001, the man could no longer leave the house on his own or even get out of bed. In order for Uribe to get some fresh air, he had to be taken out on a bed.

The film caused a great response, and many surgeons offered the Mexican citizen to remove some of the fat with the help of an operation. However, the man refused surgery and instead sat on a special protein diet, which the doctors developed for him. Thanks to her, Manuel managed to lose weight up to 320 kg. In 2008, Uribe married Claudia Solis despite the protests of her relatives. So that after the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds could live together in their wife's house, one of the walls had to be temporarily demolished. And a year later, the title of the heaviest man passed to the Englishman Paul Mason.

By March 2011, Manuel Uribe managed to lose weight up to 187 kg. Several times the Mexican was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Perhaps that is why in 2012 he again gained weight to 444 kg.

Manuel Uribe died on May 27, 2014 at the age of 48. According to doctors, the cause of death was liver failure. At the time of death, the man weighed 394 kg.

Paul Mason. Photo: Frame

Paul Mason, who inherited the title of the heaviest man, lost 305 kg for the sake of love. With his fiancee, 41 years old Rebecca Mountain, which, by the way, weighs only about 50 kg, the Englishman met online. Rebecca saw him on TV and offered to help him around the house. The Skype conversation eventually dragged on for more than four hours, and soon their relationship moved to a new stage.

Before meeting his beloved, the former postman weighed 445 kg. Systematic overeating led him to such a deplorable state. Mason daily consumed about 20 thousand kilocalories.

“Doctors diagnosed me with compulsive overeating in 2003, but it took about five more years before I was ready to really do something about it. It's easy to live in denial problems - approx. ed.), when you are not ready or do not want to admit to yourself that you need to change in order to lose weight, ”Mason wrote on his Facebook page.

The man's weight problems began after the age of 20, when his father died and his mother fell ill. In 1989, he was fired from the post office and jailed for stealing from clients' letters. Mason's only solace at the time was food.

In 2009, an Englishman decided to undergo gastric bypass surgery, which was paid for by public service healthcare. The surgeons reduced his stomach to the size of a chicken egg and ordered him to follow a strict diet. As a result, Mason managed to lose 300 kg of weight in two years. He continues to lose weight and now weighs about 127 kg. In April 2015, the Englishman underwent the first operation to remove excess skin. The operation was performed by surgeons at the Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. It took nine and a half hours. On May 12, 2015, the public first saw Mr. Mason's fiancée in a joint photo he took while they were walking in New York's Central Park.

In December 2015, Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan pledged to donate 99% of their Facebook shares over the course of their lives to the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which works to fund social causes.

The billionaire was born in 1984 in White Plains, USA. During his school years, the young genius began to seriously engage in programming and created the network game "Risk". And finishing his studies at Phillips Exeter Academy, he developed the Synapse smart player, which Microsoft became interested in.

In 2002, Mark entered Harvard University in the psychology department, while creating programs for students CourseMatch and Facemash. Having never received a diploma in psychology, he decided to go headlong into the field of programming and enrolled in thematic courses.

Soon, together with former classmates, Mark created the social network Facebook, which brought him most of the income.

For 2018, Zuckerberg is the youngest multimillionaire, whose fortune is estimated at $71 billion.

Bernard Arnault has been one of the the richest people France according to ratings published by Forbes magazine

The richest man in Europe was born in 1949 in France.

Bernard graduated from a prestigious French school, and at the age of 21 he received an engineering degree, which he never needed. He chose to lead his father's construction company, which he soon sold in secret.

Thanks to his grasp, Arno is the sole owner famous brands Louis Vuitton, Moet, Hennessy. In 2017, he also bought the Christian Dior brand.

As of 2018, Bernard's savings are $72 billion.

Warren Edward Buffett

Warren made his first investment at the age of 11: with money borrowed from his father, he bought three shares of Cities Service Preferred, then sold them at a higher price.

The oldest billionaire was born in 1930 in Nebraska.

He earned his first capital with the help of pinball machines installed in beauty salons. In 1985, he bought shares in Berkshire Hathaway, which is still the main source of income today.

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, with whom he loves to play bridge, founded the philanthropic campaign The Giving Pledge (“The Giving Pledge”) - the billionaires who join it promise to give at least 50% of their fortune to charity.

Buffett owns shares in National Indemnity Co, GEICO, The Washington Post and railway Burlington Northern Santa Fe.

In 2009, Warren invested in the IT company IBM.

For 2018, Buffett is one of the members of the association of billionaires involved in charity, his fortune is estimated at $ 84 billion.

William Henry Gates III

In the period from 1996 to 2007, from 2009 to 2016, Bill Gates is the richest man on the planet, according to Forbes magazine.

Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Seattle. From childhood, he developed his talent as a programmer at Lakeside Privileged School, and at the age of 17 he created the Traf-O-Data company.

In 1989, Gates founded Corbis and until 2008 was the permanent head of Microsoft. His latest brainchild was the research company Bill Gates Company Three.

For 2018, the fortune of a regular participant in the Forbes rating is estimated at $ 90 billion.

Jeffrey Preston Bezos

Blue Origin began space test flights in 2015 and plans to start commercial human suborbital flights at the end of 2018.

Jeff Bezos was born in 1964 in New Mexico, USA. In 1986 he graduated from Princeton University.

In 1994, Bezos founded, which went public in 1997. In 2000, he became the founder of the aerospace company Blue Origin, and in 2013 - the owner of The Washington Post.

Bezos is the world's first twelve-figure billionaire, with a net worth of about $112 billion.

What example can be taken from these people

To earn your first million, one mind is not enough, you need to develop in yourself those qualities that are inherent in all rich people:

  • Perseverance, for example, like Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates, who intensively developed the talent of a programmer.
  • Cunning, like Bernard Arnault, who sold his father's company without his consent.
  • Entrepreneurship, like Jeff Bezos.

The hallmark of billionaires is patience. As Warren Buffett says, “Some results just take time: you will never have a baby in a day, even if you get ten women pregnant.”

The names in the ranking of the wealthiest people on the planet are constantly changing. Those who yesterday held leading positions may be among the last tomorrow. And vice versa, the one whose fortune was not great, in time rises to the higher levels. Based on this, we can conclude that every person has a chance to become one of the participants in the Forbes list.
