Finding errors of indirect measurements theory. The theory of errors. An example of designing a laboratory work

Evaluation of the error of direct multiple measurements

When assessing the error of direct multiple measurements, it is recommended to adopt the following order of operations.

. (8)


    The value of the confidence probability P is set. In the laboratories of the workshop, it is customary to set P = 0.95.


    The total error is determined


where δx - instrumental error, Δ X is a random error.

    The relative error of the measurement result is estimated


    The final result is written as

, with α=… E=…%.

, P=…, E=…(7)

It should be borne in mind that the formulas of the theory of errors themselves are valid for a large number measurements. Therefore, the value of the random, and consequently, the total error is determined for a small n with a big mistake. When calculating Δ X with the number of measurements
it is recommended to be limited to one significant figure if it is greater than 3 and two if the first significant figure is less than 3. For example, if Δ X= 0.042, then discard 2 and write Δ X=0.04, and if Δ X=0.123, then we write Δ X=0,12.

The number of digits of the result and the total error must be the same. Therefore, the arithmetic mean of the error should be the same. Therefore, the arithmetic mean is first calculated by one digit more than the measurement, and when recording the result, its value is refined to the number of digits of the total error.

Evaluation of the error of indirect multiple measurements

When assessing the error of indirect multiple measurements
, which is a function of other independent quantities
, two methods can be used.

First way is used if the value y determined under various experimental conditions. In this case, for each of the values
, and then the arithmetic mean of all values ​​is determined y i


The systematic (instrumental) error is found on the basis of the known instrumental errors of all measurements according to the formula. The random error in this case is defined as the direct measurement error.

Second way applies if the function y determined several times with the same measurements. In this case, the value
calculated from average values
.. The systematic (instrumental) error, as in the first method, is found on the basis of the known instrumental errors of all measurements according to the formula


where - instrument errors of direct measurements of quantity ,- partial derivatives of a function with respect to a variable .

To find the random error of an indirect measurement, the root-mean-square errors of the arithmetic mean of individual measurements are first calculated. Then the root mean square error is found y. Setting the confidence level α, finding the Student's coefficient , the definition of random and total errors are carried out in the same way as in the case of direct measurements. Similarly, the result of all calculations is presented in the form

, with P=… E=…%.

Example, we obtain a formula for calculating the systematic error in measuring the volume of the cylinder. The formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder is


Partial derivatives with respect to variables d and h will be equal


Thus, the formula for determining the absolute systematic error in measuring the volume of a cylinder has the following form


instrumental errors in measuring the diameter and height of the cylinder

Example: Determine the power error that is dissipated in the resistor using the formula
with the following values ​​of current and resistance to the resistor, which are determined by direct measurement: R = 1.10 ± 0.05 ohm; I = 1.20 ± 0.05 A. The results are given with standard deviations of the arithmetic means R andI . Estimation of the true (average) power value:


To assess the accuracy of the obtained value, we calculate partial derivatives and partial errors of indirect measurements:

= 1.2 2 0.05= 0,072 AND 2 Ohm;

=2 1.2 1.1 0.05= 0,132 AND 2 Ohm

The standard deviation of the indirect power measurement, which is calculated by the formula, is

=0, 15 AND 2 Ohm =0,15 Tue

P = 1.58 ± 0.15 W.

Any measurements are always made with some errors associated with the limited accuracy of measuring instruments, the wrong choice, and the error of the measurement method, the physiology of the experimenter, the characteristics of the measured objects, changes in measurement conditions, etc. Therefore, the measurement task includes finding not only the quantity itself, but also the measurement error, i.e. the interval in which the true value of the measured quantity is most likely to be found. For example, when measuring a time interval t with a stopwatch with a division value of 0.2 s, we can say that its true value is in the interval from s to
With. Thus, the measured value always contains some error
, where and X are, respectively, the true and measured values ​​of the quantity under study. Value
called absolute error(error) measurements, and the expression
characterizing the measurement accuracy is called relative error.

It is quite natural for the experimenter to strive to make every measurement with the greatest attainable accuracy, but such an approach is not always expedient. The more accurately we want to measure this or that quantity, the more complex the instruments we must use, the more time these measurements will require. Therefore, the accuracy of the final result should correspond to the purpose of the experiment. The theory of errors gives recommendations on how measurements should be taken and how results should be processed so that the margin of error is as small as possible.

All errors arising during measurements are usually divided into three types - systematic, random and misses, or gross errors.

Systematic errors due to the limited accuracy of the manufacture of devices (instrument errors), the shortcomings of the chosen measurement method, the inaccuracy of the calculation formula, improper installation of the device, etc. Thus, systematic errors are caused by factors that act in the same way when the same measurements are repeated many times. The value of this error is systematically repeated or changed according to a certain law. Some systematic errors can be eliminated (in practice, this is always easy to achieve) by changing the measurement method, introducing corrections to instrument readings, and taking into account the constant influence of external factors.

Although the systematic (instrumental) error during repeated measurements gives a deviation of the measured value from the true value in one direction, we never know in which direction. Therefore, the instrumental error is written with a double sign

Random errors are caused by a large number of random causes (changes in temperature, pressure, shaking of the building, etc.), the effect of which on each measurement is different and cannot be taken into account in advance. Random errors also occur due to the imperfection of the experimenter's sense organs. Random errors also include errors due to the properties of the measured object.

It is impossible to exclude random errors of individual measurements, but it is possible to reduce the influence of these errors on the final result by carrying out multiple measurements. If the random error turns out to be significantly less than the instrumental (systematic) error, then there is no point in further reducing the random error by increasing the number of measurements. If the random error is greater than the instrumental error, then the number of measurements should be increased in order to reduce the value of the random error and make it less than or one order of magnitude with the instrumental error.

Mistakes or blunders- these are incorrect readings on the device, incorrect recording of the reading, etc. As a rule, misses due to the indicated reasons are clearly visible, since the readings corresponding to them differ sharply from other readings. Misses must be eliminated by control measurements. Thus, the width of the interval in which the true values ​​of the measured quantities lie will be determined only by random and systematic errors.

2 . Estimation of systematic (instrumental) error

For direct measurements the value of the measured quantity is read directly on the scale of the measuring instrument. The reading error can reach several tenths of a scale division. Usually, in such measurements, the magnitude of the systematic error is considered equal to half the scale division of the measuring instrument. For example, when measuring with a caliper with a division value of 0.05 mm, the value of the instrumental measurement error is taken equal to 0.025 mm.

Digital measuring instruments give the value of the quantities they measure with an error equal to the value of one unit of the last digit on the scale of the instrument. So, if a digital voltmeter shows a value of 20.45 mV, then the absolute error in the measurement is

Systematic errors also arise when using constant values ​​determined from tables. In such cases, the error is taken equal to half of the last significant digit. For example, if in the table the value of steel density is given by a value equal to 7.9∙10 3 kg / m 3, then the absolute error in this case is equal to
kg / m 3.

Some features in the calculation of instrumental errors of electrical measuring instruments will be discussed below.

When determining the systematic (instrumental) error of indirect measurements functional value
the formula is used

, (1)

where - instrument errors of direct measurements of quantity , - partial derivatives of the function with respect to the variable .

As an example, we will obtain a formula for calculating the systematic error when measuring the volume of a cylinder. The formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder is


Partial derivatives with respect to variables d and h will be equal


Thus, the formula for determining the absolute systematic error in measuring the volume of a cylinder in accordance with (2. ..) has the following form


instrumental errors in measuring the diameter and height of the cylinder

3. Random error estimation.

Confidence Interval and Confidence Probability

For the vast majority of simple measurements, the so-called normal law of random errors is satisfied quite well ( Gauss law), derived from the following empirical provisions.

    measurement errors can take a continuous series of values;

    with a large number of measurements, errors of the same magnitude, but of a different sign, occur equally often,

    The larger the random error, the less likely it is to occur.

The graph of the normal Gaussian distribution is shown in Fig.1. The curve equation has the form

, (2)

- distribution function of random errors (errors), characterizing the probability of an error
, σ is the root mean square error.

The value σ is not a random variable and characterizes the measurement process. If the measurement conditions do not change, then σ remains constant. The square of this quantity is called dispersion of measurements. The smaller the dispersion, the smaller the spread of individual values ​​and the higher the measurement accuracy.

The exact value of the root-mean-square error σ, as well as the true value of the measured quantity, is unknown. There is a so-called statistical estimate of this parameter, according to which the mean square error is equal to the mean square error of the arithmetic mean . The value of which is determined by the formula

, (3)

where - result i-th dimension; - arithmetic mean of the obtained values; n is the number of measurements.

How more number measurements, the smaller and the more it approaches σ. If the true value of the measured value μ, its arithmetic mean value obtained as a result of measurements , and the random absolute error , then the measurement result will be written as

Value interval from
, in which the true value of the measured quantity μ falls, is called confidence interval. Since it is a random variable, the true value falls into the confidence interval with a probability α, which is called confidence probability, or reliability measurements. This value is numerically equal to the area of ​​the shaded curvilinear trapezoid. (see pic.)

All this is true for a sufficiently large number of measurements, when is close to σ. To find the confidence interval and confidence level for a small number of measurements, which we deal with in the course of laboratory work, we use Student's probability distribution. This is the probability distribution random variable called Student's coefficient, gives the value of the confidence interval in fractions of the root mean square error of the arithmetic mean .

. (4)

The probability distribution of this quantity does not depend on σ 2 , but essentially depends on the number of experiments n. With an increase in the number of experiments n Student's distribution tends to a Gaussian distribution.

The distribution function is tabulated (Table 1). The value of the Student's coefficient is at the intersection of the line corresponding to the number of measurements n, and the column corresponding to the confidence level α

Table 1.

Using the data in the table, you can:

    determine the confidence interval, given a certain probability;

    choose a confidence interval and determine the confidence level.

For indirect measurements, the root mean square error of the arithmetic mean of the function is calculated by the formula

. (5)

Confidence interval and confidence probability are determined in the same way as in the case of direct measurements.

Estimation of the total measurement error. Recording the final result.

The total error of the measurement result of X will be defined as the mean square value of the systematic and random errors

, (6)

where δx - instrumental error, Δ X is a random error.

X can be either a directly or indirectly measured quantity.

, α=…, Е=… (7)

It should be borne in mind that the formulas of the theory of errors themselves are valid for a large number of measurements. Therefore, the value of the random, and consequently, the total error is determined for a small n with a big mistake. When calculating Δ X with the number of measurements
it is recommended to be limited to one significant figure if it is greater than 3 and two if the first significant figure is less than 3. For example, if Δ X= 0.042, then discard 2 and write Δ X=0.04, and if Δ X=0.123, then we write Δ X=0,12.

The number of digits of the result and the total error must be the same. Therefore, the arithmetic mean of the error should be the same. Therefore, the arithmetic mean is first calculated by one digit more than the measurement, and when recording the result, its value is refined to the number of digits of the total error.

4. Methodology for calculating measurement errors.

Errors of direct measurements

When processing the results of direct measurements, it is recommended to adopt the following order of operations.

. (8)



    The total error is determined

    The relative error of the measurement result is estimated


    The final result is written as

, with α=… E=…%.

5. Error of indirect measurements

When evaluating the true value of an indirectly measured quantity , which is a function of other independent quantities
, two methods can be used.

First way is used if the value y determined under various experimental conditions. In this case, for each of the values,
, and then the arithmetic mean of all values ​​is determined y i

. (9)

The systematic (instrumental) error is found on the basis of the known instrumental errors of all measurements according to the formula. The random error in this case is defined as the direct measurement error.

Second way applies if the function y determined several times with the same measurements. In this case, the value is calculated from the average values. In our laboratory practice, the second method of determining the indirectly measured quantity is more often used y. The systematic (instrumental) error, as in the first method, is found on the basis of the known instrumental errors of all measurements according to the formula

To find the random error of an indirect measurement, the root-mean-square errors of the arithmetic mean of individual measurements are first calculated. Then the root mean square error is found y. Setting the confidence probability α, finding the Student's coefficient , determining random and total errors are carried out in the same way as in the case of direct measurements. Similarly, the result of all calculations is presented in the form

, with α=… E=…%.

6. Design example laboratory work

Lab #1


Accessories: vernier caliper with a division value of 0.05 mm, a micrometer with a division value of 0.01 mm, a cylindrical body.

Objective: familiarization with the simplest physical measurements, determining the volume of a cylinder, calculating the errors of direct and indirect measurements.

Work order

Take at least 5 measurements of the cylinder diameter with a caliper, and its height with a micrometer.

Calculation formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder

where d is the diameter of the cylinder; h is the height.

Measurement results

Table 2.


Absolute error


5. Relative error, or measurement accuracy

; E = 0.5%.

6. Recording the final result

The final result for the quantity under study is written as

, E = 0.5%.

Note. In the final record, the number of digits of the result and the absolute error must be the same.

6. Graphical representation of measurement results

The results of physical measurements are very often presented in graphical form. Graphs have a number of important advantages and valuable properties:

a) make it possible to determine the type of functional dependence and the limits in which it is valid;

b) make it possible to visually compare the experimental data with the theoretical curve;

c) when constructing a graph, they smooth out jumps in the course of a function that occur due to random errors;

d) make it possible to determine certain quantities or carry out graphical differentiation, integration, solution of an equation, etc.

Rafiki, as a rule, are performed on special paper (millimetric, logarithmic, semi-logarithmic). It is customary to plot the independent variable along the horizontal axis, i.e. the value, the value of which is set by the experimenter himself, and along the vertical axis, the value that he determines in this case. It should be borne in mind that the intersection of the coordinate axes does not have to coincide with the zero values ​​of x and y. When choosing the origin of coordinates, one should be guided by the fact that the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drawing is fully used (Fig. 2.).

On the coordinate axes of the graph, not only the names or symbols of the quantities are indicated, but also the units of their measurement. The scale along the coordinate axes should be chosen so that the measured points are located over the entire area of ​​the sheet. At the same time, the scale should be simple, so that when plotting points on a graph, one does not perform arithmetic calculations in the mind.

Experimental points on the graph should be displayed accurately and clearly. Points obtained under different experimental conditions (for example, heating and cooling) can be usefully plotted with different colors or different icons. If the error of the experiment is known, then instead of a point it is better to depict a cross or a rectangle, the dimensions of which along the axes correspond to this error. It is not recommended to connect the experimental points to each other with a broken line. The curve on the graph should be drawn smoothly, making sure that the experimental points are located both above and below the curve, as shown in Fig.3.

When plotting graphs, in addition to a coordinate system with a uniform scale, the so-called functional scales are used. By choosing the appropriate x and y functions, you can get a simpler line on the graph than with the usual construction. Often this is necessary when selecting a formula for a given graph to determine its parameters. Functional scales are also used in cases where it is necessary to stretch or shorten any part of the curve on the graph. Most often, from the functional scales, the logarithmic scale is used (Fig. 4).


From specific conditions, requirements and opportunities estimateserrorsresultsmeasurements. According to the general tenets of information theory...

  • Measurement errors


    V.I. Iveronova. M., Nauka, 1967. 4. P. V. Novitsky, I. A. Zograf. Gradeerrorsresultsmeasurements. L., Energoatomizdat, 1991. 5. Laboratory work on ...

  • Guidelines for determining errors in measurements in a laboratory workshop in physics


    ... measurements the desired value without fail includes gradeerrors received result. Without such estimatesresult... absolute value errors and myself resultmeasurements. Typically, the accuracy estimateserrors turns out to be very...

  • Measurement No.

    If the desired physical quantity cannot be measured directly by the device, but is expressed through the formula through the measured quantities, then such measurements are called indirect.

    As with direct measurements, you can calculate the mean absolute (arithmetic mean) error or the root mean square error of indirect measurements.

    General rules error calculations for both cases are derived using differential calculus.

    Let the physical quantity j( x, y, z, ...) is a function of a number of independent arguments x, y, z, ..., each of which can be determined experimentally. Quantities are determined by direct measurements and their mean absolute errors or root mean square errors are evaluated.

    The average absolute error of indirect measurements of the physical quantity j is calculated by the formula

    where are the partial derivatives of φ with respect to x, y, z calculated for the average values ​​of the corresponding arguments.

    Since the formula uses the absolute values ​​of all terms of the sum, the expression for evaluates the maximum measurement error of the function for given maximum errors of the independent variables.

    Root mean square error of indirect measurements of the physical quantity j

    Relative maximum error of indirect measurements of the physical quantity j

    where, etc.

    Similarly, we can write the relative root-mean-square error of indirect measurements j

    If the formula represents an expression convenient for taking logarithms (that is, a product, a fraction, a power), then it is more convenient to first calculate the relative error. To do this (in the case of the average absolute error), the following should be done.

    1. Take the logarithm of the expression for the indirect measurement of a physical quantity.

    2. Differentiate it.

    3. Combine all terms with the same differential and take it out of brackets.

    4. Take the expression in front of various modulo differentials.

    5. Formally replace the icons of the differentials with the icons of the absolute error D.

    Then, knowing e, one can calculate the absolute error Dj by the formula

    Example 1 Derivation of a formula for calculating the maximum relative error of indirect measurements of the volume of a cylinder.

    Expression for indirect measurement of a physical quantity (initial formula)

    Diameter value D and cylinder height h measured directly by instruments with direct measurement errors, respectivelyD D and D h.

    We take the logarithm of the original formula and get

    Differentiate the resulting equation

    Replacing the icons of the differentials with the icons of the absolute error D, we finally obtain a formula for calculating the maximum relative error of indirect measurements of the cylinder volume

    In laboratory practice, most measurements are indirect and the quantity of interest to us is a function of one or more directly measured quantities:

    N= ƒ (x, y, z, ...) (13)

    As follows from the probability theory, the average value of a quantity is determined by substituting the average values ​​of directly measured quantities into formula (13), i.e.

    ¯ N= ƒ (¯x, ¯y, ¯z, ...) (14)

    It is required to find the absolute and relative errors of this function if the errors of the independent variables are known.

    Consider two extreme cases where the errors are either systematic or random. There is no consensus regarding the calculation of the systematic error of indirect measurements. However, if we proceed from the definition of a systematic error as the maximum possible error, then it is advisable to find systematic error formulas

    (15) or


    partial derivative functions N= ƒ(x, y, z, ...) with respect to the argument x, y, z..., found under the assumption that all other arguments, except for the one with respect to which the derivative is found, are constant;
    δx, δy, δz are systematic errors of the arguments.

    Formula (15) is convenient to use if the function has the form of the sum or difference of the arguments. Expression (16) is advisable to use if the function has the form of a product or partial arguments.

    For finding random error indirect measurements, you should use the formulas:

    (17) or

    where Δx, Δy, Δz, ... are confidence intervals for given confidence probabilities (reliability) for the arguments x, y, z, ... . It should be borne in mind that the confidence intervals Δx, Δy, Δz, ... must be taken with the same confidence probability P 1 = P 2 = ... = P n = P.

    In this case, the reliability for the confidence interval Δ N will also be P.

    Formula (17) is convenient to use if the function N= ƒ(x, y, z, ...) has the form of the sum or difference of the arguments. Formula (18) is convenient to use if the function N= ƒ(x, y, z, ...) has the form of a product or partial arguments.

    Often there is a case when systematic error and random error are close to each other, and they both equally determine the accuracy of the result. In this case, the total error ∑ is found as the quadratic sum of random Δ and systematic δ errors with a probability of at least P, where P is the confidence probability of a random error:

    When making indirect measurements under unreproducible conditions the function is found for each individual measurement, and the confidence interval is calculated to obtain the values ​​of the desired quantity by the same method as for direct measurements.

    It should be noted that in the case of functional dependence, expressed formula, convenient for taking logarithms, it is easier to first determine the relative error, and then from the expression Δ N = ε ¯ N find the absolute error.

    Before proceeding with measurements, you should always think about subsequent calculations and write out formulas by which errors will be calculated. These formulas will allow you to understand which measurements should be made especially carefully, and which do not require much effort.

    When processing the results of indirect measurements, the following order of operations is proposed:
    1. Process all quantities found by direct measurements in accordance with the rules for processing the results of direct measurements. In this case, for all measured quantities, set the same reliability value P.
    2. Estimate the accuracy of the result of indirect measurements using formulas (15) (16), where the derivatives are calculated at average values.
      If the error of individual measurements is included in the result of differentiation several times, then it is necessary to group all the terms containing the same differential, and the expressions in brackets that precede the differential take modulo; sign d replace with Δ (or δ).
    3. If the random and systematic errors are close in magnitude, then add them according to the error addition rule. If one of the errors is less than three or more times the other, then discard the smaller one.
    4. Write the result of the measurement in the form:

      N= ƒ (¯x, ¯y, ¯z, ...) ± Δƒ.

    5. Determine the relative error of the result of a series of indirect measurements

      ε = ∆ƒ 100%.
      ¯¯ ƒ¯

      Let us give examples of calculating the error of indirect measurement.

      Example 1 The volume of the cylinder is found by the formula

      V = π d 2 h ,


      where d cylinder diameter, h cylinder height.

      Both of these quantities are determined directly. Let the measurement of these quantities give the following results:

      d = (4.01 ± 0.03) mm,

      h = (8.65 ± 0.02) mm, with the same reliability Р = 0.95.

      The average value of the volume, according to (14) is

      V = 3.14 (4.01) 2 8.65 = 109.19 mm


      Using expression (18) we have:

      ln V = ln π + 2 lnd + lnh - ln4;


      Since the measurements were made with a micrometer, the division value of which is 0.01 mm, systematic errors
      δd = δh = 0.01 mm. Based on (16), the systematic error δV will be

      The systematic error turns out to be comparable with the random one, therefore

    When processing the results of indirect measurements of a physical quantity that is functionally related to the physical quantities A, B and C, which are measured in a direct way, first determine the relative error of indirect measurement e = DX / X pr using the formulas given in the table (without evidence).

    The absolute error is determined by the formula DX \u003d X pr * e,

    where e is expressed decimal, not as a percentage.

    The final result is recorded in the same way as in the case of direct measurements.

    Function type Formula
    X=A n

    (+ useful) How to take measurements

    Example: Let us calculate the error in measuring the friction coefficient using a dynamometer. The experience is that the bar is uniformly pulled along a horizontal surface and the applied force is measured: it is equal to the force of sliding friction.

    Using a dynamometer, we weigh a bar with loads: 1.8 N. F tr \u003d 0.6 N

    μ=0.33. The instrumental error of the dynamometer (find from the table) is Δ and \u003d 0.05N, Reading error (half of the scale division)

    Δ o \u003d 0.05N. The absolute error in measuring weight and friction force is 0.1 N.

    Relative measurement error (5th line in the table)

    Therefore, the absolute error of indirect measurement of μ is 0.22*0.33=0.074


    To measure a physical quantity means to compare it with another homogeneous quantity taken as a unit of measurement. The measurement can be made using:

    1. measures, which are samples of a unit of measurement (meter, weight, liter vessel, etc.),

    2. measuring instruments (ammeter, pressure gauge, etc.),

    3. measuring installations, which are understood as a set of measures, measuring instruments and auxiliary elements.

    Measurements are either direct or indirect. In direct measurements the physical quantity is measured directly. Direct measurements are, for example, measuring the length with a ruler, time with a stopwatch, current strength with an ammeter.

    In indirect measurements they directly measure not the quantity whose value needs to be known, but other quantities with which the desired quantity is associated with a certain mathematical dependence. For example, the density of a body is determined by measuring its mass and volume, and the resistance is determined by measuring current and voltage.

    Due to the imperfection of measures and measuring instruments, as well as our sense organs, measurements cannot be performed accurately, i.e. any measurement gives only an approximate result. In addition, the nature of the measurand itself is often the reason for the deviation of measurement results. For example, the temperature measured by a thermometer or thermocouple at a certain point in the furnace fluctuates due to convection and thermal conductivity within certain limits. The measure for assessing the accuracy of the measurement result is measurement error (measurement error).

    To assess the accuracy, either the absolute error or the relative measurement error is indicated. Absolute error expressed in units of the measured quantity. For example, the segment of the path traveled by the body, , is measured with an absolute error . Relative measurement error is the ratio of the absolute error to the value of the measured quantity. In the given example, the relative error is . The smaller the measurement error, the higher its accuracy.

    According to the sources of their origin, measurement errors are divided into systematic, random and gross (misses).

    1. Systematic errors- measurement errors, the value of which remains constant during repeated measurements carried out by the same method, using the same measuring instruments. The reasons for systematic errors are:

    malfunctions, inaccuracies of measuring instruments

    illegality, inaccuracy of the measurement technique used

    An example of systematic errors can be the measurement of temperature with a thermometer with a shifted zero point, the measurement of current with an incorrectly calibrated ammeter, the weighing of a body on a balance using weights without taking into account the buoyancy force of Archimedes.

    To eliminate or reduce systematic errors, it is necessary to carefully check the measuring instruments, measure the same quantities by different methods, and introduce corrections when the errors are known (corrections for buoyancy force, corrections for thermometer readings).

    2. Gross mistakes (misses)- a significant excess of the error expected under the given measurement conditions. Misses appear as a result of incorrect recording of instrument readings, incorrect readings on the instrument, due to errors in calculations during indirect measurements. The source of misses is the inattention of the experimenter. The way to eliminate these errors is the accuracy of the experimenter, the exclusion of rewriting measurement protocols.

    3. Random errors- errors, the value of which changes randomly during repeated measurements of the same value by the same method using the same instruments. The source of random errors is the uncontrolled reproducibility of the measurement conditions. For example, during the measurement, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, voltage in the electrical network, and the state of the experimenter's senses can change in an uncontrolled way. It is impossible to rule out random errors. At multiple measurements random errors obey statistical laws, and their influence can be taken into account.
