Beautiful confessions to a boy in your own words. Beautiful confessions to a boy in your own words, Darling, I’m afraid of losing you in my own words

I'll take a strand of your hair,
And I’ll whisper quietly in your ear:
"I'm afraid to lose you,
My sweet little girl."

Without the nights you gave me
The big bed is uncomfortable.
Without you I'm nothing at all
But I want to be yours and that’s all.

Our days are racing with credits
On the brainless clock screen.
Time is like steppe whirlwinds,
But we won’t slow him down.

I just would like to know
At this reckless speed,
Why do you need to lose me?
It can be scary in the same way.

I want to just live and love,
It's simple, anything can happen in life,
There's just...something I don't understand.

I want... peace and quiet,
There is nothing not to think about and not to wait for.
To run away... from this fuss.
Don't say goodbye and don't lose.

Have no enemies, only friends,
To have more good people.
So that love and goodness reign,
So as not to know what evil is.

I want to just live and love,
I don’t know how long we have left.
It's just... it could be...
I'm just afraid that you...

I'm afraid to call you, what if you refuse?
You will say bitterly: I’m tired of you - and that’s it... goodbye...
And you will book your way to yourself forever,
You say: never come again...
- Don’t call and throw away the phone number,
Throw away the torments of your conscience...
She wasn't always in love with me,
So come back to him...
Throw away all the poems and songs too
What she secretly always dedicated to me
And forget, please, quickly
What she once promised me...
You know, you can’t order your heart,
You won't make me give up everything...

And I'm afraid to admit to you,
Say I love you.
After all, fight the feelings inside,
Believe me, I can't do it anymore.

I like it when you're around
And the way you look at me.
The way you talk to me with your eyes,
I beckon with my smile.

But words so warm that from the heart,
They come from the very depths,
Afraid. After all, the door might slam,
And these feelings will all pass.

But one day you told me
That it is not words that are important now.
And the important thing is that the heart becomes
Through the eyes of body and soul.

After all, the main thing is not...

The sun rises in the morning,
Evening is setting.
And being apart from you,
I can't sleep at night.
I'll just remember you,
Sadness in the eyes.
We're not together now
No matter how sorry it would be.
I didn't do anything
To be with you
And that's why now
I can't forgive myself.
The night will pass the morning will come
And again everything is the same.
You're not next to me
And no one will help me.
I didn't want to die
But no one will ask.
I didn't want to suffer like that
Nobody will help me.
I didn't want to let go
I let go by accident.
And now at least...

I'm afraid for you...

Where did you go, when will you return...
I don’t know... I think... I’m silent...
When you touch my hand...
And what’s wrong with you... I want to know...
The minutes drag on... and again...
I look at my watch in tears...
Three eighteen...what's that...
But the heart whispers - don’t look...
But I’ll look, three twenty...
How can I stop time...
So that you, alive and unharmed...
He came to talk to us...
I know...I'm acting stupid
Two years have already flown by...
I'm waiting for you and happiness is stingy...
What,...what if it comes?
What if you love me twice...

I'm afraid of losing you...You say tell me what you love, and I'm still afraid...
For three months now, I wake up every morning and mentally ask that everything be fine with you, that we be happy, and I fall asleep with exactly the same thought. I’m sad when you feel bad, I’m happy when you feel good, regardless of my mood and well-being. Only you can cheer me up when no one can do this - thank you for that! Thanks again for the two wonderful days we spent together! They were amazing! Thank you for the time you devote to me, for the warmth of your hands and the tenderness of your lips! For the sparkle of your eyes, for your smile, words and quiet whisper that gives me peace. I thank you very much for taking care of me, for strong hugs, beautiful poems and for a small piece of my heart, which will now always lie in my top pocket! With you, I realized that it is impossible to live without love and I forget about problems, thinking about you. Now I am glad that I have you and am very afraid of losing you. Many people tell me that: “No one belongs to anyone in this life.” , but I don’t believe them and I will fight for our fragile feeling called love... I’m afraid to start every day without you, I’m afraid to continue living as before and I’m very, very afraid of losing you... Because when I stop being afraid, I will simply stop loving you and forget about you forever...

* * * *
I wake up, live and breathe,
As usual, I’m in a hurry to run errands,
I'm still trying to run somewhere,
But I'm afraid of losing you.

And, putting on the most fashionable "outfit",
I will take on an independent look
Continuing to surprise you
Well, in my heart: “I’m afraid to lose.”

In the morning - to the sun, and at night - to the moon,
I repeat as if in a dream:
Even if you have to suffer -
I'm still afraid of losing.

Even if I chat with you, even if I remain silent,
Even though I cry and even want to laugh,
There is only one thing I would like to say again:
I'm so afraid of losing you...

I'm afraid to lose you,
After all, this happens in the world.
I don't want to leave you
And I dream of summer with hope;
How will you and I sunbathe?
Dive and swim in the blue sea,
But I'm afraid of losing you,
And part with you forever...

Question for a system-vector psychologist:

“Hello, my name is Alina. Lately I have one obsessive thought in my head: “I’m very afraid of losing you!” This is about my loved one. We have a wonderful relationship and everything seems to be fine, but I I'm afraid of losing my man. I love him so much. I'm overwhelmed with feelings. I'm scared to imagine that we could separate. Our relationship is all I have.

I am thrown off balance by any of his reactions to my words and actions. I always think: what if I do something wrong and we break up? This fear prevents me from living. I'm very afraid of losing him.

I recently woke up in a cold sweat. I dreamed that we broke up and I felt torn to pieces, as if my heart had been ripped out. I immediately wrote him an SMS: “Are you all right? I had a terrible dream. I'm very afraid of losing you! " And only three hours later I received an answer from him: “I’m fine.” While I was waiting, I couldn’t find a place for myself, imagining all sorts of horrors. What if it turns out to be a dream prophetic?

Help me figure out how to get rid of the fear of losing a loved one?”

How to get rid of the fear of losing a man? Answer from a system-vector psychologist

Dear Alina, many people live in fear, but don't realize their. You took a very important step, thought about the situation and wanted to get rid of fear.

Love and fear– two opposite poles of human emotions. People with visual vector. They are given a huge task from birth emotional amplitude. These people are capable of experiencing the most vivid feelings: from endless love to unimaginable horror. And they live through all these states with all my might your passion. To love so much, to be afraid, so much so that your heart freezes.

On various psychological sites you can come across a recommendation: “Listen to your heart, it will not deceive.” But this is exactly the case when the heart can deceive. Because you are on a wave of emotions, and this wave can easily carry you to an imaginary country, far from reality.

It will help you understand all the nuances of your conditions training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Here you can understand the underlying reasons of your fear. Discover your truly limitless potential be in love. Learn this way realize your emotions that they will not bring you suffering, but great pleasure from life. You will be able to deeply understand your loved one and feel much calmer about everything he does.

The training helps to get rid of any fears, because the root of all visual fears is the same. Here is what people write who said goodbye to their fears after completing a course of lectures on system-vector psychology:

“By the time this happened, I was so sure that he was my ticket to happiness, the only one, who fate had prepared for me, that I was afraid to even think that we would ever part. I was terrified of losing him. She overstepped all her principles, afraid to give rise to a quarrel. I didn’t pay attention to the fact that I wasn’t receiving absolutely no physical satisfaction with him, emotions blocked it out. Very soon it turned into a real love affair. addiction…

Now these desires are gone, there is simply no need for it. During the training I clearly realized that everything Talking about two halves is nonsense. Happy relationship Can build... I got rid of obsessive thoughts about the fact that I have lost my happiness forever.” (Alena Nikolaeva

“Now about my results... I have been suffered from causeless anxiety, which often fell on me. Psychologists helped me, but it was as if one hundredth part went away, and then the fears came again. Half the fears my rational mind gave logical explanation. But what good are these explanations if there is no normal life? And causeless anxiety in the evenings... By the middle of the course, I began to notice that began to breathe freely. The clamps are gone. And by the end of the course, I suddenly suddenly noticed that anxiety and fears had left me.”(Diana Nurgalieva

Start with a free online training on system-vector psychology, where you will receive the first answers to your questions. Register now via the link: Take your chance to know yourself! Take a step from fear to love!

The article was written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

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My beloved boy, my baby, my young angel! I fell in love with you from our first meeting, from the first sight, from the first smile and from your first word! When you spoke to me, I found myself in a fairy tale, a rainbow began to play with bright colors before my eyes, your magical voice enchanted me once and for all. I forgot about everything in the world, where I was going, why and for what. I saw only you, I heard only your voice, and the whole world around me turned into one person - you! To this day, I fly in the clouds, I feel an unknown force of a surge of tenderness and love, care and affection, I am happy thanks to you, my dear! When you are next to me, sunshine, my breath takes away, my heart skips a beat, and my chest feels incredibly cozy and warm in a special way! I want to constantly feel this warmth nearby, I need it so much! I love you honey! You are the most beautiful boy I have ever met in my life!

The point is, what am I going to tell you now? And the meaning is very great, it is of universal proportions, the meaning of my whole life, my existence, my future. It is you, my boy, my dear and beloved person in the world. I am incredibly happy to know you, because not everyone of us is given the opportunity to feel everything that my love for you gave me; it’s not every day that you meet a person to whom you are ready to dedicate a declaration of love. Sometimes a whole life is not enough to find your love, your loved one, your soul mate. And I met you, my baby. At the beginning of life. You and I are so young, so pure that love could not pass by without looking at us, could not remain indifferent to our young hearts! And I really value this feeling, my beloved boy, I give you my recognition, words of love and I really hope for reciprocity. I think that when you ask your heart, it will tell you the truth, because the heart never deceives!

My heart fills with joy, and a pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body when I think about you, my sunshine, my boy, my joy! And now I think only about you, other thoughts stubbornly do not want to enter my head, all the space, conceivable and inconceivable, is occupied by you, my dear. You absorb all my attention, you are the only one who exists for me. You are my universe, you are my world, you are my person. This is how my heart feels, this is how I feel and I hope that you, my dear, feel my love, because it is impossible not to feel it. It breaks through my consciousness, it breaks out of my heart, it pulsates so loudly that it does not give me the opportunity to take another breath of air! I’m so happy that I met you, my boy, because without you I didn’t know what love was, what life was, what happiness was! You gave me the most important feeling in life, which is priceless! I love you!

Today I had a surprisingly beautiful dream. We walked with you through the magical park, holding hands, and little angels flew around, magical rides around, inviting you to take a ride and experience their magic. Incredibly beautiful butterflies were flying, and the air smelled of vanilla. The alley along which we walked was strewn with stars, the fabulous atmosphere of the park was so mesmerizing that it seemed that happiness was somewhere very close. I woke up. And she clearly felt that the dream was not such a dream. In reality I feel the same. I'm in love! I'm happy! I found myself in a fairy tale! With you, my boy, only with you I realized that miracles happen and that magic exists. Everything I saw in my dreams happens to me in reality! With you! I love you, my angel, I love you, my wizard, I love you, my miracle! Since we met you, I believe in miracles!

My dear boy, my dear man! I want to shout to the whole world how much I love you, how happy I am that you appeared in my life and turned it into a fairy tale! I love with the love that illuminates our lives with its flame, leads us and warms our souls. You are incredibly dear to me! You are like a bright star in the night, gloomy sky, illuminating everything around you, giving hope for a bright future. When you are near, my heart becomes warm, with your gaze you give me an insane feeling of happiness, your words burn my soul. I want to be with you all the time, I feel the need for this, one might even say dependence, a pleasant, sweet dependence. Thoughts about you have grown into my brain, I wake up and fall asleep with your image before my eyes, and in my dreams you too. Only you, my boy, I need! I love you! Thank you for existing!

My dear man, my dear boy! How long have I been waiting for you, as it happens, you are standing at a bus stop, strangers flash by, passers-by, acquaintances and strangers. You stand and wait. And not a single relative or close person. Everything is past. It becomes cold and uncomfortable, you want warmth more and more. There comes a time when the wait drags on too long and you feel like the loneliest and most unhappy person in the world. And here he comes. Bus. The number you need. And you step into a light, bright, warm and cozy bus and you understand, this is happiness, this is the long-awaited miracle that you have been waiting for, which is taking you home. This is roughly the feeling I had when I met you, my boy. I immediately felt incredible warmth and kinship of souls. I fell in love with you at first sight! I don’t want partings and expectations, I want to be close always. Love you Baby!

I never thought that it was possible to find everything you need for happiness and spiritual harmony in one person. When I met you, I couldn’t help but feel some special, unlike anything else before, so warm and familiar, a feeling of incredible comfort in all my thoughts, as if puzzles that had previously been carelessly lying around in a forgotten box, someone... then he took it and carefully folded it into a picture, bright and beautiful. Meeting you, my boy, turned my mind upside down, a reassessment of values ​​took place and I realized what I wanted and what I had been subconsciously striving for all my life. You placed all the dots, all the commas and gave the plot to our romance. I confess my love to you, my dear, quite consciously, weighing every gram of my feelings. My heart beats for you alone, for you I breathe and I live for you. I love you my boy!

My clear and golden sun, you came into my life very unexpectedly, I couldn’t even think that a simple acquaintance and further communication with you could develop into something more. Will be able to turn the page of a magical book that I am ready to read all my life, open and read again, read and read, endlessly and every time I find something new and interesting in it. Bunny, you are the dearest and dearest person in the whole world to me! The seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months spent with you turned into paradise for me! And I will never give you to anyone! With your appearance, my life was filled with meaning, and I was able to feel how necessary it is for me to realize that there is you on this planet Earth, and how important it is for me to live for you, for you alone! I love you, my baby! I will forever thank the universe for giving me you!

You are my bright ray, my sunny, handsome, beloved, dear, affectionate, gentle and extraordinary boy. I love looking at your hands, I love your bottomless eyes, your face, you are divine, incomparable, brilliant and the most wonderful. For me, you are softer than clouds, warmer than the sun, while driving through the city, I want to write on all the walls how much I love you and how good you are. You handed me your pure heart on your palms, and in return I give you mine. Now I am the happiest girl in the world. I have you, your love, and no matter where you are, nearby or distance separates us, I have your heart. It warms my soul and gives me confidence in the future, gives me the meaning of existence, gives me strength and energy. My boy, I want to give you words of love, words of recognition that are rushing out and require some kind of way out. It is impossible to keep them inside, they are too good to be inside me alone. I love you, my boy, my dear and dear little man!

Remembering our first meeting with you, my boy, my soul becomes incredibly warm and sweet. This meeting is so touching, this embarrassed smile of yours, a shy but caring look, a vague answer to my ridiculous question and hope for continuation of the conversation on both sides. How you looked at me, as if spellbound, how you sincerely rejoiced at our acquaintance and clung to every word in order to continue our acquaintance. You are so touching and sweet that simple words cannot express it. You just need to feel it, and I always feel it when I mentally return to that day, the magical day we met. I am covered with a wave of warmth and an unimaginable feeling of tenderness. I love you my boy, my sweet baby, my happiness, my hope and my support! You mean a lot to me and thank you for what you do for me and our relationship! Love you!

You can think a lot about the meaning of life, its values, its labyrinths, but everything goes to one thing. Everything in life revolves around love, without it there is no meaning or values. It’s not for nothing that many books have been written about her, an incredible number of films have been made, young girls chat about her, neighbor grannies gossip on benches, everyone and everyone is talking about love. Because it is the main component of our life. Without her it is empty and insipid, lonely and sad, dark and sad. And I was lucky enough to know her with you, my dear boy. I am delighted with the sensations, with the fact that I feel how multifaceted love is in its manifestations, how much it can give to a simple girl in love. And all this immeasurable happiness came to me, thanks to you, my bright ray, my sun, my joy! I love you! I pray that these sweet moments will last as long as possible with you! I need you, baby!

When you looked at me for the first time, my good, my golden, my beloved boy, I want to confess to you that I had never seen such looks before. Your look, it is so incredibly and insanely piercing, making time and everything around you stop. He bewitched my consciousness, bewitched all my thoughts that existed before meeting your eyes. You found me from the crowd, you singled me out from a hundred, you gave me your attention. And made me happy. In an instant. I didn’t even have time to realize it, I only came to my senses when you turned to me. And then I completely disappeared. This voice, it was simply created for my hearing, when you spoke, an angel danced on your tongue, my consciousness completely turned off. I fell in love. No. I fell in love. I fell in love so desperately, so deeply and so long-awaited. I love. I love. I love. And there is nothing more important than loving you, my boy.

When I gave you a mutual look, I couldn’t even think that this was the beginning of our romance, the beginning of our fairy tale, the beginning of our crazy love. Nice, witty, cheerful guy, why not chat, I thought. But my heart thought completely differently. It perked up, became agitated and began to beat, as if it had been allocated a certain number of knocks that needed to be used within a certain period of time, and there would be no other chance, otherwise it would stop. Then I didn’t attach much importance to it, but then I still paid attention, because my heart didn’t stop beating like crazy either when we said goodbye, or when I arrived home, or the next day, or the next night. Before your first phone call, I lived in the rhythm of a surge of energy. I fell in love. I fell in love with the most beautiful boy on the planet! I'm happy! I love you honey!

So the moment of that happiest moment has come when I will entrust you with the most intimate, the most cherished, the most precious thing that I have in my soul today. These are words. Words of love, words of happiness, words from which my soul unfolds with a sweet groan, words that have settled in my soul from the moment we met. I made up my mind right away, that very second. My intuition never fails me, I can safely count on it, plus, my heart gave me a hint, it beat faster, and it was difficult for it to stop, even when you were not next to me. You have consumed me. You stole my peace, sleep and attention. All thoughts are about you, and they give me incredible pleasure, I’m euphoric, I’m happy! I give you a declaration of love, words that just never sounded from my lips, only for you alone I kept them, for you. I love you, my boy, my dear man!

When I met you, my dear boy, it was as if I was in a magical, fairy-tale forest, where the air is saturated with an atmosphere of magic and miracles, where magical elves fly, where a good fairy lives who makes dreams and wishes come true. In this forest, butterflies of extraordinary beauty flutter, the beautiful songs of birds of paradise shimmer among themselves, there is a rainbow shining with all the colors during the day, and at night the stars twinkle with a bright radiance. This amazing feeling has not left me since that day of meeting, I’m really in a fairy tale, I’m becoming happier every day, with every look of yours, with every word of yours, with every touch of yours. I want to invite you to this forest and walk along the magical paths there, walk under the moon, drink spring water from your hands and make a wish to the fairy. Although... My wish has already come true! I love you my angel! I don't need more.

I have a dream. To have my own home, my own cozy place to live, my world, my family nest. So, I want to dream further. In this house, walls will be built from bricks of fidelity, faith will be invested in each of them. The windows in this house will be made of glass of happiness, which will never break and will always be clean and transparent. The door to the house will be made of strong wood, on which more than one nest has hung, which will forever drive away evil, envy and enemies. The roof will be very strong, its foundation will be support and trust, it will protect from any bad weather, bad weather and danger. This happy home will be built by your hands, my beloved. I only want to see you in the role of creator, the most important refuge of our love. My boy, even though you are young, I am sure that only you can handle my desire, no one else can cope. And the most important material, the foundation for our home, is love. My love for you, my dear!

My beloved, bright and pure boy, your soul is so young and crystal that I worry every time I’m going to tell you words of love. So as not to accidentally stain your transparent soul with any word or action. I want to get with you to a desert island so that not a single living soul touches your soul, your heart and your consciousness. I want to preserve your purity, your fragility, your tenderness for as long as possible. I want to swim with you in the ocean of love, walk along the shores of desires, look at the clouds of hope and dream about our future. I love you so much that I simply don’t want to share you with anyone, I want to cherish our happiness quietly, because happiness loves silence. And only in private, only one on one, I dare to say words of love to you, these long-awaited words that I can no longer physically keep within myself. I love you, my baby, my gentle boy, my happiness!

These lines, these words arose in me quite recently, quite a bit of time ago, I couldn’t even think that I was capable of such feelings. The reason for this is our meeting, our extraordinary acquaintance, which turned my whole life upside down. I saw you, so beautiful, so sweet, so dear. My boy, your eyes drove me crazy, your lips bewitched me, and when you spoke to me, I flew into the abyss of euphoria, I was simply stunned. After all, I heard your voice in a dream, more than once. I know his timbre, I would recognize him from a thousand voices. In reality he turned out to be even more magical, even more velvety, even more pleasant. You are so pure, you are so bright, an unimaginable feeling of warmth and kindness emanates from you. It is impossible not to fall in love with you, it is impossible not to admire you, you were created to provide aesthetic pleasure, you are God. I love you!

I knew you before, I can say with complete confidence that I met you before, in a past life, I just lost you, we loved each other, very much, madly and desperately, but then something happened. I don’t remember what exactly, but some difficult circumstance separated us, either it was a war, or a disaster, or death. But we parted against our own will. We were happy, our love was so loud that it couldn’t end like that. I met you in this life. I recognized you immediately, I felt you with all the corners of my heart, with all the fibers of my soul, with all parts of my body. Finally, my dear boy, you are back, you are near, you are with me. How I yearned for you, my soul, my dear person. Now I won’t let you go anywhere, I won’t give you to anyone, and if you die, I will die with you. I cannot bear such a loss a second time. I love you, my honey.

I'm afraid to lose you…
You are the unquenchable light of the soul.
My notebook is in bright lines
And the plot of the poems is lyrical.

I can't get enough of you.
You are an autumn love song.
I remember, I love, I take care -
Those happy days vis-a-vis.

I'm afraid to lose you…
These lines, believe me, are not a farce.
Only with you I was able to know
The waltz of love that whirled us around.


How reverent and frank the lines are, filled with a great feeling of love for the lyrical heroine! And it really is happiness, which Fate does not often give.

Autumn love song. Autumn is the most tender sensual waltz. One - two, three... One - two, three... Spun, spun, spun...

I'll tell you about Autumn
And heartfelt sadness.
I'm sad and very
I'm afraid of losing you.

From the first bar I heard, I fell in love with this gentle sadness... The melody - magical, flying, unique... The poems made my heart flutter and skip a beat... A DREAM lived in them...

The golden foliage swirled in a waltz whirlwind of words and the farewell rain rustled outside the window...

Closing my eyes, I listened to his breathing, this magical moment, the beat of his heart...

Lyubabushka, at any time of the year, in any weather, this autumn waltz will remain an eternal, living, unchanging dance of Love... Everything will be fine.

Checkbox, how beautifully you noticed both the magical melody and the gentle
sadness of the singer.

Thank you! I'm crazy about this waltz.
That's why such poems are born.

With warmth and love, Lyuba

Question for a system-vector psychologist:

“Hello, my name is Alina. Lately I have one obsessive thought in my head: “I’m very afraid of losing you!” This is about my loved one. We have a wonderful relationship and everything seems to be fine, but I I'm afraid of losing my man. I love him so much. I'm overwhelmed with feelings. I'm scared to imagine that we could separate. Our relationship is all I have.

I am thrown off balance by any of his reactions to my words and actions. I always think: what if I do something wrong and we break up? This fear prevents me from living. I'm very afraid of losing him.

I recently woke up in a cold sweat. I dreamed that we broke up and I felt torn to pieces, as if my heart had been ripped out. I immediately wrote him an SMS: “Are you all right? I had a terrible dream. I’m very afraid of losing you!” And only three hours later I received an answer from him: “I’m fine.” While I was waiting, I couldn’t find a place for myself, imagining all sorts of horrors. What if it turns out to be a dream prophetic?

Help me figure out how to get rid of the fear of losing a loved one?”

How to get rid of the fear of losing a man? Answer from a system-vector psychologist

Dear Alina, many people live in fear, but don't realize their. You took a very important step, thought about the situation and wanted to get rid of fear.

Love and fear– two opposite poles of human emotions. People with visual vector. They are given a huge task from birth emotional amplitude. These people are capable of experiencing the most vivid feelings: from endless love to unimaginable horror. And they live through all these states with all my might your passion. To love so much, to be afraid, so much so that your heart freezes.

On various psychological sites you can come across a recommendation: “Listen to your heart, it will not deceive.” But this is exactly the case when the heart can deceive. Because you are on a wave of emotions, and this wave can easily carry you to an imaginary country, far from reality.

It will help you understand all the nuances of your conditions training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Here you can understand the underlying reasons of your fear. Discover your truly limitless potential be in love. Learn this way realize your emotions that they will not bring you suffering, but great pleasure from life. You will be able to deeply understand your loved one and be much calmer about everything that he does.

The training helps to get rid of any fears, because the root of all visual fears is the same. Here is what people write who said goodbye to their fears after completing a course of lectures on system-vector psychology:

“By the time this happened, I was so sure that he was my ticket to happiness, the only one, who fate had prepared for me, that I was afraid to even think that we would ever part. I was terrified of losing him. She overstepped all her principles, afraid to give rise to a quarrel. I didn’t pay attention to the fact that I wasn’t receiving absolutely no physical satisfaction with him, emotions blocked it out. Very soon it turned into a real love affair. addiction…

Now these desires are gone, there is simply no need for it. During the training I clearly realized that everything Talking about two halves is nonsense. Happy relationships are possible build... I got rid of the obsessive thought that I had lost my happiness forever.” (Alena Nikolaeva

“Now about my results... I have been suffered from causeless anxiety, which often fell on me. Psychologists helped me, but it was as if one hundredth part went away, and then the fears came again. Half the fears my rational mind gave logical explanation. But what good are these explanations if there is no normal life? And causeless anxiety in the evenings... By the middle of the course, I began to notice that began to breathe freely. The clamps are gone. And by the end of the course, I suddenly suddenly noticed that anxiety and fears had left me.”(Diana Nurgalieva

Start with a free online training on system-vector psychology, where you will receive the first answers to your questions. Register now via the link: Take your chance to know yourself! Take a step from fear to love!

The article was written using training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan


My beloved boy, my baby, my young angel! I fell in love with you from our first meeting, from the first sight, from the first smile and from your first word! When you spoke to me, I found myself in a fairy tale, a rainbow began to play with bright colors before my eyes, your magical voice enchanted me once and for all. I forgot about everything in the world, where I was going, why and for what. I saw only you, I heard only your voice, and the whole world around me turned into one person - you! To this day, I fly in the clouds, I feel an unknown force of a surge of tenderness and love, care and affection, I am happy thanks to you, my dear! When you are next to me, sunshine, my breath takes away, my heart skips a beat, and my chest feels incredibly cozy and warm in a special way! I want to constantly feel this warmth nearby, I need it so much! I love you honey! You are the most beautiful boy I have ever met in my life!

The point is, what am I going to tell you now? And the meaning is very great, it is of universal proportions, the meaning of my whole life, my existence, my future. It is you, my boy, my dear and beloved person in the world. I am incredibly happy to know you, because not everyone of us is given the opportunity to feel everything that my love for you gave me; it’s not every day that you meet a person to whom you are ready to dedicate a declaration of love. Sometimes a whole life is not enough to find your love, your loved one, your soul mate. And I met you, my baby. At the beginning of life. You and I are so young, so pure that love could not pass by without looking at us, could not remain indifferent to our young hearts! And I really value this feeling, my beloved boy, I give you my recognition, words of love and I really hope for reciprocity. I think that when you ask your heart, it will tell you the truth, because the heart never deceives!

My heart fills with joy, and a pleasant warmth spreads throughout my body when I think about you, my sunshine, my boy, my joy! And now I think only about you, other thoughts stubbornly do not want to enter my head, all the space, conceivable and inconceivable, is occupied by you, my dear. You absorb all my attention, you are the only one who exists for me. You are my universe, you are my world, you are my person. This is how my heart feels, this is how I feel and I hope that you, my dear, feel my love, because it is impossible not to feel it. It breaks through my consciousness, it breaks out of my heart, it pulsates so loudly that it does not give me the opportunity to take another breath of air! I’m so happy that I met you, my boy, because without you I didn’t know what love was, what life was, what happiness was! You gave me the most important feeling in life, which is priceless! I love you!

Today I had a surprisingly beautiful dream. We walked with you through the magical park, holding hands, and little angels flew around, magical rides around, inviting you to take a ride and experience their magic. Incredibly beautiful butterflies were flying, and the air smelled of vanilla. The alley along which we walked was strewn with stars, the fabulous atmosphere of the park was so mesmerizing that it seemed that happiness was somewhere very close. I woke up. And she clearly felt that the dream was not such a dream. In reality I feel the same. I'm in love! I'm happy! I found myself in a fairy tale! With you, my boy, only with you I realized that miracles happen and that magic exists. Everything I saw in my dreams happens to me in reality! With you! I love you, my angel, I love you, my wizard, I love you, my miracle! Since we met you, I believe in miracles!

My dear boy, my dear man! I want to shout to the whole world how much I love you, how happy I am that you appeared in my life and turned it into a fairy tale! I love with the love that illuminates our lives with its flame, leads us and warms our souls. You are incredibly dear to me! You are like a bright star in the night, gloomy sky, illuminating everything around you, giving hope for a bright future. When you are near, my heart becomes warm, with your gaze you give me an insane feeling of happiness, your words burn my soul. I want to be with you all the time, I feel the need for this, one might even say dependence, a pleasant, sweet dependence. Thoughts about you have grown into my brain, I wake up and fall asleep with your image before my eyes, and in my dreams you too. Only you, my boy, I need! I love you! Thank you for existing!

My dear man, my dear boy! How long have I been waiting for you, as it happens, you are standing at a bus stop, strangers flash by, passers-by, acquaintances and strangers. You stand and wait. And not a single relative or close person. Everything is past. It becomes cold and uncomfortable, you want warmth more and more. There comes a time when the wait drags on too long and you feel like the loneliest and most unhappy person in the world. And here he comes. Bus. The number you need. And you step into a light, bright, warm and cozy bus and you understand, this is happiness, this is the long-awaited miracle that you have been waiting for, which is taking you home. This is roughly the feeling I had when I met you, my boy. I immediately felt incredible warmth and kinship of souls. I fell in love with you at first sight! I don’t want partings and expectations, I want to be close always. Love you Baby!



I never thought that it was possible to find everything you need for happiness and spiritual harmony in one person. When I met you, I couldn’t help but feel some special, unlike anything else before, so warm and familiar, a feeling of incredible comfort in all my thoughts, as if puzzles that had previously been carelessly lying around in a forgotten box, someone... then he took it and carefully folded it into a picture, bright and beautiful. Meeting you, my boy, turned my mind upside down, a reassessment of values ​​took place and I realized what I wanted and what I had been subconsciously striving for all my life. You placed all the dots, all the commas and gave the plot to our romance. I confess my love to you, my dear, quite consciously, weighing every gram of my feelings. My heart beats for you alone, for you I breathe and I live for you. I love you my boy!


My clear and golden sun, you came into my life very unexpectedly, I couldn’t even think that a simple acquaintance and further communication with you could develop into something more. Will be able to turn the page of a magical book that I am ready to read all my life, open and read again, read and read, endlessly and every time I find something new and interesting in it. Bunny, you are the dearest and dearest person in the whole world to me! The seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months spent with you turned into paradise for me! And I will never give you to anyone! With your appearance, my life was filled with meaning, and I was able to feel how necessary it is for me to realize that there is you on this planet Earth, and how important it is for me to live for you, for you alone! I love you, my baby! I will forever thank the universe for giving me you!


You are my bright ray, my sunny, handsome, beloved, dear, affectionate, gentle and extraordinary boy. I love looking at your hands, I love your bottomless eyes, your face, you are divine, incomparable, brilliant and the most wonderful. For me, you are softer than clouds, warmer than the sun, while driving through the city, I want to write on all the walls how much I love you and how good you are. You handed me your pure heart on your palms, and in return I give you mine. Now I am the happiest girl in the world. I have you, your love, and no matter where you are, nearby or distance separates us, I have your heart. It warms my soul and gives me confidence in the future, gives me the meaning of existence, gives me strength and energy. My boy, I want to give you words of love, words of recognition that are rushing out and require some kind of way out. It is impossible to keep them inside, they are too good to be inside me alone. I love you, my boy, my dear and dear little man!

Remembering our first meeting with you, my boy, my soul becomes incredibly warm and sweet. This meeting is so touching, this embarrassed smile of yours, a shy but caring look, a vague answer to my ridiculous question and hope for continuation of the conversation on both sides. How you looked at me, as if spellbound, how you sincerely rejoiced at our acquaintance and clung to every word in order to continue our acquaintance. You are so touching and sweet that in simple words cannot be conveyed. You just need to feel it, and I always feel it when I mentally return to that day, the magical day we met. I am covered with a wave of warmth and an unimaginable feeling of tenderness. I love you my boy, my sweet baby, my happiness, my hope and my support! You mean a lot to me and thank you for what you do for me and our relationship! Love you!


You can think a lot about the meaning of life, its values, its labyrinths, but everything goes to one thing. Everything in life revolves around love, without it there is no meaning or values. It’s not for nothing that many books have been written about her, an incredible number of films have been made, young girls chat about her, neighbor grannies gossip on benches, everyone and everyone is talking about love. Because it is the main component of our life. Without her it is empty and insipid, lonely and sad, dark and sad. And I was lucky enough to know her with you, my dear boy. I am delighted with the sensations, with the fact that I feel how multifaceted love is in its manifestations, how much it can give to a simple girl in love. And all this immeasurable happiness came to me, thanks to you, my bright ray, my sun, my joy! I love you! I pray that these sweet moments will last as long as possible with you! I need you, baby!



When you looked at me for the first time, my good, my golden, my beloved boy, I want to confess to you that I had never seen such looks before. Your look, it is so incredibly and insanely piercing, making time and everything around you stop. He bewitched my consciousness, bewitched all my thoughts that existed before meeting your eyes. You found me from the crowd, you singled me out from a hundred, you gave me your attention. And made me happy. In an instant. I didn’t even have time to realize it, I only came to my senses when you turned to me. And then I completely disappeared. This voice, it was simply created for my hearing, when you spoke, an angel danced on your tongue, my consciousness completely turned off. I fell in love. No. I fell in love. I fell in love so desperately, so deeply and so long-awaited. I love. I love. I love. And there is nothing more important than loving you, my boy.


When I gave you a mutual look, I couldn’t even think that this was the beginning of our romance, the beginning of our fairy tale, the beginning of our crazy love. Nice, witty, cheerful guy, why not chat, I thought. But my heart thought completely differently. It perked up, became agitated and began to beat, as if it had been allocated a certain number of knocks that needed to be used within a certain period of time, and there would be no other chance, otherwise it would stop. Then I didn’t attach much importance to it, but then I still paid attention, because my heart didn’t stop beating like crazy either when we said goodbye, or when I arrived home, or the next day, or the next night. Before your first phone call, I lived in the rhythm of a surge of energy. I fell in love. I fell in love with the most beautiful boy on the planet! I'm happy! I love you honey!


So the moment of that happiest moment has come when I will entrust you with the most intimate, the most cherished, the most precious thing that I have in my soul today. These are words. Words of love, words of happiness, words from which my soul unfolds with a sweet groan, words that have settled in my soul from the moment we met. I made up my mind right away, that very second. My intuition never fails me, I can safely count on it, plus, my heart gave me a hint, it beat faster, and it was difficult for it to stop, even when you were not next to me. You have consumed me. You stole my peace, sleep and attention. All thoughts are about you, and they give me incredible pleasure, I’m euphoric, I’m happy! I give you a declaration of love, words that just never sounded from my lips, only for you alone I kept them, for you. I love you, my boy, my dear man!


When I met you, my dear boy, it was as if I was in a magical, fairy-tale forest, where the air is saturated with an atmosphere of magic and miracles, where magical elves fly, where a good fairy lives who makes dreams and wishes come true. In this forest, butterflies of extraordinary beauty flutter, the beautiful songs of birds of paradise shimmer among themselves, there is a rainbow shining with all the colors during the day, and at night the stars twinkle with a bright radiance. This amazing feeling has not left me since that day of meeting, I’m really in a fairy tale, I’m becoming happier every day, with every look of yours, with every word of yours, with every touch of yours. I want to invite you to this forest and walk along the magical paths there, walk under the moon, drink spring water from your hands and make a wish to the fairy. Although... My wish has already come true! I love you my angel! I don't need more.


I have a dream. To have my own home, my own cozy place to live, my world, my family nest. So, I want to dream further. In this house, walls will be built from bricks of fidelity, faith will be invested in each of them. The windows in this house will be made of glass of happiness, which will never break and will always be clean and transparent. The door to the house will be made of strong wood, on which more than one nest has hung, which will forever drive away evil, envy and enemies. The roof will be very strong, its foundation will be support and trust, it will protect from any bad weather, bad weather and danger. This happy home will be built by your hands, my beloved. I only want to see you in the role of creator, the most important refuge of our love. My boy, even though you are young, I am sure that only you can handle my desire, no one else can cope. And the most important material, the foundation for our home, is love. My love for you, my dear!


My beloved, bright and pure boy, your soul is so young and crystal that I worry every time I’m going to tell you words of love. So as not to accidentally stain your transparent soul with any word or action. I want to get with you to a desert island so that not a single living soul touches your soul, your heart and your consciousness. I want to preserve your purity, your fragility, your tenderness for as long as possible. I want to swim with you in the ocean of love, walk along the shores of desires, look at the clouds of hope and dream about our future. I love you so much that I simply don’t want to share you with anyone, I want to cherish our happiness quietly, because happiness loves silence. And only in private, only one on one, I dare to say words of love to you, these long-awaited words that I can no longer physically keep within myself. I love you, my baby, my gentle boy, my happiness!


These lines, these words arose in me quite recently, quite a bit of time ago, I couldn’t even think that I was capable of such feelings. The reason for this is our meeting, our extraordinary acquaintance, which turned my whole life upside down. I saw you, so beautiful, so sweet, so dear. My boy, your eyes drove me crazy, your lips bewitched me, and when you spoke to me, I flew into the abyss of euphoria, I was simply stunned. After all, I heard your voice in a dream, more than once. I know his timbre, I would recognize him from a thousand voices. In reality he turned out to be even more magical, even more velvety, even more pleasant. You are so pure, you are so bright, an unimaginable feeling of warmth and kindness emanates from you. It is impossible not to fall in love with you, it is impossible not to admire you, you were created to provide aesthetic pleasure, you are God. I love you!


I knew you before, I can say with complete confidence that I met you before, in a past life, I just lost you, we loved each other, very much, madly and desperately, but then something happened. I don’t remember what exactly, but some difficult circumstance separated us, either it was a war, or a disaster, or death. But we parted against our own will. We were happy, our love was so loud that it couldn’t end like that. I met you in this life. I recognized you immediately, I felt you with all the corners of my heart, with all the fibers of my soul, with all parts of my body. Finally, my dear boy, you are back, you are near, you are with me. How I yearned for you, my soul, my loved one. Now I won’t let you go anywhere, I won’t give you to anyone, and if you die, I will die with you. I cannot bear such a loss a second time. I love you, my honey.
