E course for beginners to learn Russian. We learn Russian from scratch. Understanding word structure

“On the boardwalk terrace, the well-known freckled Agrippina Savvichna treated the collegiate assessor Apollon Ippolitovich with vinaigrette, shellfish and other dishes.” This tricky dictation was written by our grandmothers to prove their literacy. As a rule, few people managed to get by without making mistakes the first time. But the examinees remembered for the rest of their lives the spelling of those words that they failed. Today, children need to first translate a passage from classical Russian to modern Russian. Because, as philologist teachers assure, the vocabulary of today's children and teenagers is rapidly declining.

Recently, in one of the Moscow schools, eleventh-graders, while recording a passage from dictation, unanimously wrote “with the rokobes” instead of “Griboyedov fought with the obscurantists.” Because “rock” and “demons” are somehow understandable, but no one has heard of “obscurantists.” As well as about “threshing” or, say, about “brochure”.

So if you want to raise a literate child, first of all inspect your home bookshelves: after all, in addition to the spelling dictionary ed. V.V. Lopatin, it would be good to include, at a minimum, an explanatory dictionary and an orthoepic one. And, of course, teach your child how to use them.

But let's return to the unforgettable freckled Agrippina: it turns out that the relevance of the text remains to this day. After all, almost every word in this dictation is based on some specific rule.

Judge for yourself:

  • “cobblestone” - suffix -chat- (the suffix -schat- does not exist);
  • “not unknown” is written together, because it can be replaced with the synonym “known”. And after Russian prefixes on consonants, instead of and, it is written ы;
  • “regaled” - if in the 1st person the verb ends in -y (I regaled), then we choose the suffix -eva-.

Well, you need to know the spelling of such names and patronymics as Agrippina Savvichna and Apollon Ippolitovich, because today old names are in great fashion. So, in 20 years, this knowledge may come in handy when you have to write to your partners, colleagues, and even more so to your superiors.

Where are the literate ones?

“Recently, a 5th year student of the philology department of a well-known and respected university came to our practice. Her notes for the first lesson began like this: “Hello children” - without a comma!” — the director of a Moscow school says indignantly.

And many are ready to share this indignation. After all, it’s already somewhat banal to say that universal literacy is falling. Why is all this happening and what to do about it?

Causes of illiteracy:

  1. The first, which is always cited by teachers, psychologists and sociologists, is the lack of reading habit. And it’s not just children and teenagers who don’t read, but everyone in general. Or they read, but that’s not it: in the “literary waste paper” not only will you not find examples of literate speech, but also with proofreading things are very bad.
  2. Internet communication also makes its contribution: the abbreviations, slang, and careless handling of spelling involuntarily transferred into normal written speech.
  3. We have to admit that training in schools and universities has deteriorated.
  4. Much depends on the fact that parents are looking for the problem in the wrong place. A child gets bad marks in Russian, but is scolded for laziness. He can’t put two words together, but with all his might they push him into a strong class with a complicated program: they say, it’s better to be a lagging student there than in a regular class - an average student. And as a result, they trigger possible speech therapy problems, which tend to manifest themselves as illiteracy.

Cause: disease

So, in the pursuit of literacy, the first thing you need to do is show the future student to a speech therapist. And the sooner the better.

“By the age of four,” says speech therapist Olga Kovalevskaya, “it is possible to determine whether a child is at risk. And this is precisely the age when treatment will be most effective.”

What should alert parents and become a reason to go to a specialist:

  • the child does not pronounce all sounds clearly, replaces some with others (r - l, s - w);
  • does not distinguish speech sounds by ear (voiced - dull, hard - soft, whistling - hissing);
  • skips syllables in words: for example, instead of “ve-lo-si-ped” he pronounces “ve-lo-ped”;
  • the baby has insufficiently developed fine motor skills (cannot tie shoelaces, fasten buttons, etc.);
  • visual-spatial representations are not sufficiently formed (cannot copy an image, confuses right - left, top - bottom, etc.).

Reading and writing impairments appear already by the middle of 1st grade. For example, a student with dyslexia rearranges or skips letters and sometimes syllables when reading aloud.

The Myth of Innate Literacy

It happens that you cannot find a test word due to a poor vocabulary. But a speech therapist will no longer help with this problem - if children read little, where will rich vocabulary come from?

Respect for books has been instilled since the age of 3. And it starts with how often the child sees mom and dad with a book. And how often and how much they read to him.

“Sometimes I hear a person boasting: “I never learned the rules, but I write without mistakes! I have innate literacy!” says psychologist Andrei Sokolov. “From here we can conclude that innate illiteracy also exists. Which means, learn - don’t study, the result is the same? I’m afraid to upset those who believe in this, but the ability to write without errors is, after all, an acquired property, it was simply acquired by those who seem to be able to do it automatically, at an early age.”

What is necessary for the so-called “innate literacy” to appear?

Firstly, you need to have excellent visual memory.

How to develop visual memory? There are many ways. Let's name the most common ones:

  1. work with pictures "Find 10 differences";
  2. game “What’s missing?”: place 7-10 objects on the table, and when the child says that he remembered them all, ask him to turn away and remove something or rearrange it. The challenge is to determine what has changed;
  3. One of the most effective exercises is to show your child a piece of paper on which simple figures or patterns are depicted and ask them to try to draw them from memory.

Let's study

Let's assume the best case scenario: your child does not have any speech therapy problems, and there is a cult of reading in the family. All this does not mean that the child will become literate on its own. The process must be controlled and directed.

Before school

  1. When reading aloud, pronounce all words clearly.
  2. Talk to your child more. Every time you read fairy tales, have a conversation: who the main character is, where he lives, what he does... And make sure that the child does not answer in monosyllables, but constructs sentences logically.

Primary School

  1. In 1st grade, we look at which words the child makes mistakes and always work on the mistakes.
  2. We set tasks: find in the text, for example, proper names (including animal names, names of cities). We ask: “How would you write them?”
  3. In grades 2-3, everything is the same, but we also ask you to find, for example, all the adjectives. Or all words with an unstressed vowel, etc.
  4. To consolidate what has been learned, the so-called “letter with holes” is useful. That is, let him write words in which there are stressed vowels and vowels that the child is sure of, and skip those that he doubts. So that you can think about it later and choose test words with the same root. For example, say... The test word is "milk". This is a great technique for developing self-control.
  5. When arranging home dictations, first be sure to read the text out loud and ask the child to close his eyes and, while listening, imagine what the text says. And only then start writing.

high school

  1. The biggest mistake parents of frequently ill children (and these days, are the majority) is forgetting that homework is only a third of what students learn in class. That is, simply completing everything that was assigned for homework is completely insufficient: you must also complete all the exercises that are in the textbook on the missed topic.

And in general, the golden rule of an excellent student: it is not the most capable, but the most diligent who passes the exams best. That is, someone who is not lazy to complete the entire routine of daily tasks. Then the spelling rules will be followed automatically. Moreover, there are not many really difficult ones among them. And if they are not given, you need to turn to the teacher for help.

  1. As in primary school, working on mistakes remains the most important weapon in the fight against illiteracy. It must be inevitable and mandatory! With a good teacher, all students have a special notebook where they write down words in which they made mistakes. Then dictations are made from these words: it is quite enough to write them 2 times a week for 5 minutes.


Does your child, with unpleasant persistence, forget the rules and make a mistake out of a mistake? It is very difficult not to break down and scold him. But you will have to restrain yourself: anyway, shouting will not do any good, and intolerance in this matter is a bad help. Believe me, the more fun the fight, the easier it is to win.

The Russian language is very logical. Let's take the same Agrippina Savvichna as an example: what does she have on her nose - freckles or freckles? And it’s immediately clear why it’s spelled “freckled.” An experienced teacher knows: if children laugh at a mistake, they will probably remember the correct spelling of the word in the future.

How to remember all the voiceless consonants? Try to memorize s - t - p - k - x - h - w - sch - c - f. It's a bit difficult, right? Attention - we turn on our imagination, and now: “Styopka, do you want a cheek? - Fi!” They are all here, and it’s easy to remember.

And, for example, the phrase “Zosya is waiting” includes all consonants, after which the suffix -chik- should be placed.

Not sure how to spell "men" and "women"? Use Domostroev’s logic: “a rank for a husband, a cabbage soup for a wife.” You really can't go wrong! Usually children are delighted with such pedagogical tricks.

Russian language is one of the largest languages ​​in the world. It is spoken by a huge number of people around the world. Of all the Slavic languages, it is the most widespread. In addition, Russian is also recognized as the most common language in Europe. Unfortunately, the complexity of this language is more evident today than ever before. Even among the indigenous population of Russia, not everyone can speak and write it correctly and correctly. It is worth noting that, despite the measures taken (for example, declaring 2007 the Year of the Russian Language), the level of knowledge in this direction is not increasing today. Grammar, phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary, spelling - all this causes many problems both for the younger generation and for adults.

At school, Russian language lessons are taught from the very beginning of education, but not many demonstrate 100% success in this subject. The times when people tried to monitor the purity and correct use of the Russian language, one might say, are becoming a thing of the past. Now the level of knowledge of the Russian language - the native language of many Russian residents - is extremely low. Even in professional media, there are often quite illiterate journalists and correspondents. It’s not worth even talking about ordinary people, Internet users.

Lectures on Russian language

On the pages of the portal, you are offered lectures by teachers with extensive experience. From a computer monitor, they will tell you in great detail and slowly about all the rules of the Russian language, saving the student from the need to sit at a textbook. Video lessons posted on our educational portal on:

as well as 11th grade Russian language can, to some extent, replace a full-fledged home tutor. Considering that you won't have to pay anything for these training videos, using them becomes even more attractive. You will need a computer with Internet access and a desire to fill in the gaps.

Lectures by experienced teachers are presented to your attention. In these materials you will find videos on topics such as participial phrases, degrees of comparison of adverbs, basics syntax And morphology, complex sentences etc. With such effective support, which is provided completely free of charge, a student can significantly improve his own academic performance. It is worth noting that knowledge of the Russian language will be necessary for a person in any life situations, therefore this academic discipline should be treated with increased attention. It is possible that a passion for the humanities will push a student to choose a future profession. Maybe he will like working with texts - and he will connect his life with humanitarian work. Unfortunately, the level of teaching academic disciplines in Russian schools often leaves much to be desired. It happens that these methods discourage schoolchildren from any desire to study the humanities. But the Russian language lessons posted on our portal are not one of them. A professional video filmed at lectures by experienced teachers makes it possible to learn absolutely all the rules of the Russian language slowly, in comfortable conditions. At home, sitting comfortably in front of a computer, a student can learn, perhaps, much more and remember for a long time than at school. Any incomprehensible moment in the video lecture can be repeated with a couple of clicks of the computer mouse.

Learning Russian is now much easier

The sooner a student has the opportunity to correct the educational gap, the easier it will be to study the subject in which he is not doing well. Now you don’t have to look for a tutor (and pay him) or attend additional classes. Training videos posted on our portal can demonstrate no less effectiveness. And timely reading of notes on Russian language lessons will help you better understand the material studied. The main thing is to give the student a chance to understand the importance of this academic discipline in time. Today, a good knowledge of the Russian language (both written and spoken) is often one of the main requirements when looking for a job.

If your schoolchild has certain problems with learning the Russian language, if he demonstrates poor performance in this discipline, use the educational video materials on our website, which are supplemented with auxiliary notes on Russian language lessons.

For everyone who wants to learn how to teach Russian to foreigners: a distance course

Conversational Russian for beginners and foreigners continuing to study Russian should be studied using Russian communicative dialogues. On this page we will explain why it takes foreigners a long time to master spoken Russian, and we will also give practical recommendations on how to practice dialogues in Russian language lessons for foreigners.

Why is it so important to include work on dialogues in Russian language lessons?
How to get the most out of learning Russian through dialogues?
Conversational Russian for foreigners

The foreigner understands everything, but cannot say

Often, foreigners studying Russian do not feel free in real life situations: they cannot maintain a dialogue, they cannot express their thoughts - do not speak spoken Russian.

Why is this happening?

If the lessons of Russian as a foreign language are carried out as usual: we read - translate the text, do grammar exercises, answer a small number of questions about the text, then the foreigner’s brain works in the mode that is necessary for this type of activity, i.e. a foreigner learns to read, translate, search for answers to questions in the text, while remembering new words slowly (to the extent that they are necessary for understanding the text).

When studying the Russian language in this way, a foreigner learns to take tests, but this does not mean that he learns to SPEAK Russian, since it is impossible to master spoken Russian.

What to do to make a foreigner speak Russian?

To start speaking Russian, a foreigner needs to develop completely different skills than for reading and doing grammar exercises. A foreigner must, firstly, learn to understand Russian speech by ear, and secondly, quickly respond to the remarks of his interlocutors in various life situations; it is necessary to develop automaticity in speech.

What should a teacher do? Russian as a foreign language?

In a lesson of Russian as a foreign language, you need to simulate an environment that is close to the real language environment. For this, most literary and journalistic texts will not help us, because they use vocabulary that we do not use in colloquial speech in everyday communication.

Therefore, it is so IMPORTANT to use communicative dialogues in Russian language lessons for foreigners, from which foreigners can learn the necessary vocabulary, and also learn how to correctly construct phrases that they can use in real life, in everyday conversation.

How to work on dialogues in Russian language lessons for foreigners?

When working on dialogues in Russian language lessons for foreigners We recommend following the following scheme:

1. The teacher needs to read the dialogue, separating the remarks of different people with longer time intervals. If you have a strong student, then it is better for a foreigner to listen to the dialogue for the first time without looking at the book. If the student is weak, then he can listen to the dialogue and follow the text.

2. Now the foreigner must read the dialogue from the book and translate it (if these are group classes, then foreigners read the dialogue in roles). The teacher needs to draw the foreigner’s attention to those places in the dialogue that the foreigner did not fully understand (explain vocabulary, grammar, sentence construction models).

3. After this, you need to ask the foreigner to close the book. The teacher reads the remarks of one of the participants in the dialogue, and the student must respond to the remarks in accordance with the situation in the dialogue. The student does not have to reproduce lines from the dialogue verbatim. If a foreigner makes mistakes, then the teacher must explain to the foreigner why this cannot be said and how best to express this idea. (If a Russian language lesson is held with a group of foreigners, then the foreigners respond to the teacher’s remarks in turns).

After this, the teacher changes roles with the student, i.e. the teacher reads the remarks of another character in the dialogue (the foreigner’s book is closed!).

If your student says that he understood everything and wants to move on without working through the dialogue (without answering all the teacher’s remarks from the dialogue with a closed book), then the foreigner needs to be explained what to understand - few, this is only the first step: in order to speak Russian easily and with pleasure in real life situations, it is necessary to develop automaticity in speech. And this exercise will help you do that.

If a foreigner makes a lot of mistakes in a dialogue, then this dialogue must be returned to at the end of the lesson and in subsequent lessons, until the foreigner can quickly and without errors respond to cues.

4. Discuss this dialogue with a foreigner: for example, ask the foreigner what he would do in the characters’ place. If this is a dialogue in a store, ask what he usually buys, whether he often goes to stores, what stores he goes to, whether he likes to cook and eat at home or prefers to go to cafes and restaurants for lunch, whether he prefers to buy tasty products or healthy products etc.

For example, look at how this principle is implemented in the textbook published by our Center “New Russia: 127 live dialogues and the most important verbs for communication”:
Download dialogues for foreigners learning Russian - page 12
Download dialogues for foreigners learning Russian, continued - page 13
Download questions for comprehension and discussion - page 14
Download questions for comprehension of the text and for discussion, continued - page 15

If a Russian language textbook for foreigners or a study guide does not contain questions for understanding the text, you definitely need to come up with and ask questions to foreigners to make sure that they understand the meaning of what they read correctly, and can also express their thoughts. After this, you need to discuss the read text with foreigners (for example, use pages 12-15 of the textbook published by our Center “New Russia: 127 live dialogues and the most important verbs for communication”).

If during Russian language lessons for foreigners you adhere to these recommendations when working on dialogues, then foreigners will get the maximum benefit from Russian language lessons, will be able to learn spoken Russian and develop automaticity in speech!

Russian language textbooks for teaching spoken Russian to foreigners

Teachers of Russian as a foreign language are faced with the fact that there are quite a few textbooks and teaching aids on Russian as a foreign language that present interesting dialogues from real everyday life, phrases from which foreigners can learn and use in everyday communication in Russian.

Our Center has published a communicative textbook of the Russian language for foreigners, containing Russian dialogues on conversational topics: .

Distance course on methodology for those who want to learn how to teach Russian to foreigners:

A truly literate person knows the rules of the language and knows how to apply them, and does not simply rely on intuition. This skill comes through focused study of grammar. shares a detailed guide on how to remember and apply the rules of the Russian language.

How to learn a rule and learn to apply it

Read carefully

Things won't progress if you study while listening to music or with the TV on. Sit in a comfortable place and concentrate on your textbook. Read the rule carefully, paying attention to the highlighted words, examples and diagrams. If the essence of what was written did not fit into your head right away, read the text again.

Think about it

Don’t cram, but try to understand the essence of the rule. Say each point to yourself. Unclear words and formulations can be found in the dictionary. It is also worth retelling the rule in your own words. Look carefully at the examples. They show the effect of the rule in practice.

Russian language teacher Victoria Romanova talks about writing complex nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. You can find more videos on school subjects on our YouTube channel


When you think about the rule, you run . All that remains is to keep the information in your head. Retelling it out loud will help with this. Memorization is hard - . Learn to reproduce the theme at home, and you will easily repeat it at the board or to yourself when you encounter a spelling problem in the text or a problem with punctuation.

Put it into practice

The ability to write correctly can only be brought to automaticity through practice.After thoughtfully completing the exercises, you will no longer have to pronounce the rule every time. To keep it from fading, periodically return to theory and assignments on this topic.

What else will help you better understand and remember the rules?


Places in the rules where you need to remember a lot of exception words are quickly stored in memory using mnemonic phrases (a way of remembering information using associations). One of these: “I healed the wound and climbed a tree.” This line helps to distinguish between words that sound the same in spoken speech. You will find ready-made associations in the book. E. A. Lisovskaya "".

Charts and tables

To collect a large rule into one picture, use diagrams or tables. Also look for infographics inAdukar's public page on the Russian language.

It’s also good to learn a language from videos. You will find videos according to all the rules that will be useful on the CT in our service.

Understanding word structure

To apply the rules correctly, you need to see the structure of the word.It is important to understand that the root or suffix contains the spelling. The easiest way to parse a lexeme into morphemes is to select words with the same root.

Definition of part of speech

The spelling often depends on the part of speech to which the word belongs. Learn to clearly distinguish an adverb from a noun with a preposition or an infinitive fromverb in the imperative mood.

Syntactic skills

To use punctuation marks correctly, learn to understand the composition of a sentence and highlight its parts. A correctly constructed scheme of a non-union sentence will save you from punctuation errors.

If a student is able to parse a sentence completely, this will help him when putting punctuation marks. The diagram will be useful for proposals with different types of communication. You also need to pay attention to the presence of phrases (participial, adverbial), interjections, and addresses.

Svetlana Pashukevich, Russian language teacher

Reading books

Reading directly. The more times you see a word, the more likely you are to spell it correctly. Even commas will fall into place intuitively if you have seen similar constructions in the text more than once.

By following these tips each time, it will become easier for you to remember the rules. The effort is worth it. In return, you get a high score on the CT, time saved on correcting errors in important texts, respect from others and self-esteem.

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How do we talk? There are so many turns and sayings in our speech. Our language is very emotional and beautiful. How do foreigners learn Russian? There are things that cannot be explained. Only a Russian understands such expressions: “Hold your tail with a pistol”, “Hands on your feet and forward”, “Horror, how good”, “Threw away the hooves”, “Hack on the nose”, “It’s deeply violet for me”, “The tongue doesn’t bind.” , "And the trace disappeared"...

And the most interesting inscription on the bus: “Everyone is a rabbit and a goat!”

It is very difficult to translate for foreigners.

An American, a Russian and a Georgian met. The conversation turned to women.
American says:
- I had as many women as there were leaves on the tree.
- And I have how many stars there are in the sky.
- Do you know semolina? Seven bags!

My husband is Austrian, and is slowly picking up various words in the great and mighty.
And then one day, at the beginning of our marriage, I called my mother. I’m chatting, asking how things are, my husband hangs around and says hi. The mother-in-law passes the word back and asks what Russian he has already learned.
I hand the phone to my husband and say: “Say something in Russian.”
The husband picks up the phone and says: - He will vaccinate...
Then a second pause and then: - Ass...
Mom didn't say anything...

Foreigners don’t understand why we say “come on” instead of “bye.”


Damn, of course you can, beer,
okay, where, what, it’s beautiful,
milk, hangover, change,
ok girl, good luck.

In the Moscow metro, at the exit from the escalator at Arbatskaya station, a lost foreigner approaches a Russian guy for help. The following is a story from the perspective of the main character.

Excuse me, is it Arbatskaya station? (Excuse me, is this Arbatskaya station?)
-Which one of them? (Which one?)

What do you mean? (What do you have in mind?)
- There are two stations with the same name on different lines. (There are two stations with the same name, which are on different lines.)

Fuck! (Untranslatable play on words.)

The puzzled foreigner is intensely poking at something on his phone.

The blue line! (Blue line!)
- They are both on blue lines, one is pure blue, another is light blue. (They are both on the blue lines, one on the dark blue, the other on the light blue.)

What?! Are you kidding?! You have two fucking stations with two similar names on two goddamn blue lines?! (What? Are you kidding me?! You have two fucking stations with the same name on two damn blue lines?)
- In fact yes. (In general, yes.)

How should one get the difference?! (How do you differentiate between them?)
- You should feel it. (At the level of sensations.)

Then, of course, I helped the foreigner. And he summed it up in parting.

- It's all insane. Obama will never win! (You are all crazy. Obama will never defeat you!)

Russian language lesson.

It so happened that my husband is a foreigner and does not speak Russian: we communicate with him in English. He sometimes tries to learn Russian, every time he overcomes the horror of its incomprehensibility. The great and powerful, however, does not even think of giving up and is building new intrigues.
We (the husband, I mean) mastered counting: “one, two, three, four...”, etc. And he decided to practice. Just a convenient place turned up: a store.
I took a box of half a dozen eggs and began to fill it. He, seeing this, joyfully reports:
- One egg!
I gently correct:
- One thing! (he already knows about the neuter gender)
Obediently repeats:
- One egg! Two eggs!
I speak:
- Two eggs. And also three and four - eggs. It just happened that way. The rule is this.
He is able to assimilate and process new information instantly, so he clearly repeats:
- One egg, two eggs, three eggs, four eggs...
I see that I need to intervene again, I immediately warn you:
- And five are eggs! and six - eggs!
There followed a pained, I-believe-that-is-this-is-and-you-aren’t-kidding sigh.
However, the box is already full! You don't have to count any further! He takes it, shows it to me and concludes:
- These are eggs!
- These are Eggs...

Phrases from foreigners working in Russian companies:

No need to be a fool

No need to pull the rubber band

Don't pump barrels at me

I don't want to get you lost

I'm sitting on a powder keg

Hammer two eggs

Sorry, I can’t talk, we have a zoo today (parking)

Dear, congratulations on the birth of your son.

My hair is standing on end

I heard with my outer ear

Listen, what a contract! they should kiss our butts

Everything they put in came out in a flash

Just let's make sure it's not a double-edged sword.

Horrible, total hassle

Question for a clue

Let's go separately - fly-fly/cutlet-cutlet

I'm like a collapsed bear, like on a blue candy

You're like a cat that paws at milk

Baby, a big mosquito bit you and you have a huge hill

I'll go in shorts and black ankle boots

This means - you move mountains, my Magomedka

I'm on the thinnest hair of death

I don't want to register in Chukotka

I don't want to start sounding the alarm

He knows everyone there - he is Vasya-Vasya there

Said A, let's do B

Tell me, will this be a “pure” tender or some kind of fraud?

I need roses like tulips

Everything here will be covered with a copper basin

Darling, I can drop you off anywhere

The worst thing now is to fall into self-destruction (start to feel sorry for yourself)

I'm standing in front of a fork in the road and don't know where to go.

You know, don’t treat me like a fool, I understand all this too.

It’s strange, today it’s very quiet, it’s painful.

She gave birth to a girl yesterday

I can't keep up because I have two ears and one mouth

You are my shower employee

I've been rushing around to meetings all day today.

If so, then I will raise the question with cancer.

Finish the letter - with respect, always with you

Listen, I get along faster with you than with my girlfriend.

I'm in a big butt and I don't see the end of the big point

This is true! This is true! Black or white, but that's how it is!

Oh, hello, glad to hear from you, slyushch, I just returned from the toilet, there is still water on my hand

Write! Thank you and we have the honor to enter the world of your vision

What is a soap hut? (with cute paradise and in a hut)

Please call them and tell them I'll be late at 15 dash 16 minutes

I'm sitting here alone, without a friend, like an old grandfather abandoned at a dance

Write: we are sitting on our toes and asking for your help

There is my furniture and all sorts of ACCESSORIES

I’m writing them a wish letter right now. (letter stating that we are interested in purchasing

I don't want to entertain any evil thoughts

You are a business cucumber

What's in my mouth? Listen, I have so many of them there that I can’t even talk about them!

The last laugh will be ours

You keep your ears open in Odessa

All my friends got MBA education and express themselves in words

optimization, modernization, and I’m still b..., m-k, p-r

Did you take things from the refrigerator?

I'm developing indifference at a rapid pace

Question on the forum: How to teach a foreigner the sound “Y”?
I was pleased with the answer: One, but strong blow to the solar plexus.

In an effort to master fashionable and prestigious languages ​​- English, German, Chinese - modern young people pay less and less attention. Some do not consider this necessary, others rely on text editors, and there are those who are sure that for current activities it is quite A school course is enough.

However, employers pay attention to the literacy of documents compiled, so for many people it is important to independently study the Russian language. But is it possible to achieve the desired result without a tutor?

Here are some tips from teachers:

Start with grammar. Few people have the innate ability to “feel” language. To maneuver freely among the vast majority of rules, it is enough to master textbooks for grades 5-10. It’s even easier if you had good grades in school. In this case, diagrams and humorous pictures-rules, of which there are plenty on the Internet, will help you “get back into shape.”

Try to use text editors as little as possible. Firstly, they are often wrong, and secondly, they reduce your self-confidence.

Don't relax. Studying the Russian language on your own requires constant work on yourself, so even when chatting with friends you need to pay attention to spelling and punctuation.

Work on your pronunciation. Incorrect emphasis in words such as “cakes” and “call” during communication will reveal your gaps in education.

Read the classics. This is how you visually remember how certain words are written. At the same time, your choice is huge. An excellent alternative to Dostoevsky’s “boring reading” will be the works of foreign authors translated into Russian. However, before reading, you should ask for reviews about the quality of the translation.

And one more piece of advice. To improve your pronunciation, repeat after the announcers of news programs or programs on cultural channels. This is where you have the best chance of “absorbing” the thoroughbred sound. And if you want to learn with us, welcome! The site has a lot of interesting material for

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See also:

The most necessary from the theory:

We suggest taking tests online:

“Where has ours been missing!” I thought and set about studying my husband’s native language, which resulted in two years of attending special classes for foreigners coming to live in Catalonia. I communicated with my husband and his family in Spanish, we understood each other perfectly (later I even began to understand Catalan, my husband’s relatives communicate with each other only in this language, for me they switch to Spanish, but sometimes they get carried away with Catalan and before my husband had to translate for me ), my husband could only communicate with my relatives using his fingers and some English words. “It’s a mess,” I thought, “where is the justice?”

So, it was decided to start teaching my husband the great and mighty Russian language and at the same time fulfill my childhood girlish ambitions of becoming a teacher. I took the issue seriously, sifted through a bunch of information on the topic that I could find on the Internet, bought a special textbook, and we got down to business. And we immediately discovered that the Russian language is very difficult to teach to a foreigner, especially since in my case my ideas about teaching consisted of writing “twos” in a diary in calligraphic handwriting (like Marya Vasilyevna, the Russian teacher at my school, for some reason I I always wanted to give exactly “twos”, well, “threes” - maximum!)

Over the course of six months of classes twice a week for an hour, we learned the basic verbs like “want”, “go”, “eat”, etc., learned how to conjugate them (I’m especially proud of this achievement!), learned to read, really , the letters “ш”, “з” and “ы” are still difficult for my husband, we were wildly tired of these same classes twice a week for an hour and decided that the academic path was not for us. Therefore, “the concept has changed” (c), we switched to the practical path.

Since then, on all our car trips, instead of the radio, CDs with Russian pop music were turned on. Why with pop music? Yes, because, as a rule, the lyrics in such songs are simple and uncomplicated, they are easy to remember, and the same words are repeated in this case with pleasing frequency. Very soon the first results appeared: the husband began to sing along with the performers, although not yet understanding what exactly he was singing. Gradually, understanding and awareness came, and my trips turned into hell! They constantly tugged me and found out: what does it mean “I won’t give it to anyone”, “let me go”, “my only one”? Why is it sung here “you love” and not “loves”? How would it be the same thing, only in the feminine gender? And in men's? What about on average? Oh, on average people don’t sing to themselves? And if they sang, what would it be like? To my requests to “leave me a little alone today,” I received: “What are you doing? Would you like to help me learn Russian??” Yes I want, I want!

The reward for my suffering was my husband’s solemn performance of the chorus of Valeria’s song “The Clock” on New Year’s Eve in Moscow for my parents:

Call me your girl,
And then hug, and then deceive,
And the little clock laughs: tick-tock,
Don't regret anything and love for nothing.

Stormy applause. But that was later. In the meantime, we continued to study. I simply told my husband about myself and very soon he began to report to my Russian friends and acquaintances: “Katya is beautiful, kind, smart, slim, good” - and the list goes on. Very quickly (probably from my frequent checks - didn’t I forget, it took an hour!) I also learned the words: goddess, queen, princess, darling, beloved. Then we began to introduce the superlative form of adjectives: the most beautiful, the kindest, and read above.

It must be said that by that time, the husband had already mastered the genders of nouns and adjectives and verb conjugations very well. There were more problems with cases. It was very difficult for the Spaniard, like, I think, for any other European, to understand why it is possible to say “coffee with sugar”, but not “coffee without sugar”. One friend once told me that her husband, who was also studying Russian, could not get used to our cases for quite a long time and went “for a walk with the dog.” But this is all nonsense! In fact, whether your husband says “no sugar” or “no sugar” - you will still understand him!

It is much easier for Russians to learn Spanish than for Spaniards to learn Russian, I realized that you don’t need to strive to teach him to speak correctly, you just need to teach him to speak. The grammar of the Russian language is very complex, and if you strive for the absolutely correct use of its rules in colloquial speech, everything will stall, and your husband, frightened by the difficulties and lack of results, will change his mind about studying the language at all. So for breakfast we drank tea “without sugar” and continued to learn the language.

By the way, now my husband understands cases better, at least “with butter” - “without butter” - this bounces off our teeth. In the process of continuing the study, another side effect was discovered: when we came to Moscow to visit our parents and went for a walk, my husband, with the spontaneity of a child, walking next to me on the street, loudly read all the signs, tablets and inscriptions that came across him on the way. And he inquired whether he had read and pronounced the sounds correctly. He especially liked to “read” the map of metro stations in the carriage. The metro, by the way, is a very fun place; we often rode it from one end of Moscow to the other, and my husband learned the names of almost all the stations along our route. And not just station names. He still really likes to scare me, telling me in a sepulchral voice for no apparent reason: “Be careful. Doors are closing. The next station...” is the one that comes to mind. This is also our most “ancient” pearl, along with the “Watch”.

Now I want to make a lyrical digression. There is some joke, the meaning of which I don’t remember, but there was this idea: if you buy a parrot that lived in someone’s family, then you can form an opinion about this family. Naturally, we are talking about a talking parrot. Why am I saying this? And to the fact that, to my shame, I must admit that I very quickly taught my husband many swear words that I knew. It's really fun to hear him say them in his childish accent (by the way, I still can't understand why he sounds absolutely like a child learning to speak??), without having a particularly clear idea of ​​their meaning. It was fun and funny exactly until the moment when the well-known Russian curse words were solemnly pronounced by my husband in the presence of my parents. Thank you for not being in front of your grandparents. Of course, in response to the question “Who taught him this?” I had to roll my eyes and say, “Oh, my God, really, who?”

But I made a conclusion for the future. Although it was late. Because my dad decided that my son-in-law already speaks Russian quite well so that he could start helping him take it to the next level. In my dad’s understanding, “another level” meant teaching my husband all sorts of “manly” words. Thus, in the vocabulary of my beloved, the word “leave me alone” and the word “jeeeeeeenschina” appeared, pronounced necessarily in a dismissive tone with an accompanying roll of the eyes under the forehead. As was written above, the letter “sch” is still difficult for us, so in fact, it sounds like this: “jeeeeeensins,” but it’s still offensive. The apotheosis was when my husband became acquainted with the classics of Russian literature and cinema, namely, with a quote from the book and, accordingly, the film “Heart of a Dog”: “Get off, you nit!” It’s not hard to guess that in this case my dad was also the teacher. My husband sings this phrase as an encore with special pleasure. "Geeeeensins" are outraged.

One fine day, the moment finally came when my husband felt the strength to communicate with my relatives and friends directly. Surprisingly (though why is it surprising, we tried so hard!), but they understood him, and he understood. True, at first the problem arose of people not realizing that in front of them was not a Russian person, but a foreigner trying to speak Russian. They spoke to him absolutely the same as to any other Russian person. For example, my grandmother. To my husband’s joyful question: “How are you?”, the answer was: “Well... my lower back is aching, the weather is not clearing up, but how are you?” The husband did not understand anything. I had to explain to my grandmother that I had to say the same thing, but clearly and clearly: “My back hurts, the weather is bad, how are you?” When people grasp this idea, things go much better. It is very important to keep in mind that they will have to help the person (my husband) understand themselves (grandmother and everyone else).

Over time, my husband got used to the verb “to live” and often “complains” about me on the phone to my mother: “Do you see how I’m doing?” I learned some of our phraseological phrases like “like clockwork” and uses them with or without reason. "Do you want to eat?" - “Like clockwork!” Very believably he sighs from time to time: “Gosss...”, sometimes he is indignant: “Yoklmn!” The most important thing is that he can communicate with our Russian relatives and friends, even over the phone, this is especially important and valuable in the case when people do not speak English.

My husband even downloaded it from the Internet and read Chekhov’s stories! I would like, of course, not to add anything more to this, but I’ll add it anyway: not in Russian, but in Spanish. I made an attempt to read “War and Peace” in the same Spanish. Yeah, of course, I didn’t master it entirely in due time. But together we watched my dearly beloved film “Girls” and the cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog.” Of course, I had to help with the translation, but only help, and not translate everything!

Now my husband speaks Russian quite confidently, notice that I said “confidently” and not “good”. And I'm glad about it. I am happy when we talk to someone in Russian in the presence of my husband, I try to translate to him what we are talking about, and he says: “No need, I understand!” - as in “Juno and Avos,” a play, the recording of which, by the way, we also watched together. I’m happy when he snatches the phone from me when I’m talking with my parents and says to my mother: “Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, do you see how I’m doing??” I even rejoice when he once again quotes “Heart of a Dog” to me! Although I swear a lot.

Now at home I never speak in Spanish those words or phrases that I know for sure that he can understand in Russian. In everyday life, kitchen and culinary topics, Russian even prevails over Spanish. I can proudly say that my husband and I speak Spanish and RUSSIAN. This is true! He recently changed jobs, sent out his resume, and I was surprised to find that in the “Language knowledge” column he wrote: Russian – entry level. Perhaps it's time for us to move to the advanced level?

Teaching Russian to foreigners is a complex, labor-intensive, multi-stage process that requires broad knowledge in the linguistic and linguocultural fields.

You will need

- philological education;
- knowledge of a foreign language;
- extensive knowledge in the field of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

Sponsor of the placement P&G Articles on the topic "How to teach Russian to a foreigner" How to teach Russian to foreigners How to teach Russian to foreigners Why you need to learn Russian


Teaching Russian as a foreign language is now experiencing a rebirth. The grammatical approach, which has dominated for many decades, is giving way to a comprehensive teaching method. An integrated approach is more adapted to non-standard speech situations. A foreigner trained by this method will easily find something to answer, because he is accustomed to independently formulate his thoughts (clichéd phrases are used minimally in this approach).

The advantage of an integrated approach is that speech recognition in this case occurs faster due to the fact that a person, by training his speech apparatus in large quantities, hears and, as it were, feels the spoken word himself, and therefore has a greater chance of translating it correctly. His own conversational practice also plays a big role here - perhaps he himself uses the structures he hears and easily recognizes them.

To teach Russian to a foreigner using a comprehensive teaching method, pay attention to the typical difficulties. First of all, these are difficulties in interpreting the meaning of a word caused by polysemy and homonymy. Spend enough time on this aspect and explain each difficult case to your students.

There are also difficulties in recognizing words by sound - this is the presence of words that differ only in one sound ([sabor] - [fence]). A foreigner does not immediately perceive this difference by ear.

The greatest difficulties for students of the Russian language arise in writing. A foreigner will not immediately be able to explain the principle of checking unstressed vowels in the root of a word (many languages ​​do not have this phenomenon, and it is extremely difficult for students to recognize and check this type of spelling). The system of case endings and its connection with the three declensions in the Russian language is the most difficult grammatical complex to master.

A foreigner studying Russian needs to master a huge amount of theoretical and practical material. But if you constantly dictate and encourage memorization of rules, vocabulary, and syntactic structures, then the student will have difficulties in the communicative sphere.

If you really want your student to have an excellent command of the Russian language, then when teaching, use the following scheme: “Identification of a pattern” - “Formulation of a rule” - “Deepening into the theory” (depending on the level of training, visual aids may be used).

Topic: Third declension nouns.
Stage 1.
The words are given: night, daughter, speech, flog, game, oven...
Question: what part of speech are the given words?
Student Answer: They answer the question "who? what?" and are nouns.
Question: What gender are these nouns?
Answer: Female.
Question: What do these nouns end in?
Answer: On “b”.

Stage 2.
Therefore, third declension nouns are feminine nouns ending in a soft sign.

Stage 3.
It should be noted that the soft sign at the end is written only for nouns of the third declension, and for nouns in the plural, R.p., for example, “clouds”, “tasks”, the soft sign is not written.

How simple
