Which time should be considered more accurate. Determination of time in physics, philosophy, psychology and literature. Such a slow time

Despite the fact that the phenomenon of time seems intuitive and is a fundamental concept in philosophy and science, an exact definition of time has not yet been formed. In this article we will look at several basic concepts of time from a scientific perspective.

Classical physics

Classical physics developed before the emergence of Einstein’s theory of relativity and quantum theory. According to classical concept time, time - continuous quantity, which is not determined by anything and is an a priori characteristic of the world. Time is the main condition for the occurrence of any processes in the world. Such time flows equally for all processes and in all points of the world, while there is nothing that can influence the passage of time. Even though bodies and processes can speed up and slow down, time flows evenly. In this regard, from the point of view of classical physics, time is called absolute. These properties of time were described by Isaac Newton in his work “Principles of Mathematics.” natural philosophy» 1687.

"Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" by Isaac Newton

IN classical mechanics the transition from one reference system (inertial) to another is described by the so-called Galilean transformations. The equations of Newtonian mechanics are invariant with respect to these transformations, which implies the absoluteness of time.

It should be noted that in classical physics, time does not have a specific axis, since within the framework of this concept, the flow of time in the opposite direction is equivalent to its usual flow.


Unlike classical physics, thermodynamics states that time is irreversible due to the second law of thermodynamics. According to this law, there is a certain state function - entropy, which does not decrease in any processes in closed systems. If time could go in the opposite direction, entropy in such systems would decrease, which contradicts the above law.

Thermodynamics is characterized by a strict requirement for the existence of a time axis.

Quantum mechanics

For the most part, the concept of time within quantum mechanics is similar to the interpretation of classical physics, that is, time flows uniformly. However, the main difference this definition is the irreversibility of time. This is due to the fact that the measurement process is asymmetrical in time. Measurement in this moment will give information about the state of the object in the past, but will give a new state in the future.

Relativistic physics (Einstein's theory of relativity)

The most popular concept of time today is the definition of time within the framework of Einstein's theory of relativity.

Albert Einstein on the beach (1939), probably thinking about physics

First of all, the main postulates of this concept should be noted:

1. The speed of light in vacuum is the same in all coordinate systems that move relative to each other uniformly and rectilinearly.

2. Physical laws are identical in all coordinate systems that move relative to each other uniformly and rectilinearly.

3. Any event can only affect events that occur later than it and does not affect events that occur before it.

Based on the above postulates, it can be argued that events that occur simultaneously in one frame of reference may not be simultaneous in another frame of reference moving relative to the first frame of reference. Thus, within the framework of this concept, the passage of time depends on the movement of the chosen reference frame. Simply put, the speed of a watch depends on who is wearing it.

The most interesting aspect of this theory is the effect of gravity on the passage of time. Within the framework of this concept, space and time are independent parts of one space-time continuum. Then, near massive objects, not only space is distorted, but also the speed of time changes

Curvature of space-time as a result of gravitational disturbance (see fourth image).

In relativistic physics, time is defined as the fourth coordinate axis of a coordinate system, the other three axes of which represent three spatial coordinates"our three-dimensional world." Thus, every body has a so-called world line. If we consider this body in the mentioned four-dimensional coordinate system, then it will be represented by an extended set of these bodies. That is, at each moment of time of its existence, the body will be plotted on a four-dimensional coordinate system, depending on its spatial as well as temporal position.

Human world line (simplified), where X and Y are two spatial coordinates and T is a time coordinate (see fifth image).

What is time?

Based on the above, it becomes clear that it is completely unclear to humanity what time is. The theories listed here only attempt to define time mathematically (and geometrically) as something that can be used in further calculations to explain observed phenomena.

Based on the postulates emerging from the basic concepts of time, we can try to formulate the following subjective definition:

“Time is an a priori geometric parameter that characterizes movement, determines the duration of the existence of all processes, and is a condition for the existence of change. It is an integral part of the space-time continuum; there is its fourth coordinate along with three spatial ones. Time can be bent as a result of gravitational disturbances, but it is irreversible. This phenomenon is relative and depends on the choice of the reference system and its speed. Subject to the postulate of causality, according to which any event can only influence events that occur after it and does not affect events that occur before it.”

Salvador Dali's painting "The Persistence of Memory" from 1931 (see sixth image).

This phenomenon cannot be imagined in the mind, and therefore scientists from all over the world are trying to explain it mathematically, which still remains an impossible task and causes a lot of disagreement in scientific community. If you ask a scientist the question “What is time?”, then most likely the answer you will hear is “This is what is measured by a clock.”

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Do you know that

  • Olivia Wilde, who played Justin Timberlake's mother, is three years younger than him in real life.
  • Most of the character names belong to famous watchmakers. For example, Weiss refers to Albert Weiss.
  • Cars in movies don't have license plates.
  • The vehicle depicted in the film does not have exhaust pipes, but produces sounds similar to modern electric cars. The same technique was used in the film "Gattaca".
  • Initially, the tape had the title “I’m.mortal”, which was then renamed “Now”, and then “In Time”.
  • Before the Time project, cinematographer Roger Deakins used exclusively film cameras in his work, but this creation of his was made on digital equipment.
  • The very idea that time is a currency is present in the story “The Price of Money” by Henry Lyon Oldie.
  • The watch on each person's wrist has 13 digits, including years, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
  • Phillip's time wallet password is a combination of the February 12, 1809 birth dates of Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln.
  • The oldest car in the film is a 1961 Lincoln Continental. It was the same car that President John F. Kennedy was driving in the day he was assassinated.
  • The bus driver who refused to give Rachel a ride is the same person who later agrees to give Sylvia and Salas a ride.
  • The building, used as a large bank that the characters enter at the end of the movie, can often be seen in other films and television shows.

More facts (+9)

Errors in the film

  • When the bar scene is shown and the guards turn their attention to Henry, his sleeves are pulled down to his wrist, but in the close-up they are rolled up to his elbow.
  • At the end of the picture, when the guard is chasing the couple, his watch has 44 minutes, and Sylvia's has an hour. He catches up with them, and the time difference between the heroes and the man is 2 minutes.
  • When the lovers have the last seconds of time left and the girl rushes towards Will, she is wearing closed black high-heeled shoes. The next moment she was already wearing platform sandals.
  • Sylvia correctly tells her companion the date of birth of Charles Darwin - 1809, but her lips clearly show that she said 1804.
  • In the poker scene, Timberlake's character raises a glass of champagne in his right hand, although less than 2 minutes later he is holding chips in it.
  • At the beginning of the film, when Will gets out of bed, his time meter is on his left hand. A little later it is already on the right hand, and then again on the left.
  • When the characters are sitting in a stolen limousine under a tree, the sun shines in their faces, but when watching TV, the rays pass over Salas's right shoulder.
  • The woman at the pawn shop was missing a time meter.
  • In the scene of the car accident, the Type E Jaguar falls into a ditch, and it is clearly visible that it is a toy car.
  • When a trapped car falls down, it is noticeable that there are no passengers inside.
  • The vehicle Will bought does not have a rearview mirror.
  • Near the end of the film, when Salas drives through a hail of police bullets, the driver's side window is rolled down. The next moment, at least three traces of the ricochet are visible.

More bugs (+9)


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

In the future, immortality is a reality, as people stop aging after 25 years. Upon reaching this age, if reserves are not replenished, only one year of life remains. Now time is at the cost of everything, and every person has a watch on his left hand that shows his balance. When it ends, the numbers go out and the owner dies of cardiac arrest.

Thus, society was divided into rich and poor. The latter live in a temporary ghetto. Among them are 28-year-old Will Salas and his mother Rachel. They live for today, constantly earning time for the next. One day, her son and his friend Borel notice a rich man in a bar who has 116 years left. His name is Henry Hamilton. At this time, sentries suddenly appear - people stealing time from others. Salas saves Henry. They run away and hide in an abandoned building. When the hero falls asleep, his partner gives him all his time, leaving only 5 minutes for himself, and goes to the bridge. Waking up, Will does not have time to save his friend; he falls into the river. In addition, the guy was caught on camera and he is declared a murderer.

He wants to take his mother to the New Greenwich temporary zone, where the rich live. But he doesn't make it in time, and Rachel dies. Then Salas goes there alone. Having met Sylvia, the daughter of a large banker, he runs away from the police back to the ghetto, taking her hostage. During this time, the heroes lose almost all their time, and they have to look for options to survive. By handing over the girl's earrings to a pawnshop, the couple saves one day for each. They fall in love and begin robbing Sylvia's father's banks. Having received a capsule with a million years, Will gives it to a girl from the ghetto so that she can distribute time to all the poor. After that, they go to New Greenwich and destroy the system, and the heroes rob another bank.

The article talks about the definition of time in various fields of science, what it is and how it can be relative.


It is generally accepted that our ancient ancestors were only like us appearance, and even then very remotely. And that they acquired all the human qualities, judgments and psychology familiar to us only with the appearance of the species Homo sapiens. But one can argue with such reasoning. For example, scientists have found the graves of our humanoid ancestors several million years old, and it was found that even flowers were brought to the burial sites!

Despite all the incredibleness of the fact, it is true. Traces of accumulations of pollen from plants that grew in completely different places were found near the graves. This means that our ancestors already had some ideas about the afterlife. Perhaps it is imagination that is the line between animal and human.


The definition of time can be attributed to a number of things and disciplines, such as physics, psychology, philosophy, literature and art. In the classical sense, this is a quantity determined by the duration of some process: be it the decay of a radioactive element or the movement of the planet around its axis - the change of day. In this article we will examine each of them in detail. Let's start with the simplest.


In metrology, time is determined using three parameters. Along the coordinate axis, when the determination occurs on some scale or takes its count depending on certain data. For example, well-known calendars, clocks, chronometers, local and world time.

The second type is relative. In this case, the measurement occurs between the moments of any two events. For example, between waking up in the morning and going to bed.

Well, the third and last parameter is subjective. It is measured using several different frequency processes. To put it simply, this is exactly the case when, depending on the situation, time for a person lasts at different speeds, it is subjective for him.

These are the most common examples of such a complex concept. But is it possible to define time? After all, this is one of the universal properties of matter, along with space.


If you resort to the help of dictionaries, you can see that each author and compiler uses, although close to others, his own explanation of what time is. For example, Ozhegov gave this the following definition: “An interval of one duration or another in which something happens, a successive change of hours, days, years.” This is exactly what it is literary definition the words "time".


In this science, everything is somewhat more complicated, and each philosopher answers the question of what time is in his own way. But fortunately, there is a generally accepted definition. According to the encyclopedia, time in philosophy is an irreversible flow of events that moves from the past through the present and tends to the future.

This problem was asked by ancient scientists, and the debate continues to this day, several thousand years later. And one of the first to think about this was the well-known Plato.

According to his works and ideas, time in philosophy is (the definition was given by him) “a moving likeness of eternity.” And a little later, his ideas were developed and supplemented by the no less wise Aristotle, calling time “the measure of motion.”


In psychology, everything is somewhat simpler. And the passage of time or its other manifestations are measured exclusively by the observer. Simply put, as has already been said, time passes differently for everyone. When we are irritated, tired, or doing monotonous work we don’t like, it drags on much slower than usual, as if on purpose. And vice versa - when the mood is excellent and nothing bothers you, you are surprised to notice how unnoticed it flies.

So the saying “lovers don’t watch the clock” has a very scientific basis - in this state, the concentration of endorphin (the hormone of happiness) in the blood increases significantly, and time passes faster.

in physics? Definition

If we take the laws of classical physics as a basis, then this is a continuous quantity that is not determined by anything. And for convenience in life, a certain sequence of events is taken as the basis for its measurement, for example, the periods of rotation of the Earth around its axis, the Sun, or the operation of a clock mechanism.

But the most interesting thing begins if we take a closer look at relativistic physics. According to it, time tends to slow down or speed up, and this is not science fiction: we encounter similar phenomena every day in Everyday life, but they are so tiny that we don’t notice.

Simply put, time can slow down and speed up under the influence of gravity. For example, on the first floor of a skyscraper and on the last, the clocks will tick at different speeds, but under normal conditions you won’t notice this, the difference will be so small. But if you bring them close to a black hole, their progress will be slower compared to those left on Earth.

Time. Literary definition

If we take the work as a basis, then this is a prerequisite for the plot development. As in reality, in fiction it develops from the past to the future. But sometimes special techniques are used, such as insertions from the past of the hero or heroes.

English tenses are considered the most difficult topic, because in Russian we have only 3 tenses, and in English there are 12.

When studying them, everyone has many questions.

  • What time should I use?
  • Would it be considered a mistake to use one tense instead of another?
  • Why is it necessary to use this time and not another?

This confusion occurs because we learn the rules of grammar but do not fully understand them.

However, English tenses are not as complicated as they seem.

Their use depends on what idea you want to convey to your interlocutor. To do this correctly, you need to understand the logic and usage of English tenses.

I warn you right away that in this article I will not explain to you the grammatical formation of sentences. In it I will give precisely an understanding of the times.

In the article we will look at the cases of using 12 tenses and compare them with each other, as a result of which you will understand how they differ and when to use which tense.

Let's start.

What tenses are there in English?

In English, as well as in Russian, there are 3 blocks of tenses familiar to us.

1. Present (present) - denotes an action that occurs in the present tense.

2. Past - denotes an action that occurs in the past tense (once upon a time).

3. Future - denotes an action that will occur in the future tense.

However, the English times do not end there. Each of these groups of times is divided into:

1. Simple- simple.

2. Continuous- long-term.

3. Perfect- completed.

4. Perfect Continuous- long-term completed.

The result is 12 times.

It is the use of these 4 groups that confuses students English language. After all, in the Russian language there is no such division.

How do you know what time to use?

To use English tenses correctly, you need 3 things.

  • Understand the logic of English tenses
    That is, to know what time is intended for what and when it is used.
  • Be able to construct sentences according to the rules
    That is, not only to know, but to be able to speak these sentences.
  • Understand exactly what idea you want to convey to your interlocutor
    That is, to be able to choose right time depending on the meaning you put into your words.

To understand English tenses, let's look at each group in detail.

Once again, I will not explain the grammatical formation of sentences. And I’ll explain to you the logic by which we determine which group’s time should be used.

We'll start with the easiest group - Simple.

Bonus! Do you want to easily learn English tenses and use them in your speech? in Moscow and find out how easy it is to master tenses and start speaking English in 1 month using the ESL method!

Simple group tenses in English

Simple is translated as “simple”.

We use this tense when we talk about facts that:

  • happen in the present tense
  • happened in the past
  • will happen in the future.

For example

I drive a car.
I drive a car.

We say that a person knows how to drive a car and this is a fact.

Let's look at another example.

She bought a dress.
She bought a dress.

We are talking about the fact that sometime in the past (yesterday, last week or last year) she bought herself a dress.

Remember: when you talk about some action as a fact, then use the Simple group.

You can study all the times of this group in detail here:

Now let's compare Simple with another group of tenses - Continuous.

Continuous tenses in English

Continuous is translated as “long, continuous.”

When we use this tense, we talk about action as a process that:

  • happening at the moment
  • happened in the past at a certain moment,
  • will happen in the future at a certain moment.

For example

I am driving a car.
I'm driving.

Unlike the Simple group, here we do not mean a fact, but talk about a process.

Let's see the difference between fact and process.

Fact:“I can drive a car, I have a license.”

Process:“I got behind the wheel some time ago and now I’m driving the car, that is, I’m in the process of driving.”

Let's look at another example.

I will be flying to Moscow tomorrow.
Tomorrow I will fly to Moscow.

We are talking about the fact that tomorrow you will board a plane and for some time you will be in the process of flying.

That is, for example, you need to get in touch with a client. You tell him that you will not be able to talk to him at this time, since you will be in the middle of a flight.

Remember: when you want to emphasize the duration of an action, that is, that the action is a process, use the Continuous tenses.

You can read in detail about each time of this group here:

Now let's move on to the Perfect group.

Perfect tenses in English

Perfect is translated as “completed/perfect.”

We use this tense when we focus on the result of an action, which:

  • we have received by now,
  • we got to a certain point in the past,
  • we will receive by a certain point in the future.

Note that even in the present tense this tense is translated into Russian as the past. However, despite this, you say that the result of this action is important in the present moment.

For example

I have fixed my car.
I fixed the car.

We focus on the result that we currently have - a working machine. For example, you say that you fixed your car, now it works, and you can go to your friends’ country house.

Let's compare this group with others.

Let's talk about a fact (Simple):

I cooked dinner.
I was cooking dinner.

For example, you tell your friend about the fact that you prepared a delicious dinner yesterday.

I was cooking dinner.
I was cooking dinner.

You say you were in the process of cooking. For example, they didn’t answer the phone because they were cooking (we were in the process) and didn’t hear the call.

Let's talk about the result (Perfect):

I have cooked dinner.
I cooked dinner.

You currently have the result of this action - a ready-made dinner. For example, you call the whole family for lunch because dinner is ready.

Remember: when you want to focus on the result of an action, use the Perfect group.

Read more about all the times of the Perfect group in these articles:

Now let's move on to the last group, Perfect Continuous.

Perfect Continuous tenses in English

Perfect Continuous is translated as “complete continuous.” As you noticed from the name, this group of tenses includes characteristics of 2 groups at once.

We use it when we talk about a long-term action (process) and obtaining a result.

That is, we emphasize that the action began some time ago, lasted (was in process) for a certain time and at the moment:

1. We received the result of this action

For example: “He repaired the car for 2 hours” (the action lasted 2 hours, and at the moment he has a result - a working car).

2. The action is still going on

For example: “He has been fixing the car for 2 hours” (he started fixing the car 2 hours ago, was in the process and is still fixing it now).

We can say that the action began some time ago, lasted and:

  • ended/continues in the present,
  • ended/continued until a certain point in the past,
  • will end/will continue until a certain point in the future.

For example

I have been cooking this dinner for 2 hours.
I cooked dinner for 2 hours.

That is, you started cooking 2 hours ago and by now you have the result of your action - a ready-made dinner.

Let's compare this time with others similar to it.

Let's talk about the process (Continuous):

I am painting a picture.
I am drawing a picture.

We say that we are currently in the process of drawing. It doesn’t matter to us how much time it has already taken, it is important to us that you are currently involved in this process.

We talk about the result (Perfect)

I have painted a picture.
I painted a picture.

We say that at the moment we have a result - a completed picture.

We talk about the result and the process (Perfect Continuous)

1. I have been painting a picture for an hour.
I painted the picture for an hour.

We say that at the moment we have a result - a completed picture. You also point out that you were in the drawing process for one hour to get this result.

2. I have been painting a picture for an hour.
I paint a picture for one hour.

We say that we are now in the process of drawing, while we focus on the fact that we have been busy with this process for an hour. Unlike Continuous times, where we care only about what is happening at a certain (given) moment, and not how long we have been doing this.

Remember: if you want to emphasize not only the result obtained, but also its duration (how long it took you to get it), then use the Perfect Continuous.

General table comparing tenses of the groups Simple, Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous

Let's look again at what each group of tenses is responsible for. Look at the table.

Time Example Accent
Simple I did my homework.
I was doing my homework.
We're talking about facts.

For example, you once studied at university and did your homework. It is a fact.

Continuous I was doing my homework.
I was doing my homework.
We talk about the process, emphasizing the duration of the action.

For example, you didn’t clean your room because you were busy doing your homework.

Perfect I have done my homework.
I've done my homework.
We talk about the result.

For example, you came to class with your homework ready.
The teacher doesn't care how long it took you. He is interested in the result - whether the work is done or not.

Perfect Continuous I have been doing my homework for 2 hours.
I did my homework for 2 hours.
We emphasize not only the result, but also the duration of the action before receiving it.

For example, you complain to a friend that Homework too complicated. You spent 2 hours on it and:

  • did it (got the result),
  • still doing at the moment.

Bottom line

Use English tenses depending on the meaning you want to convey to your interlocutor. The most important thing is to understand what the emphasis is on in each tense.

1. We talk about action as a fact - Simple.

2. We talk about action as a process - Continuous.

3. We talk about action, focusing on the result - Perfect.

4. We talk about the action, emphasizing that it took a certain time before obtaining the result - Perfect Continuous.

I hope that now you understand the logic of English times, and you will be able to convey the correct meaning to your interlocutor.

Everything a person does is in one way or another connected with time: hours of work and rest, time when certain things can be done and vice versa cannot be done (for example, listening to music loudly). Even the physical existence of a person is regulated by time. This review contains little known facts about time that break stereotypes.

Soviet Union experimented with a five- and six-day week between 1929 and 1931. Despite the desire to differentiate their social schedule from the West, the experiment failed miserably and the seven-day week was restored in 1940.

2. Lunar calendar

Artifacts from Paleolithic times indicate that the Moon was used to count time as early as six thousand years ago. Lunar calendars were among the first on Earth and they consisted of twelve or thirteen lunar months (354 or 384 days).

3. The most ancient clocks

A huge number of devices have been invented to measure time. The study of these devices is called horology. An Egyptian device that dates back to around 1500 BC, similar in shape to a curved rod, measured time according to the shadow cast.

4. Time as a measure

An ancient Greek sophist named Antiphon was the first to describe time as an unreal thing. In a surviving fragment of his work it was said: “Time is not a reality, it is a concept or measure.”

5. Chronos

IN Greek mythology Chronos (not to be confused with Kronos, the father of Zeus) is considered the personification of time. His name means "time" and Chronos is usually depicted as old, a wise man with a long gray beard.

6. Leap year

A regular year lasts 365 days, and a leap year lasts 366 days. This is because the Earth orbits the Sun in a little over 365 days. Therefore, every 4 years an additional day is added in February.

7. Time and age

The subjective perception of the passage of time tends to accelerate as a person ages. Older people often complain that the years (and even days) pass much faster than before. Various theories have been put forward on this matter. The most popular one assumes that young people constantly receive new and vivid impressions, which requires more neural resources and thinking abilities.

8. Galaxy z8_GND_5296

The oldest known object in the Universe is a galaxy named z8_GND_5296. Its age is 13.1 billion years, that is, it is “only” six hundred million years younger than the Universe itself.

9. The oldest zircon

The oldest known object on Earth is a 4.4-billion-year-old zircon found in the Jack Hills of Western Australia. It is only 160 million years younger than Earth.

10. Time as the fourth dimension

Modern scientists claim that time is the fourth dimension. The first three dimensions are used to determine the location and movement of an object in space, while the fourth dimension is used to determine its position in time.

11. So different 5 minutes

The cultural environment influences a person's perception of time. Psychologist Robert Levine noted in his travels that people from the Middle East perceive time differently compared to Western countries. Americans and Europeans think of time in roughly five-minute increments, while Middle Easterners think of time in fifteen-minute increments. This means that in the real world, Westerners who wait five minutes for something and Middle Easterners who wait fifteen minutes are actually waiting an identical amount of time according to personal perception.

12. Light from the past

sunlight“gets” to the Earth for a long time, so all the light that people see is from the past. For example, if you look at the Sun, it is visible as it was eight minutes and twenty seconds ago. And the light from the closest star to Earth, Proxima Centauri, travels for four whole years. Some stars that are visible in the night sky may not actually exist for hundreds of years.

13. Time is so slow

Now it's like an illusion.

There is no such thing as “now” in physics. Space and time are changeable and depend on gravity and speed of movement. Einstein put it this way: “For us physicists, the distinction between past, present and future is but an illusion, albeit a permanent one.”

Not being late and always keeping track of time will help.
