The final stage of the competition for duty officers at Moscow metro stations. The best duty officers at the Moscow metro station have been determined The best duty officer at the station

The jury summed up the results of the traditional professional competition for female subway employees. Out of 200 applicants, only nine girls reached the finals. Prove professionalism and high level They had to gain knowledge not only by answering questions, but also by demonstrating practical skills. “Gold” went to Tatyana Letnikova, duty officer at the VDNH station

The best station attendant in the Moscow metro works at VDNH. The jury summed up the results of the traditional professional competition for female subway workers in the capital. Out of 200 applicants, only nine girls reached the finals. They had to prove their professionalism and high level of knowledge not only by answering theoretical questions, but also by demonstrating practical skills.

The smart girls and beauties of the Moscow metro are rushing to the final stage of the competition for station attendants. Only nine people reached the finals. These girls beat out about 200 applicants. At the beginning - a short briefing. The tests are kept secret. Therefore, participants are strictly forbidden to talk to each other after completing the task or suggest something to each other.

Here you understand that this is a competition not only for knowledge job descriptions, and also a mini-beauty contest. They move on to the next stage of the competition after they are convinced of their irresistibility. But the jury is adamant - they remove marks not for appearance, but for every mistake.

For the second post I'm deducting all points from you. You turned on the VKPT work, but did not check it.

The first participant loses her nerves - the person on duty at the 8th distance of the route did not notice the malfunction of the device that controls the entrance of strangers to the tunnel. But for the support group, and every contestant has one, Vika Muravyova is still the best.

Marina Vinnik, leading engineer of the 8th movement distance of the Moscow Metro:
- Here we have Vikulya - the smartest, most beautiful, most worthy person this year.

Although Elena Peshcherkina is participating in the competition for the first time, she is not used to worrying. Checks the entrance to the tunnel before each shift. He calls his profession difficult but interesting

Elena Peshcherkina, duty officer at the Moscow Metro station:
- Doctors are also dangerous here, we also have people’s lives here, we are responsible for traffic safety.

Another exam is the signals between the station attendant and the electric train driver. Looks like Morse code. One wrong light from a lantern or a horn, and tragedy cannot be avoided. Every metro employee should know a dozen signs. For example: “The train is ready to depart,” or “The shunting train will move in the direction of the given signal.”

So what should the driver answer?
- One is long.

More than a thousand station attendants work in the Moscow Metro. Usually invisible to passengers, in extreme situations become literally saviors.

Victoria Muravyova, duty officer at the Moscow Metro station:
- Memorable: when they lose their children and then meet, they just cry bitterly, as if they met after the war. It’s very scary when children, especially small ones, are forgotten. And at the same time you help, see and rejoice.

After two hours of competition, the jury returned a verdict - Tatyana Letnikova, the duty officer at the VDNKh station, won gold. And with a margin of just one vote.

Anna Sokolenko, Artem Drozdov, Alexander Zotov, TV Center.

On the night of July 20-21, one of the most mysterious and fascinating finals of the competition took place in the Moscow Metro as part of the City Professional Skills Competition “Moscow Masters” - the competition in the profession “Metro Station Attendant”. The final stage of the competition was supervised by the city organizing committee from a representative of the Department of Economic Protection of Workers of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions.

Welcoming the participants in the final stage, Deputy Chairman of the Competition Jury, Head of the Moscow Metro Traffic Service Alexander Gordin and Chairman of the Road Territorial Trade Union Organization of the Metro Nikolai Nikolsky addressed the contestants with parting words. They wished the participants good luck and noted that the main goal of holding professional skills competitions is to increase the prestige of the professions needed by the city, to demonstrate the professional skills of the accumulated knowledge and skills of the Moscow Metro employees, who provide daily safety, comfort and transportation services for more than nine million passengers. Trouble-free and rhythmic operation of each subway station.

Out of more than 800 station duty officers (which is four shifts of duty officers at each station capital metro) 200 participants were selected to participate in the competition. As a result, nine people took part in the final of the city competition in their profession, which is called the best of the best, who passed the most difficult qualifying stage. One representative from each distance.

The competition for duty officers was held in two stages: during the first, participants answered questions theoretical issues conducted using the testing method, they then demonstrated practical skills in working at the station. During the practical task, the duty officers demonstrated the skills of installing light signals for the fence, actions to ensure the safety of people working on the metro lines, giving a manual and sound signal to the driver and other elements vital for the normal functioning of any of the metro stations.

As a result of the stubborn struggle of the competitors for second and third place, it was necessary to carry out additional stages of testing provided for by the Regulations on the competition. After which the jury summed up the results and determined the winners of the final competition by profession. They became:

1st place - Arinin Evgeniy Aleksandrovich (7th distance)

2nd place - Tatyana Aleksandrovna Goreeva (3rd distance)

3rd place - Elena Vitalievna Danilova (6th distance)

The contestants received warm words and congratulations. They were also presented with bouquets of flowers. And the awards ceremony is still ahead - follow our news!

- Tell us about yourself: what is your job and how long have you been working in this profession?

- Do a person who decides to become a specialist in this field need any special qualities and skills?

I believe that in professions related to work at railway needed psychological stability, the ability to independently and quickly make decisions in any situation.

- What difficulties do you encounter in your work?

For me, the biggest difficulty is the shift work schedule, night work.

- What is the most interesting thing about your work?

The most interesting thing for me is the ability to make decisions on my own.

- Does your profession allow you to reveal Creative skills, to prove yourself?

I have no creative abilities, but I demonstrate myself constantly, since the work requires a lot of independence.

- Did your childhood dream about your future profession come true?

Yes, my dream has come true.

- Do you remember where you learned about this profession?

My mother worked on the railway, I often visited her at work. So I learned that there are many different specialties on the railway and I wanted to work there too.

- How useful and important is your profession for our country?

It’s hard to imagine the railway without my profession. If there were no such specialists, then there would be confusion on the railway: trains would collide with each other, they would not know what time to leave and on what route.

- Does your profession bring good income?

The income in my profession is average, but I am pleased with the stability.

Responsible people, independent, able to quickly respond to a changing situation.

- What would you like to warn those who are planning to get the same profession as yours?

It must be remembered that my profession has a large psychological burden; causes frequent fatigue.

- How do you see your profession in the future?

I think that in the future my profession will be just as necessary and important on the railway.

- What would you suggest to improve in your profession?

Difficult question, I'm happy with everything. But I would probably suggest improving the notification system for the arrival and departure of trains.

- Have you ever had moments of disappointment in your profession?

No, I have never been disappointed in my profession.

- Is career growth possible in your profession?

Yes, it's possible. You can become a train dispatcher or a station master.

The interview was conducted by Belenkin Dmitry Vladislavovich,

6th grade student at MBU DO "Center" additional education No. 1"

The final stage of the competition for station attendants of the Moscow Metro took place. It took place at Prospekt Mira station (radial) and consisted of two stages. The 10 finalists wrote the theoretical part in the office, and then everyone went down to the station to test their practical skills. This time it was necessary to extinguish the fire in the fourth car and install a short circuit. (Last year inspection and inspection electrical devices and protective equipment, and it was necessary to draw up a route in the tunnel, at the switch, and send the business unit).

Also, two duty officers from the Minsk Metro performed outside the competition.

Among the participants who reached the final, I was happy to see Maria Tkachenko, who was (now she is on duty as a substitute group of distance 3) when Channel 5 was filming. And then Channel 5 made a separate report about Masha.

Participants who take first, second and third places will receive a monetary reward from the Moscow Government - 50, 40 and 30 thousand rubles, respectively. Those who take 4th, 5th, and 6th places will receive bonuses from the Moscow Metro of 20, 15 and 10 thousand rubles. In addition, all 10 finalists will have their qualifications upgraded ahead of schedule, without exams (there are 4 of them in total for the station duty officers).

28 photos, total weight 4.2 megabytes

1. Telephone built into the escalator.

2. Participants of the competition.

3. The film crew immediately attacked Masha with an interview.

Another variant .

4. A set of items from which you need to select the ones needed to extinguish the fire. The situation with the recent fire in 1905 was played out.

5. Wondering what's included?

6. The necessary set of tools for installing the short circuit.

7. Protocol.

8. First, it was necessary to choose the right ones from the proposed items. For example, of two fire extinguishers, only one was suitable for extinguishing this fire (the criterion seems to be electrical conductivity)

9. Then you need to roll out the sleeve correctly.

10. Attach the barrel.

11. Find and connect to a fire hydrant.

12. To prevent the water from turning on during the competition, the tap was wrapped with wire. Although I wonder if there is water pressure in normal mode?

13. Unfortunately, Masha was not one of the three winners of this competition.

Another variant

14. Next, it was necessary to install the casing. To do this, you need to select the necessary items and check their suitability. Masha will check the deadline for the next test of dielectric gloves. It is scheduled for September - which means you can use gloves.


Another variant

16. Then you need to check the gloves for leaks.

17. Visual check of the tips on the voltage probe.

18. And checking the functionality using a socket.

19. Then into the tunnel. There, one end of the bend is installed on the running rail.

20. The functionality of the probe will be checked again.

21. And only after this will the presence of voltage on the contact rail be checked.

22. Then the other end of the short is thrown onto the CD. But after that you can take it with your hands and fasten it on it. All. The short is installed. Yes, don’t forget to fence off the work area with a lantern and straighten out the copper wire for the safe passage of the business unit.

Another variant

24. The winner of the competition is Svetlana Markova, duty officer at the Vykhino station.

25. In the subway between so goes own life. They brought in a flaw detection trolley.

26. And this is a participant from the Minsk metro.

27. Says that some rules (the procedure for checking and using a voltage indicator, for example) and items are different (their shorts are attached slightly differently).

28. But all the same, they coped with the task of the competition.

On the night of July 18-19, 2006, the final part of the traditional competition “Moscow Metro Station Officer” took place at the Novoslobodskaya station. The competition for the title of best duty officer has been held as part of the citywide competition “Moscow Masters” for five years now. This year, 11 of the best station attendants, who won the preliminary stages, participated in it.
The first, preliminary stage of the competition for the best station attendant was held separately on each of the lines of the Moscow Metro. A total of 207 people took part in the competition. The competition took place simultaneously on all lines on June 14 this year. The first stage was completely theoretical - the contestants received a ticket with 30 questions, 1 point was awarded for the correct answer to each of them. As a result of this stage, one winner from each line was identified, a total of 11 people who advanced to the second, final stage of the competition.
The second stage is divided into two parts - the first (theoretical) consisted of 30 questions, but the points scored by the finalists were not disclosed until the end of the second, practical part. The final sum of points consisted of the theoretical and practical parts; points scored at the preliminary stage were not taken into account. This year, for the first time, the practical part of the competition was held not at the Metro Training and Production Center, but at the Novoslobodskaya station. Thus, the organizers brought the competition as close as possible to the real working conditions of station attendants. In order not to disturb passengers, the competition took place at night, after the station was closed. The competition participants completed three tasks. This time, the duty officers had to demonstrate their professionalism in the ability to quickly remove a foreign object from the path, place it in an explosion-proof chamber and report the completion of the situation to the operator of the Situation Center using the emergency call column. Each of the tasks was rated on a five-point scale. The points that each of the contestants received were added to the points they received in the first, theoretical stage of the final part of the competition, which took place a few hours earlier in one of the metro's electric depots. In total, six contestants earned the same number of points. The jury was forced to conduct a quick survey among them, after which three winners were determined - the best attendants at the Moscow Metro station.

1st place: Elena Nikolaevna Garayeva (duty officer at the Vodny Stadium station)
2nd place: Burenkova Anna Andreevna (duty officer at the Dubrovka station)
3rd place: Kulkina Tatyana Alekseevna (duty officer at the Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad station)

The winners of the competition will receive cash prizes from the Moscow Government: the 1st place winner will receive 50 thousand rubles, the 2nd place winner will receive 40 thousand rubles, the 3rd place winner will receive 30 thousand rubles. According to the rules of the competition, those who take the first three places do not participate in competitions in subsequent years. Those who take places from 4th to 6th will receive bonuses from the Moscow Metro - 20, 15 and 10 thousand rubles, respectively. In addition, all 11 finalists will receive a “class rating” upgrade ahead of schedule, without exams (there are 4 of them in total for the station duty officers).
