Secondary profession in a person’s life. The role of profession in a person's life. Need help studying a topic?

A person's life - spiritual and physical - its value, wealth and safety are largely connected with a successful "life" in the profession.

Profession- (from the Latin “profiteer” - I declare my business) a type of work that requires special training and is usually a source of livelihood.

Zeer E.F. defines a profession as “a socially valuable area of ​​application of a person’s physical and spiritual forces, allowing him to receive in return for the labor expended the necessary means for existence and development”

Profession as an occupation of a person, normatively regulated by social; legal and technical rules of execution, is implemented in labor activity and exists regardless of the desire of the performer.

A profession as an objective reality “comes to life” only in professional activities performed by a person; at the same time, by mastering a profession, a person gets to know himself, his capabilities and professional reality as a social and vital necessity, and realizes his social role and responsibility.

Thus, a person and a profession are two interrelated phenomena, the normal interaction of which is positive both for society and for the person himself as an individual and professional.

Professional self-determination, being one of the types of personal self-determination, is an individual’s selective attitude to the world of professions in general and to a specific chosen profession, the core of which is the conscious choice of profession, taking into account one’s characteristics and capabilities, the requirements of professional activity and socio-economic conditions.

For every thinking person, professional activity is his whole life, what he strives for, what he dreams of; what he studies, cognizes, masters, realizes and transforms. Professional activity absorbs most of a person’s life and is its original source. It is in this activity that a person begins to know himself.

The value of professional activity also lies in the fact that it is in demand by society and a person can recognize himself as its significant “organism.” And at the same time, it can contribute not only to human development, but also to its destruction. The path to professional activity is a multi-stage and complex path, accompanied by crises in the professional development of a person as an individual. Positive socially oriented movement along this path requires a person to intelligently activate all his powers (spiritual, mental and physical), both given by nature and inherent in him as a member of society

The role of a profession in a person’s life can easily be assessed as one of the most important. The profession of each person deforms his soul and body in its own image and likeness. The nature of a person’s profession largely determines the nature of his ideology, his spiritual baggage, his ethics, his likes and dislikes, tastes and habits, and his entire worldview. Moreover, a profession can become the main fulfillment of a person’s life. So many people around us devote their entire lives to their profession, driving progress or helping people. Truly, each person is stamped and polished by his profession, while remaining a unique unit of human society.

The basis of professional suitability is professionally important personality traits, which are formed during the long-term work activity of the employee. The inclinations, the potential abilities to carry out this or that specific activity, determined by the individual psychological properties of the individual, are inherent in a person from the very beginning. Simultaneously with the formation of professionally important qualities, a person’s professional thinking also develops, his professional type is formed with the corresponding value orientations, character, individual characteristics of professional behavior and lifestyle in general.

Professionally important qualities include the individual mental and personal qualities of the subject, which are necessary and sufficient for the implementation of one or another productive activity. In addition to the actual mental properties (individual psychological characteristics), certain functions of professionally important qualities can also be performed by some extra-mental properties of the subject - somatic, constitutional, typological, neurodynamic, etc. For example, physical strength and endurance are an example of pronounced professionally important qualities (PVK) for many types of activities.

Psychological tests help identify professionally important personality traits.

According to A. V. Karpov, professionally important qualities (PVK) are divided into 4 main groups, which together form the structure of professional suitability:

Absolute PVC - properties necessary to perform activities as such at the minimum acceptable or normatively specified average level;

Relative PIKs, which determine the ability of a subject to achieve high (“above-normative”) quantitative and qualitative performance indicators (“PIKs of mastery”);

Motivational readiness to implement a particular activity. It has been proven that high motivation can significantly compensate for the insufficient level of development of many other PVCs (but not vice versa);

Anti-PVK: properties that contradict one or another type of professional activity. The structure of professional suitability presupposes a minimum level of their development or even absence. In contrast to the qualities of the first three groups, they correlate with activity parameters significantly, but negatively.

Psychologists have established that any activity is implemented on the basis of the PVC system, which is a set of unique symptom complexes of subjective properties specific to a particular professional activity. Symptom complexes are formed in the subject in the course of his mastering the corresponding activity and contain specific subsystems of the psychological control system that ensure the implementation of each next stage of professional activity (formation of the “motive-goal” vector, activity planning, processing of current information, conceptual model, decision-making, actions, verification results, correction of actions).

In all types of activity, it is customary to distinguish between those individual qualities that are responsible for its actual execution and those that are necessary for the perception and reception of professionally significant information. Therefore, it is customary to talk about execution rules and information rules.

So, we can give the following definition of LOAC. Professionally important qualities (PIQ) are individual properties of a subject of activity that are necessary and sufficient for the implementation of this activity at a normatively specified level.

Human life is a series of numerous choices. Serious ones, on which the future depends (for example, choosing a life partner), and everyday, everyday ones (what to cook for dinner - casserole or vegetable stew).

A profession is a type of work activity that requires certain training and is usually a source of livelihood.

Choosing a profession can be considered perhaps the most difficult. After all, this is a choice of what place a profession will take in a person’s life, what he can get from his future work, how the features of the specialty will relate to other life values ​​and plans, and whether the profession will interfere with them.

Choosing a profession, on the one hand, looks into the future (at least not far away): what do I want to do, what difficulties may I encounter on the way to the profession? On the other hand, look inside yourself: how ready am I to overcome obstacles to achieve my goal? To make the right decision, it is important to consider the main factors influencing the choice of profession.

So, since childhood, the girl dreamed of entering the law academy and working as an investigator. The wish came true. Studying at the institute is pure pleasure, interesting subjects, anticipation of exciting and extraordinary work, and the police uniform suits her. Towards the end of the academy, the girl began to have thoughts about starting a family and having children. It must be said that she also could not imagine her life without a prosperous and harmonious family. However, the profession of an investigator requires irregular and intense working hours, night trips and urgent business trips are not uncommon. Naturally, there is not enough time for family. In such a situation, a contradiction inevitably arose between two life goals. Of course, this does not mean that all investigators, geologists, and sea captains are forced to constantly be torn between work and family. However, when choosing a profession, a person must imagine in advance its specifics and possible difficulties. Then he will be able to find a compromise, and as a result, “the sheep will be safe and the wolves will be fed.”

When a young person chooses a profession, he is interested in his profession being popular with employers not only today, but also in 10-20 years. This is called stability of demand for a profession. Along with the “eternal” professions - builder, doctor, teacher, etc., the transport, chemical industry, high technology, communications, new professions at the intersection of traditional ones, economic management, and the social sphere are becoming relevant.

A person is more successful in the activities that he likes. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to pay attention to what is interesting to do and what gives you pleasure. For example, if a person likes to organize other people and be a leader, most likely, professions that require the ability to work with a team (manager, teacher, coach) will suit him.

What influences the choice of profession.

What factors determine a person’s choice of a particular profession? In practice, it turns out that inclinations are taken into account last, but the opinion of parents has a huge influence. 8 factors for choosing a profession /According to E.A. Klimov/:

1. Position of senior family members

There are elders who are directly responsible for how your life turns out. This concern also extends to the question of your future profession.

2. Position of comrades, girlfriends

At your age, friendships are already very strong and can greatly influence your choice of profession. We can only give general advice: the correct decision will be one that suits your interests and coincides with the interests of the society in which you live.

3. Position of teachers, school teachers

By observing the behavior, academic and extracurricular activities of students, an experienced teacher knows a lot about you that is hidden from unprofessional eyes and even from you.

4. Personal professional plans

In this case, the plan refers to your ideas about the stages of mastering the profession.

5. Abilities

The uniqueness of one’s abilities must be judged not only by academic success, but also by achievements in a wide variety of activities.

6. Level of claims to public recognition

When planning your career path, it is very important to take care of the reality of your aspirations.

7. Awareness

It is important to ensure that the information you acquire about a particular

professions did not turn out to be distorted, incomplete, or one-sided.

8. Tendencies

Tendencies manifest themselves in favorite activities, on which most of their free time is spent. These are interests backed by certain abilities.

Mistakes in choosing a profession

1. Choosing a profession “for the company”

Often a person does not have the necessary information, is not confident enough in himself, and is not ready to take responsibility for his choice. In such a situation, the choice of profession is made “for the company.” No matter how difficult and exciting it may be, you still have to make a decision. And in such a situation, you want to be close to someone who is confident in himself, who has already made a decision and is convinced of its correctness. However, there is a danger that the profession chosen for the sake of the company does not meet the interests and abilities of a person, and after only a year and a half of studying at school, college or university, disappointment, dissatisfaction, and a desire to “start all over again” arise. There is a possibility that the profession chosen in this way will not suit you. However, you should remember that the profession that your friend likes may not like or suit you.

2. Choosing a profession based on the external image of it.

Some professions seem very attractive from the outside. But very often a person does not understand what enormous preparatory work needs to be done in order to achieve the desired success.

When choosing a profession, you cannot pay attention to its external, attractive side; you need to learn as much as possible about the content of the work.

3. Transferring the attitude towards a person to the profession itself.

It happens that you start to like a profession because it belongs to a person you like. And having already entered such a specialty, the young man little by little discovers for himself that his interest was mistakenly taken for interest in the profession.

4. Identification of an educational subject with a profession.

Even if you really like a certain school subject, it does not follow that you will like the work associated with it. It’s one thing to emotionally discuss the actions of literary heroes in class, and quite another to make a living by reading every day a hundred pages of text from books being prepared for publication, correcting all spelling errors in them and editing unsuccessful phrases.

The main thing to remember is that a school subject is not yet a profession. Interest in it does not mean that you will like the work associated with it.

5. Selection solely on the basis of prestige.

For example, some young people choose economics education based on this attribute. And they do not take into account the fact that activity in such an area, as a rule, requires specific character qualities - for example, extreme punctuality and resistance to monotonous, monotonous activities, resistance to stress. Working as an accountant in a bank does not mean handling millions. It is unlikely that a good employee will turn out from someone who went to study economics not because he feels an interest in such an activity, but because it is “cool”. It also happens the other way around: a person feels a calling to some activity and wants to do it, but abandons his intention because, according to his environment, it is not prestigious.

In the profession, like most other phenomena in life, there is a fashion. But what is fashionable is not always the best or most suitable for a person personally. Choosing a profession based on fashion is not entirely logical. After all, by the time you finish your studies and start working, fashion will most likely change.

6. Choice in spite of, in spite of something or someone.

“Parents and friends say that a bear stepped on my ear - well, it’s okay if they see me on the stage, we’ll see what they say then.” There are very few cases when the choice of occupation, despite any barriers and restrictions, leads to success in life. If someone has irreparable speech impediments, then his attempt to “challenge” circumstances by becoming a TV presenter is unlikely to lead to anything other than making him a laughing stock. Although in other areas of activity that do not place such strict demands on oral speech, this person could achieve success.

Choosing a profession is a matter that significantly influences a person’s fate, and it is not very smart to do it “to spite” someone or something. 7. Insufficient consideration of one’s abilities.

7. Insufficient consideration of one’s abilities.

With a great desire, spending a lot of time and effort, you can become an expert even in something for which you have absolutely no ability. It's just very mediocre. And if these efforts were applied to what corresponded to one’s abilities, the results achieved were much better.

8. Focus on the opinions of random people.

Often, when choosing a profession, teenagers are guided by the opinions of people who have a very vague idea of ​​the profession they are being pushed to choose. Sometimes those around you really like to give advice on who and what to be, even if their own ideas about the world of professions are limited only to everyday, stereotypical judgments. In principle, only someone who knows both the profession and the person very well can give informed advice on whether a particular profession is suitable for a person.

9. Ignorance/underestimation of one’s physical characteristics, deficiencies and/or ignoring medical contraindications.

Many professions place increased demands on health in general or on its individual aspects, and, unfortunately, there are not so many completely healthy people. The difficulties associated with this are likely not only in such professions as a pilot or firefighter, but also in more “mundane” activities. Such restrictions are completely justified and are primarily due to concern for those who are preparing for work. Therefore, you should definitely consult a doctor if you have even the slightest doubt about how compatible the profession you are interested in is with human health.

10. Focus on the opinions of parents and loved ones.

It often happens that parents or people close to us impose their own opinions on us and, by all means available to them, push us to choose one profession or another. In many cases, adults want the child to do something that they themselves were unable to achieve at one time.

11. Outdated ideas about the nature of labor in the sphere of material production.

Complex and interesting technology is being introduced into all professions, and especially among workers, and the work culture is improving.

12. Treating the choice of profession as something unchangeable.

In any field of activity, there is a change in occupations and positions as a person’s qualifications increase. In this case, the greatest success is achieved by those who have completed the initial stages well.

13. Low level of critical attitude towards oneself.

Sometimes typical errors are associated with an insufficient level of criticality. A low level of criticality (if it is observed in a teenager) does not allow him to fully identify and give an objective description of his own situation. In this case, the problem of choosing a profession is simplified, and more superficial requirements are imposed on the options for possible solutions.

The choice of profession is as important for a young person as food, rest, sleep, etc. By taking a step towards a profession suitable for himself, a young man takes a new step in his life. His entire future life depends on his choice. And there is nothing wrong with the fact that a young man has chosen an unsuitable profession for himself. You can fix everything in life if you try. But if a person the first time chooses a profession (which is rare) that suits him and enters a university, and then works in his own special way, then the person’s life can be considered successful.

And the main thing is never to lose heart. There is always a way out of any situation. The main thing is to believe and know that whether you will be successful or not depends not on your success at school, but on the person himself.

Professional life of a person

Profession(lat. professio - officially specified occupation, specialty, from profiteer - I declare my business), the type of work activity (occupation) of a person who has a complex of special theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired as a result of special training and work experience. Professional activity is usually the main source of income. The name of the profession is determined by the nature and content of the work or official functions, the tools or objects of labor used. With the development of the productive forces of society, the use of more advanced tools and production technology, the emergence of new types of production and branches of science, the division of labor deepens. In this regard, within the framework of the profession established by production criteria - metallurgist, miner, builder, etc. -- specialized professions are distinguished: blast furnace forge, miner, concrete worker, etc. With scientific and technical. Progress is associated with the process of the extinction of some professions and the emergence of new ones. For example, with the advent of earth-moving machines, the profession of excavator was abolished and a new one became widespread - excavator operator; With the use of cutters and combines in coal mines, the professions of cutter, miner, and piler were eliminated.

Not a single choice in our life is made absolutely independently, independently of anyone. We live in a society, not in an isolated space. When making any decision, we consult with someone, remember the experience of our loved ones, acquaintances, their behavior in a similar situation, analyze our capabilities, the circumstances in our lives. Choosing a profession is no exception. It is also influenced by many factors, which are presented in Fig. 9.

Rice. 9.

· “I want” is a factor that shows what a person wants, his claims;

· “can” is a factor of a person’s capabilities, which reflects the actions and processes that a given person can perform;

· “need” is a factor showing what a person needs to accomplish a given specific task.

The main task of the chooser is to carefully analyze all these factors and make a competent, independent decision.

An integral part of a person’s professional life is professional self-determination. The beginning of this process is the formation of professional intentions, which ends with a conscious, desired, and sometimes forced choice of profession. This period of personality formation is called option. The peculiarity of the social situation of development is that boys and girls are at the final stage of childhood - before the start of independent life. The leading activity is educational and professional. Within its framework, cognitive and professional interests are formed, life plans are formed. The professional activity of an individual is aimed at finding his place in the world of professions and is clearly manifested in deciding the issue of choosing a profession.

The next stage of development begins with admission to a vocational educational institution (vocational school, technical school, university). The social situation is characterized by a new social role of the individual (student, student), new relationships in the team, greater social independence, political and civil coming of age. Leading activity is professional-cognitive, focused on obtaining a specific profession. The duration of the vocational training stage depends on the type of educational institution, and if you enter work immediately after graduating from school, its duration can be significantly reduced (to one or two months).

After graduation, the stage of professional adaptation begins. The social situation is changing radically: a new system of relations in a production team of different ages, a different social role, new socio-economic conditions and professional relations. The leading activity becomes professional. However, the level of its implementation, as a rule, is of a normative and reproductive nature. The professional activity of the individual at this stage increases sharply. It is aimed at social and professional adaptation - mastering the system of relationships in a team, a new social role, acquiring professional experience and independently performing professional work.

As a person masters a profession, he becomes more and more “immersed” in the professional environment. The implementation of activities is carried out in relatively sustainable and optimal ways for employees. Stabilization of professional activity leads to the formation of a new system of relationships of the individual to the surrounding reality and to himself. These changes lead to the formation of a new social situation, and professional activity itself is characterized by individual, personality-based technologies of implementation. The stage of primary professionalization begins. Further training, individualization of technologies for performing activities, development of one’s own professional position, high quality and productivity of work lead to the transition of the individual to the second level of professionalization. At this stage, professional activity gradually stabilizes, the level of its manifestation is individualized and depends on the individual psychological characteristics of the individual. But in general, each employee has his own stable and optimal level of professional activity. And only a portion of workers who have creative potential, a developed need for self-fulfillment and self-realization, move on to the next stage - professional mastery. It is characterized by high creative and social activity of the individual, a productive level of professional activity. The transition to the stage of mastery changes the social situation, radically changes the nature of professional activity, and sharply increases the level of professional activity of the individual. Professional activity is manifested in the search for new, more effective ways of performing activities, changing established relationships with the team, attempts to overcome, break traditionally established management methods, dissatisfaction with oneself, and the desire to go beyond oneself. Thus, in the holistic process of professional development of an individual, the following stages are distinguished, presented in table. 1:

Table 1 Stages of professional development

Stage name


Formation of professional intentions, professional self-determination, conscious choice of profession based on taking into account individual psychological characteristics.

Professional training

Formation of professional orientation and a system of socially and professionally oriented knowledge, abilities, skills, acquisition of experience in solving typical professional problems.

Professional adaptation

Entering a profession, mastering a new social role, mastering new technologies of the profession, gaining experience in independently performing professional activities.

Primary and secondary professionalization

Formation of a professional mentality, integration of socially and professionally important qualities and skills into relatively stable professionally significant constellations, highly qualified performance of professional activities.

Professional excellence

Full realization, self-realization of the individual in creative professional activity on the basis of relatively mobile integrative psychological formations, creative design of one’s career, achievement of peaks (“acme”) of professional development.


Choosing a profession, a job that provides professional growth, material wealth, and public recognition is one of the most important concerns and problems of every person. But it is often solved at the level of intuition, or even under the influence of mood, superficial impressions, parental whim, through trial and error.

The negative consequences of mistakes in choosing a profession are often not taken into account and not calculated. Let us cite the opinion of a famous publicist: “Having taken a job that is not according to your abilities, taking a place that is not yours, it is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to be an honest person in general.” That's right. A mediocre worker, as a rule, is self-confident, prone to lies, laziness, envy, flattery, and sometimes extortion. Thus, he tries to fill the emptiness of his soul and pocket.

The French thinker Saint-Simon wrote that the cause of almost all troubles in society is “failed vocations, violence against inclinations, imposed professions and the resulting displeasures and evil passions.”

The above is true not only in relation to “high” intellectual professions, but also to the simplest, ordinary ones. A mediocre politician, military leader, manager, lawyer, doctor is a real disaster. But there is a lot of trouble and damage from an incompetent plumber, teleworker, turner and baker, whose hands and head are clearly not suitable for the work being performed. Hackwork and marriage not only economically, but also morally impoverish society.

Meanwhile, according to generalized data, 20–30% of workers in various fields of activity are out of place, as evidenced by failure to comply with production standards, job descriptions, and excessive fatigue, which is fraught with serious illnesses. And 70–80% of workers and specialists are not satisfied with their chosen profession for these and other reasons. The more complex and responsible the work, the more such cases there are.

The problem of choosing a profession has objective origins and grounds. What are they? There are persistent differences between people, as well as between professions. Thus, in terms of the speed of reaction, awareness of information and decision-making, the spread of indicators in a large group of people reaches 3–4 times; Significant - about 1120 - variations in temperament and character were also identified. A certain combination of certain human characteristics explicitly or implicitly gravitates towards specific groups of professions.

Professions, however, are “on their own minds” - everyone, and there are tens of thousands of them, has their own requirements for a person, his own temper, his own calculation. We choose and we are chosen.

By connecting the right person with a profession or position that matches his individual characteristics, we get a big win in increasing productivity and quality of work, reducing injuries, occupational diseases, increasing well-being, income, satisfaction with work and life. The hack-work is receding, there are fewer whiners and swindlers.

These are the effects and potential of choosing the right profession.


Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in your life.

Don't leave the choice of your future profession to chance.

Use information from professionals.

You must choose a profession carefully, taking into account your abilities,

internal beliefs (only the indifferent go wherever they have to),

real possibilities, weighing all the pros and cons.


Explore yourself deeper:

understand your interests (what interests you as a hobby and what can become a profession), inclinations, characteristics of your character and physical capabilities.

Think about your strengths and weaknesses, your main and secondary qualities.

Explore careers that match your interests and abilities. Read more books, articles, magazines.

Designate a pre-selected profession or group of related professions.

Talk with representatives of your chosen professions, try to visit the workplace of these specialists, get acquainted with the nature and working conditions. Think about how, where and when you can try your hand at this practically and - act!

Get acquainted with educational institutions where you can get your chosen profession.

Compare your personal qualities and capabilities with the nature of the profession you have chosen.

Once you have made a decision, do not give up in the face of difficulties. Be persistent in achieving your goals.



THE PRINCIPLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS . A person who clearly understands:

What he wants (aware of his goals, life plans, ideals, aspirations, value orientations);

What he is (knowing his personal and physical characteristics);

What he can do (knowing his inclinations, abilities, talents);

What the job and the workforce will require of him.

PRINCIPLE OF CONFORMITY . The chosen profession must meet (correspond to) the interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health of the person and at the same time the needs of society for personnel.

PRINCIPLE OF ACTIVITY . You have to actively look for a profession yourself. The following are expected to play a big role in this: practical testing of strength in clubs, sections, and electives; reading literature, excursions, meetings with specialists, visiting educational institutions on Open Days, independently contacting a psychologist or career consultant.

DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLE . Reflects the idea of ​​the need to develop in oneself such qualities that are needed for any profession. These are mental processes (thinking, memory, attention) and the following character traits: hard work, conscientiousness, diligence, organization, diligence, independence, initiative, the ability to endure failures, endurance, perseverance.



Choosing a profession for the company;

Transferring the attitude towards a person to the profession itself;

Identification of an educational subject with a profession;

Direct focus on highly qualified professions;

Inability to determine the path to obtaining a profession.


Ignorance or underestimation of one’s physical characteristics;

Ignorance or underestimation of one’s psychological characteristics;

Inability to correlate one’s abilities with the requirements of the profession;


Passion only for the external side of the profession;

Prejudice regarding the prestige of the profession;

Ignorance of the requirements of the profession for a person;

Outdated ideas about the nature and working conditions of a particular profession.


What skills and abilities do you get the most satisfaction from?

What are your main interests and favorite pastimes?

What are your favorite academic subjects?

What would you like to do every day for 8 hours, year after year?

What is your dream job?

Where do you imagine your occupation will be in 10 years?

What would be your ideal job? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job, who do you work with, how do you spend your time?

What are your criteria for choosing a profession? (required and desirable)

What strengths and skills do you have that best qualify you for the job that seems ideal to you?

What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to close to land your ideal job?

If your ideal job is currently unattainable, what kind of work could you do to move you in your chosen direction?

Who can I consult to get information useful for career planning?

Finally, write down your immediate and long-term career goals and take action.


WANT- aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).

CAN- personal capabilities (health status, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).

NECESSARY- society’s needs for personnel, and awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals.


1. The main goal (what will I do, what will I be, what will I achieve, the ideal of life and activity).

2. A chain of immediate and more distant specific goals (what and where to study, prospects for improving skills).

3. Ways and means of achieving immediate goals (conversations with people, testing strength, self-education, admission to an educational institution, preparatory courses).

4. External conditions for achieving goals (difficulties, possible obstacles, possible opposition from certain people).

5. Internal conditions (own capabilities: state of health, ability for theoretical or practical training, perseverance, patience, personal qualities necessary to work in this specialty).

6. Backup options for goals and ways to achieve them in case of insurmountable obstacles to the implementation of the main option.

Characteristics of the professional plan:

certainty , clarity of plan (if a person indicates a single profession and the corresponding type of educational institution);

completeness of the plan (when all the necessary factors for choosing a profession are taken into account: the orientation of interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health, level of education, etc.);

sustainability of the plan (in time, as confidence in the correctness of the choice and immunity to interference in the pursuit of its implementation);

realistic plan (as a basis for real social and psychological possibilities for implementing choice);

logical validity and internal consistency (as the correlation of a person’s inclinations and abilities with the requirements of the profession);

moral justification plan (if the motives of the profession relate to the content of the activity);

consistency plan with the needs of the labor market.


When drawing up a personal professional plan, you must:

Determine what type of activity you are interested in; analyze to what extent the inclinations to work in the spheres of “man-nature”, “man-technology”, “man-person”, “man-sign system”, “man-artistic image” are expressed; draw up a formula for the profession of interest;

Find out which professions are needed in the labor market, in the city, area where you live;

Compare the data received and draw a conclusion in which area of ​​professional activity you could work;

Familiarize yourself with the professions of interest by talking with their representatives, using profession charts and special literature; consult with parents; consult a doctor;

Correlate your individual characteristics with the requirements of your chosen profession;

To know content of the profession of interest, working conditions, prospects for professional growth;

Get acquainted with possible ways to master the profession; visit educational institutions at “Open Days”;

Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of obtaining general educational and professional training.


The following degrees of professional suitability are distinguished:

1. Unsuitability. It can be temporary or practically insurmountable. It is talked about in cases where there are deviations in health that are incompatible with work. In this case, the situation is not necessarily that a person cannot work, but that working in a given profession can worsen a person’s condition. Contraindications are not only medical, but also psychological: certain strong personal qualities will be an obstacle to mastering a certain profession.

2. Suitability.It is characterized by the fact that there are no contraindications, but there are no obvious indications. In other words, neither for nor against. “You can choose this profession. It’s possible that you will become a good worker.” Approximately these words can characterize this degree of professional suitability.

3. Compliance.There are no contraindications and there are some personal qualities that meet the requirements of the profession. For example, there is a expressed interest in certain objects of labor (technology, nature, people, art) or successful experience in this field. At the same time, compliance with other professions is not excluded. “You can choose this profession. And it’s very likely that you will be a good worker.”

4. Vocation.This is the highest level of professional fitness. It is characterized by the fact that in all elements of its structure there are clear signs of a person’s compliance with the requirements of the chosen type of work. We are talking about the characteristics by which a person stands out among his peers who are in equal conditions of learning and development. “In this and precisely in this field of work people will need you most.”

To discover your calling, it is important to boldly “try on” yourself for a variety of professions; you need to practically try your hand at different types of work.


Perhaps your chosen profession can be obtained at several educational institutions. In this case, the problem of choosing an educational institution arises. The right choice can be made by learning everything about these educational institutions.

When collecting information about an educational institution, you should get answers to the following questions:

What level of education does the educational institution provide (vocational, secondary specialized, higher)?

In what specialties and specializations is vocational training provided?

What qualification is awarded upon graduation?

What forms of training are provided (day, evening, correspondence)? Paid or free training? Payment amount?

What are the requirements for applicants (age, health, gender, level of education)?

What is the procedure for admission to the educational institution (deadlines for submitting documents, deadlines for passing exams, benefits for applicants)?

How long is the training?

Does the educational institution provide assistance in finding employment for graduates?

Are there any preparatory courses? When do they start working and what is the pay?

When are “Open Days” held at the educational institution?

The address of the educational institution and its full name?


Choosing a profession is one of the most important choices in a person’s life, because the extent to which a profession matches a person’s abilities and inclinations, how effectively a person performs the actions necessary in his profession, will largely determine the quality of his life.

Of course, when choosing a particular profession, we try to take into account our characteristics, personality traits, temperament, physical, intellectual and creative potential.

It is interesting that any personality quality in one case is professionally important, but in another, the “opposite”, it can interfere with productive work. So, for example, a sociable person will be dissatisfied with work that requires “solitary” concentration, this will affect the effectiveness of his work, and vice versa, if his work is related to communication, he can literally “bloom” on it and achieve high results.

But it’s not enough to choose a suitable profession: to be successful, you need to become a real professional. To achieve professionalism in activities, you need to have certain “starting capabilities”: aptitude; special knowledge; skills; qualifications; motivation.

In this regard, the question of the relationship between individual psychological characteristics of a person and the choice of profession is very relevant. To consider this relationship, a diagnosis of professional suitability is necessary. It consists in determining what inclinations, abilities and other individual psychological characteristics of a person a person has, and in what activities he will feel most harmonious.

The use of professional suitability diagnostics is also necessary because it will reduce the percentage of employees who do not meet their professional qualifications, as well as psychological professional burnout. Since people, choosing the right profession, will be in their place, become professionals, and therefore bring maximum benefit to themselves and society. Thus, by explaining the need for certain qualities and identifying the degree of their expression, we provide an opportunity to think about the correctness of the chosen profession and the possibility of professional achievements.

1.2.1 Abilities

In the most general form, abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure success in activity, in communication and the ease of mastering them. Abilities cannot be reduced to the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person has, but abilities ensure their rapid acquisition, fixation and effective practical application. Success in activity and communication is determined not by one, but by a system of different abilities, and they can be mutually compensated.

There are a number of classifications of abilities:

1. natural (or natural) abilities are basically biologically determined, associated with innate inclinations, formed on their basis, in the presence of elementary life experience through learning mechanisms such as conditioned reflex connections;

2. specific human abilities that have a socio-historical origin and ensure life and development in the social environment (general and special higher intellectual abilities, which are based on the use of speech, logic, theoretical and practical, educational and creative). Specific human abilities are in turn divided into:

a) general ones, which determine a person’s success in a wide variety of activities and communication (mental abilities, developed memory and speech, accuracy and subtlety of hand movements, etc.), and special ones, which determine a person’s success in certain types of activity and communication, where a special kind of inclinations and their development are required (mathematical, technical, literary and linguistic abilities, artistic and creative abilities, sports, etc.). These abilities, as a rule, can complement and enrich each other, but each of them has its own structure;

b) theoretical, which determine a person’s inclination towards abstract-logical thinking, and practical, which underlies the inclination towards concrete practical actions. The combination of these abilities is characteristic only of multi-talented people;

c) educational, which influence the success of pedagogical influence, a person’s assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills, the formation of personal qualities, and creative, associated with success in creating works of material and spiritual culture, new ideas, discoveries, inventions. The highest degree of creative manifestations of a personality is called genius, and the highest degree of a person’s abilities in a certain activity (communication) is called talent;

d) the ability to communicate, interact with people, namely, human speech as a means of communication, the ability to perceive and evaluate people, socio-psychological adaptability to different situations, coming into contact with different people, getting them to like you, etc., and subject-activity abilities associated with the interaction of people with nature, technology, symbolic information, artistic images, etc.

A person capable of many and different types of activity and communication has a general talent, that is, a unity of general abilities that determines the range of his intellectual capabilities, the level and originality of activity and communication.

Abilities, abilities and individual differences

The overwhelming majority of psychologists believe that inclinations are some genetically determined (innate) anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nervous system that constitute the individual natural basis (prerequisite) for the formation and development of abilities. However, some scientists (for example) believe that a person has two types of inclinations: innate (natural) and acquired (social).

Individual (individual psychological) differences are features of mental phenomena (processes, states and properties) that distinguish people from each other. Individual differences, the natural prerequisite for which are the characteristics of the nervous system and brain, are created and developed in the course of life, in activity and communication, under the influence of upbringing and training, in the process of human interaction with the outside world in the broadest sense of the word. Individual differences are the subject of psychology.

The nature of human abilities

Here, first of all, we should talk about the nature of the so-called social abilities, the biological basis of which has not yet been precisely established. These are higher, culturally determined abilities. The conditions and prerequisites for their development are, first of all, the circumstances of a person’s life: life in society, the presence of a socio-cultural environment created artificially by the labor of many generations of people; learning in childhood to use appropriate objects, for example, musical instruments; participation in a range of complex, highly organized activities and communications; the presence of a circle of people who are able to convey the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities using effective means and methods of training and education; the absence of a rigidly programmed behavior in a person from birth, the presence of immaturity of brain structures with their ability to be subsequently formed through training and upbringing.
