Work program for speech development for all kindergarten groups. Speech development. Explanatory note Excursions, observations and practical work on topics

Psychological game for
older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren

ABOUT One of the most important features of children aged five to seven is the increasing importance of the role of peers. As noted by V.S. Mukhina, in a child “the need for recognition appears on two levels: on the one hand, the child wants to “be like everyone else,” and on the other, “to be better than everyone else.” The consequence of this is the emergence of feelings of envy in the form of specific symbolic actions (for example, the statement: “You won’t get in! You’ll miss!” - as an accompaniment to the game of another), gloating, neglect, boasting. This negatively affects the atmosphere of the group and requires serious educational work to build group cohesion.
The most effective way to work in this direction is play as a leading activity for preschool children and first-graders. We selected and modified the game “All Together” for preschoolers (authors M.A. Stupnitskaya and V.A. Rodionov). The game can be played both in the preparatory group of a kindergarten as a completion of a year-long cycle of psychological classes, and in the first grade at the initial stage of education. At the same time, you need to be sure that children have the following skills: the ability to read, knowledge of letters and numbers, the ability to distinguish and display basic emotions in a drawing (joy, anger, surprise, fear).

Purpose of the game: building group cohesion.
Conditions: The game is best played in the gym.
Equipment: 2 easels, crayons, 12 meters of rope or braid, pins, a bell, a candle in a candlestick, matches, a hoop or rope with tied ends, a map of the route on a sheet of Whatman paper, small sheets depicting the stages, gifts, forms “Certificate of completion of the Wizarding School” - by the number of participants.
Time spending: 1 hour.
Tips for presenters: for the game, the most important thing is to create a “magical” atmosphere, the presenters dress like wizards (cloaks, hats, etc.), they are assigned “magical” names (for example, Milenius and Astorius), “magic” attributes are placed in the hall, corresponding stages of the game.


The game begins with the director of the School of Wizards (teacher or psychologist) inviting the children to the game.
Director.Dear Guys! Only today we have a School of Wizards. I'm its director. I invite you to study at our school and find out if you can become wizards.
Children, accompanied by an adult, go to the gym. There they are met by two “magician” teachers.
Director.Please stand in a circle. So, we are glad to welcome you to our school. This is our magic bell, its ringing will indicate the end of one lesson and the beginning of another. Let me introduce you to my two assistants - teachers Milenius and Astorius. They will teach classes.
Milenius (first presenter). Let's start our lesson with a greeting. Real wizards know how to understand each other without the help of words, now we will practice this. Each of us, in turn, will greet only with gestures. We all become his mirrors. Our task is to repeat his greeting movement as accurately as possible. Let me start...
The presenter shows an intricate greeting movement, the group repeats. Next, participants complete the task in a circle.
Astorius (second presenter).How many of you would like to become a wizard, raise your hands. Fine. Now raise your hands, those who have already communicated with wizards. Great. Now raise your hands, those of you who have already done something magical in your life. Well done!
Milenius. Another distinctive feature of real wizards is the ability to see with their eyes closed. Let's try it too. Close your eyes. C'mon, don't peek! Now find yourself a mate. I count to three: one, two, three. Let's open our eyes... Let's see what we got.
Now we close our eyes again and line up in groups of three. I count to three: one, two, three. We open our eyes. Did everyone succeed? Now we close our eyes and line up...
(the number corresponding to the number of half of the children in the group is called). We got two teams. Think about what you will name your team and choose a captain. You have one minute.
Children, with the help of presenters, come up with team names. We had the following titles: “Termons”, “Dynamo Sharon”, “Leggy”, “Magic of Exposure”, “Sim-Sim”, “Wizard Mantis”.
Astorius.Now come and look at our map. You see the path we have to go. Where will our lessons take place?
Children read the names of the stages, the places where the lessons will take place (“Cave”, “Bridge”, “Swamp”, “Castle”).
Astorius. Find where our journey begins.
Children find a picture of the stage in the gym (it is glued to the wall or stands on a stand).
Astorius.That's right, it's a cave. So, the 1st lesson begins.(The bell rings.) Now stand according to the commands so that you get two engines. Tell me, please, is it light in the cave? That's right, it's dark and the passages are narrow. You and I need to pass on a magic spell, and then we can get out of the cave and get to the second lesson. I will write this spell on the back of the one who stands last. He must understand what I write and convey it further in the same way. The one who stands first will say the spell out loud. If it turns out to be correct, the walls of the cave will move apart and we will be able to get out. And the signal will be the ringing of a bell.
The spells can be letters or numbers. If children confuse and distort the initial "spell", they are given another try. It may happen that the children do not guess the “spell”, then the presenter announces that they are given another chance. The cave becomes lighter for a second, and the team members have the opportunity to see the “spell”. The leader draws a spell in the air in front of all the children. Their task is to guess what it is and say it out loud. After the children have completed the first stage, the director rings a bell calling for the card.
Milenius. So, we left the cave. What is before us now? That's right, a bridge. But the bridge is not simple, but magical. The evil witch Gurgulina cast a terrible spell, and the bridge was divided into two halves. To get to the other side, you need to complete the following task.
Captains, come to me and take a card for your team
(on the cards are the names of emotions). After you read the card, draw a magical portrait on your easel of the person who experiences the emotion written on your card. When creating a portrait, each team member must draw some detail. The portrait should be large enough for the other team to see and guess what you have drawn.
If both teams correctly understand and name the encrypted emotions, the halves of the bridge will connect and you will be able to move on.

At this stage, it is advisable to place easels at some distance so that team members do not interfere with each other. Children draw portraits, show and guess “encrypted” emotions. Here, facilitators can help children accurately label emotional states. After the stage is completed, the bell rings and the children are called to the map.
Astorius. Look, we walked through a cave and a bridge, what awaits us ahead? That's right, it's a swamp.
The presenter and children approach the “Swamp” stage. It consists of a square marked on the floor (or laid with rope/braid and pinned on the carpet) (see figure).

Astorius. Our task is to get to the other side of the swamp. It's difficult. There are bumps here that you can step on, but if you step on them, you can drown. Look, in our swamp the hummocks are not visible. We will have to find bumps and establish a safe route through trial and error. Let's start moving one by one from the bottom left square.
If there is a bump in this place, then Milenius and I will remain silent, and if there is no bump, then we will say: “Bool!” This means that this student cannot continue moving. He gives up his place to the next one, and he himself stands up last. You can only move to the adjacent square. Everyone must carefully monitor and remember where the life-saving bumps are located, so that they can both pass themselves and help their friends. So, let's start...
The presenters help children take turns, remind them of the rules, and encourage them to remember life-saving bumps without repeatedly stepping on dangerous “swampy” places. If one of the players has difficulty remembering the route, other children are asked to help, tell their friends where to go.
When the crossing through the “swamp” is completed, the bell rings, again inviting everyone to approach the map.
Milenius.Look at the map. Where should we go now?..(Children answer). Find the location of our last lesson.(Everyone approaches the “Castle”.) A fiery test awaits you here. I have a magic hoop in my hands(if there are many children, you can use a looped rope). To become real wizards, you all need to stand together in the hoop when I put it on the floor. At this moment, magical fire will flare up around. It will burn for 1 minute. All this time you need to stand inside the hoop without leaving it. Let's practice first. Let's be considerate of each other. Do not push, support those standing next to you, otherwise you will not be able to resist this test.
Children, under the guidance of both leaders, try to fit inside the hoop.
The hoop or rope must be of such a size that All children group with some difficulty were able to fit inside.
Milenius.Well done! The training was successful. Now, at my signal, when I start counting: one, two, three,” we go into the hoop.
The presenters check the accuracy of the instructions and also make sure that the children take care of each other. If you fail on the first attempt, it is worth giving a second one. When all the children are inside the hoop, the presenters begin to imitate a rapidly growing fire, running around, imitating the sound of a blazing fire and waving the edges of their cloaks. After about a minute, the presenters show that the flames are dying down. Children can leave the circle. A bell rings, indicating that the test has been passed.
Astorius. Well, you managed to cope with all the tests. What qualities do you think helped you in this?(Children answer. Most often they talk about mutual support, help, and the fact that they were friendly.)
Now let's try our hand at magic. What kind of wizards would you like to become: good or evil?(The children answer, in our case all together, that they would like to become kind.) Do you know the difference between good wizards and evil ones? Yes, good wizards do only good to people. Now you and I will perform good magic.
(The presenter lights a candle. To comply with safety rules at this stage of the game, the presenter must move in a circle from participant to participant, controlling the transfer of the candle.) I will pass a candle of spells around the circle, and each of you will wish something to our group, the children of our kindergarten or all people. And if the spell is good and from a pure heart, it will definitely come true. The ringing of our magic bell will inform you about this. Just pass the candle carefully and carefully so as not to extinguish its magical fire.
This is one of the most dramatic moments of the game. Most often, children express their most cherished desires and give their dreams to everyone. In our case, there were the following wishes: “So that all dads become kind,” “So that all parents love each other and don’t fight,” “So that everyone’s cherished dream comes true,” etc.
After the circle of wishes is completed, the director rings the bell and the children line up.
Director. Dear Guys! Congratulations, you have successfully completed your training at our School of Wizards. Now each of you is a little bit of a wizard. Our school gives your entire group this certificate stating that you graduated from the School of Wizards. And each of you receives a small gift from a student of the School of Wizards.
Next, one of the presenters calls out the name of each student in turn, they go out and receive gifts, everyone else claps. It is advisable to associate gifts with the theme of the game. This could be, for example, notebooks and pencils for writing down “magic spells”, proofreading pens (one side writes, the other erases), etc.
Milenius.Now stand in a circle again. Our school has come to an end. Let's say goodbye like magic. To do this, let’s hold hands and all say together: “Goodbye!”
Everyone is talking loudly.
Milenius and Astorius.This concludes our school. Happily!

psychologists, preschool educational institution No. 1599, Moscow

1. Mukhina V.S. Developmental psychology: Phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence. - M., 2002.
2. Rodionov V.A. Me and everything, everything, everything. Training sessions on developing social skills for students in grades 5–9. - Yaroslavl, 2002.

Explanatory note on the development of oral speech Objectives: Directed correction of the defect in the general and speech development of children, their cognitive activity. Tasks. Expanding and clarifying the range of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Enrichment of vocabulary. Exercise in an adequate and more precise combination of words denoting objects, their signs and actions. General characteristics of the educational subject. The academic subject “Development of oral speech” is specific for teaching schoolchildren. Classes on the development of oral speech are integrative in nature and are considered as correctional. Students form elementary ideas and concepts necessary when teaching other academic subjects, their understanding of the immediate world around them expands and enriches, they receive some ideas about the world that is outside the field of their sensory experience. Teaching the ability to see, compare, generalize, specify, draw basic conclusions, and establish simple cause-and-effect relationships and patterns contributes to the development of students’ analytical and synthetic activity and the correction of their thinking. In connection with the expansion and clarification of the range of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality, the vocabulary of students is enriched: the corresponding terms are introduced, the meaning of words is clearly differentiated (stem-trunk, grass-bush-tree), the difference is shown

between the specific and generic concepts (rose-flower), students practice an adequate and more precise combination of words denoting objects, their signs and actions.” In the process of direct observations of reality, the students’ vocabulary is enriched; when organizing a conversation, it is activated, i.e., acquired words are included in speech. Conversational oral speech is a complex type of speech activity. It includes answers to questions and dialogue, descriptions of objects and phenomena, one’s own actions and impressions, etc. The main method of teaching is conversation. Conversations are organized in the process of familiarization with objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality during object lessons, excursions, during observations of seasonal changes in nature and people’s work, based on existing experience, practical work, demonstration of educational films, filmstrips, subject and subject pictures. The main component of the conversation is the speech of the students themselves. The teacher guides the children’s speech activity, activates it, corrects mistakes, teaches them to focus attention on certain objects and phenomena, correctly observe and make connections, and express their impressions and judgments in verbal form. When formulating answers to questions, students develop the ability to construct sentences correctly; By describing objects, phenomena, talking about what they saw, they learn to speak coherently. On excursions, students get acquainted with objects and phenomena in a natural setting; in object lessons based on direct sensory perceptions. By observing, children learn to analyze, find similarities and differences, and draw simple conclusions and generalizations. Practical work helps consolidate acquired knowledge and skills. Observations of the weather and seasonal changes in nature expand ideas about the world around us, develop attention, observation, and sensory perception. The basic curriculum for the program is 68 hours per year, 2 hours per week, according to the calendar planning for the 2016-2017 academic year, 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter, resulting in 68 hours. Place of the subject.

Enrichment and clarification of the dictionary. The name of objects, their characteristics by color, shape, size, taste, smell. Comparing two objects, finding similar and distinctive features. Classification of objects. Designation of groups of objects with a generalizing word. Participation in conversation. Correct complete answers to questions. Seasons Flora and fauna My home Clothes Health care Subject Contents of the subject. Seasonal changes in nature. Weather (clear, cloudy, rain, snow). Weather every day. Changes in nature, the life of plants and animals in the autumn months: cooling, leaf fall, withering of grasses, flowers, appearance of seeds, fruits, departure of birds; in the winter months: cold, snow, sleet, frost; in the spring months: warming, icicles, snow melting, birds arriving, buds opening, first flowers, fruit trees blooming. School, school site. Classrooms and offices at school, library, school workshops. Planting in the school yard: trees, shrubs, lawns. Sports ground, play area. House, apartment, home address. The road to school and home. How and by what transport to go. Traffic rules: cross the street using an underground passage and when the traffic light is green.

Family. Parents and children. Parents' work. Responsibilities of children in the family. Cloth. Coat, dress, shirt, jacket, jacket, sweater, skirt. Clothes for street and home. Clothes for boys and girls. Caring for clothes (dry cleaning, shaking out, airing, storing). Vegetables. Carrots, turnips, onions. Color, shape, taste, smell. Eating. Growing onions. Fruits. Lemon, orange (or other local ones). Color, shape, taste, smell. Eating. Vegetables and fruits. Comparison. Trees. Birch, maple or other trees in the immediate area. Houseplants. Ficus, begonia or others with wide leaves. Recognition and naming. Caring for indoor plants (washing off dust from leaves, watering). Early flowering plants. Lungwort, mother-stepmother or others. Recognition and naming. Distinction by appearance. Pets. Rabbit. Main parts of the body, nutrition, method of movement. Wild animals. Hare. Main parts of the body, nutrition, method of movement. Domestic and wild animals. Comparison. Birds. Crow, sparrow or other local birds. Appearance. Where they live, what they eat. What benefits do they bring to a person? Insects. Beetle, butterfly. Recognition and naming. Distinction by appearance. Birds and insects. Comparison. Health protection. Parts of the human body. Hair, skin, nails. Hair care (haircut, combing); skin care (washing, washing); nail care (trimming fingernails and toenails); washing hands and feet. Repetition. Excursions, observations and practical work

by topic.Daily weather observations. Systematic observations of seasonal changes in nature, plant and animal life; excursions into nature to conduct these observations (2 excursions per season). Maintaining a nature calendar. Excursions around the school, around the school yard, to a flower bed, to a park or forest to get acquainted with the plants being studied and to observe the behavior of birds and insects. Observations of the behavior of domestic animals. Practical work on caring for clothes and shoes, indoor plants, planting onions in boxes. Collecting seeds to feed birds. Results of mastering a specific training course and their assessment system. Personal development results reflect: awareness of oneself as a citizen of Russia; developing a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia; the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity of natural and social parts; developing a respectful attitude towards other opinions, history and culture of other peoples; development of adequate ideas about one’s own capabilities, about urgently necessary life support; mastering initial adaptation skills in a dynamically changing and developing world; mastering social skills used in everyday life; possession of communication skills and accepted rituals of social interaction; the ability to comprehend and differentiate the picture of the world, its temporal and spatial organization; the ability to comprehend the social environment, one’s place in it, the adoption of age-appropriate values ​​and social roles;

acceptance and mastery of the student’s social role, formation and development of socially significant motives for educational activities; developing cooperation skills with adults and peers in different social situations; formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings; development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people; formation of an attitude towards a safe, healthy lifestyle, motivation for creative work, work for results, and careful attitude towards material and spiritual values. Minimum level of mastery of educational material: recognize and name studied objects in illustrations, photographs; have an idea of ​​the purpose of the objects of study; assign the studied objects to certain groups (cow is a domestic animal); name similar objects assigned to the same group under study (fruits; birds; winter clothes); know the requirements for the student’s daily routine and understand the need to fulfill it; know the basic rules of personal hygiene; have an understanding of the basic rules of safe behavior in nature and society; carry out tasks under the supervision of a teacher, adequately evaluate one’s work, show a value-based attitude towards it, understand the teacher’s assessment; meet children, offer to play together and respond to invitations (agree or refuse); possess simple sanitary and hygienic skills (washing hands, brushing teeth, combing hair, etc.); possess self-care skills (clean clothes with a brush, store them on a hanger, clean leather shoes, wash dishes after meals, etc.); care for indoor plants; feed the birds living near the school; compose a narrative or descriptive story of 35 sentences about the objects studied according to the proposed plan; adequately interact with studied objects of the surrounding world in educational situations; behave adequately in the classroom, at school, on the street in a real or teacher-simulated situation. Sufficient level: recognize and name studied objects in their natural form in natural conditions; have an idea of ​​the relationships between the studied objects, their place in the surrounding world; classify the studied objects into certain groups, taking into account various bases for classification (wolf, wild animal, animal (mammal), animal, forest orderly); know the distinctive ―

essential features of groups of objects; know the rules of hygiene of the senses; know some rules of safe behavior in nature and society, taking into account age characteristics; be ready to use the acquired knowledge when solving educational, educational and work-related problems. show interest, activity and independence in work in the classroom; apply the acquired knowledge and skills when solving new educational, educational and work-related tasks; fully characterize one’s attitude towards the studied objects; answer and ask the teacher’s questions about the content of what has been studied; show a desire to talk about the subject of study or observation, the object of interest; complete assignments without ongoing teacher supervision (in the presence of preliminary and final control), qualitatively and meaningfully evaluate one’s own work and the work of classmates, show a value-based attitude towards it, understand comments, and adequately perceive praise; be active in organizing joint activities and situational communication with children; adequately interact with objects of the surrounding world; take actions to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards; carry out available environmental actions; be ready to use the developed skills in solving educational, educational and work-related tasks within the scope of the program. Evaluation system. Knowledge testing is carried out on the basis of daily observations of the understanding of what the teacher has told. The assessment takes into account the success of students in mastering the correctness and content of what they listened to, highlighting the main idea, answering questions, retelling) in accordance with the program requirements for each year of study. The assessment is based on a special survey, retelling or combined survey. Ongoing testing and assessment of knowledge can also be carried out to identify individual skills in speech development. In some cases, it is possible to obtain a grade based on the totality of answers at the end of the lesson. This form of questioning can be used mainly in general lessons. The students who are being interviewed (34 people) are identified in advance by the teacher and are called upon more often than other students in the class during frontal work; their answers should be more complete. Each such assessment must be motivated. The purpose of the check is, first of all, to identify the progress of each student, the reasons for the difficulties he experiences in order to provide individual correctional assistance.

Grade 3: “5” is given to the student if he: answers the question correctly and independently; answers questions about content; tells completely, correctly, consistently; “4” is given to the student if he: finds it difficult to formulate answers; admits inaccuracies in answers to questions, but corrects them independently or with little help from the teacher; “3” is given to the student if he: finds it difficult to express himself independently; makes mistakes; answers questions and retells the material using the teacher’s guiding words; reveals unsteady assimilation of the text. “2” is given to the student if he: answers questions and retells the content, distorting the main meaning, does not use the help of the teacher. Thematic planning

No. Content lines Number of hours Corrective developmental tasks Pedagogical means, technologies for solving correctional problems Seasons Development of auditory perception and memory. Repetition method using flora and fauna Development of imaginative thinking. Expanding the horizons and cognitive interests of children. 1 2 3 My home 4 5 Clothing Health protection of subject associations Individual approach to students Elements of gaming technologies Individual and differentiated approach Formation of imaginative thinking by independently solving riddles, correlating the answers with pictures. Development of skills in retelling text, correctly conveying the content of what was read. Expanding the horizons and cognitive interests of children. Elements of gaming technology

Educational, methodological and logistical support for the educational process E.A. Khudenko, E.S. Ostanina. Practical guide on speech development for children with developmental disabilities, Shkola Publishing House. 1992. Material and technical support for the educational subject “Oral Speech Development” involves the use of: printed aids: a set of visual materials for organizing frontal, group and individual work with students; multimedia programs for educational sets of subject, plot pictures, series of plot pictures, dynamic pictures and diagrams according to program sections; technical training aids; audio recordings of the sounds of the surrounding world (nature and society); videos and presentations on topics of the academic subject; educational and practical equipment: game material for plot-based didactic games; equipment for conducting practical classes; equipment for carrying out practical exercises (scissors, colored paper and cardboard, glue, paints, brushes, plasticine or modeling mass, etc.); models and natural range: dummies of fruits, berries, mushrooms and vegetables; herbariums; models of human figures, animals, plants, dishes, household appliances, furniture, etc.; construction sets: educational supplies, toys, indoor plants, agricultural fruits, etc.;

Explanatory note

In the senior group of kindergarten, 2 speech development classes are held per week, lasting up to 30 minutes in the morning.

The speech of adults still remains the main source of speech development in preschool children.

Working method.Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.”

Goals: Continue to develop free communication as a means of communication with adults and children. In everyday life, in games, suggest to children forms of expressing politeness (ask for forgiveness, apologize, thank, give a compliment).

Develop all components of children’s oral speech: grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms; form a vocabulary, cultivate the sound culture of speech.

Enrich children's speech with nouns denoting objects in their everyday environment; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects; adverbs denoting relationships between people, their attitude to work. Use special didactic games and exercises: “Tops and roots”, “Who is extra and why”, “What’s wrong”, “What has changed?”

Strengthen the correct, distinct pronunciation of sounds. Continue to develop phonemic awareness.

Introduce different ways of forming words (sugar bowl, bread bowl; butter dish, salt shaker; educator, teacher, builder). Exercise in the formation of cognate words (bear - bear - bear cub - bear).

Help children correctly use plural nouns in the nominative and accusative cases.

Develop the ability to maintain a conversation. Improve the dialogical form of speech. Encourage attempts to express your point of view, agreement or disagreement with a friend’s answer. Develop a monologue form of speech.

Develop the ability to compose stories about events from personal experience, come up with your own endings to fairy tales, and invent fables.

To develop the ability to write short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher

Continue work to enrich, clarify and activate the vocabulary, improve the sound culture of speech;

Achieve correct and clear pronunciation of words;

Help to actively participate in a conversation on a given topic, compose stories from personal experience about a toy, based on a plot picture;

Create a need to share your impressions with friends and adults (what you saw and where; who bought a new thing);

Practice using appropriate forms of verbal politeness.

Learn to determine the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end). Practice intonation expressiveness of speech.

Learn to form simple and complex sentences based on a model. Improve the ability to use direct and indirect speech.

Encourage children to actively use the simplest types of compound and complex sentences in speech. .

Teach children to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts with the help of speech: to convince, prove, explain.

Learn to retell short tales and stories coherently, consistently and expressively.

Help kindly, communicate with each other.

To successfully solve problems, games are played: board games, verbal games, and outdoor games. Word games activate children's speech and thinking

“What happens is what happens”, “Who was it?”, “Tie a chain”, etc. The senior group has two lessons per week (72 lessons per year) lasting 25 minutes.

Forms of control and recording of pupils’ achievements: diagnostics, monitoring (September, December, May)

By the end of the year, children in the senior group can:

Significantly increase your vocabulary, in particular, through words denoting objects and phenomena that have not occurred in the child’s own experience.

Compose simple and complex sentences based on the model.

Actively use words in your speech that mean: emotional condition(angry, sad) ethical qualities(cunning, kind, aesthetic characteristics, various properties and qualities of objects. Understand and use antonyms; form new words by analogy with familiar words (sugar bowl - sugar bowl).

Talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture, compose stories about events from personal experience, compose short stories of a creative nature.

It is important to work meaningfully on your own pronunciation, highlighting the first sound in a word.

Educational and methodological kit, additional literature:

An approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by: N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. 2014;



V. V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten”;

O. S. Ushakova “Classes on speech development for children 5-6 years old” (2014);

Reader for older children

Technical means of education:


Multimedia systems;

Visual aids: posters



Municipal preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 7 “Crane”

G. Rtishchevo, Saratov region

Adopted by the pedagogical council Approved by the Head of MDOU No. 7

MDOU No. 7 Moskvicheva O.V.

Working programm

Speech development

(name of academic subject)

2014 – 2015 academic year

(program implementation period)

Based on a sample program

"From birth to school"

Approximate basic general education program

preschool education

(name of program)

Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

Skorokhodova Tatyana Alekseevna, teacher

(Full name of the teacher(s) who compiled the work program)

Rtishchevo 2014

Calendar and thematic planning

Speech development


Speech development

Dominant area

Senior group

Teacher Skorokhodova Tatyana Alekseevna

Number of classes _______ 72 _______________

Total per year

Per week______2________

Scheduled lessons_______72______tests_____8_____

Planning is based on the Approximate basic general education program for preschool education

"From birth to school" Moscow 2014


Explanatory note

In the senior group of kindergarten, 2 speech development classes are held per week, lasting up to 30 minutes in the morning.

The speech of adults still remains the main source of speech development in preschool children.

Working method .Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.”

Goals: Continue to develop free communication as a means of communication with adults and children. In everyday life, in games, suggest to children forms of expressing politeness (ask for forgiveness, apologize, thank, give a compliment).

Develop all components of children's oral speech: grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms; form a vocabulary, cultivate the sound culture of speech.

Enrich children's speech with nouns denoting objects in their everyday environment; adjectives characterizing the properties and qualities of objects; adverbs denoting relationships between people, their attitude to work. Use special didactic games and exercises: “Tops and roots”, “Who is extra and why”, “What’s wrong”, “What has changed?”

Strengthen the correct, distinct pronunciation of sounds. Continue to develop phonemic awareness.

Introduce different ways of forming words (sugar bowl, bread bowl; butter dish, salt shaker; educator, teacher, builder). Exercise in the formation of cognate words (bear - bear - bear cub - bear).

Help children correctly use plural nouns in the nominative and accusative cases.

Develop the ability to maintain a conversation. Improve the dialogical form of speech. Encourage attempts to express your point of view, agreement or disagreement with a friend’s answer. Develop a monologue form of speech.

Develop the ability to compose stories about events from personal experience, come up with your own endings to fairy tales, and invent fables.

To develop the ability to write short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher


Continue work to enrich, clarify and activate the vocabulary, improve the sound culture of speech;

Achieve correct and clear pronunciation of words;

Help to actively participate in a conversation on a given topic, compose stories from personal experience about a toy, based on a plot picture;

Create a need to share your impressions with friends and adults (what you saw and where; who bought a new thing);

Practice using appropriate forms of verbal politeness.

Learn to determine the place of a sound in a word (beginning, middle, end). Practice intonation expressiveness of speech.

Learn to form simple and complex sentences based on a model. Improve the ability to use direct and indirect speech.

Encourage children to actively use the simplest types of compound and complex sentences in speech. .

Teach children to resolve controversial issues and resolve conflicts with the help of speech: to convince, prove, explain.

Learn to retell short tales and stories coherently, consistently and expressively.

Help kindly, communicate with each other.

To successfully solve problems, games are played: board games, verbal games, and outdoor games. Word games activate children's speech and thinking

“What happens is what happens”, “Who was it?”, “Tie a chain”, etc. The senior group has two lessons per week (72 lessons per year) lasting 25 minutes.

Forms of control and recording of pupils’ achievements: diagnostics, monitoring (September, December, May)

By the end of the year, children in the senior group can:

Significantly increase your vocabulary, in particular, through words denoting objects and phenomena that have not occurred in the child’s own experience.

Compose simple and complex sentences based on the model.

Actively use words in your speech that mean:emotional condition(angry, sad)ethical qualities(cunning, kind, aesthetic characteristics, various properties and qualities of objects. Understand and use antonyms; form new words by analogy with familiar words (sugar bowl - sugar bowl).

Talk about the subject, the content of the plot picture, compose stories about events from personal experience, compose short stories of a creative nature.

It is important to work meaningfully on your own pronunciation, highlighting the first sound in a word.

Educational and methodological kit, additional literature:

An approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by: N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. 2014;





V. V. Gerbova “Classes on speech development in the senior group of kindergarten”;

O. S. Ushakova “Classes on speech development for children 5-6 years old” (2014);

Reader for older children

Technical means of education:




Multimedia systems;

Visual aids: posters

Calendar-thematic planning for speech development (senior group)

Topic, goals

Number of classes

Forms of organization of GCD duration

Subject-spatial development environment

the date of the



Topic: “Our toys”


(Cognitive interests)

Tasks. Educational. Reveal a general idea of ​​toys, highlighting their signs of quality and action; write a descriptive story; use prepositions in agreement with the noun.

Develop memory and auditory attention; establish rules for handling toys;

Bring up. careful handling of toys.

Game - motivation

"What is friendship?"

Educational game “Listen carefully, clean up carefully”

Conversation about toys

Resolving the situation

Game "Shop"

Game “Take the toy that I will name”

5 Summary: What games did we play?

What did they talk about?




2. 09

Test No. 1


Topic: “We are senior group students”


Educational. Reveal children's skills

use complex and complex sentences in speech; and distinct pronunciation of sounds and their differentiation.

Develop: attention, memory, speech.

Educating. Give children the opportunity to feel proud that they are now senior preschoolers.

My group is senior!

Who are the older children? (- conversation - reasoning)

“Where did I go on vacation in the summer?

Game – “Hello!”

D/I “Clap your hands”

Summary: What new did you learn?

Traveling in a group

Photos of children on summer vacation

(Or illustrations)

4. 09

Test No. 2

Subject. Retelling of the fairy tale “The Hare is a Braggart”


Educational. Teach children to make a retelling plan. Learn to retell a fairy tale, sticking to the plan.

Developing. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech; practice forming nouns with the suffix –ish.

Cultivate courage and determination.

1.Reading a fairy tale

2. Conversation based on a fairy tale.

Explanation of unclear words

D/i “Small, big, very big”

3 Drawing up a plan - retelling.

(What should you talk about first, then, next?)

4.Retelling according to plan

5.Result.What game did you play?

What fairy tale did you come across?

6 Result:.


Illustrations for the fairy tale


Test No. 3

Topic: Retelling of the fairy tale “The Hare is a Braggart”



Test No. 4

Topic: “Autumn has come”

Objectives: Educational. Teach children to tell stories (personal experience), focusing on the plan; practice using simple, compound and complex sentences, selecting synonyms and antonyms, adjectives and adverbs in the comparative degree. Differentiation of sounds [Z], [S]

Develop an appreciation for poetic works about nature

Develop the ability to admire the beauty of autumn.

1.What is a collective, meaningful story?

2. Making a plan

3.D/i “Find and name the signs of autumn”

4. Compiling a story with the help of a teacher.

5Reading poems about autumn.

5 D/game “Tit or Mosquito” [Z], [C]

6 Summary. What games did you play?

What they were doing? What have you learned?


Pictures and toys whose names contain the sounds [S] [Z].


Test No. 4

Topic: Poem by I. Belousov “Autumn”


Educational. Teach carefully, listen. Enrich children's speech with adjectives.

Improve: dialogical form of speech; intonation expressiveness of speech.

Help children remember the poem.

Develop attention and memory.

Breeze game for breathing development

Develop the ability to listen to the rhythm and melody of a poetic text

1D / game “Find signs of autumn”

What are we going to talk about today?

2Reading the first quatrain.

Conversation: “The kindergarten was...


Why was the kindergarten fun?

Who changed the cheerful kindergarten?

Repetition of the quatrain

Reading by children

3 Clarification...the poet saw a completely different kindergarten and was surprised

Reading the following quatrain

What kind of wind?

What kind of tracks?

Exercise "Breeze"

4 Reading a poem (very quietly) by the teacher with the children

5. Exercise Say the word “Wait” - affirmatively and in a chant.

Reading at will with the help of a teacher.

7 Summary: What did we do today? What new did you learn?



To the poem

Pultants for the exercise “Breeze”

18. 09

Subject. Examination of I. Levitan’s painting “Golden Autumn” and composing stories based on it


Educational. Learn to compose sentences with homogeneous members, distribute sentences by introducing definitions, additions, and circumstances into them.

Improve children's ability to compose stories by adhering to a plan.

Develop speech and attention.

Develop the ability to listen to the stories of comrades, the ability to admire the beauty of nature.

2nd half of the day

Introduce the poem by Z. Fedorova, I. Bunin, A. Pleshcheev To cultivate the ability to admire nature.

1 Telling a riddle

About autumn. What are we going to talk about today?

2. Acquaintance with Examination of the painting “Golden Autumn” by I. Levitan

3 Conversation about the painting

What would you call this painting?

What season and time of day did the artist depict?

How can I say this in one sentence?

4 Compiling a story based on the picture.

Musical sketch “Autumn”

5Teacher's story

6 Summary: What did we learn to compose? What time of year were you writing the story about?


Painting "Golden Autumn"


Topic: Funny stories.

"Living Hat", "Entertainers"


Educational. Introduce children to a new work by N. Nosov

Learn to analyze the character and actions of heroes; develop the ability to compare, generalize, and draw conclusions.

Cultivate an interest in literature and reading.

1 Reading stories by N. Nosov

2 Conversation on what you read.

"Living Hat"

1.Remember the names of N. Nosov’s works. (based on illustrations)

2. Reading the story by N. Nosov

"Living Hat" and "Entertainer"

Did you like the stories?

Who liked what story?

Where did the action take place in the story “The Living Hat?”

Which passage did you want to hear again?

(using a hat)



Illustrations for the work


National Unity Day

Topic: Lexical exercises. Reading of S. Marshak’s poem “Poodle”.


Educational. Activate nouns and adjectives in children’s speech; introduce the inverted work

Teach children to differentiate the sounds [S], [C] Teach them to understand the questions: what?, which one? Who? And wisely choose words that answer these questions

Develop attention and thinking.

Cultivate curiosity.

1 D / game “Journey”

Game 2: How many?

3 Reading the poem “Poodle” What is this - a true story or a fable?

4 Conversation on the work.

5 Find words that answer which question?

6 Guess “squirrel” or “water”

Bottom line: who did we read the work about? What words have we learned to find?


Illustrations for the works of S. Ya. Marshak.

30. 09

Topic: “Learning to be polite”

Teach children to understand the meaning of polite words and to use them meaningfully in everyday life.
Reinforce rules of polite behavior
Create a desire to engage in dialogue and listen to your interlocutor
develop the ability to comply with the norms of speech etiquette.

Nurture positive character traits, encourage good deeds and actions.

1 Advice from Baba Yaga.

2 Flower of polite words

3 Pictures from the good wizard. Children's story based on pictures.

4 Proverbs about kindness and politeness

5 Fairy tale "Kolobok"

What does a fairy tale teach?

Obedience and kindness.

6 Treat people the way you would like to be treated.

7 Differentiation of sounds S and C

Game "Water or squirrel"

Game "Kind Words"

8 Result:


Doll – Baba Yaga


Illustrations - pictures

2. !0

Subject: " Teaching Storytelling: Description of Puppets"

Goal: To help children make a plan for describing the doll; teach preschoolers to follow a plan when writing a description

Differentiate sounds: distinguish the sounds [S], [C] in words

Develop the ability to dress tastefully.

1 Organizational moment

Who came to visit us?

2Be careful!

Writing a descriptive story.

The teacher describes one doll, and the children describe another.

3Physical minute. "Our doll"

4The children tell the schoolgirl about the doll, and the teacher talks about the baby.

5 D/game “Clap your hands”

6 Summary


Doll - the same age, schoolgirl, baby

7. 10

Subject: Examining the painting “Hedgehogs” and writing a story based on it


Educational. Help the children examine and title the picture. Learn to independently compose a story based on a picture, adhering to the plan, and reason about its content; practice selecting words that are similar in meaning; in guessing descriptive riddles on a given topic.

Develop attention and memory

Differentiation of sounds [С], [Ц], select words with a given sound from phrasal speech

Develop the ability to listen carefully to your comrades and not interrupt; caring for animals

1 Telling a riddle.

2Painting on display

Consideration regarding teacher issues

Who is shown in the picture?

What can they be called?

Where are they located?

What forest? Etc.

3 Musical game “Don’t let me out”music, T. Lomovoy

3 Compiling a collective story based on the painting

According to plan

4 Summary. What picture were we looking at?


Painting "Hedgehogs"

Recording for music, game.



Topic: “Vexical and grammatical exercises. Reading the fairy tale “Winged, furry and oily”


1 Educational. Exercise children in selecting nouns for adjectives. Introduce the Russian folk tale “Winged, hairy and oily. (arranged by Karnaukhova) to help understand its meaning.

2 Develop attention, memory, speech

3 Cultivate interest in Russian fairy tales

1Exercise Which? (which one?, which one?)

2Game – task. Think about who and what, you can say winged, winged? (shaggy, shaggy - who is this, what?)

3Physical minute

4Reading a fairy tale.

5 Conversation on reading

- “Do you understand what happens when one nods at the other and doesn’t want to do his job?

6 Repeat with the children the ending of the fairy tale “This is how they live.....”

7 Result:


Fairy tale with illustrations.

14. 10

Topic: Learning to be polite

Memorizing the poem by R. Sefa “Council”


1 Educational Continue to train children in the ability to be polite. To help memorize R. Sefa’s poem “Advice”, to teach how to read it expressively.

2 Develop phonemic awareness through play.

3 Develop the ability to correctly express your opinion.

1 Exercises “What will I do”

2 Playing out the situation.

3 Reading the poem “Advice”

4 Repetition with children (3-4 r)

5 Reading a poem by heart (learn to express your opinion in the correct form.)

6 Children's opinion. Who read it better?

7 If there is time left Game “Say fast, slow, loud, quiet”



Pictures with situations.


Topic: “Literary kaleidoscope”

Purpose: Find out from children what literary works they remember.

Teach: think logically by solving riddles.

Development of fine motor skills

Cultivate interest in folk wisdom.

1 A journey through familiar fairy tales.

The teacher in the role of storyteller.

With the help of a familiar counting rhyme we find ourselves in a fairy tale.

2 “Once upon a time there were”

3 Name a fairy tale. A story based on illustrations.

Read the poem.

4 Guess the riddle.

5Hatching in notebooks.

6 Result:


Illustrations for fairy tales and stories

Printed notebooks.

21. 10

TOPIC: “Reading poems about late autumn. Didactic exercises complete the sentences"

Goals: To introduce children to poetry, to develop a poetic ear.

Practice composing complex sentences.

Cultivate a love for Russian nature.

1 Specify the time of year

22 Introductory speech by the teacher about autumn.

3 D / game “Finish the sentence”

4 Reading the poem by I. Bunin “Falling Leaves”

Poem by A.K. Tolstoy “Autumn”

5 Musical break.

Free dance with leaves.

6 Result:


Illustration "Leaf Fall"

Works by A. K Tolstoy, I. Bunin, A Maykov

Musical recording "Autumn"


Topic: Storytelling from a picture"

Goal To teach, using handout cards and the basis - a matrix, to independently create a picture and compose a story based on it

Learn correctly, build a sentence
develop coherent speech, imagination

Practice pronouncing sounds clearly

[W] [F]

Develop the ability to listen to your comrades.

1Guess what we will talk about today

2 Task on the flonegraph, place pictures and make up a story. “One day, when I went under the water, I saw...”

3Various themes, for example “Forest.”

4Introduction to sounds. Game “Repeat the sound you heard”

5 Result: We learned how to create pictures and talk about them.


Pictures for flannelograph on the theme of the sea and forest. (you can change the topic)



Topic: “Reading the Russian folk tale “Khavroshechka”

Goal: Recall famous Russian folk tales. To introduce the fairy tale “Khavroshechka”, to help remember the opening phrase and ending of the work.

Develop the ability to distinguish fairy-tale situations from real ones. Replenish your vocabulary by becoming familiar with fairy-tale words and expressions, with words and expressions of folk speech...

Differentiation of sounds [W] [F]

Cultivate: kindness, hard work, attention to others

1 “Magic chest”

2 “There are good people in the world, and there are worse ones...” How do you understand the meaning of the expression? Reasoning

3 Reading a fairy tale.

4 Explanations of unfamiliar words

4 Conversation based on a fairy tale.

5 And she began to live well, without knowing the hard times"

6Game “Guess the sound”

6 Result:




Topic "Teaching storytelling"

Goal: To teach children creative storytelling while coming up with an ending to the fairy tale “Ayoga”

Learn to find words with sounds in rhymes

[W], [F]

Develop thinking, speech, memory.

Raise responsibility in children

1 Introduction to the Nanai fairy tale “Ayoga”

Reading the fairy tale “Ayoga” to the words “The mother took the flatbread and gave it to the neighbor girl.”

2 Children inventing the ending of a fairy tale

The teacher suggests options for how events can develop.

3D/ Game “Find words with the sound [Ш] [Ф]

4 Give a task at home: retell the fairy tale at home to adults and complete it together.

5 Summary




Topic: “Completing work on the fairy tale “Ayoga” OBJECTIVES: To teach children to take responsibility for the teacher’s tasks To teach them to understand the figurative meaning of proverbs and sayings.

Develop coherent speech

Learn to understand the figurative meaning of proverbs and sayings.

Promote reasoning skills.

Foster a negative attitude towards laziness.

1 Homework

2 Children's stories (the ending of a fairy tale invented at home) Whose fairy tale did you like? Why?

3Proverbs and sayings about work and obedience.

4Physical minute

5 Reading whole fairy tales

Homework: draw a girl Ayoga

6 Result:


Work, illustrations for a fairy tale.


Topic: Reading the story by B. Zhitkov “How I caught little men”

Objectives: Getting to know the story.

Help to understand the hidden motives of the characters' behavior. Encourage them to talk about their attitude towards the characters, promote the ability to reason. Improve the intonation expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate good relationships.

1 Find familiar stories in the book corner based on illustrations. Name them.

2Reading the work of B. S. Zhitkov “How I caught little men”

3 Outdoor game at the discretion of the teacher (Physical Minute) “Cranes - Cranes”

4Conversation on the content of the story

5What can you call Borya? What does the story teach?

6 “The cat went to market” - say changing the logical stress.



Books familiar to children Works by B. S. Zhitkov.


Topic: “Retelling of V. Bianchi’s story “Bathing Bear Cubs”

Objectives: Teach children to consistently and logically retell a literary text, trying to construct sentences correctly.

Enrich and clarify children's knowledge about bears, their habits, and the ability to adapt to their environment

Enrichment of vocabulary (sultry, pestun)

Promote the development of artistic creativity

Cultivate kind feelings towards living nature

1 Ask what children know about the life of bears.

2 Reading the story by V. Bianchi “Bathing bear cubs”

3What do words mean: pestun, sultry... Repetition of words.

Physical exercise. "Bear Cubs"

4Retelling in parts.

5 Draw a teddy bear (if you have time)

6 Result:


» A selection of illustrations about the life of bears

The work of V. Bianchi “Bathing bear cubs”


Topic: “Examination and description of I. Shishkin’s painting “Rye” (room - 112)

Objectives: teach to use difficult forms of the genitive plural (boots, stockings, socks, slippers, mittens)

Practice choosing synonyms and antonyms.

Develop the ability to come up with endings to stories. Cultivate patriotic feelings

1 Small Motherland.

2 Conversation about hometown

3 Examination and description of the painting

4 Reading the poem by A. Fet “The rye is ripening over the hot fields.”

Listening to V. Kalinnikov's first symphony.

5 Result:


Shishkin's painting “Rye”

Subject pictures


Topic: “Compiling a story from the experience “Grandma has a lot of trouble with us” (com – 103)


Educational. Learn to pronounce a phrase with different intonations (question, surprise, resentment, dissatisfaction) Practice the pronunciation of tongue twisters and tongue twisters using the sounds [С], [Ц], [Ш], [Ш] at different tempos and with different voice strengths Improve the ability to write a short story about your family members

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate love and respect for grandmothers and mothers. Learn to be friends and respect others.

1Organizational moment.

2 Reading a poem by L. Kvitko “I am with my grandmother...”

3 Conversation on reading

4 physical minute “My family”

5 Guess the riddle about family members

6 Draw a family.

7 Result:


Painting "Family"

The presence of mysteries about the family.


Topic: “Retelling of E. Charushin “Little Foxes” (Gerbova)


Teach children to consistently and logically retell a literary text, trying to construct sentences correctly.

Strengthen the ability to pronounce sounds correctly

[S] [Sh], drawn out on one exhale Enrich and clarify children's knowledge about foxes, their habits, and the ability to adapt to their environment.

Develop observation skills

1 Organizational moment.

"Guess the animal"

2 Reading “Little Foxes” by E. Charushin

3 Retelling the story.

4Physical minute. "We are little foxes"

5 Word game

6 Drawing fox cubs

6 Result:


Illustration "Little foxes"


Topic: Reading the story “Camel Mitten” G. Snegirev. (Gerbova)

Tasks. Reveal children's knowledge about domestic animals Why are they called that?

Check how they learned the new information. offer to prove that the camel is a domestic animal. Strengthen the ability to correctly pronounce sounds [S] [Sh],

Develop curiosity and fine motor skills.

Cultivate a love for animals

1 Looking at pictures from the series “Pets” Why are they considered pets?

2 Interactive game “Who’s the odd one out?”

3Camel is a domestic animal. Why?

4Verbal game for the development of s, k, r,

5 Exercise in notebook (shading)

6. Summary:


Illustrations: “Pets

Interactive game "Who's the odd one out?"



Topic: “Reading poems about winter”

Tasks. Introduce children to poems about winter, introduce them to high poetry...

Learn to construct sentences correctly.

with homogeneous members; distribute proposals by introducing certain additions and circumstances into them

Clarify knowledge about artists and poets.

Develop observation skills, learn to admire paintings, artistic expression, and develop aesthetic taste.

Consolidate knowledge about the sequence of seasons, times of day.

Develop the ability to listen to the answers of comrades

1Tour of the art gallery.

What time of year will we talk about today?

2 Introductory speech by the teacher about winter.

3 Reading of I. Bunin’s poem “First Snow”

Clarify and explain words that children do not understand When does sunset occur: in the morning or in the evening? The day is sunny and frosty, what does the sunset look like? (Bright purple)

4 Reading an excerpt from A. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin.”

Here is the north, the clouds are catching up...

5 Reading I. Nikitin “Winter Meetings”

6Ask the children who liked which poem?

7 Drawing to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” “Winter” (if time permits)

6 Result:


Paintings, illustrations


Topic: “Didactic exercises “Hockey”, “Cafe”.


Educational. teach children to navigate the planes of a paper sheet; practice using words denoting spatial landmarks; continue to introduce the rules of behavior, activate the appropriate vocabulary; form grammatical correctness of speech. To train children in the ability to distinguish and perform tasks on the spatial movement of an object (“Hockey”); conduct a dialogue using generally accepted addresses to the waiter. (“Cafe”)

Develop memory, speech, attention.

Develop the ability to communicate politely.

1 Telling a riddle about hockey players

Who is this hockey player? What does he do? Who is the commentator?

2 We, athletes! Explanation of the task.

3 Game.

4Game “Cafe” “Polite words”

5 Return to the “hockey field”

6 Sound recognition game.

6 Result:


A blank sheet of paper, a circle of cardboard for each child.


Topic: “Retelling an Eskimo fairy tale: How a fox offended a bull”


Educational. Help children understand and remember the content of the fairy tale “How the fox offended the bull,” and teach them to retell it.

Continue introducing the map of Russia. Developmental. Improve children's auditory perception through exercises.

Cultivate friendship.

1Introduction to the new fairy tale How the fox offended the bull"

A) Who offended whom? Who is the bull?, What does he look like?

B) Do you want to know where it happened and how?

2 Reading a fairy tale. Did you like the fairy tale?

3Conversation on reading

A) Show on the map (north, where the Eskimos live)

B) What kind of bull is in this fairy tale?

Q) What kind of fox is in this fairy tale? Etc.


5 Physical exercise: “Sea wave” (pronouncing the sound [Ш] loudly, quietly, in a whisper. [C]

6) retelling in parts. If you have time, you can stage it

7 Result..


Work, illustration – bull.


Topic: “Reading P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof” (divide the fairy tale into two classes)

Tasks. Introduce children to P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof” Teach them to perceive the figurative content of the fairy tale.

Learn correctly, build a sentence answering questions. Improve children's auditory perception with the help of exercises to distinguish sounds [C] [Ш].

Cultivate a love for animals

1Remember the fairy tale “Mistress of the Copper Mountain”

2Reading Pavel Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”

A) What is the name of the fairy tale from which I read an excerpt?

C) Name the characters of the fairy tale..

3 Game to distinguish sounds [С],[Ш]

4 Physical exercise

5 Result:


Portrait of a writer Illustrations for a fairy tale (possibly showing the film “Mistress of the Copper Mountain” on the eve of class.)


Topic: “Reading P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “Silver Hoof” (continue reading the fairy tale)

Goal To continue to introduce the fairy tale by P. Bazhov “The Silver Hoof”

Improve children's auditory perception with the help of exercises to distinguish sounds [C] [Ш].

Cultivate a love for animals

1continue reading a fairy tale

2 a) Did you like the fairy tale?

b) Which passage did you like?

3Physical minute.

4Game to distinguish sounds [С], [Ш]




Portrait of a writer Illustrations for a fairy tale



Topic: “Conversation on the fairy tale by P. Bazhov “The Silver Hoof”. Listening to a poem by K. Fofanov.

Goal: Expand children's creative imagination, help construct statements logically and meaningfully.

Develop interest and love for music that accompanies reading a poetic work.

1 Let us remember the fairy tale by P. Bazhov we read

2 Conversation on a mysterious fairy tale:

- Where did this tattered, skinny cat Murenka come from? Etc.

The teacher teaches how to construct sentences correctly.

3Physical minute

4 Conversation about a forest beauty

5 Reading the work of K. Fofanov “Dressed up the Christmas tree...”

“What does the Christmas tree remember?” The pkdagog is interested.

6 The result?




to the fairy tale “Silver Hoof”; coniferous forest, elegant Christmas tree.



Topic: “Memorizing the poem by S. Marshak “The young month is melting”

Goal: Recall with the children the works of S. Ya. Marshak. To help understand, remember and expressively read the poem “Is the young month melting?” Learn to select words that are close in meaning.

To cultivate manifestation and sensitivity to the divine word.

1 Remember and name the works of S. Ya. Marshak.

2Reading the poem “The young month is melting”

Repeated reading.

3 Analysis and memorization of the poem. Pronunciation of the first two lines. D/ game “Choose the word”

(Choral and 2-3 individual responses)

What kind of gate is this? Children learn to convey the solemn emergence of the sun using intonation.

4 Read the entire poem.

5 Result:



Works by S. Ya. Marshak


Test No. 5


Topic: “Didactic games with words”


Goal: To teach children to correctly characterize spatial relationships and select rhyming words.

Learn to determine the position of a sound in a word [С], [Ш]

Educate: the ability to listen carefully to the answers of your comrades.

1 D / game “I’ll start, and you continue”

2 “Pick a Rhyme”, “Word Games”

3Physical minute

4Development of fine motor skills (see the picture)

5 Sound position.

6 Summary



Material for games



Test No. 6


Topic: Conversation on the topic: “I dreamed...”

Didactic game “Choose a rhyme”

Objectives: Teach children to participate in a collective conversation, helping them construct meaningful statements.

Develop imagination and creativity. memory, attention, coherent speech.

1Learning to speak correctly

2 a) Remember and tell us about the New Year. (past holidays)

b) draw a picture on the topic.

3Physical minute

4 D / game "Choose a rhyme"

5 Reflection



Photos of the past matinee, family New Year. (material to help the child remember past holidays)

13. 01.15


Topic: Reading the story by S. Georgiev “I saved Santa Claus”

Goal: To introduce children to a new work of art. Help to understand why this is a story and not a fairy tale.

Improve children's auditory perception with the help of exercises to distinguish sounds [Z] [F]

Develop imagination

Cultivate a love of books.

1 Practical work in the book corner: “Where are the fairy tales, where are the stories, and where are the poems.” Prove why you decided this?

2 Fairy tales in verse.

3Physical minute

4Reading the story by S. Georgiev “I saved Santa Claus”

5 Fairy tale or story

6 Game to distinguish sounds [Z], [F]



. comprehensive

Familiar works in the book corner.



Topic: Teaching storytelling based on the painting “Winter Fun.”

Goal: To teach children to purposefully examine a picture (target perception, sequential examination of individual independent episodes, evaluation of what is depicted)

Develop attention and memory

To develop the ability to write a logical, emotional and meaningful story.

1"Winter is a wonderful time of year!"

2Demonstration of the painting “Winter Fun”

3Conversation on the picture:

-What can you call the picture?

-What was the weather like on that winter day? Sequential examination and storytelling by children of individual episodes.

4 Physical exercise.

5 Compiling a story about the picture as a whole with coming up with an ending.

6 Guess the riddle

7 Summary.



Painting “Winter Fun”



Subject. Reading a fairy taleB. Shergin “Rhymes”, poems by E. Moshkovskaya “Polite Word”

Tasks. Introduce children to the unusual fairy tale “Rhymes” by B. Shergin and the poem “Polite Word” by E. Moshkovskaya. Enrich children's vocabulary with polite words Improve children's auditory perception with the help of exercises to distinguish sounds [Z] [F]

Develop: attention.

Cultivate a love of books

1D / game “Rhymes”

2 Reading B. Shergin “Rhymes”

3 Conversation on what you read.

4 Physical exercise

6 Work in notebooks

6 Summary



Fairy taleB. Shergin “Rhymes”, poems by E. Moshkovskaya “Polite Word”

Printed notebooks.

. 22.01.15


Retelling of E. Shima’s fairy tale “The Nightingale and the Little Crow”

Tasks. Teach children to retell the text (in whole and by role)

Enrich your speech with nouns denoting birds. Improve children's auditory perception with the help of exercises to distinguish sounds [Z] [F]

Develop an interest in literature.

1D / game “Name the bird”

2 Reading the fairy tale by E. Shima “The Nightingale and the Little Crow”

3 Conversation on what you read.

4Physical training “Owl”


6 Retelling. (If there is time left, then retell by role)

7 Game to distinguish sounds [Z], [F]

8 Summary



Illustrations: nightingale and little crow.



Subject. Reading a poem about winter.

Memorizing I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood”

Tasks. To introduce children to the perception of poetic works. Help me remember and expressively read I. Surikov’s poem “Childhood (abbreviated). Improve children's auditory perception with the help of exercises to distinguish sounds [Z] [F]

Cultivate a sense of beauty.

1 Reading a poem by A.S. Pushkin Winter Evening”, I. Surikova “Winter” S. Yesenin “Winter sings and calls out...” (excerpt of the teacher’s choice)

Explanation of unclear words, reading out lines you like.

2 a) Reading the poem by I. Surikov “Childhood”

b) Conversation on the content of the poem

3 Memorizing quatrains.

4. Whose recitation do you think is more convincing?

5 Game to distinguish sounds [Z], [F]

6 Work in notebooks

Bottom line.



Illustrations about winter..



Topic: Teaching storytelling. Didactic exercise “What is this”

Tasks. Exercise children in creative storytelling; in the ability to use generalizing words.

Develop: imagination, thinking, speech, creativity, fine motor skills of the fingers.). To train children in the ability to distinguish by ear sounds that are similar in sound [Ч] [Ш]

Develop the ability to listen to the stories of your friends.

1 Look at the familiar pictures “Inhabitants of the Deep Sea”

2 a) Creating a picture on a flannelgraph.

b) Finger gymnastics.

c) Drawing a picture on paper

3Telling from pictures.

- “Once from the bathyscaphe I saw such a picture...”

D/ game “Who? What?"

5 Result:



Illustrations, pictures, inhabitants of the deep sea.



Topic.. Conversation on the topic: “About friends and friendship”

Objectives: Continue to help children learn norms of behavior, teach goodwill..

Develop oral speech; enrich your vocabulary.

Cultivate moral actions.

1Conversation: “Who is a friend?

- I am a good friend?

2 a) The story that happened with the bear cub

- what would you do?

b) An incident from the life of children

- Why did Sasha whine?

V). A story from Yura's life

- Do you think Yura did the right thing?

Repeat the words with which Yura consoled Olya.

d) Proverbs and sayings about friends.

3Speaking a chant. “We are all friendly guys” (page 231 - comprehensive lessons)

4. Summary



Pictures depicting children's actions

5. 02 15


Topic “My favorite toy” Didactic exercise “Hint the word” Hint the word”

Tasks. Educational. Teach children to write stories on topics from personal experience.

Exercise: in the formation of words - antonyms; in the ability to ask questions to the storyteller. To train children in the ability to distinguish by ear sounds that are similar in sound [Ч] [Ш]

Develop the ability to listen carefully to friends’ stories and treat toys well.

. .

1 Introductory part (make a riddle about toys)

2 A story about a favorite toy. (3-4 narrators)

a) Questions from children to the narrator

b) questions from the teacher to the narrator.

3 Word game: “Name the opposite word”

4 Game to distinguish sounds [Ч], [Ш]

5th result:



Game ball



Topic: Reading the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess” (arranged by M. Bulatov)

Goal: to introduce children to the Russian folk tale “The Frog Princess”

To train children in the ability to distinguish by ear sounds that are similar in sound [Ч] [Ш] Work in notebooks

Cultivate a desire to listen to a fairy tale

1 Organizational moment.

2 Reading a fairy tale.

3 Questions about the fairy tale.

4 Game to distinguish sounds [Ч], [Ш]

5 Result:



Illustrations for the fairy tale

Printed notebooks.

12. 02. 15


Subject. Retelling of A. N. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Hedgehog”

Target. Educational. Teach children to retell a fairy tale, keeping some of the author’s phrases; Developing. improve intonation expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate a love for animals.

1 Organizational moment

2 Reading a fairy tale

b) Questions. Children's answers are close to the text (choral answers and individual.

c) Repeated reading of a fairy tale with the intention of retelling.


4The game is dramatization.

5 Result: “And the glory went about Yezhov’s courage...”




17. 02.15


TopicReading of the poem by Yu. Vladimirov “Weirdos”

Tasks. Educational. Improve the ability to read a poem by role.

Develop logical thinking. Activation of the dictionary “sash”, “cap” Exercise children in the ability to distinguish similar-sounding sounds by ear [Ч] [Ш]

1 Organizational moment

2Reading the poem “Weirdos”

3 Dramatization of the poem “Weirdos” (2 – 3 times)

4Children’s assessment of improvisation

5 Game “Finish the phrase”

6 Game “Guess the sound”

7 Summary




19. 02.15


Topic: Teaching storytelling based on the painting “Hares”.

Tasks. Continue to teach children to talk about the painting (the painting “Hares” from the series Wild Animals by P. Menshikova). Activate words with the same root in children’s speech; develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect dependencies and formulate simple conclusions; find successful comparisons to characterize natural phenomena; tell the picture consistently, vividly, adhering to the plan

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

1 Organizational moment Demonstration of an illustration of a hare in the summer and winter seasons.

- What do you know about hares? What do they look like?, Where do they live? What do they eat?

2 a) Examination and title of the picture by children.

b) Children's story about a forest clearing;

-What did the hare look like?

- What did the white hare see?

- Describe the hares at the time of the meeting.

c) Writing stories for children

d) Sample story by teacher

3 Game "Wolf and Hares"

7 Summary



Painting “Hares” from the series “Wild Animals” by P. Menshikova.



Based on the painting “We are for dear mother...”

Objectives To help children create pictures with sequentially developing actions. Contribute to the improvement of dialogical rkchi.

Cultivate an attentive and caring attitude towards the mother.

1 Organizational moment

2 a) Game: “Detectives”

b) Come up with a title for three pictures.

c) Making up stories for each picture

d) Clarifying questions about the pictures

e) Physical exercise

3Compose a story without skipping pictures.

4 Gift shop.

5 Summary



Pictures for the lesson



Topic Conversation on the topic “Our mothers.” Reading the poem by E. Blaginina “Let’s Sit in Silence” and A. Barto “Before Bed”

Objectives: Help children understand how much time and effort a mother takes from housework; point out the need for help for mothers:

Educational. Teach children to differentiate the sounds [Ts], [H].

Developmental. Develop attention and memory.

Educating. Cultivate a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards elders.

1 Organizational moment. The best word in the world is mom!

2 Looking at photographs.

a) Children's story about mother. (4 -5 children)

b) What and how can you help your mother at home?

c) Show concern for your mother.

3 Reading the poem “Let’s sit in silence”

- Tell me, about whom did you read the poem?

4 Reading the poem “Before Bed”

5 Game: “Name the sound correctly”

6 “Surprise for Mom” (can be prepared in your free time)

7 Summary




Material for a surprise.



Topic Conversation Compiling a story using pictures “We bought a puppy”


Educational Teach children to work with pictures with sequentially developing actions Teach children to differentiate the sounds [Ts], [H].

Develop coherent speech, attention, memory.

Develop the ability to listen to a storyteller.

1 Organizational moment -. What interesting things did the postman bring?

2 a) Looking at pictures.

b) Restore order

c) Come up with a title for each picture.

d) A story by four children based on pictures

3 Writing a story. Tell us and don't miss the picture.

4 Game “Name the sound”

5 Summary



Pictures for class



Topic Storytelling on the topic: “How we congratulated the kindergarten staff on International Women’s Day” Didactic game: “We won’t say where we were...”

Tasks. Educational. Teach children to compose detailed and interesting stories on topics from personal experience;

Develop initiative and the ability to improvise.

Cultivate a caring attitude towards adults.

11 Organizational moment. Memories of the spring holiday.

2 Children’s story: “How we congratulated the kindergarten staff.

3 Didactic game: “We won’t say where we were”

4 Summary



If possible, photos about the holiday.



Topic: Reading a story from G. Snegirev’s book “About Penguins.” Didactic game “Finish the sentence”


Educational. Learn to construct complex sentences.

Develop logical thinking. Expand knowledge about the environment through fiction.

Foster: good feelings for nature; interest in fiction.

11 Organizational moment. Guess a riddle.

2 a) Looking at the picture: “Penguins”

b) conversation based on a picture

3 Reading chapters from G. Snegirev’s book “About Penguins”: “Penguin Beach”, “Curious”, “Brave Little Penguin”, “Pebbles”.

a) What did you remember from what you read? Read your favorite episodes.

e) Physical exercise “Little Penguin”

4 D/ game. "Complete the sentence"

5 Summary



Work; picture "Penguins"



Subject. Retelling of stories from G. Snegirev’s book “About Penguins.” Didactic game.


Educational. Teach children to retell episodes from G. Snegirev’s book “About Penguins” without repetitions and unnecessary words (of their choice)

Develop oral speech; fine motor skills; children’s ability to differentiate the sounds [Ts], [H] by ear. Determine the sound in the word..

Cultivate an interest in animals of the north.

1 Organizational moment. a) Name and tell about the animals of the North.

b) G. Snegirev “About Penguins”, is it a fairy tale or a story?

2 remember who the stories are about, what happened to the penguins.

3 a) Create conditions for retelling.

b) listening to 4-5 children.

4Physical minute.

5 Drawing “Animals of the North”

D/game “Name the sound”



Invite one of your employees to a lesson.



Topic: Reading the story “Childhood Friend” by V. Dragunsky


Educational. Introduce the story “Childhood Friend” by V. Dragunsky, reveal the character of the main character Deniska; help them evaluate the boy’s actions.

Develop oral speech. fine motor skills; children’s ability to differentiate the sounds [Ts], [H] by ear.


1 Organizational moment. Find out from the children who they wanted to be and why.

2 Reading a story

3 Conversation:

– Who are the heroes of the work?

- What moments, episodes of the story did you especially remember or like?

- What is Deniska’s mood?

- Why did Deniska cry?

- Which Deniska?

4D / game “Identify the sound in the word”

5 Summary



Portrait of a writer.

19. 03 15


Topic: Reading the fairy tale “Sivka – Burka”

Tasks: Remember magical Russian folk tales. Introduce the fairy tale “Sivka – Burka”

Educational Perceive the figurative content of the fairy tale, the characters. Learn to select words with the same root. Activation of the dictionary: “Barked”

Develop oral speech; the ability to express one’s attitude towards the characters.

Cultivate interest in Russian folklore.

1 Organizational moment. “What does it mean - a fairy tale, what does it mean in them?...”

2 “...the number three is constantly present in fairy tales.” Why? Be careful, and in this fairy tale everything is repeated three times.

3 Reading a fairy tale.

4. Conversation based on a fairy tale.

a) What happened three times in the fairy tale?

b) Why is it called magical?

5 D/game “Choose the word”

6 Summary



A selection of Russian folk tales. Illustrations fairy tale



Topic: Learning the poem by I. Belousov “Spring Guest” Application. “Fairytale Bird” (coe - .278)

Tasks: Help me remember the poem

Educational. Help to understand figurative expression; teach to convey the image of a fairytale bird

Develop memory, attention, imagination, the ability to highlight beautiful works, develop motor activity in the game.

Strengthen the ability to cut out parts of an object of different shapes

Nurturing feelings of beauty

1 Organizational moment. Guess a riddle.

2 Memorizing the poem by I. Belousov “Spring Guest”

a) looking at the swallow in the picture.

b) How to distinguish it from other birds?

3 P/game “Bees and Swallow”

4 Application “Fairytale Bird”

5 Summary



Illustration "Swallow"

Colored paper, scissors, glue, a sample of a fairytale bird.



Topic: Reading the poem by G. Ladonshchikov “Spring” Decorative drawing: Painting dishes for dolls. (k-oe-280)


Educational. Learn to listen to poetry, determine what time of year they are talking about; construct sentences correctly.

Develop aesthetic perception, sense of rhythm, attention, creative imagination

Strengthen the ability to work with gouache paints, prepare the necessary shades of colors on the palette.

Cultivate a sense of beauty

11 Organizational moment “Guess the riddle.

2 Reading a) G. Ladonshchikov’s poem “Spring”

3 Conversation on the poem

- What time of year is the poem talking about?

- What signs of spring are named in the poem?

- What other signs of spring do you know?

4 Dynamic pause with the ball. "Spring words"

5 Game “Finish the sentence”

6 Painting dishes"




Painting “Spring landscape”; gouache, palette, silhouettes of dishes, brush



Subject. “Reading poems about spring.” Didactic game “Guess the word”


Educational. Learn to ask questions and look for the shortest solutions.

Developmental. Continue to introduce children to poetry; Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds [P], [L].


1Organizational moment. “Wonderful month of April!” Remember the poem “Autumn” by I. Belousov.

2Reading poems about spring.

3 Find out which poem you liked?

4 Word game “Guess the word”

Game “Name the Sound Correctly”

Bottom line



Landscapes about spring



Topic: Teaching storytelling

Elena Velgoretskaya
Speech development. Explanatory note

Speech development.

Explanatory note.

Extract from the Federal State Educational Standard

Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture;

enrichment of the active vocabulary; communication development, grammatically correct dialogical and monological speeches; development of speech creativity; development speeches, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

2nd junior group

Objectives of educational activities Contents of educational activities

1. Develop the ability to use a friendly, calm tone, verbal forms of polite communication with adults and peers: greet, say goodbye, thank, express a request, get to know each other.

2. Develop the ability to understand spoken speech with and without support from visual aids.

3. Develop ability to answer questions using the simple form

sentences or statements of 2-3 simple phrases.

4. Develop ability to use in speeches correct combination of adjectives and nouns in gender and case.

5. Enrich children’s vocabulary by expanding their understanding of people, objects, natural objects in the immediate environment, their actions, and pronounced features.

6. Develop the ability to reproduce the rhythm of a poem correctly

use speech breathing.

7. Develop the ability to hear in speech adult specially intoned sound. Mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture

Mastering skills: on the initiative of an adult, name members of your family, familiar literary characters and their actions in the pictures, talk about your favorite toys; simply negotiate with a peer about joint actions in game communication; with the help of the teacher, identify and name the pronounced emotional states of children (rejoicing, laughing, scared, crying, take them into account when communication: regret to cheer up, use kind words.

Mastering and using basic forms of speech etiquette in situations communication: greeting (hello, request (please give thanks (thank you, introduction) (what's your name, my name, let's play); distinguish between forms of address to an adult and a child (hello - hello); Call children in a group by name, use affectionate forms of names.

Development coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monological speeches

Mastering dialogical skills speeches: answer questions and requests from an adult; report your impressions and desires; ask questions in a clearly presented communication situation (who is this? What is his name? (and so on.).

Mastering monologue skills speeches: according to the teacher’s questions, compose a story based on the picture from 3-4 sentences; together with the teacher, retell well-known fairy tales; recite short poems by heart, listen to children's books read and look at illustrations; agree on adjectives and nouns in gender, number and case; use correctly in speeches names of animals and their young in singular and plural number: cat - kitten, kittens; use in speeches simple common sentence; with the help of the teacher, build complex sentences.

Enrichment of the active dictionary Use in speeches: names of objects and objects in the immediate environment, their purpose, parts and properties, actions with them; names of actions of hygienic processes of washing, dressing, bathing, eating, caring for appearance and maintaining order; names of some qualities and properties of objects; materials; objects and phenomena nature: plants in the immediate environment, vegetables and fruits, domestic animals and some wild animals and their young.

Understanding the meaning of generalizations words: toys, clothes, dishes, furniture, vegetables, fruits, birds, animals, beasts, etc.

Development sound and intonation culture speeches, phonemic hearing Skill development: correctly pronounce vowel sounds; hard and soft consonants ([m], [b], [p], [t], [d], [n], [k], [g], [x], [f], [c], [l], [ s], [ts]); hear specially intoned in teacher speech sound. Development correct speech breathing, auditory attention, phonemic hearing, motor skills of the speech apparatus;

Acquaintance with book culture and children's literature; nurturing interest in folklore and literary texts and a desire to listen to them. Development the ability to reproduce short role-playing dialogues from fairy tales and jokes in dramatization games, to repeat after an adult familiar lines and rhymes from poems, songs, and finger games.

Publications on the topic:

Explanatory note to the program “I See, I Know, I Create” Program “I See, Learn, Create” EXPLANATORY NOTE FOR THE PROGRAM “I See, Learn, Create” Justification of the need for development and implementation.

Explanatory note to the program for the development of intellectual and creative abilities of preschool children Methodological development Kalaida Victoria Viktorovna. I work with a program to develop children's intellectual and creative abilities.

Explanatory note to the methodological development “My Country” Explanatory note to the methodological development “My Country” One of the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education reads: “. the child has an attitude.

Explanatory note to the program “Health Protection and Physical Development” for pupils of the 5th group of children with disabilities The priority area of ​​activity of an educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Explanatory note for the music lesson “Sense Organs” Explanatory note for the musical lesson “Sense Organs” Lesson for children of the middle group in the artistic and aesthetic direction.
