Bar translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences. Bar translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences Method of growing crystals at high pressure and high temperature


bar (bɑ:)


1) block, piece, strip; kernel;

bar of gold;

bar of chocolate chocolate bar;

bar of soap

2) blank ( metal), chushka ( lead, bayonet ( copper)"

3) strip ( light, paint)

4) sports. bar;

to clear the bar go over the bar, take the height;

horizontal bar;

parallel bars

5) buckle on the order ribbon

6) bar, sand drift ( at the mouth of the river); shallow water, shoal"

7) barrier, obstacle;"

to let down the bars remove obstacles, cancel restrictions

8) outpost

9) deadbolt; vaga;

behind bolt and bar under reliable locking; behind bars

10) pl grid

11) music bar line; tact

2. v

1) lock with a bolt

2) block;

all exits are barred

3) hinder, interfere

4) exclude; remove; forbid

5) cancel, cancel"

6) decomposition have sth. against someone, something, not to love

bar in lock; don't let go;

bar out don't let in

3. prep excluding, not counting;

bar none without exception


1) counter, rack"

2) bar, buffet, snack bar; small restaurant



1) a barrier separating judges from defendants;

prisoner at the bar

2) (the bar, the B.) advocacy;

to called ( or to go) to the B. obtain the right to practice law;

to be at the B. to be a lawyer;

to be called within the B. to receive appointment to the post of King's Advocate;

to pitch smb. over the bar colloquial deprive someone title of lawyer or Law practice rights

3) court, judgment;

the bar of conscience;

the bar of public opinion

4) parl. barrier separating the seats of members of the chamber


physical bar ( pressure unit)


1. (bɑ:) n

1. 1) piece, block

chocolate ~ - chocolate bar; chocolate bar

wooden ~ - block of wood

~ of metal - strip of metal

~ of soap - bar/piece/ of soap

3) metal blank, pig

~ of copper - copper blank

~ of lead - lead ingot

~ of gold - gold ingot

4) those. rod, rod, rod; reinforcing iron

5) email plate ( collector); tire

6) specialist. ruler; bar; rail

measuring ~ - top measuring stick

8) decomposition bicycle handlebar

2. 1) crossbar

the ~ in a ~rel - crossbar at the bottom of the barrel

2) horn horizontal transfer; verkhnyak ( in the support)

3. bolt, latch

4. barrier

toll ~, the ~ of a gatehouse - outpost barrier ( where entry fees, duties, etc. are collected.)

5. 1) strip ( light, color)

a ~ of green fringed her skirt - she was wearing a skirt with a green border

2) herald band ( on the shield)

6. 1) pl lattice ( prison)

behind the ~s - behind bars, in prison

2) Amer. military mosquito net

7. 1) sand drift, sandbank, bar; ridge; roll

sand ~ - sand drift /bar/

ice ~ - ice hummocks; impassable ice edge

the ship stuck fast on the ~ - the ship completely ran aground

2) horn placer in the river

8. horn

1) (cutting) bar of the shearer

2) hammer drill column

3) drill rod

9. geol. vein crossing an ore stock

10. music

2) bar line

double ~ - end of a musical phrase

11. sport.

1) crossbar ( gymnastics)

2) pl bars

uneven ~s - uneven bars

3) high jump bar

he cleared the ~ at two meters - he took a two-meter height

4) pole ( gymnastics)

5) pl dumbbells

6) barbell with constant weight

12. military

1) strip ( insignia)

to get one "s ~s - decomposition get an officer's rank

2) order bar, block with order ribbons

3) buckle on the sash ( to English orders)

(often to) obstacle, barrier; hindrance; barrier, restriction

language ~ - language barrier

~ to happiness - a hindrance to happiness

~ to economic development - an obstacle to economic development

to let down the ~s - cancel restrictions ( trading, etc.)

poor health may be a ~ to success in one's studies - poor health can interfere with success in studies

color ~ - “color barrier”, racial discrimination

to cross the ~ - go to a better world, die

2. (bɑ:) v

1. 1) lock (with a bolt)

to lock and ~ the door - lock the door with a lock and a bolt / latch /

to ~ the door against smb. - lock yourself away from smb.

2) stuff the grates ( on the windows); score ( iron strips, boards)

2. 1) close; block, block; block

the exits were ~red - all exits were closed

a fallen tree is ~ ring the way - a fallen tree blocked the road

soldiers ~red the way - soldiers blocked the way

the bears were ~red in their den - the bear’s den was surrounded on all sides

2) slow down, hinder, interfere; stop

to~progress (national liberation, economic development)- hinder / hinder / progress (national liberation, economic development)

what is ~ring our advance? - What hinders our progress?

she ~red his insinuations with a witty remark - she parried his attacks with a witty remark

what ~s you from coming to the theater with us? - what’s stopping you / why can’t you / go to the theater with us?

they ~red the possibility of his ever returning - they excluded any possibility of his return

to ~ smoking - prohibit smoking

to ~ from fishing - prohibit fishing

dogs are ~red from the store - entry into the store with dogs is prohibited

to ~ all claims completely and finally - dip. exclude all claims completely and completely

4) (from) hold ( from something)

to ~ smb. from undesirable actions - to hold smb. from unwanted actions

5) exclude, remove

he was ~red from the contest - he was not allowed to participate in the competition

3. decomposition don't love, can't stand

what I ~ is a man who talks about what he doesn’t know - I can’t stand people who talk about what they don’t know

4. to streak, to slash

crimson ~red - with scarlet stripes

~red feathers - striped plumage

5. 1) legal cancel, cancel

2) specialist. not count, invalidate

to ~ the dice - mix the dice ( as a sign of invalidity of the game)

his move with the pawn has been ~red - his pawn move was not counted

3. (bɑ:) prep mouth

excluding, not counting

~ none - without any exceptions; All or everything without exception

he is the best student, ~ none - he is undoubtedly the best student

I can come any day ~ Monday - I can come any day except Monday

II(bɑ:) n

1. 1) barrier separating judges

he was brought to the ~ by two constables - two policemen brought him to the barrier ( at trial)

2) judicial presence; full court

at the ~ - at the trial, at an open meeting

prisoner at the ~ - defendant

trial at (the) ~ - open process

on the wrong side of the ~ - in the dock

to be tried at (the) ~ - to be tried in open court

to plead at the ~ - speak in court

3) court, opinion, judgment

the ~ of public opinion - court of public opinion

2. parl. barrier separating members of the House of Commons and so on.

3. (the Bar) legal profession, bar association; class of lawyers; barristers ( In Great Britain)

to be at the Bar - to be a barrister /lawyer/

to go /to be called/ to the Bar - to be admitted to the bar, to become a lawyer /barrister/

to be called within the Bar - to be appointed as a king's lawyer /barrister of the highest rank/ ( In Great Britain)

to read for the Bar - prepare for the bar; study at the Faculty of Law

General Council of the Bar - general council of the barristers ( representative body of barristers in the UK)

4. legal legal obstacle; objection ( defendant); tap; suspension ( actions of smb.)

blank ~ - an objection from the defendant, in which the plaintiff is asked to accurately indicate the location of the incident and so on.

plea in ~ - objection on the merits of the claim, objection to the right to sue

in ~ of... - as a strong argument against...

~ and bench - advocacy and court; lawyers and judges

II(bɑ:) n

1. bar, snack bar; buffet

snack ~ - snack bar

milk ~ - dairy cafe

2. 1) stand, counter ( esp. for serving alcoholic drinks)

2) counter, table ( in self-service stores)

3. serving table

IV(bɑ:) n physical

bar ( pressure unit)

V(bɑ:) = ~master VI(bɑ:) n special

bar over the symbol

Translation of words containing BAR, from English into Russian

New large English-Russian dictionary under the general guidance of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan

bar out


(ʹbɑ:(r)ʹaʋt) phrv

1. 1) do not let in the door ( locking it with a bolt)

Jack's father barred him out - the father locked the door, and Jack could not enter the house

2) not allow ( to the organization, etc.)

to ~ undesirable persons - prevent / exclude the possibility / of entry of undesirable persons

2. schools obstruct ( teachers)

English-Russian Dictionary V.K. Mueller



barb (bɑ:b)


1) tooth, notch ( arrows, spears, fish hooks)"

2) causticity, caustic remark

3) bot. awn; mustache; thorn

4) zool. mustache ( some fish); thorn

5) goatee ( bird feather)

2. v equip or provide with thorns, etc.

  1. bar (buffet, bar, snack bar)
  2. barbell (stand, advocacy, estate)
  3. stripe (strip)
  4. lattice
  5. bar (panel, row)
  6. rod (rod)
  7. bar (ingot, blank, pig)
  8. ruler
  9. Collegium of Advocates
  10. bolt
  11. let (barrier, obstacle)
  12. bar
  13. bar
  14. shallow

Plural number: bars.


  1. bar
  2. dashed

Verb forms


American bar
american bar

bar of iron
iron bar

iron bar
iron rod

small bar
small stand

state bar
state bar

light bar
light strip

narrow bar
narrow strip

massive bars
massive grille

lower bar
bottom bar

vertical bar
vertical panel

upper bar
top line

long bar
long rod

metal bars
metal rod

bar of soap
bar of soap

bar of gold
gold bar

new bar
new line

last bar
last measure

bar the way
block the way

bar stool
bar stool

bar code
bar code


Tom stood at the bar having a drink.
Tom was at the bar having a drink.

That bar is one of his favorite haunts.
That bar is one of the places he likes to hang out.

The bar is open until six in the morning.
The bar is open until six in the morning.

Is the bar open yet?
Is the bar open yet?

You left the bar last night just when I was about to buy everyone another round.
Yesterday you left the bar just as I was about to buy everyone drinks at my expense.

Tom was standing at the bar when I walked into the club.
When I entered the club, Tom was standing at the counter.

We had a bar of gold stolen.
A bar of gold was stolen from us.

I saw Tom at the bar last night.
I saw Tom at the bar last night.

That girl at the bar gave you a fake phone number, didn't she?
That girl at the bar gave you the wrong phone number, didn't she?

This bar is a popular student hangout.
This bar is a popular student meeting place.

He's a regular at the bars and pubs around here.
He is a regular at local bars and pubs.

Where are the gold bars you were supposed to pull out of that bank vault with your Transmatter Ray?
Where are the gold bars you were supposed to take out of the bank vault with your Transfer Beam?

The police will put you behind bars for twenty years.
The police will imprison you for twenty years.

Tom played a few bars of my favorite Waltz.
Tom played a few bars of my favorite waltz.

The number of bars quickly burgeoned as men and money started to flow into the town.
The number of bars has increased dramatically following the influx of people and money into the city.

He wasn't barred from entering this restaurant.
He was banned from entering this restaurant.

The fallen tree barred our way.
A fallen tree blocked our path.

A fallen rock barred his way.
A fallen stone blocked his path.

English-Russian translation BAR

a) plural rods (lattices)

The monkey rattled the bars of his cage. — The monkey rattled the bars of his cage.

behind bars - behind bars

b) sports. bar

clear the bar - go over the bar, take the height

c) plural ; sport. bars

Horizontal bar

2) bar, block, piece; log, blank

bar of chocolate - chocolate bar

bar of gold - gold bar

bar of soap - bar of soap

energy bar - nutritional bar (high protein content)

a bar of light - strip of light

5) obstacle

Nearsightedness is a bar to becoming a pilot - Nearsightedness does not allow you to become a pilot.

toll bar - American barrier

to let down the bars - remove obstacles

obstacle, barrier 1.

a) music bar line; trans. tact

The song is 24 bars long - A song 24 bars long.

b) measure, yardstick, measurement

7) standard

to raise the bar - raise the bar

a) to bolt, to lock

b) place bars, block them with bars

2) block the way, impede (movement)

to bar the path with stones - barricade the path with stones

They barred our way. “They blocked our way.”

3) mottled with stripes

a) legal suspend; to seize, ban (on smth.)

b) exclude; not allow, prohibit

to bar the talks (the discussion of a point, etc.) - prohibit conversations (discussion of a question, etc.)

to bar from coming to the theater - prohibit going to the theater

I do not know why we should be barred from trading to those places. “I don’t understand why we should be prohibited from trading in these places.”

exclude, prevent, forbid, rule out

5) decomposition to have (sth.) against (sb., sth.), not to like

I bar that man. He's slimy. (Wodehouse) - I don't like this man. He's disgusting.

excluding, apart from, excluding, apart from

1) counter, stand, desk

a) bar (establishment or place for storing drinks), buffet, snack bar; small restaurant

to manage, operate a bar - manage a bar, run the affairs of a small restaurant

to run a bar - open a snack bar, open a small restaurant

to stop at a bar (on the way home) - go to the buffet on the way

to drink at the bar - drink at the bar

to drop into a bar - drop into a bar

cash bar - American cash only bar/restaurant

cocktail bar - cocktail bar

coffee bar - British cafeteria

cabaret, discotheque, pub, saloon, cocktail lounge, nightclub

b) a small store specializing in one type of product

a millinery bar - ladies' hat shop

1) a barrier separating judges from defendants

a) court, tribunal

court 1., tribunal

b) condemnation, censure

the bar of public opinion - public censure

His misbehavior brought him before the bar of public opinion - His behavior brought him before the bar of public opinion.

a) plural judges

b) plural lawyers; profession of lawyer; lawyers, barristers

barrister, lawyer

c) (the bar, the Bar) advocacy, legal practice; legal activity

to be at the Bar - to be a lawyer

to pitch smb. over the bar colloquial - to deprive smb. title of lawyer or law of practice

After finishing law school she was admitted to the bar - After graduating from law school, she was admitted to practice.

noun ; physical ; abbr. - b

bar (unit of atmospheric or acoustic pressure)

English-Russian dictionary of general lexicon. English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary. 2005

  • English-Russian dictionaries
  • English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary

More meanings of the word and translation of BAR from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “BAR” in dictionaries.

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  1. bar [ ɑ: ]
    1. noun
      1. strip (of metal); bar;
        bar of gold gold bar;
        bar of chocolate chocolate bar;
        bar of soap

        Examples of using

        1. “I'll put you behind the bars for this.”

          I'll put you in jail for this!

          Look at your home, angel. Thomas Wolfe, page 43
        2. Now, Hardin, the Board of Trustees has not barred the establishment of a municipal government on Terminus.

          Look, Hardin, our Committee did not interfere with the creation of a municipal council on Terminus.

          Base. Isaac Asimov, page 31
        3. barred

      2. blank (metal), pig (lead), bayonet (copper)

        Examples of using

        1. bars.

      3. scrap (see crowbar)

        Examples of using

        1. in the high, old tottering voice that seemed to have been tuned and broken at the capstan bars.

          Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, page 1
      4. bolt; vaga;
        behind bolt and bar under reliable locking; behind bars

        Examples of using

        1. The prince lifted the bar, opened the door, and stepped back in amazement, even shuddered all over: Nastasya Filippovna stood before him.

          The prince removed the lock, opened the door and stepped back in amazement, even shuddering: Nastasya Filippovna stood before him.

          Idiot. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, page 119
        2. Meanwhile the animals had chased Jones and his men out on to the road and slammed the five- barred gate behind them.

          Meanwhile, the animals chased Mr. Jones and his henchmen down the road until the heavy gate slammed behind them.

          Barnyard. George Orwell, page 12
        3. With a shrug, he moved back across the lawn and into the house, locking and bolting the door behind him, sliding the thick bar into place. Then he went back into the kitchen, turned his chops, and switched off the heat under the string beans.

          Shivering, he crossed the lawn and disappeared into the house, locked the door behind him, pulled the heavy bolt, walked into the kitchen, turned over the cutlets and took the beans off the fire.

          I'm a legend. Richard Matson, page 5
      5. outpost

        Examples of using

        1. Their one mainstay was the home, which, barring a six-hundred-dollar mortgage, the father owned.

          The only property and support of the family was the house that belonged to Gerhardt, and even that was mortgaged for six hundred dollars.

          Jenny Gerhardt. Theodore Dreiser, page 2
      6. lattice

        Examples of using

        1. and those bars slam home...

          ...and the door bolts shut...

          Subtitles for the film "The Shawshank Redemption (1994-09-14)", page 5
        2. For days on end it used to crack sunflower seeds and spit the husks through the bars of its tall, circular cage on to the carpet.

          For whole days the parrot gnawed the seeds and spat the husks through the bars of the tower cage onto the carpet.

          The twelve Chairs. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, p. 58
        3. The body – the cage – is everything of the most respectable – but through the bars, the wild animal looks out.”

          The body is like a cage: everything is very respectable on the outside, but a predator peeps through the bars!

          Murder on the Orient Express. Agatha Christie, page 10
      7. obstacle, obstacle;
        to let down the bars remove obstacles, lift restrictions

        Examples of using

        1. I had thought his short legs a bar to swiftness, but had he been coursing with greyhounds the latter would have appeared as though asleep on a door mat.

          I thought that his short legs could have nothing to do with speed, but it turned out that if he started running with the greyhounds, the latter would seem asleep in comparison with him.

          John Carter. Daughter of a thousand jeddaks. Edgar Burroughs, page 32
        2. Dawn was breaking when, without any warning whatsoever, Pinocchio found his path barred by a deep pool full of water the color of muddy coffee.

          Meanwhile, dawn came, and they were still pursuing him. Suddenly the Wooden Man's path was blocked by a wide and deep ditch full of dirty, coffee-colored water.

          The Adventures of Pinocchio. Carlo Collodi, page 31
        3. The only way to escape is to go to an oasis, an area where laws have been passed preventing the extradition of fugitives.

          How it was when the past was gone. Robert Silverberg, page 3
      8. sports - plank;
        to clear the bar go over the bar, take the height;
        horizontal bar crossbar;
        paralletl bars (parallel) bars

        Examples of using

        1. Second year, he raised the bar to 50 million.

          In the second year, he set a goal of 50 million.

          Subtitles for the video "Why the secret to success lies in setting the right goals. John Doerr", page 4
        2. It was red and five- barred: it swung both ways on easy hinges; and it was possible, though forbidden, to swing backwards and forwards on it.

          They were red, with five crossbars and moved freely on hinges in both directions; They are comfortable to ride on, although he was forbidden to do so.

          The burden of human passions. William Somerset Maugham, page 10
        3. The bar was now much, much higher.

          The bar was now much higher.

          Subtitles for the video "The Amazing Thing I Learned While Sailing Solo Around the World. Dame Ellen MacArthur", page 2
      9. bar, sand drift (at the mouth of a river); shallow water, shoal

        Examples of using

        1. On his mail run Daylight had played out three Indians; but his present partners knew that they must not be played out when they arrived at the Stewart bars, so they set the slower pace.

          During his trip to Dyea, Harnish drove three Indians, but his new companions knew that when they reached the mouth of the Stuart they would need strength, and so they were careful not to overwork themselves.

          Time-can't-wait. Jack London, page 58
        2. Three miles below St. Petersburg, where the Mississippi River is little more than a mile wide, lies a long, narrow, wooded island with a large sandbank at the upper end, and there they decided to settle.

          Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Mark Twain, page 78
      10. bar

        Examples of using

        1. He had placed himself a bit to one side, and the captain’s bars on the tab of his shirt collar were all the insignia Yossarian could see.

          The priest sat sideways to Yossarian, so that the only insignia he could see was the captain's stripes on his shirt collar.

          Catch-22. Joseph Heller, page 6
      11. music - bar line; tact

        Examples of using

        1. The women clucked angrily and called the man a bar Arabo. Then, grumbling, they continued on their way.

          The ladies snorted angrily and, calling the scoundrel "bar-arabo", continued on their way.

          Angels and Demons. Dan Brown, page 278
      12. strip (light, paint)

        Examples of using

        1. He took all his pain and what was left of his strength and his long gone pride and he put it against the fish's agony and the fish came over onto his side and swam gently on his side, his bill almost touching the planking of the skiff and started to pass the boat, long, deep, wide, silver and barred with purple and interminable in the water.

          He gathered all his pain, and all the rest of his strength, and all his long-lost pride and threw them into a duel with the torment that the fish endured, and then it turned over on its side and swam quietly on its side, barely reaching the skin with its sword boats; it almost floated past, long, wide, silver, intertwined with purple stripes, and it seemed that there would be no end to it.

          The Old Man and the Sea. Ernest Hemingway, page 55
    2. verb
      1. bolt

        Examples of using

        1. There was only the dining-car in front of the Stamboul sleeping-car, and the door onto the platform at the front end was barred at night. The only way a thug could come through the rear-end door to the platform, or along the train from the rear, and in either case he’d have to pass right by my compartment.”

          In front of the Istanbul sleeping car there was only a dining car; the front door to the platform was bolted at night, so that if anyone wanted to get into the car, he could only get out through the back door or through another car, which means that in any case he don't pass me by.

          Murder on the Orient Express. Agatha Christie, page 86
        2. On the ground before me was a bar of iron, as big in thickness as my arm, and a long step away was another bar of iron--"

          On the ground in front of me lay an iron strip as thick as my hand, and a wide step away from it lay another iron strip...

          Nam-Bok Liar. Jack London, page 11
        3. But how I would thank God if all this were over,” he added, closing and bolting the gate.

          Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte, page 236
      2. to block;
        all exits are barred

        Examples of using

        1. What use it was to bar Mike from talk-talk I could not see, since was a cinch bet that Warden's stoolies would be in crowd.

          True, I didn’t see the point in hiding from Mike what was happening at the constellation, since it was a no-brainer that the crowd would be full of the Overseer’s informers.

          The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, page 11
        2. A thoroughfare uncompromisingly labeled Albany Road barred my way.

          My path was blocked by a wide street called Albany Road.

          Watch. Agatha Christie, page 5
        3. The path back was barred.

          The path here was already blocked.

          The twelve Chairs. Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, page 151
      3. exclude; suspend; forbid

        Examples of using

        1. The press and public were barred from the trial.

          The press and public were not allowed to attend the trial.

          If tomorrow comes. Sidney Sheldon, page 129
        2. Jonas was a Yankee and a bachelor, and the fact that he was an overseer forever barred him from any contact with the County social life.

          Jonas was a Yankee and a bachelor, and the position of manager that he held cut off all his access to the houses of wealthy planters.

          GONE WITH THE WIND Volume 1. Margaret Mitchell, page 74
        3. By tacit consent, all mention of the tragedy was barred.

          During table conversation, everyone carefully avoided mentioning the recent tragedy.

          Mysterious Affair in Styles. Agatha Christie, page 102
      4. colloquial - to have smth. against someone, something, not to love;
        bar in lock; do not release;
        bar out don't let in
    3. preposition - excluding, not counting;
      bar none without exception
  2. bar [ called (or to go) to the B. to obtain the right to practice law;
    to be at the B. to be a lawyer;
    to be called within the B. to receive appointment as Queen's Counsel;
    to pitch smb. over the bar colloquial to deprive smb. title of lawyer or law of practice
  3. court, judgment;
    the bar of conscience court of conscience;
    the bar of public opinion

    Examples of using

    1. Arraigned at my own bar, Memory having given her evidence of the hopes, wishes, sentiments I had been cherishing since last night-of the general state of mind in which I had indulged for nearly a fortnight past; Reason having come forward and told, in her own quiet way a plain, unvarnished tale, showing how I had rejected the real, and rabidly devoured the ideal;-I pronounced judgment to this effect:-

      And so I appeared before my own court. Helpful witness - memory reminded me of those hopes, desires and feelings that I had cherished since yesterday evening, as well as of that special state of mind in which I had been for about two weeks. Then reason spoke and calmly, with its characteristic sobriety, reproached me for not wanting to look into the eyes of reality and being carried away by unrealistic dreams. And then I pronounced a sentence over myself, which read:

      Jane Eyre. Charlotte Bronte, page 174