Read Russian folk tales The Fox and the Crane. Russian folktale. Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane"

Fox and crane

The fox and the crane became friends.

So one day the fox decided to treat the crane and went to invite him to visit her:

Come, kumanek, come, dear! How I can treat you!

The crane is going to a feast, and the fox made semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. Served and served:

Eat, my dear kumanek! I cooked it myself.

The crane slammed its nose, knocked and knocked, but nothing hit. And at this time the fox was licking and licking the porridge - so she ate it all herself. The porridge is eaten; the fox says:

Don't blame me, dear godfather! There is nothing more to treat!

Thank you, godfather, and that’s it! Come to visit me.

The next day the fox comes, and the crane prepared okroshka, put it in a jug with a narrow neck, put it on the table and said:

Eat, gossip! Don't be ashamed, my dear.

The fox began to spin around the jug, and would come in this way and that, and lick it and smell it; There’s no point at all! My head won't fit into the jug. Meanwhile, the crane pecks and pecks until it has eaten everything.

Well, don't blame me, godfather! There is nothing more to treat.

The fox was annoyed: she thought that she would have enough to eat for a whole week, but she went home as if she was slurping unsalted food. Since then, the fox and the crane have been apart in their friendship.

Alternative text:

The Fox and the Crane - Russian folk tale processed by A.N. Tolstoy

The Fox and the Crane - Russian folk tale adapted by A.N. Afanasyev

Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane"


    deepen children's understanding of the content of the fairy tale;

    learn to evaluate characters by their actions and motives for their actions;

    introduce ancient Russian customs;

    develop awareness of reading aloud in children;

    develop flexibility and reading speed depending on the task;

    develop memory, attention, thinking, the ability to explain the meaning of proverbs;

    expand lexicon, student speech;

    cultivate the ability to be friends and mercy.


    on the board there are proverbs about friendship and mutual assistance;

Educational material:

    "The Fox and the Crane". Russian folktale;

During the classes

I. Organizing time

II. Speech warm-up.

Finish the sentence:

Who wants to...(talk)

He must... (pronounce)

Everything ... (correct) and ... (clear),

So that everyone can... (understandable).

III .Work on pure language.

Listen to the plain talk. Repeat it in chorus, pronouncing the sounds clearly.

Sa-sa-sa - a fox is running in the forest.

So-so-so - Vova has a wheel.

Wasps - os - os - there are a lot of wasps in the clearing.

Us-us-us - a goose is grazing in the meadow.

Su-su-su - it was cold in the forest.

Shi-shi-shi - the kids are having fun.

Sha-sha-sha - very good pear.

IV .Work on tongue twister.

A sparrow sat on a pine tree,

He fell asleep and fell in his sleep.

If he hadn't fallen in his sleep,

I would still be sitting on a pine tree.

V . Lesson topic message.

Imagine what fairy tales ask you:

And now

You are friends,

Get to know us!

He pounded and pounded on the plate with his nose.

Didn't swallow anything

And I was left with my nose...

(Fox and crane)

Children guess.

Right. We will read this fairy tale today.

Before you get acquainted with the content of the fairy tale, check whether you understand the meaning of the words correctly.

On the desk:

To make friends - to become godfathers. Godfather and godfather are the people who baptized the child.

Treat - treat.

VI .Work on the content of the text.

The teacher reads a fairy tale.

Children listen (without text).

VII . Preparing to read the text.

    Practicing vowel pronunciation: a-u, a-o, s-i, e-a, i-o, auoe, aiuoe.

    Combination of vowels and consonants.

    Reading a “pyramid” of keywords.

Children read slowly at first, then vigorously.







It backfired


4.Reading difficult words.

In another way - make friends, become friends



Whoops, whoops, whoops



Physical education minute.

Like ours at Yashka

There is a shirt with roosters.

Like a walk in the countryside,

So Yashka comes out in it.

As soon as he sees his friends,

Everyone will bow around.

Yashka loves to dance

And show yourself.

Hands on hips

And he will go into a squat.

Stomps his feet,

He pats himself.

VIII . Reading text by children.

1. Exercise “Lips”.

At the teacher’s command to read “to themselves,” children place the finger of their left hand to their tightly compressed lips and read the text.

Find words that can be considered an expression of the main idea.

2. Exercise “tug”.

The teacher reads the text, varying the speed of reading, the children follow. The teacher suddenly stops, the children continue reading.

3. Exercise “Reading with an error.”

The teacher reads, making “mistakes” in words, the children correct the mistakes.

4. Reading aloud in pairs “race”.

5.Checking reading technique.

IX . Generalization of what has been learned.

What fox? Connect the words with arrows.

On the desk:

sneaky fox deceiver

harmful good

crafty cunning

stupid evil

sincere insidious

smart, funny

What crane? Connect the words with arrows.

On the desk:

Clever crane seasoned

Harmful, quick-witted

Calm vindictive

Stupid gloomy

Read the proverb. How do you understand its meaning?

If only I had a friend, there would be leisure.

Learn the poem:

This red-haired cheat

And insidious and cunning.

He catches fast hares deftly,

Chicken steals from the yard.

- What riddles about foxes do you know?

The red-haired hostess came from the forest.

I counted all the chickens and took them with me. (Fox).

X . Lesson summary.

XI . Homework. Reading and retelling a fairy tale.

Fox and crane- a children's folk tale as told by A. Afanasyev, a famous literary historian and researcher of Russian folk art. The fairy tale The Fox and the Crane will introduce your child to good Russian humor. Firstly, you can read the fairy tale online for free and role-play it with your child. Secondly, while mom is preparing dinner, the child can choose suitable dishes for fairy-tale characters. And don’t just stop at the fox and the crane: give space to your child’s imagination - and the largest basin will become a plate for a giant, and the smallest saucer will do for Thumbelina.
Reading the fairy tale The Fox and the Crane online for free can become a reason for a serious conversation about the fact that if a child wants to have real friends, then his attitude towards others should be appropriate.

What does the fairy tale The Fox and the Crane teach?

This fairy tale teaches you to be attentive to others, because this is the key to strong friendship! It shows the short-lived friendship between sly fox and the wise crane. Once a cheat invited a feathered friend to visit, and she put the treat on a flat plate so that he could only knock with his beak. The crane repaid his friend in kind for such hospitality, offering the red-haired guest a treat in a narrow jug...

Russian folk tale about how a cunning fox and a crane became friends. The red-haired prankster invited the crane to visit and decided to treat him to porridge, which she thinly smeared on a saucer. In response, the crane offered her a treat in a jug with a narrow neck. Moral of the story: don’t do mean things to others, you won’t get the same yourself.

Fairy tale The Fox and the Crane download:

Fairy tale The Fox and the Crane read

The fox and the crane became friends. She even became his godfather when the she-bear gave birth to a cub.

So one day the fox decided to treat the crane and went to invite him to visit her:

Come, kumanek, come, dear! How I can treat you!

The crane is going to a feast, and the fox made semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. Served and treated:

Eat, my dear kumanek! I cooked it myself.

The crane slammed its nose, knocked and knocked, but nothing hit. And at this time the fox is licking the porridge for itself and licking it all off itself. The porridge is eaten; the fox says:

Don't blame me, dear godfather! There is nothing more to treat!

Thank you, godfather, and that’s it! Come and visit me now.

The next day the fox comes, and the crane prepared okroshka, put it in a jug with a small neck, put it on the table and said:

Eat, gossip! True, there is nothing more to treat.

The fox began to spin around the jug, and would come in this way and that, and lick it and smell it; nothing is enough! My head won't fit into the jug. Meanwhile, the crane pecks and pecks until it has eaten everything.

Don't blame me, godfather! There is nothing more to treat.

The fox was annoyed: she thought that she had enough to eat for a whole week, but she went home as if she was slurping unsalted food. As it came back, so it responded. Since then, the fox and the crane have been apart in their friendship.

Fairy tale The Fox and the Crane read:

The fox and the crane became friends. She even became his godfather when the she-bear gave birth to a cub.

So one day the fox decided to treat the crane and went to invite him to visit her:

Come, kumanek, come, dear! How I can treat you!

The crane is going to a feast, and the fox made semolina porridge and spread it on the plate. Served and treated:

Eat, my dear kumanek! I cooked it myself.

The crane slammed its nose, knocked and knocked, but nothing hit. And at this time the fox is licking the porridge for itself and licking it all off itself. The porridge is eaten; the fox says:

Don't blame me, dear godfather! There is nothing more to treat!

Thank you, godfather, and that’s it! Come and visit me now.

The next day the fox comes, and the crane prepared okroshka, put it in a jug with a small neck, put it on the table and said:

Eat, gossip! True, there is nothing more to treat.

The fox began to spin around the jug, and would come in this way and that, and lick it and smell it; nothing is enough! My head won't fit into the jug. Meanwhile, the crane pecks and pecks until it has eaten everything.
