Seven thousand meters underground. The "yellow" line of the capital's metro has been extended to the "Ramenki" station. The Ramenki station will open

The name of the Ramenki district comes from the word "ramenye". This is how in the past they called a dense dense forest, a place where a dense forest exits into a clearing. More often this referred to a spruce forest or a forest with a predominance of conifers. Nowadays, in the area where the Ramenki metro station was built, “forests” of residential buildings have long grown up, next to which “pine trees” of infill development sometimes appear.

The metro station is decorated like a forest, but with a surprise in the first days. The opening was delayed for so long that the station was covered in dust. Or maybe it was a thick fog from a dense forest? Well, that’s very suitable.

1. Ramenki became the 206th station of the most beautiful metro in the world. Its design is similar to the neighboring Minskaya and Lomonosovsky Prospects: two-span, gray with colored decoration of columns and vestibules. Michurinsky Avenue and Ramensky Boulevard intersect here. Vinnitskaya Street, after which they wanted to name the station, also approaches the station. But that was a long time ago and only in the preliminary stages.

2. It would be strange to call the station Vinnitskaya. In the Ramenki area, near Ramensky Boulevard and Ramenki Street and not far from the Ramenki River, there should be a Ramenki station. Everything is logical.

3. Standard design. All colored elements are different shades of green.

4. For my personal taste, this is the most pleasing to the eye new station on the site that opened on March 16. One of the passengers even worships her! :-) Kidding! I understand my fellow photographer’s desire to take unique angles at non-unique stations.

5. But I wouldn’t dare to shoot from below myself. It was not just dirty here, but very dirty! Behind last years This is the dirtiest of the open stations! If you watched and read all my reports about the new stations, you might have seen a photo of workers taking their washing machines out onto the street in Minsk. They would be here. And you shouldn’t be embarrassed about the cleaner’s work on the first day: it would gradually become cleaner.

6. Local residents came with pleasure to take photographs of the new station. We photographed each other, parents and children, the first trains.

7. It is very difficult to catch a station without passengers.

8. It was surprising to see the intervals. Sometimes trains were shown for only 4 minutes. But why? To stand later in Victory Park?


10. Scheme of the entire line until the end of the year. Next time everything will change again.

11. And people keep coming and going. I think the day after the opening there were even more people here.

12. In some places they are already preparing to put up signs for the next Ramenki-Rasskazovka section, if it opens entirely. The option of dividing Ramenka-Govorovo and Govorovo-Rasskazovka into two parts has not yet been ruled out. And the promising extension to Pykhtino and Vnukovo is more and more often included in the desires of the city leadership.

13. We rise from the platform and...

14. ...we see a new design for the exit sign! However! A bright large light strip, visible from afar even by people with not very good eyesight. Organically integrated into the design. If you imagine the design in this way, for example, in the lobbies of typical centipedes or other typical stations of yesteryear, it would be very convenient. Not everyone will look at a wall with a map, but here you can’t help but see everything.

15. And on the other side there is a huge red “No passage”. But... Why is the inscription covered by a single pillar?

16. Hmm. *phrase by Sergei Lavrov*

17. Very cool!

18. I like the design in gray-black-metallic-green shades the most of the new stations. I repeat, but it’s true. It is both bright and non-irritating at the same time.

19. The first passenger studies the exits.

20. Design of the underground passage.

21. According to the map, it seems that we will go out onto a green boulevard.

22. Our expectations will definitely not be met.

23. A little more transition and signs.



26. Ramenki is the first full-fledged terminus of the Solntsevskaya line. This is the first stage of redirecting Solntsevo and Novoperedelkino passengers to their new line. Solntsevtsy gets here on route 788, and Novoperedelkino is taken out by express 902.

27. And there is complete horror all around. Roads are destroyed, construction, dirt. IN best case scenario there will be order here by City Day.

28. This year the narrowing will be removed here.


30. The entrance pavilions and the fence are the only greenery around the entire station.

31. The cashiers are sitting in the bushes.

32. Once again an element of design and navigation. Great!

33. It's time to take stock of this station and the entire new line.

34. Ramenki is the most necessary and most correct station on the line. You can argue as much as you want about the bends and other things, but local residents will use it in huge numbers. Lots of exits. a lot of transport. For the first time, you can quickly get to the center, albeit with a transfer.

35. There are conflicting opinions about the entire site. There are too many bends, but the speed of the trains is high. Any specialist will tell you that it is also possible to enter a smooth turn at high speed. I expected the travel time to be longer.

36. Congratulations to Moscow on the emergence of a new full-fledged radius!

Thank you for your attention! Stay in touch!

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My other posts about the Moscow metro:

04. Filyovskaya line.

At 23:17 the last train with passengers departed from the station. "Kashirskaya" at the station. "Varshavskaya". Passenger traffic on the Kashirskaya - Varshavskaya section has been stopped until the Big Circle Line is introduced into the section. The Kakhovskaya line ceased to exist. The Varshavskaya station has been temporarily withdrawn from passenger service. The total number of operating Moscow metro stations has been reduced to 229.

  • 03.10.2019
    St. Petersburg - At 16:46 the first train with passengers departed from the station. "International" to the station. "Shushary". On the second attempt, a section of the Frunzensko-Primorskaya line with the stations: “Prospekt Slavy”, “Dunayskaya” and “Shushary” was put into operation. The total number of St. Petersburg metro stations has increased to 72.
  • 09.09.2019
    Moscow - URST JSC began excavating a double-track tunnel on the section of the Big Circle Line from the station. "Karamyshevskaya" to the station. "Mnevniki". The excavation is carried out using a Herrenknecht S-956 Liliya TBM with a diameter of 10.85 m.
  • 05.09.2019
    St. Petersburg - At 11 am, the opening ceremony of the section of the Frunzensko-Primorskaya line “International” - “Shushary” took place. Already after the departure at 11:29 of the first train with passengers from the station. "Shushary" to the station. "Prospekt Slavy" (without disembarking at "Dunayskaya") by the decision of the time. And. O. Governor A.D. Beglov, the opening was canceled, the stations were not put into permanent operation.

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    Do you know that...

    Until 1979, there were no other stations on the Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya line of the Leningrad metro except closed-type stations without landing platforms (“horizontal elevator”). Thus, upon starting his shift, the train driver saw only the tunnel in front of him during the entire working time.


    March 16, 2017, at 11:52 a.m., first train with passengers
    left from the station "Ramenki" at the station. "Lomonosovsky Prospekt".
    The 204th, 205th and 206th stations of the Moscow metro opened:
    “Minskaya”, “Lomonosovsky Prospekt” and “Ramenki”!

    Sketch art. "Ramenki."

    Ramenki station of the Solntsevsky radius of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line (PK 0159+56), next to the station. "Lomonosovsky Prospekt", located in the south-west of Moscow, in the Ramenki West area administrative district, along Michurinsky Avenue, at the junction of Vinnitskaya Street. "Ramenki" is the final station of the starting radius section. Behind the station there are two dead ends with a technical service station for the turnover, storage and maintenance of trains.

    The station is a two-bay, shallow column station with two underground lobbies with exits to under-street passages on both sides of Michurinsky Prospekt. Each of the lobbies is connected to the station platform by three escalators and an elevator. Constructed according to a standard design from monolithic reinforced concrete in an open pit. The general contractor for the construction of the site is OJSC Transinzhstroy. The general designer is OJSC Metrogiprotrans. The architectural project was created by a team of authors under the leadership of L. L. Borzenkov.

    The construction of the Ramenki station has remained in the plans since 1965, when the Solntsevsky radius project was first presented, at that time a continuation of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line from the station. "Kyiv". However, even on the general development plan for the Moscow Metro of 1938, there is a promising station of the Frunzensky radius, designated approximately in the same place.

    According to the decree of the Moscow Government of May 4, 2012, the station was supposed to be built in 2017, but in the fall of 2012 a decision was made to accelerate construction with a new expected date for commissioning the site in September 2015.

    In October 2012, work began on the construction site. In March 2013, the excavation of the pit of the installation chamber of the tunnel boring complex began, and on May 31, 2013, OJSC Transinzhstroy began excavation of the left distillation tunnel with a length of 1189 m in the section from the station. "Ramenki" to the station. "Lomonosovsky Prospekt". The excavation was carried out using a Herrenknecht S-328 Svetlana TBM, and was completed on October 30, after which the TBM was transported back to the installation chamber of the station. "Ramenki", from where on December 17 he began excavating a parallel right-hand distillation tunnel to the station. "Lomonosovsky Prospekt". The second tunnel was completed on April 29, 2014.

    On the night from December 25 to December 26, 2016 along the first route from the station. "Victory Park" to the station. “Ramenki” was first passed by a large carriage, and then by a test train. By mid-January 2017, the last work on the dead ends was completed, and on January 22, a test train ran along both tracks.

    On March 16, 2017, at 11:27 a.m., a train carrying Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin, construction complex management, and builders arrived at the station. At 11:52 a.m. the first train with passengers departed from the station. "Ramenki" towards the station. "Lomonosovsky Prospekt". The 206th station of the Moscow metro has entered into operation.

    Plan of the station "Ramenki."
    NIiPI General Plan of Moscow, 2012

    Last updated March 2017

    Since March 16, three more stations have become available to passengers of the capital’s metro. After completion of the main part of the commissioning work, traffic was opened along the section of the Solntsevskaya Line from the Park Pobedy station to the Ramenki station with intermediate stops Minskaya and Lomonosovsky Prospekt.

    The stations opened their doors to passengers and received the first trains on the new section of the Moscow metro at about 11 am.

    The opening of the stations was very long-awaited for local residents. The instructions given by the management of the capital’s construction complex on March 4 – about opening the station within 10 days – were also violated.

    Not all exits from the new stations were open today. Thus, construction work continues at the southern exits of the Lomonosovsky Prospekt station.

    By tradition, on the first partial day of operation of new stations, public transport routes do not change.

    New names in honor of open metro stations have been assigned to ground transport stops:

    • “Metro “Ramenki”” – stops “Vinnitskaya Street” and “Ramenki” of the trolleybus routes № 17 and buses №№ 57, 447, 494, 572, 661, 715, 845 , “Vinnitskaya street, 2” bus routes №№ 394, 806 ;
    • “Metro “Lomonosovsky Prospekt”” – group of stops “Indira Gandhi Square” of trolleybus routes No. 7, 17, 34, 34k, buses №№ 1, 57, 58, 67, 103, 130, 187, 260, 447, 464, 470, 487, 572, 661, 714, 845, 902 .
    • route № 113 from the Profsoyuznaya metro station to the Universitet metro station it follows the same route, then two-way traffic along Lomonosovsky Prospekt, Lebedev Street, Akademika Khokhlova Street and then goes to the Lomonosovsky Prospekt metro station in a one-way ring along Mendeleevskaya Street, the alternate of Lomonosovsky Prospekt, Michurinsky Prospekt, Universitetsky Prospekt and Mendeleevskaya Street;
    • route № 788 from the 5th Solntsev microdistrict to the intersection of Michurinsky Prospekt with Lobachevsky Street, it will follow the same route, then instead of the Prospekt Vernadskogo metro station it will go along Michurinsky Prospekt to the Ramenki metro station;

    In addition, a new semi-express bus route is being organized. № 908 “Metro “Kashirskaya” - Metro “Filyovsky Park”” along Marshal Shestopalov Street, Kashirskoye Shosse, Nakhimovsky Prospekt, Lomonosovsky Prospekt and Minskaya Street with stops “Metro “Kashirskaya”” (landing on Kashirskoye Shosse, disembarking on Marshal Shestopalov Street) , "Tolstoy Library", "Simferopol Boulevard - Medical College", "Nakhimovsky Prospekt Metro Station", "Weaving Factory", "Profsoyuznaya Metro Station" (near house 40 on Nakhimovsky Prospekt and opposite it), "Profsoyuznaya Metro Station" "" (at houses 46 and 57 on Nakhimovsky Prospekt), "Cheryomushkinsky Market", "Leninsky Prospekt", "University Metro Station", "MSU Library", "Lomonosovsky Prospekt Metro Station", "Romain Rolland Square", " Metro Park Filevsky"". Departure from the Kashirskaya metro station from 5:47 to 23:03, from the Filyovsky Park metro station - from 5:06 to 22:22. The traffic interval during peak hours is five minutes, at other times - up to 10 minutes.

    Among the immediate plans of the Moscow Metro is the opening of the updated Kutuzovskaya metro station on the Filyovskaya Line, scheduled for May, which will become an interchange to the MCC station of the same name.

    ADDENDUM from 12:45 03/16/2017
    Today the second lobby of the Park Pobedy metro station was opened. Now you can exit into the city from both station halls without using the connecting passage between them. A new escalator connects the northern station hall with Pobeda Square, where trains of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line stop towards the Pyatnitskoe Shosse station and the Solntsevskaya Line towards the Ramenki station. The old vestibule can, as before, be used to enter and exit the southern station hall, where trains of the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line towards the Shchelkovskaya station and the Solntsevskaya line towards the Delovoy Tsentr station stop.

    ADDENDUM from 14:55 03/16/2017
    From March 17, the route will change No. 715k, which, as before, will operate on weekdays during peak hours on the busiest section of the route № 715 . Buses will travel in both directions along Ramenki Street and Michurinsky Prospekt to the new terminus “Metro Ramenki”. Traffic along part of Udaltsova Street and Michurinsky Prospekt with stops “Michurinsky Prospekt, 58” and “Exhibition Hall” is canceled.

    ADDENDUM from 13:40 03/17/2017
    Since March 17, the number of buses on routes has been significantly increased №№ 788 And 793 , which made it possible to reduce the intervals on them by an average of two times. In addition, with the extension of the Solntsevskaya Line, train service intervals on the Victory Park – Business Center section have been reduced from ten to six to eight minutes.

    Today is the last station on the new section of the future Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line. The Ramenki station is located in the area of ​​the same name. If you open the map in front of you, it becomes clear that with the opening of the Lomonosovsky Prospekt and Ramenki stations, residents of a large number of nearby residential buildings now have the metro within walking distance. Previously, all these people used buses and minibuses to get to the nearest metro station. "University" of the Sokolnicheskaya Line. Sokolnicheskaya line after extension to metro station "Salaryevo" has become busier and the fact that part of the passenger traffic has now been redirected through the "yellow" line is good.
    1. The station has two underground lobbies, from which 7 staircases covered with pavilions lead to the surface. Of the seven, only 6 are now open. In addition, among the interesting structures on the surface, a two-story locomotive crew rest building (ZOLB) will appear. It will be decorated in the same style as the other pavilions. But while it’s not there, we’ll look at what’s there. Let's start with the north lobby. This is where ZOLB should appear, as well as another pavilion nearby. But all this with opposite side. This one has two standard pavilions and an elevator between them.

    2. The same layout as the neighboring Lomonosovsky Prospekt. The landscaping was done when it was cold, they laid the tiles, then it got warmer and they floated. Unfortunately, this is normal practice if the station is being prepared for opening in winter. In winter, landscaping is done at the last minute, and then everything has to be redone. I would like to believe that one fine day they will do everything as it should be, according to technology, of high quality, once and for a long time. By the way, this approach to business allows you to save money. Really save. In Europe, this has long been understood and there are very few such schools there. What I also like about Ramenki compared to the other two is the build quality of the pavilions. You and I gradually moved away from "Minskaya" where everything was done disgracefully, where money was wasted, the result is depressing. Then on “Lomonosovsky Prospekt” it became a little better, but there was still a lot of hackwork. The cladding was done poorly - this is especially depressing for the authors of the pavilion project. I was really sad to see this. Here, at Ramenki, everything is in accordance with the project - it’s nice. The panels hang evenly, the seams are (almost) the same everywhere, even, the panels do not crawl out of the planes anywhere, there are no strange patches secured with screws or rivets. All is clear. By the way, the elevator pavilion here is not the same as at Lomonosovsky, it has a ventilation chamber section at the back.

    3. On the reverse side there is such a vertical ventilation grille.

    4. I couldn’t get inside again. This was on opening day, maybe there is access now. At least there is an elevator and it works.

    5. The color of the pavilions is green, almost the same as at the recently opened Fonvizinskaya, Butyrskaya and Petrovsko-Razumovskaya. Again, a sign according to the brand book and not letters milled in stainless steel with the name of the station. Specifically at these pavilions, these three stations, I believe that this is an unreasonable decision, since the architects had a full-width stainless steel sign above the doors. Actually, this is why the ventilation grille above the sign is gray, the same color as stainless steel. The entire portal was supposed to be made of stainless steel, but this black panel on which a small sign hangs is somewhat out of character.

    6. Let's go inside. Everything is simple here. The ceiling panels are the same green color, the metal structures and concrete finishing of the staircase are black.

    7. It’s interesting that in the entrance group there is one wide door, but there is no ramp down from it.

    8. In the sub-street, one wall is green, the second is decorated with light panels. The same solution as on Lomonosovsky Prospekt.

    9. Establishes the presence of capital navigation. This sign points to the currently non-existent exit number 7. If I understand everything correctly, there will be a pavilion above the stairwell, and the elevator for people with limited mobility will be in the ZOLB building.

    10. Entrances to the lobby. There is a transparent stained glass window, beautifully framed with radius panels. Such a small thing, but it looks very nice.

    11. There is a panel behind the back. At this station, the main theme is the theme of an oak grove; accordingly, the print features stylized oak trees. Very nice.

    12. The lobbies at Ramenki are the same, or rather, they are mirror images of each other. Structurally and in design, they are the same as the southern lobby of Lomonosovsky Prospekt. The bright central part with cash registers is finished with panels printed with the same oak trees. Very fresh finish. Cool. If I'm not mistaken, at the neighboring station there is no line of lamps directly in front of the ticket office. This is the only difference here, in the box office.

    13. A very well-designed nook opposite the ticket office, in which there are ticket machines. Special niches were made for them. Vending machines appeared in our metro a long time ago (who will remember when they first appeared - these ticket machines?), but it was only now that they were able to be properly integrated into the interior. Fantastic!

    14. It is a pity that the machines do not contain inscriptions in English. I predict that by 2018, vending machines will be covered with stickers with inscriptions in a foreign language. Why can’t I do this IMMEDIATELY, now, especially since the interface of the machines can already be translated into English. This is again a question of thoughtfulness, saving money and the need to immediately do it efficiently and for a long time.

    15. By the way, have you noticed what is missing in the lobbies of the new stations, no? I'll tell you. There are no vending machines selling food, coffee, or ice cream. There are no mirrors for taking selfies, no umbrella packing machines, no charging stations for gadgets. All this shit is not here. And that's great. Why isn't this here? Because everything here is in order with the architecture and there is no need to distract the attention of visitors and especially representatives of the press or bloggers. Remember the metro station "Salaryevo", remember the reviews of the station. More than half of the time is spent describing all these useless gadgets and machines. And it worked; not everyone was able to notice the flaws in the finishing and design.

    16. We pass behind the turnstiles.

    17. Again, the navigation, which I liked, but again, it was possible to write here the names of the streets where you can go, fortunately there is a lot of space on the sign (not a sign, but a sign!!).

    18. Escalators lead to the station.

    19. And the elevator. On the elevator side, the wall is decorated with green panels.

    20. The escalator is separated from the passage to the elevator by a translucent wall. This is more fun than solid walls, without “windows”, like on Lomonosovsky Prospekt.

    21. There are cool lamps on the balustrade again.

    22. Escalators from the platform side.

    23. On the right is the elevator, it is separated from the station by an additional fire door. On the left, if you pay attention to the white vertical guides on the portal, these are guides for the smoke curtain. The safety requirements in the metro are very high.

    24. Let's go now and see the other lobby. There are the same double pavilions above the staircase, between which there is an elevator, and on the other side there is another combined pavilion with an elevator and a staircase. For some reason I didn’t get there... Probably next time. Let's go downstairs.

    25. Everything is the same, but as I already said, mirrored.

    26. Elevator vestibule at the sub-street level. It is fenced with fire-resistant stained glass windows. This creates a safe area for passengers with limited mobility in case of fire.

    27. The lobby and, accordingly, the antechamber in front of it are the same as the neighboring one.

    28. Stained glass separating the sub-street and the vestibule.

    29. Entrance group.

    30. Cash desk. Everything is unchanged.

    31. There is an elevator on the right, escalators in the middle.

    32. There is more glazing here than in the adjacent lobby. So the pavilions are not entirely identical.

    33. Panel. The design is the same as in the antechamber and on the walls of the ticket offices, but here it is applied to the glass.

    34. And finally, let's go down to the platform. On the track wall, brackets for the scheme were made for the future, after the construction of the central section of the KSL.

    35. Modern trains look very organic at new stations. Although according to the color scheme, this train is more suitable for “Lomonosovsky Prospekt” =).

    36. The finishing is done with high quality. No complaints here.

    37. Benches, a navigation sign above it... everything is like at other new stations of the “yellow” line.

    38. Although the decoration of the platform part at all three stations is the same, it is impossible to make a mistake about which station is which. Each has its own color code.

    39. On the first day, people are just getting acquainted with the new station.

    40. Navigation.

    41. General view. I liked the green on the columns better than the blue on Lomonosovsky and the “steam locomotives” on Minskaya. But this is all a matter of taste.

    42. More navigation elements. It's cool that they are unified. It looks good, although the inscriptions are a bit small.

    43. In the oak grove.

    44. The name is carved into a green leaf. It would be cool to add some backlighting, for example.

    45. That's it. We have finished the inspection, now we will wait for the opening of the next portion of stations on the “yellow” line. There will still be a standard station "Ochakovo", but the next station after "Ramenki", the station "Michurinsky Prospect" will, although it contains standard elements, will look completely different.

    Section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line from “Business Center” before " Ramenok” will be opened in the next 10 days, the press service reports “Stroykompleks” with reference to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin.

    According to him, construction work on this section of the metro has been fully completed. It was tested, but during test runs there was a malfunction in the ventilation. It will be removed soon and the site will be open.

    In this area “ yellow" The metro line has three stations: “ Minsk", Lomonosovsky Prospekt And " Ramenki”.

    In addition, permission was received to commission the first section of the Third transfer circuit- Second metro ring - from the station "Business center " before Petrovsky Park. It will be launched after opening “ Ramenok”.

    The Third Interchange Circuit (TPC), or Second Metro Ring, will become the longest line of the Moscow metro. The total length of the circuit will be 61 kilometers. It will pass at a distance of about 10 kilometers from the Circle Line. It will house 28 stations, 17 of which will have transfers to other subway lines, two to Moskovskoye central ring and seven - for radial railways. The TPK will connect all metro lines with each other, except Butovskaya and the monorail.

    At all stations in the northern part of the TPK, transfers to radial metro lines will be organized: the circuit will pass through “Maryina Roshcha”("Sheremetyevskaya"), “ Riga"(“Rzhevskaya”) and “ Sokolniki”("Stromynka"). In the fall of 2014, the capital’s authorities finally decided on the type of traffic on the TPK. Trains will move along it like a ring.

    According to experts, the connection of the Third Interchange Circuit and the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya Line will help relieve congestion on the transport hub at “ Kievskaya”. The connecting line, which opens direct passage from Ramenki to the Airport, will pass in deep tunnels under the bed of the Moskva River and the Smolensk direction of the Moscow Railway. According to the design documentation, the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya Line and the Third Interchange Circuit will be connected by a section with two tunnels 840 and 910 meters long. Commissioning is expected before the end of 2018.

    And the station Salaryevo” It is planned to connect the Sokolnicheskaya Line of the Moscow Metro with a new metro line, which will stretch from TPK to Kommunarka. Presumably, “ Salaryevo” will connect to the station “ Stolbovo” or “ Pines”.

    / Saturday, March 4, 2017 /

    Topics: Sokolnicheskaya Kalininskaya Metro Airport

    Within 10 days, a section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line will be launched from “Business Center” before " Ramenok”. It is completely ready and has been running trains for two months. This was announced by Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Development Policy and Construction Marat Khusnullin.

    In the area from the station “Victory Park” to the station Ramenki” All that remains is to fix the problems with the ventilation equipment, the deputy mayor clarified.

    “Today we called specialists who will fix the problem within two or three days. Then we will receive all the paperwork and launch the section for passengers.”, said Marat Khusnullin. He also added that the section of the Third Interchange Circuit (TPC) from “Victory Park” before “Business Center” Running separately is impractical.

    In addition, at the beginning of 2018, a section from the station will be opened for passengers. Ramenki” before “Stories”.

    “We plan to launch the entire line at the end of the year. At the beginning of the year - already completely for passengers. There is no doubt: we drove through, looked at all sections. People have been mobilized, about five thousand people are working. By the end of the month, another thousand people will be mobilized", - said Marat Khusnullin.

    Work on the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line is being carried out in stages. At the beginning of 2014, a section was introduced "Business center " - “Victory Park”, and at the end of 2016 the stations were launched in test mode “ Minsk", Lomonosovsky Prospekt And " Ramenki”.

    The construction of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line will allow:

    Improve transport service 600 thousand Muscovites living in the areas of Ramenki, Vernadskogo Avenue, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Troparevo-Nikulino, Solntsevo, Novo-Peredelkino, the settlements of Moskovsky and Vnukovsky, including about 300 thousand citizens will be able to get to the metro on foot;

    Reduce the load on the southwestern section of the Sokolnicheskaya metro line and transport hubs near the stations “South-Western”, Vernadsky avenue and others;

    Reduce traffic intensity on Borovskoye and Kievskoye highways, Vernadsky Avenue, Michurinsky and Leninsky Avenues and the section of the Moscow Ring Road between Michurinsky and Leninsky Avenues;

    Improve environmental situation in the western districts of the city by reducing the intensity of vehicle traffic.

    According to Deputy Mayor Marat Khusnullin, the site is completely ready, "but the ventilation equipment malfunctioned there", which is planned to be eliminated within two to three days.

    Sections of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line of the Moscow metro from the station "Business center " to the station Ramenki” will be launched in the next 10 days. . . . . .

    "Plot from “Victory Park” before " Ramenok” also completely ready, but the ventilation equipment there failed. We called representatives of the supplying plant and, I think, within two or three days these faults will be eliminated and all the paperwork will be completed.", - said Khusnullin. “After this, trains with passengers will travel through the sections.”, he added.

    Earlier, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin launched technical traffic from the station “Victory Park” to the station Ramenki”. Its length is more than seven kilometers. The mayor emphasized that the opening of stations “ Minsk", Lomonosovsky Prospekt And " Ramenki” About 600 thousand residents of areas in the west of the capital are waiting.

    Marat Khusnullin also added that construction work on the section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line from the station “ Ramenki” to the station “Storytelling” will be completed by the end of 2017, and traffic on this section will be launched at the beginning of 2018.

    “The work is going well and at the pace that has been achieved today, we believe that in September-October the station “Storytelling” will be ready, but we plan to complete construction work here at the end of the year, and at the beginning of next year we will fully launch this section with passengers.", - said Khusnullin. “There is no doubt that we will build everything. About 5 thousand people work here, by the end of the month another 1 thousand will be mobilized”, he added.

    On the section of the Klininsko-Solntsevskaya line under construction from the station “ Ramenki” to the station “Storytelling” stations will be located Michurinsky prospekt , “Ozernaya Street”, “Govorovo”, “Solntsevo”, "Bohr highway " And Novoperedelkino. “The commissioning of this 14.2 km section will reduce the travel time to the city center from peripheral areas by up to 45 minutes.”, - said Khusnullin.

    He noted that with the launch of the metro, transport services for 600 thousand residents of the Ramenki, Ochakovo-Matveevskoye, Troparevo-Nikulino districts and the settlements of Moskovsky and Vnukovskoye will improve.

    "The construction of this metro section will reduce the load terrestrial species transport Michurinsky Prospekt and Borovskoye Highway by 15-20%, as well as improve the environmental situation", - added the deputy mayor.

    Also, according to him, this will make it possible to further extend the metro from the dead ends behind the station “Storytelling” along Borovskoe highway to Vnukovo airport.

    The Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line should connect the stations “Tretyakovskaya”, "Business center " and southwestern regions of Moscow. The yellow line will become the longest in the capital's subway. By 2020, the section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line will be extended from “Business Center” to the station “Tretyakovskaya”.

    . . . . .

    According to him, construction of the site is completely completed.

    “It has been tested, but recently there was a problem with the ventilation. It will be fixed soon and we will open this section. . . . . .

    . . . . .

    “The construction of this section is completely completed. . . . . . However, it is inappropriate to launch it without opening a section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line, so it will be opened after the launch of trains to “ Ramenok”, - explained M. Khusnullin.

    According to him, builders are now continuing work on the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya metro line.

    "By the end of this year it is planned to complete the construction of the site before “Stories”. Today about 5 thousand people work here, in the next month we will mobilize another thousand workers here", - added the head of the Construction Complex.

    He noted that passenger traffic from “ Ramenok” before “Stories” will be launched in early 2018.

    . . . . . However, it is inappropriate to launch this section without opening a section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line; therefore, it will be opened after the launch of the metro section to

    Section of the yellow line of the Moscow metro "Business center " - “Ramenki” will be put into operation by mid-March

    As the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for urban planning policy and construction, Marat, said: . . . . . , traffic will be launched immediately after troubleshooting at one of the stations. AGN writes about this “ Moscow ".

    "Line from “Business Center” before “Victory Park” and from “Victory Park” before " Ramenok” will travel within 10 days. . . . . . The line is completely ready for passengers and has been running trains for two months now,” said M. . . . . .

    Running in the entire section from “ Ramenok” before “Stories” will begin by the end of the year, and at the beginning of 2018 this section of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line will be opened for passengers.
