Day of military glory of Russia. Battle of Kulikovo. Versions from official to bold. Battle of Kulikovo Calendar of the battle on the Kulikovo field

The Battle of Kulikovo is one of the most important battles between the Russian people and the Golden Horde. It is the decisive battle that put an end to the fight against the dark army of Mamai. The battle ended with the unconditional victory of the Russian people. The date of the Battle of Kulikovo is September 8, 1380 according to the old calendar.

These terrible events took place along the banks of the Don, Krasivaya Mecha and Nepryadva rivers, directly on the Kulikovo field. But the specific location of the battle has not yet been thoroughly established. There is a lot of discussion among historians about this. The spark for the start of this battle was the defeat of the Horde detachment of Begich in 1378.

The date of the Battle of Kulikovo according to the new style has a different date.

Russian and Horde troops

A huge number of people took part in the battle. On the part of the Russian army - up to 70 thousand soldiers, on the part of Mamai - up to 150 thousand.

Despite the quantitative superiority of the enemy, the losses of the Russian army amounted to about 20 thousand people, while the Horde lost almost its entire army. Those who survived were captured or fled.

The gathering of Russian detachments took place in Kolomna on August 15. The entire army advanced from Moscow along three different routes.

When the entire army arrived at the collection point - Kolomna - the princes formed a battle formation. The central regiment was under the command of Dmitry Donskoy, the right flank was taken over by Vladimir Andreevich, and the left flank went to Gleb Bryansky.

Reasons for the battle

Based on ancient sources, the formal reason for the Battle of Kulikovo was that the Horde khan demanded an increase in the amount of tribute. Mamai took this step because he hoped that he would be able to come to an agreement with Prince Jagiello of Lithuania and Oleg of Ryazan to join forces against the Principality of Moscow. Khan made a mistake in his calculations, according to which he assumed that Donskoy would take defensive positions with his army. Dmitry, understanding the danger of the situation and the possibility of uniting Mamai and Jagiello, decided to withdraw the army to the mouth of Lopasnya. The date of the Battle of Kulikovo became one of the most significant events in military history.

Due to the fact that several regiments from other cities also joined Donskoy’s army for the battle with Mamai, the khan found himself in a difficult situation. People close to Mamai warned that his army had weakened and did not have enough strength to fight. This did not stop Mamai. Thus, he allocated most of the money to hire military personnel from other cities. As a result, a large number of mercenaries took part in the battle, such as the Genoese infantry, Circassians and others. The horde's cavalry was on the flanks at the time of the battle. Mamai did not take part in the battle, but watched from a nearby hill with two dark princes.

It is difficult to indicate the exact number of people in the ranks of the horde. There are several scientists' assessments on this matter. B. Urlanis claims that Mamaevo’s army numbered about 60 thousand people. Other scientists, such as Tikhomirov, Cherepnin and Buganov, prove that there were much more of them, namely 100-150 thousand military men.

Preparing for battle

Every person must know what date the Battle of Kulikovo is, since it is very important for the history of Russians. Preparations for the battle were also very serious. Having crossed the bank of the Don, the Russian army destroyed the bridges behind them. This was done for the purpose of protecting themselves from attacks from the rear.

On the eve of the battle, the commanders made a tour of the entire army in order to check its full combat readiness. At the same time, the scouts got as close as possible to the enemy and analyzed him and their positions.

The date of the Battle of Kulikovo is a battle that is remembered not only by every adult, but also by every child living in Russia.

Donskoy's trick

Dmitry Donskoy resorted to a little trick, thereby exposing his comrade-in-arms to attack. Before the battle began, he swapped clothes with Brenok. As a result, Dmitry himself had the opportunity to make more maneuvers to conduct the battle, and a significant part of the horde hunted for Brenok, dressed as Prince. During the battle, Brenok was killed, and a large number of noblewomen hovered around him, unsuccessfully trying to protect him.

The date of the Battle of Kulikovo is the beginning of a fierce battle, which, of course, will never be forgotten and will forever remain in the memory of all Russians.

Progress of the battle

On the morning of September 8, the weather was completely unsuitable for battle. It was foggy and raining. Because of this, the troops were forced to stand until the fog cleared. Meanwhile, the princes continued to bypass the troops, simultaneously keeping in touch with Dmitry. The role of communication was played by the rapping of spears. By about 12 o'clock the weather had improved, and the Tatars appeared on the field. The forward detachments were the first to take the blow. There were small battles. Dmitry first fought in a guard regiment, and later moved to a large regiment. The main forces of the Tatars were thrown to attack the left flank, which broke away from the central large regiment. The forces of the left flank fled to the Nepryadva River.

The Tatars chased after them, creating a danger to the rear of the Russian army. The troops who were located near the river and guarding the rear dealt a decisive blow to the horde units. The Tatars were driven into the river, where they were killed. The attack to the rear was successfully repulsed. Ultimately, realizing the horror of the situation, Mamai fled with a small number of troops. Also, the forces that remained on the battlefield fled to the river.

Battle of Kulikovo briefly

The Russian man takes a long time to harness, but rides quickly

Russian folk proverb

The Battle of Kulikovo took place on September 8, 1380, but it was preceded by a number of important events. Beginning in 1374, relations between Russia and the Horde began to become noticeably more complicated. If earlier the issues of paying tribute and the supremacy of the Tatars over all the lands of Rus' did not cause discussion, now a situation began to develop when the princes began to feel their own strength, in which they saw an opportunity to repel the formidable enemy who had been ravaging their lands for many years. It was in 1374 that Dmitry Donskoy actually broke off relations with the Horde, not recognizing Mamai’s power over himself. Such freethinking could not be ignored. The Mongols did not leave.

Background to the Battle of Kulikovo, briefly

Along with the events described above, the death of the Lithuanian king Olgerd occurred. His place was taken by Jagiello, who first decided to establish relations with the powerful Horde. As a result, the Mongol-Tatars received a powerful ally, and Russia found itself sandwiched between enemies: from the east by the Tatars, from the west by the Lithuanians. This in no way shook the Russians' resolve to repel the enemy. Moreover, an army was assembled, headed by Dmitry Bobrok-Valyntsev. He made a campaign against the lands on the Volga and captured several cities. Which belonged to the Horde.

The next major events that created the preconditions for the Battle of Kulikovo took place in 1378. It was then that a rumor spread throughout Rus' that the Horde had sent a large army to punish the rebellious Russians. Previous lessons showed that the Mongol-Tatars burn out everything in their path, which means they cannot be allowed into fertile lands. Grand Duke Dmitry gathered a squad and set off to meet the enemy. Their meeting took place near the Vozha River. The Russian maneuver had a surprise factor. Never before had the prince's squad descended so deep into the south of the country to fight the enemy. But the fight was inevitable. The Tatars were unprepared for him. The Russian army won the victory quite easily. This instilled even more confidence that the Mongols were ordinary people and could be fought against.

Preparing for the battle - the Battle of Kulikovo in brief

The events at the Vozha River were the last straw. Mamai wanted revenge. Batu’s laurels haunted him and the new khan dreamed of repeating his feat and walking through all of Rus' with fire. Recent events have shown that the Russians are not as weak as before, which means the Mughals need an ally. They found him quickly enough. Mamai’s allies were:

  • King of Lithuania - Jogaila.
  • Prince of Ryazan - Oleg.

Historical documents indicate that the Prince of Ryazan took a contradictory position, trying to guess the winner. To do this, he entered into an alliance with the Horde, but at the same time regularly reported information about the movements of the Mongol army to other principalities. Mamai himself gathered a strong army, which included regiments from all lands that were controlled by the Horde, including the Crimean Tatars.

Training of Russian troops

Impending events required decisive action from the Grand Duke. It was at this moment that it was necessary to gather a strong army that could repel the enemy and show the whole world that Rus' had not been completely conquered. About 30 cities expressed their readiness to provide their squads to the united army. Many thousands of soldiers entered the detachment, the command of which was taken by Dmitry himself, as well as other princes:

  • Dmitry Bobrok-Volynits
  • Vladimir Serpukhovsky
  • Andrey Olgerdovich
  • Dmitry Olgerdovich

At the same time, the whole country rose up to fight. Literally everyone who could hold a sword in their hands enrolled in the squad. Hatred of the enemy became the factor that united the divided Russian lands. Let it be only for a while. The combined army advanced to the Don, where it was decided to repel Mamai.

Battle of Kulikovo - briefly about the course of the battle

On September 7, 1380, the Russian army approached the Don. The position was quite dangerous, since holding the ruck had both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it was easier to fight against the Mongol-Tatars, since they would have to cross the river. The disadvantage is that Jagiello and Oleg Ryazansky could arrive at the battlefield at any moment. In this case, the rear of the Russian army would be completely open. The only correct decision was made: the Russian army crossed the Don and burned all the bridges after itself. This managed to secure the rear.

Prince Dmitry resorted to cunning. The main forces of the Russian army lined up in a classical manner. In front stood a “large regiment”, which was supposed to hold back the main onslaught of the enemy; a regiment of the right and left hands was located at the edges. At the same time, it was decided to use the Ambush Regiment, which was hidden in the thicket of the forest. This regiment was led by the best princes Dmitry Bobrok and Vladimir Serpukhovsky.

The Battle of Kulikovo began in the early morning of September 8, 1380, as soon as the fog cleared over the Kulikovo field. According to chronicle sources, the battle began with the battle of heroes. The Russian monk Peresvet fought with the Horde member Chelubey. The blow of the warriors' spears was so strong that both of them died on the spot. After this the battle began.

Dmitry, despite his status, put on the armor of a simple warrior and stood at the head of the Big Regiment. With his courage, the prince inspired the soldiers to the feat that they had to accomplish. The initial onslaught of the Horde was terrible. They threw all the force of their blow onto the left-hand regiment, where the Russian troops began to noticeably lose ground. At the moment when Mamai’s army broke through the defenses in this place, and also when it began to maneuver in order to go to the rear of the main forces of the Russians, the Ambush Regiment entered the battle, which with terrible force and unexpectedly struck the attacking Horde in the rear. The panic began. The Tatars were sure that God himself was against them. Convinced that they had killed everyone behind them, they said that it was the dead Russians rising to fight. In this state, they lost the battle quite quickly and Mamai and his horde were forced to hastily retreat. Thus ended the Battle of Kulikovo.

Many people on both sides were killed in the battle. Dmitry himself could not be found for a very long time. Towards evening, when the pipes of the dead were being removed from the field, the body of the prince was discovered. He was alive!

Historical significance of the Battle of Kulikovo

The historical significance of the Battle of Kulikovo cannot be overestimated. For the first time, the myth of the invincibility of the Horde army was broken. If previously various armies managed to achieve success in minor battles, then no one has ever been able to defeat the main forces of the Horde.

The important point for the Russian people was that the Battle of Kulikovo, which we briefly described, allowed them to feel faith in themselves. For more than a hundred years, the Mongols forced them to consider themselves second-class citizens. Now this was over, and for the first time conversations began that Mamai’s power and his yoke could be thrown off. These events found expression in literally everything. And it is precisely with this that the cultural transformations that affected all aspects of the life of Rus' are largely connected.

The significance of the Battle of Kulikovo also lies in the fact that this victory was perceived by everyone as a sign that Moscow should become the center of the new country. After all, only after Dmitry Donskoy began to collect lands around Moscow, there was a major victory over the Mongols.

For the horde itself, the significance of the defeat on the Kulikovo field was also extremely important. Mamaia lost most of his army, and was soon completely defeated by Khan Takhtomysh. This allowed the Horde to once again unite forces and feel its own strength and significance in those spaces that had previously not even thought of resisting it.

Russian regiments before the Battle of Kulikovo / Image: from a painting by A. Bubnov

September 21 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the Day of the victory of Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo in 1380. It was established by Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995 “On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia.”

The Tatar-Mongol yoke brought terrible disasters to Russian soil. But in the second half of the 14th century, the collapse of the Golden Horde began, where one of the senior emirs, Mamai, became the de facto ruler. At the same time, in Rus' there was a process of formation of a strong centralized state through the unification of Russian lands under the rule of the Moscow Principality.

The strengthening of the Moscow principality alarmed Mamai. In 1378, he sent a strong army to Rus' under the command of Murza Begich. The army of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich of Moscow met the Horde on the Vozha River and completely defeated them.

Mamai, having learned about Begich’s defeat, began to prepare for a big campaign against Rus'. He entered into an alliance with the Grand Duke of Lithuania Jagiello and the Ryazan Prince Oleg. In the summer of 1380, Mamai began his campaign, writes

Prince of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich, having learned at the end of July about the Mongol-Tatar movement, made an appeal for the gathering of Russian military forces in Moscow and Kolomna. Squads from 27 Russian cities and principalities gathered under the banners of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich. The total number of troops exceeded 100 thousand people.

Prince of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich, having learned at the end of July about the Mongol-Tatar movement, made an appeal for the gathering of Russian military forces in Moscow and Kolomna / Image:

The plan of the campaign was to, without waiting for the connection between Mamai and his allies on the Oka, to cross the Oka and move towards the enemy to the upper reaches of the Don. The army march took place in August - early September.

On September 19 (September 6, old style) along the Old Dankovskaya Road, Russian regiments reached the Don River. At the military council, it was decided to cross the river and meet the enemy beyond the Don and Nepryadva. On the night of September 20 (7) to September 21 (8), the troops crossed the Don and in the early morning of September 21 began to deploy into battle formation between the Rybiy Verkh gully and the Smolka River on a front of about 1 km facing southeast, to the watershed from which they moved Mamai's strength.


At the forefront of the Russian army were detachments of the Watch Regiment. In the front line was the Advanced Regiment. The main line of Russian combat formation had a three-part division. In the center was the Big Regiment, its flanks were covered by the regiments of the Right and Left Hands, whose edges rested on the forested spurs of the ravine and river. Behind the large regiment there was a reserve.

Anticipating the course of the battle, the Russian commanders placed the Ambush Regiment, consisting of selected cavalry squads, to the east of the Left Hand regiment in the large forest tract "Green Dubrava". Mamai also arranged his cavalry and mercenaries in a linear order.

The duel of the Russian warrior monk Peresvet with the Mongolian hero Chelubey / Image:

The battle began with a duel between the Russian warrior monk Peresvet and the Mongol hero Chelubey. In this duel both warriors died. Then the Tatar cavalry, having crushed the leading regiment, began to press back the large regiment; Russian regiments suffered significant losses; Boyar Mikhail Brenok, who fought in a large regiment in the armor of the Grand Duke and under his banner, was killed. Grand Duke Dmitry, wearing the armor of an ordinary warrior, fought among the soldiers of the same regiment.

However, the Russians held out, and then, creating a numerical superiority, Mamai threw the last fresh forces into the Left Hand regiment. Having suffered significant losses, the Left Hand regiment began to retreat. The reserve put forward to help did not save the situation either. Rounding the flank of the Great Regiment, the Golden Horde cavalry began to go to the rear of the Moscow army. There was a real threat of encirclement and destruction of Russian forces. The climax of the battle has arrived. At that moment, the Ambush Regiment struck the back of the Horde who had broken through.



The sudden introduction of fresh Russian forces into the battle radically changed the situation. The entry into battle of the Ambush Regiment served as a signal for the general offensive of the Moscow army. A mass exodus of Mamai's troops began. The pursuit was carried out by Russian cavalry until nightfall.

The victory was complete, the entire camp and convoy of the Horde were captured. However, the Russian army suffered heavy losses during the battle. For seven days the fallen soldiers were collected and buried in mass graves.

The Battle of Kulikovo was of great historical significance in the struggle of the Russian and other peoples against Mongol-Tatar oppression. An important consequence of the Battle of Kulikovo was the strengthening of the role of Moscow in the formation of the Russian state.

In 1848, a monument was erected on Red Hill, where Mamai’s headquarters was located.

Pillar-monument to Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo Field / Photo:

In 1996, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the State Military-Historical and Natural Museum-Reserve “Kulikovo Field” was created on the site of the legendary battle.

The territory of the museum-reserve occupies the southeast of the Tula region, geographically it is a section of the landscape of the northern forest-steppe of the Russian Plain in the basin of the upper reaches of the Don and Nepryadva. It includes the historical site of the battle with adjacent areas, as well as a complex of unique archaeological, memorial, architectural, natural and landscape monuments.

Reconstructions of the great battle / Photo:

Since 1996, on the initiative of the museum, the international military-historical festival “Kulikovo Field” has been held annually on the banks of the Don River near the village of Tatinki. Military-historical reconstruction clubs from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic States take part in it. The winners of the festival's competition program take part in a large theatrical performance during the festive events dedicated to the anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo.

On the Kulikovo Field / Photo:

In 2002, in the village of Monastyrshchina, where, according to legend, Russian soldiers who died in the Battle of Kulikovo were buried, a Memory Alley was founded. Here are memorial signs from various lands of Russia, writes

Russia's past is long and glorious. As gratitude to the ancestors for the formation of a single people, on September 21 the whole country celebrates the victory of Dmitry Donskoy over Mamai.

Reasons for the growing conflict

A big role in the history of Russia is given to the confrontation between Dmitry Donskoy and Mamai. Remembrance Day of the Battle of Kulikovo is celebrated annually directly at the battle site. This date is important, because it led to liberation from the yoke of the horde, united the Russian lands and formed a single nation.

The reason for the war was the increase in the influence and power of the Moscow Principality. This broke the system that had worked in favor of the Tatars for years. A compelling reason was needed to start hostilities. Soon one was found.

Realizing his power, Dmitry I Ivanovich (later Donskoy) in 1374 breaks the agreement with the Horde and refuses to increase the tribute.

The Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo in the Russian Federation is an awareness of oneself as a single Russian people.

Search for allies

Then events developed very rapidly. Opponents made new friends. So, the Kingdom of Lithuania took the side of the Horde. But the enemy's strength did not frighten the Russians. An army was assembled, led by excellent commanders and strategists.

Mamai prepared to attack, but minor battles, such as in 1378, weakened his army. A full-scale offensive had to be constantly postponed.

It was not only the Khan who had problems. The Moscow prince persistently sought support. Tver refused to help him. Ryazan played a dual role. Prince Oleg supported Mamai, but told other princes about the plans of the Tatars.

The Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal and Smolensk principalities stood on the Donskoy side. Under the leadership of brave military leaders, thousands of men from different lands boldly went into battle. That is why the Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo in Russia is a holiday for every patriot who is ready to defend his homeland from invaders.

Progress of the famous battle

On September 7, 1380, the troops approached. The places where the fighting took place had both pros and cons. The advantage is that the Mongols would lose a lot of strength crossing the river. The disadvantage is that the rear was open to Mamai's supporters, who could appear at any minute. A lightning-fast decision was made: the squad crossed the Don and broke the bridges behind them.

All signs foreshadowed victory. This inspired the soldiers. The brave act of the prince also meant a lot to them. He put on simple armor and stood shoulder to shoulder with his brothers in a large regiment.

The fight began the next morning. It was September 8, the Day of Remembrance, that the course of the maneuvers can be described as follows: the forces were built according to the classical system. The army was led by a large regiment, where the main force was concentrated. There was another group of troops on the left and right. The fourth part of the army was lying in ambush.

The horde tried to break through the left regiment, but soldiers who were still hiding in the forest came to the rescue. The defeated and frightened Tatars (their attacks were repelled with greater force each time) believed that God had turned his back on them. Complete victory belonged to Moscow.

An error that veiled the real date

The Golden Horde reigned on Russian lands for a long time. But in the middle of the 14th century, the power of the khans began to fade. The peak was the defeat in Events that changed history took place in 1380. Since the summer, Mamai has been preparing for war. On September 8, the two sides met. Donskoy won. Later these events were described in chronicles. But if the battle began on September 8, why today do we celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo on September 21?

The answer is simple. Chroniclers noted that the duel took place on the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (today is September 21), which according to the old style fell on September 8 (by Then it is logical to note that military glory would have to be celebrated on the 16th. After all, it is 8 days that are added when converting dates to the old style But the researchers made a mistake: they added 13 days, guided by the rules of the Orthodox Church. From this it is clear that the real date of victory is September 16.

Founder of the museum

One of the attractions of Russian culture is the state museum reserve “Kulikovo Pole”, which is located in the village. Monastyrshchino, Tula region. It is located in the open air. It receives maximum guests in September. Then the field turns into a battle arena. Its main feature is theatrical performances.

The conventional history of the museum dates back to pre-Soviet times. The collection began to be collected by Stepan Nechaev, who later became known as the first historian and archaeologist of the field. This man, referring to the chronicles, identified the place that the chronologies described. The field was his property. We can say that Nechaev was the father of the museum and the founder of such a holiday as the Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo. The photo of the initiator who raised the problem of searching for the Mamaev massacre can be seen in all history textbooks.

Now the museum combines several exhibitions. One of them is the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, which is characterized by a traditional architectural ensemble. This miracle worker and sage blessed Donskoy for the war. Another link is a complex in the village of Monastyrshchina, where fallen soldiers are allegedly buried.

Return to the battlefield

Russians are proud of their history. Therefore, every year on the field where the fight between Dmitry Donskoy and Mamai took place, mass gatherings are held, known as the Kulikovo Field festival. The Tula region welcomes history fans. The action tries to fully reflect the times of the Golden Horde and Muscovite Rus'. On Memorial Day of the Battle of Kulikovo, this part of modern Russia turns into medieval lands.

The festival plan is updated annually. But traditionally, the celebration begins with a service in the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The festival started in 1997 and has been held since then without interruption.

Where to celebrate the victory over Mamai?

It is very important that the museum not only entertains, but also teaches. The House of the Kulikovo Battle organizes the festival in such a way as to convey to guests as much information from the great past as possible. The event has a wide program. Hundreds of men who have studied the art of war compete in skill. Various competitions are held for the best armor, costumes and weapons of those times. Archers and fencers show their skills. Knight tournaments take place.

Horse duels, infantry clashes and pair battles between Russian warriors and Horde soldiers will help you plunge into the atmosphere of the 14th century. Fairs are constantly open to spectators, surprising them with an abundance of souvenirs. In addition, you can attend dozens of master classes. Works

The festival is the best place to celebrate the Battle of Kulikovo Memorial Day. Positive impressions and a pleasant mood are guaranteed.

Myth of the Tula region

Many sources say that the meeting of the two troops took place between the Don and Nepryadva rivers. But there is nothing there except a contemporary obelisk. Usually mounds, temples, and monasteries were built in such places. The work of archaeologists was also unsuccessful. Over decades of excavations, only a few confirmations were found of the theory that it was in this area that the famous battle took place. But they did not become one hundred percent evidence. The arrowheads could have belonged to hunters, and the chain mail is two centuries older than these events. No enemy burials were found.

When the Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo is celebrated, everyone knows, but few people know that there are documents proving that the Kimovsky district of the Tula region is far from the massacre of Mamai.

Memorial on Kulishki

Scientists have found many explanations for the anomalies. For example, the absence of weapons and armor is interpreted as follows: all weapons were removed from the battlefield because they were expensive and rare. But there are dozens of facts that cannot be explained.

A lot of flashy ideas emerged. So, according to one version, the battle took place on the territory of modern Moscow. The capital has the Kulishki district, which half a millennium ago was a vast field. All major rivers, including the Moscow River, used to be called Don. Also in this area there was the village of Naprudnoye, from where a river flowed, which could be given the name Nepryadva. There stands a monument founded by Donskoy in memory of the soldiers who died on September 8, 1380. Therefore, it is in that place that you can celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Battle of Kulikovo.

Some time after the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the Russian people began to understand that they could no longer be under the yoke of the Golden Horde. The first who dared to give a decisive rebuff to the invaders was the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich. Let's talk briefly about the Battle of Kulikovo and look at the calendar of memorable dates of that time.

Weakening of the Golden Horde

After the conquest of Russian lands, the rulers of the Mongol-Tatar state - the Golden Horde - had no doubt that they had secured a reliable income for themselves. From now on, all Russian princes were obliged to pay a large tribute to the Horde khans - payment for peace in their lands.

But over time, the once powerful and influential Golden Horde began to decline. Disagreements began to occur within her, and a struggle for power began.

In the second half of the 14th century, an impressive part of the Mongol-Tatar state fell into the hands of the temnik Mamai. In those days, a temnik was a military leader who led a tumen - an army of 10 thousand soldiers. Mamai turned out to be a strong and strong-willed person, and they obeyed him unquestioningly.

Rice. 1. Temnik Mamai.

Meanwhile, the Principality of Moscow was gaining strength in Rus'. For two hundred years, Russian princes regularly paid tribute to the Horde khans, but the situation changed when the grandson of Ivan Kalita, the Moscow prince Dmitry Ivanovich, came to power. Seeing the weakness of the Golden Horde, he realized that the time had come for decisive action.

Preparing for confrontation

Prince Dmitry was not going to recognize the dominance of the Golden Horde and pay tribute to the Tatars. Seeing no other solution to the issue, he began to prepare for a serious battle.

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First of all, he set about strengthening the Moscow principality and ordered the construction of reliable stone walls around the Kremlin.

Prince Dmitry understood perfectly well that the wooden fortifications of the Kremlin would not stop the Tatars. In addition, arrows soaked in oil can easily set wood on fire and cause a fire in the city. The solution to the problem was durable limestone masonry, which was not afraid of fire. The thickness of the new walls was about three meters.

Having learned that Rus' was no longer going to pay tribute, the angry Mamai gathered a large army to punish the rebellious country. Wanting to repeat the glory of Khan Batu, he planned to completely destroy the Russian state. In the summer of 1380, it became known that a countless army of the Golden Horde was moving towards the Russian lands.

In order to adequately meet a dangerous enemy, Prince Dmitry began to gather a Russian army. He sent messengers to all the principalities calling for unification and the creation of a common army. In just 30 days, he managed to gather a huge army, the likes of which had never been seen in Rus'.

Rice. 2. Prince Dmitry.

Ordinary people fervently asked God to protect their homeland. To receive a blessing to fight the enemy, Prince Dmitry went to the Trinity Monastery. Elder Sergius of Radonezh blessed him and gave him two monks to help - the strongest warriors Oslyabya and Peresvet.

The Great Battle began on September 8, 1380 on the Kulikovo Field - the place where the Nepryada River flows into the Don.

According to legend, the confrontation between armies of thousands began with a duel between two strongest warriors: the Tatar Chelubey and the Russian hero Peresvet. The mighty horsemen struck each other to death, after which a bloody battle began.

The pressure of Russian soldiers, their fierce hatred of enemies and faith in victory helped to cope with the Horde army. The Mongol-Tatars retreated under the power of the Russian cavalry, and after a while they completely fled.

Rice. 3. Battle of Kulikovo.

In memory of the significant victory over the Mongol-Tatar army, the people began to call the Moscow prince Dmitry Donskoy.

Despite the brilliant victory, the Russians experienced pressure from the Golden Horde for a century. However, the Battle of Kulikovo played a significant role in the history of Rus':

  • Russian people for the first time felt their own strength, believed in a bright future and final deliverance from the Mongol-Tatar yoke;
  • Russian princes were able to clearly see that the main strength lies in the unity of all Russian lands.
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