The story of “Sprinkle Chef” - the chef who became a meme. Four components of a successful career as a chef Chef biography

Gordon Ramsay is a British chef and cookbook author known more for his difficult personality than his cooking skills. He kicked TV and film star Joana Collins out of a Chelsea restaurant in 1998 and frequently insults other famous chefs. However, while he doesn't suffer fools (or those he deems stupid or gets in his way), he is not arrogant. Gordon Ramsay (photo later in the article), for example, deliberately fed his children "regular food" while they were growing up because he didn't want them to become snobs.

He and his wife Tana live in Battersea in South London. Their four children are named Megan, Jack and Holly (twins) and Matilda. The British chef owns a chain of restaurants and runs many others. Gordon Ramsay's books are very popular. He also writes for The Times Saturday, BBC Food and Delicious magazines.

Early biography of Gordon Ramsay

Born November 8, 1966 in Renfrewshire, Scotland. Gordon's father did not have a permanent profession, and Helen Cosgrove's mother worked as a nurse. From the age of 5, Ramsay grew up in Stratford-upon-Avon in Warkshire, England. He was the second of 4 children. Diana was his older sister, and Ronnie and Yvonne were his younger brother and sister. His early childhood marked by abuse and neglect by his father, a “heavy drinking womanizer.” At the age of 16, Gordon left his parents' home and moved to Banbury.

Sports activities

Ramsay played football and at the age of 12 he was selected for the Warkshire children's football team. He played for Oxford United and at the age of 15 he was taken over by Scottish Premier League club Glasgow Rangers. Gordon Ramsay's football career came to an end due to a knee injury.

Chef career

By the time he was 19, he had become serious about acquiring a culinary qualification and attended the Rotarian-sponsored North Oxfordshire Technical College to study hotel management. In the early 1980s he worked at the Wroxton House Hotel and the Wickham Arms. Then he moved to London, where he worked in several restaurants. For almost 3 years he worked for the temperamental Marco Pierre White at Harvey's restaurant. It was here that Gordon decided to study French cuisine. On White's advice he joined Albert Roux at Le Gavroche in Mayfair. A year later, Roux invited him to go with him as a sous-chef to a ski resort in the French Alps at Hotel Diva, and then he moved to Paris.

The British chef worked in France for 3 years, where he was mentored by Guy Savoy. There is a fact in Gordon Ramsay's biography when he accepted a less stressful job as a personal chef on the private yacht Idlewild, based in Bermuda. Upon his return to London in 1993, White's business partners offered him management and a 10% stake in Rossmore. The restaurant was renamed Aubergine and soon received a Michelin star.

Own business

Wanting to manage and own a restaurant on his own, he left the partnership in 1997 and opened Gordon Ramsay in Chelsea, which earned 3 Michelin stars within 4 years. In 1999, Pétrus was launched, which received a star after 7 months, and in 2001, Gordon Ramsay at one of the most prestigious and luxurious hotels, Claridge’s.

The year 2003 was eventful. In January, Gordon launched a candy brand named after him for sale in supermarkets. In May he took over the Savoy Grill, sending a representative to launch it at the same time as Pétrus, and opened the Boxwood cafe in the Berkeley Hotel on Walton Place, Knightsbridge. When Pétrus on St James's Street closed to prepare for a move to the Berkeley Hotel, Ramsay launched Fleur in its place. Pétrus reopened in September. Also in 2003, the chef closed his first Gordon Ramsay and launched another establishment called Banquette at the Savoy Hotel.

In 2004, the new restaurant Fleur (French for "Flower") on St James's Street closed after just a year in business. According to Ramsay, this was due to the end of the lease. But others said it was because Fleur was stealing clientele from Pétrus. On January 14, 2005, Gordon closed the Amaryllis restaurant in Scotland. His losses rose to £480,000. In hindsight, Gordon said the restaurant scared off local residents by taking it too seriously, focusing on its business and not paying attention to residents' requests. In its place a new one was opened called Room Glasgo.

In May 2005, Gordon added his Maze restaurant chain to the Mariott Hotel. One of the establishment's dishes was pizza with white truffles for 100 pounds.

In 2012, in Los Angeles, in the popular shopping area of ​​The Grove, he opened The Fat Cow restaurant. People can go there all the time, relaxing and enjoying amazing food. However, after 2 years he left this project.

Chef Gordon Ramsay went on to create a successful chain of restaurants not only in England, but also in Glasgow, Ireland, Italy, France, Dubai, Tokyo, New York, Florida, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Hong Kong, Singapore and Qatar.

Working on television

In 2001, Ramsay took part in the television show Faking It, where he helped future chef Ed Devlin learn the secrets of the profession. The episode won the BAFTA Award for Best Real Television Moment. Between 2004 and 2007, Gordon took part in the British television show Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, which aired on Channel 4. In it, the chef established work in unsuccessful restaurants in one week.

Since 2005, the British chef has hosted Channel 4's The F Word, which consistently features competitions, food research and a project to raise live animals for the finale.

In the ITV1 reality show Hell's Kitchen, Ramsay attempted to train 10 British celebrities to become chefs in a restaurant that was open while the program was being filmed. He adapted the television show for United States audiences and went on to produce the American version of Kitchen Nightmares between 2007 and 2010.

In 2010, he was a producer and judge on the American version of MasterChef and starred in the travelogue about his trip to India, Gordon Ramsay's Great Escape. In addition, he organized a series of Ramsay's best restaurants. That same year, he joined a group of famous chefs on a trawler to draw attention to how hundreds of thousands of sea fish are thrown overboard during fishing in The Big Fish Fight series.

In March 2012, Fox began airing a show starring Ramsay, Hotel Hell. In September of the same year, Gordon Ramsay's Elementary Cookery Course debuted on Channel 4 in the UK.

Gordon returned to ITV in 2017 to host new daytime show Cooking Genius.


By 2012, he was writing for The Times Saturday magazine and had written 21 books. Two of them are biographies of Gordon Ramsay (Gordon Ramsay’s Playing with Fire and Humble Pie).

Awards and achievements

Gordon Ramsay's restaurant in London was voted the best in the United Kingdom in the London Zagat Survey in 2001 and awarded a 3rd Michelin star, making Gordon the first Scottish chef to receive such an accolade.

In 2006, Ramsay was awarded an OBE for his achievements in the hospitality industry and was inducted into the Culinary Hall of Fame. That same year he won the Catey Award for Independent Restaurateur of the Year, becoming the third person with the top 3 awards in the British restaurant industry.

Gordon Ramsay: biography and his family

In 1996, Ramsay married Cayetana Elizabeth Hutcheson, known as Tana, a Montessori schoolteacher. Later, his father-in-law took part in managing Gordon's business empire. In June 2017, he was even sentenced to 6 months in prison for hacking Ramsay's computer system in 2010-11. The couple had four children.

The family lives in south London in Battersea with a bulldog, Rumpole, and two cats. The net worth of this unrestrained but very handsome chef is estimated at $80 million. His per-episode pay for the TV show is $225,000, and he earns an additional $10 million a year from his media and restaurant empire. In 2014, the couple founded the Gordon and Tana Ramsay Foundation. This organization provides charitable support to the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital. The article contains a photo of Gordon Ramsay and his family.

The biography of the British chef is overshadowed by the tragedy that occurred in 2016. In May, it was announced that the couple were expecting their 5th child, a boy, but in the 5th month of pregnancy Tana had a miscarriage.

The famous British chef once said in an interview with that the last dish he would like to eat in his life was roast beef with Yorkshire pudding and red wine sauce.

Ramsay revealed one of the secrets to his success - to become a great chef, you need to work with the greats, and that's exactly what he did.

In 2008, while filming a puffin hunt, Gordon fell into icy water while descending from a 26-meter cliff and nearly drowned.

You gotta be wild
to get results.
Gordon Ramsay

The most famous chefs in the world have achieved fame, honor and respect. What is the secret of their success? The answer is simple - they do what they love. Some of them are descendants of culinary dynasties, continuers of family traditions. But mostly these are ordinary boys and girls from not very wealthy families. They had talent and followed their dreams. And they became those about whom they speak and write with respect. The popularity of TV shows with their participation is simply off the charts. Books with original recipes from famous chefs sell out instantly, like hot cakes. Recognized maestros conduct educational courses and open culinary schools, where they share their secrets.

Famous Chefs of the Past

Francois Vatel

Born in Paris in 1631. French chef and head waiter, who was in the service first of Nicolas Fouquet, and then from 1663 of the Prince of Condé. A great organizer of receptions, an unsurpassed cook, a trendsetter in culinary fashion and a talented manager of that time. Francois was so smart that he could have managed the administration of an entire state. He was very dedicated to his work, and professional duty and reputation were above all else for him. At one of the receptions at Chantilly Castle, organized in honor of Louis XV, the unexpected happened. Firstly, the number of arrivals turned out to be almost twice as large as expected. Secondly, there wasn’t enough roast for everyone, and the next day there was a problem with the supply of fresh fish. And many more small troubles that ruined the picture of an ideal celebration. Vatel, who had hardly slept during the preparations for the festival, was depressed and mentally broken. So he became a hostage to honor. Considering his reputation tarnished and his career over, he decides to commit suicide. The tragedy occurred on April 24, 1671. He was only 40 years old. In the historical drama “Vatel” (2000), his image comes to life before us thanks to the unsurpassed Gerard Depardieu.

Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Born April 1, 1755. A very gifted and versatile personality. In addition to various sciences, he was a musician. And also a cook, restaurant critic and a real gourmet who knows a lot about gastronomic pleasures. He is the author of many works. But his work on cooking is especially famous - a real passion that has settled in his heart forever. The book “Physiology of Taste,” published in 1825 (2 months before his death), was instantly disassembled into quotes that have become aphorisms known to this day. For his many achievements in various fields of activity, a street in Paris was named after him. One of the varieties of French pastries, “Savarin,” and the variety of cheese “Brillat-Savarin” also received their name in his honor. Died February 2, 1826.

Marie Antoine Carême

Born June 8, 1784 in Paris. A great cook who worked for many noble people: princes, emperors, kings. For which he was nicknamed “the cook of kings and the king of chefs.” His heart belonged to haute French cuisine, which he lovingly and knowledgeably introduced to his readers. After serving for some time in St. Petersburg at the court of the emperor, he began to publish his subsequent books under the name Antonin. That's what they called him there, changing the name Antoine into the Russian way. He was not only an unsurpassed chef, but also an excellent pastry chef. It is he who is credited with the invention of delicious cakes -. Died January 12, 1833.

Lucien Olivier

Lucien Olivier was born in 1838; the exact date of birth remains unknown. A talented chef who treated the Moscow elite with delicious dishes. This is how visitors to the Hermitage, and then the whole of Russia, became acquainted with the sauce from Provence and the legendary salad, which later received the name of its creator - Olivier. Died November 14, 1883. In 2008, his grave was accidentally discovered in one of the Moscow cemeteries and restored.

Auguste Escoffier

Georges Auguste Escoffier was born on October 28, 1846 in a village near Nice. French culinary specialist, restaurateur, cookbook author and critic. In the kitchen he was considered a king. Escoffier made an invaluable contribution to the popularization and development of French cuisine. Taking the ideas of haute cuisine by Marie-Antoine Carême as a basis, he tried to modernize them, bringing them closer to the people. He worked as a chef in many famous restaurants, as well as as a personal chef for famous people. His books are still popular today. And the “Culinary Guide” he wrote, which became a bestseller, is used as a textbook. He worked at the famous Savoy Hotel and the hotels of the legendary Cesar Ritz. Awarded high awards for working for the benefit of France. Died February 12, 1935.

Celebrity Chefs of the Present

Paul Bocuse

Born on February 11, 1926 in a village near Lyon. The successor of a culinary dynasty that began in the 17th century. But it so happened that his grandfather was selling the family restaurant and the family was deprived of the right to use the family brand. In 1966, Paul managed to buy out the family brand. This is how the Bocuse sign appears above the restaurant.

Before this joyful event, he managed to be a student of a famous chef and work in his father’s restaurant. In 1961, the restaurant received its first star, and Bocuse himself received the title " The best cook France." In 1965, the restaurant already had three Michelin stars. He has the Order of the Legion of Honor and is the author of books on cooking. In 1987, he established the international culinary competition “Golden Bocuse”, considered the most prestigious and held twice a year. And in 1989 and 2011, Bocuse was awarded the well-deserved title of “Chef of the Century.”

Nobu Matsuhisa

Nobuyuki "Nobu" Matsuhisa was born on March 10, 1949 in Saitama, Japan. After graduating, he worked for seven years in a sushi restaurant. Then he was invited to Peru in 1973 to open a similar restaurant there. Next, Nobu travels to Alaska, where he opens his own restaurant. Unfortunately, a fire destroys the establishment. Having moved to Los Angeles in 1977, he works in famous restaurants specializing in Japanese cuisine. And in 1978 he opened his own in Beverly Hills. The restaurant is quickly gaining momentum and becoming a favorite place for many Hollywood celebrities. This is how Matsuhisu became friends with Robert De Niro, who invites him to open a restaurant in New York. He starred in small roles in the films “Austin Powers” ​​and “Memoirs of a Geisha.” They have opened many Japanese fusion restaurants around the world.

Wolfgang Puck

Wolfgang Yoganess Puck (born Wolfgang Johannes Topfschnig) was born on July 8, 1949 in Carinthia, Austria. Chef and restaurateur, author of books and star of cooking TV shows. And also the permanent star breadwinner, i.e. responsible for banquets and receptions after Oscar ceremonies, film premieres and fashion shows. After an internship in various restaurants in France, he set off to conquer America in 1973. The Ma Maison restaurant became fateful for him. The young, but very promising and talented Wolfgang becomes not only its chief, but also a co-owner. In 1982, Park opened his first restaurant. This was the beginning of great success. At the moment, he owns a huge restaurant chain representing various cuisines of the world. He launched his own line of tableware and a brand of semi-finished products. Wolfgang Puck is tireless: he writes books and writes culinary columns in three dozen newspapers. The master's hobby is filming. He happily starred in several films and TV series. These were episodic roles where he played himself. Actively participates in charity projects.

Bernard Loiseau

Born January 13, 1951. Fame came to him in 1982. He was entrusted with returning the former popularity to the establishment, which was previously successful. The oldest hotel with exquisite and chic cuisine soon regained its lost success. In addition, the restaurant of this hotel was included in the top twenty best restaurants in France (according to one of the restaurant directories - Gomillau). Soon his success was noted by Michelin - the restaurant received its well-deserved three stars. Things are looking up! Loiseau buys out this restaurant and also becomes the owner of three more. But at some point, the lovingly built empire began to shake, and Loiseau himself was criticized in the press. Rumors spread... A shift in the ranking and loss of prestige is tantamount to collapse for him. And the end of a career for Loiseau is tantamount to the end of life. Unable to bear this, he shot himself. In despair, he left this world on February 24, 2003. This outstanding personality became the prototype for Auguste Gusteau, the famous French chef from the 2007 cartoon “Ratatouille”.

Alain Ducasse

Born September 13, 1956 in Orthez, France. A talented chef, restaurateur and successful entrepreneur - that’s all about him. Alain Ducasse owns a chain of gourmet restaurants. After completing his studies and completing an internship, Alain began his career as a chef in 1974. And in 1984, disaster happens. Ducasse gets into a plane crash. He is the only survivor of all those on board the plane. Because of the tragedy, he was bedridden for three years. After operations and the recovery process, he happily plunged into his favorite business, opening a restaurant in Monaco in 1987. Just three years later, his brainchild has three Michelin stars. Since 1998, he has been the owner of an entire chain of restaurants around the world. In 2011, an establishment in Russia was added to his restaurant chain. Thanks to his gift as a manager, Ducasse built his empire. It includes elite restaurants and bistros, hotels and a culinary school, as well as an educational center for chefs. In 2003 Forbes magazine included him in the list of the most influential people peace. Like other culinary masters, he is a holder of the Legion of Honor.

Heston Blumenthal

Heston Mark Blumenthal was born on May 27, 1966 in London, England. The famous British chef, the great culinary mystifier and tireless experimenter. Cooking fascinated and attracted him from a young age. And after a family trip to a three-star restaurant, he was overcome by a passionate desire to own such an establishment. At that time, Haston was 16 years old. It took him more than ten years for his dream to begin to come true. He worked during the day and honed his technique at night, improving his culinary skills. His first restaurant was The Fat Dag, opened in 1995, where he made his first money as a chef. This restaurant became very popular and brought fame to its owner. In 2004, he became the owner of the coveted three stars. The establishments opened later were doomed to success. And the culinary alchemist won the hearts of his visitors forever with his innovative ideas. Original and non-standard solutions set him apart from his colleagues. Blumenthal is admired as a true guru of molecular gastronomy. – an example of a recipe from molecular gastronomy. In 2000, Heston's first book was published. Others followed, as well as her own columns in popular newspapers. And since 2005, he has been mastering the television space, thereby increasing his influence. Winner of significant and prestigious culinary awards and awards.

Gordon Ramsay

Gordon James Ramsay was born on November 8, 1966 in Scotland. Famous British chef and host of popular TV shows including Hell's Kitchen. After graduating from college, he gets his first job in a prestigious restaurant, moving to London. Two years later he moves to another, more famous restaurant. But, after working there for a year and improving his skills in French cuisine, he went to the Alps. There he gets a job at a fashionable resort restaurant. And having moved to Paris, he worked there for three years. Then a year as a cook on a private yacht.

He returns to London and, after working as a chef in two restaurants, decides to start his own business. So in 1998, Gordon opened his first restaurant. Already in 2001 it was awarded three Michelin stars. Gordon's empire is growing rapidly. He owns restaurants (both in the UK and abroad) and three pubs in London. His books began to be published in 1996. And since 1998, Ramsay made his debut on television. He is the owner of honorary and prestigious titles and titles, awarded the Order of the British Empire.

Jamie Oliver

James Trevor "Jamie" Oliver was born on May 27, 1975 in England. Former musician and creator of his own band. Nowadays he is a chef and restaurateur, TV presenter and author of books on cooking. Many of his books have been translated into Russian. Conducts public and charitable work. He takes troubled teenagers off the street and, by teaching them culinary skills, gives them a start in life. Children who complete their training are employed in charity restaurants. Jamie promotes healthy eating and home cooking. stands out indicatively. Most of his recipes are made from simple ingredients. It was for the simplicity of the dishes and the availability of the products used that he received the nickname “The Naked Chef.” For the same reason, he named his program that way. In 2003, Jamie received the Order of the British Empire. And this is far from the only award for a worthy member of society, a wonderful cook and simply charming guy named Jamie. There are simply countless TV shows with his participation. His restaurants are open in many cities and countries. Two of them are in Russia.

Famous female chefs

It is believed that among professional chefs, tailors and hairdressers, the best are men. But this axiom can be questioned! After all, there are many talented women professionals dedicated to their favorite work. They are able to compete with dignity with their male colleagues, reaching unprecedented heights and receiving well-deserved rewards for their work. At the same time, breaking existing stereotypes. Here are a few bright examples from the many worthy ladies who have become successful chefs.

Julia Child

Delia Smith

Born July 18, 1941 in Surrey. Delia is an English chef and TV presenter. She is a bestselling cookery author. She appeared on television as a chef in the early 70s. Her authority and popularity are so great that as soon as she mentioned any product or device in the show, the percentage of sales immediately increased sharply. This phenomenon has been called the "Delia Effect". Among other things, Delia (together with her husband) is the main shareholder of one of the football clubs. Her brainchild is the website Delia Online, where she happily communicates with her readers, sharing her experiences and ideas. They respond with sincere love.

Paula Dean

Born January 19, 1947. The queen of American cuisine is a chef and television personality, restaurateur and author of more than two dozen cookbooks. Lives in Georgia, owning the Lady and Sons restaurant. A line of products and various related products is produced under her name. She opened her own public catering network. In addition, she is also an actress. And if Paula plays herself in three dozen shows and films, then the film “Elizabethtown” (filmed in 2005) is her acting work. In it she played Aunt Dora. Also notable is her work in the series “House Closed for Renovation.” Paula has won two Emmy Awards.

Rachel Ray

Rachel Dominica Ray was born on August 25, 1968. Smart and beautiful! Although her relatives were restaurant owners, Rachel achieved everything herself. She conducts seminars and hosts television programs. She became a popular TV presenter and author of a series of books, winning the love of TV viewers and readers. He publishes his own magazine and appears in commercials. The style of her dishes can be described as follows: fast and simple. Rachel teaches how to cook deliciously, but on a budget. This allows you to save time and the family budget, while remaining a gourmet. The titles of the programs speak for themselves - “Food in 30 minutes”, “How to live on 40 dollars a day”. In 2008, according to The Forbes magazine, Ms. Ray became the highest paid chef in the world, having earned $18 million the previous year. Although she is not a restaurant owner. By the way, another popular publication in 2005 included Rachel in the TOP 100 sexiest women in the world.

Elena Arzak

Born July 4, 1969. Spanish chef, owner of the Arzak restaurant. This is a family business, in which Elena represents the fourth generation. The restaurant was founded by her ancestors back in 1897. Since childhood, she had absorbed the love of cooking and could not imagine herself outside the kitchen. She completed an internship in various restaurants in Europe. Returning home, I replaced my father, who had retired. In 2012 she was awarded the title “Best Female Chef in the World”.

Anne-Sophie Pic

Born July 12, 1969. Represents a famous culinary dynasty that began in 1889. Although at first she did not at all aspire to become a chef, studying management not only in France, but also in Japan. But when she returned home, she realized cooking was her calling. Anne-Sophie decides to start her career under her father's guidance, but he soon dies suddenly. Taking leadership, she accepted the challenge of fate with dignity. And she became the best, no matter what! She was respected by male chefs after she received her well-deserved award - the first Michelin star. But that was just the beginning! Already in 2007, Anne-Sophie won her third star. She became the only female chef in France with the highest rating - all three stars of the popular restaurant guide. He is one of the twenty richest chefs in France. In 2011, she was named "World's Best Female Chef."

Famous French, British, Italian, American, Spanish and Russian chefs are ordinary men and women. They simply did not want to surrender to circumstances and stubbornly walked towards their cherished goal. Follow your dreams!

Muscovite Konstantin Vitalievich Ivlev, whose biography is known to many who are interested in high culinary art, was born in 1974, on January 12. At the age of 7, he went abroad with his parents, where his father, a KGB officer, was sent for work. The Ivlevs returned to the capital only 5 years later. The boy’s studies at school were not going well, and already in the second grade he was left for the second year.

Kostya has been cooking since childhood, but he never dreamed of becoming a chef. The choice was made for him by his father, Matvey Konstantinovich, who advised him to get a specialty at a catering college. A few years later, Konstantin tried to enter there, but failed the exams. Then one of his friends, a student at a catering school, suggested he try his luck at his establishment. Ivlev entered, and he enjoyed studying so much that upon completion he received a diploma with honors.


Kostya acquired his cooking skills in the institute canteen, where he and his colleagues served thousands of people every day. In 1992, the young man managed to get a job at the Steak House restaurant, where he spent several years. The Muscovite first received a position as a chef at Reporter in 1997.

In his youth, Konstantin rejected Russian cuisine, preferring French cuisine. Later he reconsidered his views and in 1997 launched a project called New Russian Style. The first dish in the new Russian style was sterlet stewed in birch sap.

During his career, the Muscovite managed to work in several well-known restaurants, including the still operating GQ Bar (now Balchug 5), Nostalzhi, Luciano, Boulevard, and Parus. To learn more new things and advertise himself, Ivlev travels around the world. He was honored to become one of the members of the French Guild of Gastronomers, and worked as the host of a cooking show in Poland for seven months.

Kostya participated in many competitions, won two bronze medals at the Russian Culinary Championship, received the title “Chef of the Year” three times from various magazines, and became the head of the Federation of Professional Chefs and Confectioners, which opened the Ask the Chef school.

Ivlev launches new establishments, writes books about cooking, gives interviews on television and radio, and himself hosts television and radio programs, including “Ask the Chef” and “Taste Affordable.” In Russian television programs, the chef tells unique recipes that he developed independently.

As part of the “On Knives” project, which started in 2016, Konstantin travels around the country and helps make the unprofitable restaurant business prosper. He is also building a boutique hotel, which is scheduled to open in 2018. The Moscow celebrity’s partner in various projects was often Kostya’s longtime friend, also a famous chef, Yuri Rozhkov. They even had almost the same height and weight. Yura's sudden death in 2016 shocked Ivlev.

Participant name: Alexander Belkovich

Age (birthday): 22.11.1984

City: Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region

Job: Belka restaurant (St. Petersburg)

Family: married, have children

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Alexander Belkovich was born on November 22, 1984 in the small naval town of Severodvinsk in the Arkhangelsk region. From the age of six I was passionate about cooking.

Now an experienced brand chef of a large restaurant chain in St. Petersburg, the owner of his own culinary school and star of the STS TV channel, with a smile on his lips, he recalls how in his youth he presented his family with a super sandwich with bread and sausages and made homemade yogurt according to his own recipe.

When Sasha was in the 9th grade, he began to think about enrolling to study to become a cook.. He even came up with the idea of ​​getting a job at McDonald's.

In 2000, he completed his studies at the Arkhangelsk Cooperative College, after which he moved to live in the capital and began to think about getting a job in one of the kitchens of Moscow restaurants.

At the age of 26, the guy was able to become the curator of 7 restaurants that were considered the most fashionable in Russia: Plyushkin, Ginza Project, Volga-Volga, Terrassa, Moscow, Baranka, Attic, Ribeye.

Alexander assures that it was not only his culinary skills that helped him achieve success, but also the spirit of a true businessman. Thus, the restaurants began to enjoy success with regular customers. At the age of 17, it was difficult to find a job in the capital; there were even cases when Sasha was left without work without paying benefits.

One day he found himself in the kitchen of Correa's, under the guidance of Puerto-American chef Isaac Correa, who taught him all the basics of work. This man became a teacher for Sasha and inspired him to new achievements. They collaborated together for 5 years. Moscow allowed Sasha to discover his talent, and in 2006 the guy moved to St. Petersburg, where he began working in the Ginza Project chain as a chef.

Alexander always devotes himself to his work, tries to give energy to his charges and inspire them to create masterpieces; he does not sit still, moving around the kitchen area. Despite the fact that success came to Sasha at a young age, he was not overtaken by star fever. He assures that snobbery has a detrimental effect on work, and therefore he has no time for such nonsense.

Belkovich is not only a talented chef, but also published his own in 2010 cookbook called "Open Kitchen", where he presented readers with interesting dishes based on simple ingredients.

Belkovich calls his secret of success the ability to develop his instincts and correctly understand the tastes of the people visiting his restaurants. Thanks to his ability to sense the tastes of many, special combinations, he was able to create dishes that appeal to all guests of the establishment.

Alexander is ambitious, purposeful and hardworking, he devotes a lot of time to work and is always ready for new discoveries. In 2015, he became the host of the STS show “MasterChef. Children". Since 2017, he has been working as a host on the “Simply Kitchen” show, demonstrating that even with available ingredients from modern stores, anyone can prepare a restaurant dish.

In addition to cooking, Alexander enjoys snowboarding, boxing, loves playing basketball and traveling. He is married to his wife Olga, and together their parents are raising a sweet daughter named Isabella. In 2017, Alexander and Olga had a son.

Photo by Alexander

The chef has an Instagram where you can see many personal photos from everyday life.

When a person loves his job, you can feel it, you can see it between the lines of the video. Turkish chef Nusret Gökçe became a meme, the so-called “Sprinkle Chef”, thanks to this one video that we came across in social media feeds more than once.

Zozhnik translated for you an interview with the legendary chef:

Tell us who you are, where are you from?

I was born in 1983 in the city of Erzurum in Turkey, one of five sons of a miner. At the age of 5, my family moved to the city of Darıca. Due to busy work, I could only see my father once every 5 weeks.

Of all the children, there was enough money for education only for the most younger brother, I had to leave school in the 6th grade due to lack of money in my family.

How did your career begin?

I started working as an assistant at the Bostancı Bazaar market, I worked with 10 chefs at the same time and therefore I did not have a minute of rest. I didn’t rest, didn’t take days off, worked up to 18 hours a day.

And how did you get out of it? What happened next?

In 2007, a conceptual meat restaurant opened in İstinye Park. This inspired me and I began to reflect and think about how the best meat restaurants in other countries work. In Argentina, America, Japan they were the best and I wanted to visit all these countries.

But you have no education, you don’t speak other languages, how did you get the courage to do this?

One day one of my clients, a Frenchman, helped me make my dream come true. I collected all my savings and took out a loan (about $2000 in total) and went to Argentina. I traveled for 3 months, visited farms, butchers, restaurants, studied the experience.

What did you do after you returned to Turkey?

I returned to my old job and tried to show everything I learned on the trip, I made great meat dishes ('Ceviz', 'Kafes'). When I returned, my relationship with meat changed.

In 2010, my goal was to get to the USA, I applied for a visa many times, but I had no savings in the bank, property, or wife. I was rejected 4 times. After my trip to Argentina, I even got into the local newspapers and I had to show an article about myself at the consulate and they finally gave me a 3-month visa.

The menu I made in the US ended up being published in The New York Times. I worked in 4 of the best meat restaurants in New York without salary, just as an assistant, for the experience.

And you returned to your work in Turkey again?

My goal was to create my own establishment. And I had many offers. Mithat Erdem, my long-time friend, invested money, I invested my work and skills. He asked me what I wanted to name my restaurant, I wrote him ‘Nusret’ on paper, but it seemed to him that the letters “-et” were written separately. I also added “give me some money and I’ll buy you a bill counter so you can count our profits.” After 5-6 months of operation of the establishment, all debts were closed.

What does it feel like to achieve success?

When I realized that everything had worked out, I walked out onto the street in front of my restaurant and stared at the sign with my name on it. I just watched and was grateful to fate.

How has your life changed since then?

I once worked for $500 a month, now I have 400 employees and our company is growing. Foreigners (and many celebrities) specially fly to us on their business jets - just to try our food and this is a great happiness for me.
