Turgenev "Biryuk": description, characters, analysis of the story. I.S. Turgenev "Biryuk": description, characters, analysis of the story How did Biryuk relate to his work

The story of I.S. Turgenev "Biryuk" is included in the collection of short stories "Notes of a Hunter". It is generally accepted that the time of its creation is approximate - 1848-50s, since the writer began work on the stories in the 1840s, and published a complete collection in 1852.

The collection is united by the presence of one "off-screen" protagonist-narrator. This is a certain Pyotr Petrovich, a nobleman, who in some stories is a silent witness to events, in others he is a full-fledged participant. Biryuk is one of those stories where events take place around Pyotr Petrovich and with his participation.

Story analysis

plot, composition

Unlike most writers of that time, who depict peasants as a faceless gray mass, the author in each essay notes some special feature of peasant life, therefore all the works combined in the collection gave a vivid and multifaceted picture of the peasant world.

A genre work stands on the border of a story and an essay (the title “note” emphasizes the essay nature of the work). The plot is another episode from the life of Pyotr Petrovich. The events described in Biryuk are described by Pyotr Petrovich in the form of a monologue. An avid hunter, he once got lost in the forest, in the evening twilight fell into a downpour. The forester he met, a figure known in the village for his gloominess and unsociableness, invites Pyotr Petrovich home to wait out the bad weather. The rain subsided, and in the silence the forester heard the sound of an ax - someone was stealing the forest he was guarding. Pyotr Petrovich wanted to go with the forester "for detention", to see how he works. Together they caught the "thief", who turned out to be a beggar little man, disheveled, in rags. It was evident that the peasant began to steal the forest not from a good life, and the narrator began to ask Biryuk to let the thief go. For a long time Pyotr Petrovich had to persuade the principled forester, intervening in a scuffle between Biryuk and the detainee. Unexpectedly, the forester released the caught, taking pity on him.

Heroes and problems of the story

The protagonist of the work is Biryuk, a serf forester who zealously and fundamentally guards the manor's forest. His name is Foma Kuzmich, but people in the village are hostile to him, for his harsh unsociable character they give him a nickname.

It is no coincidence that the character of the forester is drawn from the words of a nobleman witness - Pyotr Petrovich still understands Biryuk better than the villagers, for him his character is quite understandable and understandable. It is also understandable why the villagers are hostile towards Biryuk, and why no one is to blame for this enmity. The forester mercilessly catches the "thieves", claiming that in the village there is a "thief on the thief", and they all climb into the forest from hopelessness, from incredible poverty. The villagers keep ascribe to Biryuk some kind of imaginary "power" and threaten to take it away, completely forgetting that he is just an honest performer of work, and "does not eat the master's bread for nothing."

Biryuk himself is as poor as the peasants he catches - his dwelling is miserable and dull, filled with desolation and disorder. Instead of a bed - a bunch of rags, the dim light of a torch, the absence of food, except for bread. There is no hostess - she ran away with a visiting tradesman, leaving her husband and two children (one of them is quite a baby and, apparently, sick - he breathes in his cradle “noisy and soon”, a girl of 12 years old is taking care of her baby).

Biryuk himself is a real Russian hero, with powerful muscles and a hat of dark curls. He is a correct, principled, honest and lonely person - this is repeatedly emphasized by his nickname. Loneliness in life, loneliness in one's convictions, loneliness on duty and being forced to live in the forest, loneliness among people - Biryuk causes sympathy and respect.

A man caught by a thief causes exceptional pity, because, in contrast to Biryuk, he is small, miserable, justifying his theft with hunger, the need to feed a large family. The men are ready to blame anyone for their poverty - from the master to the same Biryuk. The forester, in a fit of evil sincerity, calls him a murderer, a bloodsucker and a beast, and rushes at him.

It would seem that two socially equal people - both poor, both serfs, both with the duties of a family man - to feed the children, but the peasant goes to theft, and the forester does not, and therefore one can not believe in the description given by fellow villagers to the forester. "Beast", "murderer", "bloodsucker" he can be called only by the one to whom he did not allow to steal.

In the title of the story is the nickname of the protagonist, which indicates not at all the nature of the forester, but the circumstances in which he lives hopelessly; to his place, which was assigned to him by people. Serfs do not live richly, and honest serfs in the service of the master are also forced to be alone, because they are not understood by their own brethren.

Biryuk releases the peasant out of compassion - feeling has taken precedence over reason and principles. Pyotr Petrovich offers to reimburse the cost of the tree felled by the peasant, since the foresters, who did not keep track of the theft, had to pay for the damage from their own pockets. Despite the fine that threatens him, Biryuk performs a human act and it is clear that he feels relieved.

Biryuk, like the rest of the stories in the Hunter's Notes, is a collection of images of peasants, each of whom is famous for some side of his character, his deeds or talents. The horrifying plight of these talented and strong people, which prevents them from opening up, taking care of at least something other than finding food and pushing them to crime - this is the main problem of the story, voiced by the author.

Publication date: 15.11.2014

Short description: Lesson on the work of I.S. Turgenev "Biryuk" LESSON OBJECTIVES: Ι. Subject 1) to form the skills of compiling a characterization of literature

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Lesson on the work of I.S. Turgenev "Biryuk"

"... what can be interesting in a rude, uneducated person?"


To reveal the main idea of ​​the work through the analysis of the characteristics of the protagonist

ΙI. metasubject

Develop creative thinking

II. Personal

    Teacher's word.

I. S. Turgenev began working on the “Notes of a Hunter” in 1847, they were published in 1852. The collection includes 25 stories.
In all works there is one and the same hero - Pyotr Petrovich. This is a nobleman from the village of Spasskoe. He talks about the incidents that happened to him during the hunt. Therefore, the collection is called "Notes of a hunter"
Creating it, Turgenev relied on his own impressions of the life of peasants in the Oryol province. Many of the characters mentioned in the stories were familiar to the author.

The story "Biryuk" was written in 1847. Creating this work, as well as the entire cycle of "Notes of a Hunter", Turgenev relied on his own impressions of the life of peasants in the Oryol province. Many of the characters mentioned in the stories were familiar to the author. On the estate of Turgenev's mother there was a forester Biryuk, who was killed in the forest by his own peasants.

Epigraph to the lesson

"... what can be interesting in a rude, uneducated person?"

V.G. Belinsky

Epigraph work. Answer this question.

What is the purpose of our lesson? (find out the main idea of ​​the work)

What is the name of the work

Through whom will we see this idea if the work is named after the nickname of the main hero?

We need to characterize the hero

And when we characterize a person, what do we look at? (portrait, family life, attitude to work)

2. stage of understanding. Fill in the table. Questions, impressions, attitude to the main character. (Appendix)

Voice your questions.

What is the contradictory feature of the mystery of the hero, why does the author talk about this hero, and for example, not about the man who cut down the tree. (Problem question)

Question from the teacher

Why is so much attention paid to the description of a thunderstorm at the beginning of the work? (Problem question.)

    Group work.

You can use the questions - hints to analyze the details and evaluate them.

Part Analysis

The name is Foma Kuzmich, but everyone calls him Biryuk. Biryuk is a nickname (a lonely and gloomy person). The forester was so nicknamed by the men. Biryuk is called WOLF

does not communicate with anyone, is gloomy, they do not like him

lonely, he is considered a wolf, a beast, you can feel sorry for the hero

Questions - hints:

    What is Biryuk's real name?

    What does the nickname - Biryuk mean?

    How is his nickname known to the gentleman - Turgenev?

Well done, tall, broad-shouldered, well-built, powerful muscles, black beard, stern and courageous face, bold eyes

Tough, courageous, handsome

Questions - hints:

    What does Turgenev like about Biryuk's appearance? How does it appear before the story, find a portrait

V. G. Belinsky in his critical article “A Look at Russian Literature of 1847” asks the question: “... what can be interesting in a rude, uneducated person?” We will try to answer this question at the end of the lesson.

Biryuk's attitude to work

A master of his craft, he won’t let you steal a bundle of brushwood, he doesn’t give anyone a descent, he doesn’t eat the master’s bread for nothing

Very strict, cruel,

conscientious worker

Questions - hints:

    How does Biryuk explain his attitude to work to Turgenev?

They want to live out of the world, but it is not given. His man-thief calls a bloodsucker, a murderer, a beast (3 times)

They hate him, they want to kill him, we sympathize with him

Questions - hints:

Why do men hate Biryuk? What caused the muzhik's anger, his threats, hatred of Biryuk? (despair).

Caught him during a crime, tied him with a sash and wants to punish him, but still lets him go, pushes him out of the hut

Cruel, but sorry

understands the trouble of a man and lets go, takes the blame

Questions - hints:

    Does Biryuk feel sorry for the thief or not?

    Why does Biryuk let the thief go? Is it easy for him to make such a decision? Is it easy to protect the master's forest?

His wife ran away and lives with two children: a 12-year-old girl, an infant. The hut is low, empty, poverty, no bread and tea

wife could not stand the character of Biryuk. responsible for your children

Questions - hints:

    What feelings does Turgenev experience when he sees how Biryuk lives?

    Is Biryuk happy?

    Why did his wife run away from him?

Let's turn to the landscape. We said that the author pays attention to the thunderstorm. Read this description. First, a description of nature when a thunderstorm is approaching, then a description of the thunderstorm itself.

How does the narrator behave during a thunderstorm? How do you behave

when is the storm coming?

And how does Biryuk behave?

(he is not afraid, this is his element he is not afraid and even comfortable, he easily walks under lightning, calms the horse.)

Why do you think? (He is a man of nature, it is easier for him in the forest with nature than with people).

And why exactly a thunderstorm, it's like a nib. related to his inner state.

Biryuk - a thunderstorm of thieves. A storm will break in his house. Thunderstorm - the psychological state of a man, his fear, despair, anger.)

11. Comparison of parts. Reception "unfinished thesis".

Now try to compare everything that we have said in one sentence, using the data of the 3rd column:

On the one hand, Biryuk _________________________________________________________,

but on the other side,


On the one hand, Biryuk is lonely, poor, unhappy, abandoned, understanding, courageous, conscientious worker, one can feel sorry for him, but on the other hand, cruel, strict, they want to kill him from the world.

So, we have already partially recognized Biryuk. What kind of person does he appear to us? (good, smart, conscientious).

But only one word remained incomprehensible to us - THE REASON that does not allow him to open up to the peasants so that they understand what he really is.

12. Search for the cause of the phenomenon

Is Biryuk doing something against his will? (yes, he detains the thief - the unfortunate man - and is going to punish him)

And who and why is forcing this strong, courageous man to act against his will, forcing him to carry out his orders? (master, landowner, because Biryuk is a serf)

So we found the reason why Biryuk is cruel, gloomy, unnecessarily harsh. Pick up the keywords for the word serf (which one? Not free, must follow the orders of the master)

On the one hand, Biryuk is a lonely, poor, unhappy, abandoned, understanding, courageous, conscientious worker.

But on the other hand, cruel, strict, they want to kill him from the world.

To understand the reason why men do not understand what Biryuk really is, I suggest you remember the hero of the previously read story "Mumu" (Gerasim).

What are the similarities between Gerasim and Biryuk? Correctly. They are fortresses.

So, Biryuk is a serf, he must obey the master and be cruel to the peasants, which is why they hate him.

13. Revealing a secret. Reception "unfinished thesis".

Can we now reveal the mystery, the peculiarity of the image of Biryuk Biryuk? (Yes)

Now try to write it down and complete the sentence using keywords.

The secret of Biryuk is that he is a good and kind person, but since he is a serf, he must obey the master and be cruel to the peasants, so they hate him

(The external conflict is a clash between a peasant thief and Biryuk. The internal conflict is inside the main character himself - his sense of duty conflicts with a sense of compassion for the position of a thief. A feeling of pity and compassion wins. Without conflict, there would be no plot development).

Optional: reflect on the question: Do you think Biryuk's life will change after this act?

The hero of the story is really unsociable and withdrawn. Life made him so: the position of a forester, the hatred of peasants, loneliness. Turgenev believes that a person who is close to nature, who loves and understands it, cannot become embittered. It is the closeness to nature, fusion with it, the natural beauty of the hero that the author emphasizes.

A person who is close to nature, who loves and understands it, cannot become embittered, he is able to sympathize, to be merciful. Man is one with nature.

Let us now try to answer the question posed by Belinsky. Try to complete the sentence.

... what can be interesting in a rude, uneducated person?

Like what? - His soul, mind, heart, everything is the same as in an educated person.

Compare the description at the beginning of the lesson. Have you changed your mind about it?

Do you see this person differently?

Tell me, if you now make a description of Biryuk, will it differ from the description that we gave him at the beginning of the lesson?


What is the main idea of ​​this work?

"The peasant must be freed from serfdom" - this is the leitmotif of the story. Turgenev admires the beauty of the Russian soul peasants.

Do you think Turgenev understood his hero? …… It is no coincidence that he gives him a central place in his work Turgenev was one of the first Russian writers who felt the spiritual strength and beauty of the serfs and told the whole world about it in his stories.

He wanted the words to be carved on his monument to the effect that his book "Notes of a Hunter" served the cause of the liberation of the peasants from serfdom.


CM. Petrov

V.A. Chalmaev

Applications. Work on the characteristics in groups.

Part Analysis

Evaluation of details - Biryuk's character traits, your attitude towards the hero

Questions - hints:

    What is Biryuk's real name?

    What does the nickname Biryuk mean? (look at the dictionary write out from the dictionary)

    Why do they prefer to call a forester not by his first name, but by his nickname?

    How is his nickname known to the master - the hunter?

Part Analysis

Evaluation of details - Biryuk's character traits, your attitude towards the hero


Questions - hints:

Write down all the elements of the portrait from the text.

    How and where the forester appears before the narrator. Find in the text

Part Analysis

Evaluation of details - Biryuk's character traits, your attitude towards the hero

Biryuk's attitude to work

Questions - hints:

    Why do peasant peasants have to steal in the forest?

Part Analysis

Evaluation of details - Biryuk's character traits, your attitude towards the hero

Attitude towards Biryuk of peasants (including a thief)

Questions - hints:

    Why do men hate Biryuk?

    What does Biryuk call the thief he caught?

What caused the muzhik's anger, his threats, hatred of Biryuk?

Part Analysis

Evaluation of details - Biryuk's character traits, your attitude towards the hero

The attitude of Biryuk himself to the peasant thief

Questions - hints:

    Does Biryuk understand why the peasant came to steal the forest?

    Does Biryuk feel sorry for the thief or not?

    Who will be punished for cutting down a tree?

    Why does Biryuk let the thief go?

Part Analysis

Evaluation of details - Biryuk's character traits, your attitude towards the hero

Life of Biryuk, his marital status

Questions - hints:

    Why did his wife run away from him?

    Is Biryuk happy?

Write down the questions that you have while reading the work.

Write down the first impression of Biryuk, your attitude towards him after reading the work

What is the mystery, the mystery of the image of Biryuk? What is the contradiction of this hero? What is its feature?

Work at the stage of pre-understanding.

Homework: written work (reasoning).

Compare the assessment of the hero of the story by I.S. Turgenev "Biryuk" by researchers S.M. Petrov and V.A. Chalmaev. Think about what point of view you would join? Why? Justify your choice.

Material for homework.

CM. Petrov

“... The stern, adamant, mysterious Biryuk appears in the story in the brilliance of lightning, in the noise of a thunderstorm, against the backdrop of a gloomy forest. In the district they talk about the forester as a thunderstorm of peasants. He really does not let the choppers go down, but not because he is servilely devoted to the interests of the lord and a stranger to his brother peasant. Biryuk is simply a man of duty and considers himself obliged to protect the good entrusted to him ...

There is a lot of gloomy, unspoken, secret in Biryuk's moods. Now he is a formidable forester. And tomorrow, by his nature, he can become a rebel and the peasants, just like now - the master, will be able to rely on him ... "

V.A. Chalmaev

“... The forester Biryuk lives among the peasant world, knows all its troubles and needs, sees the often forced “pampering”, i.e. theft in the forest. He is strict, incorruptible. This is a debt fanatic. “And nothing can take him: neither wine, nor money, nor any kind of bait is used,” the peasants from the surrounding villages say about him. ... The old world rests on fear, trembling, fear of sin, it is collapsing, and Biryuk, like a titan, wants to support the collapsing firmament with the utmost severity, mercilessness to "indulgence".

A partly annoying, but also sweet habit of a little power has developed in the hero ... the habit and taste for power can have a continuation, bleak for the people's environment. They can degenerate into fanaticism, ruthlessness. Or maybe the patriarchal soul of the biryuk will not withstand the role of “one in the field of war” and he will break away from his place, replenish wandering Russia, monastic Russia? .. "

Homework: written work (reasoning).

Compare the assessment of the hero of the story by I.S. Turgenev "Biryuk" by researchers S.M. Petrov and V.A. Chalmaev. Think about what point of view you would join? Why? Justify your choice.

Material for homework.

CM. Petrov

“... The stern, adamant, mysterious Biryuk appears in the story in the brilliance of lightning, in the noise of a thunderstorm, against the backdrop of a gloomy forest. In the district they talk about the forester as a thunderstorm of peasants. He really does not let the choppers go down, but not because he is servilely devoted to the interests of the lord and a stranger to his brother peasant. Biryuk is simply a man of duty and considers himself obliged to protect the good entrusted to him ...

There is a lot of gloomy, unspoken, secret in Biryuk's moods. Now he is a formidable forester. And tomorrow, by his nature, he can become a rebel and the peasants, just like now - the master, will be able to rely on him ... "

V.A. Chalmaev

“... The forester Biryuk lives among the peasant world, knows all its troubles and needs, sees the often forced “pampering”, i.e. theft in the forest. He is strict, incorruptible. This is a debt fanatic. “And nothing can take him: neither wine, nor money, nor any kind of bait is used,” the peasants from the surrounding villages say about him. ... The old world rests on fear, trembling, fear of sin, it is collapsing, and Biryuk, like a titan, wants to support the collapsing firmament with the utmost severity, mercilessness to "indulgence".

A partly annoying, but also sweet habit of a little power has developed in the hero ... the habit and taste for power can have a continuation, bleak for the people's environment. They can degenerate into fanaticism, ruthlessness. Or maybe the patriarchal soul of the biryuk will not withstand the role of “one in the field of war” and he will break away from his place, replenish wandering Russia, monastic Russia? .. "

Introspection of the lesson

The lesson is built on the basis of a communicative-activity approach in the technology of letters of education by S.P. Davlinsky

"... what can be interesting in a rude, uneducated person?"


To reveal the main idea of ​​the work through the analysis of the characteristics of the protagonist

1) to form the skills of compiling the characteristics of a literary hero; text analysis;

2) to form the skills of research work with the text;

3) repeat and consolidate the ability to work with the text of a work of art;

ΙI. metasubject

1) develop and enrich the oral speech of students;

23) develop the ability to generalize what has been learned;

Develop creative thinking

II. Personal

1) to cultivate a sensitive attitude to the artistic word;

2) to cultivate a humane attitude towards a person;

3) cultivate admiration for the beauty of nature

Teacher assistant not imposing interpretations

Technology involves its own stages and methods.

Stage 1 pre-understanding questions, impressions ()

2 analysis from part to whole, problem analysis the image of the characteristics of each item brought to the idea

3 interpretations voicing the idea of ​​the project, comparison with its original reflection

METHODS: creative reading, the method of highlighting points of pre-understanding, the analytical method, conversation-dialogue, the method of interpretation

Fgos group, choral work, d.z. creative nature, goal-setting and choice of the path of analysis self-work, differentiation, reflection

Used technologies:

IKT, problem-based learning, t lit. education JV Lavlinsky

All educational universal actions are affected, both personal and regulative and communicative and regulative.

Eaenzholova E.S. MOAU "School №54"

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Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 7

Subject:"Fate, duty, compassion ... or Why people are unhappy" (based on the story of I. S. Turgenev "Biryuk").
Target: analysis of the story by I. S. Turgenev "Biryuk".
show the skill of the writer in creating a portrait characteristic;
to form the skills of research work with the text;
develop logical thinking, observation,
develop and enrich the speech of students;
create conditions for fostering a sense of love for nature, for man.

Equipment: textbook, notebook, presentation, illustrations for the work, portraits of the writer.
Used technologies: personality-oriented; problem-search.
Methodical techniques: conversation, reading, working with a textbook, viewing a presentation.
Basic concepts: hero, portrait, interior, description.
Interdisciplinary connections: story.

But what could be interesting
in a rude, uneducated person?
Like what? – His soul, mind, heart, everything
the same as in an educated person.
V. G. Belinsky
Lesson structure
I. Organizational moment.
The purpose of the stage: creating an emotional mood of the lesson.
- Hello. Let's get ready for work. Shake hands with those who have read the introductory article in the textbook about I. S. Turgenev for today's lesson.
- Put your hand on your heart, those who read the story of I. S. Turgenev.
-Clap those who want to get an excellent mark for today's lesson.
- Well done, thank you. slide number 1
II. Work on the topic of the lesson.
Purpose of the stage: analysis of the story of I. S. Turgenev "Biryuk"

1. Conversation.
Purpose of the stage: Preparation for perception.
- What writer and author of what work do we see on this slide? (I. S. Turgenev, author of the "Notes of a Hunter").

I. S. Turgenev began working on the “Notes of a Hunter” in 1847, they were published in 1852. The collection includes 25 stories.
In all works there is one and the same hero - Pyotr Petrovich. This is a nobleman from the village of Spasskoe. He talks about the incidents that happened to him during the hunt. Therefore, the collection is called "Notes of a hunter"
Creating it, Turgenev relied on his own impressions of the life of peasants in the Oryol province. Many of the characters mentioned in the stories were familiar to the author.
slide number 2
slide number 3
2. Work with the textbook.
The purpose of the stage: expanding knowledge about Turgenev I.S.
- We got acquainted with the work of I. S. Turgenev in previous classes. What facts do you remember?
- Now I suggest you once again turn to the biography of the writer and fill in the gaps. (p. 238 - 240)
3. Motivation
- Why was Turgenev so interested in the peasants? What exactly did the classic see in the peasantry?
4. Creation of a problem situation.
- Today we will also try to walk the hunting trail with Turgenev and we will also ... (learn someone's secret)
- Whose? (the secret of Biryuk, the hero of the story of the same name by Turgenev).
- What questions would you like to answer today at the lesson?
5. Target setting.
Purpose of the stage: setting the objectives of the lesson.
Let's try to understand the character of the protagonist;
we will definitely find an answer to the question of why Turgenev was so interested in the fate of Biryuk that he gives him a central place in his work.

6. Conversation.

The purpose of the stage: preparation for analysis.
- Remember what items are traditionally included in the characterization (name, portrait, marital status, attitude to work, relationships with other characters, the attitude of the author to his hero, etc.)
- What details of the image of Biryuk do we know? List.
- Name
- Portrait
- Biryuk's attitude to work
- Attitude towards Biryuk of peasants (including a thief)
- The attitude of Biryuk himself to the peasant thief
- Life of Biryuk, his marital status
So now we have some serious work to do.
slide number 4
7. Text analysis. Character characteristic. Implementation of the educational goal of the lesson.
- What is Biryuk's real name? His name is Foma Kuzmich, but everyone calls him Biryuk.
- What does the nickname - Biryuk mean? Biryuk is a nickname (a lonely and gloomy person). Biryuk is called a WOLF.
- Who called the forester Biryuk? The forester was so nicknamed by the men.
- How is his nickname known to the master - Turgenev? (P. 242. “From my Yermolai and from others, I often heard stories about the forester Biryuk ...”).
- What conclusion can be drawn? He does not communicate with anyone, is gloomy, they do not like him, he is lonely, he is considered a wolf, a beast, you can feel sorry for the hero.

Well done, tall, broad-shouldered, well-built, powerful muscles, black beard, stern and courageous face, bold eyes Severe, courageous, handsome
- What does Turgenev like about Biryuk's appearance? Well done "tall, broad-shouldered and well-built", "mighty muscles", "stern and courageous face", "eyes looked boldly", "strong and dexterous, like a demon", hero. He is not afraid of thunderstorms, he himself is a "thunderstorm" for thieves.

V. G. Belinsky in his critical article “A Look at Russian Literature of 1847” asks the question: “... what can be interesting in a rude, uneducated person?” We will try to answer this question at the end of the lesson. slide number 5

Biryuk's attitude to work
A master of his craft, he won’t let you steal a bundle of brushwood, he won’t give anyone a descent, he won’t eat the master’s bread for nothing Very strict, cruel,
conscientious worker
How does Biryuk explain his attitude to work to Turgenev? Very conscientious, incorruptible.

Why do peasant peasants have to steal in the forest? He tried to explain to Biryuk the reason why he had come to the forest to steal: “from hunger, ruined, from hunger, children squeak, need.”

Attitude towards Biryuk of peasants(including the thief)
They want to live out of the world, but it is not given. He is called a thief man a bloodsucker, a murderer, a beast (3 times) They hate him, they want to kill him, we sympathize with him
Why do men hate Biryuk? It is precisely because he does his work responsibly and honestly, does not allow stealing, that the peasants do not communicate with him. They do not like him for strictness, honesty and even rigidity, they consider him a wolf, a beast. “More than once, good people were going to kill him.”
- What does Biryuk call the thief he caught? The man-thief calls him a bloodsucker, a murderer, a beast (3 times).

The attitude of Biryuk himself to the peasant thief Caught him during a crime, tied him with a sash and wants to punish, but still lets go, pushes him out of the hut Cruel, but regrets,
understands the trouble of a man and lets go, takes the blame
- Does Biryuk understand why the peasant came to steal the forest? Despite the fact that Foma himself is in the same position, he answers the peasant that it is still impossible to steal.

Does Biryuk feel sorry for the thief or not? Cruel, but sorry
- Who will be punished for cutting down a tree? Biryuk says in a conversation with a peasant: "I am also a forced person, they will charge me."

Why does Biryuk let the thief go? Is it easy for him to make such a decision? Is it easy to protect the master's forest? Thomas himself lives just as poorly as a peasant, he understands the peasant, sympathizes with him, Thomas knows how to sympathize, empathize, he is kind. He forgives the muzhik cruel insults: "a bloodsucker, a murderer, a beast." No, Biryuk is not a bloodsucker, he is not evil. He understands the trouble of a peasant and lets go, takes the blame.

Life of Biryuk, his marital status. His wife ran away and lives with two children: a 12-year-old girl, an infant. The hut is low, empty, poverty, no bread and tea, the wife could not stand the character of Biryuk. responsible for your children
very poor, unhappy, the author pities him
- What feelings does Turgenev experience when he sees how Biryuk lives? "The forester's hut consisted of one room, smoky, low and empty." "Torn sheepskin coat". There is nothing to eat. Two children. "I looked around - my heart ached."
-Is Biryuk happy?
Why did his wife run away from him?

8. Comparison of parts. Reception "unfinished thesis".
- Now try to compare everything that we have said in one sentence, On the one hand, Biryuk _________________________________________________________,
but on the other side,
__________________________________________________________________, BECAUSE________________
On the one hand, Biryuk is lonely, poor, unhappy, abandoned, understanding, courageous, conscientious worker, one can feel sorry for him, but on the other hand, cruel, strict, they want to kill him from the world.
- So, we have already partially recognized Biryuk. What kind of person does he appear to us? (good, smart, conscientious).
- But only one word remained incomprehensible to us - the REASON that does not allow him to reveal himself to the peasants so that they understand what he really is.
slide number 6
slide number 7
9. Search for the cause of the phenomenon
- Is Biryuk doing something against his will? (yes, he detains the thief - the unfortunate man - and is going to punish him)
- And who and why is forcing this strong, courageous man to act against his will, forcing him to carry out his orders? (master, landowner, because Biryuk is a serf)
- So we found the reason why Biryuk is cruel, gloomy, unnecessarily harsh. Pick up the keywords for the word serf (what? Not free, must follow the orders of the master) Slide number 7
10. Revealing a secret. Reception "unfinished thesis".
- Can we now reveal the secret of Biryuk? (Yes)
- Now try to write it down and complete the sentence using key words.
The secret of Biryuk is that he is a good and kind person, but since he is a serf, he must obey the master and be cruel to the peasants, so they hate him
Slide number 8 - 13
11. Author's position
- What do you think, and Turgenev was able to reveal the secret of Biryuk?
- How does Turgenev evaluate Biryuk's act towards the thief? (he calls Biryuk "a nice fellow", that is, he understands what Biryuk really is).
- Let us now try to answer the question posed by Belinsky. Try to complete the sentence.
... what can be interesting in a rude, uneducated person?
Like what? – His soul, mind, heart, everything is the same as in an educated person.
slide number 14
12. The secret of Turgenev. Reception "unfinished thesis".
- Yes, indeed, Turgenev was one of the first Russian writers who understood the spiritual strength and beauty of the serfs and told the world about it.
- And now I will reveal to you the veil of secrecy of Turgenev himself. He wanted the words to be carved on his monument that his _________________ served the cause of the liberation of the peasants from serfdom. Insert the missing word (book "Notes of a hunter")
It is known that in the decision of Tsar Alexander II (a pupil of V.A. Zhukovsky) to free the peasants in 1861, the "Notes of a Hunter" played a big role. This is how literature influences history.
slide number 15
slide number 16
III. Summary of the lesson. Implementation of the educational goal of the lesson.
The purpose of the stage: summing up the lesson.
1. Conversation
- One of the former serfs of Turgenev recalled after a while: “Grandmother and mother told me that almost all the faces mentioned in the Hunter’s Notes were not invented, but written off from living people, even their real names: there was Yermolai ..., there was Biryuk, who was killed in the forest by his own peasants ... "
All the same, the kind, courageous, honest Biryuk died at the hands of his own peasants. And the question arises: why did such a nice person, endowed by nature with many positive qualities, live in poverty, in conditions that cause pity? Biryuk appreciated the master, trusted him with his forest. Why does Biryuk live no better than the rest of the peasants? Why did he die because he honestly did his job? Who is to blame (or what)?

(Answer: Biryuk says: “I am a forced man.” How forced? "And even about Biryuk, whom the master appreciates as a worker whom he trusts, he does not care. And even collects arrears from him. Serfdom is to blame for the terrible life of people and for Biryuk's death. Because of him, the peasants starved and stole. Because of Biryuk carefully guarded the forest, did not allow the peasants to steal, but the serfs had a very hard life, they had no other choice but to steal, and Biryuk was a hindrance, which is why they killed him).

Serfdom. There is no direct protest against him in the work. And yet the story is an indictment of serfdom (the idea of ​​the work). And not only to serfdom, but in general to violence against the personality of a person. When do we feel that Turgenev is telling us about it?

(Answer: we feel it in the words of a peasant-thief, when in despair he shouts accusations to Biryuk, and the image of Biryuk is a protest against serfdom and violence against a person).

Try to answer the question formulated in the topic of the lesson? Why is Biryuk and other peasants unhappy - the heroes of the story?

2. Reflection.
- What knowledge did you get at the lesson today?
- How did you please the teacher and classmates during the lesson?
- What is your mood from the lesson?

Guys, I thank you for the lesson and wish each of you to have a big and kind heart and always maintain human dignity.
IV. Homework.
The purpose of the stage: communication and explanation of the content of homework.
Read pp. 250 - 253.
Optional: draw an illustration for the work.
1. Didenko Inna Valerievna, GBOU secondary school No. 451 Kolpinsky district. Summary of the lesson on the story of I. S. Turgenev "Biryuk"
2. Zaitseva L. A. Synopsis of a literature lesson based on the story of I. S. Turgenev "Biryuk" Grade 7.
3. Pokrovkova Natalya Nikolaevna, Deputy Director for Water Resource Management, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. E. V. Kamysheva.
4. Literature. Grade 7: a textbook for educational organizations with an application on electronic media / V. Ya. Korovina, V. P. Zhuravlev, V. I. Korovin. – M.: Enlightenment, 2014.
