Bruno Borges transcript. "The X-Files" in Brazilian. Before the guy disappeared, his parents had just returned from a month-long trip. According to Bruno Borjas' sister Gabriela, while they were away, her brother isolated himself in his bedroom, which

More than a month ago, 24-year-old student Bruno Borges disappeared from his home in Brazil. It turned out that he was developing a project for which he remodeled the entire room: he removed the furniture, painted the walls with incomprehensible inscriptions and words, and hung self-portraits with aliens. There were also 14 handwritten books left in the room.

The police are most misled by the statue of the Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno, who was burned in 1600. It is unknown where she came from in the room. The parents also cannot comment on its appearance in the house; according to them, it is unclear why their son needed the sculpture for 2.5 thousand dollars.

A month of searching for Bruno led to a lot of speculation: some say that aliens stole him, others say that he was turned into a statue. The police found people who helped the psychology student, but their testimony only further confused the story.

Borges began work on the project in early March. For 20 days in a row, he was locked up and painted the walls. He bought the sculpture in 10 days via the Internet. On March 27, Bruno finished the “project,” waited until his parents arrived from their trip, and after lunch he took his backpack and left.

The chief officer in this case, Fabrizzio Sobreira, explained to Globo that the police partially recreated Borges' escape from the house. The student got out of a taxi near the motel about an hour after he went missing. The hotel said that he did not rent a room from them. A few days later, Bruno visited a tailor, whom he asked to sew three cloaks “like in the paintings,” which he brought with him. To the question “Do you need this for the church?” Bruno replied: “Almost.”

Police believe that after this Bruno left the city or even the country. Sobreira also said that he has received reports about Bruno’s whereabouts in Peru and Chile, but there is no evidence for this version.

On April 18, Bruno was declared missing. Now Interpol is looking for him. A whole team of people helped Borges work on the project. They all painted the walls together while his parents were away. They also helped the Brazilian encrypt all 14 books and sponsored the idea: the student’s cousin invested about 20 thousand Brazilian reals (about 350 thousand rubles).

The police made attempts to find out from Borges' friends where he went, but it turned out that the whole team agreed among themselves not to disclose the secret.

One of the friends said that it took 24 days to paint the room, they each tried to use every centimeter of the walls. He also said that while working on the project they “went without food” and did not leave the room.

The police are working on several versions: they are trying to decipher the encrypted inscriptions. According to Sobreira, the books may contain information about the project that led him to leave home. While working on the decryption, investigators found clues: there were special “keys” on the shelves that could help solve the codes. Sister Bruno said that she was able to translate a small part called: “Theory of Knowledge Absorption.” However, the “keys” are not enough to understand everything that Bruno wrote.

To understand the text that Bruno left, you need to translate five different ciphers. Some of them are quite light: for example, one of them is based on the Boy Scout Book. Others, the student’s family still cannot make out. Photos and videos from Bruno’s room were published in the media, social users. networks rushed to translate the mysterious messages. There are about 20 thousand people in a group on Facebook where messages are deciphered. Based on the translations, Bruno talked about man, his role in the universe, philosophy and religion.

Journalists found the sculptor of the statue for Bruno - Jorge Rivasplata. According to him, the work completely replicates the monument on the Roman square Campo dei Fiori. Rivasplata stated that Bruno Borges is the reincarnation of Giordano Bruno. The sculptor finished the work right in the student’s room, he also said that Bruno studied with him, so he sold him the monument for only 2.5 thousand dollars.

Doctor José Medeiros, who is the founder of 8 spiritual centers in Brazil, advocates a conspiracy theory that Borges consulted him about his project in 2016. According to him, the student “saw spirits,” and he himself could turn out to be a medium and the reincarnation of Giordano Bruno.

During the month of searching, Bruno Borges managed to become not only the hero of conspiracy theories and extraterrestrial intervention, but also several mobile games. Local developers have created apps to solve codes, and in one game users must escape from statues chasing them. The creator of the most popular game, Felipe Nunes, noted that the mysterious disappearance has already given rise to so many versions in social networks and the media that most are impossible to believe. But, according to him, the main thing is that Bruno is eventually found alive.

Happened in Brazil mysterious disappearance student Bruno Borges, who left behind a locked room with coded inscriptions and a statue of Giordano Bruno.

Alien enthusiast Bruno Borges, 24, reportedly disappeared from his home in Brazil last Monday while working on a secret project.
Image: Facebook
The disappearance of a psychology student has sparked interest around the world. Many believe the guy was abducted by aliens after a strange video from his bedroom appeared on the Internet.

It looks like Borges turned the space into an extraterrestrial shrine, removing the furniture and hanging a creepy self-portrait of the alien.

The walls of the room are covered with coded inscriptions and signs associated with Satanism. Among the inscriptions are passages from the Bible and phrases by Leonardo da Vinci.

Image: Guilherme Kaminski dos Santos/Youtube
There was also a huge statue of the philosopher Giordano Bruno, purchased for $2,500 a few weeks ago, that loomed over the room. Giordano Bruno was one of the first thinkers to predict the existence of extraterrestrial life and some speculate that the guy was trying to complete his work.

Image: Guilherme Kaminski dos Santos/Youtube
Relatives say Borges repeatedly asked them to fund his latest secret project, but gave no details, saying only that he was writing a series of books that would "change humanity for the better."

Image: Facebook
Before the guy disappeared, his parents had just returned from a month-long trip. According to Bruno Borjas' sister Gabriela, while they were away, her brother isolated himself in his bedroom, which he always kept locked.

Image: Facebook
The student was working on 14 handwritten books found in his room - each with Roman numerals on it.

Image: Mirror
The Department of Criminal Investigations (DIC) is investigating Borges' disappearance. Lead investigator Fabrizio Sobreira said the case remains confidential but all possibilities are being considered.
At the same time, some Internet users point out the guy’s amazing resemblance to Giordano Bruno, pointing to the possibility of reincarnation.