Five simple tips if the child does not like to read. If the child does not want to read? Why doesn't my son want to read

How to find the reason why the child does not want to study? Tips for parents.

  • It happens that a child grasps knowledge on the fly and learns faster than other children. Does this mean that he is endowed with unique learning abilities by nature
  • Maybe he just has more desire to learn than other children? Dale Carnegie said that the only way to get a person to do something is to make him want it.
  • In our context, this means that the success of learning depends on motivation, moreover, complex, deep. This article is another attempt to find the “pitfalls” that prevent little geniuses from learning.

Why does the child not want to write letters and words?

Fine motor skills are not well developed. The closest thing to writing is drawing. Moreover, the creation of a composition is perceived by the baby as creativity, learning the technique of drawing with the help of geometric shapes is like studying, but decorating is already work.

  • There are many shadings, with different lines and children's pictures. But for the development of the kid's imagination, it is better to draw on a snow-white drawing paper, extraordinarily beautiful professional watercolors in tubes and well-sharpened pencils

  • Musical instruments are also very useful for developing fine motor skills. If the kid likes music lessons, then he may not even notice how he will train his fingers by pressing the keys of the instrument

  • There are many interesting household chores that require good coordination of movements. This is braiding, tying shoelaces, decorating cakes with cream, washing dishes. Girls often like to do needlework and sewing with their mother. And the boys help their dad, repair something. Tightening a small magnetic bolt can be difficult even for an adult. Sometimes the most unexpected items, for example, dad's tools or mom's buttons, become the child's favorite toys.

Helping around the house is also a study

Try to play with your child by switching the roles of "student" and "teacher". So, sit next to your child and try typing letters with your left hand. Now the picky "teacher" will appreciate your work. Will your child praise you for the scribbles you wrote, or will fair criticism follow? Such a game will help you to take the place of the baby, and your children to become a little more mature.

Perhaps your baby simply does not have the right psychological behavior model. Parents, the most beloved and important people for the child, whom he wants to be like. If parents themselves do not know how to do painstaking work, why do they require perseverance and patience from the child?

Perhaps you break down when something doesn’t work out for you, you don’t finish the job? Then don't get mad at the kids if they copy your behavior. If you don't feel like writing letters with your child all the time, sit down and do some homework that's always available. Set an example with your composure and restraint.

Sometimes a child does not want to learn to write letters because of traumatic situations. For example, someone said that his copybooks are creepy scribbles. It is important to stop such negative attacks from others, but if this has already happened, it's okay, the child will forget everything and will study with the same inspiration.

Why do children not want to read, reasons?

  • Wrong book to read. Finding literature for a baby is an art. A book for a child should be decorated with bright, understandable pictures, the text should be printed in large type, and the story or fairy tale that the kid reads should be very interesting.
  • Parents rarely read fairy tales aloud to their children. Or read, but inexpressively. After all, reading for kids, you need to be able to capture the emotions of the listener. Try to listen to professional audio recordings, feel the pauses, rise or fall of the reciter's voice
  • Try to read beautifully and expressively so that the little listener experiences a surge of emotions. Slow down reading if your child is tired. If you emotionally read beautiful books to your child, he will undoubtedly want to learn to read.

  • It is simply too difficult for children to read on their own at first. And they are faced with something that is very interesting for them to read, but they can only master a few paragraphs or pages. This problem is temporary and will pass with experience.
  • Poor eyesight. Have you checked your eyes? Usually, a child who does not see well takes an unnatural position with a book, leans over it too low or, on the contrary, pushes it far away.

The main advice is not to be nervous. If at 5-6 years old a preschooler can read in syllables, then he will definitely learn how to read quickly in the first grade.

VIDEO: Opinion of a practicing psychologist

VIDEO: Teacher's opinion

In this video, the teacher points out among the reasons for the dislike of literature - coercion and improper organization of discussions after reading.

What can I do to make my child want to write, read and learn?

Everything rests on the conflict between “need” and “want”. There are two types of activities, the first type is what you want to do and the second is what you need to do, but do not want to. Perhaps you and your child fall into the second category.

This probably happened because at the first stages of learning you could not teach the child to write letters and read in the form of a game in an interesting way. After the first failures, most likely, there was a simple coercion and cries like: “Everyone has children like children, and you are a dumbass!”.

Then, perhaps, punishments followed for an unread primer and unwritten words. And now you and your child have already developed a negative reflex in relation to learning.

It looks like this: you force the child to write, he, knowing that you will shout at him and punish him, refuses to do it. As a result, you again scream and punish.

Is there a way out of this vicious circle? He is. And it lies in the fact that the child gets pleasure from learning instead of negative emotions. Replacing punishment with rewards is the task of parents.

Why does the child not want to go to school?

Try to find out the answer to this question from him.

  • If a child says that he is the dumbest in the class, then you need to urgently remove the label of “loser” from him. Urgent, because at an early age it is easier to do and less knowledge will pass him by
  • Conduct two advertising campaigns at once: one aimed at drawing the attention of the teacher to your child, the second in order to raise the priority of learning in the eyes of your child
  • Go, for example, to a university, a huge and beautiful library, or talk with pleasant and educated people, but in no case read morality

If the child says that he does not understand what the teacher is talking about, just explain to him that he has every right to take the teacher's time and demand additional explanations

If the child gives up because of bad grades and a deuce has already been put in the journal, the child will think that it will affect the grade for the quarter and the report card is ruined. Try to teach your baby not to give up, this is one of the best qualities that will definitely come in handy for everyone.

Why does the child not want to learn new things?

Perhaps he was simply tired of the overabundance of information. This state is clearly seen in the little "why-why" who endlessly ask questions for several hours in a row, and then suddenly fall silent.

They just need time to “digest” the answers they hear. The reason for the reluctance to explore the world may be more serious: an emotional shock or an unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the social circle.

How to teach a child to study independently?

For this, it is enough that the child has sufficient motivation to study and many ambitions. You can give your child self-confidence with praise and approval. But constructive fair criticism is also needed. The love of knowledge can be passed from parents to children at the genetic level.

  • Some children grasp knowledge on the fly, some with little difficulty, but there are those who stubbornly refuse to write or read. They are not stupid at all, they are not at all behind in development, they just do not want to do it.
  • So what should parents do? Force them to study, scold, put children in a corner or find miraculous tips on the Internet, after reading which everything will instantly work out
  • Your parents are very lucky, because right now a magic wand has waved and all the most complex and unresolved problems have been sorted out. Do you believe in it? Probably not, but in vain because any undertaking begins with faith in success

On the last day before the holidays, teachers gave schoolchildren a list of literature for extracurricular summer reading. A bunch of books, most of which, as you understand, are unlikely to be opened. How to be? How to captivate a child with books? For advice, we turned to Novosibirsk specialists with experience in the field of psychology and pedagogy.

The sun is shining outside, the comrades are cycling and playing catch-up. And on the table is a heavy load of a list of literature that needs to be read over the summer. Such lists are given even to the smallest schoolchildren. The task of parents is to help read the necessary books, but not to force them.

Books not by age

Very often in the lists of literature there are books that children, due to their age or development, read early. And that's okay. For some, "War and Peace" is a cool action movie, for some it's a novel about love, but for some it's not at all interesting!

Check out the list for yourself. You know your child! Choose the books that your child will be interested in. Take care of the rest of the work. Read and retell them to the children in your own words, better omitting difficult details. Retell not word for word, but as a story, adapting to children's understanding and perception. It is very important that the book gets to the right age.

It should be noted that reading is not only the study of classical works, but also an opportunity to develop the child's imagination and thinking, - says Natalia Mandel, director of the Novosibirsk Center for Psychological, Pedagogical and Medical and Social Assistance to Families and Adolescents. - It is literature, acquaintance with characters endowed with different characters, that improves the ability to think independently. The child, when he reads, has individual associations, he becomes more creative.

Our interlocutor says that there is no single way that would help motivate children to read. Every child is different and each needs a different approach. But there are unsuccessful ways that adults use.

For example, it’s definitely not worth stimulating a son or daughter with any purchases, Natalya Vladimirovna believes. - Firstly, it can become a habit, and then it will become burdensome for parents to provide permanent bonuses. Secondly, the child will then read specifically for his parents, and not for himself. And it is necessary to develop internal motivation - to arouse sincere interest.

Even though each child needs an individual approach, we have found a number of general recommendations that adults can certainly come in handy.

* Read aloud. For example, Pushkin or Turgenev can be read by the whole family. You will get as much pleasure from reading as a child. In addition, you can put accents with the correct intonation, explain everything incomprehensible as you read. And most importantly - spend time together, you will have a common lesson, and then you can discuss the book you read.

* Sometimes children have a prejudice: what is asked at school cannot be interesting. In this case, tell the child the most fascinating episode of the book from the list for extracurricular reading, but do not name the book. And if the student likes it and asks where this episode comes from, take out the book and open the cards.

* If you manage to interest the young reader in some passage from the work, suggest that he read the whole book on his own.

* Tell us your childhood impression of the book: "When I read Gogol's Viy, I began to be afraid of ghosts ..." or "When I read The Captain's Daughter, I fell in love with Masha so much that I decided to call you, my daughter, Maria ..."

* You can read the most difficult, but important and necessary books to children aloud before going to bed. The kid never wants to go to bed and is ready for any form of leisure - even to listen to a school book, just to stay awake!

* Buy movies based on classic literary works. But first, see for yourself and choose the most successful if there are several films. For example, according to "War and Peace" the most correct film is domestic. And the work of Charlotte Bronte can be safely studied by the Hollywood film adaptation.

* Children love to go to the cinema. And if you find a school movie in cinemas, go see it with your child before slipping a book.

Question on topic

And how do moms and dads usually instill in their children a love of literature? Komsomolskaya Pravda interviewed Novosibirsk residents who shared their experience.

Nikolai Dovlatov, locksmith: - The method of stick and carrot has not been canceled yet. I distribute all the books assigned for the summer by number for decades, and make a list for my son. And after the 10-day period I accept a small offset. I'm not asking strictly - to answer, it's enough to read in haste. If the task is completed, then at the end of the decade, the son will receive a prize - a new computer game and unlimited time at the computer. If it "floats" - a strict limit and moderate occupational therapy. Now the son is “working out” one such failed test - weeding the beds in the country. By the way, my wife is very supportive of this method.

Irina Mironova, housewife: - In my opinion, this is generally nonsense - to force a child to study the school curriculum in the summer. Let him rest, strengthen his health with sports games, breathe fresh air. He will master the curriculum at school. And in the summer, I sometimes just buy bright children's books that are easy to read. My Dimka reads them willingly himself, you don't even need to force him.

Larisa Sergeeva, manager: - I have a simple method: I find films for my daughter based on the relevant books. I buy CDs or download movies from the Internet. I recommend watching them. If you didn’t like it, alas, but if you liked it, then the daughter herself then undertakes to re-read everything from the book. She read “The Master and Margarita” after the film in the fourth grade! Although it was not yet necessary according to the program.

To what extent is school literature suitable for perception by children? Does the temperament of the child affect the understanding of the next work of literature? What can be done so that a son or daughter, regardless of individual qualities, can learn the content of the program? In the next issues of the weekly, we will continue our conversation on the topic of children's reading.

Quiet evening. The floor lamp is on. Your child is sitting in a chair with a book in his hands. Is reading. Surprisingly idyllic picture, right? And for many parents, it is unrealistic. “Yes, what is it,” fathers and mothers complain to each other about their negligent children. I haven't read a single line all summer. I have no idea how to get him to read books.” Meanwhile, by saying this, they deprive both themselves and their child of hope for correcting the situation, because it is impossible to force people to love books. But to form a habit of reading in a child is possible. The main thing is to understand what prevented this before.

Why the child does not read books

Wise people noticed a thousand years ago: you cannot demand from others what you yourself are not able to give. Unfortunately, most of the causes of children's indifference to books must be sought in the family. So, let's figure out who or what is preventing your child from picking up a book.

  • The child has too many temptations for another pastime. A tablet, a computer, a cell phone, a game console appeared in his life much earlier than books. Yes, with the help of gadgets, it is easier for parents to keep their child busy, but as a result, he rushes from one device to another, and books remain on the sidelines of his life.
  • The child does not see any value in reading - neither informational, nor cultural, nor entertaining. Actually, how can he see this, if in his family a person with a book in his hands is a rare occurrence. When parents come home from work, the first thing they do is turn on the TV or computer. Next - have dinner, check the lessons, watch something on the air or online, go to bed. Weekends are filled with shops and guests, outdoor walks or household chores. And there is no time for reading in this schedule. And to be honest, there is no desire to read either. Even if in childhood and adolescence you read avidly, now you have lost the habit, unlearned, and become lazy. Besides books at your place - one-two and miscalculated. Whom should your child look up to?
  • Let's say you're a book lover. Reading is your favorite pastime. And the more strange it seems to you dislike for the books of your own child. In this case, the origins of the problem are obvious: you are not an authority for him, a friend, a close person - someone whose opinion should be heeded. You do not know how to communicate with your child "heart to heart", and he does not believe you that reading is necessary and useful.
  • You are so diligently raising a child prodigy from your child that he does not have the strength to read for the soul. Sections - sports and music, foreign language and drawing lessons - there is not a single free minute in the children's schedule. The child only dreams of playing with friends or lounging alone. And he doesn't care about books at all. He's just tired.
  • You force reading on your child. He now and then hears phrases like “until you read the chapter, you won’t go for a walk.” It is not surprising that reading is perceived by him at best as a rather burdensome task, at worst as a punishment. As a result, the child ignores him at every opportunity.
  • Reading as a process is given to the child with difficulty. Maybe he would like to enjoy it, only he reads badly, many words are incomprehensible to him. Picking up a book, the child feels unworthy of it. He does not want to be bad and stupid, so he tries to avoid unnecessary meetings with works of art.

According to statistics, 20 years ago, 80% of children and adults read at least one book a year. Now this figure is about 60%. Moreover, if in the 70s. of the last century, 80% of parents read aloud to their children, but now there are practically none left. So the fight for the return of children to literature adults need to start with themselves.

How to instill a love of reading in your child

How to help a little person plunge into the world of books? And is it possible to instill a love of reading, or is it an ability given from birth? Can. True, for this you have to start with yourself.

  • Teach by example. How often does your child see you with a book in your hands? If you read constantly, then your children will think about the importance and necessity of this activity. After all, children so want to imitate adults in everything. But if in the family the mother cannot be torn away from the series, and the father entirely belongs to computer games, then it would be strange to expect other behavior patterns from the child. In every possible way, let's understand the child that a book is an important element of everyday life, without which a person cannot take place as a person, and that not reading in your family is strange and surprising.
  • Teach your child to work hard and finish whatever they start. It would seem, what does this ability have to do with reading? Answer: the most direct. Reading is the same work that requires some effort. If a child is lazy, then he is unlikely to want to open a book.
  • Try to eliminate modern gadgets from your life as much as possible. Set a rule: the phone is for talking, the computer is for work. TV - only when needed.
  • Read to your child before bed. Just try to make sure that this process is not an obligatory routine, but a favorite ritual. Read emotionally, inspiringly, "deliciously." Let the child feel that familiarity with books is an exciting journey that is not a punishment, but a reward.
  • Let the child read aloud to you. Cheat: let's say you are busy with some urgent business. Why not have your child entertain you with reading? At the same time, he will practice in technique, and after that he will earn praise.
  • Discuss what you have read with your child. Even if he does not ask you about what you are reading now, you still share with him your impressions about the plot twists and turns, the characters' characters, and the motives for their actions. “You know, I’m currently reading a book, I’m wondering what you think about…”; “The main character made a very difficult choice, but what would you do in his place ...” - why not start a family literary discussion?
  • Don't force your child to love books. He already gets it from school teachers with their compulsory programs in literature. If you also become a Cerberus, then the child will never be imbued with the mystery of reading. Moreover, in no case should you make books a punishment for misconduct, they say, it's your fault - now sit at home and read. You need to figure out how to turn the situation inside out: if you acted badly, then you will be deprived of reading.
  • Help the little man find "his" books. He is not obliged to like the literature that you liked at his age, because he has his own tastes and preferences. Uninteresting to him and at school will be offered in abundance, and home reading should be exclusively for the soul. Offer him literature based on his own interests. Better yet, let him make his own choice.
  • Visit bookstores regularly. Let the child understand how interesting it is to wander along the shelves, sort through the pages, inhale the smell of fresh book bindings. Show him where the annotations for publications are placed. Let him choose and buy the book that interested him.
  • Have family readings. Make them an alternative to watching TV together. Yes, it’s not easy to break established habits, but the reward for your efforts will be the question your child once asked: “Are we going to read today?” And let the book story stop at the most interesting place. Then there is a great chance that the child will look forward to meeting her. Or maybe he wants to know the denouement and finishes the book on his own.

By and large, to attract the attention of the child to the book is not so difficult. It is much more difficult to keep this attention. Some educators advise building artistic bridges between literary and real life. For example, you can compare the heroes of books with people from life or project storylines onto the surrounding reality. You can also combine reading with other hobbies of the child: to do illustration or dramatization of the book world.

As for the reading diary, which is sometimes recommended by teachers, this is a very controversial point. On the one hand, reading notes discipline. On the other hand, they make reading as obligatory as doing school homework. In this case, the child is unlikely to get pleasure from getting to know the book.

If you're serious about building your child's relationship with books, then be consistent. This is a difficult and slow process. But in order to achieve the desired result, demand from yourself no less strictly than from children. And remember: the innate love of reading is a myth. This feeling can only be brought up, so everything is in your hands.

The need for reading awakens in children around the age of five. Until that moment, kids are content with what their parents read to them, as well as looking at pictures or inventing stories on their own, moving their fingers along the lines in books. As children grow older, there is a desire to learn how to extract information and knowledge on their own. However, if this moment is missed, then it can be difficult to teach a preschooler to read. What if the child does not want to learn to read? Is it worth it to teach children this science at home? How not to discourage their interest in reading?

Why should parents teach their kids to read??

Psychologists do not recommend forcing kids under the age of 4 to learn letters and syllables, unless the baby himself shows interest in science. Otherwise, you can generally discourage your son or daughter's craving for learning activities. If you see interest on their part, then it's time to start.

What are the benefits of learning to read for preschoolers? Thanks to this skill, children develop emotionally. While reading, the brain forms new synapsidal connections. In kids, imagination works better, logic and the ability to think abstractly develop. Those children who learned to read earlier than others usually have a wider vocabulary, are able to express their thoughts better, are able to remember information faster and reproduce it orally. According to statistics, they boast the best academic performance among students. All these factors speak in favor of teaching a child to read at preschool age. But what if the baby does not want to exercise?

Psychologists advise - if the baby has reached the age of four or five, but does not want to learn to read, you should not force him. This thought has already been expressed on this page "Popular about health". But "repetition, as you know, is the mother of learning." Perhaps, until the time has come, there has not been interest. Some children feel emotionally ready to learn new things a little later. Parents are often worried that time is running out, and the child does not express a desire to master letters and syllables. Do not worry - when there is interest, training will be easy, but if you force your son or daughter through force, then it will take much more time.

How not to miss the moment? When is the right time to start learning letters and syllables with your child? If the baby is emotionally “ripe”, this can be determined by the following signs:

He asks what is written here;
Tries to imitate reading by imitating adults;
Easily reproduces (retells) fairy tales;
Knows some letters and knows how to combine them into syllables.

If you notice such prerequisites in your offspring, you can try to interest him in learning to read. You just need to do it right - best of all in a playful way using various techniques.

What to do if a schoolchild does not want to learn to read?

If the child does not want to study and, moreover, he is already of school age, then, most likely, there are adult mistakes made earlier. For example, some time ago, parents tried to instill knowledge in the baby by studying letters and syllables with him, but they did it wrong and uninteresting. Perhaps they daily forced the baby to boring activities, which discouraged any desire for further education. Often, parents scold children when they fail to remember letters or combine them into syllables and words. Pressure, coercion - these concepts should not take place when it comes to teaching a child. If a preschooler does not want to learn to read, it's time to change tactics and start acting differently.

We teach in a playful way, taking into account the interests of the student

Put yourself in the place of your son or daughter - would you yourself be interested in following your scheme? If not, then change your approach. Play games with your baby, discreetly including very little learning material in the process, but do it regularly. The main thing is to inspire the child, arouse interest, and then everything will work out. Remember, children will never do what mom or dad, grandma or anyone else needs. They will do what is profitable and interesting for them.

Try to explain all the benefits that a child will receive from the ability to read, because there are so many of them! Show by example why it is important to be able to read by inventing some kind of game, taking into account the interests of the child. For example, the son loves airplanes, good. Play at the airport, come up with a scenario, draw boarding tickets and give each plane a name. Passengers need to get on the right flight, but this will require reading the names and matching them with the information on the tickets. When faced with a problem during play, the child will understand that the ability to read can be necessary in life. There are a lot of games like this. When there is interest in learning, you can start, but without coercion, little by little, showing great patience with the student.

Summing up

The unwillingness to learn to read in children under 5 years of age is most often due to psychological and emotional immaturity. It’s just that the time has not yet come, and as soon as the desire to gain this knowledge appears, it is important not to discourage learning, but to act correctly, using all kinds of modern techniques and games. If we are talking about the age group of 6-7 years, then it is likely that earlier attempts by parents to develop the skills and love of reading in toddlers were inept. Now you need to win the interest of the child again and apply a competent approach to learning. Teaching your child to read!

Reading is the leading subject in school. A well-read student develops faster, masters the skill of literate writing faster, and copes with solving mathematical problems more easily. There are many reasons for problems with reading - the result is the same - the child does not want to read. How do you raise a book lover?

A book is one of the best gifts for a child,even if it's still one year old. Remember that the chosen gift should correspond to the age of your baby.

It is important to observe special criteria for choosing books.Firstly, the book should be colorful, bright, but should not “ripple” at the same time. Secondly, the text must be printed on high-quality paper, in a large enough font. The younger the child, the larger the font. Thirdly, the content of the book should be interesting, exciting and accessible to the child. Psychologists believe that dislike for reading is due to the fact that the child is simply not interested in reading.
Modern children really do not have enough imagination: they are surrounded by too many visual images from birth, so there is no need to imagine or think of something.
Parents can help their child learn to "get used" to the book. To do this, it is necessary to develop the figurative thinking of children so that certain images correspond to the words they read.

It is very useful to play scenes with a child, play role-playing games based on a book read.
Children like to draw fairy-tale characters together with their parents, invent costumes for heroes, their things and objects. Look for situations in life that are similar to situations from the books you read, for example, you pass by a policeman who looks like Uncle Styopa, you walk near a small house that resembles a teremok from a fairy tale of the same name, etc.

It develops memory well and helps to consolidate what has been read - the ability to use quotes from what has been read. For example, “A fly went across the field, a fly found money”, “Our Tanya cries loudly”, “The firemen are looking for, the police are looking for ...”, etc. This enriches and decorates your child’s speech.

Three helpful tips.

1. Start an evening reading ritual (read aloud, role-play, dramatize your favorite passages).
2. If the child categorically refuses to read, try reading to him about what he is interested in.
3. If your child likes it when adults read to him, but doesn’t want to read himself, try a little trick: stop reading at the most interesting place, and the next day, citing strong employment, invite him to read for himself. But do not abuse this busyness, the child will understand that you are trying to force him to read.

Reminder for parents.
How to organize work at home with children who do not read well.

1.Create a calm, readable environment;
2. During the day, allocate time for reading that is convenient for the child;
3. When a child reads, be nearby (to explain an incomprehensible word, laugh together at a funny moment), but do not sit over his soul (this creates a coercive effect);
4. If it is difficult for a child to read on his own, then at first read the given text aloud to the child, then he reads it on his own, or first you read the phrase, then the child reads the same phrase;
5. Show interest in what the child is reading;
6. Celebrate each, even insignificant, from your point of view, success of the child with praise or encouragement (but by no means monetary), then the preschooler will try to please you with his successes;

Reading increases literacy, develops speech and increases the vocabulary of the child. Through reading, the child develops his imagination and broadens his horizons. On the basis of reading, the inner world of the child is formed. It is fiction that allows you to indirectly gain experience and influences the moral development of the child. He develops an idea about the types of characters, about the consequences of certain actions and words of people, about interpersonal relationships. Books introduce the child to such concepts as love, hate, friendship, betrayal, deceit, selflessness, cowardice and nobility.
