The meaning of modal verbs in German. Modal verbs Sentences with the verb wollen

In the Russian Federation, microfinance organizations that issue loans to the population online around the clock appeared approximately in the mid-nineties of the last century.
Before the authorities adopted the Law “On Microfinance Activities and Microfinance Organizations” in 2011, the activities of these companies were not regulated. In 2015, amendments to the law came into force, based on the provisions of which, from March 29, 2017, all companies of this type were divided into 2 types: microcredit (MCC) and microfinance (MFC).
The rating of these organizations is growing every year, because the number of people wishing to receive an online loan is increasing.

Loans are cash loans that are issued via the Internet around the clock.
This type of lending is relatively new in our country, although online loans throughout Russia have already become popular among the population.

Online microloans are provided to clients for urgent needs by many financial institutions. Each of them offers its own special programs, differing in conditions, loan rates, and repayment requirements. Using our online service, anyone can get a loan without refusal by filling out an application on our website. Here is a list of available credit institutions. The catalog is constantly updated with new offers.

Information about obtaining loans online around the clock, loan terms, and repayment of the debt amount is provided to the borrower before signing the agreement.
For eliminating debt ahead of schedule, microfinance companies cannot charge a commission from a client if he informed her of his intentions in writing no earlier than ten calendar days. The conditions/procedures for lending are included in the rules of all companies that provide microfinance services. The operating rules are approved by the regulations and internal regulations of the credit company.

Interest rates on microloans are quite high compared to bank ones. The maximum interest rate that microfinance structures can charge clients is established at the legislative level.
Every quarter, the Bank of Russia provides the public with information regarding the full cost of consumer loans. Recently, he has been paying close attention to the regulation of the modern microcredit market. Organizations operating in this segment must necessarily calculate economic standards for the optimal balance of liquidity and capital.

IFC additionally provides four other standards. Companies make provisions for potential loan losses. A mandatory list of internal basic standards is being created to comply with the rules of work in the Russian market.

The verb (verb) wollen expresses a clear intention, a firm, categorical desire based on one's own will.

Ich will Lehrerin werden. Ich will umziehen.

To bypass the use of verbs, you can use the following constructions:

Er hat vor/ nimmt sich/ hat Absicht/ ist bereit/ ist entschlossen zu….

Verb conjugation wollen

Er, sie, es – will

Sie, Sie – wollen

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German text level A1 - Mein Wochenende.
Mein Wochenende. Am Samstag waren wir im Wald. Wir sind mit dem Fahrrad gefahren und dann sind wir ins Schwimmbad gegangen. Im Schwimmbad haben wir viel gebaden. Nach dem Schwimmbad haben wir den Orangensaft getrunken. Am Abend hat meine Frau einen Kuchen gebacken. Wir haben den Kuchen gegessen. Mein Sohn liebt den Kuchen. Nach dem Abendessen haben wir mit dem Ball gespielt.
Das ist mein Wochenende!
My weekend. On Saturday we were in the forest. We rode bicycles and then we went to the pool. We swam a lot in the pool. After the pool we drank orange juice. In the evening my wife baked a pie. We ate it. My son loves pie very much. After dinner we played with a ball. It's my weekend!

German language test level A1 Lesson 1 - 5
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The tests consist of 10 questions on each topic. After passing the test, you will immediately know your result. Correct answers will be marked green tick, and incorrect answers will be marked red cross. This will help you consolidate the material and practice. Good luck to you.

Ein junger Hase - (One) young hare
The text will be written in German with a parallel LITERAL translation into Russian.
Ein kleines Tier wohnt in einem märchenhaften Wald.
Das Tier ist ein junger Hase.
Der liebt oft in einer kleinen und schönen Stadt spazierengehen.
Dieser Hase heißt Doni und er ist sehr nett.
Seine Frau ist auch sehr schön und jung.

Aber in diesem Märchen sprechen wir über den Hase Doni.
Doni hat ein altes, schönes und gemütliches Häuschen. Auch fährt er gern mit seinem Fahrradum den Wald herum. Am Wochenende möchte er in diese Stadt fahren, um ein schönes und kleines Fahrrad für sich zu kaufen.

Er hat schon ein altes Fahrrad, trotzdem will er ein neues.
Normaleweise fährt er durch den Wald oder den Park.
Dieser Park liegt entlang den Wald.
Neben dem Parkgibt es einen großen Markt.

Auf diesem Markt kauft er viele Möhren für seine kleine Familie.
Wahrscheinlich geht er auch am Samstag auf diesen Markt zu Fuß oder mit seinem alten Fahrrad.
Aber muss er zuerst in d…

Details Category: German modal verbs

Modal verbs express not the action itself, but the attitude towards the action (i.e. the possibility, necessity, desirability of performing the action), therefore they are usually used in a sentence with the infinitive of another verb expressing the action.

Modal verbs include the following verbs:

können dürfen müssen sollen mögen wollen

The conjugated modal verb stands In second place in a sentence, and the infinitive of the semantic verb is last in a sentence and is used without the particle zu.

können- be able, be able, be able (possibility due to objective circumstances)

durfen- 1) be able - dare, have permission (possibility based on “someone else’s will”) 2) when denied, expresses prohibition - “impossible”, “not allowed”

mussen- 1) obligation, necessity, need, conscious duty 2) when negated, “müssen” is often replaced by the verb “brauchen + zu Infinitiv)

sollen- 1) obligation based on “someone else’s will” - order, instruction, instruction 2) in a question (direct or indirect) is not translated (expresses “request for instructions, instructions”)

wollen- 1) want, intend, gather 2) invitation to joint action

mögen- 1) “would like” - in the form möchte (politely expressed desire in the present tense) 2) love, like - in its own meaning (when used without an accompanying infinitive)

The meaning of modal verbs in German


a) have permission or right
In diesem Park durfen Kinder spielen. - In this park for children allowed play.

b) prohibit (always in negative form)
Bei Rot darf man die Straße nothingüberqueren. - Street it is forbidden cross against the lights


a) have the opportunity
In einem Jahr können wir das Haus bestimmt teurer verkaufen. - In a year we will definitely we can sell the house for more money.

b) have the ability to do something
Er kann gut Tennis spielen. - He can play tennis well.


a) to have/not have an inclination, disposition towards something.
Ich mag mit dem neuen Kollegen nicht zusammenarbeiten. - I don't like work with someone new.

b) the same meaning, but the verb acts as a full-valued one
Ich mag keine Schlagsahne! - I don't I love whipped cream!

The modal verb mögen is most often used in the subjunctive form (conjunctive) möchte - would like. The personal endings for this form are the same as for other modal verbs in the present:

ich möchte, du möchtest, etc.

c) have a desire

Wir möchten ihn gern kennen lernen. - We would you like to meet him.

Ich möchte Deutsch sprechen.— I I would like to speak German.

Du möchtest Arzt werden. - You I would like to To become a doctor.

Er möchte auch commen. - He too I would like to come.


a) be forced to perform an action under the pressure of external circumstances
Mein Vater ist krank, ich muss nach Hause fahren. - My father is sick, I must to drive home.

b) to be forced to perform an action out of necessity
Nach dem Unfall mussten wir zu Fuß nach Hause gehen. - After the accident we must were walk home.

c) accept the inevitability of what happened
Das must ja so kommen, wir haben es geahnt. - This should have happen, we saw it coming.

d) Instead of müssen with negation there is = nicht brauchen + zu + Infinitiv
Mein Vater ist wieder gesund, ich brauche nicht nach Hause zu fahren. - My father is healthy again, I don’t need to to drive home.


a) require action to be performed in accordance with commandments, laws
Du sollst nicht toten. - You do not must kill.

b) demand the performance of an action in accordance with duty, morality
Jeder soll die Lebensart des anderen anerkennen. - Every must respect the other's way of life.

c) emphasize that the action is performed on someone’s order or instruction
Ich soll nüchtern zur Untersuchung kommen. Das hat der Arzt gesagt. - I must come on an empty stomach for the study. That's what the doctor said.


a) express a strong desire
Ich will dir die Wahrheit sagen. - I Want tell you the truth.

b) communicate your intention to do something, plans for the future
I'm December wollen wir in das neue Haus einziehen. - In December we we want move into a new house.

In some cases, the main verb may be omitted:

Ich muss nach Hause (gehen). Sie kann gut Englisch (sprechen). Er will in die Stadt (fahren). Ich mag keine Schlagsahne (essen).

A modal verb can be used without a main verb if the main verb is mentioned in the previous context:

Ich kann nicht gut kochen. Meine Mutter konnte es auch nicht. Wir haben es beide nicht gut gekonnt.

Conjugation of modal verbs

Conjugation tables for modal verbs need to be memorized.

Conjugation table for modal verbs in the present tense

Pronoun man in combination with modal verbs it is translated by impersonal constructions:

man kann - you can
man kann nicht - impossible, impossible
man darf - possible, allowed
man darf nicht - impossible, not allowed
man muss - necessary, necessary
man muss nicht - not necessary, not necessary
man soll - should, must
man soll nicht - should not

Conjugation table for modal verbs in the past tense Präteritum

Modal verbs in the past tense are most often used in Präteritum. In other past tenses, modal verbs are practically not used.

Place of a modal verb in a simple sentence

1. The modal verb is in a simple sentence In second place.

The second place in the sentence is occupied by the conjugated part of the predicate - the auxiliary verb haben. The modal verb is used in the infinitive and follows the full verb, occupying the last place in the sentence.

Präsens: Der Arbeiter will den Meister sprechen .

Präteritum: Der Arbeiter Wollte den Meister sprechen .

Perfect: Der Arbeiter hat den Meister sprechen wollen .

Plusquamperfect: Der Arbeiter hatte den Meister sprechen wollen .

Place of a modal verb in a subordinate clause

1. Modal verb in the form of present or imperfect stands in a subordinate clause last.

2. If a modal verb is used in perfect or plusquaperfect form, then it is also worth in the infinitive form in last place. The conjugated part of the predicate - the auxiliary verb - comes before both infinitives.

Präsens besuchen kann .

Präteritum: Es ist schade, dass er uns nicht be suchen konnte.

Perfect: Es ist schade, dass er uns nicht hat besuchen können.

Plusquamperfect: Es ist schade, dass er uns nicht hatte besuchen können.

Modal verbs are a special group of verbs; they themselves do not express an action, but only express the attitude of the subject to the action.

Therefore, a modal verb cannot be alone in a sentence; it always needs a friend - a semantic verb, which is always used in the infinitive. And together they form a complex verbal predicate.

Intrigued? Let's dig into these special verbs. Meet:


können expresses skill or physical ability. Translated as “to be able to”

Ich kann diesels Problem lösen. – I can (capable) solve this problem.

Wer kann mir das erklären?– Who can explain this to me?


durfen expresses permission or prohibition. Translated as “be able, have permission, right”

Darf ich mein Platz nehmen?– May I take my seat?


mussen expresses the need to perform this or that action under the influence of internal pressure (that is, we ourselves realize that it is necessary to do this), translated as “to be obliged, to be forced”

Ich muss die Eltern besuchen.– I have to visit my parents.

Ich muss sparen.- I have to save money.

Ich muss um 8.30 Uhr im Büro sein. – I need to be in the office at 8:30. (I realize this myself)


sollen used to express an order, compliance with rules or law, translated as "be obliged"

Ihr sollt die Arbeit heute abgeben!– You must submit your work today!


wollen expresses a firm desire or decision to perform an action, translated as "want"

Ich will eine Tasse Tee trinken.- I want to drink a cup of tea.


mögen means interest in something, love, translated as “to desire, to love”

1. It is also used to express an assumption.

Sie mag krank sein.- She may be sick.

Was mag das bedeuten?– What could this mean?

2. In the meaning of “to love, to like” it has almost ceased to be modal and is used independently

Ich mag Eis. - I like ice cream.

möchten (verb mögen in the Konjunktiv II subjunctive mood), in contrast to the modal verb wollen, which expresses a firm desire, expresses a desire, a polite request, and is used independently without another verb.

Ich möchte eine Tasse Tee trinken.– I would like to have a cup of tea.

Modal verbs. Order of words in a sentence

In an affirmative sentence, the modal verb is in second place, and the semantic verb is at the end of the sentence.

Ich will Automechaniker werden.

In an interrogative sentence without a question word, the modal verb comes first, the semantic verb at the end of the sentence.

Kanst du Deutsch sprechen?

In an interrogative sentence with a question word, the modal verb is in second place, the semantic verb at the end of the sentence.

Was kannst du mir zeigen?

Modal verbs. Präsens (present)


1. During conjugation, the umlaut disappears or the vowel changes altogether (compare machen - er macht, durfen – er darf)

2. Unlike ordinary verbs, no ending is added in the 1st person “-e”, in the 3rd person the ending “-” is not added t"(compare er macht And er soll)

There is only one conclusion - the conjugation of these verbs must be learned and thoroughly practiced.

Conjugation table for modal verbs in the present tense:

mussen können durfen sollen wollen mögen möchten
ich muss kann darf soll will mag möchte
du must kannst darfst sollst willst magst möchtest
er/sie/es/man muss kann darf soll will mag möchte
wir mussen können durfen sollen wollen mögen möchten
ihr müsst könnt durft sollt wollt mögt möchtet
sie/Sie mussen können durfen sollen wollen mögen möchten

Modal verbs. Past tense


1. The umlaut disappears in the past tense.

2. To form the past tense of the verb möchten (Konjunktiv II from mögen), wollen is used.


mussen können durfen sollen wollen mögen möchten
ich must konnte durfte sollte Wollte mochte Wollte
du musttest konntest durftest solltest Wolltest mochtest Wolltest
er/sie/es/man must konnte durfte sollte Wollte mochte Wollte
wir mussten konnten durften sollten wollten mochten wollten
ihr musstet konntet durftet solltet wolltet mochtet wolltet
sie/Sie mussten konnten durften sollten wollten mochten wollten

Perfect (participle II):

To form Perfect, all modal verbs use the auxiliary verb haben.

mussen können durfen sollen wollen mögen möchten
gemusst gekonnt gedurft Gesollt gewollt gemocht gewollt

Conjunctiv II:

mussen können durfen sollen wollen mögen möchten
müsste könnte durfte sollte Wollte möchte